Who Is The Holy Spirit? (This Revelation Will Change Your Life)

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who is the Holy Spirit I want to tell you all about my friend the precious Holy Spirit this revelation will change your life it will change your prayer life it will change the way you read the word it will change the way you worship it will change the way you evangelize it will change the way even you resist temptation Temptation will begin to lose its power over your life when you understand who the holy spirit is and who the holy spirit is in you what he does this Revelation and that is not hyperbole that is not hype I'm not exaggerating this revelation will transform your walk with God and I mean profoundly when you truly understand who the holy spirit is now for me this Revelation began to unfold when I began to realize that the holy spirit is not just a force or a feeling you can feel him and certainly he has power and might and force but the holy spirit is not just a force he's not just a feeling he can be known as a friend and in fact I believe that the Holy Spirit wants a friendship with you more than you want a friendship with him you've heard it said that God loves you and that's true you've heard it said that Jesus loves you and that's true also but I want you to think about the fact that the Holy Spirit loves you he loves you with the perfect love he abides with you if you're a born again believer you have the Holy Spirit Romans 88:9 makes it perfectly clear that you receive the Holy Spirit at the very moment of Salvation the holy spirit is not a reward for Holiness he's your source for Holiness you are not given the Holy Spirit based upon your performance you are given the holy spirit so that you can perform in a way that pleases God so that you can live a lifestyle of obedience and he doesn't come in measures there is no baby Holy Spirit new convert Holy Spirit or portions of the Holy Spirit when the Holy Spirit comes upon a life when the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you he dwells in fullness of power the same Holy Spirit Romans 8:11 who raised Christ from the dead dwells in you the same Holy Spirit who was in The Apostles dwells in you the same Holy Spirit who hovered above the face of the deep as the father spoke words and caused all creation to come into existence that same Holy Spirit dwells in you the same Holy Spirit who stirred the prophets of old to speak prophetic oracles the same Holy Spirit who inspired Psalms in the heart of David worshipful stanzas of worship and music and then he's also the one who inspired wisdom in Solomon he of course also dwells in you we have to remember that and again he's the same Holy Spirit not a different one not a small one not a Holy Spirit light but the true Holy Spirit the one and only the very same who walked with the disciples as they begin to carry out the gospel message and spread it all around the world that is the Holy Spirit who dwells in you and again he can be known as a friend he is personal now when I say that the holy spirit is a person usually people begin to panic and what's conjured in their mind is this idea that I'm saying that the holy spirit is a human being the holy spirit is not a human being the holy spirit is a person I mean that he is personal and I'm going to go over with scripture what that means exactly but this is important to know right up at the top because many of us imagine the Holy Spirit as the emotion that we feel when we walk into a church service where God is moving or perhaps he's a Mist that's floating in the air and just kind of stirring about the atmosphere but no the holy spirit is a person personal being he is the indwelling presence of God he is God dwelling within you he is the Seal of your salvation he is the one who teaches you the word as you read who inspires you to pray prayers that align with his like as we see in Romans chapter 8: 26 he is the one who causes you to evangelize with boldness just ask Peter who denied Jesus three times yet when the Holy Spirit came upon him he speaks a word and 3,000 are added to the church the Holy Spirit works with you day in and day out Moment by moment he does not leave you when you make a mistake he's not impatient he Faithfully abides with you helping you to draw closer to Jesus because that's what he does he points to Jesus he glorifies Jesus he magnifies Jesus he highlights Jesus that which is spirit-led will always be Jesus centered so I could go on and on talking about some of the works of the Holy Spirit what he does does and maybe I'll cover a little bit more of that in a moment but let's just establish this thought let's get this in our Spirits the holy spirit is a person this is important because if you think the holy spirit is an it you'll want to use it but when you know that the holy spirit is a person you'll say holy spirit use me in fact write that in the comment section if that's what you want just write use me Holy Spirit Surrender Your Life or you can write I Surrender Holy Spirit but whatever you do make a public Declaration of a statement that is of surrender I Surrender use my life spend Me For Your Glory holy spirit let him use you yield to him but we have to understand again that he is a personal being now this transformed my life as I said when I found out that he could be known