Who Are The NEW Furious Five? | Kung Fu Panda Explained

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hello fun people I'm Isaac Carlson and since Master Oogway created the legendary art of kung fu there have been many Furious fives assembled at one point the Great Master Shifu himself was even a part of one of those teams but in The Valley Of Peace there is no five as well known and loved as the one composed of Master Tigris Viper mantis Crane and monkey I mean they they even were the furious five who inspired the Dragon Warrior to pursue a life dedicated to Kung Fu and for most of their reign they seemed Unstoppable but during the age of Poe another collection of Masters was brought together to challenge the five and today we're gonna fully understand the story of that new furious five now the new Furious 5 was created by a fox known as Master junji he studied at the Jade Palace under master Oogway and during his path to become a master he trained with Shifu together junji and Shifu learned all the same kung fu skills and techniques they were raised identically and were both tasked with protecting The Valley Of Peace but junji had a Darkness That Grew within him oh don't listen to Shifu he's always been a stick in the mud while Shifu joined the previous Furious 5 and was inevitably allowed to form the current generation of the team junji was given no new titles or opportunities by ugly leading him to believe that ugwe saw him as second best everyone's a little slow sometimes right junji junji felt like he was existing in shifu's Shadow he was especially infuriated when he discovered that he would not become the next Steward of the Jade Palace that role would be granted to Shifu the truth was though that Oogway never considered junji for more responsibility because he sensed rage within him even before he felt it within himself so much anger this is why fuque didn't pick you to run the j palace regardless of what junji desired though Shifu deserved to be the master of the Jade Palace ugly had raised him since he was a child and showed him a path to become a wise hero through all the students that had betrayed ugoi Shifu always remained loyal to his teacher and stayed by his side and even when shifu's heart was hardened after he failed his son Tai Lung he was faithful in his commitment to The Valley Of Peace junji on the other hand allowed himself to become jaded and resentful of his failures which led to him to long for revenge against Shifu he hoped that someday he could prove that he was better than ugwe's prodigal student and the way he often tried to accomplish that was by copying and attempting to outdo Master Shifu you see after Master junji left the Jade Palace he seemingly constructed his own Temple and after Shifu began to raise and train Tai Lung junji appears to have followed shifu's lead Master junji indoctrinated dozens of snow leopards to be his faithful students which I think was probably done in hopes of finding an individual who could compete with Tai Lung for the opportunity to be the Dragon Warrior for most of tylon's life it seemed like he was destined to be granted the dragon scroll by Oogway but junji knew that wasn't guaranteed which meant he had an opportunity to beat Shifu of course though neither Shifu or junji's pupils were chosen to be the Dragon Warrior but junji's efforts were not wasted while junji's snow leopards had failed to seize the unlimited power that was promised from reading the a dragon scroll nevertheless he still used them to build his own furious five you see unlike Tai Lung who is able to turn against Shifu junji taught each of his own snow leopard students to be blindly loyal to him the snow leopards only knew a life of kung fu training in servitude which allowed them to become a dangerous Army only junji could control but they definitely weren't perfect the snow leopards were often described to be creepy since they never thought for themselves or experienced a life without junji and none of them were willing to search for more because they refused to think independently they were also limited to junji's teachings meaning if you figured out how to stop one of the snow leopards you knew how to defeat all of them that would repeatedly be exploited in the future by the furious five the truth was that junji's students were the most capable when they could overwhelm their opponents by their numbers which we got to see when they caught the Rogue Kung Fu Master Mei Ling attempting to steal beautiful silver sword from junji's Temple you see Mei Ling was shifu's ex-girlfriend they had fallen in love when Shifu was a young Prodigy probably when master junji was still at the Jade Palace another thing that junji failed to get but Shifu forced them to go their separate ways when he discovered she was still using her Kung Fu to steal from the citizens of The Valley Of Peace when Master junji found Mei Ling within his home his pupils ferociously and easily defeated her leaving her in his debt unfortunately the Furious Five by definition could only have five members though which meant junji had to choose the most elite members from his Temple to create his furious five although you can't really tell the difference between any of them since they were built dressed and they behaved exactly the same I hear one of them's a girl but which one which the new furious five would only be revealed though when the time was right while junji slowly developed himself into an evil mastermind to the Kung Fu world he remained an ally allowing him to to eventually join the governing body of kung fu known as the sacred Onyx Council while junji could have embraced the responsibilities he had always longed for as a member of the sacredonics council instead he threw away all of his honor in hopes of finally Rising above Shifu I mean he was so prestigious and famous that Poe was practically going to pee his pants when he first met him junji may have never received the admiration of Master Oogway but his true successor the Dragon Warrior completely adored him but that didn't satisfy junji it was not enough for him to succeed he was unwilling to stray from any path that would not lead to shifu's downfall Master junji eventually accompanied the council's leader Master Chao on an inspection of Shifu and the Jade palace and this was when junji finally acted against his old rival once junji arrived at the Jade Palace he undermined and sabotaged shifu's leadership in secret which led to Master Shifu being stripped of his role as the steward of the the Jade Palace junji was then granted shifu's old position and was tasked with bringing the palace back to its former glory not knowing that junji was a guilty culprit in shifu's downfall Poe in the furious five were then Bound by their