Early Look at the LORE of the New Items

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when riot started testing the new items on pbe the first thing everyone did was rush in there and test how the new items affect gameplay not me i instead look towards the names of the items and the descriptions because it was confirmed that after the shop revamp all the items should be based on places in runeterra in other words all the items should be canon and that's what i want to have a look at in this video we will go to pbe and we will have a look at the icons and the names of the new items because even though most of the items are not even complete yet we can already read quite a lot of new lore from them however before we get into a game i quickly need to mention that yes half of the items are indeed incomplete in fact right now in the files some items have two versions one version which can be found in normal games and the other version which for some reason you can find in the tutorials and right now it is not clear which version of the item is the latest version so just to make it easier on all of us i will go through all of them and because there is quite a lot of items let's get into a custom game now even though we are in a custom game it is technically still a normal game so i would get flacked as afk and then kicked so i need to get into lane which is gonna be great because i'm already going without a script anyway let's begin first of all we have bf sword now bf sword always stood for battlefury sword which sounds knocks in but according to the art it is obviously the massion then there is needlessly large rod an item which we still have no idea where it's from it seems to be picturing some kind of serpent which makes me think that perhaps this is linked to baron perhaps that's why it's purple maybe it's linked to the void then there is pickaxe which has some nordic runes in it so it could be fragiorian then there is blasting wand which is just a normal wand a lot of these early items are really just normal items things will get a lot more interesting as we get to the mythic items anyway then there is stopwatch which still has the same old icon so it is from built over cloak of agility could literally be from anywhere now magic mental however could be from demacia because of the magic resistance but again it is just an ordinary cloak then there is amplifying tome which even if we zoom in on it we can't really read what is on it unfortunately this could also be a tome from pretty much anywhere ruby crystal is unfortunately also very generic and the same goes for sapphire crystal however there is the possibility that both of them are from freljord and we'll get to why later in the video even though longsword is very shiny and silvery and it looks like it is from demacia these kinds of blades are literally everywhere and the same goes for cloth armor even though i could swear that i saw cloth armor somewhere in legends of runterra i just don't know in which car that was then there is dagger same as the other items but then there is fairy charm and the first thing that got to my mind as i looked at this was this image somehow the ring that is teasing the first champion of 2021 which is theorized to be the ruined king looks very similar to this item and interestingly fairy charm builds into two items from the shadow isles the forbidden idol and the mystic glass now we shouldn't be looking at what items built into what as you'll see in the other items regions are really inconsistent in the progression you can have a demacian item which builds into an oxygen item however it is still curious to see that this item would build into two items from the shadow isles especially if they are supposed to be teasing the ruined king anyway then there is rejuvenation beat which is most likely from ionia however if you zoom in on the icon you can notice that it shows us some kind of scenery in the reflection it almost looks like bilgewater so this might also be from the buhuru then there is doran's shield of course all of us should know doran by now especially after our new video about doran and the titans he is the legendary smith of ionia then there is skull which i believe has a song from pentakill about it but i still have no idea where this could be from the twisted metal makes me think that this could be ishtali or ionian but it could also be just a simple noxian weapon then there is doran's blade which is another of doran's masterful creations and that is followed by tear of the goddess now normally i would say that we have no idea where this item is from but it did appear in a cinematic so we know it is from shurima it was ezreal himself who tried to steal it then there is doran's ring also a master for creation which is followed by spell thief's edge now this is a freljordian dagger because since this is a starting item you can check the other evolutions the second version is called frostfang and the final version is called shard of true ice so this is obviously a fragiorian weapon and then there is my favorite starting item steel shoulder guards because these are also a support item they also level up the second version is called rune steel spouters which since this is obviously from the massia sounds strange the massians are trying to avoid magic at all cost so it's interesting to see that this would be rune steel anyway the final version is called pauldrons of white rock and if you look at the icon they look very similar to the pauldrons garen has so i wonder if this item is actually giving a name to garen's armor because if that's the case this is really awesome honestly this could also be taina's shoulder guards or really anyone from the crown guard family then there is relic shield which looks like a random shield and the second variation doesn't help except it is called targon's buckler with the final version being bulwark of the mountain and if you have a look at the golden cross this is obviously connected to the solari specifically this could be from the rakore tribe then there is spectrosicle with the word spectral telling us that this could be from the shadow isles which is further confirmed by the other versions the second one is called