Bad Trevor Henderson Dupes - TOP 100

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one sloth turned to the other and said I never used to like moss but now it's starting to grow on me ah welcome to the 100 greatest Trevor Henderson dupes of all time if you enjoyed this video smash that like button and subscribe if you're new it's free tonight yellow and here's cartoon rabbit acting like Jerry oh Barry what are you doing he's got the Jerry legs he's got the Jerry glove Jerry doesn't have gloves hang on let's compare them hey that ain't bad nine out of ten good effort and here's the evolution of bridge worm um he starts as number one little worm and then we have number two Bridge worm Face-Off number three Highway what what ah there he is I knew it he was hiding oh sorry sorry about that and then last the last evolution of bridge worm Mothman the butterfly wait what 10 out of 10 I'm confused but also makes perfect sense wait the moth has cake can we just take a moment and in memory of the cat here oh no here's a little Lego cat does it have cake it kind of does not bad his hands are massive the cat that would be a good boxer will he stand up to the push test he did pretty impressive oh oh he's going though oh we got him this time this cat will not fall 10 out of 10 sturdy cat if there's anything you want from your cat it's sturdiness here's a little Death Match arena for nuggets um wow uh I guess we have to break it's bring your own nuggets now we'll have the one in this corner and one in this corner let's make them hate each other you hate you and you hate you and let's turn around oh they're coming for me oh no no I'm stuck okay wait what who won uh did anyone see what happened uh we now have a fully grown if a nugget eats a nugget it becomes a fully grown that's incredible this dupe has made me learn something did you know that in the comments smack like if you didn't know that okay 10 out of 10. Education it's important um I can't undo this guy now he's just roaming but let's hope he doesn't kill me this was called the new cartoon member and it's oh read from here it's the devil hello and welcome to the cartoon Smiley um oh yeah we we witnessed the beat down he gave the cat and we have a little reminder of that brutal truly brutal LOL what a noob that's what I'm saying this cat he ain't nothing dumb cat take that oh my God I'm sorry here's some cursed trevors oh oh baby is cursed what did you do uh he looks pretty good this is an outfit that really suits him wingsuits and costume man never would have thunk it I'll see you turn breaking news into a cow and who's this who is this I I don't even recognize who this is is this another breaking news uh okay you look great you have you been dying and then oh my God you turned me to Patrick Star look at this tiny little body and then oh oh look he's got his little skinny little legs and then he becomes a tree all of a sudden since when did he have this many arms oh you've made him that spooky me spooky should we turn him on they're all roped together oh oh oh they're all so thin and light ah 10 out of 10. here's another little bonus Friday night freaking and of course yo-yo's here with the knife is she sweating uh why why is she sweating she ain't doing nothing it's me this time all right uh I'm a red banana he seems angry and also my buttons ain't working what happened have I lost 10 out of 10 nipple just he's undefeatable he's a legend here's a cartoon jailbreak oh okay Jerry help I have too much cake Jerry that's not true you have oh you do have whoa Jerry since when's the cake been this good holy moly now you always call me ugly that's it and I'm not losing my freedom so the cats just Escape wait oh I've turned up where are you oh I'm the I'm the I and then and then I turn up and say where are you going with my baton which means I'm the one who caged Jerry and also I guess fed him a lot while he was in prison so that his cake would get bigger it sounds like something I would do let's free him nah Jerry's stuck forever 11 out of ten here's the nightmare cartoon gang oh oh there we go all right less less faces for everybody there's the cat with no head there's the camera no face Barry's got no face Jerry's got no face the mouse has flash face and then also the demon oh the Demon's got no eyes he removed his eyes and the skyscream has got no eyes oh mouth how's he gonna scream he's useless be free my children no the mouse kind of reminds me of Deadpool like that anyone else 10 out of 10 for the creep this one so here's how uh Barry got his new name he went to the rename yourself booth and he said can I change my name from Jackson to Barry your name was Jackson really and she says yeah and now he's very much emotion 10 out of 10. here's some more Curious Trevor Hendersons but these ones no stop it stop it stay still that's it no no let me catch him okay all right we've tied him down we've got to tie each of them down individually let's see some aim training Glam you're coming with me you go over there oh no now it's just the cat got him okay we've Frozen them and the cat is now a water bug I like his little skinny white neck look at him I didn't know he had his white fur under there and the lamb uh what what did you do what have you done this he's more of a cow now how and you've made the country road creature oh he's really long those limbs could you get any longer Limbs and the the chicken did you do to the chicken oh I love it and then bones with what did you just removed from Bones with ribs and stuck them on a pole uh he looks really weird he looks tiny 10 out of 10 just for this alone what is this here's a Travis story all right what's the story in balamori we the cat's dead is that the story is that it is that all we got uh the story nine out of ten would read again here's some Trevor Henderson creatures if they caught viruses oh my goodness what is this is it the web cracking but he's Sandy he's gone to the beach he's got sand in his what are those are they legs and then we've got Sky tentacles but he's from space um is that a mini day 17 but he's pale he's anemic The Bird Watcher's been peeled gross day 18 is uh Radioactive breaking news is swamp water and remain indoors it is just kind of minecrafty excellent 10. here's the Trevor gang if they ever met the Kraken oh I think we need to go above the sea and there he is there's the Kraken we have the rabbit is holding something we cannot see Jerry's Jerry's just chilling Jerry I feel like he'd be a little bit more surprised if the crack the devil is this is this the kraken's mating organs what the uh the cats gone swimming oh is he trying to save them is he slapping the mouse or is he trying to save him it's hard to tell Simon's pretty into it and Barry he can't believe what he's just seen is this the captain what did you do to him why does he look like a baby well now this was cracking his cartoon cat's feelings how's he feeling oh not very well uh um he's got food poisoning oh uh he's crying here all right so these are all the emotions he has uh is this British is it is it just got British teeth is British an emotion uh and then there's regular pretty smiley having a good day and then also extra Smiley bending at the knees that's when you know he's happy which is your favorite um I think this one this is gross oh no oh god oh no I'm gonna be sick he is cartoon cat but he killed all of his friends um who's in his mouth Jerry's next um but he also peeled the skin off them first or cooked them is that what they look like cooked who's in there um I recognize those hands is that Berry and then there's also the man with the upside down face yeah pretty sure that's him didn't know they were friends to be honest and also Simon's next too who would be the tastiest hmm release them what uh 10 out of 10 for that hello so this one's called the boys leave Jerry's ugly brother and we're all in a lift uh it's me Jerry The Cat and is there a mouse in there no the mouse ain't coming either and he says hey wait up I think we just have to release this uh what here's a dark Behemoth and oh you've made him oh he's a little bit cartoony he's got some spikes are those Sky tentacles I I feel like I recognize these legs it suits him though and he's always after the French Village again will they ever survive also the sun is now red you know I feel like this place isn't very safe 10 out of 10 much creepy this next one's called the Trevor Beach and oh oh we're at the beach I haven't been to the beach in so long I feel like I'm there and the worm is uh he's tanning himself wow he looks great and then