Who are the Auric-Class Operatives in Darktide?

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foreign the Inquisition is an intricate secret organization that exists beyond the conventional administrative hierarchy of the Imperium of man they serve as the covert enforcers of the Imperium they diligently pursue and eliminate the diverse and Limitless threats that endanger the stability of the god Emperor's domain in dark tide which I would guess most of you have played in the past we as the players assume the role of outcasts conscripted under the Ordo hereticus one of the three primary orders within the Inquisition focused on combating internal threats such as treason and heresy our mission is centered around cleansing atoma along with its prized possession The Hive city of tertium from the corrupting influence of noble and liberating it from the clutches of the traitorous mobian sixth regiment as rejects or panel units situated at the lower end of the inquisition's hierarchy we are given minimal trust basic weaponry and equipment and dispatched to the most treacherous zones within tertian with little hope or expectation of survival or success however throughout dark tide occasional references are made to auric class operatives milk remarks that sending auric class operatives to throw inside is unsustainable an announcement aboard the Morning Star reveals the deployment of auric class operatives to investigate the sighting of possible xenos the barber Oscar Krall restricts cybernetic solely for a class operatives and Zola mentions in the Emirate mission on Chasm Terminus that the Munitions are not intended for us rejects but rather they are reserved for the auric class operatives who are engaged in the more critical operations so who exactly are these esteemed auric class or produce what entitles them to receive the finest equipment ammunition trust and operational freedom well there's a couple theories out there that attempt to answer these questions but to begin with we can assume that these Aura class operatives well and truly surpass us the rejects of Grendel's warband in terms of skill and experience they clearly have access to the finest equipment and are undoubtedly highly valued possibly even having earned the utmost trust within the inquisition's ranks this provides us with some interesting leads to explore very little is impossible for one of the emperor's inquisitors and they are well within their rights to call on the services of any citizen or servant of the emperor as such it is not too outlandish to argue that Grendel May in fact either have a sanctioned assassin in their revenue or have access to one on call it may be the case that the auric class operatives are in fact Imperial assassins though I do have to say I think it's hard to argue that the situation on Natoma is dire enough to Warrant the deployment of an assassin and it would also be quite unique for Grendel who we know very little about to have direct access to one and also Grendel's ability to keep the Assassin's presence a complete secret to all others among their forces would be quite the achievement also if we consider the use of the term auric level operatives as in plural operatives the game is clearly indicating that there is more than one auric class operative so this Theory begins to fall apart as I think it's pretty safe to say that a lone Imperial assassin would typically be more than capable of tipping the scales of the situation on atoma independently another possibility is that the auric class operatives reference in a game serve as Grendel's chamber militant which basically refers to the primary military force of each Inquisition order in the case of the order hereticus it would be the sisters of battle the elite Sisterhood of Warriors known for their effectiveness in purging the enemy through their use of Faith fire and fury it's an interesting Theory no doubt but at this point you might rightly point out that the rejects frequently make reference to the sisters of battle in-game in their combat dialogue and they remain totally unaware of their presence onatoma or the morning star and considering the sisters of battle exceptional skill and Effectiveness in such matters it seems unlikely that their presence would go unnoticed for very long but it just so happens that tertium does have a sister city that is rather annoyingly mentioned in almost every mission in the game the rejects are something like so what's this I've heard about another Hive City on otoma out in the ways and Morrow always responds with never you mind it doesn't do well to ask questions like that shutting the conversation down immediately [Music] though some rejects go further and mention that the war in the mysterious sister city is not going well and that is why Morrow does not wish for it to be mentioned considering the presumed impending defeat in the sister city one could speculate that Grendel and a significant number if not all of the aura class operatives have been deployed there due to the severity of the conflict this scenario would not only explain Grendel's conspicuous absence throughout the game but would also account for the lack of information and awareness regarding the presence of the chamber militant or sisters of battle on atoma it is possible that the sisters of battle are exclusively engaged in the fighting within the sister city where information about the situation is strictly monitored if we entertain the theory that the auric class operatives are indeed the sisters of battle it would make sense for the reserved Munitions and gear to be allocated to them considering both their formidable combat ability and the gravity of the situation in the sister city also we do actually have a brief encounter with one or a class Squad in fat sharks tertian Fox intercept number one video the Glitchy voice heard from the video belongs to one Sergeant canva a woman although the sisters of battle do not adhere to traditional ranking systems that would account for the rank of Sergeant it is possible that melk who is engaged in conversation with Sergeant canva may be unfamiliar with the intricacies of the sisters of battle's ranks thus failing to address her correctly as Superior though I do have to say that the most probable and possibly the least exciting theory is that the auric class operatives simply refer to the inquisitors acolytes or Throne agents who in this instance are either experienced agents who have been in Grendel's service for some time or are just some of their most seasoned and experienced rejects basically player characters like around level 30 I imagine acolytes are essentially initiates in the service of the Inquisition with the potential to ascend to the esteemed rank of inquisitors themselves if they prove exceptional dedication and fulfill their duties to the highest standards Auto hereticus inquisitors usually have many cells of acolytes at their disposal and they are trained to cleanse vast infected areas and to eliminate and replace key individuals who have succumbed to The Temptations of the ruinous powers on the other hand Throne agents are the more experienced acolytes who have served the Inquisition and their Inquisitor for years or even decades and are basically regarded as full-fledged members of the Inquisition they are among the most feared and formidable individuals within their period of man likely second only to inquisitors themselves so yeah there are a few theories that try to explain who these auric level operatives are and why they are on atoma but none fully satisfy all the criteria and it is unlikely that we'll get any solid information anytime soon well at least until fat shark decides to reveal more information about the greater conflict onetoma I hope this happened soon but I don't have high expectations for any immediate updates but if you do have any other theories that I may have missed please let me know about them in the comments share them around I'm very interested to hear what you guys think thanks for watching see you [Music]
Channel: dystopianchimp
Views: 2,894
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Id: zfjbcwKzK88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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