Who is the Fastest in Garten of Banban?

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the worst part about donating blood is all the awkward question like whose blood is it where did it come from I'm not sure what to do with my hands welcome to who's the fastest in Garden of Bambam today we're going to be putting them through their Paces with a series of races nice rhyme so if you enjoyed this video and you want to see more like it smack that like button and subscribe if you're new it's free and I'll be yellow it's quite simple the BAM bans have to run from the Red X to the Finish Line whoever comes first in their race goes on to the next race and will face two more opponents until we have a winner we begin with the baby appealer bird bambolina and Bam Bam we're doing it alphabetically so let us begin race one on the shoot of my gun let's all have some fun three two one and they're off and oh God the bird oh no not the bird but who's gonna win who will it be it's ban ban oh guys what's he doing what's going on over there oh the birds getting involved all right next race so for our next three contestants we have Bam Bam fiddles and the broccoli three two one and they're off oh the broccoli so fast and then it's Bam Bam and then fiddles but the broccoli one for sure now some of these creatures are kind of big and we do have to shrink them down but it doesn't slow them down just so they fit under the thing but for race number three the broccoli will face the chef pigster and Coach pickles are you ready to go they're already off oh it's gonna be close check the cameras Oh the broccoli wins again pickles almost had it there's the pig there it goes very much last so the broccoli stays on and we'll face female coach pickles and crabzilla will the broccoli win again only one way to find out oh okay it's gonna be close it's gonna be close who is it oh it's the broccoli I can't believe it with the crab there he is oh look how he runs tall victor goes on again and I think we may need to resize these that should do it and his opponents are cyan fiddles and the Cyclops are you ready Lads three two one and they're off oh he's just flying this broccoli cannot be beaten uh what's going on over there so Victor's next opponents ah doctor fluffy pants and the fairy you've got this oh this is gonna be close check the camera oh who is it they kind of slowed each other down but I'm pretty sure the kangaroo won by a nose a Victor finally loses so our next three contestants are the uru everyone's favorite pile is sick the gabla and Melman the Giraffe what a strange bunch of fellas but who's the fastest will it be there oh my God look at that giraffe go oh he's just flying why is the giraffe so fast so the giraffe's next opponents are a ball of hair and then Hunter Tim who will win this race is it gonna be the giraffe oh it looks close oh it's the ball of hair I can't believe it what does this mean Lions cannot explain so the ball of hair's next opponents are the little worm his name's Jimmy and then there's big Joshua will the ball of hair Take the Lead again oh hang on hang on yes he's won again for sure I'll even rolled across the line he's showing off Josh leave him alone his way the worm's only just crossed oh and he's gone in Josh's butt all righty the hair's next opponents are the last cat and long Joseph come on Joe do this for me I believe in you oh hands out oh god there he goes again oh who's gonna win the last cat's beating Joe he has to put his hands up he doesn't get great momentum because that's how he sees leave the cat alone the hair's next opponent are mini Josh and Miss Luna I mean got more legs equals faster only one way to find out three to one go come on Miss Luna oh gosh he's fast check out she won oh gosh she lost Josh you really lost I can't believe she beat the hair I didn't I thought he's gonna win this whole thing so miss Luna's next opponent ah Mr Crocodile a NAB NAB a lot of T Flats but will it help you running will it oh namnab's kind of no not really oh where's the crocodile why is he so slow okay Luna wins again up next is the cactus nasty gnat and of course Nibbler the banana slug but will Luna win again oh oh it's gonna be close no she's one she's one that is that's a quick slug though to be fair slow Cactus up next is the Ninja Noodle and the appealer bird a peeler I barely know her three two one they're off okay noodle noodles doing a thing but now Luna Luna's one again ah the noodle has beaten the bird however not that it matters I'm not this pinky sweetie and scary pigsters jelly this thing might just explode honestly I don't know we'll see but is Pinky sweetie quick only one way to check three to one go okay kind of quick oh the jelly oh that was so close ah I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure it exploded ah I think we need a rematch I can't call it and so I'm gonna go into the settings and actually reduce the speed of both of these monsters to point one which means we should have a better time seeing who crossed the line first and so oh the race begins as you can see it really slows them down let's just go away to the Finish Line pretty sure Luna's winning this but unless the jelly picks up speed right at the end look at it right look at it go oh it's so cute wait is she gonna ah Miss Luna's one again oh the jelly you did so well such a little felt but you're lost ready for the explosion