Lysa Arryn: A Lady's Scorn | Character Analysis | ASOIAF

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not all lives can be filled with endless Comforts well that certainly rang true for the small folk of the Seven Kingdoms even some Lords and Ladies learned it applied to themselves the latter especially had to remain dutiful to the wishes of their fathers and Le Lords often adopting lives far from their dreams or desires such was the fate of Liza Aaron hello everyone and welcome back to exploring fiction lady Liza grew up the middle of three children of house Tully and she was offered in marriage to a frail lord of the veil merely as a strategic Alliance already lacking Valor and fortitude Liza became even more embittered in the shadows she plotted with the man she truly loved growing even colder and more paranoid of those around her by the end Liza was a shrewd woman who held distrust for all and was a product of love lost in the politics of a feudal society so who exactly is Liza Aaron and why is she such an interesting character let's explore Liza Aaron was born in the year 266 267 or 268 AC to Lord Hoster Tully and Lady Mana went at riverrun she was the middle child to the pair with an older sister Catelyn and a younger brother edmir she also had two other brothers who had died in INF when Liza and her siblings were still children their mother lady Mana died while giving birth to her sixth total child who perished with Lady went Liza was raised alongside her brother and sister Behind the Walls of riverrun together with Lord hoster's Ward Peter baish Liza was always more timid than her siblings and could be found hiding from her father if she believed she was in trouble instead like catlyn edmir and Peter she confided in her uncle sir Bryan Tully the Blackfish whenever an issue of grander importance arose as a youth Liza bonded closely with her sister Catlin and the pair played in and explored the halls of riverrun of and teasing young Peter the young Bish was beginning to grow fond of the daughters of house Tully though one caught his eye more than the other as she grew up Liza began to fancy Peter fawning over him at every chance but the boy had eyes only for catlyn little finger's hopes were soon dashed however as Lord Hoster announced the betrothal of Catlin to Brandon Stark of Winterfell Peter attempted to dance with her at the celebration but Catelyn rejected him preparing to romance only her husband to be Peter distraught drowned in his cups growing extremely drunk the host of riverrun laid him to bed and Liza's heart achd for the young man she climbed in bed beside him claiming that she merely desired to comfort him and the pair slept together but Peter in his drunken stuper believed her to be catlyn even calling her so before he drifted to sleep Liza brushed the notion aside and slept beside him until morning and the night became ingrained in her memory as a fond period indeed soon in the year 282 a AC the exact date of catelyn's marriage was announced and Peter once again took action though Brandon Stark towered over him Littlefinger challenged him to a duel for catlin's hand which the Northman reluctantly was forced to accept the fight was one-sided and Brandon left Littlefinger brutally injured ever eager to leave a graceful impression on her precious Peter Liza volunteered to nurse him back to health and over his recovery period Peter beded her again this time though their actions had consequences and Liza became pregnant Lord Hoster oblivious to the actions of his Ward and daughter sent Peter back to his home at the fingers and Liza revealed her pregnancy to him she hoped that by carrying Peter baby Lord Hoster would let her wed the man but she was only met with Stern rejection Lord Hoster believed Peter too lowborn for his daughter and forced Liza into drinking Moon tea ending the life of the budding child in her belly what's more Liza suffered greatly from the ordeal and almost perished herself still the talk of marriage for his second daughter had long been in Lord hoster's mind and he briefly discussed partnering her with sir jime Lannister with the Man's father Lord Tywin but in 281 AC one year before the announcement of catelyn's wedding date sir jime was named by Aris Targaryen II to the King's Guard rendering him unfit for a spouse Lord Tywin presented his younger son Tyrion as an alternative but Lord Hoster scoffed believing Liza to be worthy of more than a stunted dwarf soon though the realm was plunged into war with the start of Robert's rebellion and Lord Hoster married Liza off to Lord John Aaron of the veil they were wed at riverrun in the exact same ceremony in which Catelyn married lur Ard Stark of Winterfell the surviving younger brother of the late Brandon Stark while catlin's marriage had been planned for some time Liza's was thrown together quickly as Lord Hoster wished to form strong alliances with both backers of Robert Baratheon being Winterfell and the veil and so with a connection to the north secured he produced Liza to John a the lord of the veil was an old and feeble man left without airs from the result of the war so far therefore his marriage to Liza benefited both house Tully and house Aaron but Liza still cried the entire morning before the ceremony during the wedding though she hid her dissatisfaction with a war still to be won John Aaron and Ed Ard starkk departed from