Religiosity and Spirituality - Zac Poonen

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God is a good god and the church is a place where we never hear if the Word of God is spoken in the part of the Holy Spirit we never hear a discouraging word it's like that old folk song we're never is heard a discouraging word and the skies are not cloudy all day that's how the church is and so everything that you hear today I hope it will encourage you the Bible begins with two stories my subject by the way is religiosity or spirituality there's a lot of difference between being religious and being spiritual a world of difference religiosity is the work of the devil spirituality is the work of the Holy Spirit and two classic examples of that the Pharisees were religious they read the Bible they prayed they never missed a service they worship they clapped they sang but they went to hell Jesus said how will you escape the damnation of Hell they fasted they prayed they gave their tights but they missed out on God Jesus was spiritual he also studied the Bible pray fasted gave served outwardly they look the same they both fasted they prayed they read the Bible Jesus never missed a service the Pharisees never missed a service but there's a world of difference finally an eternity between the two these things are written for our instruction so that we learn to discern between the two and it's when we hear God's Word in the power of the Spirit it's like a scan you know how when the doctors suspect something inside our body which is not visible on the outside they tell you to take a scan and the scan shows up what's inside so God's Word when it's preached the part of the Spirit will be like a scan and if you get a scan a wonderful thing about God is that he doesn't humiliate us before others he doesn't show the scan report to anyone but to you so as you hear it you will know what the Holy Spirit's saying to you and it's a word of encouragement because he doesn't give you a discouraging report saying there's no cure for it there is a cure for it no matter how much you're messed up and that's the the for the first two stories in the Bible are about that I want to tell you a little bit about it Genesis 1 verse 1 in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth you all know that verse but the next verse says the earth was or the earth became which is a legitimate translation of that became without form empty dark how did that happen something happened between verse 1 and 2 one of the Angels the head of the angels whom God it created and given such wisdom and beauty and power and ability began to think too much of himself remember this is how sin came into the world into the universe began to think too much of himself in God of following and wanted to even rebel against God God cast him out he became the devil and his followers became the demons and whenever something less sin comes into a universe God's created the result is confusion and chaos and the earth became shapeless empty and void but from that moment onwards we read in Genesis 1 - the Spirit of God began to move immediately and restored it to a beautiful earth by the end of chapter 1 and God Himself could look at that and say it's very good so that's the first message of Bible that when the devil comes and messes up something the Holy Spirit's immediately there to bring restoration and beauty such beauty that Almighty God Himself can certify very good the second story in the Bible is about God creating a beautiful couple husband and wife perfect in every way happily married and immediately the devil comes in again this is the second story in the Bible Genesis 2 in Chapter through chapter 2 in chapter 3 and again he messes up and the earth becomes full of thorns and wild animals and man begins the man begins to accuse his wife and all types of problems and the first son becomes a murderer but as soon as that happens as soon as they fell God comes in and says where are you Adam it wasn't Adam who went searching for God when Adam and Eve messed up their life they should have been the one seeking after God but it is God when seeking after them that's a message in Scripture and the words that God said to them was as it were to paraphrase watch don't worry the seed of the woman will one day come and crush the head of the serpent I made a solution for this problem already there's nothing that takes God by surprise when first the Angels fell that didn't take God by surprise he'd already made a provision for that and when Adam and Eve fell that didn't take God by surprise either he'd already made a provision and he needed he told them so what's the message there in the first two stories in the Bible for us today that it doesn't matter how messed up you are in your life you could be enslaved to drugs maybe you're so enslaved to internet pornography that you can't get out of it maybe your marriage is so messed up maybe you've been unfaithful to each other maybe you've sinned terribly the verge of divorce perhaps whatever it is maybe there's a lot of confusion in the church what's the message in the first two stories of the Bible that the Holy Spirit is not going to give up he's going to work on you he's going to bring you to himself where the individual or a family or a church that's the message of the Bible and how does he do it he doesn't want us to live with a fake religiosity religiosity is like a fake counterfeit currency note there are a lot of counterfeit dollar bills and there's a thousand of them are not even worth one dollar it's trash religiosity is like that and just like we would be careful if we knew that a lot of counterfeit currency going around a particular town we'd be very careful every time you got a hundred dollar bill to seep to the genuine it's exactly the same way we got to be careful that what we call Christianity which all of you claim to have that's why you're here this morning is