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happy pentecost listen i was so looking forward to being with you today for this uh celebration you know historically the day of pentecost uh the feast of chavoit in uh hebrew is the word uh that means harvest it deals with the harvest that they are they were celebrating about 50 days like elder said after passover but what's powerful about it is on the first pentecost it ever was and of course they didn't call it pentecost in the hebrew because pentecost is actually a greek word the word means 50 marked in 50 days afterwards but on the first day of pentecost moses comes down from the mountain with the law in his hand and he sees a golden calf they were worshiping and and their question was where is this moses he just disappeared on us and so they are confronted aaron and aaron makes this calf and they begin to worship he comes down the mountain on the first day of pentecost the bible says he asks the question who is on the lord's side and the tribe of levi responded he says well come over here and fall upon your brethren and on that day 3 000 people were killed on the first day of pentecost when the law was given the birth of a nation that was the birth of the nation of israel technically three thousand were killed but on the day of pentecost the bible says after jesus rose from the dead you know that you know the story we're going to read some of it today but on that day what was significant is that 3 000 people were born again and it isn't a clear distinction between the law and grace the old covenant and the new covenant so i want to talk to you today i want to do a teaching and pentecostal is a time for celebration it's the time of thanksgiving the bible says that that's what the jews did they eat things made of milk and cheese to celebrate the law but what we must understand is that god set this aside for the purpose of the church being born and for us to understand the purpose and power of the holy spirit our worship i can't continue to uh teach today or go into the teaching when i talk about our worship the worship in this house makes me not want to preach every time you get into your worship flow i just want to go somewhere and lay down so some sundays i'm going to warn you right now and lady k and i will be so in the corner laying out before god and then if you look for me and i'm not there if i'm on the floor leave me alone what did i if i'm on the floor do what leave me alone just let me be because something happens in the worship pastor bonita god bless you i love you i honor you and your team i believe god is doing tremendous things you may be seated in the presence of the lord i want to i'm going to take my time i don't know that i'll get finished today i decided to wear a suit today someone asked me to say this they said what dictates what you wear i said how i feel and my wife so you know before i go into the lesson why don't you give a load a hand for my beautiful wife lady k [Applause] i want to you know um this this this lesson is powerful in acts chapter 1 verse 1 i want to read something because there's some things that we take for granted that i want to make clear mother bitty god bless you it's so good to always see you all the elders i want to do this you know normally when we when we preach pentecost we want to stir things up because our first interaction with the holy spirit is with chaos when i first came to church i wasn't raised in church when i first came to church i never forget it was in a city called burbling germany and i walked into this pentecostal church when the service started when the b3 kicked up and the drums joined it was pandemonium and i sat there trying to figure out i'm a thinker i'm trying to figure out what in the world is going on everyone was just going crazy i was trying to find god in the midst of the chaos and what got me the most was uh i didn't know what was going on but i knew it was real and i knew that whatever it was that was happening to these people had not happened to me yet i was born again but what they had i didn't have there's something different about the holy spirit being on your life but i think the church for the most part has reduced the holy spirit to baptist fits and pentecostal praise breaks and because of that the holy spirit is limited when it comes to living daily life and so we can enjoy the lord in church and you say well they're hypocrites because they're one way in church and one way out there they're not hypocrites but they are a part partially informed and so you know how to engage the lord you're not to sense him and respond to him in the church house but when you go home you can't respond in the same way because you don't have the same information you don't know god in a civilian setting you don't know him in this militarized zone you know god when it's time to worship when it's time to pray but you don't know god when it's time to make decisions time to think things through the way the holy spirit works is he will not come out if you don't stay in i want to say it again the way the holy spirit operates he will not come out unless you stay in one of you will take the lead one of you will show out if you show out he'll just sit down the way the holy spirit now i'm going to say a lot of things i don't know that i will ever finish this message i think we'll spend the rest of our time together in the earth unpacking the holy spirit because he's that deep but i want to reintroduce you today to the spirit of god in acts chapter 1 jesus is now preparing the disciples to engage life without him and the bible reads in uh theophilus is i'm sorry luke is writing to this most excellent theophilus historians have a difficulty or varying opinions about who he really was but we know he probably was a military officer or a government official and he said to him i told you in my first book theophilus about everything jesus began to do and teach until the day he was taken up to heaven after giving his chosen apostles further instructions listen to this through the holy spirit and i want you to pay attention to every time i talk about the holy spirit during the first 40 days verse 3 says after his crucifixion he appeared to the apostles from time to time and he proved to them in many ways that he was actually alive because you know when you when you see a person killed dramatically when they if they come back to you even if they have wounds as proof your mind plays game games on you and there is a real devil that will