Line of Duty S6E2 Review, Theories, Predictions

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hello and welcome back to clem's content corner the number one place for line of duty content on youtube episode 2 just dropped on sunday and that means today we are going to be digging into the new developments in line of duty season six my predictions for what is coming next and what i thought of the second episode in general but before i get started i would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has been enjoying my work because on monday morning i reached 1000 subscribers which is more than i ever expected when i first started making videos back last summer on to the episode ac 12 are now officially on the case investigating suspicious activity going on with dci davidson and operation lighthouse we got a little more insight into who gail bello was seeing her reporting back catalogue tying together events from across the chronology of the series such as the accidental killing of karim ali from season one with steve's former boss philip osborne having since become the chief constable for central police as well as images from the trial of patrick fairbank from season 3. this was a clever way of making the late reporter immediately more significant and refreshed our memories about just how far someone like steve has come since that fateful day in counter-terror in quite a ballsy move for the bbc vela made reference to the connection between police and notorious television presenter jimmy savile this had been previously alluded to in season three with the investigation into sans view boy's home but they pulled no punches here talking about savile by name this inclusion has caused a bit of controversy with some feeling that mentioning him at all was in pure taste but the thoughts that line of duty provoked here are important ones in my opinion i was about 16 when the jimmy sapple scandal first started to be uncovered and at the time i didn't really appreciate just what implications this had on some big institutions we had seen big scandals regarding celebrities before and typically the entertainment industry would have left those stories for the dark humored comedians but with the question marks hanging over the public sector about who kept the secrets that allowed this to happen for decades the reference to sapple seems entirely fitting for a drama focused specifically on preventing crime in public office back to the murder of deal the team learned she had been working on a podcast with content that mainstream news didn't want to report with no sign of her notes steve ponders the possibility that gael had been robbed as well as murdered which hadn't been properly investigated at the time later examination of devices recovered from vela's home appear not to have any personal data fingerprints or dna suggesting that these devices could have been left in place of the ones that were taken so as to conceal any evidence of a burglary at all this is a great piece of mystery building that now has us wondering what gil could have uncovered that nobody else managed to find why the ocg were so intent on keeping that podcast from ever being heard and even more why they didn't want the police to know it had ever existed in the first place the elephant in the room has to be the mystery of each which whilst hanging over from the ending of season 5 has largely been kept on the back burner so far with steve saying he has given up on that idea but that ted won't ever let it go for 10 of course it's an altogether more personal issue as each wanted ted framed for his own crimes reopened some of the deepest wounds from the superintendent's past and left him with the guilt of john corbett's death on him forever speaking of john corbett at a press conference with the police commissioner rohan sindwani he declared that operation pear tree in which corbett met his undercover end had concluded that there was no problem with institutionalized corruption in central police force whether this is merely keeping up appearances the will being pulled over the commissioner's eyes or a case of corruption going right to the very top remains to be seen nevertheless ted appears to be keeping true to his personal mission of keeping the corbett family financially stable raising the suspicions of steve who sees hastings leaving the police station with jon cobb's widow stephanie we hear stephanie mention trouble with the hmrc suggesting that she may be having difficulty declaring the money ted gave her when the police failed to recognize jon's death as coming in the line of judy in season 5. when steve visits the corbett household later falsely claiming that a case has led him to liverpool he inquires about stephanie being able to keep the house without john around as well as the cost of stephanie's television and sports channel subscriptions but before steve can pry any further sensing that something isn't quite right his back injury gives him some trouble and he is again dependent on painkillers to ease him through it i'm curious to see where they go with this plot thread it's got to be of some significance later and i suspect it could culminate with an overdose at a crucial moment though i don't see them killing off the character of steve this way ted also makes steve attempt the eye perhaps sensing that steve's commitment to ac12 is starting to wean and there's a look of conflict on steve's face as he reads nichola rogerson's email inviting him to chat with her boss about the possible transfer mentioned in episode 1. steve gives a tip-off to kate that they are going to be investigating davidson hoping that kate will agree to turn informant thus keeping their inquiries covert but not only does kid refuse she instead tips off dci davidson who gets the necessary permissions to delay ac 12's investigation allowing davidson and any others involved to potentially spoil it incriminating material this seems to be a bit of a theme for the season there is a delay and by the time it is resolved the circumstances have changed and the findings are no longer reliable in operation the lighthouse itself the second suspect carl banks is found dead the knife used to kill him has fingerprints matching the deceased chase alistair oldroid and little effort was used in disposing of the murder weapon so old droid's involvement seems extremely unlikely and it would appear that both deaths were set up by the ocg to ensure the silence of both banks and the chiz joan notices farida spying on her as she walks to her car and i think it was at this point she really started to suspect something was going on behind her back when kate tipped her off having been given the heads up by steve about the imminent investigation i think joanne came to the conclusion that it must have been farida who had been talking to az12 buckles is again presented in this gullible out of his depth light initially annoyed with dci davidson that farida has handed in a transfer request but very easily one round to believe that happening after you're off the team will be a good thing i really hope that buckles is bent because if this isn't an elaborate facade it is very concerning that somebody that stupid could rise to the rank of superintendent ryan pilkington