Who to BLAME in Liquid's SHUTOUT of Evil Geniuses? - Blame Game

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[Music] hello and welcome back to the blame game congratulations to team liquid for 3-zeroing eg in the finals initially i predicted them to win on the dive but then i became a coward after seeing their performance versus dig and i ended up predicting eg to win little did i know that dignitas was actually just the second best team in the tournament speaking of the semis i'm gonna skip over the obvious candidates for a blame game in fudge and fake god because i don't really feel like i have anything useful to say in best of ones covering a player who gets blown up might be good to show some lessons about things that they could learn but when it's a full best of five of them just getting slammed i feel like i don't have very much to contribute to the conversation before we dig into the finals make sure to like comment subscribe ding the bell follow my twitch twitter onlyfans the post game thread after the finals upset was mostly just hyping up team liquid's own players as well as memeing on all of the smack that eg talked during the locking tournament to be honest the criticism that was there wasn't even particularly harsh with jojo getting the most of it but that was probably more due to his own trash talk towards bjergsen after their first match-up it was about bjerg yeah i mean i was surprised you know cause like when i first him i thought you know he would just do more stuff but he just didn't do much so i was like i don't know like is this supposed to be the best player or something like i was confused however does this mean that some of his teammates are skirting by unnoticed let's start with jojo first before looking at his teammates his early game in all three games was actually quite good while bjerg had some great plays throughout the series like his tp bought in game one jojo made his own string of plays on tf in the top lane initially finding a kill on blippo and later punishing tl's bot lane when they go up for an early lane swap it's much the same story in game two where bjerg is able to get on the map first by taking advantage of a blue buff timing for eg handing it off to jojo pune beard does this without shoving the wave first though so jojo can push and then make a follow-up play on bjergsen himself his lane control or bjergsen's selfishness depending on how you want to define it nets him some pretty good csds throughout the series in game three he comboed well with inspire to force bjerg's flash and then zoned him off the turret while the wave crashed his wave manipulation continued by keeping it close to the turret and bjerg had to call teammates to help fix the waves later jojo used his lane control to find a roam top for a kill on whippo after laning phase is where things begin to go off the rails for jojo he still has some good moments like game two's barons deal but the rookie criticism shows most in his struggle to anticipate how team fights are going to progress in game one his gold card fades and his port is too far away so when he forces a 1v1 against hans the cleanse can be used on the exhaust instead of the gold card and he gets clapped in game three he doesn't hop the wall and goes for a long wrap around but thiel just turned to his front side and the fight is over before he's in a position to do anything some of these plays are developing faster than he seems ready for in game three he also had a nasty skirmish with the zen alt steel chains flash alt combo but then seemed obsessed with finding that the rest of the game his mis-execution on the play mid allowed team liquid back into the game and the one in his own base was just a long shot if you look at his flash positioning in both plays they're good ideas and he's not that far off but they're just very all or nothing i'll say i agree with the points about jojo pyon just because they weren't especially harsh criticism but i feel like he became a lightning rod for the community and a lot of other things went overlooked in the series for instance lec mvp inspired was invisible in games one and two despite coming into the series with a league leading three kills and assists at 14 on average in game one he could have flash stunned whippo point-blank and had auto q for a pretty guaranteed kill but instead went for the range stun he missed and whipple walks away safely these play-making issues around top lane continued when impact tanks the turret early because the graves buckshot the creeps away and can't drop damage when inspired goes in resulting in him dying in a 3v2 turret dive through the first two games he only found one single assist in the first 14 minutes however even inspired wasn't the furthest from his form through the rest of lock-in danny had been a rock in the bot lane for them leading the league in 4 while having a respectable csd and vulcan was being heralded as potentially the best player in the entire lcs their problems however were largely tied to draft issues varus as a pick can work though admittedly i am a hater but his matchups versus felios are support dependent while still scaling worse when behind varus just becomes an alt-bot which by the way affilios can do that too it's slightly hindsight because you don't know the support matchup yet but jyn is just a better pick if you're going to be behind anyways despite spending 3 support bans in game 1 and game 2 eg end up in losing bot lanes because they pick defensive supports to protect their immobile 80 carry braum and game one two stuff dives and stop graves burst and in game two tk to protect from dives and gp all however this still gives counterpick in all three lanes to team liquid while still out scaling eg eg's bot lane is pushed in pretty much all series long with the knock-on effect being that one of your best players is put on a defensive pick balkan tries to make plays in the early game both times but just struggles with the limited engage and even when he does find them they often backfire from behind poke varus feels awful so dany is kind of just winging his build throughout the series in game three when they finally get a decent draft eg are able to have a much better early game and look like they could win until the jojo mistakes i understand jojo being under a microscope given all the conversation around him but the uncharacteristically bad performances and drafts from eg are the real cause of a swift 3-0 that's gonna do it for the blame game thank you all for watching lcs week one is back on saturday and we should finally have some full rosters for most of these teams i personally can't wait to see people flame kadua or berserker for not instantly stomping their matches gonna be fun it's a new year which means it's a new you which means maybe you need a new computer or a new monitor or a new some new accessories there's a bunch of cool stuff i just got announced actually uh that alienware is coming out with soon but right now why don't you do me a favor and celebrate the new year by doing something maybe i've asked you to do before on a couple of occasions which is to click the link in the description below and head over to alienware.com travis take a look at all the awesome stuff over at alienware's website where you can pick up something swell to uh you know get ready for 20 22. thanks to them for their support and their sponsorship of our content
Channel: Travis Gafford
Views: 41,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blame game, the blame game, markz blame game, lcs blame game, jojopyun blame game, bjergsen blame game, bjergsen lcs, travis gafford, theemarkz, markz
Id: ZmdneD3wocI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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