(Through The Bible) Song of Solomon by Zac Poonen

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[Music] now we come to the third book that Solomon wrote the song of songs or canticles is some people call it and some people are embarrassed to read this book but I believe that that's because we've got so many wrong ideas of the place of sex and marriage from the world this book as I see it basically teaches two things the first is that the sexual relationship and marriage is essential God created it and he said after creating it and telling the Adam and Eve to multiply he said in Genesis 1:31 it's very good and if God says it's very good I don't want to listen to any second opinion on the sexual function that God created and pronounced very good in Genesis chapter 1 but we also see here this is the first thing as I'm trying to emphasize is that love must be coupled with that sexual relationship otherwise it is not right any sexual relationship without love is demonic satanic belongs to hell and that is unfortunately what we see a lot off in the world that is completely evil see God has created something in the devil is misused it God created the animal but the devil can use it to make a bomb to destroy people and whereas it can also be used to give electricity to a whole city God created that from which dynamite is made but you can use dynamite to kill people or you can use dynamite to blast a rock to build a foundation for a house many things a knife a knife can be used to cut meat or vegetables it can be used to kill a person so what God has created sex can be used in a bad way or a good way like all the other things God has created and we shouldn't think that it's always bad that a knife is always used only for evil purposes no a knife is a very useful instrument in the kitchen and when God is created something you remember when Peter saw that vision of a sheet coming down from heaven and God had to tell him one word three times what God is cleansed don't call unclean and I would say that to you also that when God has created something and says very good we have no business to say it's unclean what the world does with it is unclean the murderer taking that knife and killing somebody he is unclean the knife itself is not unclean he has used that knife for our own purpose and when the world uses the sexual function wrongly then of course it's evil but otherwise it's a very holy it's not only good I would say it's wholly pure and binds the husband and wife together in and in this section I mean I would really encourage husbands advised to read this to each other sano-sama is a wonderful book you know it expresses appreciation in our Indian culture unfortunately husbands and wives don't appreciate one another they just take each other for granted and there's of course in India also husbands and wives of sex as we all know but they don't appreciate one another sufficiently it's a very sad thing and Song of Solomon Pakistan teaches the necessity of appreciating one another very very important and the importance of communication of speaking to one another in marriage in a loving way all these things are in this book and very practical advice and also it's a very realistic book it shows that there are times when there are their ups and downs like in marriage feelings will go but the love remains and how you know these up and down feelings can be overcome and how revival can come in a marriage very very down-to-earth realistic practical the second thing about the first is as I said marriage relationships and sex and marriage and communication and love and all that ii think that Song of Solomon pictures is Christ in the church and I would say we must be both as we read this book you can read it through in one way as the husband wife relationship and then you can read it through another way as Christ Church relationship and in both cases you can get a lot of profit and I would encourage you who are married to read it through husband and wife as a husband wife relationship story and all of us married or on merit can read it through as Christ in the church story and there's a lot in that I remember it's one of the first books I studied in my Christian life and I started studying the Bible and I was alone on a ship just baptized few months earlier far away from all contact with believers for weeks on end and I studied this book about 40 years ago and it defends my devotion to Jesus immensely and I learned in those days because I didn't have contact with believers to trust in the Lord and to love him and to rest in his love for me and that deepened my walk with the Lord and I've always valued this book since that time it's a picture of Christ and the church is called a song and I want to point you to a verse in Revelation 14 verse 3 in this connection revelation 14 3 says about those who follow the lamb wherever he goes and those who follow the lamb wherever he goes it says about them they sang a wonderful new song and no one could learn that song except this group of people this 144,000 the Bride of Christ those who followed him see like a bride who follows the bridegroom wherever he goes they are the only ones who can learn the song you can follow this Bible study for the next 50 minutes or so but you won't learn the song until you follow Jesus if you follow Jesus you can learn the song and you've got to learn it on this earth