riverrun leaving behind their new wives catlyn and Liza both missed their moonblood but only the former was pregnant much to Liza's disappointment she lost all joy sobbing and shuddering when N9 months later her sister gave birth to Rob Stark when the targaryens had been overthrown and Robert Baratheon sat on the Iron Throne he named John Aaron his hand and the lord of the veil left often for King's Landing leaving Liza more alone than ever her only Solace was that her uncle sir Bryan Tully had fallen out so greatly with Lord Hoster that on the night of Liza's wedding Feast he declared his sword loyal no longer to riverrun but to John Aaron Liza and the veil constantly occupied with his duties as hand of the king John Aaron finally moved himself and Liza permanently to King's Landing which only heightened his wife's worst qualities their marriage was a bond of formality only and the difference in age between the lord of the veil and the lady of riverrun only added to their estrangement still the pair tried for a child but Liza suffered five miscarriages two took place in the Eerie and three in King's Landing and they were soon followed by two stillborns after the final occurrence in the long line of tragedies Liza's nerve finally broke and she became overcome with paranoia finally though a breakthrough occurred in 292 AC when she gave birth to Robert Aaron he was a sickly child wrecked with the shaking sickness but Liza had finally given John Aaron an air still feeling as though she were surrounded by enemies Liza kept a tight hold of her son even breastfeeding him into his sixth year of age while she sat beside Lord Aaron Liza refused to forget Peter Bish she convinced her husband to make use of her former lover and in 289 AC little finger was given control of customs in go toown he excelled so greatly that John Aron soon ushered him to King's Landing where he ascended all the way to master of con on Robert baratheon's Small council with her husband old and occupied Liza once again fell for Peter and the two took up an affair still Liza and her son Robert sat in King's Landing while Lord John Aaron bustled about holding the realm together despite his tumultuous schedule John Aaron took notice of his son's Frailty and made plans for young Robert to be sent to Dragon Stone to be fostered under Lord Stannis Baratheon Liza vehemently disagreed fighting profusely against the arrangement before little Robert could depart however John Aaron fell ill so sick that he required the attention not just of his own Meister Coleman but of grand Meister pyel Lord Aaron's Health failed quickly and he passed away Liza kept a firm hold on her son forbidding him from visiting his sick father but once John Aaron was dead King Robert Baratheon tried to plan for young Robert Aaron to be sent to Foster under Lord Tywin Lannister at casterly Rock he believed if the boy clung to his mother's leg for his entire childhood the entire house of Aaron would suffer from crippling weakness but now released from the bonds holding her to King's Landing Liza refused the king and fled in the night back to the veil with her son in her arms in her youth Liza was Slender and dimpled but by the time of her motherhood she'd grown thick of body as a result of her pregnancies most of which failed she was 2 years younger than Catelyn but appeared 10 years older due to her experiences in life and her overall demeanor Liza's face became puffy pale and d and so she often took to powdering it to draw out what beauty she still possessed she smelled mostly of sour milk covering her sent scent with perfumes her eyes were the blue hue of house Tully though more pale than her fourbears and her mouth was thin and pursed between puffy cheeks her auburn hair fell all the way to her waist a common trait of the women of her house well in her youth Liza was somewhat warm and joyful her cold marriage to John Aaron and her time in the capital of the Seven Kingdoms made her vain protective and paranoid bravery never suited her which rang true into her adult life Liza prefer the fineries of fashion wearing often blue velvet robes trimmed with fox fur or a gown of cream shade paired with a necklace of sapphires and moonstones she also came to appreciate mirish lace as well as the company of singers in her Hall but when she fled from King's Landing back to the veil there was little joy in her heart for such things when she first appears in A Song of Ice and Fire in the first novel A Game of Thrones Liza Aaron sits at her home in the eastern mountains from her perch in the Eerie Liza sends her sister catlyn a letter in secret in which she explains that Cersei and the Lannisters murdered her late husband John Aaron back in King's Landing King Robert reluctantly declares sir jime Lannister as Warden of the East much to Liza shagrin and she requests her son Robert Aaron be addressed as the true Warden of the East seeing as she is now a widow she is courted by almost every available Lord in the veil but she rejects them intent on choosing her own husband without the cloud of petty politics and alliances looming over her head while Liza sits high above the dangers plaguing the rest of the great houses Lord edhard Stark replacement for John Aon as hand of the king investigates his predecessor's death and with the help of Varys realizes the man was poisoned by a substance known as the tears of Liss