the genuine thing the genuine article and not a cheap counterfeit that the devils put upon you and that's what I want to help you to see I can't make you have it but I can show you the marks of true spirituality first of all let me say this that our attitude to Jesus Christ is tested not by how often you come to a service not by how well you can sing not by how much you know the Bible not even by whether you have given up your job to serve the Lord full-time in the ministry its tested by your attitude to sin that is the primary mark of your attitude of Jesus Christ you can preach well sing well play an instrument welcome regularly service and be a volunteer for so many things and yet your attitude to Christ can be totally wrong if your attitude to sin in your daily life is not right if your attitude to sin in your home is not right this is the distinction between a religious person and a spiritual person a religious person is careless about his attitude to sin but he's very particular about the external aspects of Christianity I was born again fifty five years ago and I've been serving the Lord full-time for fifty of those years and I've had a lot of opportunity to observe Christians in many lands and to see my own heart and I've seen it's so subtle so I want you to be sure of your foundation and sure that you got the genuine article to begin with the first step in the Christian life is to be forgiven and justified by the blood of Christ so I want to start there it's like laying the foundation a religious person seeks to be accepted by God on the basis of his own goodness and righteousness he looks down on people who have a messed up life and he feels well I didn't mess up so much so I must be more acceptable to God than them if you think like that you're religious if you look down on someone maybe who's an adulteress and a murderer and think that because you had the good fortune and to be brought up in a god-fearing family that you are more acceptable to God when you come to Christ and then when that fellow comes to Christ I want to say to you you're just deceiving yourself there is no difference before God between the person who grew up in a god-fearing home and didn't commit those terrible sins that other people did and the worst criminal the worst prostitute there is no difference all have sinned come short of the glory of God and they're accepted only on the basis of Christ's death that's very important to know that it's important to bring the mountains down and to lift up the valleys to bring down those who think too much of themselves because of their righteousness so this is the first thing we're accepted on the basis of Christ's righteousness that means when I come to the Lord the only way I can come is Lord I'm a sinner but Jesus died for me I said I've been converted 55 years and I've been serving the Lord for nearly 50 of those years but how shall I enter God's presence today I say Lord I'm damned but Jesus died for me and that's why I'm accepted exactly the same basis on which this person will receive Christ just this morning he's accepted before God no difference at all if I think that I'm accepted because I have been a believer so long or I have served the Lord so long I'm just fooling myself this is what it means to be justified no matter how good the life we have lived after we are born again let me repeat that no matter how wonderfully we have lived and how much we have served after we are born again our acceptance before Christ is before God our Father is only because we are clothed with the righteousness of Christ that's what it means to be justified and it's very important for all of us to understand that so to come to that place of being justified there are just two steps first of all repentance repentance doesn't mean becoming perfect it means I've turned around from my attitude to sin and my attitude to God formerly I was facing sin in the world back my back was to God and I've turned around it doesn't mean I've achieved it doesn't mean I've attained he doesn't mean I've reached the end of the road it means I've turned around so what is it what does it mean when a believer falls into sin this is what it means there is a difference between a believer falling an unbeliever falling when I'm running this race towards the Lord when I fall down and I get up I'm still going the same way so I haven't changed my direction it's just that I slipped and fell but I get up but the unbeliever when he sins he's facing the wrong direction that's the difference between a believer sitting in an unbeliever sinning and that's why it's important as soon as you fall to get out confess your sin be cleansed in the blood of Christ and press on so that's the first thing I want to say next a religious person is more interested in his outer life before people a spiritual person is concerned about his inner life and each of you can allow that scan to search your heart right now are you more interested in your external Christianity or your inner life my inner life I mean your thoughts your thought process is what goes on in your mind your attitudes to people you never express them is just inner attitudes your motives with which you do certain things or are you only interested in the external your words must be nice your actions must be nice let me read you a verse in 1 Samuel chapter 16 and verse 7 in 1 Samuel 16 and verse 7 it says man looks on the outward appearance the last part of that verse 1 Samuel 16:7 the last part of that verse God does not see as a man sees I wish we would be gripped by that one statement at the end of that verse God does not see as man sees let it be drilled in your heart brothers and sisters God does not see you as man sees you for man looks at your outward appearance but the Lord looks at your heart and if you're concerned about your outward appearance you're in grave danger of ending up being a religious person and not a true