Workshop Olympics 3! Who Can Find The Most Athletic Creations?

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welcome back to multiplayer Monday and today we are doing the workshop Olympics once again we're gonna have three Olympic events the boat race the long jump and the rock climb the nation of uh cantopia is joining the Olympic events the scrap yard wow wow what an original flag design man I'm really really important just gonna do that you just do that on the bottom that's all you do just blow the top lock on the bottom okay there that's the name there you go look at that it's just the moon wow we are so look at this amazing fantastic all right now that we've established our uh you know patriotism for ourselves is that just called narcissism is that what that is hold on actually I should have the the central brick of con land which is that am I invading is that what's happening oh yeah that's right that's wrong all right what are we so first event is what well we've probably established the rules of what makes Workshop Hunter so special is um that's right you have to fight yeah you have to find your competing vehicle on the workshop but you cannot test it out you have to judge it just by how it looks and whatever the description says on the workshop so you have to hope that I can accomplish the event effectively all right so the first event is the boat race we're gonna do two laps around this very uh you know it's not too big it's a decent circuit here medium um and I guess the rules are for boats is it can't fly yeah it has to be in the water floating boat okay and then and then the second event is what after the boats we're going to the long jump and then we'll do the rock rock climb there'll be more details when we get there all right get on the workshop search for your boats you can and search whatever Search terms you want you just gotta find something that qualifies as a boat see the tough thing is like sometimes it can look really good but it might just be like an aesthetic build well the other thing is it's got to be able to turn yeah that's that's that is the other tough thing you know what maybe you know what I'm gonna subscribe to this risky what looks good man yeah and with the boat like what if it was uploaded before the water updates like if it's an old one okay that's true all right hold on anything with bubble block you know that makes you kind of think that it's I don't know I'm going with this I'm going with this I don't know what's gonna happen yeah okay yeah oh no that's good all right subscribe I've I've picked my boat I don't know if this thing even like turns effectively it looks like it has turning in it but I'm gonna hope for the best yeah I'm gonna spawn mine first you guys you guys ready yeah let's see it this is called speedboat by either so slow it's time I figured it looks like a boat this ball is good okay it'll go quick you know be nimble yes oh this is nice oh boy does it [Laughter] [Laughter] made by John F Kennedy oh wow oh even though he was into boat making all right yeah especially scrap mechanic boat man all right so if you have Bubble blocks and oh my whoa boys it's got glitch steering this thing is beast mode and we also have thrusters to go underwater I can submarine too this is crazy that might be that way actually all right way fast I think I can close the blitz man that's gonna be so good mine is called you said was probably the fastest boat mine is called fastest boat by Venom No Yeah by Venom 13 11 43. so you're gonna take up the whole Waterway all right let's see okay all right it's a and d steering but it is with monsters oh okay oh I have to use a button I have to use a button to go you have to like it's a switch it's a switch it's so fast so I have to turn it on and off oh my goodness close to each quarter and then just turns one we've proven that mine is not the fastest I think okay it's just a matter of can I stay on the course at this point just from here we do two laps and come back to here you know this this little in this direction here all right yeah that sounds good here we go in three two one go all right boys wait I gotta shoot him oh yeah I have uh I have Bubble block oh no oh no so fast a little bit yeah you gotta do two laps to get your place okay here I come in for the second lap trying to shoot you oh my God all right here we go all right so does that mean I get first I'll get out of the way here yeah mumbo's coming in are you on the second laptop is what my boat is made to do okay I'll keep going I wish I had a wake I could hit you with I think we may have answered the question of if yours is probably the fastest boat answers no probably not all right moonbow comes in for second place and Khan well we won't make you do the second left oh no look he's gonna go for it you gotta do it see I searched for fastest boat and then decided to grab the probably one here we go there we go third place pecan all right awesome all right the second event is the long jump or the ski jump kind of because it's more like a ski jump so the rules are no use of thrusters your creation might have thrusters but you cannot use them and then each