Face Reveal of Hacker to Take Over Warehouse

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we're gonna do a face reveal of the monster come on take it off three two one so you did all of US ah yes now that the pumpkin has been smashed it was indeed me all along how why when evil Daniels planned to trap you all at Midnight Raven Manor failed and Evil Daniel was trapped I became the candy Queen's backup plan she had brought me in to create the device that pulled Evil Daniel from the portrait but then she trapped me and kept me locked in her Warehouse when you foiled her plan again I knew I had to escape she had no idea that while I was developing programs for her I was looking for Clues on how to take over her Warehouse you're the one that was leading us on this wild goose chase I needed to know you were up to the task you will need my help to capture the warehouse but in return I'm going to need a favor and what is that Halloween hacker I need to speak with the game master you guys can we have a moment let's go in this creepy room over here don't go anywhere anywhere okay can we really trust this guy yes Maddie get out of your feelings okay wearing them right now well what does a Halloween hacker want with the game master and there's no way that the game master is gonna agree to whatever he needs to do hey you know what he did help us out a little bit to get us to this point hey it's a boy he threw me in here it's okay just keep going with the plan okay okay so we're just gonna agree to this deal yeah if we want to take over the candy Queen's Warehouse we have to do this well then let's make this deal right yeah dude come on scoot where'd scoop go scoot scoop you're here the whole time okay fine Halloween hacker you have a deal we'll let you talk to the game master in exchange for helping us take over at the warehouse good because the Candy Queen's on our way to the warehouse and if we don't get there first we won't have time to overtake it okay so what's the plan the three of us are gonna find a way to distract the Candy Queen so that she never gets to the warehouse so I'll go to the warehouse all right let's get this guy um doesn't mean we trust you Halloween hacker we just need to take over the King of Queens Warehouse yeah I know and you need me to do it so let's go wait oh I need to talk to you alone okay scoop just wait for me outside I'll come get you okay there's one more detail I forgot to mention what is that my girlfriend won't let me leave so I'm gonna be hacking from here and I go solo yes and I won't do anything unless I talk to the game master first okay fine it's ringing good uh game master hello Daniel I have so many to speak to you hello old friend I'm gonna try to rescue my wife you have to go and distract mechanic means you can't get to the warehouse I'm going around the other side my wife was just taken right now I'm freaking out okay you know I'm gonna go around the other side see if there's another way inside of you here it's a way to get in right here this is gonna be the best I need my wife back right now even if I have to Battle Royale for 24 hours I will do what it takes it's locked wait a second it's a candy mini right over there he's probably the one that took my wife and go confront him get my wife back let me go we got you now miss Scooby-Doo ow seriously you're handcuffing my leg who does that we do you're not gonna get away with this someone's gonna find me we need to find out why you in that haunted house well you know what I'm very loud and I can scream pretty loud so someone is gonna find me help help yeah I'll quiet you down silly girl stop fooling around you'll never get out of here hey team fam I hope that Rebecca is okay but right now I need to focus on distracting the Candy Queen so I am gonna go undercover in Disguise as her Uber driver and then just drive her all around Los Angeles so that way she cannot get to the warehouse now all I have to do is hack into her Uber app because I have access and I will make myself her drive oh no the Candy Queen blocked my access to think that means she knows that I am a double agent okay I just need to think of a new way to reroute the Uber flat way I can distract her I know the perfect hacker who can help me okay I'm here in the warehouse it looks like there's minions how'd you get in here so fast no I was here I was waiting for you oh okay good it's really fortunate that you are wearing black underneath that Scooby-Doo outfit I know what are the odds well it was laundry day so I just I had this under it it all worked out it was almost like you knew you were coming I know it was almost like I knew I was coming here okay anyways look we got these two candy minions so we need to sneak past Maddie fancy hearing from you again hi Halloween hacker you look great by the way I know what do you need I need to hack the candy Queen's Uber trip but she's blocked my access to her data do you still have it access I don't need access your Uber driver is named Maddie and will arrive in 10 minutes you're welcome thank you so much it's so good to see you again did he just hang up on me I mean wow he did it I am the Candy Queen Uber driver so looks like she's not too far from here time to undercover as an Uber driver hopefully the Candy Queen does not recognize me up to the Rooftop yeah the Candy Queen is able to get to the warehouse and completely take it over all right rooftop I gotta figure out what troops he's talking about right now hey hey if they're on patrol we're gonna need some help I'm gonna call it Halloween hacker we FaceTime him how many hacker we're here we're in position at the warehouse but there are Minions on patrol what are we supposed to do no problem at all I was expecting this are you eating something yes you guys interrupted my 5 PM Mickey these delivery so I'm hungry Focus hacker boy hacker boy okay so what do I need to do okay head back just below where I was being held captive you'll find an electrical panel caught the lights on my signal