WHO DONE IT?! - Ten Minute Power Hour

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The SuperMega interruptions come full cicle

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 129 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fridchikn24 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 75 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GalaxyVulpix πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This actually kinda felt like a bottle episode from Community or something. I keep thinking they can't make better episodes and then they do, this might be my favorite yet.

I'm so happy c:

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 76 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/yumitsu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This whole episode was great. Right up their with the "Ryan goes looking for tie dye material and gets lost in the woods" episode.

Also; who does Spencer the pup belong to?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 78 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SelfDepricator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video activated my almonds.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KnoFear πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Allie’s shirt is amazing and deserves some praise u/nut_boye.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheOriginalPinhead πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dan's a furrry scalie confirmed!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FashBug πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Are there finished versions of those dino girls?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LucianoThePig πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

They did it. They finally broke sweet Vernon.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/oscar2277 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
(Intro Music) Arin: Yeah? Arin: You know, in real productions, they go like: "sound speeding!" Dan: That is traditional. Arin: Camera one speeds. Camera two speeds. Arin: They don't just get quiet and then start moving a camera around. Dan: Welcome to the Ten Minute Power Hour, everybody! Arin: Wow! Dan: Hello, it's so nice to see you! Dan: What is going on today, Tucker? Tucker: You guys have to clear the table first, right? Arin: Yeah- Dan: Oh! Arin: There's no dinosaurs. Dan: Why are there extra - yeah, where are the dinosaurs and why are there no nuts? Arin: Why did - okay, first of all. Dan: Are the dinosaurs in the nutbag? Arin: I don't know what's going on here. Dan: *Chuckles while talking* Nutbag. Arin: Can I just say right now? Can I just do a little conservation - like, almonds are killing the world. Arin: Stop buying almonds! Stop it! Who bought these? Arin: It's wasting water and it's killing bees! Arin: Stop buying almonds! Dan: Is it killing bees? Arin: Yes! Arin: They ship bees to pollinate the almonds, away from where they're supposed to be. Dan: They put bees right on the - right on the bag. Arin: How fucked up is that?! Arin: It's like they're telling us, there's the designer in the industries is giving us hidden messages. Dan: These are delicious. Dan: Oh, wait. You don't want people to -*Glass shattering effects* Arin: No! Dan: Okay. Arin: Don't buy almonds! Stop it! Dan: Don't buy delicious, delicious almonds. Arin: They're breaking the enviroment! Dan: Okay. Arin: We have to find our dinosaurs. Dan: Is that- Arin: And this must be a cluuuuuue~! Dan: Are you serious? Arin: Yes. Dan: Tucker, is that really what's happening, we have to find our dinosaurs? *Laughing while talking* You fucking idiots! It's just- Dan: Tucker just gave me like, the happiest grin. Dan: Tucker, alright. Let's put this out there in three seconds. Dan: The weird episodes of Ten Minute Power Hour, that are really fuckin' weird, Dan: and make no goddamn sense, those are Tucker's favorites. Arin: *Laughs* Dan: And it looks like- Arin: Well, it's because they're Tucker's ideas. Dan: Yes. Dan: And Tucker's got an interesting brain. Dan: So, it looks like it's gonna be one of those now. Dan: Um...let's - do we go find our dino- what do we do? Arin: Yes, we have to go find our dinosaurs. Dan: Do we have to go find our dinosaurs? Arin: I don't know where they are, but... Dan: Alright. Allie, do you know where our dinosaurs are? Arin: Something has to do with the butter almonds! Arin: Maybe we should go to the farms, where they fucking - it takes a gallon of water to make one almond! Dan: Really? Arin: Isn't that ridiculous?! Would you drink a gallon of water - you would. Dan: Over time, yeah. Arin: That was probably a bad way to phrase that. Arin: It's really wasteful! Dan: Um...let's go