God, Change Me And Please Hurry – Pastor Shane Idleman

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you the title of the message is God change me and please hurry anybody else say that or is it just me God God changed me change me and please hurry get right to it and we're in a series entitled theology on fire the role of the Holy Spirit what is the Holy Spirit's role in our lives and the Holy Spirit is not a mystical force it's not like Star Wars it's it's a it's it's a third person of the Trinity as how theologians would describe the role of the Holy Spirit and let me just say this I wrote this down this week and wanted to mention it last week but the Holy Spirit changes us so we can be a blessing to others it's not it's not I want to get full the spirit and keep it to myself we want to be filled with the spirit to be difference makers in the lives of others and it's been said that the Holy Spirit is in us for us but he comes upon us for others and we talked about that last week that the Holy Spirit coming upon believers and people are kind of frightened by that word but Jesus himself said that the Spirit is upon me he has anointed me to do what to be a difference maker to open the eyes of the blind to preach the gospel to those who are receptive so the Holy Spirit coming upon us is so we can be difference makers in our own in our own lives however in order to do that often he has to do a work in us as well he has to change us so two weeks ago I talked about the one just one point on who the Holy Spirit as is a person two weeks ago or yet last week we talked about a few other points this week we're talking about the Holy Spirit changing the believer the Holy Spirit is conforming us into the image of Christ and it's not an easy process is it imagine taking a hammer and a chisel and see that got to knock that pride off oh we got to get rid of this we got to get rid of the Holy Spirit that one of the roles of the Holy Spirit is to change us however in that type of it's called systematic theology and you work through and you get to the part about the Holy Spirit you get the part about the Holy Spirit changing us there is a couple different views one view is you guys can be this side where the Holy Spirit just kind of just waits and we change ourselves you know if I could just apply more self-discipline have you ever thought that's not that you know I really need to change okay coming tomorrow tomorrow morning I'm gonna stop doing that I'm gonna change myself I'm gonna withdraw from that I'm gonna I'm gonna just say no and I'm gonna I'm gonna really change myself now we all know where that gets us right usually back into not changing because it's too much emphasis because actually self self a willpower self-control these are all fruits of the spirit so we can't ignore them can we because the Bible calls us to be disciplined in certain areas to exercise self-control but if we're counting on that we often will fall again because that is an area of pride and I'll change myself now the other side though you can be the this the I won't call it the lazy side but that's kind of what it is it's it's this side of where the Holy Spirit's going to change me and I'm just gonna sit here and wait for him to change me and I know I've joked about this before but there's a lot of truth in it the person who wants to you know get healthy or get in shape holy spirit God changed me in these areas anybody pray that I do Lord I have to work on this area have to do this lord please help this these appetites as we're heading to Krispy Kreme so wait a minute I just prayed for for God to change me in these areas but I'm heading towards you know a place I shouldn't or God help me pray for I pray for Lord remove this lust lust anyone prayed that what's going on or remove this lust from my heart what's going on but we're fueling that desire by what we watch what we listen to what we put in our mind we're fueling the very thing we're asking God to change in us so we can't just sit at home and wait for God to change us actually the Bible talks about a partnership it's the Holy Spirit's role to change us but he comes upon a broken humble vessel obeying the principles of God so as we work as okay Lord I will obey your word I'm relying on the Holy Spirit to change me that's where real change takes place and if you really want to change I'm talking to those who really want to change okay here's the first step you have to humble yourself oh it's quiet at that point but to really change don't we it cuz humbling ourselves and humbling yourself we say things like this God I can't change I'm wrong oh that hurt just saying that how often do we go around saying you know I was wrong I apologize I need to work on that area mmm usually the opposite so if you really want the Holy Spirit to change something in your heart in your life you have to admit it and say Lord I need help in this area I'm not all that and a bag of chips whatever that meant you know I've seen shirts like that so what does that mean what does that mean explain to me afterwards but you know you're not you're not the captain of your own destiny right it's all about me and and and making excuses so an order to see change you have to come with a humble broken heart cuz God says that type of sacrifice I will not turn away the Bible also talks about God leading those who are humble and hard so that's really the scripture of course that I see is we obey the Word of God even when we don't feel like it and as that obedience takes place we become a willing humble vessel God begins to change us through the work of his Spirit so you won't have one without the other you can't just do it on your own and you can't just say well Lord take these things away as we head to the thing or to the place or do the things that we're praying to come again but they were praying for help in and I know it's it's it's it's I mentioned this one before but I've seen it so many times a person will pray lord help me God help me I need it would you take away alcohol and gambling God please as they're on the 15 freeway heading to Vegas I mean what it does just makes note but that's how we think sometimes don't we we don't want that to humble ourselves and is it the 15 think so although it's been a while okay so that you have to humble yourself negative critical prideful people rarely grow because they are not providing an environment for growth see you have to provide the environment for growth you you you make the difference in that area you what's that song we saying before you provide the fire if I provide the sacrifice isn't that so perfect God bring your fire we often pray that I want the fire of God but I don't want to lay on that altar I want to be filled with God's Spirit but I don't want to empty myself so there are things that we do have to do negative critical prideful people rarely grow again because they're not providing the environment for growth here's the key with humility humility is the rich soil where spiritual health flourishes you have to get