Jojen Reed: March to Condemnation | Character Analysis | ASOIAF

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long has a debate raged over the topic of foresight some say that knowing the time and manner of death would be advisable as they could make peace and live what life they do have to the fullest before their end others though would feel such knowledge as an inescapable Cloud looming over their heads for their entire lives most adults would surely crack under such pressure let alone children but in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire a young green dreamer displayed mental and emotional fortitude worthy of Legend This Man or rather boy was joen Reed hello everyone and welcome back to exploring fiction the son of Ned Stark's greatest Ally and a recipient of green dreams Joan read knew what day he would die yet he persevered in his Aid of a crippled wolf despite the eventuality it would cause already uncanny because of his nature as a krogman Joan was even more secluded due to his prophetic Powers which existed both as a blessing and a curse he carried Arcane and predictive knowledge with him wherever he went leaving him stoic and Sullen Beyond his years with every move he made he marched straight toward his own Doom but he bore the burden nobly and thought not of himself but of the greater good fully grown and heroic men suffered less and complained more than Joan Reed who instead sought only to fulfill his purpose so who exactly is Joan Reed and why is he such an interesting character let's explore Joan Reed was born to Lord Howland Reed and his wife Giana in 286 AC at greywater watch he was the only son of the pair but not an only child as he had a slightly older sister mea at a young age jojan fell near mortally ill with graywater fever and as he lay rotting amidst the bed sheets he was visited in a Dream by a three eyed Crow this ethereal Beast bestowed upon him the gift or curse of green sight allowing jojan to dream of events yet to occur in the real world though jojan obtained the gift of green sight he was no True Green Seer as the abilities of warging and communicating with weirwood trees evaded him nevertheless what powers he did have proved vital and his father Howland recognized them as such one dream Joan experienced meant far more than the others and in this dream he saw the three-eyed Crow attempting to free a winged wolf from its Stone chains when Joan relayed the events of the VIS to his father Howland sent both him and his sister to Winterfell evidently as spying the importance of this premonition by the time he began his Trek northward jojan Reed looked the part of a typical krogman and more he was short and slight of build with cavernous green eyes his Garb was entirely green to match though he let his sister Mera carry the weapons jojan was subdued and mature far beyond his adolescent years surely the result of being exposed to the unalterable harsh truths of life it is at the stronghold of Winterfell in which Joan Reed first appears in A Song of Ice and Fire specifically in the second volume A Clash of Kings along with his sister Mera he arrives at the height of the Harvest Feast pledging the service of house Reed to house Stark and their new king Rob as the young wolf is fighting a war Bran Stark hears their Oaths instead and despite the commotion taking place around him Joan requests to meet the direwolves of the Stark family and although he is warned against it he introduces himself to Summer while the other Lords ladies and occupants of the north Meander back to their own homes after the feast Joan and Mera Reed remain at Winterfell where they grow closer to bran Joan quickly gains the reputation of being subdued Beyond his years and Meera reveals to bran the truth of Joan's mysterious power the green dreamer interrogates bran about his own dreams promting the young boy's irritation and also the wrath of both summer and Shaggy Dog Still jojan Remains calm and collected as he knows his day of death remains in the future as the war of the five Kings begins to take full effect the truth of Joan's dreams is revealed further with each passing day and soon bran begins to heartily believe in the krogman's power they discuss Joan's premonition of the sea engulfing Winterfell and bran is of course confused still jojan is adamant that his vision will come to pass it is in their escalated discussions about green dreaming that bran learns that he is actually a war though Joan suggests he hide his ability so as to avoid the scorn and suspicion of regular folk soon sir rodri Castle returned to Winterfell with the prisoner reek in tow and again jojan has a mysterious answer for another strange situation he explains that he has seen the bodies of bran and ricken being skinned at the prisoner's feet and while mea offers to kill the filthy man Joan advises her that she would fail in the attempt and just as his dream of the sea flooding Winterfell predicted Joan watches in horror as Theon Gra joy and his ironborn vault over the walls of the castle and take it over from within killing many of winterfell's residents bran Joan and Mera are all taken captive but along with ricken and the dire wolves make their escape with the aid of Osha and Hodor after a fruitless Chase Theon and reek who has joined up with the turncloak present a farce to the remaining residents of Winterfell displaying the Fayed bodies of two sons of a local Miller as bran and ricken again just as Joan foresaw once the Red Wave of House Bolton had swept its way out of Winterfell jojan emerges from his hiding place in the Crypt along with the others and after Consulting with OSHA and a dying M Luen helps in determining that bran and ricken should be split up OSHA agrees to take ricken with her South and jojan advises that he has seen that the best course for himself mea Hodor and bran is to go even farther north and so the small band sets out in pursuit of an unknown end and full of hopeful trepidation in A Storm of Swords Joan continues northward with the rest of the ragtag band intent on leading bran toward the murky Freedom he seen in his dreams bran begins to inhabit the body of Summer more often embracing his warging abilities but jojan warns him against allowing them to Encompass him fully with mea's Aid jojan convinces the young Lord Stark resolutely that they must Journey farther north than they'd ever imagined so that they may find the three-eyed Crow who who can help bran to break free from his mortal bonds and learn to fly the trekk is arduous and hardly encouraging especially since jojan insists on staying away from the roads so as to avoid the running mouths of strangers but eventually the company pauses at a small dilapidated Village in the new gift here they find resite from a brewing storm in the tower of Queen's crown and while nestled away at the Pinnacle of the building BR Wars into summer as the wolf he charges into a