yo-yo is just up smart she's under an umbrella you are the opposite of smart you're on top of an umbrella are these two dying they're always together in dudes here's the cat on a robo he's having a lovely time he's forgot his horse so he's having to use his hands and then and then and then over here we got these two idiots and [ __ ] I don't know hovercraft and I think Jerry's falling off and Barry Barry I think you need to find the break your teeth are gonna come out what a lovely time at the beach 11 out of 10 made me feel like I was there and here is our first tube it's called Joe's experiment it begins with me in Jerry's bedroom oh the painting the famous painting where me and Gerald touch each other I mean uh we are friends and I waved I said hey Jerry how's it going there's Jerry in the farm what the what is that who is this anyone know comment below are you and then I go over to the doohickey and I I pull the switch and oh Jerry's in it I miss some bananas are we infusing Jerry with bananas which leads to less bananas more Jerry oh no and it's a great success we've done it we've made a giant Jerry yeah this is incredible oh my God 11 out of 10. what a start to 50. here's cartoon cat but he wants more Revenge um and he's slapping Simon all up on the booty do it again wait for it wait for it oh he seems a little resigned to this but oh oh my goodness that's a 12 out of 10. what is this our next dupe is called Ledger a gift for the gang oh I can't wait to see this oh my God what is this what have you done oh this oh this is gross what's that thing on his back oh we haven't seen legend videos for a while is this what he looks like now oh yeah stop it that was foul yeah foul no no no this next was called save the trevors um what are we saving them from but Lawrence I I went to the description to see if there's any instructions it says LOL hmm okay I mean maybe we turn them on oh no oh okay no we gotta save him Mike Mike oh I needed a better gun um is this thing gonna go up infinitely have we lost I think we've lost the lads they oh no they've hit the roof and we're here all right are we gonna Save The Lads will this work I have no idea but we'll soon find out oh we did it um I Simon you okay um I think I broke the wood instead of the balloons but saved I'm coming Lots wow Simon's much heavier than the rest of them this one's called guess the Trevor Henderson and um the cat is the cat look at the thick tail on the cat and he's got what is this why is the worm got such beady little you straightened his eyes and oh hello fantastic seeing you here so what do we do we break the walls and what's inside it's me um we have to guess them how do you guess there's no clues okay well I guess this one's gonna be Simon no it's a bunch of lions Jerry it's a siren this next one's gonna be the slide I saw it and then finally [Music] Mothman oh nailed it 10 out of 10. this one's called get nerpod well you got me uh Noble's kind of got those moves you know get out of here Depot 11 out of ten this next one is called cartoon creatures but oh my God what did I do what is this oh you've given Barry a tail but it's it's a hookah he seems to be is he enjoying himself or does he hate this what have you turned to the cat oh he's a mammoth a camera and he's still murdering he's still busy Jerry's eating Jay have you got a tail there's nothing really new but is that how Jerry eats heads wow that thin mouth makes things a little awkward 12 out of 10. don't think I'll be able to unsee this here's a random cartoon comic it begins with the cat and Jerry they're playing with a football are they inviting the lion they've thrown the ball to the lion the lion and the cat of pagurius and they're Sith and now the cat's dead and Jerry can't believe his eyes Jerry look great which leads me on to this which is apparently my skeleton wow I'm not a very sophisticated creature 11 out of ten I am fabulous though it's cartoon Cat's new house and it's about time you bought himself a new house I think last time we saw them they were homeless living under a rock and um he seems I don't know where he's got the money from but now he owns a mansion with a bathroom downstairs and a shower downstairs is that normal he is a car after all and oh he's playing on his computer but it's got kind of a similar setup to me I'm I'm Barry what are you doing you watching TV Barry there's nothing on the TV but uh the picture's back hell yeah there's three beds um where's Jerry Jerry Jerry doesn't live with them oh no oh no Jerry lives outside in the doghouse he's gonna sell some bananas he's he's got some electricity lucky Jerry he's living eleven out of 10. he's a funny Jerry Jerry's always funny what's he doing today Joe what do you mean he's dead he's is is that funny to you jet dead Jerry's funny I mean yeah it's kind of funny to have enough and Barry's getting eaten I think it's very very that's perfectly in there Barry must have used his computer unfortunately the cat has fabulous teeth I've only just noticed look at that who is his dentist 10 out of there here's cartoon cat but he's big how big a really big what is he hello hi are you okay oh oh okay well this is a bit weird why are you going so oh is that are you stuck like that now oh he's got me he got me no 11 out of 10. this is weird I don't like it his cartoon cat kills uh nothing new there what the oh he was disguised as a G-Man and he's managed to take out sky tentacles and the disguise isn't great but it's actually really spooky there's no sticking through in those fabulous teeth oh he just banned himself at the knees 10 out of 10 this is freaky here's Jerry's Mac and oh [Laughter] [Music] it's very sophisticated am I camouflaged what have you done with my legs Jerry is done being a guinea pig and wants revenge so he built a robot to defeat Joe but Joe has the power of bananas it's true I do and also gravity I love you Jerry maybe next time here I am hugging a worm oh I don't seem to be enjoying it very much he's he's squeezing me awfully tight put me down now please thank you this one's called Joe Jerry and Barry find pizza we found pizza after three weeks we found re real food food real food we found it yes yum cherries Jerry's already taken to eating his shoulder he must be hungry scammed I'm gonna break the table too here's an off-brand siren head Mac um this is oh wow look at his skinny legs oh I really want to break this is there anything inside oh there's oh oh there's some there's some bodies okay I think she's next um can I break your legs would that be okay it's very tempting the other one don't tell me you're gonna defy physics oh okay um here's my day off um what what did I get up to oh I was upside down in a plane but I'm getting nuked that's good um the cat has grown Wings all right Barry is Barry's just watching Barry's watching himself watching himself whilst eating Donuts it's a weird chair Barry um okay fair enough and Jerry's also in the plane I guess we're rich and we're playing with planes not a bad day off 10 out of 10. here's a Jerry Ragdoll and oh oh is that what the what's this what's this thing um the ragdolls are made is that a bow tie does anyone comment what this is please someone this one's called Goodbye old cartoon cat and oh they're having a funeral for it it doesn't fit in the tub guys why does the grave have a hat and a banana the new cat's pretty sad the mouse seems indifferent berries is better trying to pull him out and the lion needs a box he's so short 10 out of 10 Rest In Pieces here's Jerry and Barry but they get tails and everyone is amazed Darius is really stubby wow yours is stubby too that's a pretty poor effort on the tail front the cat is winning well the mouse needs a tail so oh it looks kind of like he's got a lion's tail but I assure you this mouse has no tail 10 out of 10. and finally here's Jerry and the boys um is the Barry screaming the cat's puppeteering and Jerry's climbing the walls and then it's all of them why is the mouse so nervous dude you're part of the family you're on the you're on the family picture there are demons it would appear I have summoned them by driving a spike through my own heart and now I'm one of them my my frown is upside down that can't be good D can senaji the person who made this you've really you've really made them way scary oh God that horse who's that is that like she's so skinny I don't like this but I kinda love it he still looks delicious did I pee myself 1000 out of ten this next one's called it's over Jerry I have The High Ground and it's me saying it's over during The High Ground what is