Line of Duty S6E1 Review, Theories, Predictions

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hello and welcome back to clem's content corner the number one place for line of duty content on youtube season six has begun and today we are going to be digging into the first episode looking at what has happened so far what might be coming next and what i thought of the episode in general first thing i will say is that episode 1 was a bit more of a slow burn than we're used to for an opener with line of duty there was a lot of time spent familiarizing the audience with the guest lead dci davidson under investigation rather than dropping the audience straight into the action this was maybe necessary this time around as a lot of time has passed since we last saw the team the circumstances are very different and the events in the city have progressed a lot as well get used to the word chiz by the way it comes up a lot in the first episode and i had no idea what it meant either i have since learned it stands for covert human intelligence source so it's a police informant and whilst every new acronym takes a bit of getting used to again this is how the police would probably talk to each other so credit to the bbc for giving the go-ahead to such realistic dialogue even if it asks the viewer to get on board with a new vernacular next of all buckles is back superintendent buckles this time and i'm still thinking he's the real itch the episode dropped a few things that furthered my suspicions with buckles being dismissive of dci davidson's tip-off coming from a sex worker even though it turned out to be genuine the informant was then swiftly killed off before they could confirm whether the suspect they had brought in was the right person it was also brought to my attention by one of my viewers on re-watching i can confirm that ian buckles had a bag of golf clubs behind his chair in his office it was only on screen briefly and at first i didn't even notice but with the information about h coming from dot and dot's nickname being the caddy it could be one more subtle clue as to the identity of the top man and would otherwise be an odd thing to keep around the police station next on the agenda kate has moved on from ac12 and now happens to be on dci davidson's team investigating the murder of gil bella she's made a fresh start working hard to win over the trust of her new colleagues known as having previously worked on anti-corruption and it all appears to be on the level using her real surname rather than an undercover moniker but a spanner has been thrown in the works by suspicions about davidson being brought to the attention of ac12 by fareeda jatri steve has given kate a heads up knowing how hostile things could get towards an ex-anti-corruption officer if the team starts to investigate and ironically kate 9 needs to turn informant to keep ac 12's investigation covert or else they will have to investigate more visibly and kids new colleagues will suspect her of being undercover against them even if she isn't so that's an intriguing damned if you do damned if you don't dangle the work for the character kate's home life also seems to be suffering again apparently separated once more and not getting to see her son as often as she would like on to steve himself we see diaz on it being quite cold towards the new dc chloe bishop despite her being very helpful and proactive and with steve conceding to ted that she is doing a good job ted has featured very little in the first episode with deputy chief constable wise excluding ted from police meetings and advising him to keep his head done back to steve's unsympathetic fiber on chloe i suspect this may be the beginning of steve recognizing with his feelings for kate and resenting having to adjust to her being replaced on the team i'm a bit on the fence as to whether steve and kate becoming romantically involved would be a good thing for the story it all depends on how it's executed but not every male and female lead need to be destined to fall for each other there are plenty of fish in the sea and even a main character staying single is a perfectly reasonable thing to have happen i do see steve as being reserved around chloe and still close to cait as a good catalyst for drama though and in my season 6 preview said that i think chloe will be suspected of misleading ic12 later in the series when in fact it could really be kate possibly with her family threatened by the ocg in addition to being icy with dc bishop we also see steve meet with his ex from season 2 nicola rogerson discusses a potential move away from ac12 and resists her advances deciding how they are going to be working together in the future is the reason steve also seems to be addicted to painkillers still recovering from his back injury from seasons four and five and i wonder if these plot threads could be tied together to make the pill addiction more interesting perhaps when steve couldn't perform when reuniting with sam railson in the previous season it wasn't due to his injury but rather that it was kate he truly had feelings for and felt that hooking up with sam again would have been wrong regarding ac12's investigation of davidson the ball of course started rolling with farida coming to ac12 similar to how tim ifield approached steve with concerns in season 4 and in general the show seems to be returning to some themes from that season farida was on ross huntley's team whose investigation was mentioned by steve when talking to hastings and the interview of terry boyle felt reminiscent of how michael farmer was mistreated in operation trapdoor from the framing of michael in the fourth season we know that the ocg set up easily confused and suggestible people are soft targets knowing they are compliant and agreeable enough that they won't put up much resistance when accused however unlike tim i feel that farida seems to be backpedaling on her initial request for an ac12 investigation asking steve to end all contact with her with farida seemingly afraid of dci davidson it later transpires that the two are in a failing relationship with davidson collecting the last of her things from what had been their shared apartment only to be met by accusations