BETWEEN THE LINES S01 E01 "Private Enterprise"

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Brilliant show! Who needs Ted Hastings when you've got Tony Clark.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MadJen1979 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] the state which is a lost budget fifteen age because okay you see the Lions [Music] come on Alicia out I'm clean you haven't been doll yogi Randy sorry about that we're not after your body today son your mind tom has been feeling a bit neglected like me Andy that's right you've got a bit quiet on me lovely to tell you mr. Flint is that so are you selling your favors elsewhere that's my you uncomfortable talking about the drug squad maybe now mr. finis well my mother's lawyer convinced me and will give me something tasty Tommy MacMurray's happening right setting up the deal around here I say so and I'm gonna make you his first big customer [Music] [Music] and expense where are the people you wanted to talk to would officers from the complaints Investigation Bureau you want bent coppers they won't offer Mulberry Street Nick all right except now we don't cramp your style congratulations on your promotion Tony will push the bolt out properly when the car comes thanks anyway love a great run with us anything oh they know what he's after would be Mulberry Street frost who's the flying scrubs game yeah well don't show up till it's official I don't know Jess they're gonna and I saw that your burger man conjoining they're like I'll never promote you guff you're two-faced you talk about me gettin handy you should have seen the DCA when he was a sergeant what Pitesti was he I think maybe the old truth druggie annuity you wouldn't know it now superintendent if I say it's all I'll still be London there's a lot to be said for being indifferent NYX in your own doorstep Thanks I'm just speaking practically love that let's go careers to think of yeah well but beginning to be over I didn't let you take any chances governor spoiling your party you're the life and soul [Music] position is that Mulberry Street has had a whole string of drug raids go bent on it the informant Spence claims that words got out before each rate goes down what's he worth Spence it's the street-level pusher but he's also a snow from Mulberry Street CID so he ought to know his core Detective Inspector Flynn and Detective Sergeant Tanith dispensable in these two in the frame not necessarily he claims he doesn't know who the leaks coming from just an officer from Mulberry Street if this next raid gets blown out like the rest Spence is afraid that Flynn and turnable paced him up for it that's why he's come to us security seems to have been tight enough and all these operations different reliefs involved each time briefings last minute on a need-to-know basis so it's either CID or a cop uniform Mulberry Street senior management Chief Superintendent David Pollock Superintendent Patrick Salter and head of CID Detective Chief Inspector Antonia Clark right well thank for bringing up speed are we talk less I'm worried I suppose you know about class promotion board yes I believe he played a blinder Flying Squad are looking for a detective superintendent but of course they're not gonna want one who's under investigation well he won't be will he not officially I think we should have a very close look at him but don't let him hear those rubber heels on the pavement John [Music] watch up hi recovered from last night then well you know the let's expected I managed to stop things getting her had been the governor's all about that's why you're getting promoted anymore in the verge Telegraph commander of the Flying Squad wants to talk to me day after tomorrow isn't that what you were pitching boom yeah well it's just an overture at this stage you know informal see if my face fit have I ever complained you want a drink I'm having a shower yeah yeah understood you lose in position gun let's go for it if you knew some nipple one go [Music] [Music] since birth these days precaution [Music] shut the door mr. Clark commander Huxtable chief superintendent deacon there from complaints Investigation Bureau sit down mr. Clark mr. dick and I want to talk a few things over with you could you just tell me what's under discussion here you're uncomfortable Tony you don't mind if we call you Tony do you well with respect sir it doesn't matter whether I'm comfortable whether you call me Mickey Mouse I want to know what's going on here you came here for an informal discussion with the command of the Flying Squad instead you're having an informal discussion with us I'm being investigated I'm entitled to a form 163 detailing the charges against me nothing pleases me more and officer than a sensitivity to interviewees rights well while we're on the subject it's also about time I was cautioned isn't it because either I'm being investigated on the level or I'm walking straight out of here and giving the Federation a bell that's it's Dillon listen if I was you you're on a rocker right now son you could go up or down you haven't been cautioned because you're not being saved you are hoping for a good posting as a detective Superintendent do you want to be under formal investigation right now I hear what you say so we have information there's a bit of private enterprise Gyan at Mulberry Street so tell us what takes you out of the frame so Murray wolf he's on the cannabis charge but that's like a parking ticket finkies liked it he knows what's friggin good for him and they open up police Mulberry Street got here before McMurray not much comfort the euro Andy at the time when the raid on the Black Horse pup was planned and carried out I was on a junior command course of Bram's Hill so who was running the show for CID di Flint Flynn's been closely involved in most of the raids in question including last night's and plenty of highly successful ones you and Flynn were together