WHO IS SMARTEST? Slogo vs Crainer

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so Craner I know that you saw I took on the human Benchmark I know Jos and I think I can beat you yeah you saw it and you weren't that impressed right no not really dude like you don't know this about me but I'm pretty much a specimen of a human being well yeah yeah I think everyone is right no like the like a rare one yeah I know you've I I we definitely say rare what do you mean by that though special special needs no like I like I'm really clever and off oh yes so today I'll prove it that I'm smarter than you okay fine fine fine okay well then I think it's only fair that as the Challenger you go first okay I'm getting a bit nervous actually hold on okay I shook the nervousness out so when this turns green click click click sh am I to distract you w 178 that so if we just look at the graph real quick that br you in below average okay well you I get three tries we both get three tries and the best out of three gets the round okay okay cool cool cool cool cool okay are we allowed to distract each other dang it that's worse can you stop talking Josh Wait no that's oh wait wait no that was 100 milliseconds worse than my first one oh so wait the first one was actually not that bad okay okay okay all right well this is your last chance so wait are we allowed to distract each other or not uh yes yeah yeah we are okay all right well make sure that you click it when it goes green dang it I suck all right my best one was 180 wasn't it okay 180 okay you have to beat 180 Josh all right well let's do it and click it's green it's blue it's yellow click click now click 199 that's worse than my first one that's a good sign your first one was actually pretty good now I think about it okay okay I think it was like 186 to be fair it's even worse Jo no that's better that's literally better like 3 milliseconds better or something Josh come on dud 3 cenm counts ready yes I'm actually nervous what was it wait what I right what are you doing I I clicked and what did it say I think you get a retry JN no no I I I think it said 150 okay editor who who won round one I'm actually you're not expecting to answer you right they they no but they'll like do a p something like the winner right this is something that I'm really good at sequence memory okay okay remembering things I'm like an elephant that never forgets Josh Y and you got a big nose that's not why I'm an elephant let's start level one easy okay yeah that was easy binging so how could I distract you in this why are we going bing bong bing bong up down left right set left down up doesn't dinging Bing Ding I can't talk while doing this I'll have to talk in bing bong bongs Josh okay well what's the weather like today Craner and also have you ever gone left and then right and then up and down and then turned it all around oh this is so hard what you're talking Pokey and turn around that's what it's all about all yeah this is really y level eight I made it to level eight okay let's see let's see let's see all right I'm going straight in with this one okay I would have done better if I could keep bing bing bonging Josh okay all right oh you remember that Josh yeah got that one yep got to take those two it's all about the beat you got to go right yeah dang it you got to go left now and then up down left right and up in the Dy hand on the oh look Josh there's a bird there's a there's a bird in your office Josh it's flying around you're also using the the the Rhythm thing I think it helps out does it yeah you're not really talking a lot Josh are you wait I made it to level eight wo you beat me then all right are you going to rob it in by playing more levels he's robbing it in level 10 oh my goodness he's doing it he's got to go as far as he can with me watching I just know it oh I skip accident okay you know what Josh I can admit when my opponent does good and you did good butd all right to the next one aim trainer uh hit 30 targets as quickly as you can how's your aim Josh okay but you only get one chance of this this is hand ey coordination something I'm really good at click it yes what what you you so slow am I slow why is your mouse like swirling around so much because my head is shaking from nervousness man hey 595 595 milliseconds wait let me see so that is wait was it about being fast I thought it was about being accurate yeah average time per Target so what so I just didn't I didn't even have to hit the middle yeah you were if if you look at the stats you were not very good there can I try again no cuz I I've misunderstood okay you ready crer I yeah Bo oh see when you don't have to actually aim for the middle it's so much quicker I could have done so much better you know also reading the instructions is part of the challenge okay yeah I gu I guess it does make sense W let's go it's only 100 milliseconds quicker you're not that cool well it's still better yeah true number memory the average person can remember seven numbers okay once can you do more sure I'm not average two two well done yeah one 34 34 you're saying it out