it says they learned it on earth before they reached up they learnt it on earth now it's your time brother sister ministry is not everything let me give you my testimony after preaching for 38 years at least I'm serving the Lord full-time for 34 years my devotion to Christ is the basis of all my ministry my ministry will be zero the moment my devotion to Christ goes down this relationship with Christ described in Song of Solomon is the basis on which your service for the Lord whether evangelism or teaching or whatever you do social work in Jesus name medical work planting churches whatever it is this relationship with Christ should be the basis of your ministry this is a song we got to learn it is a song that Jesus sings to us the bridegroom singing to the bride and it's also a song that through the Holy Spirit in us we sing to the Lord it's the opposite of Ecclesiastes in Ecclesiastes it's knowledge knowledge here it is love love and many secret knowledge for the Lord seek for those who love it's only them that our knowledge is useful and in the song Song of Songs we see there's a growth of love in the first chapter we see the beginning of love we could say it's like infatuation a lot of young people today when they say they are in love with each other it's actually not love it's infatuation love is very selfless if you want to see the purest expression of love in the world it's not what you see in the cinema screen it's not what what you read in the romantic novels it's not even what you see in a boy in a girl who love love so called love each other the purest form of love that you can see on earth is the love of a mother for its helpless child but people even a child is sick how that mother sacrifices everything all these young couples will say they are fall in love with everything they won't do like that long as everything is going well we love each other but a mother's love is not like that the purest the love which is closest to God's love the love of a mother and that is how God's love is and when a husband and wife can love like that they've really understood love but that takes time to grow to that maturity in the beginning we are selfish we want something from the other person the man wants something from the girl the girl wants something from the man the man usually want sex and the usually one security but they want something it's a selfish type of thing that's how it begins infatuation but it must grow to love them the same way in our relationship with the Lord it begins with Lord I don't want to go to hell can you heal me can you bless me can you give me prosperity or at least can you anoint me so that I'll be a mighty preacher see all this is selfish love but when you mature you say lord I don't need anything I don't need property I don't need money I don't need help I don't even need a ministry I have you and that's enough how can you get more out of my life not what I can get out of the Lord but what the Lord can get out of me that is maturity in an immature infatuation type of love a girl is thinking what can I get out of this man and the man is thinking what can I get out of this girl and the believer is thinking what can I get out of the Lord now when Jesus came to earth he didn't think what can I get from man he said he thought what can I give to man that is mature love and that's the mature love we finally come to in Song of Solomon chapter 8 but in the beginning we come to the Lord for going to heaven for healing for blessing and so many things for ministry perhaps but finally we come to the place where we love the Lord for who he is whomever I in heaven buddy there's nothing on earth I desire beside thee thou art enough I don't care for ministry health wealth prosperity nothing so keep that in mind as we move on verse 1 it is Solomon's song that means it is primarily Jesus song to us not our song first we love Him because He first loved us we did not love him first because He first loved us because he sang the song to us we sing it back to him and in the initial part as it says thus talks about falling in love with it says here there's no name mentioned it's assumed this person this bride is so taken up with the bridegroom says your love is better than all the wine on the earth and your name is like how pleasing is your name verse 3 now I'm reading here from the New Living Translation which is an advancement on the Living Bible or further development of it and some of these verses are little clearer here that's why read from it it I want to noticed you to see one thing here it says here draw me and we will run out for you verse 4 love does not push it draws and there's a difference between pushing and drawing a person you know like a magnet draws I am filing through itself I find lifted up will draw all men unto myself the Lord never pushes is that all you want to go okay he goes ahead and draws us the Good Shepherd always goes in front of the sheep and a husband must always go in front of his wife to draw her not push her hey why aren't you doing this and why aren't you doing that why are you doing the other thing like out in the world but to go ahead as an example you find some fault in your wife be a good example so that she can follow your example so that's one very important thing that applies even in our human relationship and it's ends here in verse 4 my king the bride calls her my king and