something to grow you have to plant it somewhere right have you ever seen a watermelon grow on top of concrete the watermelon seeds do a great job of getting in between the concrete and coming outside and different things but you have to plant humility provides the soil for God to work the rich soil if for God to work just like plants they have to grow in soil right a good soil is a combination of sand and clay and moisture and they well they provide the perfect soil for God to work that's what humility does that it does that make sense you're actually providing this environment for God's Spirit to flourish in your life Romans 8:5 for those who live according to the flesh think about this for those who live according to the flesh and if you want to change don't live according to the flesh the problem is we're living often according to the flesh and that's why we want to change because a spirit-filled believer wants to get the flesh out of them now you'll never have it on this side of heaven there will not be the the the nature of man changes because of salvation but the nature of sin doesn't wear the Puritan said that I think it was John Owen the grace changes God's grace changes the nature of man but it does not change the nature of sin so that's why you evil what is going on what is going on is there's a little gremlin in here right the sinful nature that wants to rule the sinful nature wants to reign the carnal mind the part of me that is the fallen man is at enmity with God is at war with God so you have this great struggle Paul would go on to say that there is a struggle inside I want to do certain things but I don't want to do and we're never free from this conflict that's why he would say oh it's a cry I believe Oh wretched man that I am do you ever say that a wretched man that I am who will deliver me who's going to deliver me from this body of sin and death the possible said it who and he said thank God for with the mind I served a law of sin or with the mind us there's a lot of the flesh but with the something like that I'm in quote in a while but somehow he gets a mind focused back on Jesus Christ setting him free that's the only way a person is going to truly change from the inside out but be encouraged it is a process for those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh have you ever heard the phrase set a bone you know we need to go and set that bone set that broken bone or somebody breaks or have your scene of knows it was broken it's like and you know what has to be done you know it has to be done and you don't want to do it what do they have to do you know they have to bring that nose back give me the vicodin beforehand right I would not encourage that but if you have but so they have to set that back they have to set the bone back in place it's the same type of language here where do you set your mind on the things of the flesh but those who live according to the spirit if you want to live according to the spirit you set your mind on the things of the Spirit for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is and peace you know as a little side note here I'm telling you spirit filled believers for a minute here I know there's a combination what I mean by that is somebody who's a band at all and gave an everything to Christ they're full of God's Spirit they're they still struggle with things they still you know but they're they're full of God's Spirit they love his word they love worship they love righteousness they love holiness they love the things of God okay you people do carnal Christians drive you crazy or is it just me right just that they just oh no you don't have to make beer at your Bible study you don't have to get still this experiment with marijuana you all have to you look at pornography you don't have to love the things of the world carnal they just love the things of the world it drives me crazy you got the little sign of the fish on your car but you're smoking dope driving and they say oh brother it's a Liberty it's a Liberty God created God created it and and we're just gonna go watch the movies we shouldn't we're gonna act the way we should we're gonna say things we shouldn't and it is carnal they're living by their carnal nature so here's a tip you're either full of God's Spirit or you're full of the world now usually nobody does this perfectly right it's usually a struggle it's a match there whose prevailing because even spirit filled believers they struggle with the carnal nature and and we want to be filled with the spirit so when you set your mind on the things of the world on the carnal things that do not edify they do not glorify they do not build you up they do not strengthen you when you set your mind on that you begin to quench and grieve the Holy Spirit of God it's like imagine a big roaring fire in your living room maybe you know a good example the summer let me think of something else well it's let's go there form it think about the snow yeah there's snow everyone this big roaring fire and you actually have to stand back from it don't you like oh this is too hot but then in a few hours you like you can't even feel you see the little the little little coal there but say I can't even I can't even warm a glass of water I can't feel anything what happened you quench that fire has been quenched and green that's why so many people they have to of God they're saved but the fire is out it's gone it's just a spark because they are quenching and grieving the Spirit of God by what they set their mind on that's just biblical truth I was reading this week one sentence just stuck out I put the book out and I just began to pray and worship God I was reading a book on and I would encourage you to read old books on revivals and and men and women of God who came before us and it just set your heart right it instead of what's popular on Netflix actually whatever is popular on Netflix is probably not popular on God's list okay just a heads up there I know it said give me today it's it's a meaning you probably know that but sometimes it doesn't register and it's funny when I talk about these these things people in Eveleigh come up sometimes they'll say well yeah but what about this but what about that I'm not I'm not making absolute statements I'm just saying be careful be careful what you set your mind on because things will either build you up build me up in my relationship with the Lord or it will draw me away and draw you away so back to the story I was telling where was I the book okay I was reading a book you remember this book I don't know if I told you but it was on I hope I pronounced this right the new head breeds revivals off the the island of Scotland I believe with islands of Scotland down this area in 1950s and this huge revival broke out Duncan Campbell was a man that was heavily involved bars were closed down people were on their face and their homes worshiping God people on the side of the street just stop and be when God's present meets a when God's presence truly manifests and reveals itself people are