What Stories Will Appear in Arcane Season 2?

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so we covered all the arcane episodes we talked about all the details there but we are still not done talking about arcane because you see we can still talk about what's gonna come in season 2 because yes it was confirmed that season 2 is coming and believe it or not season 1 gave us enough information to figure out what's gonna be happening in season 2. now of course the show is rewriting certain parts of canon lore so we're not gonna be 100 accurate but still i believe we can get very close so today let's look into all the lore that we know will come because it is on universe and let's see which storylines might appear in arcanes season 2. to be honest build over and zone have so many different storylines that i'm afraid i will forget to mention some of them i should also mention that yes of course this video will have spoilers so with that said let's talk about the main question who will survive the explosion when jinx fired that rocket that room was full of really important people and actually it is likely that mel will be removed because the current leader of medarda is jego medarda so either after what happens at the beginning of season 2 mel steps away from the family or she simply dies interestingly enough in every official riot post they always call what mel is wearing armor now in the community there has been the theory that possibly mel was linked to magic the theory originates from the fact that even before the rocket gets close mel can feel that something is happening i wouldn't give this theory that much weight but i just wanted to mention that it is there the more important thing is that the way the armor flashes heavily reminds me of something like zhonya you know the item that freezes you in time and makes you invulnerable if i have learned anything from arcane it is that this show never pulls off interesting details without them being important so it is actually possible that her armor will somehow save her it is still not that likely but be prepared for the fact that she might survive with that said it seems like mel's mother was a setup she appeared at the end of season 1 because she might be important for season 2. so i believe that noxians will return and they might try to take over the city what will likely happen is that they will be kicked out and even though he is not a medara jago will become the next leader of the clan meaning that yes that old fool might have actually been jego medarda besides this jace and victor were also in the room but they are guaranteed to survive there was also caitlyn's mother she has a really high chance of surviving but it is not guaranteed you'll see why in just a second everyone else in that room can simply die we then have vi and caitlyn with vander and silko gone from the underworld vai will join the enforcers who might be renamed to wardens after caitlyn becomes the sheriff this is possible because the last sheriff marcus died caitlyn's parents should get kidnapped by the criminal known as c that's why her mother has to survive unless riot rewrites that so season 2 might be focused on karina varaza who might be trying to take over zone after silko's death that's why she kidnapped caitlyn's parents because they would likely be the sheriffs at that time and that's the case caitlyn and vi will try to crack together so if you liked caitlyn and vai in season 1 we will get more of them together in season 2. eventually they would also bench together to track down the barren slayer ergot but i honestly believe that's coming later for something like season 3. when it comes to jinx jinx embraced the fact that she is a jinx and she likely decides to fully live her life as a jinx forgetting that powder ever existed and the more time she spends alone the crazier she may get when it comes to jinx there is not much else happening when it comes to jace yes he will likely have his disputes with victor but more than that jace will likely have a new rival in season 2. that would be ranny the baron who is also the mother of the kid whom jayce killed of course she would want to take revenge and she even teased that in season 1. but the main reason why i believe we can get a fight between the two is because in league's client in caitlyn's files you may learn about the fact that the entire shimmer factory as well as the factory for the turbo cam tanks was led by ranny and most importantly we learned that renny has her own experimental turbo cam tank that was only reserved for her use so in season 2 it is extremely likely that we will see ranny in a jacked up turbo cam tank fighting jace we also have smidge and crows the other two cam barons that appeared in the meeting crows is a piltovan smitch is a yordle that's really all we know about them the last one possibly might be baroness voss the one who might be torturing ergot in the undercity mines so if she is vos she might be setting up season 3. when it comes to victor yes he is likely to work on blitzcrank in season 2. in fact remember victor found out that the hex core can evolve and learn meaning that a hex core could be a really good brain for a self-learning robot but more than that victor's storyline will lead into victor's glorious evolution what is likely going to happen is that the parts which were replaced by magic will remain that those are actually considered to be