Christian the spiritual person is concerned about is heart what is condition to my heart let me show you a verse in 1 Corinthians in chapter 4 and verse 5 I know there are some folks who get you to stand up when you read God's Word I don't do that because I read so many verses in my message you'll be standing up sitting up and standing standing up and sitting down all the time 1 Corinthians 4 verse 5 it says do not go on this is a very important verse do not go on passing judgment on each other before the time I wish that's another verse I wish you would listen to don't judge other people why because you only see the outward appearance and that's not how God looks at that person but to wait I mean if you have a real desire to judge God says I'll give you the opportunity just wait wait till the Lord comes let's have that verse up there again 1 Corinthians 4 verse 5 wait until the Lord comes because when he comes just see what he's going to do there are two things that he's going to bring to light in that day which will enable you to have a correct assessment of that person whom you're judging wrongly today what are the two things he's going to bring in that to light in that day remember this is the final examination and these are the subjects we're going to be judged in going to be examined in you might as well prepare for these subjects why would you prepare for some subjects that are not appearing in the final examination here is the final examination he's going to judge us once again please that we're 1 Corinthians 4:5 he's going to bring to light the first of all the things hidden in the darkness I want you to look at that what I want to keep it up there for a little while things hidden in the darkness that means the areas of your life which other people know nothing about the things that you do when the lights are switched off the things that you do when nobody else is in the room in the darkness the things hidden in darkness that's number one which God is going to expose in that day secondly back to that verse 1 Corinthians 4:5 he's also going to reveal disclose the motives of men's hearts then each man's praise will come to him from God so what are the two things again the things hidden in darkness and the motives of my heart not what I did but what is the motive with which I did it for example preaching God's Word can be a very good thing singing can be a good thing serving God in different ways can be a good thing but if we do it for some other reason and the glory of God the Bible says whatever you do even if you eat or drink do it all for the glory of God but supposing I do this not for the glory of God but with some selfish motive which you can't see maybe I want money or maybe I'm not so carnal as wanting money maybe I just want honor there's really no difference between seeking for money are seeking for honor for men the motive is wrong and when I thought I got a hundred percent or an A plus and I discover in the final day that God gives me zero and fails me I wonder how is that Lord I did so much for you the Lord says you did it with wrong motives men saw what you did on the outside and they praised you and appreciated you but I saw all along the motive with which you did this for me and what you did why you did that for me I was I wasn't watching you when people appreciated you I was watching what was your motive what you were seeking something for yourself we're going to get a lot of surprises when Christ comes again and that's why Jesus said many who are first on this earth will be lost in that day and many whom you don't think much of because they were not so gifted and they didn't stand up in the platforms and pulpits and impress you they'll be first because God saw what was being faithfully in secret so it's very important for us to see this difference it's not so much how much we know and how much we preach you know for example reading the Bible every day it's a very good habit it without that I would not know the Scriptures today as soon as I was converted I spent seven years diligently going into the Bible not just once in the morning any spare time I had but I discovered through the years there's something more important than reading the Bible is obeying it religious people read the Bible spiritual people obey it so let me ask you what do you think is it better to know the whole Bible from cover to cover or to and not obey it or obey just 10% of it definitely if it's a choice it's better to obey ten percent than to know 100 percent religious people know the hundred percent the Pharisees knew so much of the scripture they could even question Jesus obedience don't evaluate your spirituality by how much of the Bible you know how much of the stories you know how well you can preach and all that type of stuff how much do you obey in your daily life remember the story jesus said about the wise builder and the foolish builder what is the difference between them do you know in Matthew chapter 7 at the end it says they both listened to God's Word that could have been in a service like this it could have been as they read the Bible it could have been on the internet they listened but the difference was one of them obeyed what he heard from God's Word and his foundation was on rock the other person heard understood it got excited about it but he didn't obey so you can hear you can understand and you can get excited about it but if you don't obey it if you don't even seek God to obey it in your life then you're living before man's face and you're a foolish person so a third thing I want to say is what's the difference between a religious person in a spiritual person a religious person seeks for man's approval a spiritual person seeks for gods of food Galatians chapter 1 verse 10 we read this is the Apostle Paul saying galatians chapter 1 and verse 10 the last part of that verse if I were still trying to please men I would not I cannot be