Who Did This? GENESIS 1 | Pastor Shane Idleman - 1st service

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so so so so so [Applause] all throughout my history the winter storms me hear me you are my strengths [Music] [Music] all right good morning everyone i hope you're as excited as i am to be here and i'm not just saying that i got up this morning excited [Applause] excited because you know i know i'm dealing with it probably just as much as anyone else dealing with all the phone calls this week and the mandates and what's going on and the fear and the isolation and the force of this and but the the darker it gets the brighter the light gets as well god all god's not defeated god's not wondering what's going on god's not backing away he's actually empowering his people to be that voice of truth and that's why for months is the series through the entire bible the word of god is living it actually it's a living it's the living word of god and it's going to speak boldly into our lives and help direct us in these dire times so i'm excited about that get your hearts right this morning for worship and then i'll come back up and and give the message i've got a few quick announcements that i'll get to that are that are important but let me just open in prayer god first we acknowledge you you are the sovereign king that rules this nation you rule this world you're not backing down backing away of fear you're not confused you sit high and lofty up and up on your throne lord and we acknowledge you this morning speak to us boldly through worship and through your word and through the prayer time lord i pray that people are set free this morning bondages are broken deliverance takes place clarification comes wisdom discernment unanswered prayers lord spirit of the living god these are desperate times lord and we pray that you would visit us this morning make not only your presence tangible but life-changing open the hearts of worship this morning lord show people how important it is to worship and we pray this in jesus name amen amen go ahead and stand and as you know for those of you who haven't been here before if you have the altars open as well it's something we're not embarrassed of i find myself up here quite often it's about a spot of humility uh so the altar is open we're just gonna worship for a little while and then i'm going to come back up and begin the series thank you [Music] i pray god comes and turn this thing around god turn it around god turn it round [Music] i'm calling on the name that changes everything [Music] god turn it around god turn it around [Music] god turn it around i'm praying god come and turn this thing around [Music] turn around [Music] that changes every day [Music] the name of jesus [Music] the name of jesus [Music] breakthrough will come come in the name of the name of jesus god turn it around god turn it [Music] god [Music] god is doing something right now right now he is [Music] right now god is doing something right now right now [Music] god is doing something right now right now is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus is [Music] [Applause] turn it around god turn it round [Music] turn it around i'm praying god come and turn this thing around [Music] god turn it off [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i come out of agreement with a lie [Music] you never never let me go you said you wouldn't leave me and you won't you're right by myself [Music] you [Music] with what heaven has [Music] let me go you said you wouldn't leave me [Music] and your presence [Music] the is protectors [Music] no weapon no worry will prosper against me no darkness no evil will tease or torment [Music] my freedom my refuge my jesus [Music] my freedom my refuge my jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you said you wouldn't leave [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you hide me in the shadow of the wings your presence is [Music] no worry will prosper against me no darkness no evil will [Music] we'll tease [Music] my freedom my refugees [Music] my freedom my refuge my jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] your presence is [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] out of the wilderness into your deliverance look where i'm standing [Music] look where i'm standing now look where i'm standing now i stand on the chain breaking miracle making [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] now i am [Music] i stand on the chain [Music] [Music] on the body [Music] hallelujah [Music] jesus my savior rescued me hallelujah [Music] oh jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh hallelujah [Music] [Music] i stand on [Music] [Music] powerful [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] in the presence [Music] this is [Music] you prepared for me in the present [Music] this is [Music] this is how i find my battles this is [Music] this is [Music] praise all [Music] [Music] this is [Music] is [Music] like i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded by you it may look like [Music] hear me like i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded by you hear me [Music] [Music] this is this is [Music] it may look like i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded by you it may look like i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded by you [Music] is my victories in jesus name my victories in jesus name [Music] my victories in jesus name my victories in jesus name sing it again my victory my victories in jesus name [Music] in [Music] [Music] reason [Music] [Music] this is how i find my battles this is how i find my this is [Music] oh [Music] we love you we adore you over us [Music] is [Music] you're here and i know you are moving i'm here and i know you will feel me come down spirit when you move you make my heart when you fill the room [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] you're here and i know [Music] you're here and i know [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're all we want [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] you're here and i know [Music] you're all we want [Music] holy [Music] holy [Music] praise god thank you lord [Applause] thank you lord lord thank you so much god we need to say like paul even though we are hard-pressed we are not crushed perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken lord and we are struck down but we are not destroyed so encourage us this morning build us up strengthen us and pray this in jesus name amen amen thank you guys sometimes i introduce the worship team gina madeleine brad rick who's this guy jeff and his sister chrissy thank you guys so much for your help what a blessing is this mic turned up enough is it good seems a little low on my end but i just like volume maybe it's just me right uh wow i don't even know where to begin um some of you you might come in go why is everyone so excited well a lot of us have been here since 6 a.m we have um we have a uh this is not the first service we actually have a 6 a.m worship service and all we do is worship for an hour and a half and if you're thinking that sounds a little boring you're exactly who needs to be here next time because that is what we need in these dire times and i know some people sometimes i'm just i don't know i've been prompted this morning to maybe share this but why these songs about the holy spirit well you have to realize that the holy spirit leads the holy spirit directs the holy spirit convicts the holy spirit regenerates the holy spirit fills the holy spirit uh converts it i don't understand quite how it all works just like i don't understand how my truck works but it works and you know and i know you need that that the the holy spirit's power the holy spirit's fire quenching the spirit grieving the spirit surrendering to the spirit being led to the spirit so we look at the triune nature of god god is is one but he reveals himself as father son and holy spirit and so we're not over emphasizing that doctrine per se but we recognize that that is our only hope god has to fill his church with the spirit and bring a spiritual awakening if you're wondering what is it going to take to get america back on track and that's