changed and I have these books I hear about these accounts often in different things but anyway decades later this young man decided to interview one of the prayer warriors in that revival and the ask semantic question tell me about that revival what happened where did it go and he could tell the old man his eyes lit up with the fire of God with he could see the fire of God just he lit up and he said I will tell you this when you when you find God when you find God never never never never let go and I was so I was ah I just felt it I felt I felt like the book was pulsating the old man his lies lit up what lit up the fire of God that passion that anointing that unction when you have it you scream out never never never let it go I want the fire of God I need the passion of God to reignite a hunger that has died many years ago come back Lord would you visit your people wilt thou not revive us again so we can rejoice in you God visit your people we are broken people we are a hungry people we are dehydrated we are dying spiritually God ignite us and renew us renew this fire in the Scott please that has to be the cry of your heart you think if I'm serious God's gonna say on right now he's gonna say that's what I'm looking for my eyes go everywhere to find a pastor that would cry out they were crying to people that would cry out for more of me and not more of the world that's the difference maker to be filled with the flow I could stand there for a while to be filled with that fire where is it where is that fire you go to church and people are bored to death how can you be bored when you're worshiping the true and living God you're looking at his word that has eternal benefits you're looking at his word that it says to come to my word it is living in his powerful it's sharper than a double-edged sword it will pour it'll it'll pierce your joint and your morrow it is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart the Word of God why should that there should be a Kindle just a blazing fire shouldn't you feel it when you walk in I mean should be like well I'm on holy ground where what wound up going walking into holy ground there's a there's a passion for it the reason is who you are all week is who you'll be on Sunday what are you setting your mind on is it the carnal nature or is it being filled the Spirit of God and I don't say that with anger if you could see my heart it's weeping it's hard sometimes they're not hold back tears in this place knowing that that Living Waters just steps away come and drink Jesus I mean it's so amazing we put all these rules on thing and sheet on things and Jesus has just come can you amount of to see that sermon I don't think he was in low-volume there like What did he say he said come come all that a week and heavy-laden come to me and I will give you rest if you drink of the water that I give you you will never thirst again I see the pleading the fire of God the passion of God and when you have it you do say never never never let it go oh my lord I'm better ready sit now I'm just going to worship you all want a sermon right that's the sermon that's a sermon to be filled with the Spirit of God to set your mind on the things of God you think you do that over the course of time that God's not going to to fill you with your spirit sending your mind on the things of God Oh page 1 still set is to put in place I think we forget this sometimes as Christians when he says to beasts carnally minded is death to be carnally minded death we instantly think oh well to die in hell and I know I'm good there I'm good and that must not really apply to me actually scripturally in the Hebrew actually in the Greek New Testament written in the Greek language this word if you look it up as death as interesting we think immediately of the grave don't we but the word actually means separation now it can mean the sensation of life separate but it also is there's a death there that takes place is separation from God so to be carnally minded is to die spiritually you're no longer living with the fire and the presence and the power of God you are dying to those things and you're living in the carnality of your mind and being led by that so that so takes place if you've been there you know it do you know how many people say Shane I want that again no cry there's crocodile tears I want that again I need that again I know and what do they say I'm feel dead I feel dead to the things of God what where did that separation took place we need to set our minds again on the things of God let me just show you about what this word means later on I forgot to write down the reference but Paul said crucified put to death the things of the flesh put to death the self the carnal nature what do you mean you separate you get rid of that Romans 8:12 if you live according to the flesh you will die but if by the spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live there's an exchange that takes place and let me just encourage you like I did last week it can be a process it is a process often give yourself a little grace so one thing I learned over the years give people grace give yourself grace right a lot of it some we run right we want to run right to the judgment hammer King I knew they would fall yeah you want that same hammer being swung at you you got it by the measure you judge someone else it'll be judged it'll be put back on you so in this area of change show grace to others people cannot often live a perfect life like you do I had to I just I wanted see sense of first service I held it in but isn't that true we raised the standard on others what I've noticed usually we raise the standard on others but we lower it in regard to ourselves we want God's mercy and grace on us but we're not willing to allow it in the lives of others change is often painful as well isn't it change is often painful because what happens here's how a lot of times how we change that hurt I better change how do kids eventually learn not to touch the hot stove or the play on the whatever they shouldn't be playing on again they get hurt so change often hurts so you will be humbled in the process so instead of when you're humble think just a side note don't get defensive allow the change to take place because when somebody say confront it on something and you confront or you're confronted about who knows gossip slander whatever it is instead of being excuse driven humble yourself and say you know it's right I need to work on that hot fertile fertile soil fertile soil I see you growing I see you developing versus you don't know you don't know what they did you don't know what they caused in my life and and we make excuses instead of changing so part of the process of changes it will hurt so when he said here put to death the deeds of the body the deeds of the body are sinful actions so Paul says throughout the New Testament put to death the sins of the body you put him them to death you crucify them you get rid of them and I mentioned before I don't remember who said I think it was JC rile and