Who and What Is The MOUTH OF SAURON? | Middle Earth Lore

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hello and welcome to the broken sword today we are having a look at who was the mouth of sauron the mouth of saron is the lieutenant of the tower of barodor that we get to meet in the return of the king section of the lord of the rings in the book the mouth appears to meet and negotiate or basically taunt the men of the west when their army is marched to mordor in the peter jackson adaptation the mouth only appears in the extended edition before the black gate and in this he is given the appearance of an eyeless man type being with an exaggerated mouth and large helm whereas in the 1980 rankin bass movie he still has his eyes in this portrayal even though they have still been more camouflaged into his helmet as well but how does the book describe him well this is the section from the return of the king chapter of the black gate opens where he makes his appearance the door of the black gate was thrown open with a great clan and out of it there came an embassy from the dark tower at its head there wrote a tall and evil shape mounted upon a black horse if horse it was for it was huge and hideous and its face was a frightful mask more like a skull than a living head and in the sockets of its eyes and in its nostrils there burned a flame the rider was roped all in black and black was his lofty helm yet this was no ring ring but a living man the lieutenant of the tower of barador he was and his name is remembered in no tale for he himself had forgotten it and he said i am the mouth of sargon but it is told that he was a renegade who came from the race of those that are named the black numenoreans for they established their dwellings in middle earth during the years of sauron's domination and they worshipped him being enamored for evil knowledge and he entered the service of the dark tower when it first rose again and because of his canon he grew ever higher in the lord's favor and he learned great sorcery and knew much of the mind of zara and he was more cruel than any orc this description paints a very solid picture of just what kind of being this man was he had become dark through evil could potentially be mistaken for a wraith yet not having become one and his cunning must have been great to rise to such a position in sarvan's favor but even though his past has been forgotten as it says we can be pretty certain he was a black numenorean nonetheless however there is actually some debate around his origins as i will go over now we have two possible theories that have been discussed about it and these both come from one sentence of the previous quote of and he entered the service of the dark tower when it first rose again these two theories come from robert foster's the complete guide to middle-earth book which was first published in 1971 and it says under the mouth of sauron in the third age and perhaps the second as well he served sarah rising in his service because of his cunning and evil he became a great sorcerer which is how he preserved his life for thousands of years by the time of the war of the ring he had become the lieutenant of the tower of barodor and had forgotten his real name he was doubtless killed when sauron fell or in the battle with the army of the west which followed also called the messenger of mordle so if we actually look at tolkien's writings now from appendix b from the lord the rings we see that the dark tower arose for the first time at some point after either 3320 of the second age or if we count the rebuilding its completion happened around the year 2951 of the third age so some people can interpret this as the mouth of saron lived in the second age from its original beginning which would then in turn mean he would have been one of the king's men of numenol and so had probably prolonged his life with sorcery to be able to live for thousands of years or instead he only had served saron for around 68 years as what it really means is it's reference in the rebuilding of the tower in the third age instead i personally feel that this second option is a much more feasible one if anything just because of if we look at the quote again it does say and he entered the service of the dark tower when it first rose again obviously meaning not the first time and so if this way is truly the case then it means he would have actually been one of the black nominees who would come from either umba or harrat instead now obviously you will get people argue that perhaps the dark tower is maybe even referencing one of morgoth's dark towers but again i don't really think so i do think this is the rebuilding in the third age but as i have to emphasize this is just my personal opinion you are by no means either right or wrong for thinking otherwise but now some of you may actually be wondering what is a black luminorian you may have heard of numenol and the men of numenol but not necessarily the black numenoreans as well so for those of you who are not completely sure of what this is then let's have a quick run through and look back at the time of when the kingdom of numenor had not been sunk in the sea within this kingdom there was a group of high men who had succumbed to the shadow who would also go by the name of the king's men as quite obviously these were the men who supported the king of numenor at that time these were composed of the majority of the people living in numenol by the late times of the second age and they were those that believed in rebelling against the valar and the aldar because they had grown ever more envious of their immortality and hated them for having banned them from sailing so far west of their island that they could no longer see it they were also oppressive in their ways of ruling and enjoyed acting as all powerful overlords and this was usually over the more primitive men of middle earth as they were easier to bring under their control this is what led this group to surviving the downfall of numenol as there were large groups of them not on the island but instead they were elsewhere attempting to gain control of other areas of middle earth this meant that they survived throughout the second age and into the third age of middle earth and although their lifespan was once as much as three times of that of the lesser men as the years rolled on they began to breed with these other