what it's going to take and i'm not necessarily convinced that you know we will get back on track it could just be a spiritual battle from here on out when god is working so is the enemy but i'm very encouraged when god is working because he's in control the enemy is not in control so a couple announcements before i get into it it's actually really important you'll see out in the lobby we have the table for 40 days of life and there is a time and i'm just not i'm not going to try to explain everything but you can grab that material on your way out but we pray for the abortion industry actually against it and for it uh there's a 40-day walk not not every day but there's there's maybe there is every day again check the check the table but there's a midway point there's an end point there's a beginning point all of that is on there so if you feel called to do that let feel led to do that and really participate get more information out there because those who have no voice need a voice as well the those the the least likely that can can speak speak out we need to they need to hear from us and to take a stance some of you know about this and you're excited some of you know about it and you're not excited but we have something coming up in october called october fast not oktoberfest october fast as a church we are going to be specific we're going to be praying and fasting oh for our nation and for the church and for the persecuted church and for so much going on that's going to be our emphasis october a season of prayer and fasting what that looks like is between you and god some people have medical issues some people are addicted to everything from sugar to caffeine so it's going to be a real struggle some of you need to give up junk food and do a daniel type fast and what it is it's a season of starving the flesh do anyone else have those appetites that aren't always godly okay good hopefully everyone's shaking their head this is an opportunity to starve that that silence the voice of the flesh and to be filled with the spirit of god no i don't want that chocolate i'm gonna go for the broccoli and hummus and or no i'm not i'm not gonna i'm not going to eat lord until dinner tonight i just want when that hunger comes god i want to press in i want to just seek you like never before god fill me with your spirit and it's really a cry of desperation it's a it's a it's a silencing that voice to hear his voice even more in the bible i won't even bore you with it for those who are interested you can get my book on fasting the bible talks about fasting throughout the entire bible ezra fasted and nehemiah fasted and david fasted and moses fasted and david fasted and someone called jesus fasted and he said my disciples it will fast when the bridegroom was taken away and we see it throughout church history so it's a forgotten doctrine i'm going to be speaking on this issue wednesday september 22nd so we're using september to get ready this is your notice begin weaning off of the caffeine alcohol sugar processed foods sodium nitrates food co want me keep going or you got the picture okay begin weaning yourself off of those things i'm talking to the remnant right now i know most of you it's in one ear and out the next but those who want to get ready get serious september is your month and they come on september 22nd wednesday i'm going to speak about this issue of fast and get you motivated on it and then next wednesday i would not miss because it's a worship night all we do is worship all we do is worship and it's going to be an hour and a half or so of worship next wednesday and if you're new to the church and you haven't signed up yet this coming saturday there's a meet and greet so if you've even if you've been coming a few months or you have some questions i'm going to talk about the church answer questions about the church free food this saturday at 12 but you have to sign up so either it's been coming six months or eight months you've never been to one of these you don't know a lot about the church make sure to sign up for it in the lobby and more important than signing up show up yes thank you we often have some a lot of leftover food people are excited and then i guess it fades away once the day gets here and again i just want to remind you that we do have a 6 a.m service and i know it's difficult but those things most important in life are usually the hardest to do and we make time and i'm amazing how many people sleep in front of target the day after thanksgiving i don't know if we do that anymore but you used to do that and so we make we we do things we have priority we make things a priority that are important to us so i just want to encourage you 6 a.m worship every other sunday we have live worship so the the worship team was here this morning at six and then next sunday it'll be it'll be over the intercom system and a lot of people at the altar bring your prayer requests i see three or four people i prepare my sermon and we just just put your prayer request down or in your pews and pray over the top things that god wants you there's nothing wrong with silencing everything else and just listening to god and then two other things we don't know yet but we are considering to see how and if it'll even work but sometimes the services are gonna flow into each other so the closing worship this morning for this service might flow into the opening worship for next service probably not this week but sometimes we want to be open for that we don't want to just stop a powerful service but i don't know how it's going to work with logistics and different things we did that in lancaster but i'm not sure how it's going to work here and sometimes with the church growing we have an overflow room now that people are in here as well the balcony seems to be full you have to get here on time if you want to check your kids in because when certain classes close they close we don't want to just fill in too many too many too many kids and enough helpers and then the final announcement give us a little grace on this area and uh other churches i'm sure as well with covid precautions if you've been coming here for a while you know my thoughts on this whole thing that's going on we have a real virus that's being obviously weaponized and nobody has the flu anymore no one has pneumonia nobody has anything everyone has coveted and so we we we understand the county regular you know county guidelines different things i've i've fought against those before and i'm not gonna get in a lot of detail now but um if we have to you know make a few changes here and there just give us a little grace we're fighting it for one for example we're moving the prayer room outside this morning with good weather other than the fact that is even wednesday was full it was congested too many people there's a line down the hallway it's even good to get it outside give people more room it's just common sense so um we're not we're not you know backing down and and being cowardly about it but it's a real virus we don't want people to get sick you know we want to use wisdom when we can uh so that's it's going to be out back so after the prayer after the service me and the prayer team are going to be right out back under a prayer tent and we're going to pray with those who need prayer for for healing for deliverance for their marriage for whatever it is we want this to be a place of prayer and then the worship team is going to continue worshiping and we also have communion different things i'll get into so with that said i am excited to start the very first message in the series going through the entire bible now what that looks like is anyone's guess because i'm not doing verse by verse by verse even though i could it would take about eight years to ten years to do it that way that's i'm just being honest that's about what it takes um i'm gonna sometimes in genesis yes and other chapters verse by verse for sure but when you get to proverbs that's a little difficult you know he's all over the place and so and when you get to the minor prophets sometimes here's what hosea said here's what he spoke to and you can key verses you don't have to necessarily go through every single verse so i'm going to be