Who is Jesus, and Who is God? | That's in the Bible

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[Applause] today thank you very much for a nice warm welcome we welcome everyone here in the studio audience as well as all those who are joining us on the Internet may be watching it by means of I&C media.org on your smartphones through the our Facebook pages that we have or also may be on channel 49 I NC TV in the Philippines thank you all so very much for joining us in this episode of you know our dear friends anyone that's following the Glacial increase those social media outlets and we do have a few you are by now very well aware of the intensified efforts of the Church of Christ led by the Church Administration in eradicating poverty all over the world there's been a lot of efforts that have been exerted by the the Church of Christ most especially in the continent of Africa in order to reach that goal of well like I said eradicating poverty all over the world Lord willing the questions that we'll be addressing in our taping for today of this broadcast of the program that's in the Bible are questions that come from ordinary citizens that the that's in the Bible team that went to Africa they they were able to meet some of the ordinary citizens of Africa and they posed a lot of questions or like I said we're gonna address a couple of them here in our broadcast for today but before we get to those specific questions I would just like to share with you for two and a half minutes a short video clip of some of the kind of wonderful things that are that the equation increased the Church of Christ is currently doing right there in the continent of Africa let's take a look [Music] [Music] [Music] you know go to some Indonesian in the high temp Iraq yeah they're very talented here IKEA rest until America Crested Italy to durometer Allah hontou wa koko Peter Obama inaugural address magnet rapido guru in a lagoon need to borrow from Anna pool [Music] [Music] the church's nutrition has implanted 16 people to help making everything pop they appointed me as a caretaker and a supervisor of these 16 people this project changes so many lives because so many people were unemployed before me now we can maintain our families and everything that's just a couple of the many wonderful things that the Church of Christ in glacially Cristo is doing throughout the continent of Africa whether it's building houses of worship or creating these eco farming projects in Africa and even in other places of the world just doing our part and we were happy to receive some questions because as the continent of Africa learns about the Church of Christ well it has begun to prompt some questions we're we will continue to reach out to our fellow men there and everywhere and the that's in the Bible team as I mentioned our recently visited and received the the followings specific questions to this program and we'll be tackling them together for today I first question comes from John in Johannesburg South Africa let's take a look at the question that John posed for today who is Jesus who is God these are these are questions that usually stem from what some would call a confusing nevertheless a very common concept that in fact God and Jesus are one in the same but how does the Bible respond to that John has asked and the Bible their Bible gives a response first of all we cite from the book of Matthew chapter 3 verse 17 and suddenly a voice came from heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased here dear friends God is the one who has introduced Jesus God introduced Jesus as his son that's according to the father himself so John asked well who is Jesus answers by saying that's my son never has any correct translation of the Bible ever said that Christ is in fact God the Son what can be read very clearly from the Bible is the fact that Christ is the son of God God the Son and son of God are two very very different things and they must not be interchanged aside from being the son of God John's question was who is Jesus so there's so many verses that we could cite how else was Jesus introduced in the Holy Scriptures for example if we were to read Acts chapter 2 verse 36 the Bible says and shows that well Jesus was made Lord in the book of Acts as well chapter 5 verse 31 it makes mention that Jesus was also made as Savior in 1st Timothy chapter 2 verse 5 the Apostle Paul wrote to his to Timothy that Jesus was a mediator between God and man all these attributes are given to our Lord Jesus Christ so when we say who is Jesus the Bible does not answer it by saying he is God and I'd like to cite another statement of Apostle Paul here in Ephesians r122 the Bible says anyone all things under his feet and gave him to be head over all things to the church so dear friends here the Bible clearly teaches us that Jesus was placed above all things to the church this is the Jesus of the Bible any other Jesus would be a different Jesus than the Jesus of the Bible but here's the question that some opposed when they when they read that verse if Jesus is just a man as we cited from first Timothy 2:5 just a moment ago if Jesus is a man we didn't we didn't read that he was just a man then why is he also worshiped and then in here in Ephesians 1:22 he was placed above all things so and that make him God first off no one heard us or read or say that Jesus is just a man we cited first Timothy 2:5 but it didn't say that he's just a man or