So I added LITTLE NIGHTMARES to Garry's Mod...

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somebody asked me to name two structures that hold water i was like well damn [Applause] we did it we added little nightmare creatures to gary's mod this is hopefully the start of an even bigger mod and so far we have four creatures we have the boy the chefs a guest or two and six we plan on adding more like monster six and the lady but let us know in the comments who you wanna see us at and remember to subscribe so you don't miss the next update so first let's take a little look at six what the six you okay where you going as you can tell can you listen can you hear it she even sounds like she's running in a raincoat the level of detail is pretty advanced six i'm not gonna hurt you she's just yeeted herself off i've said her to ignore me so she should be my friend now let's take a closer look there she is barefoot squeaking around six is definitely one of my favorite video game characters ever and we needed to make her just as cool as she is in the game so naturally she needs to be able to throw things throw that lamp six wait six six uh she needs a foe to throw it to so she's just gonna carry it until she finds a foe and that pho well i could be me six oh no here it comes ow here six have it have a chair here you go there you go oh she's got the chair oh my god why she's really strong she's also yellow so before we make six fight the guest or the chef we need to look at the boy who is very similar just a her little child uh he clearly has escaped his cage good for him and just like six he has 450 health so he's not very beefy but he's kind of quick and he also can throw things oh he's inside the box he doesn't like me very much i'm not here to eat you so you can see unless they have something to pick up and throw they tend to just hop away and try and escape which leads us to the guest and the chef firstly there's two different types of guests we've got this one which is uh anyone else remember that blob fish he's gross and if we lift him up look at that chin look at the state of this booty check ah well unfortunately it's gonna have to be a 10. and then we have the second version uh wait we got we got another one we've got the same one again here's the second one slightly different colored trousers wait does that anyone else see in a face there with the pockets anyway i lied there's more than two versions because there's one that has a mask too so we've got the same dude with a few different outfits there's three different colored outfits and then we've got his friend who's wearing aubergine trousers and what could i could only describe as a death mask slightly terrifying look at the chins on him oh god oh he's on top of me no get it off get it off get it off and if you listen closely you can hear the grunts and if you hit him oh he screams oh god i hate them so there's two versions of the chef as well we've got the one with just a stabby stabby knife is he licking his fingers you are disgusted have you ever washed your apron he seems like he's wearing a mask on top of his skin oh it's just so gross oh oh oh he's peeling wait he's got a face under his face he is wearing a face oh and he's licking it oh don't stop scratching it we'll take it off if it's itching and then we've got um the one who has the cleaver he's very similar but he's not i don't think this one's wearing a mask he's is he trying to are these two trying to oh it's just so gross please go i can't wait to see six throw things at you talking a witch here she is oh oh they made noises oh they like the sight of her uh six we can give you a little a little gas canister oh yeah and now we turn her on well she's she's jumped towards up six are you he's only got a neat net this one's just making a break for it although she seems stuck on the edge let's give her something to throw oh no six kettle take the cattle sick so clearly six isn't the smartest when she's not being controlled so it's my turn what ah something's not quite right yet this uh this didn't happen earlier what the here we go this time it worked i am now six so if you download the mods you can play as the characters so spoil ourselves a little something in a little crate a little yellow crate ooh and then we can just throw it ah oh oh we did how much damage is that 42 how much damage does a lampshade do aim for his head oh it's hard it's hard to aim at that time was slightly less what's the limit of things she can pick up she can't pick up this giant stone thing oh but kettles oh she can pick up a kettle ah all right let's turn him on and see oh he's throwing things back no no no no you can't do that that's my crate stop it he's kind of look at the state of that thing oh have that no don't you do that to me i need that kel he's just aha so when clearly when you possess her she's only slightly faster than them but it's a bit easier to get away than if you just leave her in charge of herself the hook get oh just tr no oh no no no oh my gosh i've been eating why do i have these swords get him get him quick revenge [Music] it's actually really hard to play as six they are very very determined to eat you and you're i don't think you're much faster than them to be honest but you've got to run real hard i'm coming back in six oh i'm in right but we got anything we can throw there's a kettle over there we could look through the spawn list and find something the gas canister give me that unfortunately picking stuff up does slow you down here take this oh no get away from me and we throw it at him ah no driver picked up again oh he's eating her again it's too hard so naturally how about i become the chef oh this is gross but here we go come here six i'm coming for you this feels wrong oh come on oh i'm so slow can i pick that thing up is it too big for my chubby little fingers give me that kettle i got it oh where's she gone oh she's over there i missed maybe i'll be slightly faster as the guest no it seems if anything maybe slower oh this is so gross can i as a guest kill the chef come here you stop scratching your face oh got him did we do much damage i'm coming