his fleshy parts if you look at his design in league you can see that everything else besides that arm and leg is mechanical so it feels like his magical flesh will eventually start corrupting the rest of his body and he will be forced into replacing it but that is still not what the glorious evolution is now even though i think the show will tweak how this movement is dealt with in the canon core universe the glorious evolution is mostly out of his control it is led by phonetic priests who are sacrificing pieces of their body to a made-up figure called the grey lady victor however started this movement to help people in fact he didn't really start the movement he was just helping people and he gained a following victor started by replacing pieces of bodies for the sick and those in need it was all to make lives better and to prevent death but not everyone shared the same view some started their own religion around this and this spun out of control to such a degree that most of these fanatics don't even know who victor is the religion just became alive on its own to set up a tone for this religious cult i want to read a quote from the story where camille visited the church of the assembled it was the moment she met the leading priest he was kindling a few spark lights on the corners of the side chapel's altar watching over him was an imposing figure outlined in cold lead and frosted glass the grey lady holy patron of the glorious evolved the stained glass window glowed from within lit eerily by the arc lamps outside i approached the shrine there were jars of organs single eyeballs floated like pickled eggs bundled offerings were wrapped in linen some of it oily and ragged a few flies bust among the discarded pieces of the congregation one of the wrapped bundles moved a little playgret poked its nose out shortly after daring me to take away its prize the gauze of the new-found treasure caught on the edge and the rest of the bundle tumbled away revealing a designated finger the reds campered down but brother xavier shoot it back into the darkness there was also a really really really horrifying story where singed stitched two men together to see if their lifespan would increase in their combined state the story was called the host and i highly recommend reading it we also got it in a video form anyway a bit of a spoiler for the story when this monstrosity escapes cinch's lab once again they run into a small crowd leaving the church of the glorious evolved who start throwing rocks at them because you know two stitched together fleshy beings are not exactly the image of the glorious evolution and speaking of this horrifying experiment singed is definitely returning for season 2 because he has a lot of upcoming key roles first of all i am glad the story of singed returned back to its canon tracks in the last episode it was revealed that this entire time he was creating warwick behind the scenes which explains the bandages on his face remember in the canon universe singed wears his bandages because warwick scarred him during his transformation it wasn't because of the chemical burns that's why i was glad to see the warwick teaser it all snapped back together of course it is very obvious that vander is being turned into warwick because in case you have any doubts throughout the entire series vendor was called a hound silko was talking about revealing who vander really was and in game warrick talks about him being the one teaching vai how to punch and he mentions that he used to run the streets of zorn all of those would be vander but besides the warwick storyline singed got another teaser you see during arcane singed was always simply called doctor we only know it is singed because of his appearance and because that's how he's caught in the subtitles and in the credits i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure no one called him by name and that could be because singed might be his present nickname in reality he might be korin reveke orianna's father currently this theory is only based on the fact that the picture of the girl in his locket very well fits orianna but the details around him might be pointing at it too you see corinne was famous for his masterful craft in artificial limbs considering the fact that silko's doctor is likely the one who took care of savika's arm the korean rebecca theory starts to fall in place also in orianna's story it is revealed that before she fell sick after a chemical disaster in zone and before corin had to slowly start replacing his daughter's entire body with mechanical counterparts orianna helped him in his workshop but she was making small figures and toys now if wright's plan was to turn singed into corin the entire time the scene where singed was impressed by victor's toy boat would have been some brilliant for shadowing in short yes technically singed can be orianna's father but there is more in an earlier conversation with victor singed mentioned that in the past he had to part ways with heimerdinger specifically the quote was love and legacy are the sacrifices we make for progress that's why i parted ways with heimerdinger you bet this storyline will be explored more in season 2. but more on that in the canon universe singed has some brilliant stories that only make sense within the context that singed used to be a professor in built-over and i am really happy riot didn't retcon that at least now we know that he