while Lord edar delves deeper into the evil plot his wife catlyn travels upon the road from King's Landing back to Winterfell where she stumbles across Tyrion Lannister at the in at the crossroads under the impression that the Valyrian steel dagger that attempted to kill her son bran belongs to Tyrion she calls for the man's arrest rallying the various Knights In The Inn to her cause they capture Tyrion and while Catelyn says she plans to take him to Winterfell she really makes for the veil and her sister when catlyn arrives she boxs at how different Liza has become the Two Sisters haven't treated together in years and Liza has grown fatter and considerably more paranoid clutching her son Robert to her side as if enemies always surround them as catlyn expects Liza throws Tyrion in the sky cells the infamous prison of the Eerie and pushes him to confess to John Aaron's murder instead Tyrion requests a trial by combat to prove his innocence and the cell sword Bron agrees to fight as his Champion Liza chooses the Knight sir vardis Eagan captain of her guard to duel on her behalf but Brun is quicker and more cunning than the seasoned warrior in his heavy armor Brun defeats sir Egan and in disgusted Liza bids the dwarf and his cells sword leave by the barbaric High Road her attempt at Justice failed catlyn urges Liza to join both riverrun and Winterfell in mobilizing against the Lannisters but the portly woman refuses she merely wishes to sit and Savor her safety in the Eerie the Blackfish sneers at the behavior of his young niece and resigns from his post of Knight of the gate to join catlyn and his kin at riverrun as a final offer before departure catlyn suggests her willingness to foster Robert Aaron at Winterfell but Liza promptly refuses and threatens to throw her out the moon door while her sister and Uncle Retreat to the grounds below Liza maintains her seat high in the veil where she soon receives a raven informing her of King Robert's death and the rise of Joffrey Baratheon to the throne in a Clash of Kings Liza Aaron hardly moves at all choosing to remain neutral in the war of the five Kings despite her grudge against the Lannisters now hand of the king Tyrion LAN Minister offers to rename her son Robert as Warden of the East if she returns to the king's peace as though she is neutral Liza refused to officially bend the knee to Joffrey when asked Liza's father Lord Hoster tly lays dying in riverrun and her sister and Uncle face opposition all around due to the war but still Liza refuses to act Liza Aaron appears once more in A Storm of Swords at riverrun her father Lord holer passes away stating upon his deathbed that he regrets forcing Moon Tea Upon her catlyn who sits at her father's side is confused by his statements but had Liza been there his meaning would have been quite clear soon both Rob and catlyn Stark Liza's nephew and sister respectively are killed in the Red Wedding all while Peter balish rises even higher into the circle of Lannister trust the Lions of the West name him Lord of heren Hall and Lord Paramount of the Trident for his trouble but the King Joffrey Baratheon meets his demise choking at his own wedding and Littlefinger ushers away his former Suitor Sansa Stark before she can be detained as a suspect Lord Bish makes for the Eastern Kingdom with Sansa under his protection though she is forced to adopt the Persona of Elaine Stone bastard daughter of Littlefinger Peter brings her to the veil all the way to his measly own lands where her identity is hidden to all but himself and Liza though welcoming to her niece Liza is more excited by the presence of Lord Bish in the veil and she brings with her the singer merilan her favorite performer as well as her resident septin to perform a wedding to Liza's Glee She is married to Littlefinger even naming him Lord protector of the Vil Liza hopes to Bear Lord Bish a child as recompense for their failed attempt years before what's more Liza suggests that one day Sansa could wed Lord Robert her son and sansa's own nephew but the start girl hardly appears receptive to the idea after the Hasty wedding the party ascends up to the Eerie High Above the Rest of the Veil though forever loyal to their home and hearth the other houses and Lords of the veil are deeply disturbed by Peter Bish's presence and new found power in the east in her Twisted love Liza has gifted Littlefinger the veil on a platter should something befall her the royes especially frown upon her conduct already resentful of her unwillingness to Aid the Starks in the war of the five Kings Liza however could not be happier only growing anxious when Lord Bish leaves the eie on his various business ventures one morning however her normal paranoia returns and it is quite justified in the godswood of the eie Peter kisses Sansa and Liza spies it from a hidden perch summoning her niece to her Hall Liza descends into a fit of Madness and jealousy even threatening to throw Sansa through the moon door Littlefinger ever The Negotiator rushes in to Abate the tension and Liza Falls hysterical into his arms breaking down she reveals that her and Peter kept up their love affair in King's Landing after her marriage to John Aaron and that it had been she who had poisoned her late husband with the tears of Liss at Peter's behest afterward she'd sent a letter to catlyn at Winterfell blaming the Lannisters one of littlefinger's