so-called lesser men and this caused their lifespans to reduce through the generations as a result although that is not to say that there were none left with what they would have considered as a pure bloodline but it is very unlikely that this is the case and so is from one of these that is most likely that the mouth of sauron would have descended from so now that we have covered all that backstory and his origins some of you may be wondering what about his name does he really not actually have one well again if we look back at the quote from the beginning it does say that his name is no longer known he has become a different being to the man that he would have once been meaning as we say his birth name was just lost all his life turned into his new role as the mouth of sauron however in the earlier notes of tolkien it said that he named this messenger of sauron as modu which when translated would mean black darkness however this name did not stick around for the final draft but a strange point to go with this title of the mouth of saab is it is also said by aragorn in the fellowship of the ring chapter of the departure of boromir that saron does not use his right knee nor did he ever give permission for anyone to either spell or speak it yet this messenger called himself the mouth of sarah so whether this was a title given to him by the dark lord or self-proclaimed it is hard to know for sure but while it does show that he was at the very least a large part of sauron's plans and in his closer inner circle of his attempts at domination also obviously shown by the fact that he was the one to come out and treaty with the men of the west and so the mouth worshipped the dark lord to no end being fascinated and driven to grow his evil knowledge in the name of sarvon the mouth is just a fascinating example of how sarong could twist someone from what could have been a great man of numenor into a vile and cruel person this could be backed up even more when you look at the beast that he rode out on to meet with those at the black gate as it was not simply just a horse he rode upon but as it was described back in that quote again when he makes his first appearance it says mounted upon a black horse if horse it was for it was huge and hideous and its face was a frightful mask more like a skull than a living head and in the sockets of its eyes and in its nostrils that burned a flame it really would take a king of the likes of aragorn alongside someone like gandalf to really not be intimidated by such a thing marching towards them now as for the mouth of sauron's day-to-day job no one really knows what he does as his only true appearance comes in the time of the walk the ring this is where we see him meet the army of the west and when talking with them he would give his demands or the demands of sarah one of these demands would include that upon their surrender a lieutenant of saaran would be placed into eisenguard and in his head this surely would have been the mouth of sauron himself although you have to also think it could have possibly been a nascar instead but anyway the mouth would also attempt to intimidate aragon and gandalf by showing them the mithril coat that belonged to frodo trying to make them believe that they had already retaken the one ring however this would fail as they would not be intimidated thus the mouth of sauron would decide that this was the time to send out all of the armies of mordor in weight onto the army of the west now what about his end you may ask did he die in battle did he act like a coward and run well sadly it is not ever confirmed however it is all but certain that at this point the mouth of saron would have died it would have been either at some point on that day whether during the assault or even while trying to run but if not that then surely not long afterwards as he would not have gotten far when trying to flee and so there we have it a look at what we know about who and what the mouth of sauron truly was we could be sure he came from the group known as the black numenoreans and although there is some debate about if he was thousands of years old or maybe just a hundred or so i personally must side with the younger of these he was a twisted and dark being and in the end he suffered the fate he deserved but now as i approach the end of my video i have my question for you all today which is how powerful do you think the mouth of sauron really was if you think about it both himself and aragorn were some of the last descendants of the men of numenol but would you consider them to be anywhere near as powerful as each other after all aragorn was a king and the mouth of sauron was just a servant it may seem obvious but i am curious to hear all of your thoughts and opinions on this in the comments section below and now that we've reached the end of the video i would also like to remind you all we do not just have this channel but we have two others as well and they are the sixth ranger if you enjoy your power rangers content and the history of dragon ball if you enjoy your dragon ball content links for both these channels will be in the description below if you would like to watch and support us on those as well and now it is time to shout out our patrons firstly our divine power team members of kevin michael abram matt and glorfindle of gondolin you are all awesome and a big thank you to our fire demon team members of nasheed lorenzo denver steele and gregory and as well i cannot forget the wizard staff to your member of andrew to go with them you are all true legends of the prohibit and finally if you have not already 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Channel: The Broken Sword
Views: 569,685
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Keywords: The Broken Sword, History of the Ages, History of Middle Earth, The Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings Lore, Middle Earth Lore, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion, Tolkien Lore, who is the mouth of sauron, what is the mouth of sauron, is the mouth of sauron numenorean, mouth of sauron black numenorean, is the mouth of sauron a nazgul, is the mouth of sauron a ringwraith, history of the mouth of sauron, mouth of sauron return of the king, mouth of sauron name
Id: vZ6SWyPhKx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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