has revealed as fared as replacement on davidson's team and kate seems suspicious having faint recollection of having seen him before some have been saying that kate not recognizing ryan immediately is bad writing but keep in mind that ryan wasn't there when lisa and marislav were busted by ac 12. the last time kate saw ryan was the interview in season 1 in connection to tony gates and tommy hunter ryan obviously doesn't look the same as he did when he was a child and his voice has naturally changed entirely as well add-on that kate only met him once eight years ago and encounters new people every day in her line of work and i don't find it hard to believe at all that she might not remember ryan right away but it's definitely caught her attention as we see kit is looking up ryan on her computer later in the episode in general i think kate is starting to have some suspicions of her own despite giving joanna tip off about ac 12's incoming investigation kate had a look over her shoulder as dci davidson walked away early in the episode which to me just felt like she was starting to feel some doubt setting in i do think that kate's transfer was genuine and i don't really buy that this is a super deep undercover mission from the outset but i do think it could be a case of old habits dying hard and gets loyalties deep down slow resting with ac12 however much she thinks moving on might benefit her career after all in episode one she did still refer to ted as the gaffer there were also further sparks between davidson and kate and i think kira's going to go along with all this as her own suspicions unfold but i wouldn't be surprised if kate maybe finds herself developing feelings for joanne in the midst of all that much like how dot developed feelings for kate in season 3 despite their closeness starting out as a means of dot isolating steve within the team whilst on the subject of operation lighthouse it is still unknown who the second voice on the short clip from gail's podcast is but it sounds to me like it could be jimmy lakewell the lawyer who was controlled by the ocg in season 4 and arrested by her own client ross huntley in the season finale the line there's some people you can't challenge certainly felt reminiscent of lakewood's refusal of witness protection when he said there are some people there's no immunity from finally episode 2 gave us the season's first interview scene with davidson interrogated by ac 12. the interview scenes have always been one of line of judy's strong's points and this was no exception davidson was certainly enigmatic as had been billed protecting her superintendent ian buckles by keeping his name out of the mix up with surveillance of pictured house it has been brought to my attention that joanne in fact requested the wrong type of surveillance in the opening sequence and the blame for that should rest with her but even then you'd think buckles would read what he was signing off and make sure it was appropriate before he put his name to it that's why approval is needed in the first place after all so i think there is more to it even if joanne made the initial error joan was also agreeable concurring with ted's theory of an information leak from within her team she recommended searching their homes which took suspicion off her and diverted it onto ferida jatri who was swiftly charged after burner phones were found at her address davidson of course had the keys having been in a relationship with farida until very recently and in episode one there was a prominent shot of davidson looking at her keychain as she left could her entire relationship with farida have been to set her up further down the line farida said that joanne lied routinely in their relationship but then farida has been made to appear so unstable and paranoid that it's difficult to tell how much of what she is saying is true and again that's a good piece of mystery building so as we close the video is joanne davidson bent i said in my last episode review that i thought she wasn't really bent but being led along the same way ross hundley was in season four but on the evidence of the ending of episode two picking up a new burner phone in a very shitty exchange before really falling apart in her car i've got to reassess and admit she must have come to have some connection to organized crime after all from her frustration when looking at the framed photo in episode 1 joanne could be being manipulated by the ocg through a threat to whoever that second person in the photo is and i think most of us are assuming it is her mother i have already predicted kate will be controlled through a threat to her family and if this turns out to be the case she may sympathize with joanne if she is put in the same situation has kate really turned her back on ac 12 no i think her transfer is legitimate and she was looking for a fresh start but i think there's a bit of you can take the woman out of ac 12 but you can't take the ac 12 out of the woman going on and now that she has her own suspicions about joanne and ryan she is effectively a third-party undercover officer i do still think we will see kit manipulated into doing wrong later on though who is itch i'm still siding with buckles he's got to be at least bent yet nothing incriminating was said to have been found during the search of his home as part of ac12's investigation into operation lighthouse that makes me think buckles is actually smart enough to keep anything that could link him to organized crime away from his home which would tie in with my idea that underneath his artless exterior is a very calculating villain we're also overdue a brummy criminal mastermind in television so still buckles for each as far as i can tell but who knows for sure in conclusion i thought episode 2 was a stronger one than the opening episode and even if they're holding off on the high intensity action and keeping up more on the investigative side of things for now i will say that there has still been some perplexing this direction and mystery building which has always been the backbone of the show it's the thorough police interviews which have been line of duty's hallmark since season 1 and even if the shootouts and chia scenes are cool the characters drive the plot and i'm content to wait a little longer for jed to get to the more heart punic stuff and we can decide whether or not that paid off come the end of the season so that's a wrap comment your thoughts on episode 2 below don't forget to like and subscribe ring that notification bell if you want to be part of my best team and most importantly have a great day [Music]
Channel: Clem'sContent
Views: 27,623
Rating: 4.9834023 out of 5
Keywords: Line of Duty, BBC, BBC One, BBC Two, Police Drama, AC-12, 'H', Who is H, Adrian Dunbar, Vicky McClure, Martin Compston, Keeley Hawes, Craig Parkinson, Stephen Graham, Kelly Macdonald, Jed Mercurio, Aiysha Hart, Lennie James, Polly Walker, Thandie Newton, Steve Arnott, Ted Hastings, Kate Fleming, Ian Buckells, Theory, Solved, Mystery, Revealed, Maya Sondhi, Rochenda Sandall, Daniel Mays, Neil Morrissey, Gina McKee, Shalom Brune-Franklin, Taj Atwal, Gregory Piper
Id: tGoAbH2Hhy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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