there are there it is and for our next round well the Jelly's back but this time on a plate in the hands of the scary pigster and Sharky Cleese here too I put everyone's speed back up to normal let the race commence oh Sharky Cliff Sharky click oh he's quick for a little fella where's the where's the oh there it is oh wow the jelly must be so annoyed on that bike whoa let's go why is he dropping jelly should have dropped it at the beginning so up next ah Sheriff toad sir and silence C Stephen this is fast snake Slither on oh God Miss Luna Miss Luna is just oh she's she's already across the line but is the snake faster than the toad it is that toad would be dead if it was being hunted up next is the Skelly Agony and Slinky Andrew a weird gang but maybe one of them's incredibly quick yep it's Miss Luna these are these two um I mean he runs kind of well they both run pretty funny let's kill this dude you lose so up next is uh well slow Celine the name doesn't fill me with confidence but also this doesn't fill me with confidence that that's the snappy cow who we've previously learned has the longest jump who will win maybe the cows got this three two one go oh the cow's quick the cow is quick check the cameras and Luna wins again whistling Celine you coming nice well done up next is Stinger Flynn and stinky Joel Mr Luna is very close to winning this whole thing only a few more opponents you've got this Miss Luna the speed is incredible Sensational Flynn and Joel of course not only does he stink he stinks at running which leaves only one opponent for Miss Luna and well I think we might have to shrink him down a little more God he's massive is that enough no no all right he's fitting we gotta make sure Mr Luna's not cheating Toe to Toe and here it is the deciding race three two one and they're off oh he's only got a done it wow it looks like you got a lot of legs dude and don't you worry the races aren't over yet we have the cartoon Garner bambans to do next starting with bambolina Bam Bam and Coach pickles who will come out on top it looks like pickles oh those two are so slow oh pickles oh teleported pickles is cheating you too are you all right guys oh my bellina teleported too oh this might be a problem bang bang you didn't you didn't want to teleport you lose so next pickles is facing Melman and Fiddle that the race commence oh Melman with the neck oh look at him go oh he's I think he teleported across the line ah pretty sure Melman won that oh and fiddle's finally arrived I think we're gonna have to move the camera to back here so we can check on teleporters and we're gonna rerun the race just in case three two one ah they're off look at Melvin go look at him oh God that was terrifying yeah Melman won for sure what Phil's he coming so up next melman's facing Josh and the last cap who will be victorious only one way to find out will Melman do the teleport and will it be Josh oh Melman oh he teleported but it didn't work it kind of launched him backwards oh Josh was across the line first Josh with the last second TP oh Alaska High sniffing butts so Josh goes on to face the appealer bird and the scary pigster three to one go oh okay next is doing a little Jive I like those legs oh the birds are there too oh and Josh teleported it was close for a second oh but the bird actually beat the pigster those two couldn't teleport oh this is a weird angle uh up next is silent Steve with all of his hands and Celine can Josh win again let's find out they're off oh that snake is fast that snake is so fast but will it teleport oh it did oh there it is hi yep the snake one finally someone beat Josh is the snap the snail's coming it's coming out across the line which leaves only silent Steve and Flynn whoever wins this takes the crap let the race begin Steve Steve oh my God Flint's only gone and done it blinty piece the final race and he takes the W and of course we can't not race the cursed versions this time we got a five-man race baby appealer bambolina band fiddles and Josh let's see It'll be first across the line I have a feeling it's gonna be Josh he's a big lad he's got big hands he is I think he's in the lead he is someone's throwing blood wait who's last he's not even trying so now Josh is facing Minnie Josh NAB NAB a peel a bird and the share of toadstow's missing a heart can Josh win again look at that tongue who's oh no no I'm so fast why is he run like that okay ah oh what a mess and I'm not wins but nabnam's next race he's facing Celine and Flynn and they are Off to the Races oh my what was that check the camera oh not that one I think I got hit by a meteor ah snail loses what is going on down there Flynn was actually doing all right but it's not over yet because we do have a kiss Mr X gotta shrink him down however and then we bring him in is he still too big he's big so let's find out who will be the Victor and it won't be the oh my gosh what uh it's Mr X I don't even know why he's gone up there you will pee ow what happened why did I die well there you have it now you know who's the fast and if you've enjoyed this video and you want to see more like it smack that like button and subscribe if you're new it's free and I'm yellow oh
Channel: JustJoeKing
Views: 514,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9Th2mGnzPoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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