person's gonna get two jumps and their first jump is what counts because your first jump or whatever so yep do it all right all right sounds good get on searching time to do it all right um cat is really hard to do yeah it has to be like it can't just be a thing that jumps in place like it has to be able to ride down the ski jump you know there's a balance there I don't I don't I don't know man like it's I made a mistake on the last one of picking something that looks like it would work this one looks interesting I hate it when they it kind of looks interesting but the angle that they have the screenshot at is like the worst angle to see it I see Khan's jumping car uploaded by not coming that's what I see too if I download it's called like apparently it's mine but oh no no I just saw something on that that is not encouraging okay I found one there's certain things that you like we I don't know what the motor is set to you know I know yeah that was that was actually what uh what deterred me from one of them I saw it was an electric engine and I'm like oh that's just gonna have a fixed speed it's not gonna be good subscribe man you won first in the last event so let's see your creation first you can jump first and do all the first things and all right this is jumping car by sexy Amigo yeah yeah so oh wow okay simple it has some speed it's not the best speed there's another button here it has no connections okay all right Mumbo your second so let's see yours okay yeah uh let's see here this is the Ute Mark II by Corey Jake oh let's see got some big time suspension on this look at this very large back end that's super low lifted it has some suspension settings as well I think I can do some there it is look at that wow this thing is amazing actually this is wow this is really cool what suspension wow yeah so I'm hoping this is gonna be uh just super stable way down it just goes okay which is pretty fast oh that is really fast and it won't be turning I won't be turning so yeah well you got some dance mode too if you put it lower it'll probably be better I got one it's called a chassis for jump cars by okay cars so oh it's got a frictionless blocks interesting yeah so I just thought it was good because it was really low to the ground and had so there's no connections on that no connection okay so it's got two switches no connections okay how fast does it go oh that's fast oh that is fast I almost feel like you might do better without using those if you just yeah so maybe I would love to try it and see I'm not sure this is this one could be anyone's game here yes all right are you guys ready for my first attempt yeah yeah here we go all right here I go I hope I can stay straight [Music] oh he's going he's going towards you it's on you I don't know if that's good I have no reference point it seemed like it was good all right you ready all right second attempt here we go let's see somebody the approach can make such a huge difference too oh wait you got you I found out of my vehicle I fell out I was way short that was way too loud okay well like never mind about that attempt I accidentally tapped my space bar when I pressed the jump button all right next all right yeah that was terrible might as well delete that first attack boobo is he going moving now here we go there he goes I'm hitting so many bumps there's so many bumps wow that was like on the green that was like back a little bit farther yeah basically wow that was I was just hitting so many bumps there generous will give you that I'm feeling good feeling good about mine right now okay here we go step number two I think control is really important here he comes here we go there we go way better oh it was better wow right here yeah okay all right I think it's slightly behind me it's hard to tell because it's around 45 degrees not that one I mean I guess it could be subjective but I'd say you're farther yeah definitely all right here we go first attempt just gonna go for it with no no function send it oh it's gone yeah somewhere around I think it was around here either there well I would say there okay I mean that's still not enough though oh yeah yeah you're right wow that was without the jump function though though okay okay here let's paint that I'm gonna try pressing the jump button and maybe get maybe get a little bit more out of it you know Full Speed Ahead my seat right now oh it's smooth jump oh no it made it so much worse yeah yeah well these are the results then I was not expecting that I really thought my vehicle was going to be a not a strong Contender there all right so Khan gets second Mumbo uh third third and the first place that means we're tied going to Loser out in first place so yeah I got six points you guys got what three four reach two and one three oh yeah I guess it would be three Jim off to the rock crawling all right so the final event is the rock climb and this is a big rock that we're climbing well look at that yeah we're gonna start we're gonna start but yeah exactly we're gonna start between these two trees and you have to find a vehicle that can get all the way up to the top of this platform there's a plateau up there bridges too