from that I want to mention this that you have to know Jesus as your king before you can know him as your bridegroom you cannot know him as bridegroom if you don't know him first of all as king and you are totally subject and that's the reason why many people do not enter into this love relationship with their Lord they do not know him as king in now we re also hear about the daughters of Jerusalem or women of Jerusalem in verse 5 now the women of Jerusalem I would say refer to the half-hearted believers they are in Jerusalem but they are not the bride they're not in Babylon they're in Jerusalem but they are not the right they want to be part of the church but they are more taken up with healing and ministry and preaching and teaching and activity and Bible study of things like that they're not taken up with devotion to Jesus there are believers they don't do any terrible things but the Lord is looking for those who have the heart of a bride who are devoted to him and whose service comes out of that heart of love so those are the women of Jerusalem and she tells them I am dark but the Lord has accepted me I am dark and beautiful see that has a number of things that we can learn from that this bride was felt that she was unattractive you know the Bible says that God has chosen the poor of the world not many mighty not many clever not many good-looking people some of us feel Oh Lord I'm not so capable like other people I'm not so intelligent I can't speak like others I can't do so many things I'm so limited this is exactly how the bride says I'm dark I'm unattractive I'm not from a very educated background I'm a little foolish and I'm I go so many things wrong that I am dark could comprise a whole lot of areas where we feel ourselves inferior to others you know how a dark person feels inferior to someone who is very much fairer an ugly person looks feels inferior they're beautiful and God has chosen the ugly person God has chosen the dark one there were many prettier women of Jerusalem but the bridegroom takes on this dark one that is Jesus only Jesus would do because he looks for qualities of the heart not appearance and gives them capability and all that and we got to learn a lesson there this is what the Lord looked for when he picks out someone to be his servants all your natural abilities background family background accomplishments are not really of any value to God the heart of devotion that he looks forward and he says so even if I'm dark in the Lord's eyes I'm beautiful that means there was there's a sense of acceptance see a lot of women married women suffer because they don't seem that their husbands really rejoice in them I rejoice in my wife and I evil all your husband's do I think it's very important that their wife knows that you rejoice in her and the same way we as believers don't realize that the Lord rejoices in us Zephaniah 3:17 says the Lord your God in your midst is mighty he shouts over you with shouts of joy he's so happy to have you do you realize that you realize that when you were accepted in Christ God is so happy to have you it's very very important this sense of acceptance I'm ugly maybe but I'm beautiful in God's eyes see that combination that is so important to understand verse 6 don't look down on me you're beautiful fair City goes because she's like a village girl you know uncultured these refined city girls of Jerusalem looked down upon this girl who's come from the villages but that girl from the village is the one the bridegroom has chosen the bridegroom has bypass all these smart charming silly girls and chosen that village girl that's how he's chosen you and me praise God so he says don't look down on me that means the other believers maybe look down on this person and maybe other believers look down on you in your life don't get discouraged Ezekiel chapter 16 is another beautiful chapter that describes how God picks up the rotten the one that's fallen by the wayside okay one of the verse here it sends verse 6 they made me the keeper of the many artists month but my own vineyard I have not yet now we could have applied this this way the other vineyards are my ministry my vineyard is my life my walk with God and this is a common mistake that many many preachers and servants of God make they keep the vineyard but they don't keep their own veneer they are busy in activity this veneer that in your ever go here I got to do this either but their own vineyard their close walk with the Lord will not get that that is in them that's like a wilderness and they're always thinking in terms of statistics and activity I brought so many people to the Lord and I did this year ended there remember this book writer the beginning wanders against that you keep your own vineyard first ball told Timothy 1 Timothy 4:16 take heat to yourself and to your teaching thus you will save yourself and you will save those who hear you a very common mistake that people make verse 7 there are two things she looks for here where are you feeding your flock and where do you make them rest there are two things the Lord needs to give us food and rest and that's what she's looking for from the Lord and notice here the king praises her the bridegroom verse 15 how beautiful you are my beloved I believe we need to hear words like that from the Lord to ourselves expressions of appreciation that the Lord really delights in us I believe