his book on holiness he said but today we left to coddle our sins not crucify them you know coddle is right like a baby back to sleep you can wake up later right but not right we coddle our sin we don't want to we don't want to get rid of it why because it's a dear to us are our sins ours dear Tess as our children but that Bible mandate is to crucify and to get rid of and to remove so my point was this purifying work that we've been talking about for fifteen minutes it's called sanctification in theology it's called sanctification do you ever hear that term believers being sanctified the teaching of sanctification that's what this is how you started as a Christian should not be how you end up there should be growth and change and spiritual insight and more growth and who can you can you look back and are you embarrassed on who you were 10 years ago or 15 years ago or that just me don't leave me hanging up here come on right you look back oh lord thank God for sanctification oh my goodness gracious now here's what's sadder a person in the same spiritual condition they are they were twenty years ago there are people have you ran into them you know them five years go by it's like like I ran two people from at my high school reunion nothing has changed still wanna get drunk still want to do a beer bong still want to talk to my eat I'm leaving early I got a preach in the morning this is read 35 years am i dating myself no 30 years 30 years nothing the same lingo the same language I'm like you I'm I was just I I couldn't get out of there quick enough come on guys 30 years now there how many more divorces you want how many more rehab centers you want to go into how many more is that X prescriptions you want filled so it's the same thing with Christians can you imagine going five years ten years and it's there's no change no difference but that's what happens when you stay stuck on carnal and there are Christians I know that we went to church with them in 2003 for same exact behaviors and attitudes and character what 15 years later they're not growing because they're stuck on that mindset see setting your mind on the things of the world and their excuses it's freedom I have this freedom to do this you guys are too old-fashioned your kids are gonna grow up I love this one your kids are gonna grow up sheltered oh yeah let them watch our movies at their 12 and serve them some wine that's a great idea I mean but see they stay stuck in that car see one or the other is governing you we get so proud of ourselves oh I'm on my own man no I'm either led of the Spirit or on led of the flesh or there's a battle going on in most of us that's what usually there's a battle there and it's whatever we set our mind on but people do say but Shane I'm not growing I'm not growing okay are you obeying well what do you mean well you know what I mean are you obeying are you submitting are you humbling yourself and see I'm not I'm not minimizing a struggle has anyone ever struggle with something you don't just wake up and it's gone hello I mean it that's why it's called a struggle that word really is a interesting where it's a it's a it's a contending it's a fighting match a struggle where you're winning one round you're losing the next you're winning it's a struggle that goes on so don't be discouraged I'm not making a blanket statement here that covers every situation I know that there are legitimate struggles I know mental illness for example you're right you can't just tell us oh come on think positive what's wrong with you just go take just go take a jog right now and your serotonin level will go through the roof that doesn't work sometimes it's there there's a struggle there's a process but many times we have to ask the question am i obeying what I know to be right am I submitting to the work of the Holy Spirit am i humbling myself because I do telling people Shane I'm stuck on this whatever it is I can't keep doing this and I'm but I'm but you ask the questions are you obeying the word of God are you submitting are you humbling yourself because God's Word says this it says if you flee I will make sure they don't catch you if you remove gossip I will fill you with my spirit if you say no I will strengthen you if you abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul I will reward you I will fill you with my spirit here's how temptation works it usually hits a high point and that's usually when most people blow it right it's just oh I said I wasn't having chocolate today but forget it and I eat a whole pound right it's just it just gets to this crescendo and there's just a high point and that's the time the temptation is looking for that opportune time and just another word of encouragement there is no temptation that is overtaking you there's not common to all men but God who is faithful will not give you more than you can handle but with the temptation becomes a way of escape see so I don't think Christians can say I couldn't stop I just had to the devil made me do it my favorite right I just I just I just couldn't stop what the Bible I mean either that's true or this verse is true that whatever God he will not give you more than you can bear but see he uses the word bear there it means there's a load to carry there's a choice to make so every Christian every Christian with the door of temptation when it swings open you can also go out the exit God gives us the strength in that power what it looks like is if you're going through a struggle and you're in a one a cave-in you don't look to the meaty you don't look to carnal methods you pray to God you say God take this away this isn't right I'm humbling myself before you would you remove this temptation and if you resist the devil long enough he will flee that's when most people get it rights at the height of that temptation when that temptation hits the highest point that's when we tend to cave in and there is God makes provision in his word so let me just give you a few practical steps examine yourself this morning search me Oh God Psalm 139 search me O God and know my heart try me and know my thoughts and see if there is any Grievous way in me and lead me in the way of everlasting God search me now be careful when you do this because you better have a piece of paper and a pen I've never done this and not in came away an hour later and go well that's awesome I have nothing to work on that was pretty cool I haven't experienced that before right Lord searched me is there anything you want is there anything I need to work on well be the person who says no I've arrived go ahead and add pride to you the top of your list and so there's a searching that takes place Lord search me show me you should and be careful you better be sincere because they'll start you know things will start hitting your mind you never thought of relationships you need to fix that tongue you need to then I've sent my example I gave it the first service let's say gossip or slander you know people there in people I don't know if you see it's hard to relate if you've