confuse you into thinking that maybe this is some kind of gimmick or game there were back in those days on thoughts of this thing called geist the german word is geist um we got an english word guests from them they translate to the word ghost so because when they saw jesus walking on the water they say he's a ghost really the word mean guest when you say what you say holy ghost you're saying holy guests and so they were thinking that that ghosts were real and maybe they were encountering some aberration some ghosts and so from time to time he would show up and say whenever they would doubt he would still show up and say listen it's me it's real god's plan has worked it's coming to pass in verse four matter of fact the bible says he talked to them in verse three uh about the kingdom of god and verse four says once when he was eating with them he commanded them listen to this do not leave jerusalem until the father sends you the gift he promised the gift he promised jesus reduced the promise of god to one singular gift one gift everybody said it out loud say one gift you have one gift from god that makes every other gift possible without that gift without that gift you what you are you're simply a glorified spectator watching the church do what the church does but you cannot be a member of what god is doing or a part of what god is doing if you don't receive that one gift that's what he said do not leave jerusalem until the father sends you the gift he promised as i told you before john baptized you with water but in a few days he says to them you will be baptized with the holy spirit now i want to point something out in verse 6 the bible says that so when the apostles were with jesus they kept on asking him lord has the time come for you to free israel and restore the kingdom notice this they never inquired about the holy spirit he mentioned to them he says listen don't read jerusalem because the fathers will give you the gift he promised they never said what do you what's the gift what are you talking about they never inquired as to what he meant they never went into depth they kept asking about the kingdom being restored and it's the time it's at this time when rome would leave us alone and we'll be in power and you pushing they're just thinking about themselves they weren't thinking about this promise the bible says he replied to them when they asked that question the father alone has the authority to set these dates and times and they're not for you to know but he turns the topic right back but you'll receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you notice what jesus does he redirects the attention to the holy spirit whatever they ask him he points to the holy spirit what if i told you today that many questions that you asked the father he's giving you the answer by pointing you to the holy spirit what if i told you that a lot of things you think are major issues what about what about my marriage what about my children what about my job what about my future what about my vision what about my purpose what about my destiny and the lord points you to the holy spirit and he says to you all you really need is what comes on you he says you will receive power dunamis miracle working power watches shape-shifting power he says i'll give you the kind of power that when you walk into an environment things will change before you do anything the holy spirit that i god says i'm gonna give you the holy spirit if you understood the gift that was giving you you'll understand that that is the gift that keeps on giving watch this now he says he says to them he says um you're going to receive power when the holy ghost comes upon you and he says and you will become now what we said what we we talked about is we will go witnessing that sacred god has to die you don't go witnessing he says you you are witness whether you know it or not whether you want to be or not when the spirit of god comes upon you you become a witness in other words watch this now when people see you there's something the holy spirit um deposits his residue on you from within something happens to you and you could walk into a room and people could see you and go i don't know what it is about you but something is different i was talking to or i heard a preacher a story rather a preacher who um he got frustrated he had fallen and he could not get back into ministry people kept pointing to his sin and so he went to a bar and he was trying to drown his sorrows and while he was there of the bartender that was serving him went off shift another one came on and this new bartender came he said he says why are you here and the the preacher's like oh just give me another drink he said i can't serve you he said number one you're already drunk and number two there's something different about you're not supposed to be here you say you're out of place and people around was saying we were thinking the same thing he said who are you who are you and he tells his story he said no you need to go call they call him a cab that got him out of there why although he was falling although he was drunken there's something about him that stood out because the holy spirit watches that once you receive the holy spirit it literally he literally makes you a different person the bible says now after after saying this he told him and you will be witnesses um telling people about me everywhere in jerusalem through the drought the deer samaria you know the story verse 90 says after saying this is saying this the bible says he was taken up into a cloud while they were watching and they could no longer see him and the strength as they strained to see him the bible says uh two men dressed in white suddenly came among them and asked them he men of galilee why stand ye staring into heaven this same jesus would come again as you see him go into glory then the apostles went to jerusalem from the mount of olives which was actually just a half mile watch this 11 of them stayed in the upstairs room with 109 other people praying and discussing the kingdom for 10 days pastor how do you know it was 10 days he was with them for 40 days he sends them back to jerusalem from the mouth of olive 10 days in a room now these rooms are big 120 of them 11 apostles heartbroken 109 other people who were just believers if when you read the story he literally sent 500 people there there were 500 people there when he gave the commission only 120 went i'm going to tell you this this is true many are called but few are chosen the ones that are