Who Did This? GENESIS 1 | Pastor Shane Idleman - 2nd service

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the beast yes so good morning everyone that's not very encouraging hi good morning everyone there we go all right well we're gonna get started remember we've got parking congestion a lot of people still parking so if you can scoot in a little bit scoot in make sure your purse isn't taking a seat we uh we're just packed out at the first service and so it was encouraging we got so many people here this morning just on fire for god i'm going to open in prayer and then we're going to get right into powerful worship anybody ready to worship all right lord would you give you this service as well i pray it just flows in to what you're already doing god convict us encourage us draw us closer to you we need you this morning god holy spirit have your way in this place convict encourage uplift transform let your word come alive in jesus name amen amen go ahead and stand and we'll get started [Music] i pray god comes and turn this thing around [Music] god turn it around god turn it around god turn it around i'm calling on the name that changes everything [Music] god turn it around [Music] is [Music] the name of jesus god turn it around god turn it around god turn it [Music] turn round around i'm praying god come and turn this thing [Music] i'm that changes everything [Music] is [Music] come come in the name of the name of jesus [Music] [Music] he is up to something he is up to something he is up to something he is up to [Music] he [Music] is healing [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is in the name of the name of jesus [Music] yes [Music] turn it around god turn it around god turn it around god turn it around god turn it around [Music] and turn this thing around [Music] god turn it around god turn it around god turn it round [Music] [Music] i come out of agreement with a lot and you have left me on my own [Music] to know they won't ever hold on [Music] you'll never never [Music] you're right [Music] you [Music] your presence is [Music] protected [Music] no worry will prosper against me no darkness no evil will tease or don't let me no weapon no worry will prosper against me no darkness [Music] my freedom my refuge my jesus [Music] my fortress my freedom my refugees [Music] [Music] you said you wouldn't leave me [Music] your presence is [Music] will prosper against me no darkness no evil will tease or torment me no weapon no worry will prosper against [Music] [Music] is [Music] my jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] you said you wouldn't leave by myself [Music] you hide me in the shadow of your your wings is [Music] protected [Music] [Music] out of the wilderness into your deliverance [Music] look where i'm standing now [Music] look where i'm standing now [Music] powerful name [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] name of jesus [Music] jesus [Music] hallelujah oh jesus [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] is [Music] oh [Applause] hallelujah [Music] oh jesus [Music] hallelujah oh jesus [Music] [Music] this is how i find my battles [Music] this is [Music] this is [Music] you [Music] hear me [Music] this is [Music] [Music] you prepared for me [Music] in the presence [Music] my [Music] this is [Music] [Music] fight on our knees oh [Music] i'm surrounded [Music] but i'm surrounded by you hear me look like i'm surrounded [Music] [Applause] he may look like [Music] hear me [Applause] this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] cause my victory is in jesus name [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] he'll [Music] a be [Music] as this view is moving over the water [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] on us [Music] on us [Music] [Applause] calm down [Music] [Music] spirit [Music] i'm here [Music] holy spirit [Music] holy [Music] holy spirit [Music] holy spirit [Music] [Music] holy [Music] on earth [Music] you [Music] just your presence so calm down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on us [Music] holy [Music] [Music] oh [Music] holy spirit [Music] on us [Music] thank you lord thank you lord [Applause] thank you lord thank you lord lord we look to your word this morning the only sure foundation the only gauge for absolute truth the only comfort in these times of uncertainty so lord unpack your truth this morning we acknowledge it as the inerrant infallible word of god god guide me through it delicately but with boldness lord increase our faith this morning i pray everyone leaves here just lifted up in the courage and their faith is strengthened because we look to your word and we're trusting in you in jesus name amen amen thank you guys you can have a seat thank you worship team they've been here since five this morning so thank you guys so much gina madeline brad rick jeff chrissy so thank you guys so much and in case you didn't know it we have a 6 a.m service so every sunday at 6 00 a.m we just put worship on for an hour and a half just worship for an hour and a half and if you say uh that sounds boring that means you need to be here it means you need to set that alarm clock and get here find yourself on the altar with some prayer requests written on a sheet of paper and a pew and just come and seek god we need to set a time for him like never before that's how we're going to get through these dire times if you think sunday twice a month is going to cut it boy oh boy i've got some oceanfront property in arizona to sell you it's not going to cut in these dire times and the the more the pressure increases the stronger you have to be on the inside it's called imploding a lot of people are imploding because the pressure on the outside is greater than the strength on the inside and worship this is how i fight my battles i love that so what they're talking about is this is how i fight my battles that by by praying and fasting and worshiping and and taking god at his word and and leaning in on him and and being encouraged by his word and and executing my faith and trusting in him and walking with the boldness and power of the holy spirit that's how we fight our battles and so as soon as i get in right before i get into this message i want to just mention a few quick announcements in the lobby you'll see 40 days for life make sure to grab the information on your way out it's a 40-day prayer journey praying for those in the abortion industry and also praying for it to um come to an end and what's going on in texas a lot of things that are the positive we have actually abortion clinic here in palmdale and they do prayer walks and different things so if god puts it on your heart and i would i would encourage you even if he doesn't you're not outside of his will you don't always say well let me pray about it for a while no things like this that's like somebody saying let me pray about coming to a prayer meeting you know it's just some things you just know are god's will some of you are laughing maybe you're going to pray about coming to 6 a.m worship let me tell you that's his will for sure because his will is that we worship him and then something that i'm really encouraged by or actually excited about i know a lot of people aren't but that's okay i'm hoping i can make you excited is october is called october fast not october feast or oktoberfest we are fasting the month of october uh we're gonna some of you take it to the lord if it's a meal a day some people might want to go three days juice i mean whatever it is the whole point is you're starving the appetites of the flesh and being filled with the spirit of god it's not a works based kind of thing the bible talks about in prayer and fasting ezra fasted nehemiah fasted moses fasted david fasted esther fasted jesus fasted jesus said when i am gone the bridegroom is taken away they will fast when you pray when you give and when you fast so really it's a loss discipline i'm going to talk about that on wednesday the 22nd i believe it is wednesday the 22nd if you want to come here at 6 pm i'm going to talk about the lost discipline of fasting and how important it is i believe i truly believe it's one of the key in key things in my life that has really changed me and draw me closer to the lord again it's not works and but it is when you starve the flesh that is set out to destroy you you