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um first of all my first question is who bribed Hunter Biden to be here today that's my first question um second question you are the epitome of white privilege coming into the oversight committee spitting in our face ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed what are you afraid of you have no balls to come up here and Mr chairman point of inquiry Mr chairman um recogniz if the G if the G lady wants to hear from Hunter Biden we can hear from him right now chairman let's take a vote and hear from Hunter Biden what are you afraid of on order will to let speak in here or no are women allowed to speak in here or no you keep interrupting me I I'll interrupt the chairman I don't know that he's a lady I think that uh that Hunter Biden should be arrested right here right now and go straight to jail our nation is founded on the rule of law come on and the premise that the law applies equally to everyone no matter what you're lack point of order Mr chairman point of order doesn't matter who you are point of order Mr chairman Big's over here Donald Trump junor Big's over here uh State your point Mr yeah my point of order is this are we going to continue on with with this blatant Interruption this this is absurd and inappropriate I intend to give my statement I don't intend to have anybody interrupted I'm not going to interrupt your statements I think you should have decorum and courtesy and don't act like a bunch of Nimrod you just interrupted a woman and that's five I got I got permission we agree everyone has minutes can we agree point point of order again the assertion that I interrupted was absolutely false that's typical of the gentleman who spoke it I got permission to speak from the chairman I spoke I was interrupted yet again by the gentleman who doesn't choose to go through the chair and follow proper order I encourage us I I I think think if we're going to have any respect at all we need to have proper decorum well you're well said okay all right so we love the Constitution today and we also want to talk about foreign money coming in have y'all seen the report that was just produced where this chairman decided that he was going to block this committee from receiving additional information about y'all's guy Trump and all the money that he took from what we did receive we know that Trump got almost $6 million that we can account for and we know that that's more that there is more there from China specifically we found almost $8 million total that he accepted from foreign governments while he was serving as the president of these United States but we're concerned about the president's son the president's son who has not been involved in his administration I just want to run it back though to the very beginning because this is something that I just can't get over I can't get over the gentle lady from South Carolina talking about white privilege it was a spit in the face at least of mine as a black woman for you to talk about what white privilege looks like especially from that side of the aisle and let me quote your now ousted speaker and what he had to say about the Republican party and y'all's lack of diversity when you look at the Democrats they actually look like America when I look at my party we look like the most restrictive Country Club in America so let me tell you something something y'all don't know what white privilege looks like but I'm I'mma show you a little bit of something you see you want to talk about a two-tier justice system and this is the only time that y'all have ever referenced it when this country has a history when it comes to black and brown folk of having two separate sets of rules and right now what you want to do is have two separate sets of rules because Mr MTZ offered y'all a fair situation he said he would vote for Hunter to be held in contempt if if y'all voted to hold all even if you remove all of the members of Congress there's still other people that y'all haven't decided that y'all have excuses for it but y'all don't want to hold them in contempt but for some reason it makes sense to hold Hunter Biden in contempt who has tried to comply and let me tell you why nobody wants to talk to y'all behind closed doors because y'all lie that's just the bottom line you have done it thus far in this investigation you have done it this far as it relates to this Committee in every single hearing y'all spin spin spin I don't know how y'all are still standing right now because you should be quite dizzy from all the spinning that you're constantly doing when it comes to spinning the truth you talk about free and fair elections but you back a guy who we know tried to steal the election and this isn't about what Democrats have to say let me remind you for those of you that don't know how the justice system works it's not a matter of the president went in and indicted Trump but we are talking about grand juries grand juries are comprised of American citizens and the people that have entered pleas of guilty that will be flipping on your leader in a minute they are Republicans I do want to point that out and half of them were Republicans that were handpicked by Donald Trump himself so to be clear whatever happens to your little leader it's going to be because of the actions that he took so you can talk all you want to about how January 6 was nonsense but all of y'all were running at that time y'all were grabbing y gas mask and y'all were run into your offices cuz you didn't know if they were coming to kill you you should have cared that somebody was there to protect you but instead you want to play games because you found out that it was your leader that decided that he wanted to propagate an Insurrection on our country so don't tell me that you care about the Constitution cuz you don't all you care about is Trump getting reelected and I'll yield the last of my time to my leader you Mr chair um just to address briefly um quickly that that moment about uh privilege and and all of this that we're seeing here uh it was very beautiful speech uh by The Gentle lady um who as she mentioned was uh helped lead on the majority the now majority side uh the Civil Rights and civil liberties subcommittee but I think it's so exemplary of the point that she also oversaw the elimination of the civil rights subcommittee on this committee which really kind of gives the whole game away we show up we give speeches we give flowery words but at the end the day participate in the structural erosion of the rights and representation of people that that are marginalized women people of color people that just need to see their due process and civil liberties protected in this country but I will move on as also the Republican side had mentioned in their many uh raisings of the January 6 committee that it's not just Hunter Biden you me any individual subject uh to to equal treatment of under the law to be held up to accountability under the law but it is also these committees and this committee that is subject to oversight and law we must comply with the law here as well now I may be one of the very few people that actually believes in Congress you know in this country but I do and many of us do here and we have an obligation to engage in good faith participation to execute and comply with the subpoena the chairman said in front of the country several times to Hunter Biden you can show up here in front of the world in front of the public Hunter Biden took him up on that offer he said I will show up in public I will show up in public he showed up here today he showed up here in the past and Mr chairman I know you do your best with what you've got but you've got members here that have submitted falsified evidence to the record you have members here that have submitted and mischaracterized closed door hearings and people want to say back and forth at the end of the day it doesn't matter what party is happened from you've got members who've engaged in revenge porn in this committee so it is understandable why Hunter Biden would want to testify in front of the public for the American people to be able to witness that testimony for themselves you've got members who've defied subpoenas you've got members who we are um one year into the term asking what the rules are at the beginning of the committee the book was given to us on day one and so what we should do is allow the man to testify I believe in the power of the oversight committee frankly I believe in it regardless of whether Republicans Or democrats have the chair because I believe that this committee should have the power of oversight and we cannot do that on a partisan basis and so for that I implore this committee to allow Hunter Biden to testify publicly I implore and I ask for that to happen and we cannot do that by getting engaged in this back and forth on a on a Defiance of the subpoena let him comply let him do it today let him do it tomorrow but let the man do it and with that I yield back to the ranking member thank you m oazo Cortez I
Channel: C-SPAN
Views: 508,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: White Privilege, Mace, AOC, Crockett, Oversight, Congress, House of Representatives, C-SPAN, CSPAN
Id: 5xv7sIzTQ24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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