chosen are the ones who respond i'mma say it again many are called few are chosen the ones that are chosen are the ones who respond is god calling you to something that you've yet to respond to because you feel least qualified what qualifies you really is your response the holy spirit in a time that we're living he's looking for people to give select anointings to he's looking for people to raise up to empower them to do certain things you say well pastor you know it's like the person who says well i i won't go to college for for all for math because i don't know math you don't go to college for because you know something you go to college to learn something the holy spirit does not choose you because what you know he chooses because you're available and when you're available he empowers you to do whatever god needs you to do my problem with the church of the holy spirit is that we enjoy him in church and we ignore him when we're not in church [Applause] apostle stephen said pentecost at any cost something moves him about about this thing about pentecost let me let me tell you what i've learned about people people are going to be people and there's not a person here who's not struggling with some some faith some facet of of the dna gifting the function and dysfunction you got from your parents that came through family lineage but the holy spirit watch us now the holy spirit uh is introduced to us by jesus as in many different forms when you read the bible the bible says he could he could manifest as a windstorm but at the same time he manifests his breath he can manifest his fire in a fiery way his personality is that of a dove he's gentle he can drive jesus into the wilderness but he wants to lead you jesus said he jesus said he's like water in other words if you're square and you pour water in the water will be square if you're around you put a water in the water he will be in you who watches what you allow him to be the room you give him the capacity he's going to be there and i want to show you something in the hebrew the word rock spirit it's interesting when you look at our hebrew pic the pictographs it's a picture really of a passage a pathway i thought i had the wrong word so i went to look it up in a different dictionary the same thing how do we get a pathway or passageway from spirit and it's from the idea of this you may not know how the wind is blowing but once you if you put your finger you sit up it's blowing east to west it could shift and it goes north to south you really you rarely find a random win when you find a random win we call a tornado or water spout you got it even a hurricane has a pattern consider this your breath rock your breath uh functions in a pathway exhale inhale you notice that is the flow but if you trace the holy spirit you can see patterns in his action the problem is we don't study the holy spirit we're just like the disciples what we do is we say lord the holy spirit is good but what about my health or what about and he's pointing us back jesus said the father has promised you one gift why because there's something about the holy spirit that you we've overlooked for a long time and i wish i had time to just preach this look at okay now i'm receiving that i love that talk to me now let me show you something in acts chapter two the bible says that they get back there then this upper room here's what the bible says in acts chapter two and when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place we we get this to mean or we think this means one accord means that they were all in agreement that when you read this uh literally in the greek what is saying this term of one according one place means after 10 days they were all still believing that they were there for a purpose when you read it that's what it means it wasn't they agreed on everything they could not agree on everything because they oh um what's his name oh um i think matthias whatever whoever was voted in in place of judas was not voted in unanimously so there could not be full agreement about everything but what they were in agreement about was we're not leaving here until something happens because he sent us here for a reason watch this now but in but the bible says here the bible says here that and suddenly that came listen to the greek i'm going to say it from the greek and suddenly there came an echo from heaven as the might the greek word for sound is the word echo look it up it says the word echoes and i said well echoes could be something else no it's be something that has to be heard but it's our english word it means a reverberated sound or the reflection of a sound could it be that god needed them there for 10 days because there had to be a build up could it be there was an accumulation of their desire of their prayers of their longing of the wedding we can't get folk to pray an hour they were there for ten days and god kept them why why ten days because as they prayed as they murmured as they as they questioned as they sought as they as they as they mourned the loss of what did judas do peter is here with us and we don't understand that a lot was going on and the bible says after that ten days a sound came from heaven an echo came from heaven and it it came like a rushing it sounded like a windstorm that came into the room where they were so much so when you read the rest of acts 2 the city heard it see when we read the story we think that people were just standing downstairs from the upper room that's not what happened they were upstairs and they were in a building in the upstairs of this building that held 120 people and apparently it could hold 500. only 120 came when this noise was heard this echo that came rushing back to earth because what happened was the bible says there was an echo from heaven and when i teach intercessory prayer here's what i tell people open your mouth and create a sound the sound is not just for the noise here's what the sound is for you you open your mind you you vocalize your praise you vocalize your desires you vocal like whatever your petitions whatever you need your supplication you vocalize and why because heaven responds to your sound [Applause] heaven will echo the sound and the problem is as you say pastor i get different results when i come to church but i tell you why because there's a sound in church but there's none in your home there's a sound in church but it's not in your job there's watch this there's a sound there's a sound everywhere else except the place where you want god to