Jerry Jerry Hazard lightsaber so I would technically make him a Jedi but also I'm a Jedi so shouldn't we both be up there I'm confused The Rock his lightsaber saved him down that's pretty impressive here's some Travis versus the Behemoth which is coming soon what's wrong am I drinking rum what oh my goodness he's eating them all help nah I think you're good the mouse is pretty digested where's Jerry Jerry's not even here Jerry in his belly Cherry I guess Jerry wasn't invited his brother's here though he's being stomped on and we've also got some breaking news a day 17 he's getting whomped and it says uh please rate this uh this is me what are you wearing what is this a zombie Corporation and a bomb um this next one's called The Sky Screamer oh oh wow it is a SkyScreamer it's basically aghast from Minecraft but it's cartoony who's light get out of here here's a sad story everybody get your tissues so we have a man talking to the cat in the mouth he's the old cat and he says I bet you can't go under doors because you too dumb and the mouse is crying why did you and he's laughing at him oh my God this guy's such a troll hey says the cat oh that was terrifying this will tell you not to bully people anymore ladies and gentlemen we have a valuable lesson here today if you bully people the cat will eat you and the mouse says thanks it's the most ungrateful Mouse thanks cheer up Mouse can we turn that frown upside down hey let's go this one's called the boys oh it is the boys and um is the world ending Jerry I love your hat if there was ever a time to wear a hat Jerry it's the end of the world that seems to be getting closer and now it's engulfing you um all right well it was nice knowing you Lads this one's called cartoon cat eats a man so nothing new here whoa I like it though oh look at his teeth what have you done to his teeth are they gold is he wearing grills are those his human eating grills he puts special teeth in oh this is spooky this one's called the boys but Trevor it's me Ledger and Brock is me there's Brock and there's Leisure who's the sturdiest there's a question I've always asked myself um I guess I'm the lightest what's happening one day this will all make sense here's some camera people I was I was looking for some uh new cameraman um this isn't quite what I had in mind do they work oh they do this one's upside down and this one's high above with the sign how do I get out of this that's what's in the box this one's called Friday night freaking oh my goodness yo yo you're looking pretty in charge here what the what's happening um is this a game um this reminds me of like a sort of Mario kind of thing Christmas tell me what the devil is this if you know in the comments let me know here's Trevor's in among us five oh oh we're in electrical what's happening it all goes down in electrical bonjour says the Nugget and the worm the worm is oh he was doing his wires and he's been caught so the Nugget is the Imposter I believe and everyone's come in they've all seen this Dead Worm they found him but the Nugget must have vented so they've called an emergency meeting and nerpo says me and yo-yo saw FB is that forgotten baby at the body nugget says sus he would and every and everyone else says like a bro said I was doing wires not upload um okay the baby's defense was in the back of electrical what I mean these two did come in and see the baby but the baby came in late oh no forgotten baby was ejected oh he's been forgotten about again and now he's in space this baby can't catch a break this one's called Thunderbolt head oh I like it I also want to call him banani head um wow he's pretty strong okay he doesn't seem to want to hurt me which is nice he chases me very furiously and then he just stops and moans so I think I have a pet Now Jerry you're gonna have to make room in your bed here's Jerry's brother on Jupiter oh my goodness he made it wow I'm on Jupiter wow um can we make him actually on Jupiter this is a dream come true for the lads is this how they fake the moon landing and the cat says pretend you're on Jupiter wow good stuff guys this was called unknown oh my goodness gracious what the devil is this it's enormous it's got a big line for a mouth is that a mouth or an eye is there anything inside no it's just a big unknown does anyone know anything about this lad it looks a bit like an imposter but he's slightly bigger here's Jerry if he was a mac oh Cherry oh Jerry gonna love this is he in there Jerry's already in there he's controlling it oh Jerry you've never been so cool to me look at all these do hickeys and buttons you got Jerry you even gave yourself are those racing stripes or is that the mechanics inside ooh oh let's remove his chest and have a look oh look at that his big old heart and then his big old groin wait what's that bit okay what about his legs oh Jerry I'm so sorry I've just removed the leg I like your feet though they'd be good for picking up things here's Jerry's ugly brother but he's silver oh does this make him cooler slightly I'll be honest I do find him slightly more attractive I can't see myself in him though am I a vampire or is he just fake silver comment below do you think it's an improvement I think so he's enough brand man with the upside down face there it is and all those eyes oh those eyes haunt me oh I don't like it here's some more traversing among us and it would appear they've called an emergency meeting and the cat says the man with the upside down face is the Imposter the mouse is confused and lost the the baby he's a ghost because he got ejected his defense is what are you talking about Jerry says I agree I saw him too says sir angel or siren never says don't play dumb I saw you the milk Walker says I agree with hush put it hush say he didn't say anything what are you talking about well it's bad news for the man with the upside down face he was ejected but one imposter remains here's a tentacle crab holy moly that is a tentacle crap he's huge does he have a face no can we give him a face excellent here's a cartoon cat plush and cartoon cat has Jaws hit the floor and he says is that me is it oh wow guys surprise the mouse wants it oh bless him good stuff Jerry all right and now that wait they've started they've set up a business they've stolen your IP cat and they're using you for money don't be fooled all right we're looking in there oh my goodness oh no this is a massive operation they're gonna be rich Jerry's Gonna Leave Me here's a cartoon solar eclipse ooh oh wow oh don't look directly into it Lads they're all looking at it why can't I see um maybe you've been staring at the sun the cat says yes the total solar eclipse and Jerry says best I wish Joe never says dude you gotta let that go I haven't said that for at least 60 Seconds come on now this one's called cartoon cat and his team fight a monster ooh who is the monster looks like some sort of giant Scorpion and he's taking two and four damage he's got some pretty good damage reduction and there's his health bar so who's on his team we got the cat and he's skin anxious cat Health 70 level 17 that's pretty good that's pretty good cat got a wooden siren head level 21 he's even higher 23 Jerry's a level 23. wow is that a blaster Jerry and he's healing Jerry's the Healer no the mouse gave him cheese which healed him the mouse is the Healer he's level 10. and he's he's got a nugget skin this is sick 15 out of 10. this one's called Jerry's not ugly brother so it seems like Jerry's turned himself into lava and he's kicked his brother who's burned and screaming and the ghoster for the cat is saying burn goes the idiot and I'm laughing it's pretty accurate I'm so sorry this next one's blow up cartoon cat and cartoon Mouse's base oh yes oh please don't hit my base with the Crowbar hit it with your crowbar that's the cat what's in here just a cake that seems like a strange place to put it something you want to protect inside of a TNT house well I'm gonna do it oh oh how's the cake is the cake okay I think we killed the cat this one's called Jerry's fighter jet he saw the cat with the helicopter Jerry got jealous so he really stepped things up Jerry this is a really weird cockpit where's the controls Jerry Jerry can't just sit inside of a drone and call it yours his yo-yo's origin story so the cat's talking to Jerry's brother and the cat says you ready he's got this woman by the head she seems to be enjoying it though that's fine and he says yup and he's got yo-yo they've stuck them in the machine are they both in there they are and they're both doing some people next thing you know a who are