Who Killed Rod Kennedy? Line of Duty

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hello and welcome to clem's content corner the number one place for line of duty content on youtube today we are going to be digging into a mystery from the show that might have been overlooked given all of the other twists that were going on around the same time and that mystery is who killed pc rod kennedy to recap kennedy was a police constable serving on danny waldron's vc5 team in the third season taking part in operation damson with the job of preventing gangland executions after kennedy gives a false statement about the shooting of ronan murphy to keep him in line with the rest of the team and is intimidated by danny waldron on a couple of occasions rod then finds himself implicated in danny's murder being part of a struggle that saw waldron fatally shot in the neck rod appears to know the truth about what really happened to dany and how the struggle came to be with his guilt forcing him to confront harry beans viewing him as the only guilty party who was dragging jackie and himself down with him with kate having unsettled rod earlier pushing from the inside while the rest of the ac 12 team pushed from the outside as is the usual strategy rod seems to be strongly considering telling his version of events and breaking from the story upon which the three had agreed the next time we see rod he has been hanged so what exactly happened here well looking at all the possibilities it first appeared to be a suicide that seemed plausible it had been a traumatic time first having to come to terms with the death of a suspect then being grilled by ac-12 dany was getting intimidating it was revealed that his relationship with jackie had been strained before the events of the series he witnesses dany's death and wonders if he could have prevented it he's grilled by ac12 again this time on suspicion of murder it's easy to see how he could have become overwhelmed and taken his own life but then the postmodern show that kennedy had been knocked unconscious prior to his hanging could he have simply regained consciousness and then proceeded to hang himself it's possible but it doesn't really seem all that likely and it was later treated as a murder investigation so i'm pretty much discounting rod's death as a suicide the only person ever arrested on suspicion of rod's murder was harry beans who we did see meet with kennedy at the warehouse where rod's body was found the next day kennedy was threatening to change his story seemed to blame harry for dany's death and got physically aggressive so i think jed set us up to believe that harry had been rod's killer initially and whilst the story never outright exonerates harry it doesn't look likely that harry was the one that did it either when talking to dot by phone dot doesn't doubt that harry is innocent but remarks that the way he is telling his story admitting that there was a physical altercation but not a fatal one makes him sound guilty so i don't think that it was harry either as for dot i can see why some might think he did this himself the same type of rope was found in dot's car later in the series and he would have feared rod turning on dany as it may have led the investigation closer to himself but thematically that wouldn't fit very well as the shooting of lindsey denton was so strongly implied to be the first time he'd personally murdered someone directly he was visibly shaken by having to kill and as denton said herself other people had always done dot's dirty work with never a speck of blood on his hands from the ocg's point of view thought was too valuable to risk on something like that as a senior police officer would be a lot harder to replace than someone down the ranks so whilst i expect dot organized the killing of fraud kennedy i doubt he laid a hand on him himself so then who was it some unnamed pawn perhaps but again i would have my doubts this needed to go smoothly if forensics could identify a culprit that would have led them closer to dot and he would have been desperate to avoid that so he needed someone who knew what they were doing someone who knew how to do a covert operation and leave no trace the ocg didn't have as many bent coppers at their disposal in the first three seasons as they did from season four onwards it's actually been one of the biggest criticisms of the recent seasons because it's getting harder to believe that there could be this many bent coppers on the one police force but as we saw with numerous characters in season three including harry and doc himself the ocg really do milk everything they can out of those who are in their debt using them again and again and then usually killing them off when they get too close to being found out so this probably wasn't a one-off and we've probably seen this bent copper working for the ocg elsewhere dot was also only in charge of one syndicate of the ocg taking over from tommy hunter turning the ocg against him because of his immunity requiring hunter to inform on his colleagues in crime this brings me to a bent copper who assisted dot numerous times but also one you may have forgotten about having only a line or two in the script it's this guy the afo who was ominously behind steve as he returned his glock and presumably altered the paperwork who stormed into lindsay detten's room to arrest steve and who was the recipient of dot's urgent exit required text leading the arm chasing before being gunned down by keith fleming known only as lambert lambert was also present when kennedy's death was announced to the afos and he didn't bat an eye so even though it's never been entirely confirmed in the story if i was placing bets on who killed rod kennedy lambert would fit the bill he worked with dot's syndicate of the ocg we saw him kill another police officer without hesitation when necessary he readily followed all of dot's orders he was a trained afo and would have known how to avoid leaving evans at a murder scene it all seems to fall into place so that's a wrap if you have any other ideas for videos drop a comment below and i'll see what i can do don't forget to like and subscribe and most importantly have a great day
Channel: Clem'sContent
Views: 16,058
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Id: q_l_vBlzpeI
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Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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