i'm gonna land on your head hey that's a decent amount of damage but catching up to him is a struggle when you are crawling and bulbus so the guest has 870 health and the chef has 1825 so the chef's definitely stronger uh six she was waiting around the corner with a lampshade tricky little six hey six here i'll help her out oh yeah she's loving it she's loving that lampshade oh he's throwing it back he hit her in the butt oh no that actually did a ton of damage no six you're giving him a weapon why are you doing this oh six no six oh she's going for it quick six get the lampshade no no not for you six throw this if you throw this six i i'll explode it in his face no oh it's close here you go no oh god it hit me can she throw a little boy let's find out oh six why she didn't like that one oh six you've set it off six why have you done this i wouldn't go that way six don't remember that in the game throw this bucket oh oh he's almost dead oh but so is she a final crate oh no he here is she gonna get him no six six run here take this bucket no oh got it he was so low i think the crate trapped her unfortunate she clearly got him in the nose at some point and and we will get revenge for her much better now i know what you're thinking how strong are they against other creatures enter gerald oh get him jerry jerry what jerry this way that journey is right there jerry jerry there we go jerry's oh jerry actually won and he's seen another one in the distance and he wants that one too good news everybody jerry's on the side of six i think let's just double check is jerry gonna be friends with six please please joey don't no jerry jay bad boy jerry don't make me clip your toenails are you thinking what i'm thinking giant six yes we were thinking the same thing much better um unfortunately it seems like she still just wants to run away wait um she's still as slow as she was uh you just cutting your own hand are you okay what the there she goes can giant six throw chairs oh she's seen it she's going for it she wants it it's just taking her a while to get there uh yeah she's changed her mind he got too close here take a globe oh that's it throw it at his head nice it did like no damage he threw it back she threw it again it's like playing catch with a friend that wants to eat you now while these two run away from each other let's break their bones starting with the chef oh what have we done oh no we need to stop this this needs we need what is this oh god i can't even make out what's happening here what is that thing it looks like a bug okay one more time oh no it's worse look at his eyes oh god the tongue why does he look like a dog i could do this all day oh it's disgusting uh six are you ready for this oh my god what why you have so many bones uh nah uh i think she's origami look at it look at her chin oh six no i'm so sorry but it nee we need more more more oh what is that look at the state of this oh it's so weird reminds me of scythe of the pokemon there's just so many combinations now what about this guy oh you look slightly different hello um i don't remember you but okay let's uh let's break his bones oh he's his head's gone upside down what oh he's just so gross it makes them worse i didn't think it'd be possible but they are now worse look at this does he remind anyone else of a mole and finally the little boy first let's make him bigger now he's a big boy and he's obviously he's scratching his eye he's sleepy let's see if we can fix that oh much better oh my god what he's like a sticking set he's still trying to scratch his eye but his fingers are so long again more give me what what's this oh it's the little shackle on his ankle oh now he's a snake oh this is just so bizarre i love it let's turn them all on and see what happens um okay well i don't know what i was expecting but this is just so weird now i've turned off ignore players do they want to kill me too hi are you gonna oh yes okay they will they will eat anything they are just really hungry look at that little booty face oh god run six six is made of sticks as my grandma used to say war we're gonna have 20 chefs 20 guests oh look at the state of them against 26s 20 boys with 40 bins so hopefully they'll push them away into the bins to pick them up and um the game won't crash but we'll see let's find out no they've jumped towards them guys are you are you okay that doesn't seem sensible oh it's a massacre pick up some bins pick up the are the bins too bit no they started to pick them up they're throwing bins um guys i put the bins there for a reason what are you doing you little jumping beans oh no the chefs have got to the bins they're throwing them guys do something oh this is a nightmare the guests haven't even got here yet they're still crawling look at them look at them oh there's a little boy who's trapped in the middle oh no is he gonna get out oh he's okay he's fine no problem it's a bit brutal um but i think i think a few of them have escaped they're making their way to the safety of the tunnel and some are just fleeing for the hills it didn't quite go as i planned the bins became a weapon for uh for the chefs i know they're throwing at me and some for some reason the sixes are going backwards oh no guys you okay the guests can't get over the bins that's so stupid but that's pretty much it for the mod so far i hope you've enjoyed this video and make sure you let me know in the comments who you want to see next and remember to subscribe it's free and i'm yellow you
Channel: JustJoeKing
Views: 909,382
Rating: 4.8997765 out of 5
Keywords: justjoeking, gmod sandbox, little nightmares, little nightmares gmod, gmod, garry's mod sandbox, garrys mod, sandbox, garry's mod, just joking, Garry’s mod, Trevor henderson, just Joe king, garrysmod, banana joe, just joking gmod, g mod, little nightmares garrys mod, little nightmares justjoeking, six, six little nightmares, guests, chef, guest, little nightmares mod, little nightmare, i added little nightmares to gmod, i added little nightmares to garrys mod
Id: PqCCKzvcjq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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