White House Farm Murders: New Evidence 'Proves' Convicted Jeremy Bamber Didn't Massacre His Family

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the details of the 999 call that was made at 609 from within White House Farm that was hidden by the police if a call was made from within the farm at that time then there is no question it wasn't him and therefore he's innocent hello and welcome back to Crime suspect each week we unravel some of the UK's most prolific crimes as well as providing in-depth analysis on the criminality that plagues our nation on the show today guilt or not guilty the case of Jeremy bber and the massacre of his family was one that shocked the nation and dominated the headlines but as we seek to understand some new evidence could it be that this coldblooded killer is innocent next up we'll be bringing you the best and worst of policing with our good cop bad cop and finally it's your chance to book a crook as we show you this week's want criminals joining me for all of this today is Philip Walker from the Jeremy Bamber innocence campaign Matt Harris independent filmmaker and behavioral psychologist Joe hemings thank you all very much for being here now you have the right to remain watching this is crime [Music] suspect this was one of the wor first mass slangs of a family in the UK's history in 1985 in the idilic village of tolent Dari in essic three generations of the Bamba family including two young children were shot 25 times at close range at their family home the White House Farm Bamber now 63 years old is serving a whole life tariff for these crimes the sentencing judge Mr Justice Drake said that Bamber was warped and evil beyond belief but from behind bars Bamber spent years fighting to prove his innocence and has always maintained that his adoptive sister Sheila cfel a paranoid schizophrenic shot his adoptive parents Neville and June bber and her six-year-old twins Daniel and Nicholas before turning the gun on herself since his Inc carceration in 1986 at his Majesty's prison Wakefield Bamber has appealed several times for his original conviction to be overturned but despite his efforts he's set to die in jail Phillip you claim to have evidence that proves Jeremy is innocent we don't have the time to go through the millions of documents that you've poured over but if there was one or two key points that would indicate Jeremy bamber's innocence what would they be well I I'd point out three to start with uh firstly the fact that his Sheila uh his sister Sheila cfel uh who was rightly identified by the police as the culprit initially was still alive in White House Farm after the police arrived at around 4 o' in the morning uh and we have multiple ways to show that she was still alive and that fact means that Jeremy could not have murdered her as he was convicted of because at that time he was standing outside surrounded by several dozen police officers but the police didn't enter the building until gone 6:00 did they well they entered about 7:30 and that's because they thought quite rightly that it was a Siege situation they knew that somebody was alive in the house and reacted accordingly but under most Siege situations one would wait for either somebody to surrender to give themselves up or wait until there was no other living person before entering the Prem so how can you say that Sheila was alive at 4:00 what evidence supports that well multiple ways firstly um when the police first arrived two officers along with Jeremy did a wrecky of the house and they saw movement uh in the upper Windows of the house and that was the reason they called out firearm support which at that time was a major thing to do it meant waking up a senior officer in the middle of the night to ask for permission to do that uh and clearly the situation was being taken extremely seriously uh further to that there were changes in the status of the lights in the house they were going on and off at various times before the Firearms team went in curtains were being opened and closed there's records in the police logs that they were in conversation with somebody inside the house at about quarter 5 in the morning and as a result uh of that uh at 6:09 in the morning the central uh Essex police headquarters received a 999 call from White House Farm uh and that could only have been made clearly by somebody alive in the house and then when the raid team actually went into the premises they recorded that there were two bodies one of a male and one of a female downstairs in the kitchen of the house now that can only have been Neville Bamber who everybody accepts was deceased in the kitchen and Sheila Bamber but what we believe happened is that Sheila was actually only unconscious in the kitchen when the raid team started smashing down the back door she woke up ran upstairs and then tragically about half an hour later committed suicide but the police had initially seen her in the kitchen and that's what they recorded in their logs that there was one dead male and one dead female in the kitchen and all those factors taken together show that clearly Sheila was still alive in the house were these factors presented at Jeremy's original trial some of them were um why not all of them well because the the main exculpatory evidence that we have now that's currently been considered by the CCRC came from a a partial disclosure in 2011 up to that point the police had and various other bodies such as the um forensic science service had sat on relevant documents and just refused to release them but because of a change in uh the rules governing public interest immunity certificates which made them far more restrictive in how they could be rep uh applied uh there was a big disclosure of about 300,000 documents in 2011 and most of this new material that's been considered by the CCRC now comes from that disclosure which was after the trial obviously and after the 2002 appeal Matt have you been pouring over many of these documents yeah I mean I i' I've sort of been involved in this for about 3 years now and and initially I uh I I kind of felt the same as everyone else that that you know Bamber had been guilty all this time and then I contacted Philip and the campaign team as as I sort of dug deeper into