This is what a Mensa IQ test looks like

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My bored ass actually took the online test before watching the video.

"Thanks for completing the Mensa online test. You got 26 of 33 questions correct, and therefore have a good chance of successfully completing the Mensa entry test."

Welp, guess I'm a genius. Cya later virgins.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 164 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LovableContrarian πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

David Mitchell summed up my thoughts on Mensa:

Intelligence in the abstract is meaningless. If you need Mensa membership to prove you are intelligent you need to ask yourself why haven't you deployed that intelligence in a more notable way?

The membership is people with something to prove. Long on professional sports people and glamour models and short of Nobel laureates and professors.

Steven Hawking was not a member. Perhaps he applied and failed... perhaps.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't like Mensa. I sat a Mensa entrance exam and they didn't even send me my results. Thinking there might have been a mistake, i wrote to them every day for 6 weeks before they responded with this letter:

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 76 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PM_WHY_YOU_DOWNVOTED πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mensa means dummy (female) in Spanish

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/whiskersonmycat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hate how some of these logical questions/steps can be solved in multiple ways. Isn't the point to only have 1 choice?

Like on nr 23 @ 7:50. She concludes that it's because the circle is in the middle that the square in the middle must be removed. But the circle in the middle is also a solid color. So why would it not be that the solid color is removed and we end up with answer A instead?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mollekake_reddit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

How ironic that a bunch of "smart people" would rally together towards such a stupid concept.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gaulbat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

