Who Are The Next 3 Champions? (New Roadmap)

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well setting up the green screen is quite painful and as you can tell from my voice i am quite sick but for you guys anything so yes yesterday we got a brand new road map talking about the new vgus and the new upcoming champions but you might be wondering well what about faye we'll get to that before that there are some other things to mention so without further ado let's get on it [Music] first we need to mention one thing and that's that last time wright said that throughout 2021 they wanna have one champion in each role well that's not really going to happen the exception to this goal were supposed to be two mid laners vex and action however now it is confirmed that the ad carry will be delayed which is not the end of the world because action semi fits that role anyway anyway because that champion was moved to early 2022 that means that only a few patches after them we will also get a new support more on them in just a moment before all of that we need to talk about a brand new thing which right is kickstarting a new kind of vgu it's a purely visual update they call the sau or art and sustainability update and this is exactly the kind of update everyone wanted this will not give us a new gameplay for champion there will be no major changes to their lore this will be purely visual remember what happened to morgana or singed that's basically what asu's are they only give us a better model and better animations for those champions with the bass champion models and the oldest skin seeing the most changes but now you may be wondering well the asus look quite similar to vgus they basically remodel the entire champion and you are right the only real difference between a vgu and asu is that there are no gameplay changes and the lore is intact what may happen is that the champions may borrow their updated animations from some of their legendary skins some of you may remember how in tft we saw the new caitlyn well if you pay attention to the shooting animation you may notice that that is actually her pulse fire shooting animation it's an animation that was specifically modeled for her legendary skin but because it is such a good animation they can reuse it for the visual upgrade purely visual upgrade but this really hasn't been anything new to my knowledge way back in the day if you remember the original tryndamere when he was running he always had the blade besides him and it wasn't until he had the demon blade skin that really gave him new animations in the demon blade legendary skin he actually drew the blade behind him because his hand was a blade well a few years later when they actually upgraded tryndamere's model they just gave him the legendary skin animations it didn't matter that his hand wasn't a blade because he was dragging the blade behind him anyway so the animations fit so what i'm trying to say is that wright has been doing this for years so don't get angry when the legendary animations get transferred to the base skins it sounds like laziness but it is resourcefulness and no it doesn't take away from the value of the legendary skins the legendary skins usually have a lot more to them so now just super quickly here are my expectations i believe the first couple of asus will be focused on arcane we know that caitlyn is coming but i really wouldn't be surprised if jinx was coming as well you know why need i say more but if you ask me there's only one champion i really really really want to change no it's not gragas even though gragas is horrifying it's cho'gath cho'gath is arguably the oldest model in the game this is the same model that was in the beta version every single other champion was changed already cho'gath is the exact freaking same lastly you may remember that riot said that we will see less vgus in the upcoming year i guess that's the case because asus will be there instead i always thought the problem of vgus was that it took a lot of resources to give them entire new models for the skins but the pure visual upgrades are doing the exact same thing so i guess resources weren't the problem after all anyway enough about asus let's now move on to the next champion the title is ride the lightning and remember that in these posts they usually reveal who the champions are and what they are doing through puns if you go back to the original vex teasers in the road maps yeah they revealed the entire vex the title was vexing so when we have a look at this just know that every single pun is related to the abilities of that champion obviously it starts with a lot of puns about electricity and charging up so we can assume that something will happen the champions will get some kind of a charge and then they discharge but the main thing here is that wright wants to reinvent the way auto attacks works for this champion similarly to how it works for graves xayah or jin and this is the most important part they want to give this marksman a shooter game feeling and here's the thing about that a few years back i had this idea for a champion what if a champion did not have auto attacks and instead their abilities had like one second cooldown and one would be punched another would be kick and stuff like that well in that case the abilities are essentially the auto attacks the outcome of that is that suddenly that champion has the feeling of a fighting game well rod can do something similar with the shooting games if you imagine league of legends as a top-down shooter game what if the champion could not target units with their auto attacks what if you couldn't click on an enemy to shoot them specifically but whenever you click somewhere you shoot in that direction just like all the twin stick shooters this way you achieve the shooter game feeling but here's an issue how would that work technologically in the game you can't right click to shoot because right clicking is what moves the champion you could theoretically left-click but control-wise that would be far too different from any other champion i don't think rat can do that however when you press ability and then you left click somewhere that's how you cast it so what ride can do with this champion is that they power up somehow you get a charge of your machine gun ability and after you use it for the next 12 seconds you move with your right click and you shoot wherever you point with your left click that way it still feels like you are casting an ability not too different from any other champion but you achieve the twin stick shooter style this may sound crazy but i really believe that's what right is going for i think that's what they want to do and if you think that this is too far-fetched they did that so yeah expect something crazy happening with the auto attacks of the upcoming champion now when it comes to the visuals of this champion we got these blueprints these basically show us the machine gun which they will be holding on the left we can see some electric circuits as well as schematics for the charging up but more importantly there is what seems to be blitzcrank's head the one big eye and one small eye are kinda giveaway but there is another one besides him now these golems do appear every now and then throughout zone but blitzcrank specifically was created by victor and he was the only one so i really don't think that's actually blitzcrank it could however be some kind of another android just like the little drawing next to that what you can see here is a little chibi robo i wouldn't be surprised if this was actually the champion but it's more likely gonna be some kind of a companion or something in the story regardless i still absolutely believe that this champion is gonna be one of the hoverboard kits from arcane and that's because the post mentions one more thing this champion is supposed to be constantly on move which really seems to be suggesting that they would be riding the hoverboard also the title right the lightning what i'm trying to say is that it is still highly likely possible that this is the next champion although