Who is the Strongest JUSTJOEKING Creature?! (Garry's Mod)

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why does peter pan always fly because he never lands nope nope stop talking go to jail welcome to who's the strongest just joking creature so over the past year i've added lots of creatures into gary's mod some trevor henderson suddenly invincible and some just nonsense isn't that right realistic creeper but i've never actually tested to see who is the strongest so i've removed all of the enraged versions and we shall see amongst all these creatures who is our winner but first if you enjoy this video and you want to see more like it remember to subscribe it's free and i'm yellow and so we shall go in alphabetical order starting with axeman regular version versus the bell ringer who is uh i'm noticing now really quite tiny he's already ringing his bell and remember for each round to comment who you think's gonna win let's turn them on and see what happens i think they might be friends but i come prepared for just that scenario you hate you and you hate you and there we go he's made him bleed and he's thrown a shark at him immediately well not really even close uh sir please stop with the sharks okay the axe man uh with full health makes it onto round two where he must fight the female cartoon cat yeah this was a weird week wasn't it anyhoo oh sorry get a fresh one oh no she regens we're fine let's turn him on oh she's immediately teleported but she's bleeding she's bleeding out is she gonna win the sharks have got me and they've got her too did she do she did a bit of damage but not really but now we've got a real challenge for the axe man it's chimney head he's two maybe three times the size and has about the 15 000 extra health so let's see who'll win remember to comment below no cheating of their friends not for long get him all right he's not made him weak yet but he's oh the radiation's coming out here comes the sharks he's shocked he's butting him he's using the axe who's i can't really tell who's winning i think it might be axe head yeah one more shark yeah and the shark that went through the platform finished him off are you oh look how skinny his head is uh there's radiation permanently around now so i don't think i can go over here nope no we'll fly now it's the turn of the realistic minecraft creeper unfortunately for this fella because we're not allowing enraged creatures this dude has to be level zero so he's kind of weak but you never know it might be his kryptonite it's green and let's turn him on and see who wins that's a shark we're both dead will you stop with the sharks my goodness oh please mercy maybe his weakness is dead graves uh he's in the ground currently there's a zombie under there trust me with 9 000 health will he have what it takes why are you glowing red anywho get him oh oh okay get out of the ground get oh no oh he's out and he's he's sucking the blood from him oh what's happening i i died it's hard to say he's just uh instant replay i think he killed him with his forehead it might have been a slice and dice oh he took a ton of damage though dead grief i'm kind of impressed but it's not enough to beat this freaky boy but will the ender dragon have what it takes it's just your average realistic ender dragon with 28 000 health kinda similar now this should be a good fight will he have the brains to defeat his healing crystals only one way to find out there he goes he's dodging all the sharks dragon versus flying shark oh he's hitting him with his balls oh some of the balls are getting stuck on the sharks what the how is he what in the physics the the dragon has taken no damage yet but the axe man has those sharks unfortunately deadly that they are they're kind of inaccurate when you're flying around shooting with more balls would you lad that's it great balls i think the sharks did kill their crystals though he's managed to jump off the platform uh so don't know if that means the dragon's gonna try and come down to his level the dragon's brain's kinda just too big he knows he needs to stay at range look how confused he is he's just walking in circles see you should have grown those wings properly where's he gone dragon dragon finish him more balls please it kind of looks like he's throwing out and oh he's absolutely peppering him now only a few more thousand health i think each ball does about 800 damage i kind of feel bad for him he's sort of a sitting duck and a few more balls and it'll be over take your time dragon any minute now whenever you like just shoot the ball oh is he reloading i i don't know that's it oh and he's gone finally the axe man has been defeated and the dragon is like in peace but unfortunately for the dragon he's gotta fight again and this time he's fighting his minecraft cousin to be honest i don't know which of these is the strongest but i have a feeling they're probably gonna be friends so let's fix that and set them loose oh that's that's a bit sus wait no come on now are they stuck inside each other can i remove them oh there we go now they're flying okie dokie uh he's chasing him the realistic one is just making a break for it i think we may have coded them to be pretty equal in strength and it doesn't seem like they are going to fight they have other