as a person because in my religious thinking I had thought that he was just a a force I didn't realize that there was this indwelling presence of God in my life and that I could commune with him I could talk to him he could talk to me and that he would actually help guide me and work with me in all of the different responsibilities that I had as a born again believer as a child of God we're given responsibilities as a child of God you're given certain tasks and certain spiritual disciplines that you have to implement and the Holy Spirit works with you in all of those and so he's the one that helps you carry out the Christian Life maybe maybe you've been exhausted because of your walk with god well if you're exhausted because of your walk with God you're giving from the wrong Source you're giving from self instead of from the Holy Spirit now when it comes to working with the Holy Spirit or surrendering with the Holy Spirit or as Galatians 5 talks about walking with the Holy Spirit or letting him work in your lives I call that flowing with the Holy Spirit by that I just simply mean obeying him walking with him listening for his voice doing what the word says when it comes to that you have to remember that it's not a formula it's a flow it's a relationship it's something that you learn that's taught by the holy spirit in the realm of the spirit and these are the deeper things of God when I first learned this it absolutely revolutionized my walk with God because before then I had always envisioned that God was this distant figure off a million miles away and I thought that prayer was my audition for God's attention and that's how many Believers treat prayer isn't it maybe that's how you view it it's your audition for God's attention that prayer is you trying to negotiate time with God trying to beg God to give you his attention to even look in your direction and many Believers imagine that God is just kind of slightly irritated with us and putting up with us us and just reluctant to even spend any time with us but that's not it at all he dwells within us by the Holy Spirit and once you recognize that I don't have to beg for God's presence I don't have to plead I don't have to cry and and jump up and down and scream out loud and it's okay if that's how you worship that's fine if you're truly inspired to do those things but you don't have to do any of that to receive the Holy Spirit the holy spirit is God's gift to you he's the promise of the father who came to dwell in you the very moment you were born again and now you have the Holy Spirit and now he walks with you and when I learned that it was a game changer it changed everything he changed the way I talked he changed the way I thought he helped me to be confident in who I am in him he did away with my insecurities he helped me work through my Temptations and I really began to notice that change that was the change if you see anything different about this ministry if you sense anything different on the content Maybe as you're listening to this you sense the presence of the Holy Spirit I'm telling you there's not something special about me there's someone special around me he's the Holy Spirit that's the Difference Maker that is the difference the Holy Spirit and once I began to truly surrender to him once I began to know him and commune with him and fellowship with Him and acknowledge that's a big one acknowledge that he's there with me at all times then I began to see boldness Holiness Joy overflowing peace that's stable even in chaotic situations love he helps me to love Romans 5:5 says the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit In other words he's the one that causes us to love God and to love others and so this really is a revolutionary once you realize that you're not begging to be connected with God but the scripture declares he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him that said it's done you are already one with him and out of that Oneness comes comes prayer out of that Oneness comes Ministry out of that Oneness comes the fruit of the spirit out of that Oneness comes boldness for evangelism and the power and the grace to resist temptation that's where it comes from and it changes everything it begins to affect not even just your soul that is your mind your will your emotions so what you desire begins to change what you think begins to change what you feel begins to change but he also affects your physical being where Cravings that are ungodly begin to die they become weak it can even get to the point where people can sense the glory of the presence of God around your physical being now this isn't necessarily 24/7 for every believer but you may catch glimpses of that every now and then moments where the glory of God even begins to tangibly physically affect your body and people can sense the presence of the Holy Spirit around you that's the difference that's made when you walk into a room because of the Holy Spirit who dwells with you you bring peace with you you bring joy with you and if you don't bring those things you have to ask yourself am I truly surrendered to the holy spirit because John 7:38 declares that out of your innermost being will flow rivers of Living Water and that's a beautiful thing when that begins to manifest and that begins to reveal itself because now when they look at you they