harrowing crescent and the third version is black mist scythe however based on the looks maybe it is not an item from the shadow isles maybe this is a bilge watery and hook used against the undead during the harrowing then there are two items which don't have an icon yet doran's forge hard and doran's hail seat both of which are obviously ionian and lastly there is dark seal and it is curious to see that it is still called dark seal because when it upgrades to magile soulstealer it is using the same logo which the solarius which doesn't quite make sense they aren't dark nor would they steal souls so maybe there is more to this item we just don't know what's going on here and more there is i dug a little further into this item and i realized that the bronze carvings on the front are actually the noxian crest representing vision might and guile this would also turn magile soulstealer into a tome locked somewhere in the immortal bastion so certainly the design of these items makes a lot more sense now then as we get to the epic items we have ages of the legion which if you look closer you can see the demacian crest on it so this is obviously a shield from the demacian legion then there is last whisper which unfortunately is still using the old icon nothing new here lost chapter was just slightly updated and you can now see the shadowwise logo on it a bit more clearly then there is hex drinker which is still using the old icon as well so it is outdated but quick silver sesh also got a cool update it is now showing how liquidy the sesh is because it is supposed to be made out of quicksilver which sounds crazy but something like this could definitely be possible in ishtal where people can manipulate the raw elements and then there is this item mage epic temporary obviously this was previously known as the catalyst of eons and this is why i thought that the crystals could be from freljord because the catalyst did appear in legends of runtera before and there it was marked as a freljordian item so this is likely a freljordian runestone then there is wicked hatchet which is using an old icon from twisted treeline so we'll have to wait for this one but based on the name it is likely going to be from the shadow isles just like spectre's cowl there is no denying that but then there is void crystal which later upgrades into void staff this makes me think that this definitely comes from ikafiya ikafiya is the only place where people seriously devoted themselves to the void and they started using the void as a weapon in fact it was the ikafians that were using staffs with flames to fight back the void that was before the stuffs got corrupted so as a fun fact technically jax is carrying around the last dying light of ikathya anyway then there is zeal which are two swords that look like they come from shurima and this is further underlined by timid an x that is using a very similar art style that is clearly from shurima then there is spell shroud which unfortunately also has an old icon but i wouldn't be surprised if this was a demacian shroud then there is kama which is one of those scythe weapons which ninjas used and interestingly kama later upgrades into whip chain which could be a reference to the fact that sometimes ninjas connected two kamas with a chain however this is one of the items that has two versions so we'll get to this when we have a look at the others either way this is definitely coming from ionia then there is coal fields warhammer which aesthetically looks like a demacian weapon nothing more to add here then there is phage which unfortunately despite it looking really cool is just a random hammer despite the fact that the passive is called rage which could be hinting the words noxus unfortunately we have no idea where this could be from then there is koreachi which is just a name for a real shinobi blade so it definitely comes from ionia then there is serrated dirk i legitimately have no idea what either of those words mean but it definitely looks noxian especially because it upgrades into sanguine blade which really seems to be referencing the crimson cult of vladimir then there is ancient runestone which looks like a random runestone however its ability is called visions of ishtal which reveals that not only is this item from ishtal but the wards which the item spawns should also be ishtali later this can be upgraded into ishtali wartstone and then there is ishtali wardstone upgrade so as you can see it is not finalized yet but hey now we know where wards are from then there is another temporary item for mages we have no idea what this is just like the on-hit knife we literally have no idea recurve bow could be from absolutely anywhere unfortunately however then there is warden's mail now there are two possibilities for this item the most well-known wardens in runterra came from the blessed isles on the blessed isles the wardens made sure to protect the most powerful magical items in existence famously thresh was one of these wardens however after looking at the icon and then checking out what the passive is called it becomes obvious that this is likely from ishtal because we know that rock solid is malphite's quote and malphite is a shard from a giant weaponized floating ishtali city then there is mystic glass which as we mentioned seems to be from the shadow isles then there is bami cinder bemi is an unknown character however the ishtali are pretty well known for being able to control the elements then there is glacial shroud which is obviously a freljordian shield fiendish codex however is kind of unknown we have no idea where this item could be from it's probably just kind of a cursed book in a hidden library but then there is giants belt interestingly throughout the entire lore of league of legends we only know about one kind of giants and those were the old titans of ionia the stories very often call them giants so i'm pretty sure this belt could come from one of those gargantuan monsters then there is seeker's armguard which definitely looks shriemann which is underlined by the fact that it builds into zhonya's hourglass which also looks very shriemann then there is one pair acceptor which fits only into two places either noxus with