know your flesh says right feed me so i can destroy you eat too much drink too much sleep in too much the flesh is not your friend and so what fasting does is it gives us the ability to say no to king's stomach because right now he's saying shane in and out burger afterwards i wonder if winchell's is open krispy kreme how late are they open till carmel malta latte frappuccino starbucks venti hopefully there's no line and the flesh and just sleep in and don't go to service and it's competing voice of the flesh so fasting helps to silence that voice and actually it puts you in the the position of discipline i discipline my body and i bring it into subjection unless when i preach to others i myself should become disqualified so it's a very important it's actually the loss of discipline of fasting the early church fathers did it early church did up until 100 to 75 maybe 50 years ago it was it was really promoted it was it was something the church did anytime because if not what's the other end of fasting gluttony eating too much and then the flesh is always dominating so i'm going to talk about that september 22nd but next wednesday is a worship night all we do is worship for an hour and a half the worship team so make sure you're here that wednesday if you can and i know it's difficult the enemy does everything he can to keep us away our own flesh wants to keep us away the influence of the world keeps us away and we have to really fight against that also we're going to consider seeing how the services flow into each other so just be gracious right now with parking if you can maybe sometimes get here a little bit early that's why we have the parking out now out in the out in the dirt parking lot we want the services to flow together sometimes we're going to pray about it but also that means we have to close kids classrooms sometimes as the church grows we've got an overflow room now and 9 a.m service was just packed and we have to close classes sometimes so the thought there is make sure you're on time and early then you don't have to to worry about that and then finally we're going to have the prayer tent out back today the prayer the prayer room has been very congested and the hallway filled up and so we're gonna actually have the prayer tent right out back this door so the prayer team after the service is gonna would love to pray with you i'll be out there if you need to talk if you need uh counseling or or advice or any type of prayer anyone need prayer today or is it just me pray for our nation pray for prodigal sons and pray for um the biggest thing i've been dealing with for the past few weeks is the vaccine mandates and people with the questions on religious exemption and all the uh from the hospitals to the the uh to aerospace to federal officials and praying with them and trying to offer i mean we all know that you know if there's no realistic religious exemption you're going to have to hold the ground and pray and fast and if it's something you don't want to do you know to seek legal advice there's some attorneys we can recommend that recommend the pacific justice institute is a service online and and i you know i don't i wish i had answers that's what's frustrating for me i'm sure many of you feel the same way you just feel like your voice is not heard you feel like just things are being pushed on you i was i grew up i grew up to never take an experimental drug now i'm being pushed to take an experimental drug so and i know there's people in here that have got the vaccine have a whole different view on that and we we can have that we should there's it's not a hill to die it's not not for christians to be divided but the nation is making us divided and the media is pushing that and so if you need prayer for that area we prayed for three people this morning on that topic of they're gonna actually lose their job it's a big deal this is a big deal and i think the church is now like never before that line of of demarcation is being drawn in the sand no more gone are the days of not offending people i mean it's it's just impossible and not talking about hot button issues and can't we all just come to law uh come come together and it depends on what we're coming together about one faith unity of the faith see unity in the church is never unity for the sake of unity can't we all just come together and be united well we're united around a common faith a common mission the holy spirit is a spirit of unity the holy spirit is not divided but can we all come together and and be divided on very important issues that's what's challenging and these are hard waters to navigate and so just just be in prayer as i go through the bible i'm excited very i've never been this excited about a series because it's going to tackle a lot of issues that are so important to us and what we're doing you're not getting my opinion if it's my opinion i'll tell you but this is what god's word says to us and how we're living it's very important but there are a few reminders as i start this series on going through the bible if you're new here today's the first day we're going to go through the entire bible not necessarily verse by verse but principle by principle chapter by chapter and learn what does god's word it is think about this most of us believe i'm sure the word of god is living what does that mean it means it's active it's acting now it's powerful it speaks into issues of life and so god the word of god is actually called god breathed and we're looking to what god says to us this is amazing what else can you think is more important i mean prayer is communication but the word of god is his heart it's it's invaluable it's just incredible that's why it's so hard to read that's why it's so hard to find time to do it that's why you don't want to obey it you want to hear it but not obey it it's because there's power in that so the first thing we have to always remember is ask the question who thinks for me or who is thinking for me and if you didn't hear it listen to wednesday's message before it gets pulled off social media you can still find it there i think as of today who thinks for me because either the world is is is filling your mind with the things of the world and causing you to go a different direction or the things of god god's word is leading you you can't remain neutral we're with the way god created us our mind as a man thinketh in his heart so is he we're either being conformed to the things that are god and transformed by the things of god or being conformed by the things of the world and the world is leading us and that's why you see so much debauchery and so much perversion i mean if you look at america 50 years ago in america today it is alarming how far we've drifted and i shared with the first service you know we went from many of you they're older i won't date myself but leave it to beaver what is that i think you can watch on youtube what about andy griffin or uh leave it to me i love lucy and and girls girls bathing suits were from here to the ankle and a little umbrella it was cute and just so many things and how far how far we've drifted and now people like little nasex who's pregnant on youtube and and he's he's wants to put his blood into shoes and the satanic rituals and the singer by the name of weekend and billy ellis your irish or whatever last name i mean you watch your i can't i can't get through 10 seconds of just the demonic the satanic the illicit perversion that is going on and people are hungry for give us more give us more there's laws there's legislation they would love to pass to lower the age of sexual consent to children i'm not just all there go shane again no no research it if you just let sacramento do whatever they want we would be living in sodom and gomorrah trust me and you better pray we better be praying fasting on september 14th let me go that direction or just kind of leave that alone well i did i did talk about it i did talk about it wednesday i did talk about it wednesday and people get mad when i talk about politics from the pulpit but i don't care because god's word god's word does think think about what they're saying don't talk about that or that or that so it's like see don't touch that issue don't touch that issue don't but god's word touches all these issues it just it just cuts through all the clutter god doesn't god