a lot your team right well I don't need to tell you sir team building is part of the job my being that close if Finn was added you'd be bound to know I didn't say that look if you've got something on Flynn and stand him up put it to him to the best of my knowledge and belief he is a good officer black horse red I told you I wasn't there yes would you see our problem Tony if there is private enterprise going down at Mulberry Street doesn't have to be the one bad apple I mean if me mr. Huxtable were doing a bit of work we'd make sure one of us wasn't the common factor he'd do a bit when I was in Lanzarote and I'd do a bit when he was in the DA - I'm only common Samson well this is just playing games if everybody who could be at it's get him pasted up you might as well throw in Pat's older and the chief super who said we weren't what I moved you give you a new start in life in the ordinary man that's only appear important to keep what have to part with any crap all you'd have to deal with is McMurray he will have guests you grasp him up I'm overage three CID you have to say you're seldom a dummy well that's bollocks Mobley state must elect it because I never so Flynn and Tanner would after you to keep your mouth shut it's not you see you're it and they're doing the business down at mulberry CID Andy giving me what I can for Christ's sake this place is the pits look I am bending over backwards to cooperate all I can say is at the end of the day if you want to make this an official investigation you can go through my bank account everything else with a fine-tooth comb everything's on the level no skeletons in the cupboard you're telling us you're fireproof Tony well nobody's fireproof are they sir does your wife know you gave over the savings to Clark I mean this time with the WPC in your crime squad Jennifer Dean there's no disciplinary offence involved I don't think it's your business like we said we're just gathering information getting a feel for what's going on at Mulberry Street now if you're getting your leg over when you're anxious to keep it quiet that doesn't make me bent might make you vulnerable you might just be tempted to turn a blind eye but did the records a [ __ ] doesn't keep the peace I've had a relationship with Dean for the last two months it's quite casual on both sides she's a sensible kid she knows the score my wife is not aware of it but past experience suggests it wouldn't be the end of the world if she found out I wouldn't do anything silly to keep it under wraps you impress your promotion board as an able and ambitious officer mr. Clark now I'm sure you'd like the opportunity to help us resolve the situation on your ground certainly sir if you're not part of the private enterprise at Marlborough Street we want you to finger who is well infiltrate my own Nick that's the idea obviously we can't let you go away and talk it over with family and friends you're either in or you're out amen and if we find your heaviness over backwards Tony will do your legs like a steamroller [Music] I marry Nayla Tom hello mr. Clark do you want a coffee cup yes anything more alien man no it's not a direct witness to act if there isn't it all right I'll have a go I know the ropes of Mulberry Street it'll mean more than me I wasn't turning keeping you separate for the sake of your cover my covers fireproof of Mulberry Street Chuck no one's gonna think of my grass and me uh Nick right doing dead lumber you know that thank you and you want to lose this lot and walk Academy do you know Andy Spence singham around what well the next time you see him around you give me a belt shop which I remember I've done you a good turn now if I don't get the service you do your bad move you say you were warned about the Black Horse raid and the bust at the Marigold Club that's not good to us you won't give us your informant was a word on the street you watched too many films all right let's hear all about August when we did the March - stay over look I want the estate my own I mean I'm a face there yeah well somebody give me a bell and says the Estates gonna get swamped Monday Monday yeah the bank holiday so I got people to see that I'm good doing business on a Sunday but okay another cool sad day says the bus being rescheduled and it's going down tomorrow and they told you all this just the nightlight heard on the street Oh bollocks wasn't mate to teach you the wink it was your heroin supplier now your supplier is dealing with McMurray and your slice of the actions been cut that's why you've come over all public spirited so who's the supplier we're talking about that's not what I'm giving you put him back in his box were there something fall ready the wiser August bank holiday knowing your carnival you know what that means in the men yell leave canceled everybody on standby can imagine the hassle we had lying on a raid that weekend but it was perfect cause he did expect it they know we committed elsewhere and it was meant to be on a Monday yeah that was the plan right up to Saturday troops weren't briefed until Sunday morning so the new on Saturday me Pat solder Mickey flip what's your go stay at me the timesheets have come through for the red dealer and I check them over ever ask yourself why we bother are you still pissed off about the squad I got a funny feeling making I reckon I'm getting sidelined you got your promotion yeah but I could stick me in training or Community Liaison you still end up with a pension when you're young enough to enjoy it what are you thinking about that pension and you think about the Baron who supplies a pusher like McMurray what do you think he'll return if he's lucky hey laughs ask me even the crowd like my Mary and Andy's Spence I know we're pissing against the wind when it comes to dope I can't stand between people and what they want well that would porn all I know about porn has it made some officers very rich how's it been he's sulking in the back