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all right so it's nighttime just came back from my P o box I didn't see anybody there but I can tell you guys this is probably the heaviest mystery box I've ordered on the dark web the heaviest it's probably the most damaged mystery box before unboxing all the edges have tape on them black and gray duct tape oh yeah yeah let's get the unboxing started smash the like button guys if you're ready to see a dark web mystery unboxing let's get it alright so got a knife I will suggest opening any dark web mystery box with out alright commentating over here editors notes just letting you guys know that this gentleman says he doesn't suggest opening any mystery box without gloves let me tell you guys that I don't suggest you guys opening any mystery boxes at all it's not recommended that's what us youtubers are for that's why youtubers exist we do all the stupid stuff and you guys watch it this is not to be tried at home please do not try this at home do not ever go on the dark web and order any dark web mystery boxes me over here watching this video this is all after I recorded and I can tell you guys that by the end of this video you guys are probably not gonna be as traumatized as I am but you're gonna be traumatized if you're under 18 just step away from this video red gloves I got some gloves here and that's right two real men wear pink I also on my left side I have a garbage bin here so I can just throw out all the unnecessary stuff and I'm assuming there's gonna be unnecessary stuff every mystery box I have ever ordered oh okay so first box is just to give me another box inside and it smells really bad no this smells really bad it smells like roadkill oh my god oh my god okay so it's heavenly it's super mario designed wrapping paper now I'm a really big fan of Super Mario on this when I was a kid I was I think this is gonna kill my entire childhood piston it did but let's get this started okay I see an Xbox one controller it's an Xbox and Xbox box now something is telling me that there isn't an Xbox inside you does it sound like there's an Xbox inside there it sounds like shoes or something at least anyways open from the side open from the top this smells really bad oh my goodness okay so there's a lot of weird stuff oh oh my god it smells so bad so look somebody farted inside the box and just sent it to me oh my god okay let's start off we have a mirror we have a mirror over here it looks like one of those on high school locker mirrors like people put those inside their locker you know it's really dirty there's no markings on it I don't see any value with this I'm not in high school anymore so I'm just gonna throw it inside the garbage bin next we have right beside it a picture frame with no picture inside it there is no picture inside the picture frame it's just just mess around this goes in the garbage because it's not valuable to me at all the next thing we're gonna pull out of the box you know the old looking bag oh my god why why I thought hard drives I got three three hard drives 320 gigabyte WD black I think this is this ones unknown brand and this one's not branded at all but it's it's definitely a hard drive and then we have another WD brand WD blue 320 gigabytes is the black one and the right one is I think this one is the same thing oh yeah 320 gigabytes I found it right here 322 works so well if you guys want to wait till the end of the video and I'll I'll find a way to go through these hard drives I don't want to put them in my computer because maybe I damaged Michael by plugging in a harddrive I'll figure something else just stay tuned so anything that's a value to me I'm gonna put it to the right to my right or your left but yeah anything that has true value to me is going to go to my right this Bank has no value to me so I'll just go straight in the garbage those hard drives so far have sometimes next thing we're gonna pull up is another box a little mini box this one seems a lot I can't get over to smell that's coming out of this this Xbox yeah I cannot get over it the first thing we have when we get in here is zip ties zip ties that are already been used and clip you can see over here these zip ties are cut like it used to be this circle size like that they were just snip cut we have a whole bunch of other zip ties here these are just gonna go straight in the garbage I have you can't scare me with the zip ties man how are you gonna try scaring me with zip ties those zip tie should have scared you and you should have stopped there you know I'm gonna have to keep criticizing this man before Leon lush does keep working more ripped torn ties they're torn zip tie this honestly useless this is this mystery box cost me $400 with a Bitcoin by the way I mentioned earlier that you can't just use any credit card or debit card to go on the dark web and buy stuff you have to convert your money into Bitcoin because bitcoin is hard to trace it's hard to trace a Bitcoin transaction what okay and there's duct tape so so III get what this person is trying to do this person is trying to scare me right now trying to leave me some duct tape trying to leave me some zip ties trying to indicate that you know somebody got tied to a chair or something but you can't scare me with just duct tape and zip ties I need something a little bit more than that way you have another bag another one of those old looking bags with something inside there's another hard drive in here and this hard drive is soaked in water it's just absolutely so it's obviously not usable it's like it's like in a bag it's in a Vega there's water the bank I'll cut this open up at the end of the video near the end of the video I'll cut this open and show you guys the water inside the bag I'm not gonna plug it into my computer because it's not gonna work it's not gonna