you don't think god desires godly leadership godly policies government is god's idea i instituted the government god says to be a terror to those who do evil i want legislation that honors me i want to to help those who need the help and for us to just remain silent because it's offensive the reason it's offensive is because you're offending those who don't like what you say if i talk about somebody's political view and they like that view they don't care oh chain yeah keep talking about it but as soon as you challenge that mindset that's when they get all bent out of shape and god's word has something to say about our borders did you know that god's word has something to say about what's happening with transgenderism and gay marriage and our economy did you know god's word is crystal clear on socialism and capitalism and the different isms out there and how to finance how to steward how to it's it's in there if we would just listen but we're listening to the wrong voices when we're hearing the wrong things so remember that ask yourself who thinks for me i like what christy johnston said may it never be said of me that i was silent in the face of fear and in doing so passed the battle on to my children let that sink in the quieter we are this battle is not going away it's a battle it's a civil war of ideas and thoughts you're leaving it for your children that's what just really irks me about the stimulus checks and the the fiasco the fight you're leaving it for the next generation everything we don't address now you're leaving for others to fight and then also we have to realize going through this series that questioning science is science it's okay to question science but today on social media they don't want you to question the science they're science wouldn't wouldn't you love to know who these f fact checkers are in fact let's see i would like to pull away the curtain pull away the curtain and see who these f fact checkers are fact f fact checkers are i guarantee it's a 22 year old millennial sipping a latte who just doesn't like your point of view and she decides to fact check you that's what this is it's an agenda six of six people own the major media corporations in our in our nation did you know that six six media mongols billionaires own the majority of the media outlets and what they say you believe it's not about news and truth anymore remember like the older folks remember walter cronkite right he just shoot it straight this is what the news not anymore there are there are narratives i've gotta i have to have you believe this narrative i have to have you believe this this thing that's happening and as bad as the virus is it's not what they're making out to be the flu is gone pneumonia is gone pretty much everything is gone but somebody's got covet and now it's it's push and push and push and the the the survival rate is is very high but it's being used as a political weapon see something that can be real can be used as a weapon it was hillary clinton who said let not any crisis go to waste when are we going to stop drinking the kool-aid who said i can't say these things we if anybody should be saying these things if anybody should be saying these things it should be the pulpits of america so it's okay to question science in 80 150 they thought they knew how many stars were in the galaxy 1022 and it was published by claudius polytomy i didn't pronounce his name right i'm sure but that was it and then have you heard of something called bloodletting george washington a lot of the founders did it you'd actually lay down and they would drain the majority of your blood because that's where the disease is forgot that you might die but and then they would also go into surgery and then deliver babies and surgery and they wonder why every so many people were dying finally a doctor read the bible to wash your hands you can research it this is i've double checked these stories 10 times and that's how they discovered and developed the sanitary loss for the medical field remember ddt very safe and effective so now it's banned chemical we used to put on kids for mosquitoes or we left i worked on a lot of asbestos piping what's wrong with that see we think we know things we're always learning so you don't trust the scientists in the science they're they are they can be in air you compare them with the word of god now they're helpful they're brilliant i understand it but they make mistakes i i mean i had the list would be so long do you how many do you have any drugs the fda has approved and then had to pull from the market look research it the fda federal drug or the drug food drug administration they pull it for the conflict they are so inundated with things that they can't so we have to look to god that's got to be our trust is my whole point in that and also it's good to be tolerant and loving but we cannot tolerate sin and then also the old testament is like a dimly lit room the new testament shines a light on it and if you're curious how we got our bible i did our teaching on that you can look on our website how we got our bible and i'll talk more about that and then finally no authority is more powerful than scripture always remember that no authority nothing is more powerful than scripture it's not only true but it has the force to support it as charles spurgeon said so it is true it is authoritative that's the stance of this church and that is so important because i have pastor friends over this hill they'll make statements like well we really can't you know i don't believe all of paul's writings yeah my mouth drops too or they'll say well tim that was a culture back then and and and for example homosexuality didn't really mean what it means to i mean it was it was more but if you really love each other and and they just they just change scripture jesus never said anything about homosexuality shane well he didn't say anything about bestiality and necrophilia and how many other things you want to go he said one thing fornication sex outside of the context of marriage it's crystal clear it teaches throughout the bible but see when we hear something we don't like that's when we get upset and those who are crying tolerance are very intolerable of the truth you gotta have it both ways folks and so that's the that's the foundation of the study that we're going to begin through the bible and so the first chapter genesis 1 the title is who did this who did this how is that plays holding life and i could i want to do a whole sermon on this but it would take a lot of time but if you if you could look at you can study all the different things that need to happen in order for the earth to uh support life i mean the oxygen levels just the right with the nitrogen what levels with the gravitational pull with the with the uh all kinds of the carbon dioxide monoxide and and the distance from the sun it's like i had a my head was going to explode so for all this to just happen is absolutely impossible for something to come from nothing just happen just somehow that's the big bang theory right you've heard of that i mean to some degree i don't doubt that that happened shane oh wait a minute when god said let there be there was a bang trust me and the universe expanded boom god said it i believe it and nothing can come you can't take chaos and form order want a simple simple example very simple example let's see i want all these balls to just go in a straight line not too hard to request right is it okay just at least at least half of them let me see oh you think it's gonna work okay how tight is how do we do all right who wants to gather them up with me and keep trying until we get an orderly line how long did you bring some lunch what how how are you going to get order out of disorder and that's what chaos really is chaos is things out of order so you can't get complete order complete continuity you can't get you can't get wonderful what we're seeing life on earth creation if you look at how the body was made if you study kinesiology anybody study that as their major or immunology or uh the the uh the system of the hormone system or the skeletal system or the muscular system or the neurological system of the body you look at all that it's just mind boggling how all that could just happen let's just use our mind here so some single cell a media amoeba a little tiny it