you two we are cartoon cat and test R1 and you are test why one what are you test R1 is that your a real name rabbit one and she's yo-yo one oh I see I'm landing well here's cartoon rabbit's origin story it begins with a Man painting what is he painting is that a can of rabbit I think it is that gotta be the rabbit right next thing you know he's gone out he's gonna go buy himself a newspaper and the cats come in and stolen his painting and he's hit it with his doohickeys his laser do hickeys because he needs a friend oh my head who are you I'm cartoon cat and you are test R1 it all makes sense now and it's called Trevor dreams oh my goodness wait what is happening there a okey dokey so this is every everyone's dreams we've got Jerry in the bed we've got the cat in the bed and we got Barry so this is the cat stream he's having a bit of a nightmare and what is that is that a chicken ghost but he's an angel demon you know that is pretty terrifying and then Barry he's murdering me he's murdering Jerry and he's got his booze he's living and then this is this is Jerry's dream oh he's sitting on a throne of bananas and I am me and my entire family are worshiping him you know this is actually kind of accurate Jerry what's happening with your Arms This is a little search Jerry and then we've got this is it it's bridge bridge where I'm sleeping so this is a bridge worm dream don't look at me that's hot and the cat is is he a teacher he's a cat on his phone in class he's a self-conscious teacher what siren head is this how he sleeps is very graceful it's like with that time when I found out horses sleep lying down did you know that isn't that weird they look dead and his dream is the is that he hit the gym and he beat up all his friends it doesn't really sue him does it he's still got them skinny legs he definitely skipped leg day this this is amazing this alone 15 out of 10. I love it here's some Trevor Henderson's as it Vines so this first one Jerry says God dang it did you bring balloons in here again and the cat's got a lot of balloons oh is that no it's Barry who's in the the cat's in the front did you put them in here yeah Don you know this car is super light why is your car so light Jerry also you got a lot of flat tires last and the next one the cat is getting himself a drink he's got monster Dew Coke a coal dank memes the soul of the years banana juice and bone marrow this is a little creepy what's he getting he's getting a little of everything and he's drinking it out of a mug you are strange Frick you hey no Frick you is that cool because I called him strange this next one we've got the worm um our wimble way me this looks like a gym like a locker room a window yeah a wimbleway wow what song is this I thought it was the the lion sleeps tonight but now I'm confused the cat was in the fridge the whole time another fit this is exceptional work this one's called the searching and what are they searching for apparently it's a beast that is constantly searching for a host it stabs you with his little stabby things and then it gets inside you and controls you um is that a little human that was possessed what's with the Box what's in the box you know I love really you got me Tammy you got me 10 out of 10 just for making me look this one's called the cat and the dog go and stay on an Airbnb and uh he's fishing he's caught himself a shark and he's been he's pulled off the dock will the dog saving what's the dog up to hey I'm here too um oh well Jerry's a little busy uh so am I I think the cat's gonna die to a shark is not anyone else here creepy doll must be Jerry's no there's no one else here worst holiday I've ever had 10 out of 10. this next one's called cartoon cat saves me and Joe Rylan is this you you're a skeleton you're a blue skeleton or is that green comment below what color is this why did I do this Joe why did we what did we do uh did oh my she did this didn't she she threw herself at us and the cat has seen us he's come prancing along and he's lifted it what a legend you look a little shocked you can put it down now 10 out of ten this was called Rip Jerry oh this is gonna be sad isn't it oh no rip Jerry you you removed the head of a statue put Jerry on it and hey it's me again um they look pretty sad I shouldn't laugh this is this is a terrible day for everyone how did Jerry die again I think he was alive in the last one remember everybody dance it's what Jerry would have wanted also that 10 out of 10. this one's called cartoon cat gets woke he's been meditating guys the cat what's he learn he's just he's learned some sort of Blue Fog ability or should I say Blue Frog breast now cap the kibble's on its way 10 out of 10. here's Trevor Among Us part seven so it starts with little nugget was an imposter one imposter remains there he is he's out in space and then we got siren head siren head's doing the swipe he's doing a pretty good job he's he looks like he's got a ball over a Jerry is calling an emergency meeting with his uh chest arm meanwhile nerpo what what is this are those apples what is he doing and Jerry Jerry what are you supposed to be calling a meeting it was a fake it was all a fake he's got a gun he's shooting nerpo and he's done it he blew his head off Jesus Jerry yo-yo's arrived she's brought a knife and she's what is this is that a megaphone she's called a meeting and said that the body was in O2 Jerry says Where cherry told you weren't you with him the whole time and you have a knife yeah there's a little Cersei you've always got a knife and you both said it was FB and it wasn't FB forgotten baby oh I remember they ejected the baby meanwhile what was this hello sir the baby's talking to the Nugget in space is another forgotten baby this place is just full of them 10 out of 10. who will be next his cartoon cat the gamer didn't know he was a gamer he looks like he'd be a gamer though hey guys I'm playing Among Us with the gang uh he's using a mouse I see what you did there 11 out of 10. Genius here's a cartoon Airship oh my goodness this is a cartoon Airship it's a container with balloons they really love their balloons pretty genius beware dog dog that's strapped to a container and inside Barry and I are just sitting having a chat we're trying to saw our differences and the mouse is tired of being a mouse and now he's gaming what would you do if you saw this flying towards you slightly terrifying 10 out of 10. this one's called it's over Jerry part two oh my goodness what no Jerry Jerry's been attacked by ghosts he's dropped his school book what who are the ghosts we've got Barry the cat the mouse and who are you is that hush and then also we've got this uh the demon guys what is Hershey why is he always here this is terrifying and then oh oh red nerpo and oh Spooky Little meatball is he pulling out the cat's hairs the cat's no get off hey these two are kind of a cute couple 11 out of ten not sure what's going on but I like it this one's called my dog all right I'm I was thinking about upgrading Jerry this is maybe does he move I need a dog that moves let's turn him on okay well I need a dog that moves Jerry moves can you move oh oh hello oh he's coming oh my goodness uh I don't know how I feel about this it sort of reminds me of a rat a little bit more than a dog and um I think no thanks for coming 10 out of 10. very creepy here's some Trevor Henderson Zombie Survival yeah be afraid zombies nice gun Jerry you look pretty cool what Jerry there's no zombies what are you doing tone yourself again Barry's having a poo Barry you need a door for this infirmary who's been hurt the wood siren and who put him on the bed the whole gang is here even I'm here brought my crossbow oh I'm practicing see Jerry the zombies aren't here yet you should be practicing with me what is going on in here who what those nuggets are full of mischief climbing on the baby why does he sleep so weird and downstairs the cat's in a cage what did he do this was Jerry's decision wasn't it is Jerry The Leader or is it this guy 10 out of 10 I could see myself living here his Among Us part eight yo-yo was not an imposter she's been ejected you guys suck so they go back to their tasks and Barry says do you trust me now and siren says no not at all meanwhile Jerry's doing a thing Jerry what are you doing and then oh no they've been locked out the cat that Barry and Simon have been locked out of the what is this Jerry where are you is this electrical and suddenly Victory Jerry and the Nuggets were the imposters of course the Nugget was ejected but Jerry carried the show can you believe it was Jerry all