wives need to hear that from their husband expressions of appreciation a wife looks for security just as much as a husband looks for sex and both are right right for a wife to give her then the sexy needs is right for a husband to give the security that a wife needs see we can talk about these things openly because these are spiritual things and so often the devil is the only one who talks about these subjects and godly men in the pulpit don't speak about it the result is all the people have only heard what the devil says I decided many years ago that I'm going to speak very openly about these things from the divine standpoint so that we have a proper understanding of God's view on these subjects so that's the beginning of love it's a lot of infatuation and a lot of delight in the fact that God's accepted me I'm so blessed or my bridegroom has accepted me that's all it's all how I feel infatuation is always like that but that's okay in the beginning but then we read from chapter 2 to chapter 7 the growth of loves and finally it culminates in chapter 8 remember that in chapter 2 we see right on the chapter 7 there are ups and downs there are times when feelings go and here in verse 1 this is the bride speaking I am just a rose in Sharon I'm just a lily in the valley now I'm sorry to disappoint some of you but that does not refer to Jesus Christ like we sing in a lot of songs we call Jesus the Rose of Sharon and the lily of the valley but that is not scriptural it's totally unscriptural is the bride saying to the bridegroom I'm just an ordinary rose in Sharon there are thousands of roses in Sharon and I'm just one of them I'm just an ordinary lily in the valley but the bridegroom says yes that may be true but you're a lily where's - in the midst of thorns the whole lot of thorns all these fair attractive women in Jerusalem I are look they're good-looking on the outside but they're like the problem 11:22 now it says about like a pink pig with a golden ring on its nose they are attractive but like a like thorn but in the midst of that you're really so there's that expression of appreciation verse four he's brought me to his banquet hall so that everyone can see how much he loves me I believe we must always recognize that the Lord brings us to his dining table he brought the prodigal son right up to the table and Jesus was very frequently sitting with his disciples round table and this table speaks of fellowship primarily you know when you're sitting at a table you're not doing ministry you're having fellowship when you sit together you're eating together talking together and the New Testament places a great emphasis on that it's good later on the bride goes to the bridegroom to the field but don't ever attempt going to the field before you've sat at table with him throughout the Scriptures you find his emphasis fellowship first Adams first day fellowship then go to work for six days the bride sits at the banquet hall we're going to have a celebration and sit at the table and and he says she says I'll feed me with your love from utterly lovesick it's a beautiful expression I'm lovesick that means the world is no longer attractive to me Jesus is everything to me the tremendous expressions of devotion in this song which if you apply to Jesus you find your relationship with the Lord deepens and the world you find is no longer so attractive verse 7 is a wonderful verse which applies to marriage I mean boy-girl relationships as well promise me your women of Jerusalem verse 7 not to awaken love until the time is right don't awaken don't try to stir up love until the time is right don't write a stir up emotions hang on don't let you're telling me falling in love like they say love at first sight they're really careful in your particularly in boy-girl relationships it's very very important that we don't get taken up by emotions and feelings keep those emotions under control if you want to be a godly young man or a godly young woman you may have feelings but don't let those feelings just take over and leave you off in a direction which afterwards you will regret it happens very very often so many people young people called by God to a unique ministry in their teenage years and the devil got his eye on them since that fellow is going to be a danger to my kingdom the devil says that girl is going to be a danger to my kingdom how can I destroy them get them married to the wrong person he does that and I know numerous cases like that India has lost godly homes because godly people did not get married to godly people so don't stir up love until the time is right waves infatuation cannot wait must have it now sex people who are after sex I like that understand it now I can't wait till I get married that's that's the devil always whereas those who are godly can wait they have control over themselves and be very very careful dear young people whenever you see some feelings arising in you towards someone whom you are attracted towards spiritually or physically whatever it is be very careful with your feelings don't let don't awaken that love until the time is right until you're within about six months to a year of the possibility of getting married I don't think you should ever awaken love in your heart it can cause you serious problems in your study of the scriptures preparation for the Lord's work many people cannot study the Scriptures because