oh sweet legs that Andy the Gynaecologists Gazette has arrived Andy of course when you tie up all the loose ends you realize that being the governor you don't know the half of what's going on you don't know I'm spear makes sense not to a lot of the time those you've got the right people on the firm just have to trust it and get on with it yeah Mickey Flynn Paul Tanner they tell me what they think I ought to know which is fine but sometimes I need a bit more than that well they've got Dave stood up putting himself about for them what's that native come on I'd be interested it's just a matter of keeping myself covered after all start out like a keeping one [Music] yeah well listen I'll let you know if your shows out yeah I'll get back to you what is this that's a couple of tickets for my Lodge is ladies night any good to you oh right yeah I'll run it past sue she knows what we're doing every night Dave hi Jen what sure what you're getting up to how to use you're just putting yourself about a bit that's all made of you know just keeping you to the ground yeah fingers they want to kept quiet no Jenna Dave I'm sorry love I'm not allowed to say Dave can you imagine anything of yours its private ever passing my lips all I'm doing is trying to get a line on Andy Spence if he shows up on the ground Flynn and Santa wanna know about it what do they put it around to the release of this okie you haven't got much chance of finding it I don't know what's going on in their heads I just run the Evans right there's a matter of fact I found it he showed up in a squat on the estate catch you later you better be since a nurse was conferred guess right but he's shown his face to feed his own having scored some properly Ronnie's cut it with a couple of kids and they're doing in an empty flat right up there yeah we could bust a lot of your mind son I'll say what we're gonna do so you don't know right Davey but we're not under business are fasting anybody that dispenses our property will deal with him that the only way down yeah Brian wait from here and we don't front them up till he's on his own well I didn't know how urgent it wasn't you were in a meeting playing a [ __ ] rice like you told him the gaff dispensed what daily doesn't know he's just a girl [ __ ] [ __ ] off go on keep your head down anybody asks you don't know anything never said any [Music] [Music] back for a walk daivi and I'll be taken to the mix kit is our business where's Flynn what he staked up in the Sierra all I did was find Spence vanish are we getting through to you hmm because if not we're gonna keep this up until we do [ __ ] mr. boss don't know what's going on you tell me what's going on who sent you up to space but nobody sent me I certainly didn't spence blew over the bust I wanted him to know he was out of order he's my snout it's up to me to square it up I'm only the DCI here I get left right out of it but you don't want your prints on this you never have in the past give him to me nothing's happening here is not a body we're talking well I want to talk to him give him to me Mick come on Mick and him over but we standing like this much longer we're gonna have to start hitting each other what was that in Idol I reckoned I blow out the rival MacMurray like I really believe that so long wasn't because they knew you'd been to see IB you didn't tell him about the investigation it's not what I want so that's why then is it I mean these are the good guys to get badly banged about in that case you gotta decide who needs looking after I'll set a shoe den is it you just pulled your nuts out of the microwave Sonny who else is gonna look after you Flynn you know what I want Andy the guy had tipped you off about the drug busts was your supplier right would you rather deal with fleeing that and give you back to him right now let me put my [ __ ] on the block for that slag what slag are we talking about Andy poor Lucas using the story it's the PCA all convicted of minor possession and drug offenses in the 80s strongly believed anything - time - Mulberry Street not to the ground but in 1987-88 he was an informant for the drug squad it was handled by Chief Inspector who returned to uniform on his promotion to superintendent Patrick Salter well you can't be a carpet without knowing villains that doesn't prove anything against Salta but it makes him very interested don't normally go in for police news it's the ladies night of Pat's Logies invited us to it's not police do Oh No well when I said we ought to get out more I thought you liked the idea yeah sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] damage I know I gets talked about in other places just remember comparisons are odious good do Pat yeah they're not a bad budget I'm afraid to put their hands in their pockets seen a few familiar faces and not all from the job though later on handles my investments might be useful I'd have to make it before I invested it that you won't be doing badly son you're gonna be on the breadline at the end of the month it's all committed a lot of spare cash for brilliant strokes I feel as pissed off of the job as you've been making out Tony you want to think about a little nest egg for the future you could go dead showing it suit you save all the aggravation don't know though Tony had haters well if it's done properly tell you what when you've made a decision give me a ring cheers Carol you got more than one shot then mm-hmm got three now got to take the opportunities in business I suppose so I wouldn't know where to begin with all that tell you the truth me neither I mean I can manage the trade and the girls but when it comes to finance leave me out you got a partner who does all that Pat yeah there's all that side of things I never got started without him of course we haven't got to go to the Portugal I thought you sounded quite interested well I couldn't say to Pat stuff your apartment good I I mean you seem to want to be bosom