Dark Lord Sauron - Epic Character History

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three rings for the Elven kings under the sky 7 for the dwarf Lords in their halls of stone 9 for mortal men doomed to die one for the Dark Lord on his dark throne in the land of Mordor where the shadows lie one ring to rule them all one ring to find them one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them in the land of Mordor where the shadows lie Mae govannen friends Houston here with another epic character history for you all today in my opinion this is one of the greatest villains of all time and I've really been looking forward to making this video please enjoy known under many titles such as the nameless enemy the lord of gifts and most infamously as the Lord of the Rings Sauron was originally a Maia who served a lei the Smith who was of the Valar his original name was myron meaning the admirable he wore this name during his time serving under rule a learning much abouts the craft of forging this craft would become useful in the construction of bara door and the One Ring Sauron was the most powerful of the my are even more powerful than all Erinn and Cuomo who would one day be known as Gandalf and Saruman in his first days Sauron was as Aluva Tarr had created him good at heart and uncorrupted however Sauron was soon tainted by the original Dark Lord Melkor before the first age after his corruption Sauron remained falsely loyal to the Valar and spied on the divine beings for his Dark Master until a tomb no integrant were built and Sauron openly declared himself a servant of Melkor this is the way of things as Tolkien wrote quote for nothing is evil in the beginning even sour on was not so end quote after his betrayal the null door called him Sauron meaning the abhorred while the sinned are called him gore Thor meaning the dread abomination he became the greatest lieutenant of Melkor serving as Castellon of Angband during melkor's reign in a tomb and sour and escaped the first destruction of that wicked place during the war of the powers when the Valar would seize Melkor for the first time his infamy grew as the first age began because Sauron directed the war against Feyenoord elves during the war of the jewels while Melkor corrupted the newly awakened men eventually Sauron established his own fortress after Melkor returned to an band on the elven island of syrian later named to Lyn go Hoth or the island of the werewolves saurons power peaked during the first age because he was able to shape-shift into both a werewolf and a vampire it's definitely interesting to see how powerful Sauron was at this time and how he lost this power throughout the ages in my opinion Sauron first takes the reins as a true villain in his own right during the tale of Beren and lúthien at this time Melkor was the arch nemesis of the Valar Maya and the elves but I believe Sauron was always the main enemy of the race of men and this is where that rivalry began before the man Baron met the elf lúthien Sauron wanted to know the location of bar here one of aragorn's ancestors so that he could end the line of leaders in the house of BAE or which would [ __ ] the race of men and so sour on tortured gore limb one of bar hears men for the location of his leader after Gore LEM revealed bara here the band of men were killed creating the first great tensions between men and sour Baron the son of bar here who yet lived sought revenge and eventually came to the forest of doriath where he met lúthien and began the quest for the silmaril during this quest Baron and his allies were captured by Sauron before he and his companions could make it to melkor's Fortress of an band in order to steal one of fan or silmaril x' they were held on sauron's island of werewolves and fin rod a king of the null durian elves defended Baron to the last with songs and martial skills before lúthien and the hound named Huan came and tore sauron's castle asunder freeing Baron lúthien and Huan gave sour on a massive feet killing all of his werewolves and even defeating the dark servant himself while he was in the shape of a werewolf after this Sauron fled to the forest of to our new phooey in the appearance of a vampire Sauron remained hidden during the first stage and the war of Wrath as he likely avoided punishment from his master for such a defeat at the hands of lúthien near the end of the first stage when nel cuore was finally beaten and cast into the void Sauron who is now without a master surrendered to the host of the West but refused to face judgment in Valinor so he fled to a land soon known as Mordor where he built the Tower of bara door to stand against the free peoples and ages to come now Sauron has the only Dark Lord in middle-earth laid dormant as he established his new realm during the early parts of the Second Age like his master Melkor