Who Can Find the Best Amphibious Vehicle on the Workshop? (Scrap Mechanic Multiplayer)

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all righty guys we're back with the workshop Triathlon uh today we've each picked three race courses from the workshop I should probably know who these are by I'll put them overlaid on the video now but we've got an off-road race we've got a Road Track and of course we've got a water race and the idea is that we each have to pick a single vehicle that can do all three tracks so the water track we're not you know there's not really much to it I mean it's just you know it's a it's track we drive around the only thing I'm going to note on the water track you guys is this is a little narrow here so you know I'm going first keep that keep that in mind right like that's wow that's the only notable part about this track other than that it's a water track you know the uh the road track is a little bit much so oh that's a lot that's a long TR wait are there jumps yeah there might be some so the road TR you got to get up this thing which is what how are you what theck you could do it I did it with a normal car if you can't do it I've put toilet seats down so you can you know you can just toilet seat yourself up and then spawn yourself a new nice of you oh no we're going to be able to fall off this way wait what is that on the right over there oh that's that's the fun stuff is that down or up is that going down or up it's up it's it's up so then you go this way and then you come around here right it's it's got Road it's a road are you sure it's this way yeah yeah it's this way for sure and then you come this way and then and then you have to do this and you got to do like you can't really do it fire but you got to like quarter flip your way over to here right and don't worry if you can't do it I've put toilet seats once again on the on the side here so if you can't do it with your vehicle just leave your vehicle down there and then go up the toilet SE we get one try and if we fail we use the toilet yeah use the toilet seat you're still going to be slower cuz you got to walk over to the toilet seats and then you got to spawn up here and then you go through the rest the course and that's and that's pretty much it right you guys you know it's simple enough cool okay I like it okay and then you know it just goes to finish but yeah so there are two spots that are kind of death but again toilet seats and then the off-road course is this right here and it's it's pretty long nothing too daunting about it uh the only thing I would notice is that you know this is probably one of the narrow sections here where you know you can't can't be wider than this okay right so pay attention to that and then the only other section is you got to go under these Bridges so don't be too tall oh oh that's not a lot yeah that is yeah that's very W definitely got to keep that in mind so I mean worst case if you can't make underge on this right here can I get a block count here yeah yeah we can probably extend a block count but yeah worst case so pretty much don't go more than a full yeah don't go more than a full drag okay but anyway if you can't make it under the bridge you can always just put your vehicle on the lift and just walk you know walk ahead but like true true you know so that's it that's that's that's all we got all right so did you explain the rules about picking Creations how that works yeah yeah I think so but we'll go over it again you got to pick one creation on the workshop that can do all three challenges and um you know we'll award points for first second and third and then uh we'll figure out who's the the best Workshop vehicle picker person but we can't we can't try the Creations before we we going to stick with what we get exactly just send it yeah I think I might have already found something that I'm that I'm mediocrely happy with yeah he's like do I want to do I want to save the good one for my courses see but the problem is the problem is when people say like fast in the description right do you really can you trust them cuz like this is fast fast and then you get in it and it's like a a go-kart speed and you're like all right bro like it's not it wasn't fast also like is there guarantee it's going to float that's true that's true this one looks like it's made of a lot of wood I kind of want to I kind of want to oh man I have a I have an interesting like search strategy here okay I'm going to go with it you know I'm going with my gut I'm going with my gut you guys ready y everybody on the count of three 1 2 3 oh God okay oh mine mine is huge okay yours yours is a lot of concrete dude for it supposedly to be able to or is that plastic maybe that's plastic that's plastic that's plastic block D I don't even know there's a bubble Block in there there's suspension glitch steering look at that that's going to be good oh that's good for boats that's good for boats yeah that's really good for boats you got thrust okay it looked much smaller scrap is made of tote heads for some for some reason we can show them off now and see what what this transforms oh it trans what bro I think we SP that one in work shop Hunters once that look familiar now oh mine's just oh mine spins on a dime apparently oh my okay well I think is mine yeah you got the suspension glitch and then I got lights and I got th I'm really fast got like oh man wait minute this is going to be steering what yeah mine is steering