it will most likely not be fae i am pretty sure faye would not have a machine gun it was such a good try lastly in the background behind the blueprints you can actually see some newspapers as well as some really artsy women but i do believe that's just a stock image but so far that seems to be it for the next champions so now let's move on to the champion after that the title of this one is cash rules everything if you combine this with the fact that just like in 2021 every new champion was related to viego and the shadow isles in 2022 every single champion is supposed to be related to arcane and built over and zone the title pretty much reveals that we are going to talk about a camp baron and once again pay attention to the puns they mentioned that everything can be bought with cash now since this champion is supposed to be a support just like someone like pike they will have some kind of mechanic that will generate them more money this is going to combat the fact that usually supports feel weak not if they have money after that they mention that they take the technology they want and they discard it when they don't need it anymore this makes me believe that there will be some kind of a swapping and i wonder if perhaps they will be able to swap summoner spells or better yet what if they could freely sell items and then buy something else for them that's what would make sense regarding to the taking technology and then discarding it what if early on the support could build damage but then they can sell it and for the late game by tankiness it sounds really broken and that's because it probably would be because you could buy assassin items early on and then sell it for something like infinity edge but if you tune the champion themselves down it can be easily balanced well easily so that wouldn't be out of question then they mentioned that they have the ability to turn friends against each other this pretty much means that there will be some kind of a mind control ability or even cooler what if that champion can activate friendly fire what if they have some ability which if they use on the enemy they can be damaged by their allies this would be awful because it would open up an insane amount of griefing far worse than bard or anivia but what if the allies couldn't target them but they would still take damage from friendly aoe effects one look at fiddlesticks and you know exactly what i'm talking about that would be a really cool way of playing the kind of mind games but then there is a quote watch them kill the very ones they swore to protect this is pretty much aimed at the supports because the supports are sworn to protect the ad carries of course this champion is a support there is also a quote talking about them manipulating people with charisma and lastly they mentioned that the enemy can be saved if they fulfill your wishes so what if the friendly fire is actually a thing and what if the new champion can put bounties on their own allies now that would be probably far-fetched but this is the way in which i would think when designing this kind of champion they are supposed to be someone really rich who can pay people to maybe fight for them or at the very least they are forcing into fighting for them and if they do well they are allowed to live i don't think we are talking about something like the old mordekaiser's ultimate where they essentially enslaved their ghosts because we are in zone i don't think any soul magic will make sense here but yeah based on the description we can expect something broken regardless now when it comes to the visuals corrina varaza would really fit wouldn't she the flowery edges would really fit and if you look in the middle that really resembles the twin medical serpents that's the symbol you can usually see in hospitals so we are talking about someone highly scientifically based now if it is not going to be karina varaza which it would be cool if it was silco is totally not out of question though it is lacking the purplish colors but if it's not him either we are just going to be looking at some kind of new gam baron i say new but we haven't seen cam baron in a champion form just yet and they are going to be so night because if you look at the bottom that seems to be zonite writing it is quite close to singed handwriting but that is it for the new champion as well so now let's finally move on to udyr's vgu so apparently people really like the antlers so write double down on them the reason being is that it really separates his silhouette and his readability so the antlers will stay they even gave us a couple of new models and for me personally e is the easy choice these look by far the best but riot liked the b the most and so they based the antlers on that which means that we got something closer to a moose i'm fine with that because it still looks shamanistic and that's all that really matters in this image they also showed us the tattoos which we have seen before and i have to confess i was really hoping that we would see the saber-tooth but nope that is probably the bear it was a really obvious one but story-wise udyr really doesn't like the bear he knows that the bear can easily break his mind and so i was hoping that he wouldn't be using the bear stance but these days the bear stance is just so iconic for him that of course they had to use it i have to admit in the tattoo it looks kinda like a tiger or a saber tooth in the tattoo on his body it actually looks like a bear so yes i'm sorry i was wrong it is a bear now when it comes to the design there are two new really cool details as they mentioned last time to honor hirana which is in ionia udir will be wearing the belt it's the classic cool ionian belt but the other cool new detail is that he will be wearing lee sin's head wrap as a hand wrap i like that little connection but you know lee sin had it as a blindfold he still kinda has it also it is orange i wonder if that means anything and this takes us to the last image of course here we can see the first concepts of the different stances and of course there is the bear and then there is the ram you know the fiery forge ram based on orn then there is the cryo phoenix at least i believe that is the cryo phoenix maybe it is because it has the bird-like gloss and then there is the iron boar if you are wondering who the iron boar is it is another demigod just like orn volibear and anivia and the iron boar was worshiped by barbarians such as tryndamere's tribe in fact when aatrox first came to the tribe before he slaughtered them they all believed that aatrox was the iron boar and they started worshipping him but yeah the ironborn has been part of the lore for a while that's not a surprise but i still wonder if we will see even more stances there is still the links there is still the eagle there are still many many more will we only see four because there is the potential to do something better and this takes us to the very end of the post here it was mentioned that after udyr they are already working on another vgu and then at the very end they dropped that they will be also releasing a new jungler from the void why a jungler from the void when we already have two others i don't know but i'm not complaining if all the champions in 2022 are supposed to be somehow bound to arcane you know the series that already has quite a few voidy references with zone being an ancient riemann city called oshravazon which is hiding a lot of secrets deep beneath it a voidy creature would actually make sense and i believe everyone would appreciate it because it would finally not be a sexy champion unless it's like i saw i swear to god if we are getting kai dude i'm gonna be very mad you
Channel: Necrit
Views: 344,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lore, Story, Necrit, Necrit94, Narrated, Explained, League of Legends, LOL, TFT, Teamfight tactics, legends of runeterra, Roadmap, Udyr, VGU, ASU, Rework, Visual update, Caitlyn, New Champion
Id: _gug2_a5Emo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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