like these are Big ridges yeah it comes out too a little bit I think in some yeah there's even some there's some like mini little Ledges and stuff where the trees are growing off of too that could like mess you up you're allowed down Force yes yes there's no flying no but no thrusters for moving forward it's just just down for yeah pretty much I think so all right let's get let's get searching hmm let's see oh I don't man it's gonna be hard to search in some ways I know this is yes everything's got thrusters like everything is downforce but you can't check yeah there's a lot there's a lot to go on a lot to take into account that is way too small pictures when when the description says flat surfaces work best you know that's probably not the one you want to spot and throw that one out yeah this one this one looks this one looks really good I'm gonna go with this one I don't know I have not found anything that looks really good yet this might be a risky one it looks too simple but I'm gonna go with it I'm gonna say simple simple might do it here all right you guys ready you guys all have your rock climbers picked out I've got one oh yeah all right well I'm going I guess I'll show mine first so the reason I chose mine is because mine is uh mine's by misanthrope and it's called wall climber 3 which means this person worked on this this is their third edition of it and uh this is it right here it's so small I know it's so small oh wow it's like a tank it's fast it's pretty quick it goes faster when I turn look how much faster it goes when I turn versus when I'm going I'm just gonna I think you're gonna bounce right off the rock like you're gonna I don't know I don't know no the thrusters though right yeah I don't know one of my big requirements was it needed to have a lot of wheels on the bottom because I didn't want to Edge out on like a corner but it is kind of low to the ground too I don't know I don't know what to think about this I found one called wall climber by worthless mango and this one's description said they use it to climb to the Sky Box so it must win it has in order to win you have to get all of your wheels on the top platform I don't know how you're gonna get over there oh you have a separate control over the background we can go up with you that's true yeah that's perfect all right Moomba what do you got here we go I've got a wall climber by Ralph the Llama I think it's uh either oh my goodness that thing looks super bad actually if you can roll it if you can maintain control you can get so fast up there man I'm hoping I'll count you in scrap man yep and and we'll see how you do here we go in three two one go right here we go all right from the trees oh my goodness oh really quick oh no this is my standard I'm already centered oh you're a tank oh it's this it's in between my wheels and my my the middle of my body is the problem [Music] still going that's why I bought a really big wide vehicle yeah the benefit yeah the thing is like the Turning is really hard because of the tank steering actually like it doesn't it's turning and going forward yeah turning and going forward is not easy bring it back hold on hold on bring it back at the top at that point actually never mind all right all right all right I don't know I might I might have to take a dnf if I can't get up this wall that's true yeah that's not good no that's that's uh yeah that's uh is that even like zero points all right I think I gotta be I gotta be more I gotta be slower and more deliberate in my movement instead of just going yeah I need to actually plot it out I was hoping I was just going to be able to Barrel up the mountain oh no no high Center on that scrap man there we go okay there we go there you go [Music] all right no problem there okay okay oh yeah there you go excellent come on yeah come on he's doing it I'm like right here at the spot oh oh come on oh come on yep yep there we go come on all the wheels you got the 215. 215. I have not that I am not the winner of this one that was really tough all right boys uh do you guys want to ride with me seeing as how I have the deluxe bus might as well yeah I guess so yeah drop it down I didn't really think about that when I spawned it to be honest but that's what we're all right this is deploy that here we go in three two one go all right your outside Wheels aren't spinning my outside wheels don't have Drive are you serious what oh my God that's so bad oh no no this is the worst cream I thought you were gonna be golden there's no tribe on them there's no power on odd guys why are they there can you hear the backwards is one of those situations oh no oh no I there's only drive on the middle wheels are you they're actually wow that's actually that is hilarious you don't know until you all right I would keep them contracted then yeah because otherwise it just it just supports you off of it oh yeah here we go oh oh you got the highest entering issue no no not that one no this was what I was thinking was going to be your big problem is getting over I thought I'd be fine if the outside Wheels had to drive on them this is what Workshop Olympics is all about the unexpected things