and then you'll be able to sneak over to the hacker room got it thanks I think the best thing that we need to do is split up we always split up but we need to split up so yeah luckily I have this earpiece for you take that that's all we will be able to communicate we need to go around the back under the stairs you'll find a security panel when I give you the word turn out the lights not allowing me to sneak across the warehouse and get to the tiny hacker room are you ready awesome remember you can definitely trust me definitely definitely everyone you can definitely trust me all right I'm ready there's a lot of definitely easy yes because that's how much you can definitely trust me okay all right you make your way around the corner let me know when you're in position and I'll give you the cue I trust you yeah so you trust me I trust you I trust you all right I don't trust him zambam do you trust him comment down below I don't know who that is it looks like it was agent D but then he showed up at Scooby-Doo why is he here why do you have a note we need to figure that out but main goal shut down the power and give you that hack around where's my wife that's right here come here that's what she is that building you know what you know what I've had enough of you oh that's right oh my gosh do I have facial hair that hurts you need to let the Scooby-Doo Squad know where I am except I don't know where I am I know it's sunny it looks like some type of rooftop do you guys remember that Tick Tock hack that Maddie did a while back where you can get out of a rope if you are ever tied up I hope I can do this it was like you flip something you go here and you flip it this way oh afraid oh no leg okay scoob are you in position do it now flip the switch [Music] all right I got it also remember you can trust me okay zamfam I need to figure out if there is a handcuff anywhere otherwise there's no way I can escape this thing on so tight zamfam you guys remember that in Scooby-Doo in real life we were at a haunted mansion and we did face reveal and you guys know it's the Halloween hacker who is supposed to be helping us take over the candy Queen's warehouse today which means I need to be there to help them what is everyone doing right now great power's out the candy Minions look confused I brought this along night vision goggles here we go power on excuse me if this is the spot that the candy minion told me about no one here do you think he's telling the truth or should go back and beat him up no I need to find my wife right now we're at the right spot all I need to do now is get up to the rooftop let's go take that guy out yeah what are you doing here I'm just um I'm looking for the rooftop why are you looking for the roof well that's what I want to find I want to see what's up on the roof looking for a view and I thought kind of try to solve some Clues well uh oh hey what's that right there what do you want it's in your hand there's nothing nothing no all right I feel like this is going to be super useful he wasn't just holding his hand for nothing let's go see my wife I hope someone's looking for Museum fam what if I'm trapped here forever you guys spread the word let them know that I need help you think there's any way I can get this maybe there's something to lock oh look there's a screw right there maybe the screw let me try okay okay now it's on tube tight candy minions annoying is what is going on okay zamfam I'm gonna try to use this screw and pick the lock I know Daniel's done this before it can be that hard right the boy can do it a girl can too hey come over here hey what is it Sam Pam perfect opportunity they cannot see me but I can see them I'm gonna make my way across this Warehouse I just hope they don't catch me right wish me luck I have been working on this it doesn't look like I'm gonna be able to pick the look I need to get a class from Daniel you should send us back to I don't know hacker school or something I just need to relax and stay calm you guys know that I am pregnant right now and we figured out the gender well we haven't got it yet but we're supposed to be getting an envelope tomorrow which will reveal our baby's gender so I just need to stay calm and you guys do you think I'm having a boy or a girl hey baby boy or girl do you know which one you are comment below oh and don't worry you guys I have shorts on I wouldn't wear this dress without it so don't worry if you see anything it's just my shorts all right it's gonna hang out maybe I could get a tan or something look I'm telling you man I'm not in charge of this place they need to put better switches in or something well thank God the Candy Queen has installed these emergency backup lights there's no way and she was gonna get best us huh yeah that's true we can see like a little bit okay they're moving away oh hello there it looks like we're going to a warehouse yes my new Warehouse new Warehouse okay we'll be there shortly zamfam I need to get out of here you know Daniel's birthday was yesterday and we have a big surprise for him but we've been postponing it because of all this Scooby-Doo stuff that has been going on we need to celebrate his birthday I feel so bad I bet he thinks we all forgot his birthday but we didn't we just we're just trying to surprise him in a really big way I feel so bad right now and he needs to get out of here how are they gonna find us I just made it tighter no oh man now it's digging in my skin well you can't see a lot but at least it's red you know hey what's that you hear that what's that I smell something it's like a it's Rich how's your day going what was your name again they call me the queen the queen okay hello there the queen you can call me Velma Velma you remind me of Scooby-Doo oh Scooby-Doo jinkies why must be a red yeah they never put traps in this place there's too much filming you know they just leave this whole open space with nothing in it this is a white wall and then that's the way there's no way they paint the switch