Who holds the 'True Power' in Darktide?

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there exist two distinct hierarchies of authority aboard the morning star in dark tide that of the Inquisition and that of the Rogue Trader and their Entourage while the Inquisition holds the ultimate Authority in the situation on ATA Prime and arguably within a greater Imperium the inquisitorial War band in dark tide is still technically just a guest on the morning star and an unwelcome one at that contrary to Common player assumptions the floating home for our rejects in dark tide is not owned by Inquisitor grindle and the colorful characters on board are not solely part of his inquisitorial retinue either instead ship mistress brahs her crew and the entire vessel have been requisitioned under inquisitorial authority to serve in grindle's operations on ATA Prime although the Rog Trader crew has proven to be effective allies to grindle and his War band they do in fact struggle with the inquisitorial restrictions imposed upon them a sentiment evident in the occasional expressions of dissent heard in game through idle Morning Star dialogue and in Mission Vox chatter so clearly there is a bit of awkwardness and conflict at player board the morning star and with this video I intend to look a bit closer into the characters involved and try to point out some interesting interactions I noted along the way so we will start at what I consider to be the top and work our way down the [Music] chain the head of the operation on ATA Prime is Inquisitor grindle an Inquisitor of the order hereticus tasked with protecting man kind from Itself by fighting internal threats to the Imperium such as treason mutation heresy and apostasy while our band of rejects represent just a fraction of the countless underlings thrown into the meat grinder of War on Atma Prime grindle is quite possibly the single most important influential character in the game and yet they are also the character we know the least about grindle never shows their face communication flows exclusively through trusted agents and a servator that flickers between various faces and voices while providing an inspiring whhs induction for those new to the war band among these faces voices and fragments could lie grindle's true identity but until we meet or see them in person we simply won't know personality history favored methods true goals and even gender these aspects of grindle remain unknown so let's try to explore what we do know we know that grindle is indirect where other inquisitors might charge into battle at the head of a great warhost armed with the finest weapons of mankind grindle currently seems to prefer Fighting by proxy and leading from the Shadows grindle 2 appears to be a rather competent Commander successfully requisitioning the morning star and its crew infiltrating terium through the Strategic deployment of wormwood agents and orchestrating countless wiening assaults Across The Hive world to Harry mislead and Whittle down the forces of chaos while simultaneously working to restore atoma primes Industries we know that grindle's Authority should be absolute as an imperial Inquisitor grindle Bears one of Mankind's greatest honors but also one of its heaviest burdens having complete control and authority over every asset involved in this conflict GR is someone that we as rejects are not even deemed worthy to approach we know that grindle's tactics and methods as an Inquisitor make him appear to be what is known as an inquisitorial macinator which is essentially one of the six common classifications of inquisitors within the Imperium you tell me if this sounds familiar the minator is an Inquisitor who maintains the most convoluted and intricate web of contacts and agents imaginable each of whom he controls with masterly skill as a puppeteer controlling a thousand marionett with but a single hand the identity of the macinator is often withheld from those he controls his missives and instructions passed to them by encrypted untraceable transmission conduits or delivered by way of a dead letter drop indeed the macinator agents may have well met their Master face to face without even having known of it the macinator is a political animal of the highest caliber that is why he gathers about him aarda of the most trusted of his agents those he trusts above all others not to betray him we know grindle's identity is a closely guarded secret and the reasons behind these guarded methods suggest a strategic or simply paranoid Outlook grindle's specific goals and motivations aside from the obvious objectives regarding the mobium sector ATA Prime and terium remain unclear the basics however are clear restore Tums manufactorum and other Industries Purge the corruption from tsum's lower Hive and expose the traitors within the Aton Noble houses Beyond this grindle remains an enigma commanding all Imperial forces in this operation and shouldering the responsibility for the outcome of events on ATA Prime ship mistress Brahms while not on par with grindle still Bears a significant and weighty mantle of responsibility as a rogue Trader she holds a warrant of trade which provides almost Limitless Authority except in dealings with the Inquisition and a handful of other Imperial agencies this warrant empowers her to act on behalf of the Imperium when engaging with foreign powers and exploring newly discovered worlds essentially making her a cross between a diplomat Treasure Hunter and glorified pirate the Morning Star a firestorm class frigate home to over 20,000 crew as well as a new and varied Rejects and inquisitorial forces is also her ship as such she is in charge of the morning star and all those within it not directly subject to