you cannot see it's not good at all see if I had Drive I'd be moving right now with just these outside Wheels grabbing you gotta go I gotta go back to the I don't know guys you're too long you're gonna you're too long hey I I persevered I thought I wasn't going to be able to finish but I kept with it you just gotta find the right time like that suits your vehicle yeah go slower ghost go slower and more deliberate yeah you still have time well yeah then that happens okay see I need Wheels I need grip on these other Wheels man I need oh wow oh that's so bad I'm gonna try one more time one more yeah look at the path up to the left there I feel like there's a better path than where you're going right now left this looks just yeah but it's all kind of going away from you you know that's what's I don't I don't know I'm already high Center okay yeah actually no this is the middle wheels just uh just a door I've been a dnf I'm gonna dnf okay dnf I'm sorry I will stop the stopwatch to stop the stopwatch that's a deal I'm just gonna prove a point here I'm gonna connect yeah more power these outside Four Wheels I mean maybe it might still happen but let's just let's just check [Music] I can't believe you only put drive on the inside Wheels that's just that's all right mobile all you gotta do is finish first second place wait what's the time to beat 2 15 2 15. all right in three two one begin okay here we go Mount the wall oh my goodness oh no whoa oh okay hold on oh no I'm wasting oh wow okay hold on I can land this so much gyro for you yeah yeah I think whoa let's be back on the wall here oh no I'm wasting so much time just trying to get on the ground get yourself down okay there we go you got to be a little more deliberate with your yeah my movements and stuff yeah I think so okay here we go I'm just gonna Mount up yeah your wheelbase like you're very it seems like you're very prone to like flipping backwards if you give it yeah it's very short yeah very short wheelbase the gas engine is and the gas engines yeah oh he's got the high centered now man it's hard it is hard to find a good wall climber flip is just unbelievable yeah this is a pretty violent come on all right oh there we go there he goes there we go oh there we go that's some good progress oh another high Center Spot oh no it's off nice nice trying to get off come on oh I got this back it up a bit oh there it is oh look at that you just went over that Gap there oh come on oh oh oh careful careful careful okay a little bit more oh my goodness he's zooming oh no oh no unbelievable you are gonna smash the time you still left I fell off like three times too you still can potentially do it what's the time he's at 140. yeah you and con are tied right now so this could break it yeah already wins just from further without oh my God he's zooming though that's a good spot actually he's really I'm going inside he's gonna get on the top platform doesn't matter what pathway I'm going backwards now backwards oh there's no way oh no there isn't you were so close there is a way okay well I'm just gonna start from here the things I'm doing at the second place right now I know right I mean I'm pretty sure you've already gotten it just based on distance traveled oh there you go there you go all right normal current yep normal term oh my goodness the speed is almost too much is being controlled all right all right be gentle don't go too fast tap that tap that throttle try and get high centered perfect that's just the name of the game right now apparently you know we had really nice Lighting on the other side of this wall but you know you can choose this one this one the sun was in my eyes couldn't see give me a little I can't oh I can't lift you you're too heavy yeah I think gas is so bad in general like you need electric yeah definitely I didn't know there you go you're so close oh you're so close going you are so close purple this is unbelievable hold on I can't even back up right now I'm trying to back up right now I can't I can't get anything like it's like doesn't even help yeah the thrusters are so strong yeah all right there you go oh go back go back up that way oh here we go oh oh you're like right there you're right you're trying to be so careful right now oh oh okay it counts all right that was like 505. oh my God good second place second place wow take it I guess GG everybody um yeah if you have any idea if you want to see Workshop Olympics again let us know what events we should do because Uh something's hard to come up with events we haven't already done all right well we'll see you guys in the next one bye foreign [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 286,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic lets play, scrap mechanic game, best scrap mechanic creations, mechanic simulator, scrap mechanic challenge, sandbox building games pc, physics sandbox games, creative games, sandbox building games, scrap mechanic olympics, scrap mechanic workshop olympics, workshop olympics, scrap mechanic jumping car, wall climber
Id: W1Z_ldFSM_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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