find our dinosaurs! Dan: Oh these are good, though. Arin: Let's go to the kitchen, where they're from. Dan: Okay! Dan: Sounds great. Arin: *The 'butthole sniffing adventure voice* C'mon everybody! We're going on an adventure! Dan: Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah! Dan: Clue, clue! Arin: Oh. Dan: It's the dinsosaurs. Arin: Oh, they're right here on our pinball machine. Dan: Alright, we found 'em. Arin: These are like, the cutest drawings I've ever seen. Dan: The show's over. Arin: I say mine's better than yours. Dan: Okay, well. We didn't draw these. Arin: Your stegosaurus is dummy thicc. Arin: But I've got- Dan: I'm still not super clear on what that means. Dan: Does it matter why they're on- Arin: It's like an inventory. It's like- Arin: *imitates video game sound* boop boo! Dan: I'll stick it... Dan: ...right over, right over my Melbourne kangaroos. Arin: I'll stick it on my nose sunburn. Arin: 'Cause that'll be healthy when I peel it off. Dan: Okay. Outstanding. Dan: Ike! Where the fuck are the dinosaurs? Ike: Um, what? Arin: Oh, you don't know anything about it, do you? Arin: (reading): "Can I list items that I don't own on eBay and sell them from Amazon?" Arin: Is it morally wrong to sell things that aren't yours on eBay? Arin: Wait a second, Ike! Dan: Ike! Arin: What the fuck?! Dan: Are you serious? Dan: Ike, why do you have other, other things from previous Ten Minute Power Hours? *baseball hitting ball echoing* Arin: Wow, this episode's a real bit! Arin: They have dinosaurs on them. Dan: Are those dinosaurs? Or are we just seeing them everywhere because we want- Arin: It looks like they have dinosaurs on them. Dan: *playfully* What do you know, Spencer? What do you know? Dan: Tell me, what do you know? Arin: He looks so confused and scared. *kisses the doggo* Dan: Sorry, Spencer. Arin: I think we should go talk to Ross. Dan: Let's go talk to Ross. Arin: 'Cause I realized that these are Ross's. Dan: Ross! Dan: You son of a bitch! Arin: Where the heckie are our dinosaurs? Dan: Oh my god, the dinosaurs! I knew it! Arin: There's more! Dan: I knew it! Dan: Ross... Dan: Ross... Arin: You're a thief! You're a scoundrel! Dan: You're a charlatan! You're a rascal! Arin: You got the dinosaurs on your computer screen! Arin: And now you're drawing dino girls! Dan: *yelling* Dan: Get in here! Get in here, Tucker! Arin: This is some great self-promotion! Follow Ross on twitch.tv/rubberninja! Dan: Ross... Ross: So, what're you looking for? Dan: We're looking for the dinosaurs which I am increasingly believing you stole- Dan: More almonds! Ross: What are you talking about? Dan: Ross, there are Blue Diamond almonds right there. Arin: Don't you know that almonds are killing the agriculture? Ross: Yeah. Dan: Arin, stop making this about your personal crusade against almonds. Arin: Fuck! It's not a pers- Ross: I don't live anywhere near a Korean market where you can get these at, and the person that I go to as a supplier is Allie. Dan: What? Arin: Allie's supporting the almond industry?! Ross: I didn't do it! Dan: Really? Ross: I didn't do it! Dan: Really? Arin: Then why are you drawing sexy girl versions of our dinosaurs? Ross: I think this is just a ridiculous coincidence. Dan: Oh, those, those are... Ross: It's like the gyaru kind of deal, but like... Dan: Actually, those are sexy. I like those. Ross: I figured Dan would like them a lot. Dan: You can't be a furry if they're lizards, right? Cause lizards don't have fur. Arin: That's a scalie. Ross: That's a "scalie," Dan. Dan: Oh! Dan: Oh, FurCon! Arin: Allie! Allie: Yes! Allie: What?! Arin: We have a tremendous suspicion that you have been lying to us! Allie: About what? Arin: First of all, you shouldn't be buying almonds, they're really bad for the environment- Dan: Arin! For the love of God! Arin: But! You also maybe stole our dinos! Dan: I'm starting to think you're lobbying for the cashew industry. Arin: Cashews are...I don't know anything about cashews. Allie: Matt and Ryan were recording in there yesterday. Arin: In where? In the- Arin: Power Hour Room? Allie: Power Hour Room. Arin: But they're recording gameplay now. Dan: Do you perhaps know something, Suzy? Beyond that salad? Dan: Of deceit? Suzy: No. Arin: Was there like, a scary person back there in the storage? Arin: Was somebody sneaking around? Arin: Hold on a second. Dan: I see a shadow. Arin: What the heck?! Dan: It's fucking Ike, man! Arin: Ike, what are you doing?! Dan: Ike! Get the fucking- Arin: What is it?! What's happening?! Dan: Hi, Spencer. Who's a good boy? Dan: Ike? Dan: This is narrow. This is gonna be an awkward shot. Dan: This is NOT where you stand. Arin What are you doing back here? Dan: This is not where your desk is! Dan: Wait, who's "they?" Arin: How