no longer see you they see Jesus okay I'm I'm getting a bit ahead of my ahead of myself here let me let me focus in I get very very excited when I talk about the person of the Holy Spirit okay so notice first here John 15:26 he's referred to as a who but I will send you the advocate the spirit of Truth he will come to you from the father and will test about testify all about me so there it refers to him with personhood he doesn't say it will come to you it says he will come to you he's referred to as a who John 1613 and 14 but when he the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all Truth for he will not speak of his own initiative but whatever he hears he will speak and he will disclose to you what is to come he will glorify me for he will take of mine and will disclose it to you well there we see of course that he's a person he's referred to as a he and that as I mentioned a moment ago he glorifies Jesus he magnifies Jesus next we see in Acts 8:29 so we we see there that he's referred to Who as a who with personhood then we see that he speaks so he has a voice acts 8:29 even something as practical as this the holy spirit said to Phillip go over and walk along beside the carriage now here we see a very specific instruction being given to philli this was not scripture per se that is not the Old Testament prophets or the Old Testament records uh nor was this an epistle nor was this an instruction from an apostle ostle this was the Holy Spirit spoken directly to his heart Spirit to Spirit that communication now you've often heard it said that because the word of God is sufficient that the Holy Spirit doesn't need to say anything well this just isn't true in fact it's because the word of God is sufficient that we can hear the holy spirit in the first place why because the word of God is the foundation upon which the holy spirit will move the word of God the truths of scripture are the building block with which the Holy Spirit creates the image of Christ in you now when it comes to the word the word is not a barrier to the Holy Spirit the word is not in conflict with the Holy Spirit the word is that foundation so the scripture is sufficient in that it did its job to connect you to an active living breathing relationship with God through his holy spirit so it's those who think that the Holy Spirit does not speak directly to us anymore that have an issue with the sufficiency of scripture I believe it's sufficient and therefore I believe it's done its job to actually connect me with God and not just tell me about him additionally some will say well if it's in the word the Holy Spirit doesn't need to say it if it's not in the word the Holy Spirit wouldn't say it now that type of thinking is a false dichotomy and it fails to take into account those Specific Instructions that we need for everyday life how do you know where you should live what job you should have who you should marry who your business partner should be what church you should attend what school you should attend where you should have your major all of these decisions some of those are large decisions and then sometimes the Holy Spirit could even speak to us about very specific decisions that we make I for example have a testimony where I came to a stop at an intersection it was Al it was a four-way stop sign intersection and and the Holy Spirit urgently spoke to me wait so I just waited and moments later a car came through headlights not on this was in the nighttime and that car went right through the intersection without stopping at the stop sign now I don't know if I would have been you know taken from this Earth necessarily but I definitely avoided something I didn't want to be involved in and that was thanks to the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking specifically directly to me so yes the Holy Spirit primarily speaks to the word yes the word creates the foundation of our understanding with God and our relationship with him but the word of God also helps us to connect with the Holy Spirit to know his voice to learn his voice and therefore the Holy Spirit still speaks today about those specific instructions for everyday life so he has a voice and that's wonderful to have that when you think about that think about the fact that everywhere you go the Holy Spirit goes with you so imagine this the the one who can see the future the one who's aware of everything all the time the one who can see behind the intents and the motives of the people around you the one who can hear what they say when you're not around he speaks to you what an advantage in life what a privilege that truly is the greatest advantage in this life knowing the voice of the holy spirit because when he speaks he can cause you to be at the right place at the right time under the correct circumstances with the right people when they're in the right mood and he can cause all sorts of doors to open and he can even close doors that he doesn't want you to walk through I can't tell you how many times I've had to say to the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit I need your instruction I need your help if this is not of you I need you to slam this door in my face and he has and I'm Spirit I'm speaking of spiritual doors okay unless some someone misquote me there so he speaks so he is a person and again don't be offended by