just somehow decided to produce what would it produce first a man and how would how would the other little single cell media know how to produce a woman and how would they know how to mix the dna and the chromosomes and produce them now living i mean this is think think see the atheist is not at lost because of facts they don't want there to be a god the fool has said in his heart there is no god that's the bottom line because the facts there's so many facts that we could we could camp out here for a year it just screams creator and what it comes down and i often laugh at the fact that why are so many atheists mad at god let that sink in there's no god why are you mad because religion causes all these problems that no sinful man causes all these problems and there is a god who created order but you do have to exercise some faith what is faith hebrews 11 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things oh not seen isn't interesting the bible says lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path because what i see things do not look good i see for example some of you might have kids off track this does not look good the prodigal son my daughter my grandchildren my job not go ahead and pick that up none of this looks good none of this looks good i see i don't see do you ever say this i don't see how that is possible i don't see just just i don't know how many of you know this but the church owns 91.9 the radio station and when god put that my heart into my ass my wife that i don't see how this is possible this is imp there's there's no way i don't know how to manage a radio st give me a break and i told god that i said i'm not i'm starting i'm gonna stop praying because i i don't know how to manage a radio station i cannot see how this is gonna happen that's ridiculous stoop and then a couple days later susie calls me from the office and said hey a guy just stopped in he's a christian radio manager oh and he would like to talk to you well isn't that interesting okay i've never had that happen before and guess who managed guess who oversees they re they do it remotely from minneapolis minnesota the engineers they it's like they just want to invest in them it's like okay i did not see that coming how i can't see see we we see physical and how in our mind puts things together okay i can't see because if that happens then that's going to happen financially we can't do it because that's going to happen and we don't god doesn't even look at that so faith is the evidence my evidence your evidence in god in something we can't see god and how he's going to do things but we have faith that he will see it through so that's what faith is it's the evidence of things not seen i can't see how this is going to happen i can't see how god is going to bring a revival or awakening or do certain things but he does it despite how i feel and what i see same with you correct so romans 1 20 is also very important before i get to genesis for his invisible attributes look at this for his invisib invisible attributes are our uh well let me read it from my notes it's hard to read there namely his eternal power and his divine nature in other words god's invisible attributes are really not invisible because you can clearly see that somebody did something nobody in their right mind not even an atheist would walk in here and and say that we a a truck dropped off all these pews out front and this is how they they ended up wow they were out in the parking lot yesterday and the pews are here today there's no you wouldn't even know that so you you know there's a creator you just see and the biggest confirmation also is in our own eternal moral clock who gave us that moral clock who knows even even they'll talk to people in the jungles of africa they know you don't steal your neighbor's chicken or your neighbor's wife how do they know that who gave them that moral compass so there's a moral lawgiver if there's a moral law and so he's saying here in romans they're in his invisible attributes are clearly seen so from sin from from the creation of the world that we truly see that there is a god so that people are without excuse and what the passage is really talking about romans 1 if you read it in there that that when people reject the truth okay you give them the truth they reject the truth they're like no i don't want to hear it i it's like pushing a basketball down into the pool push it down you're suppressing that it wants to come up but you're suppressing it and the more you suppress the truth nope i don't care what god is for morality i don't care what god's will is for my life i don't care about any of these things god god says okay because of that i'm now giving you up to a debased and corrupted mind i mean i look i don't know about you but i don't know how things can get more perverted i can't go into detail because there's kids in here and it's sickening it's absolutely sickening how depraved we've become why is that because the more you suppress god in his truth you remove him from the schools from the governmental offices from every aspect of life push god out you're suppressing that truth and as a result as a result he gives them over to a depraved mind and you get more when you're sinning do you get do you get better and closer to god or do you get more depraved more depraved more to pray and i i see it all the time people who have been addicted to something they give it up and if they go back to it the last state of that man is going to be worse than the first it takes him down a very dark and deep road because it gets more depraved and harder to break um we pray with people with and we can do with you don't have to be specific but with pornography which is actually got them so bound that they are now suicidal and how do you because that darkness darkness will it will destroy you the flesh says feed me so i can destroy you more depraved and more depraved and god says they're without excuse so every person on the planet is without excuse so they'll say what about they've never heard of jesus in a little tiny village in china shane that's not fair no they've heard about god because his invisible attributes are clearly seen they are created in his image the holy spirit comes to convict them and so they have this consciousness about god they know there's a god there's a creator and what they do with that is up to them they're without excuse because i don't have it in front of me and it's been a long time before but but they even say the bible says something where even the gentiles not having the law obeyed the law and the law it became a law to them in other words they they didn't even have the law but yet they knew the difference between right and wrong and then get into a whole topic on free will and calvinism and all that but i'm not going to go there just the point is that i believe people are without excuse god will even in muslim countries how many of you have heard of muslims having dreams about jesus and coming to saving faith it's it's amazing what god will do for those who are truly seeking him so he gives that conviction the holy spirit's up to them to repent and believe in a creator and then i believe he shows them the way to salvation we don't believe in a in god that that will say they're without excuse but then never give them the means to turn to him all people have that ability i'm not willing that any should perish god said but that all come to repentance for god so love the well a little bit of some of the world he forgot so loved america that no for for god so loved the whole world all of mankind that he gave his only begotten son that whoso ever believes even in the difficult book of revelation for whoever cries out to the lord will be saved it's at crying out and so finally can we start genesis 1 the history of creation guys this is so interesting in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the spirit of god was hovering over the face of the waters now this is interesting if i want to impress you with my latin there you can see x nilio that means out of nothing and that's what people you know they in the latin when they vulgate the latin vulgate when they translate jerome translate the bible ex nilio it's out of nothing god made something out of nothing there's no way no way else to explain it and that's why my kids always like to