is very Twitchy for me wait wait where's oh mine started going backwards on my screen all right hold on okay good I can I can definitely change the engine setting a land boat without even needing wheels so oh boy so mine has button one is the left Thruster oh good button two is the right Thruster oh good this is turns that on oh oh you have a boat mode oh I do have a boat mode but I wonder if you know so I got to like turn I got to oh no I don't have reverse in boat mode SP the so fast and like no this is my steering I have to use one Thruster on one side and one Sor hear that you have any idea how hard steering is going to be compared to you guys oh no I'm a fre redeem yourself on the oh my gosh H all right let's do this let's go to the road let's run these things good luck SC I am not I mean I might do good on the offroad and all that stuff but maybe I don't know I didn't even think of the offro but look at this just just full send it yeah your steering is going to is a hack you guys have steering hacks all right count us in scrapman you've got the best vehicle all right 3 two 1 go watch scrapman win every race like yep oh slow and steady wins the race ah ah ah sorry guys it's tur I'm very sensitive out here did either of you think about the fact that we have to go up this uhoh I flipped up this ramp oh well I didn't think about the fact that I have to do it around you guys oh my God oh my God what I do oh gosh oh God I did not make it oh I flew I'm going to the moon and back I like way up here I'm going to I'm going to up my engine good I'm good all right we're good we're still on the corse is not having a good time excuse me Cosmo sorry buddy I did it you did it nice I think my vehicle can flat up fly with its own thrust wait are you still on the course where'd you go me yeah did you did you stay on the way ahead I'm yeah I'm still I'm still on the course oh boy yeah all right I'm trying to catch up now I see you behind the on the jump there oh no I'm going off the course um I got I got a bail what's your issue okay my vehicle fell off but I got it back stuck on my tailgate but I made the jump well just delete the delete parts and then respawn your creation no no no no no like I literally I'm I'm balanced on my tailgate it's okay don't worry about it okay I think I'm going to make you guys are I made the qu pipe transfer and I'm just doing an inverted flying maneuver to the oh I bounced off the track there's a quarter pipe transfer that sounds cool uh you guys are going to uh you're going to be in your words on the off-road course cuz I'm going to dominate that one yeah know I can't wait scra man I'm really excited to see it boy my go okay I made that somehow I landed the quarter pipe transfer did you actually yeah on your wheels I landed upside down I couldn't flip over I was able to flip over cuz I have wheels uhoh oh I'm falling off of this part though uh-oh my controls are not intuitive I fell off the easy part okay I'm I'm going full speed all right I'm going to have to I'm going to have to walk myself down here doing quite well I'm just drifting I think I'm drifting the final corner now on the road race oh yeah landed in a drift Cosmo would be so proud of me if it was dude I am I imagined it and I'm very proud of you I know I I thought I it was almost a backy dude almost a bagy I'm back on the course had to walk some of it oh what is this transfer boys did you make it you did not he didn't even he didn't even make the transfer didn't even make what kind of vehicle is that what the heck I honestly thought Cosmo was going to like no offense scrab it but kick your butt um dude you judging my vehicle just cuz my vehic extremely supension steering extremely Twitchy and it's not fast either true yeah the lack of speed might be killing you okay well Cosmo uh you might as well just come bump your engines up you could bump your engine up if you wanted yeah yeah we said you can change settings just not the build yeah but yeah you might as well come to the finish here Cosmo unless you want to unless you want I came in second no okay okay you can you can finish the race we'll let you finish all right you guys ready yeah it's time to become boats let's go all right mine floats real well Cosmos for sure got to FL it's uh let me try to turn to the left here real quick look at that I'm still B let me see you turn to the left okay you don't have to okay stop it I my problem is my thrusters are on a switch so I got to my my forward thrusters on a switch Yeah my I only have forward thrust and I just spin with suspension Cosmos floats real well it's like super smooth there yeah mine doesn't feel too bad oh let me turn my lights on there we go Ms really high mine was struggling for a bit but it uh you know it's now well at least if I get against a wall maybe I can use my wheels to like turn myself away from it all right uh Cosmo lost the last one so count us in yeah all righty 3 2 1 bat race oh my goodness I'm so slow I'm max speed right now so am I this is dude I am slower than that I am just atrociously slow this is an un actually I'm getting the hang of this I'm going to see if I can amp up my thrusters like stopping is obviously just detrimental anyway but they're Max oh that's that's unfortunate yeah I'm getting the hang of these thrusters though oh my this is why you don't get Lambo doors what's wrong with the lambo doors they're not they're wedged they're not opening I could get back in oh man KH you just got