the inquisitor's authority a clear divide exists between the inquisitorial War band and brahm's Rogue TR Trader Entourage ship mistress Brahms and commodore hallette constantly Express that grindle's retinue is not welcome aboard the Morning Star but rather they are merely tolerated Brahms especially harbers animosity toward interrogator ranic and us his group of rejects stating that she would not be helping if grindle had offered her any choice in the matter this is supported by some of her audio files like grle isn't paying enough for this don't let ranik intimidate you nor grindle the morning Stars mine don't go wandering out of bounds my armsmen will shoot on sight while brahs wields considerable power over many lives and incredible resources she still for now remains subject to grindle's Authority and the Inquisition during the ongoing conflict on atoma prime it seems likely that Brahms will seize the earliest opportunity to part ways with the Inquisition pursuing her more exciting work elsewhere in the galaxy far away from the watchful and judgmental eyes of the Inquisition next interrogator ranic basically grindle's rightand man inquisitorial interrogators are basically inquisitors in training and are considered the second in command of Any Given War band of the Inquisition interrogators present the stepping stone to fully fledged inquisitors and in the hierarchy of dark tide ranic operates solely under grindle's command as the highest ranking member of grindle's War band ranik shoulders a range of significant responsibilities primarily involving the investigation into and execution of traitors or sympathizers within grindle's War band also operating with oric class strike teams and their assignments rik's task mirror those those of other Mission handlers but on a far grander scale and with far greater consequences for failure interrogators understand that they are under constant scrutiny with their every action meticulously observed and evaluated by their Patron Inquisitor success will bring ranik closer to his dream of securing an inquisitorial seal but as is the Fate for many interrogators failure in will or Duty will ensure his downfall characters seem to Harbor a strong sense of contempt or irritation toward ranik often evident in the tone used when referring to him this sentiment is understandable given rik's position where trust holds little value and where he must constantly anticipate the possibility of betrayal or opposition within the war band or the crew of The Morning Star morrow in particular largely uninvolved in rik's intricate political Maneuvers finds him to be an overbearing irritant who is extremely detached in his elevated station ah the Bold Heroes of atoma about their business I see it's the best life in the Imperium is you want something sir consider it a spot check nothing to worry about is that right I'm sure that won't be a distraction in any way always with the mo among the loyal forces on the Morning Star there is a keen awareness that rik's primary focus lies in serving grindle and ensuring that grindle is well aware of his loyalty as an explicator Zola already holds the third highest official rank in inquisition's war band similar to rik's role to grindle Zola more or less serves as an interrogator in training under ranic but interestingly her role is also influenced through direct mentor ship from grindle Zola directly oversees the activities of the rejects and works with the rest of grindle's resue to coordinate and execute strike missions across tum she works to meet the objectives and high standards set from above and much like ranik it is in Z's interest to fulfill all expectations to avoid invoking the full Wrath of the Inquisition her extensive knowledge of the hive City developed from a wild upbringing in its more impoverished sectors stands as a crucial factor that led to her selection as the leader of operations within this region another interesting layer to Zola's character is revealed throughout the course of the new orus offensive assassination mission the dialogue between Zola and ranik on this Mission hints at a shared history with wolfa the mysterious and withdrawn leader of the traitorous mobian 6th regiment this connect nection coupled with Z's Relentless pursuit of the carac twins clearly causes great concern to ranik who indicates that he has previously reprimanded Zola for her unprofessional fixation with wola adding yet another Nuance Dynamic into the war band's internal politics yet despite such intricacies and internal conflicts Zola appears not as a divisive figure but rather as a widely tolerated Authority aboard the Morning Star Idol Vox dialogue and in Mission chatter paint a picture of her skill in navigating internal disputes and addressing the Myriad complaints and accusations H by fellow agents beneath Zola in the hierarchy of the Morning Star a greater roster of key figures hold distinct roles that further contribute to the ongoing war on atoma Prime this includes sergeant major Morrow the overseer of the war band ground units hadron Omega 77 the lead tech priest responsible for the meticulous upkeep of equipment for the war band hallette and milk who officially act as brahm's second in command and grle spy Master respectively and MOSI Quarter Master brunt Oscar K and Seanie each with their own unique areas of specialization that are similarly crucial to the war effort yet despite the diverse skill sets of these characters their involvement in the subtle political intrigues aboard the Morning Star remains somewhat limited compared to the politicking taking place by Zola ranik and brahs and then at the bottom of the Morning Star hierarchy we the Press ganged and disposable convicts find Our