that I'm not saying he's a a human being I'm saying he's personal so he's a person he is one with a voice he has a will 1 Corinthians 12:1 says but all these worketh that one in the selfsame spirit dividing to every man severly as he will this is speaking of the spiritual gifts the holy spirit gives those out as Wills so the Holy Spirit has a will the Holy Spirit has feelings many Believers totally overlooked this fact Ephesians 4:30 and grieve not the holy spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption now there's a lot to unpack here but first let me mention that when I first began Ministry I was afraid of the criticisms of people let me just tell you honestly I was their words affected me deeply today not so much when people say things I'm able to even laugh some of the things off and just go it is what it is that just comes with uh being in Ministry and it doesn't hurt the way they think it hurts it's actually going to ultimately help me so I just leave it be let it be in God's hands my policy is typically just stay silent don't respond and let God handle it unless of course the Lord leads you to respond then you respond so I'm not really afraid of man anymore and I used to when I first began to practice Deliverance Ministry be afraid of demons you know many Believers treat demons like their pathogens they imagine that if you shake hands with someone who is demonized that their demons are going to come on you like a virus and that you're going to you're going to get them all over you and that's how we respond get these demons off of me I I shook hands with the demoniac my friend if that's the way you think you don't understand the power of the holy spirit because if you shake hands with the demoniac you didn't know they were a demoniac you shook their hand that spirit is not jumping onto you that demonic spirit is going to jump off of them because greater is he who's in me than he that is in the world so the holy spirit in you actually would force that demonic power out this of course is why we know that Christians cannot be indwelt with by demons we know they can be attacked oppressed demons can come against them but the demons cannot influence from within because there's a stronger man in there and that's the person of the holy spirit so I'm not afraid of the criticisms of man I'm not afraid of people I don't fear man and I don't fear demons I do fear grieving the Holy Spirit and many Believers if they were to Simply change their fear from punishment to grieving him they would break the power of legalism because love not law is the great motivator of holiness this is for someone listening I know that right now love not law is the great motivator of Holiness the law produces Pride if you think you're doing a perfect job or it produces despair if you think it cannot be done but love of God love of the Holy Spirit love of Jesus to live from that love and to say I don't want to hurt them I don't want to grieve them I don't want to remove from myself the sense of their presence not their presence the sense of their presence I don't want to grieve the Holy Spirit that's how Believers live and grieve not the holy spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption so the holy spirit with his power might and strength seals you unto the day of redemption so he has you secure now many Christians imagine that when they make a mistake the Holy Spirit abandons them but the but the scripture doesn't say the Holy Spirit leaves it says he Grieves when you make a mistake the Seal of your salvation the Holy Spirit doesn't leave he Grieves but he Grieves within you and this by the way is why those who are compromising Christians are probably the most miserable group of people on Earth compromising Christians are the most miserable group of people on Earth why because they cannot they cannot live in the torment of the greed Spirit within them the holy spirit is broken over our Disobedience he's broken over our sin I don't mean that in the literal sense I mean that in that he Grieves he's hurt his heart breaks for us and so we can we can feel that you know when you make a mistake as a Believer you know when you were in the world you made a mistake or you sinned it was was it was nothing to you you do that now as a Believer oh you can sense this heaviness you can sense the hand of the Lord weighing heavily upon you his hand of Correction and that is The Grieving of the Holy Spirit within you so when you make a mistake he doesn't leave he Grieves some might say well David are you telling us that we can just go on sinning and some would even say be careful David now they're going to think they can go on sinning well no because a true Christian wouldn't do that a true Christian wouldn't desire that a true Christian has a desire to live holy and in fact they sense that Godly sorrow whenever they do make that mistake so we see that he's a person he speaks he has a will he has feelings we can fellowship with him 2 Corinthians 13:14 May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ the love of God and The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all you can also see Philippians chapter 2: 1 and 2 now that verse right there 2 Corinthians 13:14 that verse is where really I began to get this Revelation something in me was stirred unto that truth and I knew that there was