the story and they started sending me documents so yeah i' I've spent three years really looking into it and the deeper into it you go the more kind of obvious is that this is an unsafe conviction when was the moment that you thought this is unsafe I must help and what was it that made you think that I think the moment really was like Philip said is it's kind of when you realize that that Sheila was alive inside the house while Jeremy's outside with 40 police officers as he has said to me in correspondence that's not a bad Albi to have and and all the evidence kind of shows that you can't kind of refute that Joe Jeremy Bamber of course remains convicted of these crimes and knowing what you do of him and the case have you been able to sort of formulate any kind of psychological profile of Jeremy bber I think was quite a lot of study research done into his personality and I think it was believed that he had borderline personality disorder I actually think he may have had narcissistic personality disorder now you get 40% of people with BPD also have MPD and that would mean that he had a rather inflated sense of self um you know he had sort of fantasies very high level of self-esteem attention seeking look he had a motive uh there was money to be had there was money to be made uh an inheritance we know that he had difficulties with his parents with his mother in particular growing up so you could look at him and say he has this kind of character very good-looking he didn't seem to show any remorse he went to all these funerals you know all that piecing that together didn't seem to show any grief you would indicate he had some sort of Personality Disorder for sure have you seen those person personality disorders in other Killers yes you get certainly this lack of empathy um you get the lack of emotion you get the lack of remorse you also get that single mindedness that it's very focused on what they want to achieve without any sense of empathy perspective or consideration of of anybody else other than the fact that they want to to to kill this person and you see it a lot in serial killers could I just come back on the points that Joe's raised I what what she saying is supposition and I I think she's predicating it on the fact that if he was guilty he would have these traits now Jeremy is assessed very regularly in the prison system for his psychological State and we can provide you with a report um a very detailed report from Professor Vincent Eagan who who did a very in-depth study of Jeremy um back in about 2009 which shows that he has no personality disorders whatsoever he shows no signs of psychopathy and he is a a reasonable well adjusted person have you ever discussed with him the pretty well-founded allegations that he was craw to animals when he was a child that that is what what you should remember is that when all these stories were coming out Jeremy was on remand in prison his family had been wiped out nobody was defending him and it was the police and the relatives who benefited financially from his conviction that were're putting all these stories into the Press do you think that there is any likelihood at any stage that these convictions will be overturned or is it simply a man who has been incarcerated for 38 years and faces the prospect of dying in jail what else would he do yeah well no I I know that these convictions will be overturned because the evidence on which they were based is totally unsound one of the Prime examples of that is the radio logs that we were discussing earlier uh and one of the key exculpatory factors that we put to the CCRC is that the police received a phone call from Neville Bamber Jeremy's father at 3:26 in the morning uh alerting them to the unfolding drama at White House Farm and if that phone call was made as the police recorded it from Neville Bamber at White House Farm at that time there is no way that Jeremy could have convict uh uh completed the shootings because he was in Gold hanger three miles away and the police accept that he made a phone call to them at either 336 or 326 from there so it's 1985 very much an analog era digital clocks weren't on the walls of police control centers and stations and all of that and I know that cuz I was there at the time not here but in various police build buildings you seem to to lay great store on a discrepancy between what we're calling document one which is a log of a phone call made to the police and document two written by a different person which essentially dispatches police units to White House Farm the original log says that the call was received at 3:36 and time of dispatching various units would appear to be 326 is it upon this discrepancy written by two different people at halfast 3 in the morning that you are largely basing your defense no it's not and this is just one small part of the material that we've given to the CCRC uh and in this particular issue we're not relying purely on these two documents uh amongst the other bundle that we provided you with was a note from somebody at witam police station who was part of the response to the incident who recorded that he spoke to PC West at 337 and PC West said in his statement that he rang this individual after he had spoken to Jeremy for one minute so that ties in exactly with the fact that Jeremy's phone call was at 3:36 now at trial the judge ordered the jury to assume the phone call was made at 3:26 because at that point nobody had any inkling but a second call from Jen's father had been made to the police so the defense had had no idea that there was any sort of unsoundness to this proposition but when it emerged that a call had been made that obviously completely changed the situation or it could be one call that is recorded by two people only one person of course took that call and the information that's related to them could have been recorded at a different time purely through true human error I strongly suspect that Essex police had rarely if ever been confronted by a set of circumstances like this at halfast 3 in the morning or thereabouts it must have been incredibly High pressured for them I would imagine uh to ER is human and I would imagine that may well have been a factor Matt have you seen these documents have you poured