never struggle with something you can't relate to the person who struggles with that like an alcoholic somebody will say you why can't you have one beer you have no clue why can't it one beer why can't you stop at this why do you have to do that why do you have to always gossip and slander why do you have a same-sex attraction what's wrong with you see we can't relate if we don't experience that same struggle so but in this area save gossip and slander and God providing away he says you don't have to do that you don't have to do that but the person keeps doing it well one imagery that came to my mind recently was getting some superglue bring it right here and down the upper lip they closed it right for about two weeks so you can stop that now don't really do that but that that that you see there are ways when Jesus said if something's causing you to sin if your hand is causing you to sin cut it off not physically because you can cut off your hand and still be sinning what he saying is take whatever drastic majors there is see that's one problem in the church we haven't raised our standard and missed it we've lowered it and we've hit it we haven't read there's not a standard of holiness to shoot for I remember the old old church the Saints and the old books I read it it's like and there's some good ones today don't get me wrong I please I'm not saying that but they would they would crucify sin they would say not on our watch they said you're dying sin we're removing you we are cutting off whatever it takes I am removing you you are hindering my prayer life you're out of my life you I keep stumbling back into this I'm removing you there's friendships that need to be removed but they're a friend I don't want to do that well how long are they gonna continue to take you down that's not really a friend that's common ungodly influence a friend sticks closer to you than a brother a friend comes in supports and builds you up and encourages you walk in the Lord personally if somebody's discouraging you from the Lord and bringing you down I know we call it a friendship but you have to be careful with that you know there's an acquaintance but if they're pulling you away from God be careful on that terminology because a true friend is somebody who encourages you in the faith now I know we all have unbelievers that we are friends with and we want to continue that relationship and build them up and strengthen them but it does you do have to ask yourself this question am i building them up are they pulling me down well it's a quiet room in here right are they is this person building me up or pulling me down so you also have to reignite your passion for God you have to reignite it you you God give me a fire before you guy like what pastor Shane said 20 minutes ago could you rewind that I that's what I want what you have to pursue it you have to fight for you have to ignite that passion you schedule God's Word when you're fresh and you're not distracted why does God get the moldy cheese in the back of the refrigerator right I guess I got to use it's all I have left let me pull the let me pull the mold off and you know make it's grass-fed organic does you know things but I'm kidding there of course but my point is we always give God the end right after we've watched our favorite movie after about ready to fall say Oh where's that five minute devotional I promised myself and we wonder why we have no passion for God we have to ignite that we have to reignite it so schedule God as first in priority when you're fresh and not distracted how can we sit and watch Facebook for two hours but we can't give God 20 minutes we have to get back into that place of putting him first and then also you need a route remove distractions we just talked about that whatever hurts our growth whatever hinders our prayer whatever stifles our maturity must be removed I like what John Bunyan said about prayer he said in prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart see that's what happens in the lives of many Christians we have a lot of words but her heart is not there I don't want to offend people and please don't take this wrong I'm not talking about anybody in particular or this church in particular but some of the most powerful prayer meetings I've ever been to have not had a lot of words all right bill your turn for five minutes all right all right Steve go for five minutes grace go for five minutes go hey we pray for an hour what do we accomplish I'm not minimizing that I'm not saying that's not a good idea but where's the fire where's the passion I've been in I've been in me like nobody says anything for 20 minutes but it's not just what is it it's quite there's there's groaning dealing with God Oh God god save our nation I don't even know how to pray I don't even know how to pray now you know this now the scripture makes sense it says the Spirit comes alongside of us and I don't think it's the spirits groanings necessarily it's our groanings and indirect because the spirits like I don't know what to pray for this man spirit knows it he's not confused he's not upset he's it's the Holy Spirit of God he comes alongside our groanings our yearnings I mean a real prayer New Testament prayer is a birthing room it's travail and you can't work it out became like okay Shane said to be loud or Shane said to do no it's coming from it's like this deep like lord look at look at the school shootings look at the look what the suicide rate somebody else now CNN anchor some fashion designer in New York 45,000 suicides a year in our country where it is happening there's no hope they're hopeless so from that in our prayer closet there should be a groaning god help this nation turn our nation back the Lord I don't even know what to prayer for the prayer request is a mile long but Lord you know pinpoint my heart in the right direction Oh God give us clean hands and a pure heart Lord who's going to stand in your presence who can stand in your present he who has a clean hands and a pure heart Lord if we've lifted up our souls to an idol forgive us God we don't even know what to pray for and the heart is praying so it's not in all these words because sometimes we think we have a prayer meeting for an hour if we go around the room for 10 minutes and everybody's bored to death let's be honest that's not a true New Testament on fire prayer meeting it's needed it's good do it wonderful but I often wonder what would Paul did do if he snuck in that thing the guy who spent ten days in an upper room when the fire of God fell what would they say if they came into our prayer room you know they tried Shane is this an accounting meeting you guys can counting the books here I mean what's going on this isn't prayer this is this is going around the room and again I didn't want to make fun because I think that's important that's where it starts right I've been in many of those and that's a good spot to start but normally what happens is our minds are so carnally minded we're not ready for the deep prayer I was talking about so we