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all right guys it is 2022 and there was a new way of teaching the alphabet okay there's no more a b c d e f g no enough with that okay there's now the alphabet lore this is what you need to be teaching your kids okay there's about to be educational for all of us the new way of learning the ABCs I have no idea what I'm getting myself into by the way like I literally have no clue so let's see and this is uploaded by Mike Salcedo I hope I said that right Mike Salcedo hey okay all right see okay what is going on what F interrupt everything f is supposed to go after e what is this why is d and e chained up yo f is a villain f is a villain [Music] dang he just ran over G oh geez see is this the Avengers [Music] right this is The Avengers [Music] I love how when he called A B and C it created a cab like you got y'all catch that y'all catch that first of all what is going on what is going on F is a villain and he's locking people up in caves and uh G called The Cab New York City I don't know [Music] what is this oh that was disrespectful that was disrespectful I need to go I [Music] know okay dang dang Jay got eviscerated is that the right word [Music] y'all oh nah why are they not moving why they're not moving why they just why are they just sitting there what what y'all what is this what what is this oh why is he singing like that no no first of all first of all why is he why he's gonna go oh um okay oh wait what are they all superheroes they're all transforming in oh what they all have their own transformations [Music] oh I love him oh I love how it went n and then you like like for Spanish like when he had the little curl thing on top of his head okay is he is he a hero too yeah this this man's tired of oh oh he's tired of the transformation he's inside of the transformation sitting on eye bro what kind of transformation does all have [Music] why did he have to say it like that this man went oh what do you like to see what's going on oh she's a hero too oh there's so many Heroes now Elemental P oh they're all heroes that make sense Elemental p oh no F laughter oh um um what happened Ben lost this and lost his um power-up thingy oh no yeah oh no oh yeah oh no oh dang dang I feel bad for n huh he is so nice he is so nice map ah I love all their spelling things to like okay okay [Music] now they're all on their way poor Jay 4J job yes oh that man sloped him up so they found us oh so what does that do what dang dang dang oh I love her I just noticed one is a period one is colon and one is a semicolon okay okay so who what's the one that they're missing what's the one that f is missing B and C are fused together oh um oh no he's gonna take M's power that's and that's a comma okay okay yo this is actually so fired I was not that was so disrespectful yo oh no she needs to save the day here she needs to save the day here she has the exclamation point yo hopefully you say today this is so far I was not expecting all of this in this I was not expecting that oh she's gone okay peace yeah oh no yeah oh no he just slowed it he just slowed her oh no no and needs to run yo I want to see [Music] now I need to do something yeah what [Music] you know no no we're only halfway through what here and now he took pee what hey [Music] man B and C was ripped apart y'all what is this what is this [Music] they said bruh foreign [Music] oh wow [Music] oh my goodness oh no y'all oh this is insane oh he's a menace he is a minister f is a menace bro oh dang hey Tower [Music] dang this thing that ends a coward oh oh [Music] the guilt setting in for n ah because it ends the one that lost his first uh thing oh man [Music] what oh and it's spacing out and the spacing out is driving yo this is insane why is Q still following why why is we got Ninja X okay [Music] okay this is fire this is so fire he's retracting him oh no weapons no weapons yeah yeah oh no no he's gonna trick him he's gonna play him he's gonna play him don't do it don't do it to him don't do it to him oh that was tragic that was tragic I love that I love that I love this so much [Music] yo yo [Music] so wait what's happening with f f just dropped like a bunch of this what is happening with f [Music] what something's wrong with f something is happening with f M yuck yuck oh no oh nah bro no I need to go it needs to go thank you oh and it's gonna be super powered and it's gonna be super powered yo yo nah bro why do I why do I why do I have a bad feeling about F I feel like that yeah yeah I feel like why do I feel like f is like it has a secret weapon or something oh n is not and it's not going to take this disrespect no more [Music] [Applause] [Music] become Enya oh he has a bunch of hair now this is kind of weird whoa whoa whoa wait where's Z okay [Music] where's z Oh no is he gonna become hopefully he doesn't become evil [Music] Okay so friends oh my goodness I'm gonna cry why I'm gonna cry he wanted friends oh my goodness I'm gonna cry oh my goodness this is sad foreign [Music] what [Music] what [Music] wait is this a backstory like when they were kids like like lowercases when they were kids yo what so what did they bully they bullied n that's this is so mean and then F helped n oh my goodness I mean what's up with wait whoa whoa whoa pause pause pause what was that what was what was this like why why he why he double cheeked up like this hey okay what oh no oh dang dang yeah oh this is a whole rivalry since childhood oh dang oh my goodness no there's tears they're his tears tears what [Music] what why is everybody met everybody's mad at him yo oh no I know any thought and was against him but he just tripped over him they thought and was against him oh my goodness I'm gonna cry oh my goodness the backstory is crazy the backstory is crazy and then he then the Q received all the truth but Q was too slow to to give them the truth Q was just too slow so they all probably always left every time Q tried to get to them oh my goodness [Music] oh my goodness oh dang I'm speechless [Music] I I don't know what to say I don't know what to say [Music] oh man wait what's Z what Z is where they all live the solar system yo I so the whole time we're thinking that f is the villain bruh we're like why is f doing all this for no reason but the thing is your childhood his childhood they all turned against him they all bullied him into this that was the craziest villain backstory I've ever seen okay like that was that was Marvel level that but that felt like I felt like I was watching The Avengers I felt like I watched a mini Avengers movie like that was so perfect I I'm speechless man I I feel like I gotta go and process this like I'm I'm never gonna look at the ABCs the same way again I never but anyways thank you guys so much for watching if you want to see anything more like this don't forget to like And subscribe and join the squad and I will see you in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: Shonyx
Views: 2,747,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alphabet lore, alphabet lore reaction, alphabet, lore, reaction, shonyx, shonyx alphabet lore, alphabet lore compilation, alphabet lore a - z, shonyx gaming, shonyx reaction
Id: cnD1A3wpLzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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