move [Music] when you think of heaven's response always remember heaven echoes what we give to heaven why do you think he says pray don't you think god knows what we need jesus said he does but because of the way god set up the kingdom in the earth he needs us to now reach out to him vocal vocally we verbalize to him we cry out to him and he will let us wait and he will delay and what is he waiting for for a build-up so when the answer comes from heaven it comes rushing into the earth with such a force on a storm that nothing can stop it i'm looking to screen look like a baptist preacher one of the things that that moved me is that the response the bible says in the city was a mixture of confusion and disbelief there were 14 different nations represented in the city at the time and the bible says they all came rushing because of the sound that they heard and they came and they stood out there and what got them was not the the noise confused them but what really got their attention was when they got close enough they start to hear a message a singular message in 14 different languages see when you study the holy spirit you need to understand it's not just about babbling the holy spirit is responsible not just for our unknown tongues but also for other tongues and they're different there's unknown terms there's other tongues and what's this for first corinthians 13 though i speak in the tongues of men and of angels the tongue the terms of men could be languages it could be vulgarity the tongues of men could be music that took whatever terminology you speak i can speak music and some of you won't understand it i can speak to the musicians that know it and they will know when i start talk speaking about intervals and and uh and harmonies and and reharmonizations are you know where you talk about the musicians know right that's the whole language language of men but there's a language of angels first corinthians 14 when i speak in tongues i speak to god watch this now my spirit is praying but my mind is not fruitful my mind has no idea and my mind doesn't know that only the people who have the gift of tongues and interpretation can understand all this is under the auspices of the gift that god promised us and whenever god mentions the holy spirit whenever there's a focus on the holy spirit we go well you know i don't want to do that and can we do something else i want to show you why this is so critical to us in galatians chapter 3 verse 13 paul writes to the church he said christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us because it is written everyone who is hung on a tree is cursed i'm reading from the hormone christian standard bible watch this he said the purpose the purpose of this christ being christ's redeemers from the curse of the lord christ become the curse for us there's a singular purpose and we overlooked this christ redeemers from the curse of the law he became a curse for us it's written anyone that's hanging on a tree he's cursed it says the purpose was that the blessing not the blessings i used to realize the blessings and go straight to deuteronomy chapter 28. blessing the city blessed and defeated no he said the blessings he said the blessing of abraham would come upon the gentiles by christ jesus and here's it here it is so that you can receive the promised spirit through faith the entire purpose of jesus coming and going through what he went through is because watch this under the old covenant god could only lend his spirit to prophets priests kings and anyone who had special service in his kingdom satan was watching closely see god can't violate his own word so satan understood that god could not just come into the earth and do what he wanted to do because adam made sure of that when he sinned adam's treason put god in a position where god needed permission to do what he needed to do yes the earth is the lord and the fullest thereof but watch this now in the world and did that dwell it's the laws by by default but as far as authority is concerned adam gave that away jesus acknowledged that satan is the god of this world he's the god of this system he's the prince of the power of the air he governs up the air and the only way that god can get get the authority and and the movement in the earth that he needs is to get some people watch us now who can think like him and act like him think for him and act for him how does that work well that's why he gave one promise god is an intelligent spirit what god says what i have to do he got to i can't come in and do it but what i can do is get some vessels and fill them up i can take of myself and pour me into each of them and get them filled with my you know this holy spirit is not some it or something what here's what it says it says when you start reading about the holy spirit but well let me go back i'm getting ahead of myself the context of this scripture in galatians 3 is that abraham the blessing of abraham is that he was justified by faith in other words it wasn't about the law see the problem was god can find people to permanently put his spirit in because no one qualified back in the old testament when david who was the the prototype of a man of god in psalm 51 he prays don't take your spirit from me why because he had done wrong and back then when you did wrong the holy spirit would leave you saul is exhibit a the spirit of god left him and a crazy spirit came on him a wicked spirit had him consulting witches and and doing crazy stuff throwing javelins and so we i've heard new testament believers pray lord don't take your holy spirit from me the holy spirit will dwell now in clean temple do you understand what you're saying understand this understand this oh yeah we finished let me tell you this so here's how this works if god left you every time you faltered he will be in nobody today the way it what you have to understand what god did in his sovereignty in his wisdom what god did god set it up where was it now he sent christ to pay the price of the curse he snatched the curse our art of or the life or the world of the believers out of the church and then he gave him permission to take of himself and pour into us and so no matter what happens now we could choose to suppress the spirit but he will be right there waiting he's a patient spirit you don't you don't understand the holy spirit now i'm gonna tell you one of the things that i believe and i gotta say this is because it's true um a lot of believers when you were saved and baptized you did not understand