prayer it pray according to what's in our heart you ever you ever hear a spirit-filled older man or woman pray I mean I've got on recordings I've heard Leonard Ravenhill pray oh I said I don't even know how to pray there's there's what you can hear the old men and women of God praying and their souls are lifted up why they're not super spiritual they've set their mind on the things of the Spirit see who you are all week is who you are when you come here I can tell by how you're worshiping by how you let you set your mind on all week same with the pastor who he is all week as who he is when he comes to the pulpit if he's busy playing golf busy putting his mind on carnal things busy watching the things he shouldn't be watching busy studying but not letting the Holy Spirit studying him preparing his sermon but not letting God prepare his heart who he has he comes up to the pulpit is going to be the fruit of that labor or that lack of labor all week same with worshipers as they get what they've been filled with because it's almost like sometimes you park your car and you want if you could jog you could jog in here right and there's worship starting in the presence of God we're coming in to a holy worship service why because you've been feeding that all week so when you come to church you want that appetite to to increase right you know come on like if you ever assembly somebody ever give you a little bite of a chocolate sundae no that's all you can have oh no you just started the poll you just started the passion now you give me that little whip came in that banana I'm gonna consume that whole thing watch out watch out that's why they'll give me just one donut hmm right it starts it starts the appetite for more who can have a little just a little bit piece of meat your favorite meat if you're meat-eater just you just have this one that you just you just woke up Goliath but isn't how is that any different with worship service because what you've been feeding all week is an expectation to come and worship God so as you're feeding on that the appetite is increasing for God not decreasing so it's ironic when you have people come in here I know some of you were here today so I won't say too much about this but every so much we want do every six months we had a meet-and-greet for all new people under six months I thought there'd be like twelve people there was forty who signed up for it and they came and we met there was a great group and we keep doing this but I know I know all 40 aren't gonna stick with it how do I know because sometimes people often and I'm not talking about that group in particular so if you're here from that I'm not talking about you I'm just mean in general not everybody sticks because if they're filling their mind with the carnal things the car the carnality of the world they like the things of the world their mind is set on the things of the world they don't like Shane Idleman telling them the opposite who are you to ruffle my feathers I'm not going to that church again I like my carnality I don't want to be challenged by God's Word that's why I love what God did god totally did this when he called me my wife to plant the church he gave us a passion for everything you're hearing and those who stick stick and those who don't want to we're staying the course this is how God is building his church I don't we lost like well I hope I've got to keep this group and I don't want talking about this I got to keep this group it's just you let's just let the Word of God fly and see who he blank brings in you find out who sticks and that that's so that's what happens that's what wets your appetite for more of God boy oh boy yeah page one is right how did you remember that wing in the first service who said oh you said that oh and you're from one ender's less lean in husband Phil they're from Minnesota they listen online of Minnesota and want to do and I and I told them it's much better in person than on livestream so but there's other reasons we're here - visiting kids and so we just acknowledge you guys and thank you for for being here and take the fire back and warm that place up that's for sure right isn't it 40 below sometimes all right ok back on track well what I was going to talk about guiding the believer so number for another roll the Holy Spirit is to guide you does anyone want to be guided by the Holy Spirit hopefully every single do you want to be led of the Holy Spirit right that's that's what lead of the Holy Spirit means it means to be led or to be guided so here's the key for this we are often waiting for God to download directions into our mind aren't we like gods show me okay I need to go do that he's actually often waiting for you to obey waiting for you to step out insert in faith he's waiting for but we want okay Lord you show me God saying I'll show you as soon as you step out and faith as soon as you obey me in that area you've been ignoring me on see we think God's going to forget about what he told us to do and continue to lead us he goes back note remember I told you to do know yeah I know about that but go ahead and leave me I don't remember what I told you to do yes I do but I'm not going to do that so would you leave me no I'm not gonna lead you until you go back and do what I first called you to do ironically here's the irony the same steps that lead to change lead to direction so if you want the Holy Spirit to change you the same steps that we need to do for change are the same steps that we need for guidance God actually guides you based on how often how you obey his word see there are principles outlined in Scripture as you obey the scripture God's will becomes clear as we disobey the scripture God's will becomes fuzzy and we get to it's hard to get Direction isn't it because if we're not living in that that OBD that area of obedience now I do want to just be grace-filled on this point because nobody lives in God's will perfectly we disobey I disobey we miss things sometimes and God in His love and His grace will continue to guide us but if you want to know his will you have to obey his principles I think it was J I Packer who said forgive me if I miss quote but God is more inclined to guide us by his word than through inner voices right you gotta watch out for those inner voice because they can tell you to do stuff that's not biblical you always doesn't line up with Scripture the as I so for example okay it's biblical God you want me to do this I'm honoring you I step out I'm obeying now his will becomes clearer now I'm making job decisions based on his word not on my carnal nature now I'm starting to make decisions based on godly principle see he leads us often through his word and so many people specially charismatic churches who are open to the leading of the Spirit they get led away by the wrong voice not anchor to God's Word they'll do things that don't line up with Scripture well I thought the Spirit was leading the well kind of went against his word well yeah but God no he doesn't make exceptions that's the best way to