something very deep there there was something waiting for me and many Believers once they learn that he's a person that transforms everything he has feelings therefore it's possible that he can be hurt he has a will therefore it's possible that he can be resisted he has a voice and therefore it's possible that he can be ignored he desires fellowship and therefore it's possible he can be rejected he is a person and therefore it's possible that he can be disrespected let that not be said of Our Lives let our lives say welcome Holy Spirit write that in the comments now welcome Holy Spirit if you're not ashamed of his work in you and you love his presence on your life write that in the comment section welcome Holy Spirit so a little bit of a tangent here why then do we refer to him as the Holy Spirit now for the sake of communication and even in social media contexts I'll refer to the Holy Spirit as Holy Spirit but holy spirit is not his name the holy spirit is a title for his personhood um but in fact you look at Matthew 28: 19 you see the scripture where it says therefore go and make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit so for example the teacher the police officer the doctor the pilot the word the doesn't take away the personhood so that's just kind of straining at Nats there to to make a fuss about that but you can call him the Holy Spirit that's proper some people refer to him as Holy Spirit or like in the direct address Holy Spirit um we receive you that would make more sense um but you know either way as long as you're referring to him with reverence well the holy spirit is the correct term when talking about him again just just have reverence for him and recognize it's not a name it's a title so recognize here not only is the holy spirit a person who speaks who has a will who has feelings who can fellowship with us and that's a day-by-day thing but the holy spirit is distinct from the father and the son 2 Corinthians 13 14 we read it the grace of the Lord Jesus the love of God Fellowship of the Holy Spirit we also just read Matthew 28:19 when I was talking about the word the the Father the Son the Holy Spirit Matthew 3:16 after his baptism as Jesus came up out of the water the heavens were opened and he saw the spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on him so here we see that the holy spirit is distinct he is a distinct person not a ro role not a job title so for example like when when you refer to David Hernandez me there's the husband there's the father there's the Evangelist that is not the same thing as when we talk about the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit these aren't just different titles or different job descriptions these are different persons who are being described here in scripture the Father the Son the Holy Spirit are three distinct persons so think about this no one no True Believer denies that the father is divine no True Believer denies that the son is divine yet when I say that the holy spirit is God many Believers cringe in discomfort and this again again comes from sort of those religious Frameworks that begin to build around our minds even the Frameworks that keep us from addressing the Holy Spirit can I talk to the Holy Spirit of course you can the scripture says Fellowship of the Holy Spirit how are you supposed to fellowship with someone you can't can't even address we're kind of taught like the Father the Son but don't don't don't don't talk too much about the Holy Spirit as if that's somehow Blasphemous how when he is God how if the holy spirit is God yes maybe each person distinct persons has different things that they do or different expressions of work but still they are equally Divine so look how the holy spirit is referred to as the Lord here in 2 Corinthians 3:17 now the Lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty let me stop here just a moment to kind of touch on something that might be in your mind I I'll I'll I'll I'll touch on it just a little bit here the Father the Son the Holy Spirit three persons one God they are three distinct persons one God that is the mystery of the Trinity there are many different explanations for that in terms of or attempted explanations I should say for that but that's just the mystery I I like I won't go into it but there might be a good explanation for how exactly that can be maybe in understanding the different dimensions like jumping from second to Third Dimension might help us to understand how um the Trinity can make logical sense but that's neither here nor there I'm going way off on a tangent there but I will say this the Father the Son the Holy Spirit each distinct from one another yet when I start talking about the Holy Spirit and I start talking about the Son and the father as three distinct persons people get offended and say but he's one God and they're right and when I talk about the fact that the holy spirit is in the book of Acts called I think it's Acts chapter 16 he's called the spirit of Jesus people get offended and say no there's three different persons so when you talk about the distinctions between the three persons some people get upset and saying you're not talking about their Oneness when you talk about their Oneness some people get upset and say you're not talking about the fact that they're three distinct persons well it's