did have some parts there i wonder if this is somehow related to rio i wonder if rio is the key to prolonging people's lives that's why he would need the mutation to survive or in an even creepier outcome if orianna was not his daughter since rio is a mutation it would be interesting to see if his daughter was perhaps turned into rio that's kinda unlikely to happen though he would have treated ryo more like his child but maybe rio holds the dna of his daughter and through rio maybe he will be able to clone her i don't know it's all just brainstorming i am still expecting a really creepy reveal surrounding rio but that is still not it before mel's mother killed that one girl she mentioned that she was an idol of the old regime this could mean two things either noxis just took over a piece of shurima and by changing the regime they would be removing the noble shriman families or she might be referencing the regime of noxus changing as swain took the throne from borem darkwill in this case if swain already became the grand general the noxian invasion of ionia would be already over if not the invasion of ionia might be happening around season 2 and if that's the case singed would be the one making chemical weapons for noxians now singed doesn't seem to be necessarily evil after all even shimmer had its benefits it legitimately helps people heal but it has side effects so i wonder what will push him into creating deadly weapons for the enemy once again maybe the noxians will offer him some help with rio but that is still not it here we need to mention one more big event in season 1 it was revealed that the entire city was simply called built over the idea of it being split into two you know built over and zone was only voted in at the very end of season 1 and even that likely didn't go through because jinx killed them all and with it the hopes of peace died as well the point is that in the core canon universe built over was split into built over and zone after piltover tried to blow up a hole through the rocks in the undercity so that they could make a tunnel and so that their ships could freely sail through the city from west to east unfortunately they miscalculated how much of their explosives they should use and they pretty much sank half of the undercity this is how zone got finally separated from built over according to season 1 this catastrophe has not happened yet because there is simply only piltover which also means that people haven't prayed to jenna yet so who knows maybe jenna will appear in season 2. regardless if this event happens in season 2 it should be a really big plot point but now finally let's move away from singed we then have savika she is definitely coming back it was revealed that she did survive at the end of season 1 and the way it was framed especially with the empty chair in the back without vander or silko around it was hinted that savika will take over the last drop i wouldn't be surprised if she turned it from a nightclub back into a normal bar just like it was during vander's days she is nearly guaranteed to have some flashbacks just like what we saw in season 1. there we got flashbacks of jinx and vi on the bridge then we got jace victor caitlyn when she was a bit older and mel i think this series will continue to do this and the reason why cevica has such a high chance of getting these flashbacks is because during one of her conversations with silco she mentioned that just like jinx she too once ran away from her father and she returned when she was ready this sounded like an obvious setup for savika's past issues with her father but during season 1 death was never brought up again so it is highly likely savika's past was saved for season 2. next we need to mention someone that's really likely to appear but it may not be guaranteed house pharaohs in mel's very first introduction scene we learned that she sent a letter to house pharaohs even though their business was steady mel wanted them to go for some big new invention mel's assistant then tells her that in their reply house pharaohs answered that it is because of the pharaoh's inventions that mel became the richest person in piltover so if mel happens to die at the beginning of season 2 house pharaohs might feel like they are entitled to what mel became at the end that's why they could come to power this is where it's important to mention that house pharaohs is closely working with jayce in legends of runterra and of course the point of all of this is that camille is from house pharaohs she is a bit older so maybe she would already be transforming in the series but you know the series uses the flashbacks that's how he could learn about what happened to her among these stories there would obviously be the love story of hakim naderi and camille faroes the awesome story of her crippled brother steven pharos who pulls some really impressive strings behind camille's back but also remember how swain was referencing c around camille in game yeah since it was confirmed that c is corrina varaza since wayne's quotes were already written with arcane in mind because he already knew about what jinx was going to do this means that swain might be teasing that camille will be involved in the storyline of c and vi and caitlyn so if the entire c storyline is happening in season 2 camille is nearly guaranteed to be there as well camille might not bc herself but she should be there also camille's story