open to what god wants to do but here's a few key reminders and i might remind you about this from time to time we need to always ask who is thinking for me because you're not necessarily thinking for yourself it's okay check your phones now make sure they don't vibrate uh you're not always we think oh i'm thinking for myself you're either being influenced by god and his word and his principles or you're being influenced by the pull of the world in the world system we're not neutral we're we're led one way or the other so listen to wednesday's message that i just gave i'm not sure how much longer it's going to be on youtube i will just tell you that right now they have been warned from a few people that that's probably coming down and so listen to wednesday's message it's on youtube on who thinks for you and the reason is so important because there is a civil war of ideas being fought right now the civil war in our nation that is being fought is a war of ideas how world views how people think and i like what i don't know who it is necessarily but i saw on facebook christy johnston i don't mean she goes here right his name sounds familiar may it never be said of me that i was silent in the face of fear and in doing so i passed the battle on to my children and so it's a key reminder and i know it's difficult i'm in the fight like you are not everyone likes what i do i know it's hard to believe but there is quite a bit of criticism quite a bit of demonic attack quite a bit especially when you get political um and you know you hit hot button issues boy oh boy this is a loaded gun we have we live in this this world and everything what you say it seems to be like a loaded gun all the time and then also we need to keep this in mind who you are speaks so loud that what you say can't always be heard so remember it's about who we are our character our character who we are how we act not about quoting scriptures all the time but but living out the scriptures and then when we speak them it gives it a lot more weight and then as we're in genesis especially questioning science is science never forget that questioning science is science and one of the issues out there you know if you know me i like to speak on what's going on and i don't have all the answers christians have a good pulse on things but we don't have a perfect pulse we've been wrong before and we have that's why i'm a lot more careful now to just kind of let's pray about certain things let's make sure that news story is correct amen and but science so it's going on with the vaccines or masks and different things it's good it demands questions and when they want to silence questions it makes you really wonder what is going on and so science questioned science it always has over the years and always especially i remember it was 150 a.d i believe it was uh one scientist i think it was um i don't remember his name i think i've ever written down he recorded and they taught and they believe they're exactly 1022 stars but what happened something was invented called the telescope and we we learned a lot more they they used to practice i think george washington one of our first president was used this remedy it was called blood leading where they would drain your blood to get rid of the disease i mean we can talk about ddt on your skin for mosquitoes right little kids and uh lead-based paint and it's okay for pregnant women to uh smoke and something called cocaine was in coca-cola and you know we we're not perfect scientists make mistakes god doesn't and so it's okay to question things and i want to encourage you i it's fine to question god's word as long as it comes from a right heart okay let me frame that up here if you don't have questions i'd like to talk to you afterwards if you understand genesis to revelation especially revelation no questions whatsoever you got it down love to talk to you it's okay to say lord i don't understand that i don't i love you i appreciate i just don't understand this but you're an errant you're wise you're all knowing you're sovereign i trust this that's actually what happened many of you know but some don't know that billy graham had a had just a almost real walked away from his faith probably when he's around 30 years old someone by the name of chuck templeton was much they said smarter better preacher than billy graham but he got educated went to university and began to doubt the bible begin to doubt things that were in it and begin to challenge billy how do you know this how look at this science proves this science says look at how and then he had a he had a just a struggle of his faith he couldn't preach anymore he was he was considering going to that same university and one day he went up into the mountains out by palm springs and laid his bible on the on the stump of the tree and he said lord i don't understand everything but by faith i'm believing that this is your word and from that day forward he never had to have that challenge again so faith does play a role we don't check our brains at the door but we also have faith in who god is and in his word it doesn't it doesn't contradict itself as people think and then also another thing to remember again i'm just giving you this these key reminders for this series it's so important we must be tolerant but not tolerate sin and that is the challenge you hear that you're not intolerant you're intolerable no we're we're very tolerable and we're tolerant we understand people struggling we're tolerant of that but we can't be tolerant of sin we can't just you know throw things under the rug not talk about it just tolerate everything and that's that's a hard balancing act too because some things cannot be tolerated by what is happening in our nation what we're seeing but other things people struggling with sin we have to be tolerant of that and love them through it and help them through it so it is a hard balance to find i'm going to seek to find that balance and then number five one more the old testament is like a dimly lit room and the new testament shines a light on it so we're gonna be using i'm gonna be using both the old and the new talking and not talking to each other but but uh shedding this light onto each other it's all one word it's all god's word and if you want to know how do we get our bible how is it trustworthy how did it why do you say this is god's word and you need to go to our website and look at the message how we got our bible what translation is best that's what's called how we got our bible what translation is best and i talked about it for an hour on how we actually got the word of god and why we believe it is an error-inspired word of god and as we go through it i'm going to talk about each week probably some of the controversy or some of the things in question or some of the questions out there that some of our teens sent in and some of you have sent in and then finally i love this one spurgeon said it no authority is more powerful than scripture for it is not only true but it has the force to support it so the word of god as we're looking at it and i have uh man i don't know how much to share with you or not because you know you get in trouble sometimes but there's i have pastor friends who actually makes the at least i know that i wouldn't say they're friends they say they make statements like well we i we can't really trust some of paul's writings you're already going down buddy you're already you just jumped on the slippery slope and you're heading down well that was back then shane that was the culture of their day and so now there are some things that are cultural that's why you have to look at the historical context of scripture the complete context the overall context the historical ramifications for example one of the things um on this on the issue of you'll read in the bible head coverings i personally that women must wear head coverings i personally believe that that was a cultural thing in the middle east that signified a submission to her husband like you see now they're covered up in the middle east if i would say morgan i just read the scripture get on that head covering every sunday don't it's not it's it wouldn't send the right message you missed the message the message