ask me and kids ask the best questions don't they well who may god well well nobody made god well how's he made then well he's not made he's always been what do you mean he's always been how does he how does somebody always well just go ask your mom i do that when i'm tired dad look what i read in revelation that's a tough one let's sit down for a while but anyway we we just know see i trust the word of god i have no no issues whatsoever and believing the reliability and inerrancy of scripture and billy graham you know went through this challenge he almost walked away he even records this in his autobiography of from the faith real challenge he almost walked away went to oxford real liberal and began to be just just doubting his faith didn't want to preach because a man by the name of chuck templeton charles templeton decided to go and plant these seeds of doubt about the authenticity the historical accuracy all these things of the bible and billy graham begin to because there are things that you wonder right god says in the old testament we'll get there i command go into that city and wipe out everyone i'm like what that i don't understand that but i'm not going to go to hell over a mystery or a question god i don't understand it but you do i trust in you you know what's best and i have my thoughts i'm going to get to those thoughts when we get to those portions of scripture but billy graham basically it was up in the hills by palm springs mountains and he put his bible on a tree stump and he said god going forward i believe this is your word the inerrant word of god no more doubt no more fear god i believe it and i'm going to preach it and from that moment forward he never doubted the word of god again and now we've heard of billy graham you don't hear of chuck templeton anymore he's a better preacher than billy graham lee strobel interviewed him i think it was gosh in the 2000 456 don't quote me on it but he interviewed chuck templeton and he was still agnostic and doubting the faith and but he brought up jesus and chuck templeton began to get teared up begin to cry he said but i miss him but i miss jesus it's interesting when a soul drifts so we don't know where he's at i'm hoping that he came back to the lord on that on his deathbed but we we just have to this is where it starts if you have a problem with genesis 1 the rest isn't going to make a lot of sense and it is consistent we can look around that's why i love about scripture you did you know you can line it up scientifically prophetically archaeologically with discoveries historically everything that the bible talks about go visit the city of david now take for example the book of mormon did you know that none of those cities none of the the the sword spears shovels coins nothing nothing can be found or substantiated it's almost like it's a fable yeah i'm not saying it you're saying it but listen that's exactly what it is people say saying why you mean to mormons i'm not mean to mormons i love them i love them probably more than those who are not telling them the truth there's nothing to substantiate it jesus said i am the only way not joseph smith not bring him young you're not going to be a god like god you're not going to rule planets and have celestial sex and have spirit children i mean that's pretty easy to sell but that's not going to fly and god's based on god's truth and so you tell people have you thought about this have you lined this up with look at this they'll put that above the bible another another testament of jesus christ did you know that's what's called another testament of jesus christ and i've asked them before i said okay let me read you this you got that paul said if i preach if me an angel whoever preaches another gospel than what we've preached let him be anathema let him be accursed another gospel see you put me in a put me in a bind mormon either jesus christ is right or joseph smith is right you can't have them both if i had time i could break down all the different inconsistencies it's amazing same with a jehovah witness same with if you look at a lot of the roman catholic teachings [Music] did you just go there what am i supposed to do you don't pray to mary there's no such thing as purgatory that's that's blasphemy to the cross of jesus christ i'm going to go to purgatory be punished for my sins what in the world is the cross for and the papacy is the final say over the bible no sir i don't think so and all these false doctrines out there you've got to lovingly challenge them according to scripture that's all we're doing and if it offends then you might want to just look just test it just test what i say look what i say you don't have to go to a priest in a booth and confess he's the mediator between christ and you well that you just contradicted scripture jesus christ is our high priest and he can relate to our he's been tested in every point like we are yet is without sin therefore come boldly to the throne room of grace see i can stand before god and say lord here's my prayer request i am a sinner i am black i am dark i am lost without you but i come before you because of jesus christ death on the cross when he said to devastate it is finished that means all sin death hell and the grave shame and guilt has been dealt with confess christ is lord and savior it's been dealt with and there's a boldness there there's a boldness something that has always fascinated me you take i've listened to jehovah witness preaching mormon preaching roman catholic there is no boldness there's pleasantries and there's a reading but there's no thus saith the lord with the fire of god because they don't have it and i want them to that's my heart and so back to this point in in the beginning you guys need to stop knocking me off track we're never gonna get through this by the way it does take eight years to go through the bible verse by verse so just give me a heads up principle by principle right not verse five so in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth everything i just read you can see it up there but something i need to talk to you about um beginning to me and many theologians means that that's when time started the time clock in the beginning time because why now there's an end coming is there not and then there'll be a new heavens a new earth i cross reference you can see the cross reference up there isaiah 65 17 revelation 21 all the the new heavens the new earth so there god puts time into motion and the earth was without form and void it means it was probably obviously black it was not the ocean you know what you see today the oceans and the trees and the lush for there's nothing it was just in my my mind it was just a rock probably looked like the moon it was just without form and and nothing had happened yet but here's what you need to understand have you ever heard people argue over the age of the earth oh yeah oh yeah i had people leave the church because i didn't agree with him on the edge of the earth that's how divisive it can be and god never designed these topics to be that divisive the devil gets in there the devil with pride is a bad combination trust me i started with pride so i know the enemy fight plans fiery darts it can be it can be deadly but we don't we don't leave and get argumentative over non-essentials we do on this we fight for the essentials jesus is the only way the inerrancy of scripture the virgin birth the resurrection historical i mean there's there's things that they're essential but these kind of things you have to allow people some freedom to see where they're coming from so this is where the division often comes from at the age of the earth there's something called the gap theory and so what many believe is in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth okay that could have been billions of years ago they say i'm going to tell you where i stand in a minute don't worry everyone says oh it's doing like i have the final answer right i'm just walking through this with you all i have is the god's word and sometimes i think he leaves mysteries to see if we practice scripture of being united i tell how he's supposed to be united if it's going to be a fight it's easy if it's not a fight so you have to fight for unity how are you going to develop forgiveness if you're never wronged how are you going to develop patience if