from freda of being unfaithful then discovering that farida has sliced up her jacket out of spite and closing with farida begging for joanna to stay all of this really has the viewer questioning how reliable anything coming from the unstable farida can be which is an interesting way to offset the strange and suspicious behavior coming from dci davidson earlier in the episode which we'll get into now so on their way to bring in a suspect in the murder of the journalist gail vella dci davidson spots what she thinks is an armed robbery rerouting her convoy to intervene this would be fair enough as an immediate threat to the public always comes first but all joan had to base this change of plan on was a van parked outside a bedding shop as she drove past at high speed and yet with all she turned out to be right on looking into the perpetrators their criminal history was minimal and this would have been by far the biggest crime any of them had ever committed so it appears as though this armed robbery could have been set up to give dci davidson an excuse to delay their mission which would have given the ocg the time to make the preparations to freedom terry boyle all of which would imply that dci davidson was working with the ocg at some point operation lighthouse tasked with solving the murder of gail bella changed sio to put joann davidson in charge and if my theories about buckles are correct then when an sio is replaced in a case pertaining to ocg activity the ocg tend to pull strings to have a bent copper lead the investigation with hilton taking over the greek land murders case unbuckles himself replacing tony gates in the search for jackie laverty as well as taking over operation trapdoor from ross huntley has davidson been brought in as sio for the purpose of derailing the entire inquiry i will give my thoughts at the end of the video while we're on the subject there was a three-hour window where the suspect's apartment was unmonitored because of a mistake in the paperwork who was responsible for the oversight the team's superintendent ian buckles on to the suspect themselves if it wasn't terry boyle that the chase was talking about then who was it well a second set of fingerprints were matched to carl banks already on the system for a string of violent offenses and links to organized crime carl isn't a character we've encountered just yet but the surname could suggest a relation to lee banks an ocg gunman from season 5. signs of forced entry at beach would house look shitty and the thorough cleaning job done up by his own apartments juxtaposed against the prominently displayed photographs of the murder victim all on top of what we already know about how the ocg have previously exploded terry it definitely looks like a setup and one that dci davidson could have had some involvement in just a few final things i want to include before i sign off dci davidson claimed to have no family when walking out on farida but later became angry when back in her own home whilst looking at a framed photograph which i'm going to guess was one of a young joann and her mother joanne also has very extensive security to her home with a lot of extra locks in the front door suggesting maybe some paranoia of her own despite lambasting farida earlier for her persecution complex and there were some passing hints that davidson is attracted to kate though no evidence of the affair that farida and sister was happening behind her back i think kate will end up going undercover pretending to reciprocate davidson's feelings and establish a fake romance to get the right information however not just undercover for ac12 but actually undercover for the ocg in a move that could push your relationship with steve to breaking point whilst i do think joanna is leading the investigation away from the ocg i don't think it's as an inside job with the return of some themes from season 4 i think just as the ocg set up a scenario for rose knowing how she would respond and go after michael farmer i think the ocg set up that armed robbery for joanne to find rather than with her help and her near telepathic ability to spot it on the way past is just a part of her enigmatic character that might sound implausible but then jed said it would be as for kelly mcdonald's performance thus far i'm a little torn on the first episode her delivery was a little strange at times although playing a character who is supposed to be odd this might just be a feature of the character and i did think joanne's condescending faux sympathetic tone when interviewing terry worked well to get the audience feeling particularly sorry for a character with down syndrome being set up and take the fall for a murder he never would have committed so overall i felt the episode was a solid start even though it was quite complicated and took me a second watch to properly digest it did plant a lot of things for later which i'm sure will be fleshed out and expanded upon as the story unfolds but as a standalone episode i actually thought it was a bit team and lacked the frantic pace we've come to associate with line of duty over the last 9 years this slightly slower build might be the reason they've opted to go for seven episodes rather than the usual six this time around but we will see where it goes and i'm certainly still looking forward to seeing what's in store for the rest of the season anyhow that's a wrap comment your thoughts on the episode below don't forget to like and subscribe ring that notification bell if you want to join my best team and most importantly have a great day you
Channel: Clem'sContent
Views: 24,320
Rating: 4.9360728 out of 5
Keywords: Line of Duty, BBC, BBC One, BBC Two, Police Drama, AC-12, 'H', Who is H, Adrian Dunbar, Vicky McClure, Martin Compston, Keeley Hawes, Craig Parkinson, Stephen Graham, Kelly MacDonald, Jed Mercurio, Aiysha Hart, Lennie James, Polly Walker, Thandie Newton, Steve Arnott, Ted Hastings, Kate Fleming, Ian Buckells, Theory, Solved, Mystery, Revealed, Maya Sondhi, Rochenda Sandall, Daniel Mays, Neil Morrissey, Gina McKee, Shalom Brune-Franklin, Taj Atwal, Gregory Piper
Id: BeoBwV8Etak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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