vladimir's cult or the hidden crazy cultists of demacia that worship demons then there is negatron cloak which really should be a demacian item especially since it has a lot of magic resistance ether wisp is obviously from the shadow isles with chain west also being from demacia we know this only because it appeared in legends of runeterra and there it was marked as the massian then there is oblivion orb it is using an old icon but it could be definitely turned into a void item because interestingly the passive is called cursed and as you'll see most of the void items also have this passive also malzahar calls the void oblivion then there is bramble vest the origins of this item are still mystery it could be one of two things either this is ishtali armor or it is ionian armor both are places where they could shape wood into these kinds of forms on top of which ignore the cursed passive it deals damage back and especially in ionia it is typical for nature to fight back then there is kindle gem which aesthetically looks like an ionian item then there is eternal drive which based on the name it is definitely going to be piltovan but the icon is very old then there is executioner scaling which really looks like a noxian executioner's blade especially with those spikes and bolts in it it really looks inspired by zone which is exactly what noxus does then there is the forbidden idol which is some kind of shadowwisey monster trapped in a crystal then there is sheen which is obviously a true ice weapon so it comes from freljord kirchi's shard could be from absolutely anywhere unfortunately there is not really a place that would be famous for lightning which is what this item does unless we count volibear but i doubt this is going to be a freljordian weapon and then there is crystalline bracer which again just like the armguard looks very shriemann and the crystalline term could be referencing the breckern who also come from shrimah and now we get to legendary items where things get really interesting first of all rabbidan's death cap we have no idea where this is from my guess is that this is some kind of lost artifact locked in the immortal bastion remember mordecai's are used to torment vygar there so i wouldn't be surprised if the death camp was connected to that bloodthirster unfortunately remains old but then there is syria's grudge with cyrilda obviously being one of the three sisters of freljord so of course this comes from freljord then there is runen's hurricane an item that suspiciously looks to be ionian because its passive is called wind's fury and ionia besides ishtal is really the only place where they would utilize the wind as a weapon then there is infinity edge which surprisingly wasn't really redesigned it looks almost identical which leaves me confused because i have no idea where this item could be from the runes on it tell me that maybe this item comes from the rune wars so it could be coming from anywhere between demacia and noxus then there is navory quickblade with navori referencing the province of ionia then there is titanic hydra which is still using its old icon based on looks alone i assume that this is an oxian weapon just like black cleaver black lever is obviously noxian because of the black steel it's a material noxian's harvest between freljord and the capital city then there is gargoyle stone plate which got a new icon this item is obviously referencing galio so it was definitely created by durand or it was inspired by duran's work as a reminder don't forget that durant and doran were two different guys durant is a smith from demacia and doran is a smith from ionia then there is revenues hydra which also looks to be noxian but then there is lord dominic's regards a noxian repeater crossbow i absolutely love this item because at first i wasn't really sure where this comes from but this item also has a mythic version and that one reveals that this comes from noxus but we'll get to that better version later then there is more of malmortius we have no idea who the person is and because the icon is old we can't really tell where it's from just like wit's end it's the exact same thing deaths then surprisingly got the old icon which has an eye on it so this could still be a darkened weapon then there is blade of the ruined king which is using an older icon at this point i should mention that the purple border around the icon likely means that it is old so it looks like riot will be updating this blade then there is sterox gauge unfortunately we don't know who starak and the item is so blurry i actually have no idea where it's from my guess is noxus but then there is archangel staff which surprisingly looks close to what nami has which would mean that this is likely a staff of the marai which is nami's tribe of the ocean vastaya if that's not the case because you have little stars around it this would have to come from targo then there is ryalyz crystal scepter which is obviously a fragiorian staff with true eyes but then we have jinsu's rageblade an item that was always theorized to come from ionia however now we really have no idea where it's from interestingly though the two passives reveal something about jinsu it's called jinsu's exile and jinsu scales so no matter who jinsu was this item reveals that he was exiled from somewhere and then he likely went mad or that he was exiled for fighting order then we have a new icon for yomo's ghostblade here the ability says wraith step and roaming blade so again whoever yomu was that guy probably traveled a lot then we have the sanguine blade which we already mentioned this is very likely referencing vladimir's crimson gold and then we have apex scope based on the icon this is a beltoven invention but it might still change then there is velocity orb which also seems to be built over an invention but that's about it then there is demonic embrace which normally we wouldn't be sure where it's from but it is using an old ionian icon and its passive is called azakana's gaze referencing the ionian demons called the azakana so this of course is from ionia then there is tyrant an item that not only does visually reference shrima but in shrima the emperors were always seen as tyrants they always