ideas and so we'll let the minecraft version progress to the next stage just so we can actually see him in action seeing as they are pretty much the same but i don't think he's gonna last long because his next foe is the hexapod giant with 35 000 health he's a little bit stronger than the dragon who has craftily hidden one of his crystals under the bridge let's turn him on see who wins he's gone straight for the groin uh he's get is he getting stamped on it's hard to say is that dragon okay uh the giant seems to be he's trying to go for him the dragon has escaped he's shooting his balls a lot of them are missing oh no the giant oh he's throwing a lot of fireballs i don't think any of hit him yet the dragon's taking no damage and neither has the giant i think there's only one solution for this i'm climbing up inside the dragon i'm gonna control him and hopefully i could do some damage okay you can uh there may be a little banana hanging from underneath that's fine what happened um i think he might be angry am i winning why am i going invisible what's happening so the dragons for some reason whatever they fight pretty much anything they just they're pretty sus and they have some difficulties actually taking damage so i think we can have to disqualify the dragons i mean look at this dude what are you doing which takes us on to our next fight which is the hexapod giant versus gerald just jerry level one he hasn't eaten any bananas and there may be a slight size issue but i believe in him get him gerald that's it tell him you're gonna kill him waste time and hang on wait is he why did he get so big jerry you did 400 damage okay well i think we kind of saw that coming but up next is the lighthouse monster one of the newer creatures with 70 500 health so he's double the health so he should win he's oh and he's thrown a groin fireball kinda probably the worst sort of attack you could ever receive and look at that damage uh oh the smoke's coming out but it's too late oh he did he did ten thousand but our lighthouse squidly diddly is our winner and he gets to fight someone who looks kind of related to him it's the mimic from lucky block with 12 000 health and her mouth only a mother could love let's see how he fares um i'm dead how does he do it he's bouncing he's pac-man is he running away ladies where are you going he's fleeing i don't blame him oh the eyeball the eyeball's going for him look at that eyeball oh the chasing eyes no don't laser me please see okay he killed it somehow it died okay the lighthouse took no damage fair enough but his next opponent is kind of similar to him he's also round he also likes fire um and he's decaying he's actually dying as we speak so we better turn him on it's the meatball oh and oh you've missed but oh has he missed i think both of you missed to be honest who's winning uh he's stamping on his ball ah he's dead but he's on fire he didn't take much damage how will he fare against the robot cartoon cat with only a third of his health it's gonna be tricky for the cat but let's find out oh he's immediately eaten himself at him and he shouldn't have done that oh he's shooting him though is he winning what's happening the cat's getting stomped he's on fire he's i think he's yep he's dead would you stop scuttling oh it's so gross took just over a thousand damage but his next opponent is the much stronger mecca it's the siren mecca let's just make sure we've turned him on there we go they have a similar amount of health 70 065 does he have what it takes he has guns he has the noise ting he does also have a lot of damage reduction he's gotten close quarters still shooting bit of a slash and oh well i didn't actually see that coming the mecca siren hit the nuclear button and wiped him out but is he any match for the bootyhorn probably one of my favorite creatures for obvious reasons let's turn him on and find out i was shooting him straight in the stomach he went nuclear immediately but he is getting heated backwards look how many bullets he's firing oh he's almost dead and he is he he took like 40 damage well he is technically the siren head terminator so it makes sense but does he have what it takes to be a strange new life form cheeky little alien that's his heart i think now this dude needs some props to throw as weapons so we'll give him some tables and let him splinter them up and to turn him on and he's always teleporting and he's he's dead the tables are still alive somehow hang on let's just confirm hank let's give him give him a chance to pick up some tables all right someone needs to teach this robot a lesson and is it me it's a super banana with 10 000 health comes in all different shapes and sizes um i think we did spawn this one in first so we'll go with the gladiator with the shotgun you two back to the bunch and let's turn them on and immediately i'm at bay and i'm i'm dead did i do i didn't do any damage and i've lost my hat maybe i'll do better this time with a sword and only half the hell remember play place your bets who do you think's gonna win well it's definitely the banana right he's gone he just vaporized me all right that's enough small fry that's no moon it's an angler fish from hell do you remember this throat it's so gross with 1.1 million health surely there's no way only