what you was submitting to in the old covenant on the old covenant the holy spirit would come upon a person for their service and when the service was over their spirit would lift up we call it rusty we call it a mantle the spirit came as a mantle we even say today mantles are falling i just said mantles are following the truth of the matter is mantels are not falling assignments are the mantles remain god is not short on spirit you see i i could drink out of this bottle it'll all be gone we drink of the spirit of god it never changes you start drinking the spirit is there's always more where that came from now you're following me now here's what i want you to understand i want to read to you from acts chapter 19. here's what we need to understand and i want your mind i want to order to open your mind stop treating people like because they did not receive the holy spirit the way you did that they don't have the spirit matter of fact here's the sacred card is about to be slain we you say well you say well um they say but they don't have the holy spirit according to romans chapter 8 it's impossible to be saved and not have the holy spirit whatever you see i knew they once said no no no no you're wrong here's the thing you could have the holy spirit and the holy spirit don't have you the spirit could be in you and you're not in the spirit when i was a kid i used to wash dishes my mother would call me to wash this and she said she always would watch over because i was horrible i would cut corners so so i had this thing i would dip the rag in the sink hold the glass in my hand and wash the glass my mother tell me the glass is not clean i said i just washed it and she said that's not how you wash a glass she said you want the glass to be clean she said you fill the sink with water with dishwashing liquid you she said you you baptize the glass in the water you you submerge it submersive and then you wash it while it's in the water [Applause] so watch this so a lot of a lot of believers watch this now a lot of believers have water on them but they're not in the water they've been washed from the outside watch us jesus here's what the bible says in romans paul says if if any man have not the spirit of christ he's none of his that means every person is born again matter of fact the holy spirit is who the first part of god you meet when you get saved is the holy spirit he's the one that baptized he brings you into the church they're picking up but now there's a situation in acts chapter 19 listen to this and it came to pass that while apollos was at corinth paul having passed through the upper coast came to ephesus and finding certain disciples he said to them have you received the holy ghost since you believed and they said unto him we have not so much as heard whether there be any holy ghost and paul said to them unto what then were you baptized onto what the here's my question to you unto what then here's the question he's now when the remember the story philip is preaching the gospel to the ethiopian eunuch when he had heard enough he said man i believe and he saw what he says there's water what does hinder me now from being baptized in other words he said i'm fully convinced i'm fully put in the water what i'm convinced come mr what of the jesus you just preached baptism is the answer of a good conscience what it means is baptism is my response to hearing the right message the question is what unto what were you baptized some of us were baptized onto the fear of born to hell some of us were baptized into membership into a denomination i'm going to show you something and that is why i can i take the chance i've been doing this long enough to know how to stir you i've been doing this long enough to know how to shout you but it it makes no sense to me to preach the gospel to ignorant people in other words i i can't have you not knowing what the lord is saying here's the truth of the matter here's the truth of the matter the truth of the matter is that they had only heard this he says unto what then were you baptized and they said unto john's baptism you know in other words they heard what john was preaching if you want the kingdom of god you repent they had never heard of the finished work of jesus christ they had never heard the message that peter preached on the day of pentecost they never heard it that if you repent of your sins and come to jesus he's washed you wash your sins away and you'll be you'll be a beneficiary of his finished work they've never heard that they weren't baptized onto that they were baptized onto if i changed my life and do better then god will receive me that baptism right there is shortchanging the lord and shortchanging you what we need to be preaching to people is jesus paid it all and if jesus paid it all there's nothing left for you to pay yes yes this is our message we're telling people that jesus made it all imagine you go to a restaurant and the waiters come to you and says someone paid for your meal you said really word and you get stuff you you leave now they say oh wait a minute but you there's still something you paid but i thought somebody paid it yeah but it's still something i'm confused that's how we preach the gospel jesus paid it all but did you better do this and you better do that no the whole the whole thing is set up in in listen we look at the relationship not the rules if you keep your eyes on the relationship you have a good one but you keep your eyes on the rules all you want to do is make sure you're keeping the rules and then when the lord doesn't show up and do what you think he should do when he should do it now you're mad at god because you were baptized am i too too you you're baptized onto rule-keeping unto what then will you baptize unto the baptism of john and paul says to them all no no no there's a lot more than what john showed you paul said very very he said listen um um john baptized you with the baptism of repentance sing unto the people that they should believe on him which should soon come afterwards that's on christ jesus and when they heard this they when they heard about christ the bible says they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus and when paul laid his they were disciples they were disciples they were this the bible says they were disciples but when they heard the message about jesus they got baptized into that it wasn't the name like some churches argue it's jesus or father's unholy ghost that's the most confusing thing in the world leave alone i was