work clearly the person that put this hard drive inside this bag does not want anyone to see what's inside this hard drive so as much as that's gonna worry me we're gonna open the bag to see the condition of the hard drive that's all inside this little mini box over here just a bunch of zip ties hard drive bag soaked in water and duct tape no I'm not scary at all buddy you gotta try a little bit harder than that next inside here we have Oh to go with the duct tape and the zip ties he left or she left Rome and the reason why I say he a lot is because I can't imagine any woman trying to send me all of these items it's most likely gonna be a man this is not a sexist remark it's just I cannot picture a woman being this weird shout out to all my women viewers rope a really really longer really damaged look at this this looks like it was chewed on by a Wolverine Jesus oh my goodness this thing is a really really bad shape rope I don't need it so it goes in the garbage pile just clean up the table a little bit make it a little bit more organized alright so so far the things that kept value you don't need any of this stuff so the things that we have a value are three hard drives four hard drives and one of the hard drives is absolutely drenched in water so far I think this is an absolute loss in a mystery box again I spent 400 Canadian dollars and converted that into Bitcoin to go into the dark web and buy this stuff but next inside this box we're gonna pull out now I don't know what this is so can you guys just go in the comment section and let me know what this is I have absolutely no clue what this is it looks like a plate for a mouse a little table for a mouse in are I to enjoy their dinner for what I see it just I have no idea what this is so if you guys know what this is just one comment section no please value no value this is the maybe let's put on the look it's pretty heavy okay so next up we have oh my god oh my god oh my goodness okay um we have a paper towel two paper towels absolutely drenched in blood it this is dry water right here this smell this is probably what has the Box smelling absolutely and disgusting these paper towels right here smell really bad up close throw in the garbage and akitaka I'll put this in the garbage I wanted to kind of wrap it up in like saran wrap or like a bag and thrown in the garbage I don't want to just leave it that's disgusting it smells really really bad but uh yeah that's let's get started with the next thing so what we have here you guys can take a look at this it's a paper that looks like it's wrapped up like a treasure map type of thing alright you know you know what do you picture like you know when you pick you those cartoons and like like you find those pirate cartoons and they have those treasure map rolled up with that little string in the middle it's not a string it's not of goals what are those batteries call all right so my camera died and I decided to just tidy up a little bit over here just catch up a little bit with the space throw away all the wrapping paper all right so you can see over here that this gentleman is not wearing any gloves on the screen comment below your guess of how long it will possibly take him to realize that he's not wearing any gloves closes guess it's a subscribe back I guess I'll subscribe to you back I liked your comment I love your comment I don't know why that's important I'm not giving you any money okay so opening it up you guys can see over here it is a map is a map oh man Forrest Hoffman forest there's an x over here you guys can see that now if anybody's watching this video you guys made it this far I don't recommend or control anybody going to this X over here if you guys know where this is I have absolutely no idea where Hoffman Forest is a half man forest is near rule one one one six one one one seven and 1331 so those are the roads it's nearby I would stay away from this location at all times I don't know what would be at this location it looks like a forest type of location but yeah this paper is cold there's something on the back and it says gun Gunderson five seven three one so look under said GU and the ER I saw one it's a Gunderson 57:31 on the bottom of the paper it says est 2015 so you guys can take a look at that right there don't I don't have any idea what Gunderson 57:31 means but Gunderson sounds like somebody's last name I don't see I don't see any value in this whatsoever but I'm not gonna throw it away I'm gonna take a picture of it and try attaching some screenshots to the screen during the video but let's just put this over here the next thing we're gonna take out we don't need this knife anymore as far as I'm concerned so next thing we have is what that looks like is that's completely like destroyed it says like a line le line help me I don't know what the heck underscore LV it's probably there's probably a full word written here and that's probably just blank I'll be at the end anyways on the first page I think it's a diary oh it's a diary so this this is David February 4th 2016 ah today at school my friend Emily told me that she has a diary she told me whenever she gets mad she writes in her diary I asked my mana I asked my man I asked my mom to buy me a diary today and she did I am really happy to start it so it looks like a little kids diary I'm just looking at the writing and I'm assuming it's a little kid it's kind of messy it's kind of neat kind of messy ok so the page right behind the first page it's like a line and then it has 0 on the left side and then a 6 near middle and then a 10 in the end so 0 6 in 10 the next page is February 7th 2016 emily has a really nice diary I really don't like the one my mom bought me I like the color pink but Emily's diary has pink fluff on it maybe when I get enough money I could get a pink or purple fluff on it I hope I do