along I had no idea what kind of did but wait there's more so they're on a new map and Barry said dude this map is sick and Jerry says I know the cat says can you guys do your tasks I feel that meanwhile Simon says wait nerpo is not in here okay Bet [Music] nipples got a knife I think you're in trouble Simon holy moly never went to town on him wow this new map is really cool she's got a knife too is she also the Imposter well I guess we'll have to wait for part 10 to find out we know nerpo's one of them here's cartoon cat versus a Karen what's happening hello welcome to don't you give me that I'm sorry what happened that's what I'm saying first I was going to park in a spot but someone stole it was ignoring me and now she didn't get me the manager then I was trying to get some help with the employee her name was yo-yo I'll get her oh no it's a caramel it's a Karen and you're and her manager oh she's sassy so I got some complaints from a woman the one who's stared at me and thought I would get hurt somehow yep that's the one the cat's return said I'm not getting the manager he's put his foot down and she screams what and ladies and gentlemen that's how you deal with it Karen you just don't put up with it 10 out of 10 life lessons I know it's a little after April fools but here's an April fools did you really think I'd quit Tammy I didn't doubt you for a second and here's Jerry pooping on a bed and whose bed is it it's the cat's bed and the guy who made this name is skid which is very convenient for this dude 10 out of 10. anything with Jerry and poop is gonna get a 10. this one's called a smiling eel versus the cartoon and um is that I think this is the eel and Jerry's in his mouth Jerry where's your legs Jerry the inside oh Jerry no is the cat Gonna Save him or is he crying is that his cry attack Jerry I feel like he's not really trying don't worry Jerry I'll save you Jerry here's some more Trevor Among Us and oh who was it this time cat is US siren is sus it's not me it's cat vote him vote cat that's two votes for cat cat says it's siren head he assessed he vented vote him I'm the Imposter they are sus but I'm the one you are very sus but unfortunately this is a democracy where's Jerry here's a living building but instead of living it's just being here and oh is it alive hang on that eye seems like it could be alive I like his little goatee is that cheese um can we turn him on oh oh no someone call a doctor here's a story about Jerry we must read from here this is gonna be funny oh he stuck something on him oh he's a kill me you're supposed to say kick me you oh no that's you've gone too far there oh boy no although and there it is Jerry's been cut in half it was only a matter of time the end Jerry's Dead Oh Jerry you're looking pretty trim though Shame about the death that's fine here's the Trevor Hendersons versus some zombies they've seemed to have formed this on this little bunker who's in here the chicken makes sense he's a chicken yo-yo's Manning the operating system well everyone else is out here fighting the cats taking on many he's inside what happened to this worm oh the worm got turned no so did the horse our siren's about to nirpo's a giant the milk's gone green aren't Jerry's ugly brother hang on oh that looks oh he looks like he's turning he's turning what are you gonna do Jerry there's one behind you Jerry you gonna be next seems like they got these ones too it's not looking good for the lads this one's called Powers Austin Powers hang on this behemoth's God bubble gum and this is that Jerry's brother is he a black hole a light head it seems like you know in the World's Strongest Man when they lift up those balls not quite like this Jerry looks pretty cool cool though Jerry looking good so does the worm oh the gold siren head that's expensive is this cat made of cheese here's a watchtower a monster coming soon oh look at him oh I like his little Crown looking pretty pimped out and we'll turn him on oh no oh that neck oh I felt that one here's yo-yo oh it's a cute little yo-yo is this the killer one is that a wait my goodness that's a big knife call that a knife my knife's bigger is a little house with a nice little window and a blue Corvette oh my gosh this is me and Jerry oh wait a second we're a family does that make Jerry our son or is Jerry married and am I the baby will uh just comment below which way does this work wait a second this says do not unfreeze um I like a challenge uh is that why it seems fine I've seen things break worse that's pretty sturdy here is a wolf in sheep's clothing who is it yup seems normal what just some sheep just some grass okay what what the Jerry is this what you've been getting up to while I'm not looking he's wedged himself inside a wall block well he's fooled the Sheep Jay what have you gotta murder them does Jerry have some fox in him he got a little bit of a foxy nose doesn't he is Jerry a fox he's a cartoon cat but he's mad why is he mad he's found a sign that says cartoon cat is dumb weak and gross by Barry is that Jerry's ugly brother is that his name is that what we're calling him stupid Jerry's ugly brother so mean your eyes look a bit weird you're frowning with only the one too much Botox do you think we should call him Barry comment below so this is called a cat apocalypse and it seems like a load of cats are chasing Jerry and his brother they've managed to get Barry go on with ow hey Jerry says sorry Barry but you are ugly dumb and bad Jerry he's about to die and you say this to him Jerry you are a Savage a true Savage maybe we can save him not he's attached at the hip his cartoon cat but he got scribbled oh he's been a little scribbled his neck's a bit long his fingers are a bit broken his legs are thinner than I remember does he have any cake oh hang on there's a little bit there we'll take it 15 out of 10. what is this because he swallowed a barrel his cartoon cat versus scp-096 and oh he appears to wait if you look at it from the right angle he's this looks like cartoon cat has a tiny head but no unfortunately the cat has been swallowed um yeah we're in there the mouse is he's fleeing why didn't you save him he's a coward here's a Mecca siren head oh my goodness it is a mega size made out of trash but nice trash you know like are those bins from the future and these hooks are chromed out okay I see is it room for a little one in here I am the captain now what would you do if you found out the bananas controlled all the siren heads would you want revenge would you eat all the bananas well good luck we've got swords now here's a horse buddies Chrome and on a spinning thing hang on can we turn him on spin for me lad give me the Disco please wait a second I died and he changed color what is this sorcery he's now meat looking he looks a bit meaty it does say he's a meat horse here's the Imposter but his legs are longer very nice here's me and Jerry doing something Jerry taking me for a walk Jerry what what what's hush doing why is he so living and floating and also has the worm decided he wants to be a butterfly it's kind of sad that he never actually got to see his final form is Mothman his true form oh I wonder what is this you're a wizard also is this cat about a smack Jerry on the booty and what's what do these two doing he's crying why are you crying what happened there's no description for this so my guess is that the mouse just called him ugly everyone's getting in on it these days here's the god of tentacles holy fish moly here's clockwise Jack um is he clockwise I feel like he's kind of going anti-clockwise right right am I crazy here's what the original looked like I wonder how that one would fare with gravity oh nice dance moves oh it's a snake uh oh Lads I've got bad news cartoon cat found the tool gun again time to show everyone my creation Tada it's a food display that's a one out of ten I've seen better than that what happened to my legs if you ate them what happened to your legs Jerry oh no they're still there Jerry um they're a bit slender I'll eat your arms as well if you don't shut up I'm gonna die again because you're a mean guy too oh Jerry that is pretty tragic the end wow what a story that's a roller coaster here's cartoon cat but he's oh he's kind of cute ow wait a second can you just not for a second that's it let me look at those eyes look at those little anime eyes oh he's beautiful nice little I love those feet oh those look good on you are you are you okay he's making a run-up please don't Mercy remember all the good things we did together here's a cartoon devil oh oh I like oh he's got a six-pack