baptized three times to make sure that everybody was satisfied father son holy ghost in jesus name and then father holy ghost in jesus name leave me alone i'm baptized i got it all so here here's the thing here's the thing they weren't baptized it wasn't that they were baptized in jesus name is they were baptized into the understanding that christ took the curse from me now i'm free and when they were baptized into that and part when they came out of the water paul puts his hand on them and the holy spirit comes but if you go back to acts chapter 10 a different experience while peter's preaching to cornelius in his house the bible as he was preaching the holy ghost fell on them as he fell on us why because he was preaching the word he's preaching about jesus christ and all of a sudden god was measuring their hearts are they ready and god filled him with the holy spirit it's one promise the holy spirit is first seen in the book of genesis chapter one he was the first the word movement the first time the word movement is mentioned all of scripture the bible says the word was formless and void it was empty darkness was on the face of the deep and the spirit of god listen moved the first movement we see in scripture is the holy spirit and he what is he moving he's hovering over the water he's waiting on a word from god and because his purpose is to change wherever god wants life he pulls out his spirit wherever god wants life he pulls out his spirit wherever god wants life what's dying in your life what's dehydrated whatever god wants life he pulls out his spirit do you know who the holy spirit is he is the life of god in you [Applause] the holy spirit is not a thing he's not a it he's not an aberration he's not a ghost he is the life of god in you he is god taking of himself and pointed on you and he does that for a reason to make sure what is now that when it comes time for you to stay in and you say well i'm going through so much because god is trying to weaken you [Applause] here's what he said when you're weak i'm strong what it means is when you stay in i come out the problem with you is you saw customer fighting your own battles and doing your own thing and making things work for you god says no no he said i have my sp my spirit is in you dormant it's just there he's just there he says i'm trying to get you you are almost 50 almost 40 almost 60 years old and god said i've been wrestling with you you said you it took you 20 years to do this thing and the holy spirit had done it in 20 minutes but you were not god what do you want from me i want you to give up trying and let the holy spirit do what he's called to do christ has redeemed you from the curse of the law being made a curse for you it is written cursed is everyone that hangs on the tree why that the blessing the singular blessing what i'll be honest with you when i first read verse 14 i was so disappointed that the blessing of abraham might come up on the gentiles i was like man that is the blessing finances is it favor where's the blessing he says the spirit i'm like really that's it i wasn't for years i was disappointed i would never preach it i studied but i would never preach it because there had to be more and god says you do not understand the holy spirit you do not understand the holy spirit there's so much in this thing as i was reading through these things i found so many things do you know that when the holy spirit first moved god spoke the word he went into motion and he produced three things light life and order how he is introduced to scripture god speaks he moves and he responds to the word of god and the result is dramatic change number one light he creates the ability to see the ability to comprehend ability to understand he illuminates he clarifies that's the first thing he did let there be light boom the universe is still expanding because the holy spirit did not stop moving from the time god spoke the first word peter said when it's scientific there was a big bang i believe in the big bang theory i believe that when god spoke the holy spirit was bang and everything i believe it and it's and scientists are now measuring it and i say that's not creation that's science no you see the thing about god is you can measure god scientifically it doesn't make it spiritual things can sometimes be measured scientifically it doesn't make it scientific it's still spiritual [Music] y'all didn't ever send me on vacation again [Applause] the second thing that came out of the out of the movement of the spirit was life the power to animate the drive within that gives personality and productivity when the holy spirit began to move things began to be god god was saying unless the earth is here's what god said let the sea bring forth living creatures and the holy spirit went into the sea and he began to create all kinds of stuff and i i'm from the islands and when you go and look at stuff that's under the water the color the creativity the diversity the all god says let the sea produce living things he the holy spirit goes to move then god says let the land bring forth animals all that is the holy spirit the same spirit that lives in you you can't figure out how to get the money i don't know how to have that conversation you have the holy spirit in you [Music] [Applause] i don't know i'm getting the money to pay for college are you kidding me the problem is you're trying to use your own knowledge your own wisdom you have not yielded listen to this word yield to the holy spirit yield to him what does it mean to you is to tell your prayer should sound something like this i know that you gave me something or someone that's more valuable than i could ever imagine you gave me yourself the problem is i'm so custom offending for myself defending myself protecting myself i'm so accustomed of figuring things out for myself from ever since i've left home it's just been me trying to and i depend on people teach me to depend on the holy spirit for those of you watching he said pastor i've never even been baptized in the holy spirit let me tell you something do not settle for living in this world without the holy spirit when my son asked me a question the other day he says dad he says when you receive the holy spirit what's the first thing you notice i'm going to tell you something for real so i i flunked out of 11th grade english um it was a combination of fear or book reports i didn't like to speak in front of people it was terrifying another thing was i just was never good at it conjugating verbs