know God's will is to stay to pray and to obey stay in his word obey up its principles and continue to pray for direction and then next week I'm going to talk about regenerating the sinner you know that means regenerating the sinner where God will actually change a person and and I don't want to get into it now because it's a long study or it can be but God does changes through the work of his Holy Spirit and let me just say this on this point real change real changes here if you don't know Christ you must be born again so I know my gosh ain't come on we're in church yeah there's a lot of people in church who know about God but they don't have a relationship they've never been born of the Spirit they've never been born again so the Bible says repent and believe in the gospel and you'll be born again that's how you really change if you're an unbeliever that's the only way to change and to give your life and surrender your life to the one true and living God so if you are an unbeliever or you're hearing this later and you're unbeliever are you resisting the work of the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit works in us even he works in you in Salvation I'll talk about this next week the Holy Spirit is working in salvation he's drawing he's convicting the world of sin and of righteousness of the judgment to come there's a there's a drawing of the Holy Spirit are you resisting that the Bible talks about turning from that and turning to God and being born again and usually if a person is unbeliever they lack peace and joy and hope correct do you lack peace and hope this morning do you lack true hope this morning let me read a story I came across on December 17 1927 a long time ago wasn't an an s for submarine rammed was ran by a Coast Guard Coast Guard Cutter off the coast of Massachusetts and sank in about feet of water the entire crew is trapped in a prison tube of metal every effort was made to rescue the crew but every attempt failed they sent divers down to see if there were any survivors on board and the divers went from one end in the submarine to the other tapping with metal listening for a response finally one died ever heard a response and he recognized that it was Morris code he could make out what the code was and this is all this is all history you can look it up the diver was able to spell out the message that was being tapped from within it was repeating the same question they said this is there no hope is there no hope and he responded back there is nine and all of those people perished 1924 1907 but isn't that the same question people are asking today is there no hope don't you see that's what's lacking don't that the suicide rate forty five thousand I thought it's about forty five hundred you know if I were to guess forty five thousand a year people taking their life because they're hopeless all these kids depress gender identity confusion suicide shootings what is it because when you remove God from your homes when you remove God from your nation when you remove God from the church and you remove God from the schools and you tell the kids you come from monkeys there is no hope there's no direction what do you think is going to be the resolve this is a dying in lost world you have to offer them and you have to stand your ground be filled with the Spirit of God and you say not only is there hope there is assurance turn to the one true and living God this God he wipes out all armies he commands the seven seas he created life out of nothing he will lead you through the fiercest battle defeat is not an option victory is his that's the God we serve that's the hope [Applause] I've got a memorial service to do today at 4:00 and that's where my heart's been on this topic because that's what's don't you that's what's happening the world is hopeless Hollywood is hopeless the government's hope the schools this look at the decline look at the attitudes when I was in school is that yes miss Johnson yes miss Johnson get in line stay in line be quiet now they say it's a jungle we can't even teach where is this coming from it's a hopeless and dying world you need to be filled with the Spirit of God and if you're a believer and you're hopeless this morning let me quote Robert Murray McShane II he was one of Scotland's most anointed preachers he died at age 29 it was said that when he would come to the pulpit he just come to the pulpit people would begin to weep because the anointing of God was so strong see they used to spend hours in the prayer closet I I read books I get so convicted it's like we I spread 4:00 in the morning till 7 a.m. before I preach my sermon Wow no wonder they had that fragrance in there the aroma of God now if you ever felt the anointing of God when it comes and that God is just in that place so he said this to his people if you could hear if you could hear Christ praying for you in the next room you would not fear a million enemies can you imagine I just thought that this week if you see Jesus Christ praying for you interceding for you going before the Father that saying Christ wants to guide you and lead you and direct you and you have to cry out you say Christ answer I want to answer your prayer your call to me I think I think can you imagine Jesus praying for you who are you gonna fear North Korea bring it Russia bring it China bringing Isis Isis bring it because Christ we'll defeat you he's praying he's caught he he create just eat just oh man I'm stopping you [Applause] do you understand who you are in Christ it's amazing because we don't we don't live distant no he's up in heaven somewhere he's ever present help in time of need doesn't matter it's 2:00 in the morning doesn't matter if you're on vacation he's not and you have a high priest that goes before you intercede on behalf of God Jesus Christ is there that's why the scriptures when you when you can relate to the scriptures Hugh believes on me he who believes on me will never be lost out of your belly will flow rivers of living water he told the lady at the well he said woman I have water of which if you drink you will never thirst again oh there's so moments if I could just go back couldn't wouldn't you love to see that a well sitting on top of a well the well of living water coming out and crying out to the City of Jerusalem all who are weak and heavy laden come to me and I will give you rest all all of you who are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest come to me I am gentle I am lowly at heart my yoke is easy my burden is light oh I might keep going here for a minute dad dad you got me you got to set your mind back on that thing you got to get fired up we get fired up about the NBA playoffs but who gets fired up about Christ working in their life overcoming hell death in the grave overcoming darkness driving out the darkness so the light can reign that Christ is interceding that Christ built this church that Christ drew you here that Christ is going to be the salvation for your that Christ is going to protect them and your grandchildren who's