February 7th 2016 so it's a diary about dieting so there's another line thing and it says 0 and then a 4 and and again a 10 so it looks like so basically what I kind of put together after watching is a whole bunch of times over and over and over again I think how this little girl was feeling she kind of documented it every single time she wrote in her diary like on a scale of zero to ten if she was feeling like a four and she put down a four so I guess on that specific day she was feeling like a four so she put a four the first page I think it was a six and then there was times where she was happier and we saw a smile leave like faces beside those higher numbers and we saw sad faces beside those lower numbers so that's why I'm assuming it's a scale from zero to ten about how good her day was like as if she's writing in the diary first one was six this one is for February 11 2016 I had an idea to draw in my diary I think I will tomorrow I didn't have a big date today at school Thomas said he didn't like girls with red hair my pencil broke so I needed to use a poop pen because I don't have a sharpener I guess her pencil broke in the middle of writing this she had switched to a blue pen it's a little girl with red hair and apparently a boy in her school named Thomas he doesn't like girls with red hair which is why she didn't have a good day I don't know so that's February 11 2016 almost three years ago Wow the next one it's zero eight and ten oh definitely this is definitely a child instantly taking a look at this look you can't fake child's drawings okay shuttle to the adults that draw like children today my teacher gave me stickers and says no homework for a whole week February 16 2016 yeah looks like it looks like a girl at the park a nice sunny day happy little girl that's nice that's good children being happy is what it should be children are happy then life is good Oh spoke too soon sad child with red hair I am sad I have a dentist appointment today and I am scared no never be scared of the dentist if you're a kid and you're watching this event if they clean your teeth they clean your teeth and when you're older you're gonna think back like if you have bad teeth when you're older you're gonna think like oh my god why didn't I just go to the dentist growing up that this is a great place it makes you have great teeth and you know if you're a boy watching this girls love guys with good teeth and if you're a girl watching this guys like girls with nice teeth it's just you know go to the dentist always go to the dentist don't be scared in the dentist 0 - I am done from the dentist and I can't feel my bottom teeth yeah that's that's the worst that could happen new teeth get numb this is good she went gonna bend this she said kids should be huh another sad face this is Dana's on March 2nd 2016 my mommy and daddy keep on fighting my daddy is calling my mom needs I don't know what they are talking about my daddy told me that he loves me so much I love him too but I am scared of him what I'm scared of her dad what my mommy and daddy keep on fighting my daddy is calling my mom names I don't know what they are talking about my daddy told me that he loves me so much I love him too but I'm scared of him March 2nd 2016 March 18 2016 my mom told me to pray to God every single name I love God I will pray always are the show's child's hand and that's that's the last of what I pulled though I mean everything else is completely shredded and completely torn off I'm gonna pray for this little girl I hope everything's okay this was three years ago and hopefully there's more updates I hope that's not the last left they her being scared of her dad and then praying to God oh this is scary me hosting it oh my god when my camera died I took off my gloves and on my gloves and I have to put my gloves back all right so this gentleman over here it took him six minutes and 38 seconds to realize that the gloves were off do not listen to this gentleman you are gonna end up hurt if you listen to this guy let me tell you a little secret it says six minutes and 38 seconds for him to realize that the gloves were off but it was exactly seven minutes and 12 seconds on edited time good FAQ for you guys to know I tidied up a little bit I got a glass of water took off my gloves and I come back to record and I read the entire diary and I looked at the map and I didn't wear any gloves but good thing I only touched the map and the diary and I didn't go any further you know there's still a couple more things in this box and it's we're almost done guys I think I've made it this final video and then smash the like button the next thing we got is a cluster of okay I don't I don't know what this is it looks like splices this looks like spices so whipped butter with red color over here it's whipped butter and red powder is the first one I don't know what the red powder is the next one looks like chips looks like chips and either black pepper or mint it looks like black pepper chips and black pepper out on the wider my chips the next one is this yellow powder and I have no idea what this is I don't know that's curry powder I have no idea what that is but let me know in the comment section if you can tell the last one is either salt sugar or or something else but on it looks like ingredients there's a paper too let's read the paper rabbit soup you wrap it Suey five pinches of salt two teaspoons and garlic slices one tablespoon teaspoon of black pepper so look at this the writing gives like absolutely badly I'm sorry if I'm having troubles were you miss and I sound like one of those fifth graders that cannot pronounce anything when the teacher asks considering the middle of the classroom you know you know a little that kid y'all remember that kid back in school that that couldn't read for crap but this is like the worst writing