most highly Kept Secrets is out yet he manages to calm Liza down however to her horror he admits he's always only loved Catlin and throws Liza off the Giant's Lance and through the moond door she plummets to her death her body dashing upon the Rocks Far Far Below little finger quickly blames the singer merilan who had also been in the hall for the murder of Liza in A Feast for Crows Liza's death and Legacy holds much sway over the fate of the veil Peter balish remains Lord protector of the land placing his own men in prominent positions while also subduing manipulating and coercing the disgruntled Lords of the veil they grudgingly believe his story that merilan the singer had murdered Liza especially with the cooperation of Sansa in his schemes by especially plating the Roy family Littlefinger continues to enact yet the next step in his great grand scheme and he soon informed Sansa the veil could fall into her lap after all for all her neutrality Liza Aaron still lies dead on a harsh mountain peak more than possibly any other individual in the Narrative of A Song of Ice and Fire Liza Aaron has experienced a regrettable existence especially into adulthood the older she grows the more miserable she seems to become since she was young Liza dreams of Lord Peter balish clinging to her love for him and hoping it is reciprocated her desire even blinds her to Peter's obsession with her sister Catelyn and on a night when they drunkenly sleep together they make a child it is here that Liza's descent into chronic bitterness has its start her father forces Moon Tea Upon her to abort the child and her hopes of a future with Peter are dashed for the present and then while her sister is betrothed to the swaggering hero of the North Brandon Stark Liza watches with Envy though Brandon perishes under tragic circumstances Liza still Weds the Gallant though stoic Ard Stark but on the same day Liza is bound in matrimony to the frail archaic Lord John Aaron much akin to her niece Sansa in later days Liza finds out quickly the world is a harsh place and that not all Noble ladies partner with a shining young Lord who is both handsome and chivalrous JN and Liza Aaron share little love between them and while Lady catlyn Builds a loving family with Ard in Winterfell Liza tries and fails countless times to Bear a child for her feeble husband when they finally succeed their offspring is a sickly cowering little boy Liza clutches young Robert to her side constantly she has grown paranoid nerves greatly frayed due to the unfortunate path of her life Not only was she married off to an old man for a wartime Alliance but she suffered miscarriage after miscarriage after still birth in pursuit of an heir to the Vil she receives no love from her husband who is occupied by duty but only her son gone are her illusions of luxury and warmth replaced by the suspicion of envious eyes in the dark yet a glimmer of hope still Burns in Liza and she believes she can still net the heart of Peter Bish of course Littlefinger is a schemer and uses Liza's lust for him to his Advantage at Peter's request Liza poisons her own husband and places the blame on the Lannisters ultimately catapulting the realm into chaos and leading to the war of the five Kings all the while Liza sits in her High Castle watching reluctant to place her son or her for forces in any danger she believes by hiding a top one of the highest points in the realm she can escape reality but Justice finds everyone wherever they may hide Peter balish puts on a grand display for Liza through a hasty marriage thus gaining control of the veil when he pushes her out the moon door to her death in the end Liza Aaron is betrayed by one of the only two people she loves and her light is extinguished in the one place she believed it was safest she had an adverse reaction to the hardships and harsh realities of life and instead of building herself up stronger Liza cowered down and folded she tried to Shield herself and her son but could not Escape AP and so her life was mostly wasted as she allowed all her joy and happiness to be replaced by Envy suspicion and Scorn Liza Aaron lived a life of suffering induced both by herself and by others she began full of naive and a thirst for love but became a product of War who was married to the lord of the veil as leverage in Robert's Rebellion Liza hated her situation and though she attempted to persevere it was too much clinging to her da son and her love for Peter balish she aided in Littlefinger plots in hopes for a brighter future but the end result was too good to be true Liza died as a pawn cast aside and it was all for not her entire life was spent on vain hopes and dreams trusting few and loving fewer but in the end Liza Aaron was only full of a lady's scorn so that's all for this video leave a comment with your thoughts I'd love to hear them leave a like if you enjoyed And subscribe if you're new here I'd love to have you visit my website Russell awells for exclusive fiction and more and sign up for my mailing list for free exclusive content the links for both are in the description below so like always I will see you next time
Channel: Exploring Fiction
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Id: K3puBpozk6g
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Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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