one way to find out he's getting shot in the mouth he's gone nuclear he's gone splishy splash is he taking a bath uh he's siren head all the way in the corner he's chomping on him chomp chomp chomp simon's hit the nuclear button for a second time he's getting splashed and that's it he managed simon managed to do a hundred thousand damage almost but he's no match for that snow moon but is the female that's no moon any match for the male version it's technically in here so we have to test it good luck ladies you're gonna need it uh he is famous for kind of sacrificing himself to her anyway no he he did die he kind of died immediately and there's another example of it he's oh he's still alive how get back over here he took more than half of his health in damage but uh oh god poor fella but now it's the turn of the scarecrow it's the bubak with all of his crows maybe he can scare off the fish like he does the crows he's he's dead he just got one shot at least the crows are safe now oh there's none that survived but now it's the turn of mother the great mother megaphone 78 000 health will she even have a chance to spawn in her children let's find out oh chomp screaming and chomping the battle of the ultimate female monsters she's screaming again which is keeping her at bay but it's not actually doing any damage and she's taking one big chomp which is knocked off about 14 000 health oh splish splash that did about 30 thousand dollar it wasn't even near come on spawn the kids quickly well you've got her on the ropes not really though the belly is swelling will the kids be coming out oh the splash again and that was kind of massive how did you reach it from there the moon's back in the ground now it's the turn of the sister of the ever sharpening blade and she could really do with sharpening that blade but i wouldn't say that to her face because she doesn't have a face does she secretly have what it takes to kill the fish oh she goes invisible every time it attacks her she's invulnerable up she's heated though where are you going she is taking a slight bit of damage it's taking her a while to get back into battle here she comes you're lucky that fish is in the ground oh i think is she doing any i don't think she's doing any damage to the fish where'd she go what did you do what did you do with my nun there she is she's invisible she's back she's a bit of a glutton for punishment uh but the fish has come out of the ground and is chewing on her where's she going she's only got about half of her health left the fish has decided to rest and eat and with only 1 400 health left i think one bite more and there it is she's gone and she did no damage to the fish up next we've got thomas the train just a regular version i don't know if he's going to evolve that's why we have the enraged version which is just technically him as a monster it's not actually enraged but here comes regular thomas uh thomas you're gonna you're gonna get your legs out no good job we brought the other one this one's just a fool and he is dead but surely cursed thomas will do better with 30 000 health and a lot more violence let's hope so he's going in he's taking his booty with him and he's heated that snow moon is being real sneaky hiding in the ground because i don't think any of these creatures can damage her while she's down there and poor thomas the train that could is about to be thomas the train that should have stayed at home oh thomas thomas you can go you can go you don't have to keep coming back for more he's no quitter with only five thousand health left uh he's a couple of chomps away will this be the final charm oh he's got one more in him 400 health left thomas it's been an honor but you're a fool and you're dead up next is the traffic light head who has varying degrees of anger so let's spawn in that's no moon and oh she's above ground and she's oh she's eating him i i i don't think i even saw it so let's just do that one more time and uh yeah no he's dead and she's in the ground trainee have you got what it takes lad there really is only one way to find out and that's by fighting the fish good luck to you oh he's gone which leaves us with only the wendigo wendy gonna win is that your heart is that that's gross you are gross but will you be fish food let's find out and ah yes god just what can we have on a replay where is she sending them is it the shadow realm but that decides it ladies and gentlemen the strongest just joking creature is that's no moon for now at least until we add some more monsters so if you've enjoyed this video please remember to subscribe if you're new it's free and i'm yellow you
Channel: JustJoeKing
Views: 604,170
Rating: 4.8614297 out of 5
Keywords: justjoeking, gmod sandbox, justjoeking creatures, trevor henderson, gmod, garry's mod sandbox, garrys mod, sandbox, garry's mod, just joking, Garry’s mod, Trevor henderson, just Joe king, garrysmod, banana joe, just joking gmod, g mod, who is the strongest, who is the strongest justjoeking, strongest justjoeking creature, cryptids, leovincible, megahorn, train eater, lighthouse, cartoon dog, cursed thomas, that's no moon, trevor henderson gmod, justjoeking gmod
Id: I0CgTl1FvCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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