just an ordinary man like like all of us instead what you did hear from the Holy Scriptures was that the very the various qualities or distinctive unique qualities that the Bible gives or attributes to Jesus which makes him and proves that he is not just an ordinary man and and regarding that the point that well he is worship so therefore he must be God yes we do worship Jesus but why is it because he is God answer of the Bible Philippians chapter 2 verses a 9 10 and 11 answers this way therefore God also has highly exalted him and given him the name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of those in heaven and of those on earth and of those under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father so dear friends based on what we have just read do we have a reason to worship Jesus even though he's not God absolutely yes we worship Him not because he is God but because as we just read together God commanded him to be worshiped we worship Jesus yes why because that's in the Bible remember obeying the commandments of God as we just read also that's what gives glory to God God as we read they're highly exalted Jesus given him gave him a name above every other name and gave the instruction that people and every knee should bow bowing is a form of worship and that's the commandment and instruction of God to the to us also we have to obey and follow that because that's what will give glory to God the Father sometimes though people to reason out and say for example like well if he's above everything that's got to make him God it's got to make him God because only God is above is placed above everything else what do you think studio audience does that seem like a reasonable a reasonable conclusion to draw seems seems reasonable I turn however here the first Koreans Apostle Paul is the the good news Bible I turned to first Corinthians 15 let's say let's take a look here at verse 27 and 28 how does how does the Bible respond to that for the scripture says God put all things under his feet it is clear of course that the words all things do not include God himself who puts all things under Christ but when all things have been placed under Christ's rule then he himself the son who will place himself under God who placed all things under him and God will rule completely over all who is over all God Jesus is over all with one exemption who's that God still Christ is under or subject to God as God has placed all things under Christ Christ will still be is still subject and subjected to God and you know despite all the great attributes of Christ the Bible also made very clear in fact Jesus himself made very clear and will cite a quote directly from Jesus himself he made clear his nature or let's say his his state of existence concerning this topic there's one clearer to go to than the Lord Jesus himself so we turn to John chapter eight and asking him what Lord what then is your state of existence Jesus answers in 840 in the book of John but now you seek to kill me a man who has told you the truth which I heard from God who spoke this Jesus and we know God's nature is that of a spirit and that's recorded we often read John 4:24 in this in this program God is a spirit what did Jesus just say about himself he clearly introduced himself as a man is that I'm a man here to tell you the truth which I heard from God Christ never said that he himself is the true God if he were the true God he would have introduced himself as such according according to his own apostles since Jesus taught them that he was a man when the when the apostles started teaching that to the church did they change it how did they teach the church or what did they teach the church about Jesus concerning his his state of existence in Apostle Paul's a letter to Timothy here in a first Timothy chapter 2 verse 5 for there is one God and one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus what the Apostles teach when they when it came to teaching it to the church they didn't change what Jesus said Jesus said I'm a man here to tell you the truth when the Apostles taught that they didn't change it it made very clear that Jesus is a man mediating between whom God and mankind if Jesus is God and he's the mediator between God and mankind and Jesus the mediator is also God he's mediating between God and man how many gods then would that be that would be would be two gods how many true gods are only one albeit Jesus is not just an ordinary man like us Bobby or be at the very very special man that God God performed miracles through that was what that by the way was also mentioned by Apostle Peter in acts at 2:22 but a man nevertheless John also asked in his question in his question from South Africa what was the second part not only who was Jesus he also wanted to know who is yes who is God John also asked who is God and it was none of them Jesus himself who answers John's question and answers hoo-dee-hoo D through God is let's take a look at John 17 where Jesus's words are are cited Jesus spoke these words lifted up his eyes to heaven in sent father the hour has come glorify your son that your son also may glorify you allow me to pause studio audience who's praying here who's the speaker written quoted here by Apostle John who's speaking who is he speaking to you can see it on the screen right who's he addressing now while he's praying to the Father what important truth did he reveal let's go ahead in to verse 3 and this is