is submission i submit to christ and die to christ love my family and then the the headship that we'll get into in a little bit too as we go through genesis so see that was a cultural thing it sends a certain message so some things i do believe we're cultural but they not moral implications not the moral laws of god's word never change they are still the same and they're still consistent if god said thou shalt not he's not saying thou shalt now he doesn't he doesn't change in that area and so the title of the message is who did this who who who did this i think we have it on the screen uh the uh who put all this together who created all of this and do you know there's millions of people even in america they teach in our universities that it all just happened it all just happened that's like me saying they're all going to put themselves in order a nice straight line okay it's going to go back to let's see anybody want to see it's going to make a nice straight orderly line all right let's who want let's do this let's pick it up and keep trying until it does anyone want to stick around why order cannot come from chaos there has to be a a create i need those bad guys don't take kevin is that you taking one of those and all right but that's the whole point who did this oh you look it's okay we can we can wait matthew you like to i know it makes bothers me too it's all over the place it's like they have to have a nice see we have to have it nice and orderly so that's the point who did this who created all it just it just did not come from nothing something comes from nothing order comes from chaos let's just use our mind and the and when you talk to people who like you you've watched videos with with hitchens or hawkings or these famous atheists they are just mad at god but there's no god so what are you mad at so it's an issue of the heart it's not really an issue of facts it's an issue of the heart i don't want there to be a god because this is absolutely i mean that's what i told pastor abraham this week this is the most exhausting sermon series i've ever done because i you could just camp out at genesis 1 for three weeks when i started to look at the just the you can you can google all this make sure you find the right page though but the the probability of life on earth what has to happen with the nitrogen level and the oxygen level and the atmospheric pressure and i'm like it just boggles your all the these perfect little things that have to happen to support life if it's even off balance at one percent there's no life and so so all that come on come on who's really foolish here they think christians are foolish and oh you check your brains at the door you don't use intellect no you don't you think all this just happened that's that's you have greater faith actually you have greater faith than i do so who did this hebrews 11 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen so see there is an element of faith in there i don't hide away from that of course you you take wisdom common sense look at what god has given us creation screams creator and then you place a place of faith in what god has done and is doing science and faith what i have found confirm each other they don't disagree they they confirm and you look why are there sea shells on the top of mountains global flood oh no that could have never happened what were was the earth ever connected you notice how the connection and then great cataclysmic event and and the the deeps were open and mountains were formed and i mean i have no other explanation even one of the top atheists when he was pressured it was either hawkings or hitching hitchens i don't remember somebody was pressing him it's pressing him well where did it come from and he finally just said like we came on well maybe we came on the back of crystals from aliens okay who who made the aliens it's just it's but they hate god they hate the concept of god they hate morality they hate anything to do with god because the darkness has bound them and they hate the light it's a battle it's a battle even darwinism if you've if you've researched that and most scientists even now are saying how could this even possible they can't there's no what they call the missing link right you don't see how you don't see species changing from from you don't catch that in the fossil record you catch nothing you see what you see in the fossil record i talked to atheists about this before and they agree you see a mass mass extinction in the fossil record just billions of animals laid out okay well where did that happen where how did that maybe a flood and so there is the the science and faith granted there are some things that don't line up i mean don't line up i shouldn't say that we just don't quite understand but there's so much there that where faith and science agree and so we're not reckless in this belief there is evidence i just saw this on facebook a quote when scientists cannot accurately predict the weather in their local community how can they tell us with assurance what happened in another galaxy 4 billion years away and now so i don't come across too critical we love scientists we need scientists i think there's some scientists that come here maybe a rocket science just once came and so we love it you appreciate it but you have to understand that that we're they're infallible i'm sorry they're fallible god is infallible they are they are with air we make mistakes uh if you look at what heart surgeons or what they used to do with hearts and different things 100 years ago and what they recommend now and you see that we're progressing we're learning certain things and without with even einstein's that what is that e equals mc squared energy equals mass something something times two you know you guys know the smart ones no out there but even that you know was was was he was challenged by certain people and we don't we're still learning that's all i'm saying and so some of there's been carbon dating testing where they said this is like billion years old and they come to find out it was formed by a volcano about 300 years ago and it's just and so we my point is we cannot trust in science we can glean from it we can learn from it but i put it into the filter of god's word not the other way around and to me god's word makes complete sense in light of science well i was mentioned his name is claudius who recorded 1022 stars in 80 150 and that was the standard that's what they because what did they do they saw blessed do not trust in your own understanding do not trust in your own understanding lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge god and because we here's the thing with with faith faith is the evidence of things not seen so this see i see something how many of us are saying right now this is not going to work out well lord i see not too i'm not too hopeful on no september 14th if you can if you can rig a a national election you can probably you know you can probably play some games with the state election too sorry i won't go there but you can you see things i don't see i don't i don't see there's not a lot of hope i don't see things aren't going good and or your kids aren't walking with the lord i don't see see we look at how we see and what we think is going to happen god sees the big picture that's why he says trust in me have faith faith is the evidence of things not seen lord i can't see it but you can so i trust in you not in our economy not in the military not in the news i trust in you and you alone i have faith in you and then you walk out that faith and by walking out that faith you respond to things you don't react you don't live like the world lives you don't live in fear it you you you look to god in his word and then before i start genesis 1 the last scripture that is so important and i love reading the scriptures because a lot of people are really they don't know the scripture so when they see it really the light comes on but romans 1 20 is huge i did choose the english standard version i've memorized before the new king james and the king james for the invisible attributes are clearly seen and this one though really speaks to the issue as well for his invisible attributes god's attributes who