and all the other stuff was just a lot of work i flunked out of 11 great english i stopped going to class when i received the holy spirit the first thing that that jumped out to me was the king james bible began to make sense it just organized then i started hearing in simple instructions i'll go take the ged test because i didn't graduate high school i want to take the ged test i want to say can i take the practice says they said sure i got a b sorry took the test got to be in the real test then i went back to work i thought of myself wow i was telling people guess what i just got my ged i said really so i go back and the holy spirit says i'm test out of college english i'm like all of it he said all of it now you have to understand why would he choose college english because that's where i lost the battle so i walked into the education center in the military i said i want to i want to take the clep test for english they said well it's hard i said i know they say that says they practice test and they say well sure you have to pay for it i paid for the practice test sat down got to be cool i want to take the real test the real test got to be where is this intelligence coming from all of a sudden watch this now i started enrolling in classes as the military city for 11 years i took classes when it was time for me to get my master's degree i sat in a classroom in texas and listen to the teacher and have said to myself i could teach this class when i sat in my music theory class the teacher says to me ramsay are you bored i said as a matter of fact i am i'm not trying to be mean he said come up here i said oh god he's trying to embarrass me he says what is this he wrote something on the board and it was i said okay that's the fifth that's the first that's the that's one i said it's a one-sixth chord in the key of d he says what do you do in this class i said they told me how to take it to the next class he said here go to the next i sat in the master's degree i sat one time in the class they said you need to take the test took the test master's degree they called the school called me said are you gonna enroll in a phd program i said nah as i'm pastoring church i'm busy they say you should so i i said well i don't have the money to say well when you get the money because you should and so i got some money and i signed up and here i am and they told me to say all you need to do is write your dissertation this was going to blow your mind i forgot about the dissertation because i didn't have to sit in the class they called me later on and said have you submitted your decision i forgot i stayed up for 24 hours i was so i was so sleep drunk that i couldn't even review it i had to send it to editor the editor read it and said we found a few errors we're going to correct them for you they sent it back to me i read it i couldn't believe i wrote that i was asleep i sent it in they said congratulations you walk in six months don't tell me mine is earned but but the holy spirit got me the foot the whole way and he targeted the area where i was the weakest what if i told you that you're trying to get the holy spirit involved in your strong areas and he really wants to begin [Applause] you need to stir up the gift when you worship come on greg where you at when you worship let me tell you something when you worship the holy spirit perks up and he and he sometimes he doesn't manifest he wants to seek can you stay he wants to see can you stay and sometimes you know there's so much look god i just don't have the time to do this but there's so much that the third thing the holy spirit did he provide an order he brought order organization structure um it allows you to plan and prepare and anticipate and respond there's so much about the holy spirit that you don't agree you need to play you don't play i'm gonna keep going what about this what about we commit to be in the kind of one accord i mean we may not agree on everything but can we agree that the coming together and the staying in one place believing god for what he said can we agree that we're going to do that can we agree that he called us not because we're perfectly because we're flawed that god wants me to work with people that are that came from a different place that i came from i used to be homeless i was i came from i was anxious to be homeless um i didn't know i went back the other day and the spirit of god reminded me i i actually went back to st thomason i was there and you know i was i'm in a different place in life and i said to the lord have i ever thanked you for the days that i was homeless and you covered me i was i didn't know who i was i didn't know where i was in miami in a strange place and god just shifted my life it was the holy spirit always watching me his hand on my life and i said i began to give god thanks for that and when you're gonna give god thanks for things that that he's brought you through and began to worship him he does something in your life i'm gonna teach more in the holy spirit i may do it the next service whoever did the graphics i'm sorry i got to do more can i do that i have to do on the holy spirit because i believe that many of us we have been we have relegated the spirit to to the uh the purpose of the means of my shout and the means of my the goosebumps incidentally the only time goosebumps are mentioned in scriptures in the book of job and it was the devil would you ever walk in the room job got goosebumps be careful with that so but but but we really get into goosebumps and we i can feel the spirit that's wonderful to feel the spirit but at times you need to fellowship with him at times you need to ask him show me this on the way here today i said holy spirit i feel a little i feel a little vacationing i'm still i've been on vacation i'm gonna need you just to speak to the people and he never responds that's the thing about him he he's here watches god is in you to serve you [Music] my father in the lord before he died he was on his deathbed it did botch his operation one eye couldn't open and harry washington says come here heart and he says i have something to give you and he reached out his hand and he put his hand on me and he says i watched you grow and walk with the lord and i want to give you what god gave me god put a system in place whereby by the power of the holy spirit i could transfer what works in me to you and still keep what i got [Music] but we'll sit around criticize folk look at him he ain't living right but you living right why don't you