a bond servant of Christ one thing that completely disqualifies us from serving Christ I can have all the abilities in the world I can know the Bible from cover to cover but if I seek to please men I cannot be a servant of Jesus Christ think of your life my brothers and sisters do you do things to please men I know I'm tempted very often when I preach God's Word not to offend people well I don't want to offend them for my sake but if God's Word says something and I hold it back because I'm afraid somebody will be offended with it then I'm seeking to please men if I preach in order to entertain people I'm seeking to please man I stand up in the pulpit and I say something funny or crack a joke just to impress people God's not going to be happy about that I'm not saying that we should not say something humorous I sometimes do that just to keep people awake so that they don't so that they don't go to sleep because very often at home I preach for one hour and I want them to be listening but not not to get honor far from it it's very very important God's approval or man's approval the Bible begins with the stock story of two children of Adam Cain and Abel we read in Genesis chapter 4 they both you know the story so we don't I don't have to show you those verses they both brought an offering to God and many people feel and have taught that because Abel brought blood of a lamb he was accepted and Cain brought grain he was not accepted now I just want to tell you that is not what the Bible says that's a human interpretation of clever people who went to Bible School but it's not in the Bible you know what the Bible says you know by the way they were not bringing a sin offering if it was a sin offering of course they had to bring blood that's clear but it doesn't say they were bringing a sin offering they were bringing a Thanksgiving offering and if you were a farmer you brought 10% of your grain if you were a shepherd you brought 10% of your flock it was a Thanksgiving offering and in the Book of Leviticus there are Thanksgiving offerings in which there is no blood perfectly acceptable to God so Cain was absolutely right it says he was a in the Cain was he brought an offering from the fruit of the ground he was a tiller of the ground Genesis 4 verse 2 and 3 and Abel was a keeper of flocks so he brought from his flocks it's perfectly right they were both bringing an offering of Thanksgiving from their particular professions but listen to this for Abel God had regard Genesis for for God had regard for Abel that's what it says here in Genesis 4 verse 4 and therefore for his offering it was it doesn't say the Lord had regard for his offering and therefore he accepted Abel was not what it says he had regard for Abel and therefore for his offering and he did not have regard for Cain verse 5 and therefore he didn't accept his offering you see what the Bible says like Jesus once said when you come and bring your offering to God and you know that you hurt somebody by some angry words that you spoke to him leave your offering there because God won't accept you why it may be a very good offering you may be offering a million dollars to God just I don't want it you got to apologize to that person and set matters right before you come he has regard for you then he will accept your offering very important do you know my brothers and sisters that is the reason why many of our prayers don't go beyond the roof you think you're praying fervently but you haven't settled some matter with someone and God doesn't hear you you're wasting your time you're all night prayer meeting was a waste of time you might as well have slept got it here you because there was something unsettled maybe you needed to apologize to your wife or your husband and you thought you could pray ignoring all that sorry he had regard for Abel therefore he accepted his offering he did not have regard for Cain therefore he didn't accept his offer now I don't know the reason for it but there's something God saw in Abel's heart which had I'll accept his offering and there was something he saw in Cain's heart which said no I can't accept his offering I want to tell you there's something God sees in your heart which makes you accept you it makes him accept your prayer and there's something god sees in somebody else's heart which may does not make him accept this prayer the Bible says the F James chapter 5 you heard it last Sunday the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much it's not a question of how fervently he prays alone it's a question of these a righteous man that's James five in psalm 66:18 you read the difference the opposite of that if I regard sin in my heart the Lord will not hear me prayer is like a telephone conversation with God and God sees your number on the diocese I'm not going to pick up that phone he doesn't even pick up the phone and just keep ringing he can pray talk all night if you like he's not going to listen seek for God's a religious person doesn't think of all that religious presence is I've got to pray and I gotta sing when I shout he doesn't listen for example we had a wonderful time of praise and thanksgiving this morning how much of you that from your mouth do you think God heard I'll tell you that depends on how you lived during the last week not how well you sang this morning at all if you want God's approval it's not by shouting and praising without having a good conscience I'll never forget a time when I was speaking in a big meeting in India and it was a charismatic meeting and I was there were time of singing I saw a man up there in the fourth or fifth row who was shouting and raising his hands and singing so well I said boy I've got to go and meet this brother at the end of the meeting he was so full of joy so when I went up to meet him within about six feet of him I could smell the alcohol I said oh that's why he was so excited it was some other spirit it was