he is namely his eternal power meaning what is his eternal power creation his ability to create and his divine nature have been vaguely perceived they have been clearly perceived ever since the creation of the world in the things that have been made so that people are without excuse so here's your answer when people say what about that poor little boy in the jungles of africa who've never heard about jesus god's invisible attributes are clearly seen god will reveal himself no matter where a person is they're without excuse that's why a person is without excuse because god it's clear with people with a thinking mind can see i'm not god i'm a speck of dirt on this planet i need to know who you are and that's why god gives visions and dreams to many in the muslim countries or those in africa or the jungle they'll see they don't know exactly jesus's name but they see or god will reveal himself to those who are truly seeking they're without excuse but romans goes on to say but they suppress the truth in all ungodliness it's like pushing a ball under water they surpr you know that that have you ever done that in the pool and that boy i've got nailed a couple times right in the chin with the basketball and that's what we're gonna and so suppressing the truth the more you begin to suppress the truth god says i will give them up to a depraved and corrupted mind i began to compare what was on the media 30 years ago to now and it's demonic and perverted it's it's it's unbelievable think about how far i mean let's go let's go 40 years i love lucy leave it to beaver bathing suits one piece from neck to ankle right the women wearing an ankle on their umbrellas and and there's just but then they slowly and now you got little nas x on youtube saying he's pregnant putting his blood into his shoes and and billy irish or whatever her name these videos or weekend whatever and like i watch 10 seconds i'm like how do they want this is this is this is glorified perverted illicit sex and a demonic satanic atmosphere and we're worshiping it and we're welcoming people say why are we so depraved in america let me tell you why god gives them up to a debased and corrupted mind unless they turn back to him and so that's the foundation 20 minutes to get to the genesis 1. and on genesis i think it's important to read a lot of the scriptures that we're going to put them up on the screen it was a daunting process putting this together because i want to adequate i just want to throw something together you know i want to be prayed up lord what do you want to speak to us and probably 15 20 hours this week just pouring into this and verse by verse in this consent but then i also have a ellipses you know what that is those three periods and that's where maybe i'll take out a couple portions of scripture because it's kind of repetitive it's just saying the same thing and and so we get to the point a little bit quicker but genesis 1 opens with this genesis 1 1 in the beginning who god created the heavens and the earth so see if it has to start there that's where most people get off track or on track if you're off track in the very first verse of the bible the rest is going to fall apart well i don't know about that shane you know i i can't quite buy into that well it's a fair question take it to god and let him reveal himself to you but in the beginning so there was a that tells me there was a beginning meaning when time started it wasn't beginning of god and i like my daughters like to ask and can kids ask the best questions ever you're like they stumped me more time i'm like well let me get back to you on that one i mean a while back they said who created god then dad well no one well how no one how did he come you know there's a level of faith there god was always existed he actually exists outside of time he's not a time table or in a cl he's not he's not winding down he's not going to fade away he's he lives outside of time so when he created in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth the time clock started how do i know that because they talk about and in the end so with the beginning you have to have the end so in the beginning period whenever that was god created the heavens and the earth and then verse two the earth was without form and void and i did a hebrew word study on those basically means without shape without character without any type of of like we couldn't live on it that's for sure it was just this blob of darkness and and massive of of planets and different things and and so without it was without form it was void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the spirit of god we're just saying about the spirit of god it's in first second verse here the spirit of god is so important don't be afraid of the the holy spirit so many people say i don't want to get weird no you don't want to get weird but you want to get filled you want to get filled with the spirit of god that's biblical paul said be filled with god's spirit can you imagine the spirit of god controlling you in these dire times when you can walk into government officials and stand your ground and say things in love and know that persecution is coming know that the times are getting difficult but because i'm filled with the spirit of god the pressure on the outside is not greater than the strength on the inside i'm able to hold back the tide of darkness because the spirit of god is residing in those who love him and are filled with him that's how you change the nation that's how you change the church you're filled with god's spirits [Applause] and this the spirit of god was was hovering over the face of the waters now you're ready to get controversial [Music] how old is the earth every time we talk about this people send me books either from ken ham or uh what's the old earth guy the main astrologist he's a he's astrophysic no nobody knows that's good ken ham and the other luke you know are you are you in here anywhere oh hugh ross thank you we've talked about this before so they're both on fully different sides of the spectrum the age of the earth and actually believe it or not a lot of it has to do with what we just read there's something called the gap theory the gap theory meaning is there a gap because god lives outside of time so in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth he created so should it could it have kept like that for millions of years because he lives outside of time could it i mean that you know you want to know my thoughts don't worry i'm getting there i'm a little opinionated now well i'll just sum it up how's that it goes back to the question nobody has perfect theology i mean the best theologian in the world are divided could could it be a long period of time in this first verse i guess it could sure in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth but once god starts his creative order i see literal days because on the sixth day god seventh day god rested and he gives us a seventh day to rest the evening and the morning were the first day and so just the reading i've looked at the hebrew word yom could mean decades could be a period of time i but i also look at the language the sentence structure the the order of things but then you get to part where like adam set and named all named all the animals and couldn't find a help me it's like well that could he name all the animals in a one day like that i mean there's so many you think you know there's some there's some thinking that goes on but in my opinion okay sure there could be a long long long period of time here do i personally think so no i don't personally think so i think i think god created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and darkness and then god began his creative order however it's not a hill to die on and some people have got really mad at me on shane you're if you think that then you're you're encouraging evolution no i'm not i'm not saying people evolved i'm i'm i'm just saying let scripture speak for itself and people say but look at how old the earth looks well how old did adam look when he was one second old let me grab the dust of the earth breathe in him became a living being how old does he look 30. he doesn't look nine months come on guys so