too much speed you're too late I read the description and the descri description wasn't lying I'm going as fast like I got all my thrusters active my turning thrusters and my forward Thruster no I'm just I'm just I'm just I'm in a fast carbo just like the description said you know all right well you can't choose that for our our Maps so I know it's I'm I'm very disappointed you used up your one free you used up your good one but you guys can't pick it either so it's just sort of out for every that's true yeah I am so surprised I did not crash once in this thing it's actually not bad I mean when you're going 2 km an hour it's kind of like hard to crash you know faster than you I've came in second already so I went right at the thing was I supposed to you know what I'm just going to go right I don't think it matters at this point did you skip the loop scrapman once yeah yeah I think I should have gone straight but I just went right cuz I'm so slow I we also forgot to mention who actually built these creations we should probably do that at some point oh yeah do it yeah we should probably we should probably give credit to where credits do um you know still anybody's game Cosmo there's still a final race left you know you're still in this yeah you still have a chance listen man mine is the only one that transforms so yeah true here I'll I'll I'll bring you went from you went for a form over function yeah exactly no yeah I didn't know it transformed even okay it looked small all right mine's by Thomas in case anybody was wondering it is okay ni Thomas you built a great car Thomas you mine's by Uncle G Uncle G okay so I got like com second B time so far so it's not it's not terrible mine is by penguin gamer 98 all right you guys ready to go offroading all right you can't really fit three wide here so I'll start in the back cuz no oh no we can fit three wide I don't I don't yeah we can do it we can do it we close your doors there are we all three going to f through this yeah he got to fold in the lambo doors bro I was flexing on you guys but all look at this okay we got it see all right well count okay count us in SC uh Cosmo all right yeah cuz I lost again I know 3 2 1 go he jumps the start well yeah I had to Honda boy you guys a bit all right let's go oh my gosh some Corners second place baby let's go to pass you that's that's it I just rammed them off the off the track basically all right there's some bumps here coming up oh oh nice the L my front oh gosh why is it so bumpy all the steering doesn't work well they got the topay they got the Mexican topay uhoh uhoh uh uhoh uhoh uhoh that's what a a speed bump is in Mexico it's a topay and they're gnarly they'll wreck your car what is it just like a hole in the road no no no it's like very like prominent concrete bumps or they'll do like heal like like half sphere thingies that are like in the ground and they they'll wreck your suspension I'm wall riding the vertical wall around the outside you a wizard that was so cool are you a wizard yeah no no I just picked an actual fast car I don't know what you guys were searching for I'm doing it too bro did you actually I kind of did it but I was basically just grinding my left side of my body on the ground and now I'm dead oh okay well scrap trying to catch up like this thing doesn't like it drives fine oh I'm just wall riding potential oh no why did I go boat mode I flipped on my side the oh I'm going to take pictures from on top of the bridge as they come through look at this's I'm prepared for it this course isn't wide enough for the two of us good good I'm just going to keep bullying you into third place come on I think even if you bully him into third place I think scrapman still beats you overall that's okay do I you go straight okay I forg to take the jump it just loses control wow where you go yeah you got go that there's a jump if you go inside corner you can take the jump and it's a shortcut huh Cosmo's taking the jump oh my God he's actually going to pass me for a second there oh that was close hello buddy who it's too bad mytery no no I haven't finished yet all right and then we go this way and then we go up over here uh it's not the end where's the end coming for you baby there's like a how long is this course it's pretty long it's long then we got to do one little curve here and then we're done like I'm capable of going so much faster but I just lack control oh straight away we got a straight away yeah man I could totally go f on the street wow are you kidding me yes what is this I needed was a straight away amazing engineering I was so slow on the turns but the straightaway is where I uh well GG's guys GG's uh like the same result for every race looks it's almost like whoever builds the fastest car or finds the fastest car has the fastest car try driving down scrap man huh try driving down yeah I I think I think that's how it goes but yeah I mean let's go who's next I scrapman I guess you're up next we're going to go we're going to go that away second wow not even a consolation prize well you can go you can go next too but you you came you came kind of came in last here's a lift bro thanks man
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 52,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic multiplayer, scrap mechanic workshop, scrap mechanic olympics, amphibious vehicle
Id: z4YNFk_NbII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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