is happening after the glorious evolution already happened remember as i told you she did visit some of the churches so if victor's glorious evolution happens in season 2 once again camille should be there but that's it for the big main characters now let's dive into the smaller ones that might also appear of course ekko will be there and he might be working on his z drive he still doesn't have his weapon in the series and originally it is supposed to be the arm of zorn's main clock tower i wonder if that storyline will be explored of course he's gonna be working on it with heimerdinger speaking of which i think heimerdinger's glamour might be explained if you don't know heimerdinger and six are using what is known as glamour glamour makes it so that you look like a human because apparently people in zone and piltover are afraid of yordles now of course in season 1 no one was afraid of heimerdinger and everyone knew he was a yordle so it seemed like riot was retconning glamour but that might not be the case it can be saved it is possible that something horrifying is going to happen maybe it's even linked to jinx and what happened at the end of season 1 especially since heimerdinger used to be the main counselor but something horrifying is going to happen and that is going to make people afraid of yordles everyone knows yordos can use magic victor referenced it in season 1. so there may be a magical disaster that will force heimerdinger into inventing glamour of course heimerdinger will eventually also meet x but i don't know if six will be involved in season 2 because heimerdinger would still have his main connection with ekko i don't think it is necessary to throw in a third character though he might appear just because of jinx mundo is also a really good one remember when mundo was reworked they knew arcane was happening that's why mundo has all the purple chemicals in him even though before arcane every chemical in zone was always green it's because wright knew that shimmer would be a thing in arcane so yes mundo is likely linked to shimmer and he might appear as a secondary character it would be also cool to see the return of twitch after singed probably created him in that scene with the cat but it might just be an easter egg just like zack zack really isn't that important for the story of zone so if zack appears it would be kind of a side story and there is ezreal ezreal's uncle may appear ezreal may be there as well but once again ezreal is really not important for the story of built over and zone the majority of his story actually happens in the outside regions somewhere like sharima so i don't expect to see too much of ezreal and lastly the same goes for seraphine she's not really a fan favorite when it comes to her lore so if she appears she might just be a reference in the background one last thing seeing how the hex score is getting more and more void-like if all of this year's champions are supposed to be somehow linked to pilt over and zone i wonder if the new void champion that was already confirmed is somehow linked to the voidy hex core i'm not expecting that to be the case but i just wanted to mention it just in case now before we leave we need to mention one more fun thing skins for season 1 riot released 4 skins that were tied to season one i fully expect riots to do the same thing for season two now in season one we got arcane jace but no victor that is extremely likely because victor will be the main character of season 2 so they likely saved victor for that so right now i believe that arcane victor and singed are pretty much guaranteed these two might be the biggest characters of season 2 but since these two champions have niche audiences you need to add in two of the more popular champions arcane warwick would be cool but i don't think that's happening my bets are on arcane echo with the angel mask and if we get her it would be cool to see arcane orianna which would be orianna with only half of her body replaced if not we could also get arcane camille but that one might be hard to pull off orianna is far more popular lastly before we close this video i want to mention one really interesting conundrum you see right now if you go to universe you may see that some of the stories of the champions are different from what happened in arcane even though everyone is considering arcane to be canon well according to the universe not so much but here's the issue with that i really want riot to turn arcane into the canon version of the story it would simply make sense but they can't update the stories to match arcane because they would spoil what's happening in season 2. for example they can't just update singed because that could confirm the theory with orianna that would ruin quite a bit of fun as we get let into season 2. so right now i really want right to update all the bios and all the stories so that arcane could be fully canon but well are they in a pickle because they really can't do that but they have to otherwise things are gonna get confusing really quick [Music] you
Channel: Necrit
Views: 858,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lore, Story, Necrit, Necrit94, Narrated, Explained, League of Legends, LOL, TFT, Teamfight tactics, legends of runeterra, Arcane, Season 2, Season, Review, Singed, Camille, Orianna
Id: J549rN7WCuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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