Place most of the crew outly loath us viewing our presence as a grim consequence of the war's unsuccessful progression but with each successful Mission we inch toward tolerance and perhaps even respect from a few you on board the only thing we can do is continue to do as ordered continue to kill as we must burn and steal what we must in order to prove our Worth to the Inquisition and live a few more Glorious Days in service to the Emperor of mankind beloved by all and so the atmosphere aboard the Morning Star is thick with tension reminiscent of a high stakes political drama at the heart of this turmoil is grindle who in theory should command unwavering authority over the asset station on ATA Prime however the game paints a far more complex picture brahs is in a unique position despite wielding considerable influence and resources she seems intent on maintaining a safe distance from the Brewing conflict her primary Allegiance is quite clearly towards her crew and The Morning Star itself which creates a potential Rift in the chain of command ranck has a lot at stake as someone expected to be unwaveringly loyal to grindle his responsibilities and challenges are manifold firstly there's Zola a rising star within the organization her potential while promising has become a double-edged sword for renic while she Garners attention and favor from grle her independent streak and resistance to renic directives creat friction and challenges for him to manage complicating matters further ranik grapples with the presence of traitors infiltrating the war band a threat that he must personally eradicate these traitors not only undermine the war bands cohesion and Effectiveness but also plac the burden and responsibility to identify and neutralize them squarely on Ran's shoulders also coordinating a shady crew of self-serving characters and teams of stem addicted criminals to fight against a formidable chaos Uprising really paints a bleak picture of the challenges that ranik faces daily the odds seem stacked against him and this only adds to his urgency to secure grindle's favor and Advance his own aspirations to ascend to a fully fledged Inquisitor it seems to me that for ranic any dissenting voices be they rejects agents or other opper are merely hindrances to be navigated or eliminated to achieve his ultimate goal for ranik the stakes are high and the margin for error is Slim lastly there is Zola consumed by her fixation of wolfa and the carac twins such an intense Focus hints at either a profound personal Bond or a lingering Vendetta that drives her actions it could be that her fixations stem from past traumas or a Relentless pursuit of Justice or maybe her Defiance against Authority is just a demonstration of her independent Spirit regardless her Defiance against superiors disrupts the chain of command and introduces a volatile element to the morning Stars operations this may well breed descent among the war band and lead to the formation of factions within the ship each aligned with different leaders or ideologies her willingness to ignore the chain of command and pursue her own objectives not only underscores the intricate complexity of her character but also raises pressing questions about her true intentions and the extremes that she is prepared to explore in pursuit of her goals also with Zola we must not forget how quickly she recovered following her stabbing with a rusty poop knife from the mobian sixth while I know that that many dismiss this event as inconsequential it remains a detail that has always unsettled me in the siege of Terror the Primark of the white scars Legion Jager taan is stabbed with a similar blade albeit of asarian proportions in the back of his knee and it very well near killed him a son of the emperor Zola on the other hand some bum from terium underhive can just have it pulled out by a criminal and is able to go about her day with very little trouble to me this resilience hints at a deeper perhaps otherworldly aspect of Zola's existence and really makes me believe that she just might be the traitor that ranik has been hunting for All Along The Complex web of Dynamics within the morning Stars hierarchy exposes a troubling narrative the visible signs of instability and the pockets of insubordination Are Not Mere isolated incidents but are instead indicators of more profound systemic issues at play the underlying problems be they heresy carelessness personal ambition or jealousy if unaddressed have the potential to escalate creating a volatile environment that poses significant risk to the ship's operation and by extension the overarching Imperial objective on ATA Prime the fractures in this hierarchy characterized by power struggles and conflicting interests threaten the cohesion needed to effectively face and conquer the forces of chaos the situation highlights that the war band is not only contending with external threats from chaos but is also grappling with deep internal fractures that could undermine its ability to act effectively as the drama slowly unfolds over future updates I think I'll remain on edge thinking about the potential consequences of these Brewing tensions and wondering whether grindle can navigate through these challenges before they reach a critical Tipping Point if you enjoyed this video and would like to see more similar content coming from me please consider liking commenting what you think about my takes or just sharing with your friends or don't that's very much all right too thanks for watching dystopian chimp out
Channel: dystopianchimp
Views: 26,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jEutiv8jQQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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