enslaved people that's why from the storytelling perspective this item is really cool then there is deathblade which has two different versions as you'll see later but because the icon is old we have no idea where this could be from then there is warmock's armor normally i would think that this is ishtali armor but it was confirmed by a rider that this armor was actually crafted by the yordles then we have lichbane a sword that was teased to belong to a mage and there are a lot of mages in roontera so this could literally come from anywhere unfortunately however nasher's tooth is a bit more obvious even the passive is called igathian bite with icathia once again being the region that embraced the void as a weapon i even love how the blade has three little eyes on it because those three eyes are referencing malzahar's voidlings then we have phantom dancer still using the old icon not much to say here even the passive is called spectral vaults so this one comes from the shadow isles just like spirit visage the interesting thing about this one is that if you look above it you can see the runes from the blessed isles and the passive is called indomitable will which is likely referencing fighting back the black mist then there is mercurial skivitar just like it was with the quicksilver sash this item is likely made of liquidy metal so it likely comes from ishtal essence reaver is also using an old icon however it is likely going to be from the shadow house as well then we have dead man's plate which is cool because it is actually showing us one of gangplank's shoulder pads that's why it is called dead man's blade ever since miss fortune took over bilgewater to everyone gangplank became a dead man edge of knight is curious because this cloak looks exactly like the cloak talon has so it is like linoxian force of nature is also using an old icon however because the passive is called rhythm of ionia it is obviously going to be ionian then there is mana moon an item of weirdly shaped metals i really have no idea where this one could be from the massians are usually known for crafting these shapes but i don't think a magical item would fit that place and especially after it upgrades into muramana it really doesn't fit demacia i am more leaning towards ishtal or targon and i forgot to say that archangel's staff actually upgrades into seraph's embrace which here still has an old icon but there is a newer one in the files and it still could be some kind of a mirai stuff although here it looks more targonian then there is guardian angel which unfortunately also has an old icon so we really have no idea where this is from but then there is amberglave which really hints towards space and star gone with everything it has be it the name the passive blackout or even the space in the icon then there is serpent chris a totally random item that is definitely incomplete then we have mortal reminder which looks like some kind of a hybrid between noxus and zone maybe that's exactly what this is supposed to be noxians are using a lot of experimental zonites technology then we have a bissell mask which with its name is hinting towards the void randuin's omen is still using the demacian crest so randuin still has to be some kind of demacian frozen heart obviously comes from freljord and it is likely a shard of true ice stormrazer is likely coming from ionia there is nothing more to say about that then we have sawtooth shredder which looks like one of the claw weapons which the noxian berserks use other than that i have no idea where this could be from rapid fire cannon comes from bilgewater and it still has the old icon thornmail however was upgraded to a pure noxian armor it looks really cool morellonomicon just shifted from blue to green the greeny magic of death grasp was linked to the shadow isles so i'm going to assume that's where morellonomicon comes from as well this is where we could also assign benchy's veil with its name at least and also with its passive which is called black morning which is likely referencing the black mist zeke's convergence is still using the old icon but i wonder if the convergence is referencing the new echoes game i wonder if we will meet zeke's there eclipse is an item that is using one of leona's eclipse icons so this one will definitely be linked to targon redemption is looking like a demacian item especially with the wings which are linked to kale and morgana but because it is magical it could actually come from the ancient times of the massia maybe this comes from the civilization kale build miguel's crucible unfortunately is very old and so nothing new there and the funny thing now is that i never realized what art and censor was i never really thought about the name but now that we have a new icon i finally realized what this item is supposed to be it's one of the things that priests use to spread mist around to bless you or something however this one is likely coming from the shadow isles then we have king's vow which looks very demassian but the design doesn't really fit that region we don't have many other kingdoms in runterra that would fit this item so perhaps this might come from the old kingdom of the ruined king then we have staff of flowing water which is either marais or ionian which takes us to the mythic items first we have leandre's anguish which is using an old icon but it is definitely gonna be from the shadow isles lude and stempest could be from absolutely anywhere but the name tempest once again hinting wind and ionia goldstaff is hinting the words freljord but to be honest it can get cold anywhere gale force could also come from anywhere however its ability is called zephyr strike with the zephyr sage being in ionia so this is likely a legendary ionian bow then we have the kraken slayer a giant harpoon cannon designed to slay krakens from bilgewater and now if you remember lord dominic's regards this is the upgraded version the immortal shield bow previously this was called the crimson shield bow which was likely referencing vladimir's crimson gold however with the change of its abilities it was renamed to the immortal shield bow in reference to the immortal bastion from noxus trinity force unfortunately is still using