they're always daydreaming about somebody he may not be thinking evil but you're just you can't concentrate on what the Lord is trying to say to you so this is very practical this book and verse 7 verse 8 sorry I hear him my lover comes leaping on the mountains speaking of the way the Lord comes to us and I want you to see here verse 14 the bridegroom says my dove is hidden in the rock like we sing in that song nor Rock of Ages cleft for me the beautiful picture of our being hidden in Christ now verse 15 is what I want you to notice catch the little foxes quickly before they ruin you the vineyard of your love for the grape vines are in blossom I think this is a word from the Lord to us there are little foxes you know the big foxes we can easily see but a small teeny weeny baby foxes that creep into the vineyard and eat of the wine the greatest the little even married life it's not the big calamities the husband hitting his wife with a stick those things and all we may avoid but the little irritations this is sharp voice there those little foxes are the things that destroy your marriage catch those little foxes the little irritations of daily life catch them throw them out of the venire your marriage is like of any earth your marriage is like a garden preserve it like any farmer would take care of the foot scarecrows to drive the crows away try the foxes away in the same way your relationship with the Lord is also similar little little things little sin is not the big sin is not adultery and murder that drive us away from the Lord it does a little the little thing that come between us of the Lord that can ruin our relationship with him catch them and drive them away in Chapter three he says about she says about the time when she lost that sense of his presence one night as I lay in bed a yearn deeply for my lover my lord but he didn't come so I said to myself I'll get up and roam the city searching for him she was seeking for those feelings of his presence and my search was in vain the watchman the watchman in this book referred to other creatures like the preachers in the book of Job who don't know God but who know all the facts they could even the elders in churches who don't know that devotion to Christ that this young one who loves the Lord is seeking fall he goes to the some older person in his church for advising that chap does not have a devotion to the Lord how can he guide him so the watchman she goes to the watchman and I said to him have you seen him whom I love so much they couldn't guide you it's a very sad thing that it's very difficult to find now many older people who can guide you in this life of devotion to Christ they can teach you how to do evangelism happened to teach and maybe a lot of things in the scripture but can they teach you how to be devoted to Jesus Christ these Watchmen unfortunately not you're an elder of a church is not enough teaching people the Bible are you leading them to devotion to Christ that's a good watchman but then finally verse 4 he says a little while later I found it myself that's how I found it my life my younger days I never had the privilege to have godly older people to guide me but I found him myself and sometimes that may be your lot also some of you may be in places where you don't have godly people to guide you a need you can find them yourself seeking and when I found him it says I did not let him go I would not let him go now let me go on to chapter 4 now notice one thing that up until this time it's the woman speaking most of the time I'd really notice that it's occasionally a sentence that the bridegroom says but chapter 4 you find a long message from the bride this is a mark of growth in love I told you like in our earlier session the more we grow spiritually the less we talk in the more we listen and one mark of spiritual growth is that we learn to listen to the Lord and now we find she's growing to maturity she's not just talking talking talking talking the Lord she's now listening and then she says here the bridegroom expresses his admiration I just want you to notice one thing in verse 8 come with me from Lebanon come down from the top of Mount a Manama Mountaineer Mount Hermon where the Lions have their dens in the Panthers growl spiritually speaking this speaks of a life in the heavenlies the Lord says don't look at things from this low earthly standpoint come with me to the high places and the things of Earth will grow strangely dim as you go to the high places with him you know how you when you go up in an airplane or you the things of Earth look so small the cars look so small and you're not so attracted to everything so that's the way the Lord says let me lift you up to a higher plane yes there are Lions and Panthers there in the heavenly places there are demons and principalities and powers but you and I are together there the Lord says we'd overcome them and we'll be strong here is a bride who is moved with a bridegroom to the heavenly places and who is willing to encounter these demonic spirits and overcome them in verse 12 the bride groom says to the bride you're like a private garden my treasure my bright private garden means you're exclusively for me you are mine you don't belong to anybody else just like a husband can tell his wife you don't belong to anybody else in the world you belong exclusively to me I want to ask you whether your relationship