both and they are three persons and one God and that by the way is why there's a lot of debate around the subject it's both and not either or and talking about either one of those aspects doesn't mean that you're completely ignoring the other let's continue here look at here in is this is fascinating here Isaiah 6: 8 and 9 watch this and this is of course Isaiah the prophets encounter with the Lord he's being given a message for the nation of Israel and this is what happens also I heard the voice of the Lord saying whom shall I send and who will go for us and of course the iconic response here am I send me and he said go and tell this people hear ye indeed but understand not and see indeed but perceive not so look at the phrasing there here the scripture is saying or Isaiah is recording that it was the Lord who was saying who the Lord God Almighty now watch this in Acts chapter 28 I'm going to read verses 25 and 26 this is powerful and after they had argued back and forth among themselves they left with this final word from Paul the Holy Spirit was right when he said to your ancestors through Isaiah the prophet go and say to this people when you hear what I say you will not understand when you see what I do you will not comprehend so here in Isaiah chapter 6 it's recorded as the Lord saying and then in Acts chapter 28 we see of course that that what's being described is the holy spirit speaking so there again we see distinct from one another yet one and the same so it was the Holy Spirit speaking to Isaiah the prophet the holy spirit is called the spirit of God Genesis 1: : 1 and 2 in 1 Corinthians 2: 11- or 10-1 excuse me 1 Corinthians CH 2: 10-12 we see that the holy spirit is omniscient but it was to us that God revealed these things by his spirit for his Spirit Guys these are the deeper things of God right here I love this for his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God's deep secrets that's what the Holy Spirit does no one can know a person's thoughts except that person's own spirit and no one can know God's thoughts except God's Own spirit and we have received God's spirit not the world spirit so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us so the Holy Spirit knows what the Father Knows therefore he's omniscient so God knows all things the Holy Spirit know or the father knows all things the Holy Spirit knows what the Father Knows therefore the holy spirit is omniscient otherwise he couldn't know all the father knows the holy spirit is omn om nipotent that is he's he's all powerful Luke 1:35 the angel replied the holy spirit will come upon you and the power of the most high will overshadow you so the baby to be born will be holy and he will be called The Son of God notice here that the holy spirit's presence coincides with the power of the most high in other words the holy spirit's power is the power of the most high that's God's power so he's omnipotent and then he's omnipresent this is he's everywhere at all times Psalm 139:7 says I can never escape from your spirit I can never get away from your presence so this is interesting we see that the holy spirit is called the spirit of God he's called the Lord he's he's he's omniscient he's omnipotent he's omnipresent the holy spirit is God so the truth that each are distinct from one another yet equally Divine and one God is the basis of the Trinity now Galatians 5: 22- 23 they tell us of the holy spirit's nature the this is the fruit of the Holy Spirit now many Believers wonder how how do I get the fruit how do I get the fruit in my life and if you think that way you're going to be very frustrated lift your hands and just say holy spirit help me understand this ask him say help me receive this Revelation because this right here will simplify your walk with God you know many of us we come to the Lord right we have our our list we get a a pen maybe and we check things off we say things like let's just go down the list I need to be better at resisting temptation you put that on the list and there's so many things to to track aren't they I I need to pray more often I mean me put that down I need to read the word more put that down I should attend church more often I should be more patient I need to work on the anger issue I need to be more diligent I need to be less confused more purposeful and right we start writing these things down especially as we read the word especially as we hear the word especially as we we we fellowship with other believers who can help point out these things in our lives that need to be corrected and formed we can become overwhelmed so many things about us that are not like Jesus so many things that need to be pulled into alignment so many disciplines that maybe we're not doing the best at and it be becomes frustrating it becomes overwhelming and it might even push you to this place where you throw up your hands and you say why do I even try my friend this is where the holy SP Spirit comes in now please hear what I'm saying clearly I am not saying that you don't need to be disciplined I am not saying that you don't need accountability I am not saying that you don't need to exercise your free will to try to change in certain areas absolutely do what you can what I am saying is that the majority of the work is done the sanctifying work is done by the Holy Spirit as you behold Jesus as