this man's hit the gym is he smiling where's his face it's hard to see his face I can fix that we'll do this and there it is there's he's got three eyes he has three eyes I like his horns no tail the devil needs a tail and a pitchfork though let's be honest it's okay you can you can rest you've been busy it's kind of cute he's a cartoon cat but he has no teeth oh that is oh I don't like that oh my goodness why have you done this what what have you done this um I guess it makes him safer he's kind kind of cute oh this is not a great angle oh it's really gummy it's like my grandma I wonder if oh hey that's kind of nice here's a behemoth Phantom which means he's cartoony right is he part of the cartoon gang now I would love to see him wait a second I can make it happen Behemoth oh and we turn him there it is there's the real deal holy moly I like it um his teeth have all gone black too and his eye and where is this guy he looks fabulous now if I stand in his mouth and turn him on will he Munch me today yes can confirm I look like the witch from The Wizard of Oz do you remember that here he is again but he's standing up and this time let's see if he can land his mouth on me but I got schnauzed this one's called Behemoth Mayhem oh yep no you that name seems pretty accurate I'm dying poor siren head Jerry's riding him Jerry's having a great time he fist bumping Jerry and his brother is hanging on to the table now we're gonna die oh look at lion he's protecting his neck that's pretty smart is he a Titan 10 out of 10 for the Mayhem here's another Behemoth oh wait this one's got mini behemoths all over it look at this a little hieroglyphs of behemoths but it he is what he's made of them oh he's he's fabulous I like that little spine going on and he's tiny these guys his Tails a little stubby that's fine we can forgive you for that his feet are pretty large are those size 12s is he stand up on his own he does it's jaw oh no and here's another one oh this one's chromie he's a little dragon oh he's kind of cute that's a lot of teeth my his Dentist bill must be large kind of like a Minecraft bed in here why can't I see myself am I a vampire here's that lady that catfished me I'm not sure I'd fall for it this time will gravity fall for it no here's a cartoon cat Meg oh oh holy moly look at this thing what's that there's a nice oh that's a rocket system he's got oh and there's the Cannons hands Clans are claws is he in there is he in can we see him there he is I can see him he's always got enough wires in here his chair is pretty cool is that a barber's chair would you steal that from but can he survive the ultimate test oh I didn't have the gravity system put it that's an expensive upgrade wait a second there's more hey the one of his Rockets exploded what's in here oh it's beds bits and Bobs and a is that the heart and some bones nice here's cartoon cats True Colors uh-oh oh no he's he's crying what have I done you've got blood on your hat you've even got it in your eye you need to wash that out Jerry's brother 2019 to 2021 whose grave is this is this Jerry have you killed Jerry does it matter that they're gone no be evil oh man oh he just wants to be a nice cat he just wants to be a house cat but he's got this demon living in him oh it's tragic it's a tragedy we forgive you cartoon cat hit that like button if you forgive him hit him right on the nose here's cartoon cat and Jerry's ugly brother but they're switching Souls it would appear that the cat's soul is now entering Jerry's brother and generally his brother's Souls entering the cat and now they walk like each other okay that's a pretty cool move you guys got how about me and here's our first you it's the story of cartoon mouse and so initially the mouse he's he's been ganged up on please don't hurt me you are not one of us uh Jerry what have I told you about bullying mice bad Jerry some gruesome Oh My Cries who hate is here comment below who was it and then finally he revealed himself what do you think fellas and they said one of us one of us all right so you only like violence uh it's becoming very clear that as the days go on well we've all learned a valuable lesson if you cry into a corner for long enough you become a flesh Beast here's another dude it's uh the guy's on a rocket who's strapped okay I think the cat is flying the rocket and he strapped his brothers to the rocket I wonder what happens if we release them oh oh it's a rodeo Oh get him Cowboy Jerry okay here's another one and wait Jerry's saying Get Wrecked who's getting wrecked Jerry welcome to the club says the cat oh I can't even move my limbs nah dude not many people can and then what's Happening Here you two making out with your massive mouths oh this is everyone's first kiss here's another story about cartoon cat oh oh my so it starts with two of them just chilling and the cat says hey Jerry I'm having second thoughts about my looks are you and Jerry says hmm maybe Jerry have some confidence man and then the cat says I think I might change back sure I will come with maybe they could help me fix my legs Jerry what's wrong with your legs oh yeah your hands are on now that is a good idea now see that's a supportive cat brother sister and the cat has gone to the surgeon and is demanding to be changed back and he says okay but I will need help he seems awfully calm considering and so he sticks him in it in a chamber Jerry if I die my name is Trent what why is Jerry's ugly brother in there oh is he losing confidence too and this is the final product all right so Jerry's got his legs fixed his hands are on correctly now that's excellent and the cat feels good this was an incredible tale of Brotherly and sisterly love and cosmetic surgery and I've started to feel a little inspired myself what do you think no I hate it too this one's called cartoon dog dog dog ooh I see why here we have a cartoon Lord oh my they peaked is that blood on his hands whose face is that does anyone know comment below whose face is that the cat's face it's hard to tell let's release it ah Lord more like flawed here's another story of cartoon mouse and oh is he oh no they're being bullied Again by The Lads what are they doing they're taking pictures of him in the bathroom or is that a letter what excuse me sir oh they've stolen his Hogwarts letter from him now Jerry's kicking him in the belly he's crying because she made him cry look at look at him laughing you deserve this oh no the mouse the mouse oh oh God the mouse save them out oh no it's too late oh the layers are going to Hogwarts some if you get left from Hogwarts it might not have been addressed to you here's the cartoon gang taking a picture ooh waiter Brock hey what's up Joe and uh I'm here good to be here I don't seem to know what gravity is yet but I'm sure I'll figure it out we've got some breaking newses we got the old breaking news no that's the new breaking news and the and the old on the old cat his cartoon cat feeding oh he feasts Nom Nom oh look at him he's eating him even more now oh oh yes oh I think he's I think he's eating his head no hang on let's check pretty sure that man's headless would you let go of him drop it drop it drop it drop it ah forget it here's some more minis oh oh another box oh I recognize you bonesworth day 18 Trevor Anderson Mini Monsters there's a siren and a kitty what about the other side anymore no we're just going to pry it open here we go what does that say on oh no nice wow is that aghast is is that a gas bill kind of is that a pig man I really wish they sold Lego sets like this look at that little Smiley milk here's a tooth crab honestly no idea what this is is there an original image very well here's a cartoon Beast ooh what kind of Beast is he reminds me of the Basilisk from Harry Potter you remember the Basilisk I always thought I could take so let's find out let me turn you on and then oh yeah you want to go close close one maybe next time here's another horror pack ooh oh it's another gun reveal but it's so loud I'm just gonna remove the wood and here it is this is kinda epic what is this and then we've got a cartoon siren is that cartoon twin cats with tentacle mouths oh this is spooky oh Bridge one with legs oh it's Bridge burn with no skin at all it's just skinless oh I'm unsure what this creature is it kind of looks like a tarantula and then a little light head oh he's cute here's some more Travis fighting zombies and this time a lot of the trevors have become zombies look at that big old nerpa why is he so big there's that one control in the slide or is he just freeloading that is one shiny