honor by Master Chow to obey junji and of course Master junji's First Command was to disband the current furious five allowing him to introduce his own meet the new furious five all of the Masters the Jade Palace were ordered to leave because Poe and the furious five believed the palace was in safe hands they followed his instructions but Shifu sensed there was something going on within junji which brought him to return to the Jade Palace on his own much to junji's Delight his furious five fought without honor allowing the snow leopards to successfully defeat Shifu junji's enemy was then imprisoned in secret beneath the palace and across every surface junji and his pupils placed memorabilia showcasing shifu's downfall very nice eyes really captures my Essence at that point all that was left to do was end shifu's life cementing junji permanently as the rightful ruler of the province luckily Poe discovered the truth about junji and his plans for Shifu but the furious five still refused to face their Replacements they were uninterested in dishonoring themselves in the Jade Palace any further especially when they struggled to believe that a great Master like junji could have fallen to become evil so Poe went alone and unfortunately failed to stop the new furious five junji and his Masters beat down Poe and it appeared that they were unable to be stopped until the furious five returned to save the day each member of the furious five went head to head against the new furious five and while the battle was epic and ferocious one by one the original team was able to take down each of the Masters that stood before them as for Master junji on his way to destroy Shifu he was defeated by the Dragon Warrior in the catacombs of the Jade Palace Master Shifu and his furious five were allowed to return to their positions as Masters Of The Valley Of Peace while junji and his Furious 5 were sent to choregon prison the prison originally built to imprison Tai Lung but they would not remain there for long junji and his Furious 5 eventually returned to The Valley Of Peace but this time junji hoped to more tactically take over the Jade Palace you see junji did not immediately reveal his presence in the valley and instead manifested himself as the spirit of Oogway by leveraging the respect every Master of Kung Fu had for the Great Master Oogway slowly junji was able to manipulate Poe and Crush Shifu through his new teachings you do not need to worry I'll stay with you and tell you everything you need to do junji pitted Paul against Shifu and placed doubts in the dragon Warrior's mind about what was truly important seeds of discontent were sown leading to Master Shifu to even question whether his time at the Jade Palace was over eventually Shifu determined that he had to allow the next generation of Masters to rise above him so he left the Jade Palace feeling guilty for pushing Shifu away Poe went after him but that action only provided junji and his furious five the opportunity to finally strike down Shifu students the five were finally defeated by the new furious five and without Shifu present junji declared himself once more the Jade palace's true Master when Paul returned to the Jade Palace after he believed he was unable to bring Shifu back he got a beat down by junji's loyal snow leopards until the real master Oogway seemed to appear but I'm not a grace to the name of Oogway luckily he's not here to see this for a moment it seemed as though Oogway was finally coming to provide praise love and honor to junji in a way he never experienced during ogway's life junji hoped his claims of wanting to quote unquote restore the Jade Palace would give him the recognition he always wanted but the moment was actually just a distraction by Shifu himself proving that he had not deserted the Jade Palace and junji could not destroy shifu's spirit with the Dragon Warrior and Master Shifu present again in the fight against junji and the new furious five the treacherous Masters were defeated again but junji had many more plots ahead of him at one point he tried to force Poe into an arranged marriage with a goat named Lucy which Mr Peng had set up when Bo was just a baby you see if Poe would have married that girl at that time he would have been forced to relinquish his title as the Dragon Warrior with Poe out of the battle for the Jade Palace junji hoped that his time would finally come to take control for himself but eventually his plot was exposed and he was defeated again along with his furious five later on junji and his Furious 5 began to focus Less on the Jade Palace in their plots and instead to begin to search for riches by threatening shifu's ex-may Ling he forced her to answer to the debt she owed him Mei Ling was tasked to steal the crown of Heaven on junji's behalf in hopes of keeping her safe though Shifu stepped in to help her take the crown but behind junji and shifu's back meiling took the fall for the robbery to make sure junji was unable to secure the valuable Relic and to ensure shifu's honor remained untarnished eventually junji became so tired and angry by his failures and the mistakes of his furious five that he left them behind in shoregon prison and returned to The Valley Of Peace not to rule it but to completely annihilate it this time he hoped to pick off the furious five one by one to allow him to eliminate the Dragon Warrior once and for all only then without any masters from the Jade Palace remain training would junji completely destroy The Valley Of Peace sure the furious five and Shifu did become divided but when Poe and the village needed their help they were there to stop Master junji once more the new furious five was born out of the corrupted Mind of a jealous and angry Kung Fu Master they were raised to be absolutely dangerous and completely faithful to their teacher but unfortunately their devotion led to their downfall while their master and Father Figure plotted for the destruction of his enemies his furious five were used just his pawns they were repeatedly beat down imprisoned and eventually they were even abandoned an entire Army of accomplished snow leopard Kung Fu Masters was built only to be tossed aside by the deranged mind of an ungrateful and arrogant Master June ji but what do you think of the new furious five were they victims of junji or did they deserve the faith they received to learn about the previous Series 5 that Master June ji was excluded from I've linked that video in the description option down below and finally thank you for watching stay legendary and have a magical day
Channel: Isaac Carlson
Views: 257,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XYPTqrJpo00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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