you spend time in prayer as you Fellowship in other words there's no moment spent with the Holy Spirit that's wasted there's no moment spent acknowledging the presence of the holy spirit that won't transform you at least in some very subtle way spending hours with the Holy Spirit worshiping praying pouring over the scripture I may not be able to feel all the ways he's changing me and transforming me but he is doing a work Galatians 5:22 and 23 watch the phrasing here but the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in Our Lives who produces it but the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in Our Lives who produces it it's the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control love that's selflessness Joy that's that's that happiness that comes with gratitude and Thanksgiving for the presence of God in your life peace peace with God peace with others peace internally patience the ability to endure not just wait but wait with a good attitude kindness that's how you treat others goodness that's moral excellence and uprightness faithfulness gentleness how it could we could take we could spend all day breaking these down and self-control self-control is another big one but there's no law against these things and so the Holy Spirit works these in our lives and and he he begins to produce that character that nature how can he produce this if he's not like this so the holy spirit is loving the holy spirit is joyful you might see the Holy Spirit as some very serious stoic Force no the holy spirit is joyful the holy spirit is perfectly at peace the holy spirit is patient God tells you to be patient with others you don't think the holy spirit's going to be patient with you the holy spirit is kind the holy spirit is good the holy spirit is faithful he's reliable he's consistent the holy spirit is gentle that that really is more meekness humility the holy spirit is perfectly in control and then he allows you to have these fruits manifested in your life but but you're not there's nothing you can do necessarily again willpower exercise it discipline implement it accountability have that but ultimately when it comes down to it the holy spirit is producing the fruit in your life so you abide in presence you spend time with him you pray you worship Jesus you read the word you fellowship with the Holy Spirit acknowledge his presence every day and you watch the transformation that begins to transpire in you he helps you to pray Zechariah 12:10 he teaches you John 14:26 he's your power unto Holiness Galatians 5:116 you follow after his ways you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh he helps us to worship John 4:24 he convin es us that we belong to God Romans 8:15 he performs The Miraculous through US Galatians 3:5 he gives us Faith 2 Corinthians 4:13 and he gives us boldness just ask ask Peter again as I mentioned Acts chapter 2 and now I pray you have an encounter in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit I pray that you would have an encounter in his presence and power right now if you're ready lift your hands receive don't be distracted by the other things that are available online right now I understand and when it comes to the end of a teaching that the flesh is tempted to find now distraction or entertainment the flesh remember always immediately wants what's next what's New but I want you to begin to allow the Holy Spirit to take the word that was just spoken to inspire faith in your heart I I feel like and I'm not just saying this lightly I really sense that many of you are coming into a newness a freshness because there's going to be liveliness Vitality that's added to your spiritual walk now that you have this revelation of who the holy spirit is in you with you around you and for you let him begin to do his work now father I pray that you would cause the presence of the precious Holy Spirit to be sensed around that one receiving this prayer now let them begin to fill you in the room with them Lord them sense you near to them now precious Holy Spirit I pray show us Jesus like never before help us to love Jesus to know Jesus to obey Jesus to share Jesus we give you the honor and the praise I want you to say this out loud now even if people are around you and they think you're crazy let them think it say this out loud say welcome Holy Spirit yes he abides in you but I'm talking about surrendering to his work say welcome holy spirit thank you Lord your power begin to flow now I pray touch their lives in a fresh [Music] way change the atmosphere around them let it become a Heavenly atmosphere and holy spirit I pray that you would help us to be attentive to your voice aware of your [Music] presence wait just a moment don't rush this don't rush this receive receive thank you Lord addiction's being broken right now I give you the Praise Jesus Deliverance is taking place chains are being broken healing virtue is Flowing we give you the glory and the honor Jesus thank you touch each life and heart I pray we honor you Jesus name say it because you believe it say Amen if you enjoyed that and you were impacted by the message please consider leaving a like on this video that helps to spread the teaching even further so that others can see it and also let's stay connected subscribe to my channel so that I can continue to give give you teachings