Sauron desired to rule middle-earth or destroy it if he couldn't control it the Dark Lord would attempt the former before resulting to the latter first Sauron corrupted the men of her odd and rune with delusions of power and wealth then he built armies of Orcs and trolls if he needed to march on the elves but first you had tried to seduce the Eldar into his evil ways so in the year 1500 of the Second Age Sauron shape-shifted again but this time into a fair elven Lord of the Vanier are called an ATAR the Lord of gifts he came to a region and befriended the nulled or elves that lived there including their leader Kaleb rim bore other elder such as Galadriel Elrond and gil-galad did not trust this an ATAR but they took no open action against him yet the elves that did trust him however were seduced by his teachings and so they learned the art of ring crafting with this knowledge Calabrian bore crafted the three elven rings untouched by saurons malice then after the men dwarves and elves had their rings Sauron crafted his ruling ring in Mount Doom a volcano in Mordor to rule the minds of the wearers of these rings this was sauron's plan if he was able to get every leader of every race to wear one of his rings he could dominate their minds and so control all peoples of middle-earth but this plan backfired the elves sensed an Attar's treachery and immediately took their rings off to disable sauron's power over their minds as for the dwarves and their rings they became greedy for wealth but nothing more their inherit strength and power had saved them from Sauron however the nine men were corrupted and they became the nazgûl and greatest of the Dark Lord's servants indeed most men of middle-earth had become servants of Sauron and to the men of the West who had create Gondor and are nor still dwelt in Numenor because Sauron couldn't taint the elves he declared war on them and nearly conquered all of middle-earth killing the same elves that he had deceived years earlier such as Kell brim born in the war of the elfs and sour own it wasn't until the men of the West intervened that Sauron was driven back under the king tar Minister of númenor the men of that fair island came unto middle-earth and pushed sour on back to Mordor this allowed the Dark Lord to grow in power over many centuries and towards the later years in the Second Age malkor servant once again re emerged calling himself the king of men and the Lord of the earth these titles had offended the númenóreans and so the great men of that island went once again to Mordor without any conflicts and imprisoned the Dark Lord easily as their strength of arms was far superior to that of saurons forces we must remember though Sauron is a master deceiver and manipulator so he used his imprisonment to his advantage and corrupted the kingdom of númenor from within the same king who had detained sour on King Arthur Azam came to trust Sauron who had assumed another fair guise as his greatest advisor and so Sauron spread lies to the people of númenor telling them that his old master Melkor had the power to save men from that which they most feared death indeed these men who had longer lifespans than any normal human still feared their mortality so they gave in to Saiyans lies and constructed a temple to the original Dark Lord and worshiped him through human sacrifices eventually sour unconvinced the men of númenor to sail against the Valar in the West but arrow Olivet our master of all intervened and he drowned Numenor and destroyed the followers of ar-pharazôn and sorrow this was not the end of the men of the West or Sauron as lndia and his loyal sons who had not betrayed the valour were granted safe passage to middle-earth where they built Arnor and Gondor the two kingdoms of men that would stand strongest against Sauron in the later years sauron's deceptions on Numenor came with the cost however and the Dark Lord round and lost his ability to shape-shift so he was forced to assume his unfair guys for the rest of his years although sauron's body was destroyed in the downfall of númenor his spirit was strong enough to bring the One Ring back to Mordor thus he was able to revitalize his physical body in the last years of the Second Age Sauron learned that Allen Deol still lived and as he despised him most out of all númenóreans the Dark Lord waged war too soon in hopes to crush Gondor and Arnor but High King gilgul ad of the elves alongside high king lndia defeated Sauron in the war of the last Alliance after 12 years of planning and fighting the Dark Lord was defeated on the slopes of Mount Doom when a seal door cuts the One Ring from the hand of the Dark Lord thus the third age came to be and Sauron Svensson this time are pretty well known so I will quickly summarize them it is speculated as to whether or not Sauron ever took a physical shape after the war of the last