not the Holy Spirit so I've learned from that time onwards that happened about 40 years ago I've learned from that time onwards not to be excited just because people sound so exuberant and raised and shout and all that I appreciate it I hope it's coming from a pure heart otherwise God does not have regard God's approval more than man's approval that is so very very important why is it there is so much competition among Christians isn't it because we want to gets man's approval you know the carnal rejoicing that people can have that we have more people in our church than you have in yours really do you know that the Pharisees had more people in their group than Jesus had in his Jesus had only 12 he could have had more he was the greatest healer and miracle worker that Israel ever saw and we read great multitudes would follow him but when great multitudes followed him he turned around and said to them if you don't love me more than your father mother brothers sister and all in your own life and more than all your possessions you cannot follow me and many of them left is that what most preachers think about today when they see a great multitude they say oh time to take an offering that's what they think but Jesus had time to talk about discipleship and you read in John chapter six they got offended and many of them left and you read at the end of John chapter six there were only twelve left and Jesus said are you also going to go but they had some wisdom Peter said Lord to whom shall we go those words you speak a hard but they are the words of eternal life they are the words that bring us to God so don't be fooled by numbers man looks for numbers and quantity God always looks for quality he'd rather have twelve people who are wholehearted disciples then thousands who are careless casual Christians with 12 people he could turn the world upside down and a Christian faith that's lasted 2,000 years that's what he's looking for here in abundant life not crowds but men and women of quality disciples who keep their conscience clear who will settle matters with their husband wife or neighbor or anybody before they come to God who are more interested in their heart than in their outward appearance who are more interested in God's approval than man's then I want to use a mention another thing a religious person thinks of Jesus as his master a spiritual person looks at Jesus as his bridegroom one is a relationship of fear oh I better do this he's my boss Jesus is my boss the spiritual person has a relationship of love with him you know when you have a relationship with Jesus as a boss one mark is you feel he's hurt because you didn't do something right when you feel that in the Old Testament that's how that you have to admit then the Old Testament that's the relationship the Israelites had with God he was their boss they could never call him dad they would never look up and call him father it was not a loving relationship like a man like a woman has with a man who's a bridegroom or husband and that's why they had to pay income tax to God was called a tithe by the way in the Old Testament it was income tax which was used what's income tax used for to pay God's servants to government servants today it was used to pay the Levites but it was a relationship God had done all this for them and from their income there to pay a tax called it tight ten percent but Jesus relationship with his father is the example for us how much income tax does a wife pay to her husband what is her attitude to her husband whatever wife do you have if he if she says to you I'll give you ten percent of my life my time my everything Jesus didn't have that relationship with his father there was a relationship diseases Jesus had with his father on earth which is a picture of the type of relationship we are to have with him and I want to read that to you in John 17 and verse 10 it's a beautiful verse John 17 verse 10 Jesus in his final prayer to his father said all things listen to this never forget this verse all things that are mine father are yours and all that are yours are mine if you say to God Lord 10% of mine is yours and 10% of yours is mine is that a relationship you want to have with Jesus I don't want that I'm a bride not one who works under a boss I'm a bride I'm his wife and I say to him Lord Jesus you didn't give ten percent to me on the cross you give everything up when you came from heaven to earth there was not a single thing you held on to when you came to this earth you emptied yourself completely and came for me I love you Lord I'm not going to I'm going to show you my love not by giving a little bit of my time a little bit of my money a little bit of my energy oh I don't want this 10% relationship with you Lord all that is yours now I don't mean by that that you've got to put all your salary into the offering box that's not what I mean I'm talking about a relationship with Jesus where he tells you how much of that you can spend on yourself how much of that you can set apart to buy a home or how much he's interested in us but I don't hold on to anything as if it's mine it's his I'll use an illustration this is all the wealth and property I have I can hold it like this as mine on a tight fist or I can hold it like this and say Lord it's yours it's in my hand but it's yours you can take whatever you like from it anytime that's the type of relationship we're supposed to have with Jesus as our bridegroom we're as a religious person is always calculating what is the minimum I have to do in order to get to heaven I don't want to miss heaven where was the minimum I have to do what's the minimum amount of money I must put in the Box what's the minimum amount I must serve the Lord what's the minimum number of services I must go to in a week to in good standing in the church was the minimum I have to do to keep a good testimony in the church it's always this minimum minimum minimum it's