Who is Harrold Hardyng? | Winds of Winter Lore & Theory | ASOIAF

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all is not well in the veil already overseen by a frail man after the events of Robert's Rebellion the death of John Aaron catapulted the easternmost of the Seven Kingdoms into tense territory Liza Aaron bade her bannermen stand idle during the war of the five Kings reluctant to involve her men and overprotective of her son but Reckoning came in the form of Peter Bish now Littlefinger holds the veil and his secret Pawn is Sansa Stark the eldest daughter of the north while sickly little Robert Aaron is still the heir to his father's domain Littlefinger seeks out another stronger youth with whom he can entrench Sansa and further spin his schemes this man is Harold Harding hello everyone and welcome back to exploring fiction sir Harold Harding sometimes called Harry The Heir or the young Falcon has an adjacent Birthright connection to the seat of the veil in the Eerie and in The Winds of Winter it is all but promised he will play an important role in the politics of his home Kingdom while the mess made of the veil is far from resolved and it remains unclear what his fate will be it is unquestionable that Harold Harding will rise to at least some prominence so who exactly is Harold Harding and why is he so important let's explore Harold Harding was born in the year 28 81 or 282 AC in the veil to an unnamed Knight of house Harding and the youngest daughter of Ellis waynewood and Alice Aaron because of this direct tie to house Aaron Alice Aaron was the late John Aaron's younger sister Harold Harding was the great nephew of John Aaron lord of the Veil at a young Agee Harold was taken as Ward by Lady Ana waynewood to be raised at Iron Oaks across the Seven Kingdoms Robert's Rebellion raged on and it took its toll on house Aaron leaving all of Lord J's heirs dead by simple lineage Harold was deemed John Aaron's new Heir unless the frail Lord Lord were to father a child alas Robert Aaron was born in 292 AC thereby claiming the status of heir to the veil from Herold and six years later in 298 AC John Aaron passed away as Robert Aaron was still a child Harold Harding was named his Heir but from the start the boy res presented his cousin believing he was patiently waiting to take the Eerie for himself by the time Lord Peter balish claimed lordship over the veil Harold had already fathered two bastards each from a different woman despite his rather young age though his time in the narrative has not yet come there is mention of Harold Harding in A Feast for crows Lord Peter balish negotiates with the Lord's declarant of the veil and attempts to bring Herold under his supervision but they reject him and in turn try to ply young Robert from his care in her disguise as a lane Stone Sansa hears talk of Herold and his promiscuous ways as well as the rumor that he's been kned by Lord Yan Roy formally making him so sir Harold Harding Lord Bish always up to something works yet another Wonder as he arranges a betrothal between Sansa still disguised as Elaine and Sir Herold lady Ana waynewood agrees when Peter confirms he'll forgive the house waynewood debts he had acquired as master of coin but she states that her strapping Ward must also agree to the the proposition in private Littlefinger Reveals His True plan to Sansa or at least what he wants her to know he explains that sir Herold will inevitably succeed young Robert as lord of the veil and when he does Sansa will reveal to him her true identity and they will be wet through their Union Harold Harding can more easily rally the forces of the veil and take back Winterfell in his new wife's name Sansa Stark can return home as wife to the lord of the veil yes but also as the lady of Winterfell from all known excerpts of the Winds of Winter which can be subject to change on the discretion of George RR Martin himself it is surmised that Harold Harding and Sansa Stark as aaine Stone will meet and that the former will insult the latter soon after though Harry The Heir begs elain's forgiveness and the two begin to converse with Sansa learning about Sir herold's bastards and Harding taking a liking to his betrothed attempting to peer farther into the future is uncertain to say the least especially in the context of a Song of Ice and Fire given the indications of the Winds of Winter samples it appears as though Harold Harding and Sansa Stark may get along and even become content with their encroaching marriage however even more important than their shared happiness is the political implications their Union could create a union of the North and the veil went Winterfell and the Eerie could prove a most serious threat to the already crumbling Lannister Tyrell Alliance the north itself already houses conflict with Stannis Baratheon bearing down on the boltons at Winterfell but the results of these squabbles are so uncertain that the future remains clouded together sir Harold Harding and Lady Sansa Stark could unite their forces just as their predecessors had done during Robert's Rebellion shaping Westeros as they see fit but with George RR Martin the most probable scenario hardly ever triumphs whether a conflict erupts between Harry the air and Sansa or Littlefinger twists their feelings to put himself on top of them all something is bound to interrupt such a perfect plan while sir Herold and Sansa surely see this opportunity to gain their respective Lord and Lady ships and set things right in their homes Lord Peter balish is their orchestrator and most likely stands to gain much from their pact of marriage so sir Harold Harding is set to marry Sansa Stark though she is hidden as aaine Stone and thus take over the veil and Winterfell together while their relationship begins in a tumultuous manner they appear to grow closer but nothing ever comes easy in the Seven Kingdoms sir Harold Harding known by some as Harry The Heir is adjacently connected to the ruling seat of the veil multiple times in his his life has he been tempted as the strings of Fate have dangled the title over his head but never has sir heral ascended to the highest seat in the East however Lord Peter Bish after the death of Lady Liza Aaron which leaves her ailing son Robert as ruler has his eyes set on Harry the air with Sansa Stark in tow little finger sets in motion a plan to Wed her to Sir Herold uniting the veil and the north while the fate of Sir Herold is yet to be determined he will surely be a significant figure in the Winds of Winter which will change the Seven Kingdoms in a drastic manner indeed so that's all for this video leave a comment with your thoughts I'd love to hear them leave a like if you enjoyed And subscribe if you're new here I'd love to have you visit my website Russell awells author.com for exclusive fiction and more and sign up for my mailing list for free exclusive content the links for both are in the description below so like always I will see you next next time
Channel: Exploring Fiction
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Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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