go put your hand on him [Music] she got the sense that god gave a goose but you got sense once you put your hand on them we have the spirit of the living god and this church this listen it's going to attract people who have need people who have history people who have struggled people who have identity they're going to come when they come they're not coming for you they're not coming from me don't don't ever promote oh our pastor know the holy spirit is here [Music] [Applause] okay i'm gonna end with this paul said there's a mystery the greek word is misturion there's a mystery that god has been watch this the word must do around in the greek means a secret surprise everybody says secret surprise god says i have a secret surprise for you and when paul says here's the secret surprise you know he said he says the secret surprise christ in you is the hope of glory and we read let's go okay yeah that's cool no no you read too fast he said jesus lives in you how by the whole notice he didn't say jesus he said christ because the word christ uh um christos this word means anointing or the messiah the anointed one he lives in you the one that the man that had the holy spirit in his life he lives in you jesus totally said i won't leave you as office i'm he's told his disciples i will come to you you will not be orphans i will come to you how in the person of the holy spirit and what happened is and you say well um pastor what's the difference between baptism and being filled with the holy spirit i'm glad you asked here's the answer in acts chapter four peter and john are let go they come to their own company they're all praying in a circle they're quoting scripture in their prayers and the bible says in the place where they were praying were shaken and they were all filled with the holy spirit but wait a minute how in acts chapter 4 they feel the holy spirit in acts chapter 2 they are baptized in the spirit because they're two different things you can be baptized in the spirit and not feel with them this word feel is a word it means to be controlled to be influenced by to be governed by and there are times you can go through things in your life where your level of feeling goes down in other words the holy spirit just crawls into a corner because you don't want to deal with them and if for every once in a while you see you say well the holy spirit gets mad he the bible never says it in the new testament in new testament it says this the holy spirit was grieved saddened he you will feel being saddened another thing to the holy spirit does not convict believers sacred cow the bible says he convicts the world of sin of judgment and of right of sin righteousness and judgment of sin because jesus said because they won't believe in me of righteousness because i go to the father of judgment because the world is judged so the holy spirit does not convict you what he does is he releases emotion in you to let you know how you're making him feel by your responses and your decisions i'm just telling you what the bible says he convicts the world so when you speak to the world they may curse and say different things but the holy spirit goes to work to convince to convict or convince them that what you're saying is true every atheist believes the holy spirit sees to it and they don't document it but many atheists on the deathbed confess the lord the holy spirit on the inside of you wants to move you to the next level and i'm gonna tell you when you look at gift things at work right now you're seeing the gifting of the holy spirit in me understand this i flunked 11th grade english part of it was i was afraid to speak or do or a book report and the second part was i could not conjugate verbs and subject and verbs impressed it's the holy spirit and i don't know how my son asked me how did that i said i don't know and he says well is that all that happens to know every major thing we built 21 million dollars worth of ministry and he says i said the holy spirit said buy that land and i'm like it's not for sale buy it i'll go and say i need to buy this land and they'll tell me but we haven't put it on the market yet how did you know somebody told you the holy spirit told me i would never say the host and stop telling people the holy spirit told you it's weird it's weird the holy gossip no don't do that you don't you don't need to say that you're trying to just draw honor to yourself there are times when you go to people and say thus saith the lord because the holy spirit whispered to you other times go do your business and you will see the holy spirit when i got to the place where i looked at my i said to myself i would look in the mirror and go how in the world did i get here and it was just following the holy spirit i wish beloved i could give you more but we're out of time everybody with head bowed and eyes closed i want to i want to pray with you i want you to to embrace the fact that god chose you to be a vessel to house the spirit that god lived everybody said god lives in me no no i want you to say that god lives in me in the person of the holy spirit the promise of the father is the holy spirit he is the only promise that makes the other promises valuable say i have the holy spirit and from this moment forward i will not minimize his presence in my life in the comments i want you to put in the comments i want you to put this real quickly but i yield to the holy spirit yeah said i just put i choose to yield to the holy spirit anybody in the building choose the youth of the holy spirit yeah say it say to him say holy spirit i choose to yield to you yeah yeah you know you know the areas of your life where you're struggling where you're fighting where you're fearful whatever yields of the holy spirit the in those areas right there god wants to show you the power of the spirit and by by next week's message by the grace of god i want to continue to talk to you about this topic i didn't plan to but i always run out of time and it's important for us all nations to understand that what god plans to do with us and with churches around the city and the world will only happen to the power of the holy ghost how do we give the lord a hand come on you can do better than that come on let's give god some praise
Channel: All Nations Worship Assembly Atlanta
Views: 5,271
Rating: 4.9597988 out of 5
Id: aSzSt0cUUZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 59sec (3239 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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