day 17. and as you can see the what the worm is trying to get away You're Next I think Jerry Cherry seems to be uh getting his way out of trouble the man with the upside down face is saving the day as usual who's flying these helicopters that bones were pilot bones were and lamb there's also a hugger is he hugging people just in case they get scared therapy spider here's a sad cat wait that's a cherry what's happening hello Joe if you are looking at this dupe thank you also yes this neon Jerry is me oh hey I like you neon Jerry also I hope you like this do please rate it you didn't rate my other dupes like the worms cartoon ragdolls and siren head ragdolls yes the dupes with a box oh you make the boxes they're all tens my friend I didn't think I needed to say it high five so what's happening don't go cartoon cam as Garfield oh he's so destroyed Garfield's been run over whoever was driving got out and fled which makes me think was it you what's in here is the boys torturing Garfield with a laser pointer and in here we have cartoon kittens cage oh these two real cozy on the sofa watching my videos Jerry why are you alone what did you do this time you farting up the room another 10 this one's called cartoon cat gets a sick camera press 4 to turn on camera press two to turn on sick camera shot okay poor ooh I like it I think I'm gonna be sick though oh I died how did I die here's a destructible imposter oh oh I like it oh let's break in straight for the knees always go for the knees we got some bones in the knees what about the groin oh groin bones uh is that a spleen I think that's a spleen all right he's got a lot going on down there are those ribs oh no this is belly that's the belly of him why has he got skulls in there what about inside here those are just bits that's already the inside it's beautiful he looks like a minion here's a banana eater oh he's got more legs four wasn't enough and here's another one oh and there's me eating delicious and here's the third one what am I doing this time oh I finished eating and I'm wiping my mouth remember even monsters got class this one's called the new cartoon member oh oh I like this tells me which end to read from sup hello and welcome to the cartoon gang wow this is a different narrative than what we've seen already look how happy he is is there any cheese no why you ask so there's no cheese yep I like the dura I like the direction this one took the mouse got revenge again hell yeah this one's called Tom and Jerry oh remember remember the old logo Tom and Jerry logo oh I love it here's a cubified hush [Music] here's a Trevor Henderson ride and to go on this ride you must be this High the nuggets have figured out away hold eight oh oh hang on come back come back little little oh come on back come back this little banana on the front and everything oh this is amazing all right here we go I'm holding a let's ride this baby I was pretty magical so far this is probably the best roller coaster I've ever been on in Gary's Mod so this one oh no we're bumped are we good this gets an 11 already I haven't even seen any monsters oh a tunnel in love what the heck was that it was a battle of ten full of blood going too fast can't see oh hey wow this is amazing I wish this was in real life oh hey horse who is you good man I never remember his name baby oh Cherry hey did I run over Jerry oh we went through cartoon cow's head and there was a a with a can you go backwards there's a costume man at the end is he is he Manning the ride that was incredible wow look at the smile on my car just like my face here's some Travis fighting Leo vincible monsters oh oh who's oh oh the cat V cat that makes perfect sense it's gorfield the slandy Tubby's getting stomped oh that's a lot of blood the worm has lost to I forget his name if you remember comment below siren who you fighting oh torch light was that his name and me and Jerry are teaming up to kill is that the dentist and siren head has kicked radio nor in His Radio nads this one's called cartoon cat gets kidnapped oh my goodness what have you done what have you done on my cat he's I think he's being tortured you know you probably deserved it this one's called the boys play the word I can never pronounce so I'm not gonna try and here it is the cat you know I've never played this game I'll be honest I don't know what to say what is this the cat's in the control center over in the house we got the mouse what's the mouse doing other than looking pretty fly with his belly out then we have Jerry's ugly brother testing for ghosts and then upstairs there's Jerry being murdered classic Jerry this one's called Joe Revenge Justice Jerry is too late it's too late lad look you fit perfectly this one's called Joe's secret oh oh God my secret I am a Trevor I say as I bow down to Jerry and then and then I reveal myself and murder him and a Mouse runs away and then I hug the mouse and say family and he says Joe eek [ __ ] oh oh I was talking to the bananas my family God what is happening I was following this sort of does anyone know are we friends do they turn back I don't know I love it though so this one's called banana dog um for some reason it's just Jerry's face there's nothing else what is this it's amazing hey this one's for me oh my god what have you done you are weak Jerry therefore you must die I swear I can change master no Jerry it's too late I have become a what's it and I'm gonna eat you can I break into myself like bones in here what's inside nothing I'm a shell of a man is that a gun this one's called attack on Joe oh does that make me a Titan and I finally captured Jerry in his private jet that'll teach him going on holiday without me here's me with an imposter ooh seems like we've both been pretty busy this one's called just joking imposter [Music] so that's I'm gonna be honest am I drinking a tiny little soda what's happening is he pulling himself here's our first you it's called a sad cartoon mouse story hello Joe welcome back I changed into an ink demon bendy but I'll still make Trevor dupes excellent high five so it begins in the living room slash bedroom of their one bed apartment which is really getting kind of small now there's four of them and there's only two beds where's everyone sleeping and these two are just watching the Telly is this where the mouse Lives who is that blood from his ear oh my Jerry it looks like you're biting it and in the next scene we have the mouse trying to cuddle the cat slash strangle him to death it's hard to tell and then Jerry's ugly Brothers just kind of stood there are you gonna save him where's Jerry is Jerry gone to the shops and then all of a sudden things have just taken a massive turn and nerpo's run over the maps oh no but why why has this happened Jerry's back from the store his brother's crying no one else seems that sad really the cat seems that's the sort of face you make when you don't get a cookie can we save this mouse is he stuck that he's stuck there oh boy rest in peace I guess the Mouse is dead and Jerry invited his tropical self well this what this was a uh a heart string puller hey his siren head in Minecraft what where's his belly kind of awesome well where's the rest of him pretty nice here's another dupe where cartoon cat gets slapped ooh oh oh is it coming out is that hand coming up is he gonna is he gonna do it again oh oh oh oh he's going for it oh yeah oh there it is oh yes hahaha hit him again oh I like it and again this is not just in the face it's a whole of him siren shows no mercy with his slaps ow here's a cyborg cartoon cat oh I like it what's his eye made out of is that water perfect perfect he's a cat he has a prehistoric jelly mouth oh oh I like it oh those tentacles is long they're longer than I remember be honest when you saw jelly math the first time did you want to take a bite too I know I sure did his jelly mouth's house oh he lives all the way up in the sky interesting okay oh he's got CCTV there's a oh is that a trough of nuggets that's dinner isn't it where's the jelly where is he is he up there is he in the roof or does he live up here we're the devil's the jelly is that a Nintendo switch what where's the jelly is this a plank he's got a plank to make the nuggets walk off I'm so confused oh here he is hey how's it going good to see you good to see so this one's called adopt a dog adopt one of these dogs you won't regret it they match up with Jerry so please adopt a dog for free and they need a good home okay oh this is gonna be tough all right you guys vote in the comments who you would like to adopt and I I will select one