buddies with these people all of a sudden it's just a memory you know oil in the wheels we've all got to do a bit I thought our next big holiday was Canada we talked about it yeah yeah yeah all right all right all right bollocks to Portugal there are a lot of money in this hairdressing luck hairdressing Oh Carol don't know but the thing to have put plenty into it they her in Perth apparently he says her up in the business so what sort of money we're talking about then well how the hell would I know I wasn't interviewing the woman under caution was up you know come on sue yes don't get this out of proportion so you're setting hats or up aren't you well it's he in the way of your next career move Tony so he needs his legs doing no it's just a matter of making some checks sometimes you can't be upfront about it well if you can't be upfront with me you leave me right out understand never ever use me like that again I'm not doing something I enjoy so [Music] I see two female 14:45 during a fair bit of business lots of customers cash payments good setup for laundering months I see one female slim build Ronnie here we go Sheila Cary what's a form metering greedy for the mules bringing heroin in through Heathrow not at the sharp end anymore still in the business though doesn't use heroin but she snorts a lot of coke oh so since yes Paul Lucas mom boom she shacks up with him I better tell Clark he's got a target to sell I have my investment advisor on to me the other day he's got a good thing coming up tried to do no no fireproof Japanese grain market their trading shares before they gone to the stock market you buy into a good one and then when it is traded on the market the price goes up like a rocket and when he comes back double you having something oh definitely thing is as 3,000 could he's still got a place if you're interested conscious whistle up three grandpa what a profit a few months now can do make well you wouldn't necessarily have to put the three grand up front we couldn't put it in for it they'd pay back you take the profit seems a shame to miss the boat it's very generous of you Pat favor isn't it where would we be if we didn't look after one another I was thinking I'll have the old man on to me saying what's all this attorney Clark's setting up and I tell him well leave it to Tony we all know he's a good lad but I would like to be able to say I know what's going on don't worry or you can say that no I wouldn't tell him a direct line not of their major well I suppose I can tell you Pat knowing it won't go any further because of that thing I'm targeting Paul Lucas yeah I thought he was one of the fossils manju he has slipped through the net for horse so they put you down for the three grand nothing ventured nothing gained [Music] I can get in those too Paul Lucas hey guys a man who thinks he's going white with something that guy's a man who's been told to piss off out of the country - you're posting come - cheers mate Sheila Kerry I'm detective Inspector Naylor detective sighting Congress Detective Chief Inspector Clark we have a warrant to search your premises for controlled drugs it is but it's all taken care of is that where you're going to say Shayla no comment flat 14 right you lead the way I expect that's what you join for six grand use to mix the nomination notes look at that found in the dental floss dispenser what is it coke neela big deal I'll do nicely we knew you wouldn't have the merchandise on the premises Sheila but you can't do without your daily snore can you that'd be too much to ask you'll miss it inside oh come on I'll put my hands up get off with a fine we're talking about on remand Sheila it could take months for this to come to court and we won't after post bail I want to talk to my lawyer no choice the wire nut bills haven't even been arrested yet what are we talking about here now we're not shaking you down for the money Sheila we just want you to deliver it where it's old [Music] Terri's on the plot [Music] [Music] [Music] sky and that premises 15:11 [Music] so this way [Music] [Music] [Music] got a long time to receive him suspect is on the plot good afternoon afternoon I cut it a bit fine don't worry you won't get locked up sorry repose police mr. Salter I'm like it's come to the office please what is this [ __ ] like to ask you some questions if you don't come voluntarily I'll have to arrest you how did you come by this money I'm a partner in legitimate business enterprise on this occasion I have taken some time off duty to bank some cash do you want to make a disciplinary offense out of that you have to be desperate there's more than six grand going in there must be legitimate takings mixed in with a bunch do the lot positive this note is part of a consignment I treated earlier today these notes were given to Sheila curry for use as a corrupt payment uncomfortable pat stations closed we are mothers to officer they see a clock you know mr. Takens up today in Spanish you're giving everybody as with mr. Clark you can leave this to us mr. Deacon upstairs right we try to let you have your station back in normal operation very soon mr. Pollak Thank You mr. Deacon when I cause it depends on what we find you didn't tell me you were singing off the Nick there is nothing to say any of the troops we ran it with soap I think to say there weren't we give the place a shake see what falls out of the branches what's the matter Tony you got something in your locker this is my phone we look after each other no mate might as well tell you your postings come through you're on my farm now CIB I don't want to work in complaints investigation you wanted to you wouldn't be suitable tread carefully Tony you won't lose your legs [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jeff G
Views: 109,959
Rating: 4.7536945 out of 5
Id: K3epDCq2nMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2017
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