much did they pay you, I'll pay you more! Dan: Yeah we'll double it...in almonds. Arin: Matt and Ryan! Matt: Arin and Dan from Game Grumps! Dan: What the fuck?! Arin: You- you less handsome and less talented versions of us! Ryan: Were you reading the comments of the recent thing we uploaded together? Arin: Yes! Matt: Fuck! Ryan: That's fucked up! Dan: That is kinda fucked up, did they really say that? Matt: Yeah. Ryan: Probably. Arin: You've been implicated in a scheme of stealing dinos! Dan: Do you actually have our dinosaurs? Arin: Yeah. Matt: Nope. Ryan: No, no. Dan: For real, no? Matt: Why would I - what good is gonna come from that to me? Dan: It'd be annoying to us and you love that. Arin: Well you clearly moved them off the table 'cause you filmed something yesterday. Ryan: So what is the evidence that makes it right for you to interrupt our recording session? Matt: We're doing Let's Plays here, guys. Ryan: This is like - how many episodes are we in? Matt: Five. This is episode five of Animal Crossing. Ryan: Episode five, look we're an hour and forty six minutes into our recording session. Arin: Look, I know how dire it is to record Let's Plays, on account of- Matt: *loud gulp* Oh, do you? Arin: Yeah, no, we DO, okay? Ryan: This engine runs on Let's Plays, Arin! Arin: It's true. But we need our dinosaurs to start the other show that runs the engine. Dan: Yeah, we can't - we need it. Dan: Allie's being all weird and Ike is hiding behind the shelf where all the video games are- Arin: That's his desk, though. Dan: I guess that is his desk. Matt: He works back there. Dan: And he's got a blond mustache that I never saw before, and it's weird in the light. Matt: He takes his shirt off a lot at work too, I don't know if you guys have seen that. Dan: Is that right? Matt: Someone should talk to him, but we don't have the dinosaurs. Allie: You guys remember that social media picture I took of you yesterday? Matt: Yeah. Allie: Well... Matt: Why? Matt: Yeah, she said "Hey, can I get you guys-" Allie: In the background! Dan: Wait a second, oh my God! Dan: Tucker, get this. Arin: There's a - what! Allie: In the background, Vernon was leaving the Power Hour room and he's holding the... Allie: ...he's holding the pencils. Arin: Is he holding the pencils?! Arin: That sneaky FUCK! Matt: Oh he is, dude! Dan: Alright, is Vernon in his hidey-hole where he writes shit on his fuckin' hipster typewriter? Ryan: I'm feeling confused... Arin: Yeah. Dan: Us too. Arin: Go visit supermega dot com slash- Matt: We don't own that domain name. Arin: Go to supermega official dot- Dan: Supermega will be- Ryan: It's youtube.com/user/supermegaofficial, right? Matt: You don't have to put user, we actually just got /supermegaofficial. Ryan: Oh, awesome. Dan: Matt and Ryan will be appearing in person at FurCon 2019. Dan: The furry convention. Arin: HempCon! March 28th through March 27th! Matt: And, there is a fantastic, fantastic convention for John Deere riding lawnmowers Matt: that we will both be guests at in October, so hope to see you guys there. Ryan: We're hosting a panel, two hour panel. Arin: I'm really stoked to see that one. Matt: Thanks, man. Arin: I'll be there front row. Dan: DeereCon. We'll be there. Ryan: Don't joke about that. You will be there, right? Dan: Yeah, um. Matt: Dan, we only had so many guest list spots. Matt: Okay, we'll talk about this later. We don't have you guys- Dan: Vernon! Arin: We found some evidence of you sneaking around! Arin: In the background of a photograph! With our little pencil holder. Arin: I think you have the dinosaurs, mister. Don't even tell me you don't. Vernon: Why are the cameras here? Dan: Do you feel weird being bracketed by the two handsomest men in the world? Arin: Oh, it's probably getting your goat isn't it? Dan: Yeah. Arin: Really 'flimming' your 'flam.' Dan: Vernon, I've known you for many years, Dan: you have a hand tattoo so you can't be trusted, Dan: uh, what'd you do with our dinosaurs? Arin: Where are they? Arin: You smell like vape. Arin: What do you know, Vernon?! Arin: About the dinosaurs, what do you know?! Dan: What happened to your nose? Arin: I got a little sun in Maui. Dan: Aw, that's nice. Arin: That's besides the point, Vernon! Trying to distract us with all kinds of things that you're saying! Arin: Give us the truth! Give us the answers! Arin: We'll drill you until we can't drill you no more! Arin: And then we'll keep drilling you! And you're gonna like it! Arin: AH! Vernon: You want the truth?! We all got something to hide! Vernon: I know you got something to hide! Vernon: So don't mess with the fucking Lizard King, 'cause I will end you. Arin: *groaning* Vernon: You want the truth, don't you? Arin: No! Vernon: I uh, gotta unlock it. One sec. Vernon: Okay, and oh yep. There we go. That's uh, yep. Vernon: Oh, I'll turn on the sound for you. Dan: You're watching old footage of me... Dan: ...putting the dinosaurs on the table. Dan: You gettin' all this from where you are, Tucker? Okay, super. Dan: Arin... Arin: What, that was a bit! Arin: No, don't even start, that was a bit! Dan: Arin...? Arin: I know what you're thinking. Arin: And those almonds ARE really tasty. Arin: But they hurt the environment, Dan! Dan: Do they? I don't know what to believe anymore. Dan: Did you steal the dinosaurs? Arin: I did not steal the dinosaurs, that was a bit. It was a funny bit that Allie orchestrated! Arin: She was the one who came up with the concept, and I'm the one that executed! Dan: Does your nose turn red when you lie? Arin: No, it turns red when I go on vacation for a week where there's a lot of sun! Allie: So, Ike and I have been working on a theory... Dan: Uh-huh. Allie: So far, I'm pretty sure anybody on this board could have done it. Arin: So me, or Jory, or furry boy. Dan: Or guest director, Furry Man. Matt: This is a waste of time and company resources. Dan: Yeah it would be a waste of time according to you Matt, Dan: because here's a picture of you clearly shoving something up your butt, which could be- Matt: Oh, you used that. Dan: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Matt: I, I didn't say you could share that picture- Dan: Next to, next to your Kony 2012 poster. Matt: This picture wasn't meant to be shared Allie, so thank you. Allie: You should have responded to me! Arin: You were gonna stick - you're sticking something up your booty! Matt: What is it, though? Dan: Could it be... Dan & Arin: ...a dinosaur?! Matt: It was a fake pistol I was shoving up my ass, as a prank. Matt: I was pranking myself by- Arin: It's a funny prank. Arin: Did you steal the dinosaurs? Matt: No, I didn't. Arin: Okay fine, I believe you. Dan: Was it Skyward Sword? Allie: You're gonna blame him just like that?! Matt: Don't accuse me of a crime that I did not commit! Allie: How do we know that? You were in the Power Hour Room yesterday. Arin: Because he's a great kisser! Arin: Is what I've been told. Dan: Wait, Arin, why are you in the center of this with a knife? Arin: Because I'm defending my right to find the dinosaurs and maintain them in my person. Arin: Duh. Dan: Seems legit. Dan: Uh, Ross looks very happy. And where is he? Matt: Look at that smug face. Matt: Honestly, like I said, this is a waste of time. We should be making money, guys c'mon! Arin: You're a waste of time! We're trying to figure out where our heckin' dinosaurs are- Matt: Don't get so fuckin' mad, I'm looking out for the company! This is so stupid! Arin: It's not stupid! Dan: I'm also gonna yell! Dan: I'm gonna start yelling too! Matt: Look at Ryan's face, does he look happy right now? Arin: No! Dan: No! Arin: But he never does! *overlapping yelling* Arin: Listen, I'm not trying to- Ryan: What do you mean, I never look happy? Arin: *yells* Matt: Stop, Arin! Child! Jory: You guys are really scaring me, what's going on? Matt: Jory, don't get involved in this shit- Dan: Hi Jory. Jory: Matt, what are you- Arin: Jory, do you have our dinosaurs? Jory: Oh yeah, I do dude. Arin: Really? Dan: Are you serious? Ryan: No, I think this is a bit. Jory: Why would it be a bit, Ryan?! Jory: Yeah. Jory: You guys know I'm a dino lover. Dan: Jory, you had our fucking dinosaurs the whole time?! Jory: I'm a total dino lover, of course I do. Dan & Arin: Why'd you take them?! Jory: For fun! Arin: That's a good reason. Dan: Yeah that is a good reason. Arin I trust Jory. Dan: Alright. Jory: Thanks guys. Dan: We will have to savagely beat you. Jory: Another day at the office, huh? Dan: HA HA HA! Dan: Wow. Arin: Thank goodness. Dan: That was an adventure. Arin: We really went on one. Dan: Okay. Arin: Let's put them back to where they belong. Dan: Ah, this feels good. Tucker: Can you center it a little more? Put it a little more your way? Tucker: Ehh, too much, put it back. A little more your way, Arin. Yeah okay. Arin: There, now it's perfectly centered, as to Tucker's liking. Dan: Looks good to me. Arin: And we can begin the Power Hour. Dan: Go for it! Dan: Welcome to the Ten Minute Power Hour! Arin: *screams* (Outro Music)
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 1,847,891
Rating: 4.947845 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, ten minute power hour, 10 minute power hour, tmph, game grumps power hour, power hour, grumps power hour, 10mph, grumps live action, game grumps podcast, game grumps real life, game grumps live action, arin and dan, arin and danny, mystery, game grumps sketch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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