the old icon despite the new one already being revealed it is likely going to be from ionia gore drinker is some kind of masochistic noxian blade it is noxian because on the left side it has the classic noxian design and i assume this is some kind of weapon mordekaiser hit in the immortal bastion then there is famine which could be absolutely anything no idea what this is sunborn aegis is replacing sunfire cape either way it is definitely shuriman hextech proto belt 01 is beltoven then there is rod of eternity which i will say now was renamed to aksamuk's foley with aksamukh of course being aksamuk varchoikovari ikathore a soldier of akathya who fought besides jax against the ascendant of shrima so it is awesome to see right referencing that then there is night harvester which is likely going to be one of the lunari sites frostfire gauntlet could be from anywhere where there's magic but freljord would be the most appropriate but then there is catastrophe exo suit a built-over armor of professor phon yip who's also known in the world of legends of runterra as catastrophe duskblick of darkstar is still the same unfortunately we are not sure where that's from but since its ability is called dusk it might be lunari then there is galaxy chopper which also has a second version but we'll get to that in a second it is definitely lunari that's all i'm gonna say for now then there is cold steel psy which definitely comes from zed's shadow order because not only is it a fist weapon just like what zed has but it also has an active ability called from the shadows which is one of zed's quotes then we have shralia's battle song with shurelia likely being an ascended shreeman with this being her crown then there is locket of the iron solari which remained exactly the same so this still comes from the solari and then there is pendant of vitality which was also renamed but we'll get to that in a second lastly let me quickly mention that the elixirs remain the same with the elixir of iron being from freljord and elixir of wrath being noxian but boots got changed berserker's graves come from noxus boots of swiftness have absolutely the best reference to nunu's mum i am pretty sure this comes from nunu's tribe mobility boots are likely a zonite augment mercury threats are likely demacian because of the demacian icon on it ionian boots of lucidity are ionian and plated steel caps also come from noxus these are all the items in the shop right now however as i mentioned they all have their second version so let's dive into all the extras that are in the files once again here we are getting into the items that are found in the tutorial for some reason there the items are slightly different but because the majority of them are incomplete i will go through them a lot faster all the basic and epic items are still the same but in the legendary section there are some differences for example the scope has a different name here here it is called horizon focus and when it comes to the claws which i had no idea where they could be from well here the item is called kempung chain which would definitely make the item come from zone but then there is an entire new item that is using a placeholder icon that one is chem tech fumigator which would also definitely come from zone since this one is referencing the pollution which zone emits also here the chris or whatever the item was called was renamed to serpent's fang which is a way better name then remember the tyrant the shriemann blade with an awesome reference to the emperor well here in this version it is called silver with leg plates which you know it makes sense that the leg plates would remove crown control but i really hope they stick to the tyrant also here the death blade is called the collector and it might actually be a totally different item i wasn't really paying attention to the stats but the collector is getting gold from kills i don't think the deathblade did that that is it for the legendary items now let's have a quick look at the differences between the mythic items as i already mentioned the road of eternity is called aksamuk's folly here which is way better because it references actual lore then there is the berserker suit once again i wasn't paying attention to the stats so i need to check if this is just a different name or if this is a separate item but i do believe that this is an older version of the catastrophe item this berserker already has boots so i hope they stick to the cats then there is divine devourer which definitely sounds like an item that should be from ionia and then there is eclipse which was previously called galaxy cutter that's why the item had the moon strike passive it is related to lunari after all and i have to say the name eclipse fits this item better then there is also the hextech rocket belt this name would be way easier to remember than the o1 prototype or whatever the other item was i would actually prefer this name and here you can see that the awesome weapon of the shadow order was previously called prowler's claw which is quite a boring name and it really doesn't fit the shadow order and then there is stride breaker which i do believe is the chained weapon thingy here it has a way better name and that is it not only for the items but also for this video this was a super early look at all the new items i will try to contact riot and get some actual info on these items i mean not stat wise but rather when it comes to the lore and the design i really like how all the items now feel like they belong in the universe this is a really awesome step forward when it comes to the world building but now let me leave you with some of the icons that were data mined first of all totalbiscuit has a new icon also there are some new blades that were unused but most importantly look at these placeholders i really wanna know what this item was supposed to be you
Channel: Necrit
Views: 173,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lore, Story, Necrit, Necrit94, Narrated, Explained, League of Legends, LOL, TFT, Teamfight tactics, legends of runeterra, Items, Rework, store
Id: 0UczT-uqNaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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