with the Lord is like that can the Lord say to you you are my private garden you there are many things out in the world that attract you like the opportunity to make money and get a name those are like other men trying to attract this wife but she's not attracted she's taken up this verb beloved are you taking up with the Lord like that that promotion in your job doesn't mean anything to you the opportunity to make a lot of money in the world doesn't mean anything to you there are very very few believers like this and I believe that's the reason why they don't know the Lord they don't understand his word to me I would say that the secret of understanding the whole Bible is having this type of relationship with the Lord because the one who wrote it will explain to you what it means that's what I found through the years and I want to encourage you to develop this type of relationship with Jesus Christ walk with Him like the early disciples walked within those apostles and heard him speak and their eyes were open the hearts burned so the Lord calls us to the heavenly expresses it appreciates to present the bride says in similar words she says that's right let the north's wind come verse 16 the north wind is the wind of is the cold wind of suffering adversity trials and the south wind is the wind of blessing encouragement prosperity happiness and the bride says it doesn't matter which one it is let me have a cushy easy time in life or let me have a difficult time in life from both a perfume will come out of my garden in other words when God blesses me a perfume of praise and thanksgiving and worship will come when God allows trials and difficulties and pressures to come into my life that's another wind which blows the same beautiful perfume of praise Thanksgiving and worship to God and let my beloved verse 16 come into his garden and eat its choicest fruits everything I produce in my garden in my life is not to impress other people how spiritual I am no it is for my lord it's for my beloved is for my bridegroom let him come into my garden into my heart and eat the fruits in my life see this is another great secret of effective Christian ministry make sure that what you do is primarily for the Lord not because you have to write a report at the end of the month and then somebody what you did not because you want to impress somebody how God is using you that means you're giving all the fruit in your garden to other people and the Lord gets nothing but this bribe says this is all for you Lord your did somebody did you use me to bring somebody to Christ that's not for me to show off to other people how God gives me no I couldn't tell it this is for you this convert is for you this ministry I did this is for you the sacrifice I made which nobody knows about that's for you why should I advertise to everybody the sacrifice I made why should a husband tell everybody in the world all the sacrifices he made for his wife or vice versa there are so many secrets between husband and wife there should be secrets between us and the Lord there are things we do which nobody should know about that at times you spend alone with the Lord is nobody should know about when a wife spends time with her husband two people who are deeply in love with each other they spend time with each other do they want anybody else to know about it they don't want anybody to know about it in fact they try their best young people already love not to let any know that they're meeting somewhere why don't we meet with a load like that shut the door get alone with the Lord nobody should know I and with my beloved now you see hardly anybody we find has this type of relationship everybody is busy doing this that the other for the Lord this love relationship is not there that's why I say the Song of Solomon is a secret of deep relationship with the Lord I'm personally very thankful that the Lord led me to that book first and I began my Christian life I believe this should be the basis on which we do all our work and service for the Lord you may work harder than anybody else but let it be based on a relationship like this in 2nd Corinthians 11 verse 3 Paul says to the Corinthians I'm afraid light the serpent let Eve astray you also will be led astray from that simple devotion to Christ when are you lettuce train whenever you go away from simple devotion to Christ you have already gone astray you don't have to steal you don't have to commit adultery you don't have to tell life when you've lost sinful devotion to Christ the devil is already led you astray however much you may serve the Lord okay we go to chapter 5 and when the beloved now accepts the invitation of the bride to come into her garden and eat and the bridegroom says I'm here in my garden verse 1 my treasure my bride I'm going to gather my spices and eat my honeycomb and she he invites others also to come in and eat with him the bride has got the the bridegroom has got the right to [Music] give our fruit to others and the bride the response or lover and beloved eat and drink drink deeply then we go to verse 4 one night as I was sleeping my heart was awakened and I heard the voice in my lover you know sometimes we don't expect the Lord comes without warning suddenly because he wants us to be in a state of readiness all the time have you seen in the Old Testament sometimes suddenly you read the Lord said Abraham Abraham