going to protect them from this declining and decaying world oh my lord that doesn't ring doesn't grip you with fear what does and it shouldn't because of what I just said Christ go before them go before me conquer I mean we have this idea just Jesus eat nice little lamb but he's coming back as a lion right you've heard me say this before he's not coming back as a nice mild meek mannered lamb he's coming back as a lion as a matter of fact from the tribe of Judah the fierceness and wrath of God is going to be poured out he's not going to ask for directions he's not going to negotiate he's not going to bake when the Lord of Lord and the King of Kings get here all at mieze and all tongues will profess his name all knees will bow that that is the risen Savior they can't do anything what army what battle plan nothing can work when Christ comes back the Bible says that he will tread the fierceness in the wrath of Almighty God have you ever seen the wrath of God poured out and Christ is going to walk on it like you pretty like you crusher or grapes into a wine press that's the imagery and Revelation goes out on to say the out of his mouth goes a sword not a feather a sword to rule the nations with a rod of iron he will rule the nations with the rod of iron he will judge mankind he will tread the winepress and the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God and the people that doesn't penetrate or the people who've been setting their minds on carnal things that's why they don't feel the fire of God actually their flesh wants to run and get out of here our carnal mind is so destructive I don't know if it's God tell me things of the devil sometimes but I'll run two people to go how we love well I love coming to church with my spouse can't handle it well thanks for telling me that Oh Mike you know I teenagers just hate it there oh I know why because we're not serving pizza and coke next door watching movies we're trying to save them by honoring God and His Word and holiness where's the fear of God what worse if has that vanished here we just start reading the Bible they feared the Lord the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom the fear of God is the beginning of understanding because they did not fear the Lord and it's just as this this I just had this image of the church being on fire for God full of his powerful of his presence fearing God enough to change the way they live holiness is that environment that fosters not only spiritual growth but the filling of the Holy Spirit I've never actually were having a big revival conference in here I don't like to use that term revival but it's a big conference even though I like the term people get this weird thing because in October we have speakers coming in and they actually want me to talk about the cost of genuine reliable because it comes with the cost I will tell you right now if you want to be truly filled with the Spirit of God stop negotiating with your flesh there's a cost there's a cost people make fun of me every guy he doesn't watch the same things you're absolutely right I'm not gonna watch a movie where I fantasize about some other woman other than my wife I'm not gonna watch these things that are about hard and darkness and vampires and they call it the witchcraft yet you're absolutely right I live a little bit differently poke fun because I'm the one fill at the spirit I'm not saying that prideful please don't understand but I'm saying there is a cost it's a cost many Christians do not want to pay because it does cost your friendship doesn't it it costs you fun doesn't it because I mean the flesh like certain things right my flesh still misses still misses Laughlin and the river and jet skis and Corona my flesh every summer my flesh reminds me remember those days remember those days twenty years ago I do but I remember the mornings I remember the hangovers I remember not remember and I remember the depression I see you don't tell me those things do you flash you little liar you don't tell me the bad things you don't tell me the vomit and almost dying you don't tell me those things do you you're a liar you have to tell you have to set your mind back on the things of God because it always presents the wonderful things doesn't it I don't know why that always comes about all I remember that oh but do you remember the next day do you remember saying in the sheriff station Oh on Avenue J all night getting a DUI oh no I forgot all about that when I was 17 or 18 I'm around I was I'll see it doesn't show you that it doesn't show you the broken marriage it doesn't show you the abortion that might take place it doesn't show you the the depression and the anxiety from walking from God the flesh will always present you with the appeal but not the consequences all right almost up I think there's enough to chew on now right but God just put all this on my heart this week just to that's the big the the number one salvation is by far the number one priority for unbelievers but the number the number one priority in the life of a Christian is to be filled with the Holy Spirit that's your well I left theology well wonderful are you filled well I love Bible studies are you filled well I love men's events are you filled oh I like that potluck and I like when you do that I like the worship I you filled that's the number one priority to be filled the Spirit of God and the reason many aren't is because it costs you something it costs you there is a cost to pay somebody I don't remember maybe you can remind me afterwards carry your cross and follow me I mean somebody I don't know something pretty noteworthy said that like Jesus pick up your cross actually add it died to self what the self what the self wants not what the self get with what the self wants died to self carry your cross and follow me that tells me there's two different paths there's the path of self and there's the path of following God and there's a cost you will have to choose you'll have to choose to pay that price I don't present a gospel that is a candy-coated you can't just cherry-pick certain scriptures you know you'll have a million watching people i watch you on TV when you tell people what they want to hear but what we want to hear is not what we need to hear
Channel: Westside Christian Fellowship
Views: 7,408
Rating: 4.9241705 out of 5
Keywords: Shane Idleman, Westside Christian Fellowship, Westside Christian, Westside Christian Fellowship Leona Valley, Westside Christian Leona Valley, Leona Valley, Antelope Valley, WCF, WCFAV, God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Christian, Christianity, Sermon, Message, Service, Gospel, John MacArthur, Grace to You, John Piper, Desiring God, Jack Hayford, Francis Chan, Tim Conway, Michael Brown, AskDrBrown, James White, Alpha & Omega Ministries, Jeff Durbin, Apologia, Apologia Church, Apologia Studios
Id: YlmAjdMW23o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 2sec (3782 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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