you're never being rushed or pushed see these things we have to develop were often challenged by them and so now just talking about this i know people are going to send me books you've got you've got ken ham young earth you've got hugh ross old earth and you know i've read them both and i have questions on both but i don't question god's word so here's i'm going to unpack it in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth technically could god have created it and it'd be billions of years old or whatever sure technically based on that first verse now people then say but shane then you're allowing for evolution uh no no not not at all i'm just saying technically i guess you could say because we don't know for certain now my personal view is when god god created and god began the creative process those are literal days the the evening and the morning were the first day god created such and such the firmament and that was the second day and on the seventh day god rested and he gave the sabbath as man as god rested man should rest on the sabbath so to me reading i looked at the you can look at the word yom y o m in the in the hebrew it can mean a period of time it could mean a day and so i i kind of see where people are coming from and also when adam named all the animals and then he didn't find a help meet for suitable and then he created eve did he name all the animals in one day no sleep hey i mean that's that's pretty quick that's pretty good now grant i don't think you name all the animals that we see more species hey that's a dog and everything fits underneath it right coyotes and wolves and everything but it there could be this period of time here i think it was god's creation was literal days so i would i would be what they consider young earth and i'm going to get people upset at that but that's just where i believe i believe it's young earth but shane look at the earth it's look obviously it's billions of years old well let me be the way it looks radio radioactive testing and they've done radioactive testing on rocks that they thought were two billion years old and they're 150 years old formed by a volcano i mean there's just so much inconsistency on on things especially when people have an agenda right when people have an agenda they'll they might twist a little things and to prove that agenda and so with this with this creation of the earth the beginning god created the heavens and the earth i believe it was literal days and so when god created adam how long do you think it took god to create adam a couple seconds well it's clear he says yeah from the dust and is it funny your body is composed of a lot of what's in the soil did you know that the minerals zinc the the the calcium the the a lot of the same things are in the soil that's in your body and so this breathes in it and then the bible is clear it says then he became a living and the word is a nephesh n-e-h-i-s-h-h a living being did he look one second old a little cute adam look at that oh hurry up and grow no in two seconds he looked 30 years old so why is the earth no different i mean it looks pretty ancient i agree but who's to say it's not 6 000 years old because all we have is the word so that's when you hear the young earth old earth they think that this process that god created the heavens and the earth and it could took millions and millions of years many of them also say that the first day also took millions of years that's where i um that's a hard one for me i can't go there with you because let's read then god said let there be light and there was light so you have god created the heavens and the earth and to me it sounds like he created them and then after he created them now the earth is without form it's void it's just dark probably like the moon and the spirit of god was hovering over the face of the waters then god said let there be light and there was light and god saw the light and it was good and god then divided the light from the darkness god called the light day and the darkness he called night and this is before the sun and the moon this is interesting maybe we'll unpack that next week so the evening and the morning were the first day so you can look up the hebrew and even look okay what does he mean by evening what does he mean by morning what does he mean by the first day yom and so to me it's just just natural reading would say one day the first night and day i mean especially when they go to extra links saying the evening in the morning or the first day and then a consistent second day third day fourth day but interesting i don't want to forget this i don't know if we have it up on the screen isaiah 40 22 written what 700 bc he said the circle of the earth isaiah said god sits upon or there is the circle of the earth now i don't know if i want to go down this trail because the circle the earth is a spear not flat did you know there's flat earthers i didn't know until a few years ago boy did i hear from them so if you're driving an airplane why can't you see the edge or why can't you i mean it's just it's just an anastasia's not of the devil you know nasa's of the devil they doctored all the photos we didn't really go the moon no who has time for this you guys watch too much youtube but so neil armstrong light and buzz aldrin light and all these guys going to the space state you see new pictures of the of the earth even from google earth or astronauts taking this photo recent photo actually the edge of the earth and so all these guys are lying it's all but come on we got to stop drinking kool-aid and there was a guy putting flat earth things in our bibles if you're here this morning shame on you i'm going to scold you if i find out who you are that is not appropriate that's not how you went people to your false doctrine the bible says in the circle of the earth is a spear not only that a lot of pictures confirm it and you have to remember don't believe everything you see on youtube think about this somebody can see some of you like people think the earth is flat there is there's a whole movement out the whole movement and i've watched it like well that's some good points but i mean i mean any yeah but did you know you can go say something on youtube like and and in 1994 papers weren't covered that george bush did this and he took down he was going to take down the twin towers and then we found this out in the records of the archives that that this was a conspiracy and we and people just believe it you can say whatever you want nobody checks it and they just believe it i get all these stuff like look at this i'm like how do you know they said that how do you know they said this how do you how do you even know these things see nobody research just just that's called gullible and be careful we don't want to be gullible just because it's a youtube video doesn't mean it's true you should be able to substantiate things you should be able to validate things job 26 7 god hangs the earth on nothing how does the earth just stay there hanging on nothing in the atmosphere god stretches out the heavens like a curtain isaiah 40. did you know that that's what they're finding that the universe is expanding and that's interesting if it is i i don't doubt it but when god said let there be and creation is that creative order still picture a balloon is the universe still expanding i mean possible because they do measure the the stars the universes the universes the uh the galaxies things are pulling farther away from each other i mean it's interesting very interesting the universe do you know how long it takes light to get to the moon 1001 1002 150 some thousand miles per second amazing but it takes light like 400 million years or something crazy don't quote me on these numbers please on that one the moon one you can to get to the end of the universe and you're gonna let these problems control you in the fear the god who hangs the earth right there who tells the sun no further and the moon no further who controls the atlantic and the pacific who gives the universe the expanded dimensions that god is sovereign over your life now you might not understand it you might not agree with it you might be hurt through it but that is whole that's who holds your breath in the palm of his hands and then so we read the first day and then god said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters okay interesting and god called the firmament heaven and we know throughout there's something in the bible called the law of first mention it means when when a word is initially used in the bible you hold that meaning pretty much throughout scripture if you can because it's the law of first mention it's not going to mean something now and then change god's going to change his mind later so this word heaven can mean the upper atmosphere type area and so there was some type of affirmation amidst in the heavens which many contribute to like a possible water canopy uh we know it probably didn't rain right the mids we'll read that in the bible the mis myst came up from the bottom of the the earth and that's why when it says the great deeps were broken open during the flood and at that cataclysmic event what happened the tectonic plates in the land the land would actually won mass initially and it split away and as it splits what happens when the land hits mount everest how where where did our where did our mountains come from did you know i know you're gonna have to google a lot of things because you're like this is too unbelievable there are seashells on the top of mountains yeah and the flood's a myth okay well how in the world did little critters get up there see to me it all makes sense it all makes perfect sense especially in light of knowing that people don't like it because they don't want there to be a god it's morality is why they don't believe it and then said and then god separated in verse nine let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place so the waters were in place and then let the dry land appear so somehow the waters went in one place and the land appeared and so it was so and god called the dry land earth and the waters he called seas and then verse 11 then god said let the earth bring forth grass herb and fruit trees of its kind so the evening and the morning were the third day so before you start to think too highly of yourself you're still not created yet trees came before you then verse 14 i'm not going to read the whole thing that's why i have ellipses a lot of the times here especially going through this that now god created the firmament of heaven to divide the day from the night and god created the sun and the moon at this portion that's when he said this the evening and the morning were the fourth day then 20 then god said let the waters abound with the abundance of living creatures so now god is see what he's doing is now the earth he's getting the earth ready to support life so the first few days were to get the earth ready to support life now once it can support life now he says let the the waters abound with creatures let the birds be created let the uh and let them let them fly let the let the that would be the everything from sharks to wells to fresh water whatever it is so the evening and the morning we're now what the fifth day then god said let us make man in our image and according to our likeness is that interesting who's r let us make god in our image and of course look at the word in the hebrew the word is elohim and that word is always the dual it's like a dual nature of god so you have the word e-l which is el el shaddai who use that that's singular and then you have ella e-l-l-a i believe that's that's duel and then you have elohim so somehow he's saying let us elohim make man in our image and this is where the first hint we're right we're still in chapter one the first hint of the trinity so all those people say there is no trinity which means something just to to break it down we don't fully understand it but we know that god says hear o israel i the lord your god am one but i reveal myself as father son and holy spirit one god revealing himself in father son holy spirit the triune nature of god so we don't worship three different gods and something called modalism or oneness pentecostalism will teach that god the father was on the cross when jesus was on the cross there was no it was just jesus and that when the holy spirit descended upon jesus and god spoke that jesus was really a ventriloquist this is my son wait let me this is my son in whom well pleased and there was no real father that's how they have to support it because jesus and jesus only there's not these this this other attribute of god but we don't find that in scripture there's so many scriptures on the triune nature the son of god the deity of jesus christ the holy spirit three in one it's a mystery don't fully understand it yet we have to embrace it because it's clearly tied and so we got to the fourth day now that what is this we're on the fifth sixth day and here's what we're supposed to do have dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the air so you are made in god's image i'm going to close on that note you are created in god's image so the next time you get depressed or suicidal let young adults know listen you are created in the image of god don't listen to what tick-tock tells you or all these entertainers or facebook or the media that you're nothing you came from a monkey or you're involved in a you know evolution there's no purpose and no god says i created you ex nilo what we learned earlier latin out of nothing i created adam the dna and brought into eve we'll learn about that later god created the male and female the image of god not the original the image of god is on you so be encouraged in that charles charles spurgeon said oh the value of a human soul when both god and the devil are after it oh the value of a human soul think about that both god and the devil are after your soul the bible says that he goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour but god says don't worry i also go about to out through to to and fro throughout the whole earth to find those who whose hearts are loyal to me and i will hold on to that person gravitate to the right voice listen to the right calling discern the right voices turn your life completely over to god because both the enemy and god are after your soul god says confess the christ as lord and savior and turn to me the enemy says no that's a joke turn to darkness god says no turn to the light and there's a choice that's why joshua said i lay before you the way of right and wrong choose this day whom ye will serve there is a choice to be made [Applause] but the biggest obstacle when people say okay i'm creating the image of god chain i understand it but i'm damaged goods can anyone relate but i'm damaged goods be encouraged god loves damaged goods he takes damaged goods and repairs them beyond anything you could you could do yourself he takes something that is breakable and makes it unbreakable he takes the broken and restores he takes the wounded and he heals and the deeper the pain the deeper the relationship think about all the i thought about this week all the um the hymns that were written by broken damaged people the hymns we sing and we love we're like oh that person must have had it all together not really do you know the song amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me what was he do you know what john newton was he traded men he treated them like cattle he was a slave trader wicked depraved i guarantee i'm sure he killed people and then god grabs his heart and he's after a near-death experience on the water years later he writes those famous lyrics i was lost but now i'm found i was blind but now i see what can take wash away my sins nothing but the blood of jesus he didn't write that that's a different song but i'm bringing them together his grace has brought me here thus far and it'll be grace it takes me home the wretchedness of the slave trader and now the most popular song ever sung in churches amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me oh if you've ever been blind and now you see you might get a little excited if you've ever been lost and depraved and god set you free you might get a little excited [Applause] what about the song it is well with my soul remember that old hymn it is well with my soul as see billow's role it is well with my soul do you know he wrote that in the atlantic ocean at the same spot a vessel went down and took the life of all four of his daughters what about one i left prone to wander oh who can't relate to that prone to wander lord i feel it prone to leave the god i love robert