and he said Here I am then years later many chapters later you read and the Lord said Abraham Abraham he said Here I am actually blesses me here was a man in the midst of all the other things he did he could hear the Lord saying once we did we saw that for 13 years the Lord says nothing suddenly the Lord said Abraham he was ready 13 years he never heard as soon as the Lord callings ready I want to be like that and I hope you'll be like that you know his sleep and suddenly the Lord comes just come I want to tell you something he calls us some things like that like he called Samuel in the middle of the night but and she said open to me my darling my treasure I've been out in the night and how is her response who el Lord not right now verse 3 I've taken off my roll and you have to get dressed again I wash my feet if I go onto the street to get soiled again and he tried verse 4 to unlatch the door and then he disappears because he did not respond when he called her first so I opened it and the hands my hands dripped with perfume verse 6 I opened to my lover but he was gone that happened sometimes the Lord says now drop all that you're doing stop reading that book just stop that conversation get alone in your room and pray I'll go for a walk talk to me and you say Lord just wait I just got something very important to do in 15 minutes I'll be finished and 15 minutes later after you finish that important work this is Lord I'm ready what he's gone you can't find me this is the experience of many many many believers because the Lord tests you to see but he is more important to you than that conversation you're having with your friends that book you're reading at work you're doing he's always test us to see my believers off everything and listen to him you want to be an effective servant of God develop this way of life where you're willing to listen drop everything and listen to him when he calls then when he couldn't when she couldn't find him she again goes to the watchman for the elders of a church verse 7 and it says they struck her and wounded her they are all legalism she's seeking the Lord and she's speaking about love and devotion to the Lord they don't understand they say you got to be practical and they rebuked her with her their words because they don't know that type of devotion and it says here they even tore off her veil that means they expose her to Public Disgrace like they got up in the pulpit and said there are some brothers and sisters here always talking about loving the Lord and publicly humiliate isn't okay you may face things like that from preachers who don't know the Lord that's the meaning of taking away the veil public disgrace and scandalizing you and then verse 8 she goes to the other half-hearted believers the women of Jerusalem and says if you find my beloved tell em I'm lovesick she speaks of our devotion to others and she says verse 16 the last part he's altogether lovely he is my beloved and my friend he's not only my beloved he's my friends is Jesus not only your savior but your friend is your wife your best friend on earth is your husband your best friend on earth it should be very often hussar than why they love one another they say they love another within our friend their friends our audience I want my wife to be my best friend always I want to be her best friend all my life that's a good marriage relationship I want Jesus to be the greatest friend of all my life not only my beloved but my friends we move on to chapter six she finds her beloved herself she was searching it all and she finally found him in his garden and here when he says I am My Beloved's and my beloved is mine this is different from chapter 2 and verse 16 where he says my beloved is mine and I am his you notice a difference here she's progressing in work chapter 2:16 the initial stages of love it is my lord is mine in chapter 6 verse 3 it is I have my Lords first that is a progression I think that the Lord has something for me like I said and immature believer thinks of what can I get out from get from the Lord what can I get out of the Lord for myself the mature believer thinks of what can the Lord get out of me in my one earthly life so here's a progression and then you find [Music] there is this fellowship between both of them says the young man he ran the bridegroom says in verse 4 expresses appreciation for his wife and he says in verse 8 Solomon says that maybe sixty wives all Queens eighty concubines but no one like this one my dove my perfect one I choose her above everybody else I believe that a husband should have that attitude towards his wife but there are so many attractive women in the world but there's no one like my wife she is number one in my eyes that's what the Lord says about us more than all the clever people in the world and everybody else he appreciates us more than anything else and here also in verse 10 we read of the bride being like an army see this bride is not a soft City she's like a a strong person who's like an army with banners and in verse 13 she's called a Shulamite a young woman of shulam meaning a person of peace salem the word Shalom Libre word for peace and this is speaking about a woman was peaceful when we have this type of relationship of the Lord in one way we are like soldiers in an army against the devil and with human beings we are always at peace this is combination of battle