loud is that part of your tactic eight 67 [Music] 49 you got it wait 39 39 7057 39 39 799 39 39 39 397 w w I'm good at this actually doing it 96 21192 3 96 I can't even distract you from it one 1 7 plus four plus four remember four don't forget four ah dang it man okay oh it was pretty close actually okay all right my turn yeah level nine Josh okay my turn for can you beat level N I doubt you can cuz you suck and you're not the man okay okay all right starting off easy okay I mean I'm not going to mess that one up on I no no no no no no wait until Level Nine next wait are you getting the same numbers as me no am I no right no no no level 683 yep yep yep we can do that why am I saying the right make sure to say them out loud for me yeah that actually 256 2506 256 yeah okay that's fine okay level five y okay are you sure you're not cheating no why you're not sure I'm not cheating oh okay are you I feel like you're doing something 2 6 7 3 6 4 8 6 2 a there we go wait what did you get to again greina I think level nine right you got to level nine yeah so that means I couldn't complete level 9 so if you can get to level 10 then I'm a clear winner okay yeah then you've won 4 5 this is so many numbers 8 1 2 4 9 84 5 3 1 8 you're clicking something aren't you no 9 8 4 5 3 1 did you need to put two eights down there two four oh yeah eight right wait what y I just I I helped you get to level 10 I just accidentally clicked twice my bad okay let's see if I can get this this last one okay if you can get this this is insane 3 0 29172 14923 02 9172 uh4 9 23 0 29172 no way have I won a single challenge yet I've clearly won this one so I think we'll just move on suck at that verbal memory test what does that even mean you'll be shown words one at a time if you've seen a word the P okay that's new new Ting new Desperados new P scene tantalizer tantalizing scene Desperado scene tantalizer scene berer scene oh that's you new R oh we had that one reca CA seen seen not seen not seen epitus not seen pret disposes not seen what I've never heard of that conservatives I haven't had that one before new you lost the life you lost the life what what is this isn't that Hyman like something is that your butt yeah yeah that's it and then a Hol is like your butthole maybe yeah probably go Henly wobbles solude you're actually doing well scene conservative scene R nut scene RSE new R scene is s a ey scene scene scene scene scene scene Cascade not seen Rovers has been seen Miss label has not been seen that's been seen that's not been seen that's been seen that's been seen that's not been seen that's been seen that's been dang that was that was pretty good I hope they're not the same words otherwise I'm in trouble what do you mean because then I've feel like I've seen them before yeah you need new words uh oh yeah don't think I saw that one in mine okay solarized wondrousness Insurance festivities dog year see what is dog year is that is that literally an ear of a dog oh I'm getting confused now no you already lost life Josh I was on 53 points I just want you to know that I'll be honest you did really well I'm good at words Josh I'm not good at numbers man I've never been a numbers man man you're going to lose there's no way you're getting over 50 oh oh oh no I'll be honest I went pretty quick though that I actually won that I wish I hadn't seen yours cuz I my brain was so fried oh yeah of course yours of course it's because of mine all right now for the this is the final test it's the chimp test okay wait that's that seems kind of insulting to me dude do they not think I'm smarter than chimp we'll find out won't we click the squares in order according to their numbers huh see nice and easy you I got to do it quick do I it's quick I got to do it I don't think so okay one oh wait I didn't look I get to redo that no wait I got strikes oh it's good 1 2 3 4 5 O this is so 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I suck at this yeah this is not your I'm no smarter than a chimpy no seven seven what is that even that's the worst of the worst almost Josh yeah that's really poor oh there's no way you're not beating that all right we'll find out we'll find out this is it are you smarter than a chimpanzee Joshy boy 1 2 3 4 yeah but now they're going to disappear on you all of a 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 how many times do you have to do that why do you do that with your mouse 2 three 4 5 cuz I'm I that's how I remember it you're like programming your brain 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven oh wa okay you think you 1 2 3 four think already beat me Jos you kind of already beat me okay let's see one strike left buddy not that I can win this one but hey I just want you to strike out 5 six where is it J hey you got nine I mean I still beat you by two Jos which I think means I just won I guess you're the smarter human being smarter than a chimp
Channel: SLG
Views: 139,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BZpQ8DGupH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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