robinson wrote the song and then guess what he did he wandered he was a prodigal he was living a very sinful lifestyle he was on a stagecoach i think that he was either drunk or hungover or something and this lady began to minister to him said have you ever heard this hymn guess what it was prone to wander lord i feel it and he said oh man i'm the miserable wretch that wrote that song oh if i could just find christ again if i could just turn back to him again and god began to rebuild his life and and he turned back around to god and now now you wonder if he sings that song a little different prone to wander lord i feel it prone to leave the god of love lord hears my heart take it seal it seal it in the courts above oh god would you sue me with your spirit grab me with your holy spirit hold on to me lord it's not about me holding on to you i can't i am we go christ hold on to me and never let me go oh all the way my savior leads me what about that hymn all the way my savior leads me fanny crosby she only wrote about 7 000 hymns 100 hymns for 70 years blind at birth and if she can sing all the way my savior leads me surely folks all the way my savior leads me cheers each winding path i tread gives me grace for every trial feeds me with living bread though my weary steps may falter and my soul a thirst may be gushing from the rock before me a spring of joy i see see when god can take that brokenness he can take that damaged goods he can take that struggle that lust whatever it is if you give it fully to god and say god you heal me you set me free god because of the cross oh just just just that song we sang at 6am warning morning worship i began to tear up the lyrics say something like just be just be here at your feet here at your feet and i thought of of calvary's blood running down on that cross and i we want to put a picture up of jesus on that on that road to to to go on that cross and if you were there that day in calvary's blood the savior why couldn't god just take him quickly why did he have to be beaten why didn't he have to be mocked why'd he have to carry the cross and be ridiculed and scorned and it's funny the bible says are interesting the bible says take of my body for this body was broken the brokenness that i endured i can get you through your brokenness and the blood that was shed on calvary that would be remission of sins and that's what we're going to remember this morning we're also going to have communion so the worship team's going to come up and we're going to go into a time of worship listen at westside christian fellowship we are not in a hurry we don't believe in microwave christianity you don't put god on a microwave you put them on the crock pot you know the crock pot we've tried it before we get home nobody turn the crock pot on you know it's not gonna be ready any time soon you better get dinner ready for tomorrow there's a there's a so the worship team can go ahead and come on up but there's a there's a time where you're you're seeking god and you're you're you're waiting on god you're not in a hurry and that's what we do during closing worship so we're going to go into a closing worship set we're going to do some songs and we're going to have communion up front and balcony you can have it up front as well and during the first song or two you can come up and take communion this is where we remember what jesus did on the cross we remember the blood that was shed and the body that was broken and if you don't know him today you can change that you can change that the bible is crystal clear if you confess that christ is lord and believe in your heart that god has raised him from the dead you will be saved that that body that was broken which will save you and that's why we take communion we remember the body we remember the blood that was shed and we we repent and we get our hearts right paul said examine yourselves before you take communion examine yourself he said he actually said some of you are sick and have died because you take the lord's cup in an unworthy manner and what i believe he means by that is if we're coming up and and we're getting communion and say oh lord thank you for the body that was shed and in the blood oh lord thank you so much but but i'm going to go continue my sin later today and then we'll come back to see that's not repentance that's very risky either don't take it or get your heart right and take it because we're remembering the price that set me free doesn't mean you're perfect but you have a heart like david and you say oh god created me a right heart created me a clean spirit i confess i repent god help me with this and he will see you through so let's go ahead and stand the worship team's going to begin and we are going to have prayer the prayer team the prayer team is going to be through this hallway so if you need prayer this morning if you have questions about god if you're struggling with with suicide with depression with whatever it is if you're failed marriages addiction whatever it is we believe in a god who hears prayers listen when does the church why does the church stop praying did you know we used to be a praying church in america it wasn't the preaching it was a prayer meeting you gauge you gauge how popular a church is by sunday morning you gauge how popular god is by the prayer meeting and we've got to get back to praying that calls down heaven that brings a prodigal son home that sets you free that breaks your addiction that breaks your anger that breaks your pride that breaks your lust that breaks your unforgiveness praying and saying god i'm agreeing with someone break this out of me and so we want to be available for whatever the need is balcony you guys can actually come down this stairway and just meet us right here through the hallway we'd love to pray with anybody we won't be in a hurry we're going to sit here and take our time then the worship team will will conclude thank you [Music] your blood makes the death to heal right now your blood takes away the curse right now your blood heals every disease right now your blood sets the addict free right now and still believe you're the same yesterday today and forever [Music] your blood is sufficient for me [Music] compels me to right now your blood transforms my mind right now your blood brings the dead to life [Music] today and forever [Music] [Music] same yesterday today and [Music] your forever is sufficient [Music] [Applause] for me [Music] you're the higher power darkness cannot stand no longer bound to sin i am free [Music] no longer bound to sin i am free [Music] i am [Music] you're the same yesterday today and forever [Music] i [Applause] still believe you're the same today and forever [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] how great the chaos how high the mountain i could not collide in desperation i turned to heaven and spoke your name into the night and through the darkness your loving kindness tore through the shadows the work is finished the end is written jesus christ who could imagine so great a mercy [Music] stepped down from [Music] i am forgiven [Music] the king of kings called me [Music] jesus praise the one who set me free [Music] this salvation in your name jesus christ [Music] set me free [Music] jesus christ [Music] then came the morning that sealed the promise your buried body begins to breathe out of the silence the roaring lion declared the grave has no claim on me to breathe [Music] jesus [Music] and hallelujah [Music] jesus christ [Music] jesus christ you are my living home [Music] death has lost its grip on me [Music] jesus christ [Music] thank you jesus you are our living hope god thank you god you are the hope that we long for god that we will one day see face to face we look forward to that day god fill us with your spirit and your joy today god thank you that you created us in your image god that we can live as vessels of your glory god to serve you and just enjoy your presence every day god it's such a privilege god we thank you for it in jesus name amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Westside Christian Fellowship
Views: 595
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Id: 80Mzdo7iK-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 24sec (7224 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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