with the Lord I'm an army like an army with banners and peaceful with others now we go to chapter 7 and we read about the admiration of the bridegroom and when you come to verse 10 it's still higher than chapter 6 verse 3 I am my beloved and I'm the one he desires he doesn't even say I am My Beloved's and he is mine I'm the one he desires he desires me it's not just that he belongs to me he's pleased with me see it's one thing for the Lord to say okay I love you it's another thing for the Lord to say I'm happy with you you know you can a husband get loved his wife and they not be happy with the way she does things and the Lord may love you but he may not be happy with a lot of things so this is a stew for the progressing mature love way when she's tried to please him she longs to intimate his desire his towards me he's happy with me he he longs for me not just because of his having chosen me but he's so happy with what I am and now verse 11 she becomes a co-worker with him she says come my love let's go out into the field let's go into the field and serve together there's a needy world out there lets you and I go together my dear brothers and sisters please listen to me you who want to serve the Lord don't go alone don't go alone to the field go with your beloved build up a relationship with him that is how I have served the Lord all these years I walked with him and said Lord let's go out together to the fields you and I I never want to go anywhere alone if you're not going there I don't want to go you lead I'll follow see a lot of people decide where to go and ask them like the wife telling ok we're going here and ask the husband to come along that's wrong the husband must say let's go and you come along that I say Lord you tell me where to go now I'll just come along with you and we'll go together then we don't compare our life or ministry with anybody else's so she's a co-worker and worst well she's caring for the vineyards see she's matured now now she's not just thinking of sitting in the banqueting table and enjoying his love she said let's go get up early go to the vineyards and let's see whether the wines that but it let's see how these young believers are doing let's see how the churches are developing have the blossoms open now the pomegranates and flower and there even there you and I can express our love for one another Lord in the midst of all this ministry I still want to walk with you and again Lord everything I have stored up there is for you and you alone verse 13 it is for you my beloved and now we go to chapter 8 which is mature love the longing for perfect union in heaven is talking about the time when you know when we be raptured verse 5 who is this coming up from the desert of the earth leaning on her beloved this is the time when Jesus comes again and the Brides will be united leaning upon the bridegroom just like John leaned upon the breast of Jesus when he comes again and will be united to them this is the talking about that time of rapture and she asks for a permanent place on his heart and arm in verse 6 put me as a seal over your heart till the bridegroom and like a seal on your arm Lord I never want to be separated from you I want to be like a seal on your heart and like a seal on your arm like a tattoo that people have on their arms Lord I want to be like that on your arm and in your heart all the time of permanent place with you forever and here he speaks about love and jealousy verse 6 wherever there is love there is jealousy jealous that I don't want anybody else to own you you're mine alone and the Lord is very jealous that you should not love money that you should not love the world that you should not love yourself you should not love anything on this earth he's jealous where there's love there's jealousy he wants you for himself totally and this is the only place in this Bible where the word Lord comes jealousy is an enduring of the grave love flashes like the fire the brightest kind of flame or the flame of yot the flame of the Lord the only place the Bible where or if it's a song songs rather where God comes the Lord's name comes there many floods cannot quench this love verse 7 that waters cannot drown it and in verse 9 it speaks about a girl who can be like a wall or a door a wall is one who is very open sorry reserved that door is one who is open you know some girls are like doors you can walk right in some girls are like walls reserved a godly woman will be like a wall reserved but it's a girl is like a door then we have to sort of cut her off from other men by building a fortress around her her father's daughters like that verse 11 speaks of the rewards that the Lord will give in the final day to different people who have served in and finally it says verse 14 come quickly come Lord Jesus I'm waiting for you to come please come quickly and the Lord also says verse 13 I'm waiting to hear your voice what a beautiful song I want to encourage all of you to live in the good of it all your days your married life and in your relationship with Jesus that's great
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 6,405
Rating: 4.7288136 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Zac Poonen
Id: qdgte7lVhTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 29sec (3329 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2017
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