myself we have opposite Jerry that is terrifying but I like it I like his little his little black feet slash hands looking good yo yo Jerry oh nice flower although that's a little sus upside down Jerry um the upside down kind of comes with demons so I think I've got enough of them jelly Jerry ooh or banana Jerry oh it's between these two they can only be one bananas jelly Jerry rolls off the tongue here's another prehistoric jelly mouth oh oh I like this one oh now that now that's a map oh he swallowed his own mouth he's beating me with his limbs what's inside he's a tube oh it's cozy in here I think I'm stuck oh boy here's cartoon cat and cartoon mouse um in some sort of SCP scenario is he being interviewed at open sesame what can I can I get in I'm in ooh all right the cat the cat's interrogating him and the mouse just says die all right now is this cat trying to play a good cop ain't nobody falling for that cat here's an albino cartoon cat oh I like it those eyes are haunting me here's an alien cartoon cat oh oh my look at that mouth he looks like a dinosaur themselves like dinosaur teeth why both your hands on this side it's kind of stylish his cartoon dog part two oh my what have you done Jerry Jerry you in there Jerry what's he done here Jay what's the deal oh my God Jerry you're like Jerry's gonna be okay can I burst him anyone got a needle oh Jerry oh my Jerry Jerry Jerry get down Jerry get down from there look at his hand [Music] all right Jerry enjoy it free is a bit here's the hush shrunk oh my oh Lord why am I so tiny you've been in the washing machine oh it's a nightmare are you seeing what I'm seeing I am buddy you two wait you got no mouth how are you seeing anything neither of you have eyes What's Happening Here not me not my fault bro uh he didn't do it but he's pretty sus cartoon Mash brother do you know who did this cartoon mask killer no I don't really know hmm who shrunk you not whoever smelt it you were the first one to notice so it was you wasn't it me comment below who Shrunk The Hush here's if househead had a jaw oh wow oh I like it it's like if he had a basement too right um oh no oh no what what just happened oh it's a heavy jaw hey it's me it's the banana yeah this is so good you absolutely smashed it the even the off the off color yellow is the mustard would you eat a banana that was mustard colored I don't think I would that's kind of freaky oh and there goes my eyes I'll be seeing you oh are those people I don't know this one's called Jerry's not ugly brother this is what you get for calling me ugly oh he spawned in a command block and he's killed the cat um sir it was I that called you ugly wouldn't you want to take it out on me or Jerry bendy why is bendy here did bendy did you make this I have a feeling he'll survive this I'll save you cat oh never mind you stuck this one's called Joe sucks the life from cartoon cat oh my what am I doing what this is horrifying oh my god um at least I'm enjoying myself is this what you guys think of me fair enough here's cartoon cat playing Minecraft and wow he looks really thin compared to a Minecraft world doesn't he absolutely cakeless so just remember even the Monsters play games this one's called cartoon panic and oh wait a second Jerry's eating me he's actually usually people put a banana in Jerry's map but I somehow you've managed to fit me in there and the rest are just seeing normal kind of food the mouse is sad even when he's eating the double cheeseburger and uh wait a second what the devil censor it this is wrong this is illegal is that what wait a second that Mouse thick what am I doing all right everyone chill out everyone just stop put them down are you eating anything is he on a diet oh sorry his cartoon mouse coming from a TV oh that'll haunt your dreams although if I saw him coming out of my TV I think I just adopt him and then if he pulled his face back then I'd stick him back in the TV oh nice lipstick looking good here's the cartoon creatures having a big old brawl oh I'm stuck inside oh the mouse is using ballet to defeat his foes isn't he elegant wow plie please save my dog is he punching the cat in the nuts if you look at it from the right angle there we go that'll teach him here's another cartoon dog oh it's Jerry's ugly brother and wow I think it's an improvement he's uh is he really lightweight too oh there he goes is that a tail or a leg everybody's oh look at his hand oh you've done you did a real number on him oh look at his chin yeah I think Cherry got off light there's a golden Jerry oh Jerry you look fabulous can we take you to cash for gold you're like a pirate that went too far comment below how much would you pay for this Jerry it's an auction highest bit of wins here's some fnafs versus Travis hey it's me with the boys and me and Jerry have gone to the FNAF Museum and look we're posing with foxy who's this guy is he our photographer um There's A Train That's fallen over we got why are these guys fighting um Meanwhile we're just having fun this is kind of an epic spider kick the cat's getting absolutely destroyed by Chica and over here we have light head patting Bonnie on the back no he's not he's saving he's saving siren head from from being squished by this car I don't think he's gonna be able to though he's he's only sort of trying he's not even touching him it's a hover hand here's a figurine box and it's a gold one which means let's blast the lid off oof oh look everything's gold all right everybody auction again quickly how much you're paying for this worm is it Trevor ice cream parlor um who's serving siren Simon you sell ice cream now that is a fancy chair to sell ice cream from I respect it we got enough who's paying for this is the cat paying for this he's treating him after he threatened his life seek families everything works out in the end Jerry what are you doing here's some more zombies attacking the Trevor Henderson boys and uh what is this is this a gun a Jerry's brother is screaming no brother Jerry must be in here oh no oh they finally got him Jay that's what you get for camping you hide they find you Jerry that's how it works with zombies also it looks like it's pretty much game over for the cat too what is happening up here oh the sirens have found a light are they trying to save them well I guess is just on YouTube to repopulate his cartoon cat playing Minecraft again cartoon rabbit 420 joined the game and Jerry either of Worlds joined Jay that's pretty cool name that's kind of suits you and oh look he's so excited to see the boys and um what's happening over here is this a dungeon oh they're so sick and this is the cat's house wow you're gonna need more beds I can't wait to see part three here's a prehistoric cartoon mouse oh my oatmeal oh my goodness look at his face oh why is this neck detached is he like this I guess maybe before he was kind of terrifying no matter what and he's never had a full year also he had more limbs what's this is this a coconut is this a big surprise hey I'm the surprise here's cartoon cat with a message for the love of God please stop making these cringy dupes well do you know what we say to that sorry uh you're just collateral damage I'm afraid never stop never ever here's some trevors at the park oh my oh wow yeah see this is why you never stop because we wouldn't have things like this this is perfect the tree is is he mating with the other trees is that what's happening and the cat's dead or is he sleeping are they camping why are you making a fire ah Jerry's in the trees Cherry you kind of look good in the trees there's also a car oh look who it is he couldn't resist could he here's a wide Jerry what have you done how did you do this teach me how you've done this this is so cool Jerry Jerry Jerry what just happened can I knock you over Jerry he's stuck in the ground I think he's fine a hundred out of 10 for the wide Jerry but that's pretty much it for this video if you've enjoyed it please smack that like button and subscribe if you're new it's free and on yellow foreign
Channel: JustJoeKing
Views: 1,408,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: justjoeking, Bad Trevor Henderson Dupes - TOP 100, gmod, garry's mod sandbox, garrys mod, sandbox, garry's mod, just joking, Garry’s mod, Trevor henderson, just Joe king, garrysmod, banana joe, just joking gmod, g mod, bad dupes, bad trevor henderson dupes, dupes, justjoeking dupes, cartoon cat, siren head
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 3sec (4383 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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