god created adam like that so he looks 30 so if you see him go no he's got to be 30 years old so i'm not buying that how it looks of course it's going to god creates something it's not going to look fresh and new necessarily it's going to look like his his point of creation so my point is those who believe in like a gap theory or the earth could be millions or billions of years old it's not necessarily healed to die on now if they use it to promote evolution yeah that's not good and that's where ken ham always goes he always thinks that these guys are probably promoting evolution and i don't think that but then i read hugh ross and he gets a little out there and some weird stuff i don't quite understand where he's coming from a lot of things and so we have to realize both men are valuable god's word is not i just take it to mean in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth he knows how who i mean what has it got to do with why do we want to argue about it the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the earth and the spirit of god is hovering over the face of the waters okay and then is it interesting isaiah 40 22 said the circle of the earth the circle of the earth i don't know if i want to touch on this one should i touch on this one you guys know where i'm going don't you if i get another flat earth pamphlet mail to me my friends work at nasa now says not of the devil astronauts have taken pictures you see current pictures now from google earth you can see it's a spirit's round do i even need to go any further can you okay long as you know where i stand please do not start watching everything on the youtube earth is flat george w bush planned the twin towers i mean come on you give me a break job 26 7 god hangs the earth on nothing isaiah 40 22 god stretches out the heavens like a curtain and they still think they have the the universe is expanding is it interesting the size of the universe and see i could have spent another two sermons here it's just so hard to find out where it's do you know how long it takes light to travel to the moon one thousand one one thousand two two seconds i think it's like 156 000 miles per second but to get to the end of the universe i don't remember i'm not going to say it because it's some a crazy number like 400 million years don't quote me please i'm just you know trying to go off but how the moon's right there and then how the the expansion of the universe it's just incredible and so i'm not going to have some scientist who is with air tell me he knows how to measure the speed of light across the entire universe and gauge how old it is i i'm not quite trusting that i'm going to trust god and say lord whatever it is i don't know how old it is exactly looking at your word i would assume that these are literal days when god said let there be light verse there was light and god saw the light and it was good and god divided the light from the darkness and god called the light day and the darkness he called night so the evening and the morning were see i can't put that in a million year beers there's just no way i can do that personally so the evening in the morning were the first day and again i already talked to you about this god gave his example of resting on the seventh day and our example to rest on the sabbath so many other things i mean i could have spent probably another 15 minutes on on the age of the earth but i don't think we it's where we need to spend our time right now then verse 6 then god said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters and god called the firmament the heavens so the evening and morning were the second day so this nobody's clear either but we it appears that there was some type of canopy some type of expansion of the sky there there is something different because even those in the flood the great deeps the great deep opened up there's a cataclysmic type of event that happened and then god said let the waters under the heavens so the the waters be gathered together into one place and then let the dry land appear so it appears that the waters were one place and the land was one place look at a globe what does it look like the land was created so you can't see and when you take tectonic plates and those plates move on a massive scale god opens the deep and the these plates move what do they do they push against each other and form something called mountains folded mountains or box mountains or different volcanic mountains can form as well so you see all this is consistent with creation that's why i mean god's it's just it's just amazing for example let's just take an example you take the book of mormon you can't find one single location mentioned in the book of mormon not a piece of weaponry not a city nothing it's almost like it's a fable and please hear my heart people get upset that might upset somebody why why do you mean to people that's not mean that's telling the truth you better get your definition correct because we are living in times right now where the line of demarcation is being drawn in the sand and we've got to speak the truth in love that that's actually i believe it's cowardly not to say anything if you say with the right heart with the right motive with the right tone of course you can be poking and making fun and that might have might came across a little too making fun but my point is there's nothing to substantiate that zero and they put the book of mormon above the bible yet there's nothing in it and and when you go to the teaching the secret ceremonies of the wedding uh that you'll be a god someday like god and rule a planet and have celestial sex and have spirit children that's apostate that's unbiblical and so we should speak the truth and love i want to shock somebody so much they shock them out of that religion because they test it and they check it jesus did it chain when i am the only way i am the only truth i am the only life nobody nobody nobody comes to the father except through me not buddha not muhammad not harry krishna not joseph smith now bring him young nobody comes to the father except for me [Applause] not the papacy not the roman catholic church you want to keep going it's i am the only way right there that's the line of demarcation in the sand if god would fire you up with the holy spirit you'd be bold as well because you have to you have to tell people the truth i don't know when it was but i was thinking um it comes up a lot you know our conversation with our kids and you know why i say things people ask why you say things man you're gonna government's not gonna like this i'd rather die bold and loving the lord than live a coward live all of my life a coward now i want to use wisdom i don't want to go before my time but i can't live because the spirit of god will not live let you die cowardly he can't it's it's bubbling up the kid's singing that song of vbs can't get out my mind bubbling up bubbling up you know it's a it's the holy spirit bubbling up inside of you it comes boldness how and i a lot of these stories you know you don't know what to believe out there but there are some reputable sources that like entire churches were wiped out in afghanistan i don't know if you know this but the recordings on the phone of just going in and just just shooting them and they would not deny jesus christ that's boldness that comes from the filling of the holy spirit the thing the people mock is the thing they need that feeling of the spirit and then verse 11 then god said let the earth bring forth so actually what you see here is three days creating and then three days filling the earth or so close to that then god said let the earth bring forth grass here comes the grass here comes the herb here comes the the yield seed the fruit trees that yield fruit according to its kind and so god created all the grass all the herbs all the trees all these things so the evening and the morning were the third day okay so he's getting it ready now here comes the creation then god said let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and seasons so see seasons are good for days and for years then god made two great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser night to rule the night so we have the