a mark of a religious person imagine if you had a wife like that so what is the minimum I have to do for my husband and what's the minimum I have to do you'd have a miserable married life and I want to tell you that Jesus is not looking for a wife like that let me tell you that he's not so desperate that he's looking for a wife like that but a spiritual person says Lord I've got only one life what is the maximum I can do for you in this one life before ie what is the maximum I can do for you in this one life what is your attitude in that simple word minimum or maximum you can discover you get a scan and see whether you're a religious person who people think you're a wonderful Christian but in your inner attitude I'm talking about their daily attitude not when you come here on Sunday morning in your daily life if your attitude is oh I have to do something for God you know otherwise I have a bad conscience have to read the Bible for a few minutes and have to do a little bit I've got to get of course I've got a little money for God you're not a bride you're a servant looking at the clock to see is it time to go home you're not a son you're not a sir you're not a bride you're a religious person and it's good to face up to that I want to tell you something that God's really not interested in your money first of all he's interested in your love your heart your reflection and he wants all of that so in conclusion let me turn to Matthew chapter 7 and verse 21 what is the root cause of all these problems why do people become religious not spiritual Matthew 7:21 Jesus speaking about the last day judgment where he says there are people who going to come to him and say Lord Lord and they will not enter the kingdom of heaven why the fact that they called him Lord means they had their doctrines right the fact that they called him Lord Lord means they were excited about it as well you got your doctrines right and you're excited about the Lord and you're still going to go into God's kingdom by sad because you did not do the will of my father you respected the Bible by standing up when you read it but you didn't obey it during the day was he use God's not fooled by that did you obey that's the question the next verse Matthew 7:22 many not one or two many many I don't know millions will say to me on that day Lord Lord look what all we did for you we preached we cast out demons we did not one or two miracles many miracles and not fake ones real ones and I will say to them verse 23 I never knew you depart from me you had religion but you didn't love me I never knew you means what you know in the Old Testament Adam knew his wife it was an expression he speak of the most intimate relationship between husband and wife and when the Lord says I never knew you he's saying you did so many things for me but you never had that intimate relationship with me in your spirit when you loved me that's what the Lord told the elder of the church in Ephesus you've got so many good qualities which you left your first love I hope you have understood something of what it means to be religious it's because we want to do our own will my way my will and we and never allow the Holy Spirit use the spirits power to crucify that that we remain religious dear brothers and sisters if you want to be spiritual take up your cross die to your own will every day in the fire the Holy Spirit that's a Sikh that's why we need the power of the Holy Spirit I cannot do this without the power of the Holy Spirit that's why I seek God to be filled with the Holy Spirit every day that's why I seek to keep my conscience clear I say Lord I know the root of all sin is doing my own will I say Lord Lord but I do my own will but he who does the will of my father and in order to do the will of God God I have to deny my own will and if you have the habit and develop the habit and you know you start with an action and gradually it becomes a habit that's how we do God's will you start with an action of denying yourself saying Lord in this particular situation where this person has provoked me to anger my will is to react in the same way but I'm going to die to my will and I'm going to do your will Here I am Lord sitting at the computer and nobody's around I'm strongly tempted to go to some pornographic website that's my will it satisfies my lust I've know its temptations strong too strong I'm going to get up and go away from here I want to run away from temptation on it plays you these little little little choices over a period of years make you a truly spiritual man make those right choices the times of ignorance the Bible says God overlooks but today is calling us to repent so I'll leave you with that verse in closing acts 17 verse 30 it's a beautiful verse in Acts of the Apostles in chapter 17 and verse 30 it says God has overlooked the times of ignorance isn't that great maybe there are many things you heard today which you didn't know about you had times of ignorance right up until today God says I overlooked them I forgive you it's under the blood of Christ it's gone but now he's declaring to men that we should repent repent means turn around and say Lord I want to take heed to what I heard today I want to do my part for this church to make my little contribution of being a spiritual member of this church living according to the standards of God's Word I want to obey God's Word and live according to that and that is the greatest contribution you can make to this church and imagine if all of us decide to do that we'll have a spiritual church even if you're small in number
Channel: CFC India
Views: 40,336
Rating: 4.8775511 out of 5
Keywords: zac poonen, cfc, Christian Fellowship Church, Church, Fellowship, Christian, Zac, Poonen
Id: _7_vhBlyGBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 16sec (2836 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 06 2014
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