of white too because how are we gonna find the switch man I just got this it looks like a handcuffed key I don't know why I need it but I'm gonna go up these stairs right here up to the rooftop but before I do I want to make sure that you are subscribed have notifications on let's get this channel to 6 million subscribers if you're in that six million comment down below I'm in the club okay I have to go save my pregnant wife who's up on a roof apparently probably in a handcuff okay zamfam obviously Daniel's birthday surprise is huge but right now we also have to take over the candy Queen's Warehouse I mean that Blaze this huge think of all the things that we could do and all the evil that we're gonna stop if we take it over I just wonder what the Halloween hacker wants what the game master is the game master going to agree I just really hope we can take over the warehouse who is that hey hey someone's coming someone's coming please not another candy minion save them I'm in the tiny hacker room scoob turn turn on the power okay I'm in a tiny hacker room I'm gonna need my laptop oh man here we go just connect this up here perfect okay now that I'm set up let me get Halloween hacker on the phone again okay Halloween hacker I'm in position I'm in the tiny hack room now what do I do took long enough you're running out of time what there's a time limit yes didn't I mention that once the power is cut the security system has to reboot you have until it finishes rebooting to shut down the firewall no you failed to mention that what are you doing are you gaming yeah Minecraft I can multitask you obviously can't so please Focus fine what do we need to do now you have 30 seconds 30 seconds what hold on I gotta work fast hurry up 24 23 22. okay I don't need a countdown clock I get it wait is this safe to take down the security just trust me it's the only way to get an advantage on the Candy Queen and it'll only work if your boy the game master holds up his end of the agreement trust me he will okay and I got firewall down that way here's Rebecca now it's time to save my wife great now that wall is down there's one last step okay what's that go back to the other side of the warehouse you'll find a second switch for the warehouse fail safe system override okay that sounds scary is that okay to do do chicken nuggets pair well with sweet and sour sauce yeah definitely okay it sure as I am about that I know this will work so go okay all right well scoob is already over there so scoop scoop command scoop Scooby Dooby Doo where are you you stamp Panther isn't actually a flat tire but this is going terrible you just hear what the Candy Queen said she's gonna finalize the warehouse tonight so hopefully everything is going well with Daniel and we are the ones who can take over the warehouse Rebecca Rebecca oh it's me you're still in your costume too let's get you out of here I need a key they locked me up I can't get the cat tried to pick it with a how'd you Battle Royale come on Rebecca okay Rebecca we need to get over to the warehouse right now how about Daniel okay okay we have to take over the warehouse are you okay wait wait yes baby okay what yeah of course we're supposed to find out the gender tomorrow hold on Matt what secure here who's distracting the Candy Queen Maddie Maddie on her own let's go let's go he's not answering I don't know what's going on I don't know if he got captured or what but I need to make my way back across the warehouse and flip that scary switch all right here we go I need these I don't know okay bam there are two minions the power's back on they're gonna be able to see me how do I get across [Music] [Music] foreign no worries the tire is all patched up um we might have lost you know like a half hour or so of time but we'll be at your Warehouse really really soon damn where did scoop go I can't get him on my earpiece and he was supposed to be back here to flip the switch and now I have to find that system override where is it gonna be oh it's right here great okay do not pull I'm definitely gonna pull this wait zamfam should I trust the Halloween hacker can he be trusted should I do this because we don't have any other choice we need to take over this Warehouse all right here we go [Music] one minute countdown to what okay I need to go back out the main part of the warehouse Daniel Daniel AKA whoever I hear you what are you doing here look at that we're pulling up thank goodness hopefully everything is going just according to plan it's the perfect timing oh no man Rebecca are in trouble the minions aren't stopping okay I'm gonna call Halloween hacker for help Halloween hacker man Rebecca are here and they're in trouble and the minions aren't stopping what do I do ah yes let me just cue our mutual friend wait who are you calling the game master game master did you hit thank you I told you I could handle it the game master did thing why is the game master here he came game master how did you do that the masks were like shaking Candy Queen real safe activated we did it we did it oh my gosh wait wait wait Halloween hacker all right I held up my end of the bargain now it's your turn It's Already Done it'll take 24 hours to reset wait does that mean we cannot be inside the warehouse for the next 24 hours yes But after those 24 hours the warehouse is yours okay well like let's get out of here
Channel: Matt Slays
Views: 1,532,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: face, reveal, prisoner, hacker, take, over, warehouse, matt and rebecca, rebecca zamolo, daniel, unspeakable, carter sharer, lizzy capri, sml, preston, brianna, dobre, jelly, mrbeast, lankybox, sssniperwolf, faze rug, ssundee, tesla, trapped, escape, brent rivera, caught, kissing, teacher, cool things, learned, tik tok, spent, 24 hours, waterpark, last to leave, frozen, hot tub, wins, extreme, hiding spots, friends, fun, funny, comedy
Id: xH3P6TBZuxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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