sun and the moon so the evening and the morning were the fourth day then god said let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures if you think if you if you're starting to think too highly of yourself just keep this in mind you weren't even created yet he's creating grass comes before us and and herbs and trees and but see he's getting it ready he's getting the earth completely ready for his creation it's just amazing if you really ponder everything all of you need to remember in case i forget this but you are created in god's image let that encourage you maybe you're maybe you're you know but but i've been adopted or i'm in the foster care system or this or that or i just can't i've no suicidal thoughts you are created in the image and likeness of god almighty that should be enough encouragement to see you through because that image of god that is in creation god's creative work and his redemptive work on the cross it's just amazing and then verse 20 then god said let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures and let the birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of heaven see there's a distinction there again so the evening and the morning were the fifth day okay so everything is getting ready correct is it almost over again the service hmm i have to hold some of this for next week well let me just get through the important part then god said let the waters abound with the abundance of living creatures the birds everything and this was the fifth day verse 24 let the earth bring forth living creatures according to its kind then god said let us make man in our image wait a minute what is our image and see this is where we see the first hint of the trinity all those people say there is no trinity you're teaching false doctrine god said let us make man in our image well how do i know it wasn't a translator because you can look at the hebrew word that is elohim and that is the plurality plural nature of god you have e-l-l single ella duel and elohim that god said and not me now do i understand it no way hear oh israel the lord thy god is one but let us make man in our image the spirit descended the father spoke and the son was baptized three in one you you take it by faith there's no other way to take it you don't worship three different gods you worship god elohim let us make man in our image this this is incredible so whatever that the image is not the original correct and according to his likeness so some type of of of image of god the his character maybe his nature maybe the dominion over the earth where there's so many things there's an image that that god puts the his image in the human race in the dna and if you ever study the human body have you ever studied kinesiology or now with immune immunology with immune system and in this skeletal system and the muscular system and the it's just the hormonal system it's just the human body is amazing absolutely amazing and god spoke that into existence and so i've created you in my image and let them have dominion over the fish over the birds over the cattle over the earth over everything on the earth man is to wet not dominate that word dominion dominate it is to lead to be over to steward so when when people say for example christians or you're you're you're against environmentalists i'm i'm christians should be very really good environmentalist in the right term the right term we go up in the high sierra mountains i tell the kids we're gonna leave here cleaner than when we got here you see a little piece of trash you don't we take care we should be the best stewards of god's environment that's out there because we understand we have been given dominion over these things and it's interesting have you seen any those clips on uh you know those big big uh windmills like the the the thing is the size of this building almost and and when those break they have to go and bury them in the dirt and you see a big d10 it's the biggest bulldozer they make covering all all of these white big what do they call those blades yeah acres and acres and so much for green energy how is that good and how much how much energy it takes to make an electric car or the battery i mean it's just it's just mind-boggling because a lot of these things are an agenda so just just be careful so have dominion over it so god created man again verse 27 he's repeating it in his own image in the image of god he created him male and female i think that's pretty important he goes out of his way to say that so you again are created in god's image not the original which would like the mormon mormon church would teach that god was once like us and as he followed certain things he became god and they take one scripture that said that when jesus said you are gods and actually in the bible it's lowercase g if you look the word up in the original it's magistrates you are you are less than even the angels you are to rule over so to take these things and make a false doctrine out of it is alarming and so we represent his nature his character and he commands us to rule over it so i want to with this closing i want to encourage you be encouraged be encouraged i like what spurgeon said oh the value of a soul when both god and the devil are after it be encouraged this morning being young adults get this message out to young adults put it on tick tock on instagram let them know you are created in the image of god stop listening to this garbage on the tv that tells you you are nothing you are you should kill yourself you are nothing but the product of evolution and remind them no you are created in the image of a living god and i know i know for many of us it's hard to embrace that because we say but i'm damaged goods do you ever feel that way i've shared before i don't think i should be up here we feel but to god i'm damaged and norman geisler great theologian said during the fall our god's image in us was effaced not erased so the image has been damaged but it's not gone it's been marred it's been abused but that image of god that that that dna he creates something in you there's there's that image of god that's why we believe in the sanctity of life that's why i believe in those who have no voice and remember some of the best hymns we we sing them from time to time some of the best hymns come from damaged goods i've i don't know why and it just blows my mind but god often uses the damaged goods more than the goods that think they've got it all together oh i've graduated highest in my class and i've got this and i don't do anything and i'm god god says i'm looking for the damaged goods and that's where the hymns come from that's where powerful worship comes from that's where powerful sermons come from that's from powerful ministries come from they come from damaged goods and creator bringing them back what about the him amazing grace how sweet the sound the what that saved a wretch like me john newton was a slave trader he killed men he abused men yet he sat there on that massive vessel and years later wrote i was blind but now i see i was lost but now i'm found oh amazing grace how sweet the sound to save a wretch like me and those amazing hymns it is well it is well with my soul do you ever sing that one it is well as sea billows roll it as well it is well with my soul do you know he pinned those lines over the atlantic ocean right where the vessel went down that took his four daughters or prone to wander lord i feel it prone to leave the god i love written by written by robert robinson he was a drunk he was a prodigal he left the lord after he wrote that hymn and he was on a stage coach and this lady was all excited go listen you got to read these lyrics prone to wander lord i feel and he began weeping she's like what's wrong he said he said lady i'm the unhappy fellow who wrote those lyrics oh if i could just come back to the savior if i could come back to him again oh what can wash away my sin nothing but the blood of jesus we've got to get back to the old truths the passion the call and i spoke earlier of charles templeton billy graham who walked away from the lord it was interesting interesting that lee strobel interviewed him near the end of his life and they began to talk about jesus and begin