fry of wildlings below and AIDS in Jon Snow's Escape who had previously been entrenched with the men from Beyond the wall though Jon doesn't fully understand the implications of this interaction he takes advantage of the commotion and returns once more to the knight's watch while jojan bran and and the others are forced to stay the night in the tower until the wildlings are far removed from the site unimpeded the rest of the way except by their own fears and deficiencies jojan mea bran and Hodor finally reached the night fort a castle on the wall and one of the places Joan saw in his dreams despite searching and probing the place they are unsure of how to cross out into the great beyond and so settle for the night in the abandoned kitchens to keep warm in the dead of night they hear Footsteps in a castle that has sat vacant for years and from within a well in the kitchen emerges the portly Sam well tarley along with Gilly the wildling woman and her baby son Sam ever The Helpful individual reveals that the Terri in figure called cold hands escorted both him and Gilly to the wall and showed them the secret passage out of which he's just emerged and explains that the cloaked figure is searching for bran as only a member of the knight's watch can open the black gate to trck Beyond the Wall Sam escorts the Ragged party through the secret passage and out into the harsh World north of Westerose while Joan Reed is absent from A Feast for Crows he is present once more in A Dance with Dragons he along with the same familiar group now led by cold hands continues the journey North though with each passing day he becomes even more dower than before the band sits a stride cold hand's great elk but struggles to find food and shelter in a place akin to hell frozen over the children ultimately determine that their new shrouded protector is not alive though obviously he is not quite dead either jojan himself grows weaker with each passing day but still he pushes on defiantly stating he has yet to meet his day of death but with each step forward each step further away from the land he calls home Joan wilts like a flower in the changing seasons hardly replenished by the hearty meal of elk meat resulting from the death of coldan Steed finally in the blistering cold before them sits the Cave of the three-eyed Crow and as cold hands Hodor and the children scramble up the slope a band of whites spring forth in an ambush cold hands and mea Stave them off along with bran warging hod and with the help of leaf one of the children of the forest the group makes its way safely into the three-eyed Crow's cave for months bran studies under the tutelage of the Warped ancient three-eyed Crow learning to become a green Seer while he Hodor Joan and Meera are taken care of by the children of the forest however it is jojan that suffers the most out of all who made the Trek from Winterfell his somber attitude has become a full depression and he often wanders the cave alone yearning for home and becoming resigned to his eventual fate which only he truly understands once bran is fed the weirwood paste by the three-eyed Crow and finally sees through the eyes and mind of the Winterfell Heart Tree for the first time he returns with Hodor to their sleeping chamber feeling as though he has for once done something of Merit but neither mea nor Joan are present to celebrate an old man in all but physicality Joan Reed carries a burden sought by some and repulsed by others he knows the day he will die he cannot change it he cannot avoid it but he must live with with it the knowledge matures him far beyond his years and saps him of the giddy gleeful innocence of childhood instead jojan sees his life only as a path toward accomplishing what tasks he can For Those About which he cares his prophetic dreams draw him and his sister to Winterfell where the young Bran Stark yearns to LEAP from his mortal bonds and fly jojan takes it upon himself to Shepherd bran to his destination and toward the one who can teach him to access his powers in full yet the suen krogman seems to sense with every step he draws closer to his own demise it is of course inevitable merely by the existence of time itself but rather than turn away or run from his fate Joan Embraces it he pushes instead toward it immersing himself in his quest to block the thoughts of mortality that are surely in his periphery at all times with the stoic weight of the knowledge that he is inching ever closer to the end of his life at top his shoulders jojan insists to Mera and bran that they push forward to find the three-eyed Crow despite all the danger that awaits them every time he encounters a threat he does not proudly boast that his death is not imminent but says so only loud enough for those he cares about to hear he takes no great Solace that his time is not run out but simply Returns His Focus back toward delivering bran to the three-eyed Crow and when the company finally reaches the hidden cave far beyond the wall he grows even more weary and depressed while bran begins to Blossom jojan starts to wilt and though speculation hints and theories have run a muck as to his current whereabouts and Status it is undeniable that Joan's death is near at any point he could have turned back he could have run away and none would have blamed him for if they were staring their own death straight in the face they would have done the same yet Joan Reed instead quietly should ERS the burden embracing it and accepting the upcoming end to his Young Life The Uncanny abilities and elements in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire usually existed to highlight traits and qualities of certain characters thus reflecting themes and ideas about life itself the green dreams of Joan Reed were one such example a power placed upon a youth who learned very quickly the fickle nature of human life Joan set aside his own Ambitions and misgivings to Aid others and to attempt to bring about some good in the world even though he knew it would result in his own death he showed bravery and resolve Beyond his years an admirable yet somber individual amidst the backdrop of the ever darkening Westeros with his Blazing Green Eyes set northward and his heart sunken inside his chest Joan Reed began his march to condemnation so that's all for this video leave a comment with your thoughts I'd love to hear them leave a like if you enjoyed And subscribe if you're new here I'd love to have you visit my website Russell awells for exclusive fiction reviews and more and sign up for my mailing list for free exclusive content the links for both are in the description below and like always I will see you next time
Channel: Exploring Fiction
Views: 2,247
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Id: 75KIhUGctnQ
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Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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