MENSA will actually accept a variety of standardized tests

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/civpleb πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I had to take a test like this before they would hire me at my current job. I almost left the interview when they gave it to me, but I really wanted a new job.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vicaphit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
I have personally never taken an an IQ test and that's because I never had much motivation to take one I kind of feel like I have an idea of my own strengths and weaknesses just through experience and I never saw much value and having this measure just try and tell me what I'm good at at today we're going to have a look at an IQ test and IQ tests are supposed to be things that you can't study for and your results should sort of be the same no matter what stage in life you're at it is my personal opinion that if you come from a mathematical background maybe you will fare better on one of these test just because the nature of them seems to involve a lot of like pattern recognition with things like rotations Reflections Transformations the same kind of things you might get really familiar with if you're doing a lot of geometry stuff and Math but regardless though this video im going to show you how a lot of these problems are supposed to be worked out and maybe that will provide a few little tricks on how to identify patterns now mensa is an organisation that I guess is for people with really high IQ so to get into mensa so you need to have scored in the top 2% of the population on a supervised IQ test one that's officially recognised I've heard that people in mensa come from all walks of life some might be academics and some might have more ordinary jobs and the organisation is not supposed to discriminate against anyone and they say on their website that they identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity maybe that sounds a little bit pretentious I'm not sure but today we're going to have a look at something that is a test from the New Zealand Mensa Society from their website and the link will be in the description this is an example of test that people would need to take to get into Mensa and it's supposed to give an idea of you know what kind of questions you could expect this test is supposed to take no more than 20 minutes and maybe you want to have a little try yourself by following the link before I start explaining some of the answers this test starts off with some letter and number based questions but it says that this type of questions are being phased out so we're just going to look at the more visual questions and I have already tried the test for myself and had a look at their answers they provide so im giving you insight into how you're supposed to solve these I'll have time to go through a few in every section but I won't be solving every problem here. for the first one we are being asked to pick the most logical picture from the right to continue the sequence on the left so we need to look at this and setup some pattern thats happening. At first glance they look like 3 random different shapes and you might be tempted to just randomly pick an answer that you feel looks good sitting next to those. But try to look at the properties of the shapes, what's actually going on. One property of shapes is the number of sides that is has so here we have just 1 side or 1 line, this shape would have 2 sides, and this 3. so that gives us a pattern of one two three then we should look for a shape with 4 sides and there's just one of those C A kind of has four lines coming out of the centre but it's actually their number of sides not lines coming out of the centre otherwise 3 wouldn't fit so that gives us C. looking at Number 10 try to figure out what's staying the same and what's changing throughout see if we look at this we see this line on the bottom look like a bit of a clock the little hand down here is staying on six and this hand is moving around counterclockwise around the clock meaning that by the time we get to the next in the sequence we'd expect this hand to still be on the bottom and this one will have moved to be straight so that would give us B. number 11 shows that sometimes you need to sort of pick a reference point and this case it is establishing that the centre of the image and lines coming out of the centre are what we're going to care about so in the first time we have two lines coming out of the centre and the next one 3, 5 what's a pattern between two three and five well this increases by one this increases by 2, we would expect increase of 3 so it is something with 8 lines coming out of the centre and D gets us that answer. number 11 when I did on my own I got a different answer I was thinking that we're adding this v-shaped on every time see we added it here and we added it again here. If we added a v-shaped on to this one you get C but the answer that they get is D and I agree that's better way to do it. The rest of these problems are very similar you just looking for like slight changes in always that these pictures evolve that's consistent sometimes different elements in the pictures evolve differently to other elements like for number 12 we have a L which is going around the outside of the square counterclockwise so we expect to end up with a shape like that in the next one and that sort of independent from what's happened to the shape in here which is that and like number 9 the shape is increasing in side one every time so we'd expected Square in the next one and a square and a line like that that would give us D on to the next page we have a few more of those examples and then we have complete the best analogy of pairs by choosing to pictures two pictures from the right so this means that were saying like a triangle is to something as a square is to something else we need to establish a rule that links these two objects and also links these two objects in this case again it's to do with the sides of the shape so 3 sided shape is to A a square as a Square is to a pentagon have both increase the side of the shape by one in each of these examples. 20 there could there be any number of ways that lives these shapes but we can look at the answers to get an idea of what's going on so in the answers we have a rectangle shape and a square but there's only one of each of those so that kind of seems like it won't be consistent because whatever happens here needs to also happen here what's similar is that B and C are both triangles types shapes and how could they relate to these well the little dash that's in the middle this one has a vertical dash this one has a horizontal dash so if the rule is that the rectangle turns into a triangle and the dash stay the same then it would make sense for B to go here and for C to be here. the next section is more analogy of pairs except this time they actually give us the rules that they give us enough to work out the rule without referring so much to the answers to do that then we just need to apply that rule to find out one missing shape. In this first one I think this one's quite easy what's happened between here and here well what happened is this dot has gone missing in the middle so if we apply that here if we take away this little square in the middle we end up with D then we look at 25 we see that sometimes a familiarity with angles and rotations can help us out so between here and here you can first of all see that these arrowheads seem to get inverted so this is what we are working with in the end. if you invert these little arrowheads looks like we want either B or D but how do we work out which one of these well have to figure out what rotation is happening here and apply it in this case. This little dash helps you know which way it's been rotating and actually it's going 90 + a little bit more it's 135Β° for me being able to store that number of 135 in my head when im starting to think about this helps me out and if I didn't know know how angles work in a circle maybe I'd find this a little bit trickier but if we do 135 degree rotation on this answer here we'd be going this way will be 90 + a bit more we would end up like this with our little arrowheads like this and then if we invert them which looking at this means taking them from being out to pointing inwards we would actually get B this next page here is about completing the patterns on these grids we're trying to find the blank space and then sometimes they've kind of blacked out one of the spaces I guess to make it trickier to find the pattern the first one seems quite obviously to be like this which is going to be B and then pretty much all the rest of them have the same sort of pattern first of all look for shapes that are similar between rows and columns for example rectangles circles squares and then down here circles squares triangles there's often rules that link all the columns all rows back some common theme in this example were going to be expecting a square down here to complete that row's rule and then what colour is it going to be well we've only really got full information on this middle line and I looks like there will be 2 white and one back so we can expect this one to be white cos we've got a black here and a white here there is only one answer which is a square that is white and that would be D very similar for the next 2, 31 maybe slightly trickier we have to isolate each element here so we have shapes lines and then little symbols looking at the shapes we've got circles squares triangle so we'd expect a square in here. let's look at the lines now between this one and this one we have going on a very small rotation look like a 45 degree rotation of this line so 45 and that's consistent between these two as well it's another 45 min between this column in this column it's no longer a 45 degree rotation now it is 90Β° ok and that's seen down here too these lines flip 90Β° so we can expect a 90 degree rotation between these lines and here that would give us some lines like this now we need to look at the little symbols and between this column in this column from looking at the square and the star looks like the shapes are moving clockwise around the corners and they move one spot at a time however that changes again between the second and third columns and we see that the shape now moves and advances two corners at a time so it advances all the way down to here we see that as well with the circle goes to here so if we advance the star two places 1, 2 we expect our star up here that would give us answer C some of these visual patterns I feel like can be slightly overwhelming to first look at because it seems like there are so many random moving parts but try to isolate you know each element and what it's doing sometimes it's working completely independently of other elements it does seem a bit strange that we're using these very abstract little puzzles to try and measure a something as complex as intelligence our world is so complex and you know we're trying to measure our interaction with it through these little patterns and does that mean that everything in life comes down to just recognise patterns well maybe that is a part of it maybe if being able to see how something involves and works out from a little bit of evidence you've got already maybe that is what intelligences is that you can identify those things I guess I'm not totally sold on IQ tests but it's interesting to just have a little look at what they're asking us I guess with these sorts of test if you do well It can be a good way to make you feel good to sort of fluff up your ego a little bit and if you do poorly then you can always say these things are sort of subjective you know how can you measure intelligence with a test there is a few more patterns here that you can try there's one more on the following page if you found it a breeze maybe you even want to try out for Mensa but I hope it was a little bit of insight into what's going on here and thanks for watching if you were curious about this shirt it is some merch from blackpenredpen he makes awesome math videos and I'll put a link in the description to his channel and I'd encourage you to check him out you probably can't wear the shirt to an exam but it's pretty cool one
Channel: Tibees
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Keywords: tibees, iq test, tibees exam, tibees test, mensa, mensa iq test, genius, intelligence test, real iq test, free iq test, tibees math, tibees asmr, tibees exams, genius testing, intelligence testing, iq test answers, get into mensa, high iq society, IQ, iq quiz, mensa test, intelligence quotient, brain teasers, genius test, iq test video, mensa usa, high iq, mensa uk, iq test questions, genius quiz, what is my iq, math asmr, mensa iq test answers, mensa iq test explained
Id: h36cpwlslHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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