to cry then this hardened agnostic said but i do miss him but i do miss him all the way my savior leads me you know that's a hymn too all the way my savior leads me fanny crosby blind since birth wrote it along with 7 000 other hymns 100 a year for seventy years all the way my savior leads me cheers each winding path i tread gives me grace for every trial feeds me with living bread though my weary steps may falter and my soul a thirst may be gushing from the rock before me a spring of joy i see the greatest weapon you have often is your brokenness and your damaged goods take that to god and let him rebuild it he rebuilds it stronger so you must answer this question this morning who did this who put all this together i don't know where you're at this morning but you you've got to make that decision if you've drifted from god it's time to come home don't live in that prodigal state if you've never made that decision make it today how in the world did all this just happen something the size of our plant just hangs in the universe just enough distance from the sun so we're warm but not an iceberg if it was a little little closer we'd be we'd be just everyone be fried literally it's just just a little little further that couldn't support life who holds that together and you're gonna fear the government you're gonna fear what's going on begin to begin to get at 6am morning worship that should be the busiest service of the day i'm just telling you i'm just shooting you straight or wednesdays get into god's house and begin to worship him and we're going to go into a time of communion the worship team is going to come back up i just want to put up a picture i had them actually find this morning i was at morning worship this morning it was just they sang a song just be and said just be just be here at your feet i just had this spot of being under can you imagine being there under the cross at calvary and you watch you watch calvary's blood run down you watch the savior's blood run down on the ground on the cross can you imagine being at that that scene i can't even comprehend it the weeping that would happen and that's what we do at a time of communion we remember the cross this is a time where believers or those making a profession of faith today the bible says repent and believe in the gospel repent don't just don't intellectual knowledge repent heart knowledge repent and believe in the gospel and then we take communion i'm not going to come back up here you can come up during the the first song the second song the communion is going to be up front and the balcony has it up front as well and you just come you just take it at your seat take it at the altar remember the blood that was shed that's the whole point of that the juice remembering that the blood was shed for me remembering the body that was broken and something that i i want to ask god someday maybe i don't know but why why couldn't he just die quickly just without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sin just shed the blood but there was a bruising there was a beating there's a denying there's a mocking there's a slapping there's a spitting on there's a whipping his creation is killing the creator his body was broken for our transgressions bruised for us and so as we go into that communion that's a time to remember get our hearts right paul says don't take it in an unworthy manner make sure the heart is right make sure that there's full repentance last thing you want to do is take communion but i'm going to continue in my sin that's blasphemous and that's why paul said many of you are sick or dead because you take the lord's supper without examining your heart we come up and we say thank you lord for dying for me and for shedding your blood for my sin but i'm going to go home and not change a thing how sad it is but be encouraged nobody goes home perfect including me but there's a difference we've seen somebody says lord help me i want to stop it's like the pig and the lamb both find their way to the mud the lamb hates it and cries out in its miserable condition the pig loves it and wallows in the sin that's the difference so lord as we take communion this morning i pray your spirit would move in the hearts of those here this morning some need to come back to you some need to fully confess you as savior and lord some need to give up doubt and fear and discouragement and begin to focus on you and the cross and how powerful you really are when we see how powerful you really are to speak the heavens into existence our problems seem so small so lord comfort your people this morning encourage us in jesus name amen amen so what we're going to do is we're going to stand and as you're if you like you don't have to but as you're standing the communion is going to be up front so you can come at your leisure there's not a there's not a rush during this song the next song and then we're also opening the back door here we're going to have the prayer team including myself but you don't need to pray with me i don't have special prayer prayer powers we're all we're all christians we're all believers there's gonna be a prayer team out back so if you need prayer for something we believe we are a church that believes in healing we're a church of belize and people being able to be set free and set free from addictions and strongholds we believe in a god who heals marriages and brings prodigal sons home we believe in a god who who will overcome the demonic darkness but we gotta pray we gotta press in we gotta pull down heaven so when you're ready if you are meet us right out back and you can actually go to your car straight from there thank [Music] the you makes the death to hear right now your blood takes away the curse right now your blood heals every disease right now your blood sets the addict free right now and i still believe you're the same today and forever and i [Music] still believe your blood is sufficient for me your blood mends the broken heart right now your blood compels me to forgive right now your blood transforms my mind right now your blood brings the dead to life right now [Music] still believe you're the same yesterday today and forever [Music] today and forever still believe your blood is sufficient for me [Music] you're the higher power darkness cannot stand no longer bound [Music] darkness cannot stand no [Music] darkness cannot stand [Music] cannot [Music] [Music] [Music] i am believe you're the same yesterday today and forever [Music] still believe your blood is selfish [Music] [Applause] today and forever [Music] for me i still believe you're the same yesterday today and forever and i still believe your blood is sufficient for me and i still believe you're with us [Music] today and [Music] forever is sufficient for me [Music] [Music] [Music] between us how high the mountain i could not climb in desperation turned to heaven and spoke your name into the night then through the darkness your lovingkindness tore through the shadows of my soul work is finished the end is written [Music] jesus christ [Music] i could [Music] glory to where [Music] i am forgiven [Music] is [Music] set me free [Music] every day this salvation is [Music] set me free [Music] then came the morning [Music] that sealed the promise [Music] out of the silence [Music] on me [Music] out of silence [Music] is [Music] is [Music] jesus christ [Music] [Music] praise the one who set me death free lost its grip on me you have broken every day there's salvation in your name jesus christ [Music] thank you jesus you are our living hope god thank you that this is the day that you have made lord that we will rejoice and be glad in that god just thank you for who you are lord every single person here do you speak to them this week and what they draw close to you god all of us god we draw close to you reveal more of you to us god we love you lord we thank you for this day in jesus name amen [Music] so [Music] um yes is um so is uh
Channel: Westside Christian Fellowship
Views: 584
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ClrICHhVTlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 2sec (7202 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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