on the Holy Spirit prayer and spiritual warfare and also show you footage you know I travel a lot we go to different states we go sometimes different countries and when we travel we live stream or we edit and upload the footage from the various different events that we do around the world you got to see some of the stuff that's taking place people being healed delivered saved people having Encounters in the presence of the holy spirit in fact many people while watching these encounters that others are having with the Holy Spirit are themselves are receiving uh healing and deliverance and touches of the holy spirit's power so let's stay connected subscribe to my channel and I want to show you all this I think you're going to really be blessed by it and my prayer is you're drawn closer to Jesus do uh click the notification Bell when you subscribe so that you can get those notifications now I want to talk to you just for a moment about an opportunity that we have to impact the nations of the world I know you want to help the kingdom of God expand I know you want your life to count toward eternity and so I want to challenge you to hear this challenge first of all I know again it's tempting when when the streams or the videos are coming to a Clos to kind of start clicking around at various other things but just give me a couple minutes to hear uh the challenge that I'm putting out there you've been blessed by the ministry you've received teachings or you've perhaps attended one of our events from around the world maybe you've read one of our books in whatever way your life has been impacted by this ministry I believe the Lord's done a work in you and I received messages all the time from people saying you know since we started receiving these teachings it's revolutionized our lives and people tell me they feel closer to the Holy Spirit or they're walking in their callings now and that's so encouraging because that's why this is done we want to see lives impacted so I need your help the ministry is growing the the the the media arm of this ministry is growing in fact the events are growing you've seen thousands of people thousands that's not an exaggeration of numbers thousands of people are attending these events that we're hosting around the world and we need your support because we don't charge for these services but the venues that we're getting are getting larger and larger we're going to be in California at the time that this is being live streamed we're going to be in California upcoming we have an arena that we've rented that arena is very expensive but it's the only thing that we have that can hold all the people so we need support we need people to come alongside us now and say okay this is that time we've been praying for the growth we've been impacted by the ministry we want to see the world transformed it's a win-win win all across the board we just need you to jump on board with it so will you do your part today will you join with the thousands thousands of people around the world who support this ministry so that we can continue to see this ministry expand the favor of God's on this ministry I'm just a steward it's his ministry the favor of God's on this ministry I'm just a servant I'm just a steward it's his ministry um but but get involved with it let let's see this expand let's see the kingdom expand will you consider today right now going to David Hernandez ministries.com partner sign up for a $25 a month Partnership if you can't do that do what you can if you can do more great but consider doing that right now if you have to cancel some streaming services cancel something else that maybe you don't necessarily need anymore let's make sacrifices to get this happening so that we can see Souls saved and lives impacted you can also give a single gift by going to David Hernandez ministries.com donate that single gift large or small is going to be very very helpful but we need everybody to do their part don't say somebody else don't say oh another person watching this will do it or I just clicked on this to see what was going on I believe the Lord brought you here don't say some somebody else don't say some other time it's you and it's for right now so again David hernandes ministries.com partner to become a monthly supporter and David hernandes ministries.com donate to give a single gift thank you so much for your support God bless you for your giving I appreciate it I appreciate you thanks for standing with me and taking the gospel all around the world I love you I appreciate you until next time remember nothing is impossible with God
Channel: David Diga Hernandez
Views: 674,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Who Is The Holy Spirit? (Only Few People Truly Know This), who is the holy spirit benny hinn, who is the holy spirit, who is the holy spirit and what does he do, who is the holy ghost, who is the holy spirit john bevere, who is the holy spirit vlad savchuk, who is the holy spirit david diga hernandez, who is the holy spirit david hernandez, holy spirit, the holy spirit, david diga hernandez, david diga hernandez holy spirit, sermons on the holy spirit, holy spirit sermons
Id: efLkjMzgw0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 17sec (2837 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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