Alliance the Lord of the Rings movies portray him as a flaming high atop bara door but I don't think that's what Tolkien had in mind though Sauron did take a lead less eye as his symbol I think Sauron took a physical form towards the end of the Third Age but he remained within bara door using the if l stone to spy from the lens of Mordor because the One Ring remained carried by a sealed or lost in the end wind and then found by Smeagol and passed on to the Baggins family Sauron remained and his spirit endured after 1,000 years Sauron began to reestablish himself once again he created the stronghold of due cool door and Mirkwood and he bade his time there waiting for the perfect moment to strike with a new war around this time the Wizards were sent by the Valar into middle-earth to keep watch against Sauron and advised the free peoples the nazgûl began to reveal themselves in the year 1300 and suspicions began to arise concerning sounds returned in 2060 three of the Third Age Gandalf investigated dull gold or for any sign of Melkor servant but he found nothing as sour on fled to avoid being discovered too early in his plans Souren likely went to the Far East until 24 sixty when he would return to dull gold ore marking the end of the watchful peace after his return to dull gold ore Sauron continued his preparations for the final war against the free peoples Gandalf infiltrated dull gold ore again in 2850 and finally discovered that Sauron had indeed returned but the white council waited until 2941 before they did anything about him and by that time Sauron put up a weak fight against them ready to return to Mordor and enact his final war I think Sauron spent most of this age until gold or waiting for our Knorr downfall and the weakening of the free peoples so that he would have almost no resistance in his domination during this time he was also likely thinking about the One Ring and where it could possibly be thus Sauron rebuilt his armies and bar adora while enslaving the men of the south and east Sauron took the symbol of a lidless eye for his regime and used this to spark fear in middle-earth during the War of the Ring in the year thirty eighteen to thirty nineteen of the Third Age Sauron had the strength of arms and tactics over the free peoples and could have won the war through those but his biggest weakness led to his final defeat he underestimated the free peoples of middle-earth and he was far too confident in his own abilities and decisions that Aragorn the future king of Arnor and Gondor descended from Beren and lúthien tricked the Dark Lord into his own defeat the One Ring that remained in middle-earth kept sour on alive and he had believed that no one had the willpower to destroy it but he was wrong his greatest enemies were two small folk of a far-off land while Aragorn led his armies against all of saurons forces at the Battle of the Black Gate the hobbits Frodo and Sam snuck into Mount Doom and with the help of golem or Smeagol as he was once known they destroyed the One Ring this vanquished the second and final Dark Lord of Tolkien's legendarium and Sauron spirit was forever weakened never to return to power again it is likely that this final defeat sent Sauron into the void beyond the world where his master Lord Melkor still resided a new age of peace was brought into middle-earth after the destruction of Sauron and the free peoples would never again suffer such an enemy thank you all so much for watching I hope you all enjoyed it I have looked forward to making this video for a really long time and it was definitely worth the wait if you found this entertaining please hit that like button and share this video with someone who you think might like it if you'd like to talk to me more directly please join us on Facebook and Twitter through the links in the description below and subscribe to join the men of the West and all of the free peoples today the first song used in today's video was from a fan named David Wesley I have left a link to his work in the description so please check out his music it's really quite incredible next weekend I will return with a theory on what if the One Ring went west during the War of the Ring so that should be a fun one to end the year with please enjoy the holidays and take some time to be with friends and family thank you all so much for joining me on this adventure until the next one my friends
Channel: Men of the West
Views: 2,141,676
Rating: 4.9265656 out of 5
Keywords: Sauron, Dark Lord, Lord of the Rings, Annatar, Lord of Gifts, Yoystan, Galafee, Tolkien, Men of the West, David Wesley, Silmarillion, Melkor, First Age, Second Age, Third Age, Elven Rings, One Ring, Dwarven Rings, Men Rings, Nazgul, Mordor, Barad-Dur, Dol Guldur
Id: 0CI68v_JKBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2017
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