eternal life that they may know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent did Jesus make known who the true God is absolutely he introduced the father as the only true God so John they're in South Africa to answer both your questions the first who is Jesus he is Savior he's the head of the church he's worshipped because God come and him to be worshipped so many attributes were given to Jesus but not godhood who is God was John second question jesus answered that to the Father and he even used the word only to eradicate any confusion huh to eradicate any confusion he said the father's the only true God the Bible makes very clear the differentiation between God and Christ then this book the Bible is irrefutable proof of their distinctness irrefutable proof of Christ's true nature's that of a man let's move to as the second part of John's question in Africa let's take a look at it on the screen from people they know the saying is if a baby somewhere on the web so that's what what the second part of John's question is well I've heard that Jesus has a family how many even studio audience has heard that Jesus has a family you heard that maybe from some very popular movie scripts there's been very popular Hollywood movies of a lot of books and this course is made about Jesus marrying Mary Magdalene they having children and that family lineage continues and there are people seeking to find out that whole ideology like I said was popularized by Hollywood in some very popular popular movies but here's the thing it's not in the Bible it's just not there but what is here is a very important principle that we must not forget before we will just believe in a movie script or any magazine article that we would pick up and read about about these these things before we believe in that turn to a principle or an instruction of God let's let's call it written here through the Apostle Paul first in thien's for verse six now these things brethren I have figuratively transferred to myself in Apollo's for your sakes that you may learn in us not to think beyond what is written that none of you may be puffed up on behalf of one against the other what's the principle don't even think beyond what is written so if it's not written that Jesus got married to Mary Magdalene they had children there's a lineage we should be chasing around the world trying to find who's the the DNA connected and all such things like that that's all absent from the scriptures so the instruction or principle of God must be followed which says once again you saw it on the screen don't even what think don't even think that that much less use that as the basis those things were just entertainment but it must never be embraced as the basis for one's faith we can't dwell on those things what we would dwell on is what is written and that it's the distinction that the Bible gives between God and Jesus and as we have learned they are not the same person or the same being why do we believe that because thank you studio audience and thank you John for your your questions from Africa when you are ready to learn more about how you too can be inside the Church of Christ how you can do how you too can be ready for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ when you're ready to learn more about the fundamental teachings found here inside the Church of Christ we encourage you visit a MC media.org there you're going to find a various series of programs dedicated to answering all of your spiritual questions there at I&C media dot or you will also find a directory of all the local congregations of the Church of Christ around the world you can find the one that is nearest to your home you can go there pose these and so many more question to the ministers that are there waiting for you they will need you in Bible studies just like we have begun we've only scratched the surface with a couple of questions the King to us from Africa go there I&C media.org look up the local congregation there the address that's nearest to your home go there join with us serving and worshiping God you can also email to us your video questions to answers at ANC media.org visit our Facebook pages English and in Crystal media join us here inside the Church of Christ we want to thank our studio audience today for joining us and our in our study we want to thank everyone for who might be watching us on the internet or channel 49 IMC TV or anywhere else you are are tuning in from thank you for joining us in this taping I hope you have enjoyed the moments we have shared together but more than that I hope you have learned the truths that we embrace and why do we embrace these truths because thank you very much studio audience thank you very much thank you all we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: incmedia
Views: 28,240
Rating: 4.836967 out of 5
Keywords: Iglesia Ni Cristo, True Church, Religion, Bible, Church of Christ, inc, inc media news, incmedia, incmedia.org, God, nature, divinity, family, thats in the bible, Jesus Christ, christ, jesus, who is jesus, who is god, is jesus god, trinity, biblical answers, inc beliefs, inc doctrine, iglesia ni cristo beliefs, iglesia ni cristo doctrine, iglesia ni cristo teachings, inc teachings, church, bible questions, bible answers, answers from the bible, nature of christ, is jesus a man
Id: 9KjtR8BUd6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2017
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