ever so one teaspoon of black pepper four tablespoons of butter half a tablespoon of paprika paprika I'm sorry don't put bash me in the comment section I can't say the word paprika paprika paprika and have a tablespoon of paprika two tablespoons of veggie season three still fresh rabbit heads three still fresh rabbit heads four and six four to six dehydrated rabbit legs and feet oh okay okay so the red powder is paprika it doesn't say anything about chips and this is probably the garlic slices gonna look like some really old worn-out garlic slices this is not voice anywhere in my pantry this is crunch straight to the trash straight to the trash I'm not gonna make any rabbit suit I'm sorry I'm not there's no way in hell I'm gonna go catch a rabbit and make some soup oh that's absolutely the stuffing but this could just be some random person just trying to scare me try to say like oh I'll make some rabbit soup here's half the ingredients or what not believe there's some weird people out there like imagine there's actually people that get their hands on rabbits I'm like eat the rabbit soup and whatnot like okay okay okay well okay I'm gonna throw up there is a rabbit's foot there's rabbit's feet inside your legs feet I don't know what this is it but there is / there's rabbit's feet inside here no no no no this is disgusting this is absolutely disgusting I'm like I need something to cover my face I think I began asking I don't have a gas mask but I have a dust mask this is disgusting this is absolutely disgusting I'm not taking my gloves off to touch this there is bone there's bone there's fur different colored rabbit legs this is disgusting this is absolutely disgusting he says he mentioned over here four to six dehydrated rabbit legs and feet rabbit soup are you telling me that they say 99% of the people don't see any eyes in the bag guys this box I could smell it through this I smell it through this smell absolutely disgusting they say 99 of people don't see any eyes in the bag I don't want to open this I opened it the rabbit legs that there's a really really really bad rotting smell coming from this blogs and now this is the problem okay that's like this is the problem the problem is if I don't show me on boxing this blocks a lot of people are gonna be pissed if I do show it a lot of people are gonna be pissed so I'm stuck in a literally over looking at this right now I'm stuck in a position what do I do because if I don't or again if I don't open it there will be people that are gonna say wait a minute wait why did you open the box and I'm gonna piss off a lot of people because I didn't open the box but then I open the box and I'm gonna piss off a lot of people will get open the box bunny rabbit or hare I'm not opening the box I'm not opening the box I'm not opening the box that's gonna open the box it's awful I don't know how to react terrine I like the more I'm taking stuff off its disgusting this smells really really really bad I don't know how to react I'm sorry I really don't know how to react this says bunny rabbit we're here oh okay magic of editing [Music] okay okay there was two bags inside that box and they were filled with blood and they had meat inside them and didn't see any eyes and see any hair it was just me I just got sick on camera I'm most likely gonna be editing my vomiting sounds with sound effects and memes no I'm not taking those out of the box that's it for the mission box there's a fork inside here and the fork is probably the most disgusting part indicating this person has probably done this before that's it for everything that's inside that box I mean the next thing we're gonna have to do is go through the hard drives I promised you guys I would show you the water that's inside this hardens right I'm sorry I just want it I just want to end this yeah it's soaked so there's two bags there's water still in here it's one has water and slide as you can see I hope you guys can see that that's probably the most horrific thing I have ever experienced on the dark web ever so I'm just trying to figure out a way how do I go through the hard drives so I'm trying to figure out how to access these files of the hard drive and the best way I came across doing this was going on a third-party website and buying a used laptop I found one for $65 on Craigslist a really old Windows 7 laptop but to check the files on the hard drive I have to connect the hard drive through that laptop and the way to do that is I found something on Amazon I found this you green SATA 3 connector to USB basically one end goes into a hard drive the other end goes into any USB port on any computer I'm definitely not going to use any computer i/o this is perfect this is um I don't mind even setting this thing on fire for all I care about this thing gets destroyed there's no identification on here I'm not gonna connect it to any Wi-Fi all I want to do is just check these hard drives so we got product number 1 now we just have to wait a couple more days on Amazon to get product number 2 which is that little state of three connector and once that product comes in the mail though we can go ahead and continue this video we have files we have few videos even few videos on on this hard drive the WD black okay I have no idea what I'm looking at okay so on this video well what's going on here you may be a victim of software counterfeiting that's what you see right now is what I see right now this world you you
Channel: Crypto NWO
Views: 11,621,565
Rating: 3.7693541 out of 5
Keywords: Dark Web, Mystery Box, Deep web, Bitcoin, 30 minute alone challenge, unboxing, scary, Dark Web Mystery Box, Dark Web Mystery Unboxing, Voodoo, Voodoo doll, 3am, 30 minutes challenge, anonymous, TOR br
Id: f0VUsAqUEyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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