Who can challenge this 6 yr old Super Brain with an IQ of 180? Watch a REAL Child Prodigy.

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this is a short video about Friedrich he is a six year old boy from Roanoke Virginia Friedrich is categorized as profoundly gifted the cognitive capabilities of this child prodigy make him able to master tasks that grown-ups cannot achieve some say Friedrich is clearly a one-in-a-million child you're gonna hear a few seconds of a country's national anthem I want you to tell me the name of the country and then I want you to show me where that country is on the map okay next to come Netherlands good to me you Jill Algeria your pan nice Philippines very good it's actually the first dance of my words mm-hmm the first and for my mother was the Philippines [Music] oh yeah sunny girl very good that's right yeah France Russia my Friedrich can do this for every country in the world he likes music and is able to catch and remember every single nuance this extraordinary capability has not been shown by anybody in the world and definitely not by a six-year-old child Friedrich is special in many aspects his brain operates like a scanner he sees something and it stays in his memory forever at age three he was already able to complete the following tasks so we're gonna play a game we're gonna show you lots of countries and I want you to tell me which country does as you see it okay are you ready Mexico Chile Netherlands Brazil Algeria Israel Bremen Botswana Republic of the Congo Macedonia Sudan Sweden Syria Ukraine Maldives the United Arab Emirates Friedrich is able to see these blots silhouettes and knows what country it is he can do this for 192 countries randomly in a row without a single mistake NACO I taught 11 years at Parkway Christian Academy and before that I worked at with four-year-olds I've always worked with four-year-old the very first day he was in my class we're singing the ABC song and he's looking at me kind of funny you know we're singing the ABC song and then we go to count 1 to 20 and he's like mrs. grey I'm like yes and he counts to me by 12 200 and I knew I was in trouble because he you know he was just so smart and so ready to learn in it for we don't count by 12 so so I had to UM I knew he was going to be a special child because because I didn't want his excitement about school to be squashed I wanted him to be challenged and I knew being in a four year old preschool class he already knew everything everything that we were going to learn that year so we we called in some extra help and had him tested and he was put in the gifted program and he tested at four he tested on a third grade reading level at four and that was just the tip of the iceberg though one of the other things that just amazed me about Friedrich was we were doing puzzles and he had a he had a sixth grade reading buddy and we were doing puzzles and they did a puzzle of the United States and Friedrich could put it together and tell you every state in the United States and he did it and he did it faster than a sixth grade buddy it was just amazing amazing for he was for Friedrich loves numbers and everything about math he's in a special program with Liberty University in Virginia and attends 6th grade math there in this clip the teacher writes sound very large numbers and he has to identify them Friedrich can read any number that is randomly presented to him the larger the number the more fun he has 176 octillion 432 septillion 894 sextillion 623 quintillion 268 quadrillion 176 trillion 432 billion four hundred eleven million two hundred sixty-eight thousand four hundred twenty three that is wonderful great to have you harder one okay I will try and even harder 700 and yeah 763 B zillion 421 million 867 octillion 421 septillion 872 sextillion 641 quintillion 228 quadrillion 862 trillion 443 billion one hundred sixty-two million four hundred twenty-three thousand one hundred sixty-seven in his university math course right now Friedrich especially likes Pythagorean theorem problems and algebra overall it can be said that he understands every math problem as explained and presented to him most of the teachers Friedrich has had up to now agree they never saw a child like him before in their careers he was just amazing I talked English and reading and spelling and a math was taught through Liberty University online and when he came to me he was already on 3rd grade math and 5 years old keep remembering that he's 5 and he was already on 3rd grade math I think I said in on one of his university classes through Liberty and the things that he was doing in there I was like oh wow I'd probably have to go back and learn some of the things some of these things that he was learning but I think he's already into algebra now so it's he's just moving on I mean it just something that he enjoys doing and strives to get better at it Thanks two new and exponent over X to the N exponent equals x and minus [Music] you
Channel: Friedrich the Child Prodigy
Views: 882,138
Rating: 4.8810153 out of 5
Keywords: Mathprodigy, Mathgenius, Childgenius, Geographygenius, Oneinamillion, Smartkid, wunderkind
Id: 0sX-ASNanio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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