over them yes I have and your summary is the exactly I mean the same as Philip I mean one one of the things on those documents is you can see that 335 of car is dispatched so there's already a car on its way to White House Farm before the 336 call so there must have been this 326 call I think if you if you kind of look into all of the documents in this case that the police Essex police specifically use human error to sort of sell their Narrative of what actually happened in not just the phone calls but in lots of other scenarios you know around they made a mistake of the Moonlight in the window there's just so many I mean it's it's a sort of catalog of Errors by6 police they were even nicknamed the cluso squad after this a narrative put forward by the prosecution which was compelling for the jury and which returned guilty verdicts I think I mean Joe um once again referring to what we know of Bamber and the amount of time that he spent in prison would the personality traits that we touched on beforehand be ever present or is there a likelihood that they could dissipate or simply disappear they wouldn't totally disappear but they could be very well managed so if you do have either borderline personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder one of the traits is to be highly manipulative um and in which case you're you're very good good at lying you're very good at giving your case you're very Charming articulate eloquent in many ways so those traits May well still be there but these people are very good at covering those up even under quite intense psychiatric scrutiny and somebody who's been incarcerated for nearly 40 years it's surely no surprise that trying to secure their innocence would be the dominating factor in their life very much so if you look at any uh major Killers who have ended up in for life sentences they will 99.9% continue to protest their innocence throughout that entire period and many have convinced themselves over a period of time in fact that they are innocent so again that their brains are kind of deciding for themselves that they didn't do this thing and you keep repeating these things to yourself and you end up with this self-belief and this conviction that you shouldn't have been convicted so that's that's not surprising how big a motive to murder can money be look it can be huge you know in this particular case he was an adopted child there may or may not have been some resentment there particular if he felt he should have had a a better life or could have had a different life uh he was a young man you know to have to inherit that sort of money would have been an enormous motive many many uh killing murders have been done within families in order to to inherit money and the BAM family had a lot of money the silencer got quite a bit of airtime um and of course it's been a subject of huge discussion over the years and I think I'm writing saying that part of the prosecution case was that Sheila could not have killed herself using the silencer and then removed it and have it later found in a cupet yes how do you refute that evidence well I'd start a disc discuss on that by saying that we know that there was no silencer on the gun we had extensive um reports done by eminent us Pathologists uh there were three of them and they were chief medical examiners of Maryland uh Virginia and one of the other states and they agreed unanimously looking at the crime seat photos analyzing all the forensic reports that no moderator was on the gun during the shootings but the the the prosecution had to introduce the moderator because it was the only evidence they had had the blood evidence and the paint evidence that supposedly was on one single moderator was their case basically so it was essential they got it into court Joe if I were to put you on a spot which is exactly what I'm going to do with your knowledge of the case and your analysis of Jeremy Bamber would you say that he had every motive in the world to carry out these killings look I say he had plenty of motive not every motive in the world but there was a clear motive and I think behaviorally and again it's got to be supposition I've never met him but behaviorally indicators would suggest that he does have a personality disorder yeah it's perfectly reasonable and possible that he had the motive and he did do it right moving on to this week's cop watch good cop this week or good cops rather is the economic crime unit from greater Manchester police who collectively seized £15 Million worth of criminal proceeds during the last tax year the unit consists of a number of specialist teams that ensure criminals have all their ill-gotten gains removed the results make them one of the best performing economic crime units in the country and the money collected goes back into local community initiatives and policing operations across greater Manchester bad cop and proving this is another rotten apple that's not above the law is Officer x a copper in the Met who drew sexual cartoons of himself and a junior Muslim colleague this Anonymous officer Drew another series of cartoons depicting himself and an officer engaging in sexual acts and titled it a modern love officer X has been allowed to keep his job and was given a final written warning at misconduct proceedings that despite drawing similar cartoons of yet another Junior female officer all right it's time for the part of the show where we bring you mugs of thugs who are terrorizing our streets but first yet another success from one of our appeals in our last episode Jack Crawley has been detained and and charged with attempted murder and possession of an offensive weapon in public thank you to everyone who called in with information now moving on to this week's wanted have you seen these criminals first up is this suspect s police are looking for Troy Johnson from rushington for conspiracy to commit aggravated burglary rushington is 34 described as a white man with brown hair and a short beard next we have Cataline bostan who's wanted after a stabbing incident in newm the 46y Old ranian National is described as approximately 5'8 in tall and of stocky build lastly have you seen this man 30-year-old Bradley hunter from tadcaster is being sought after North yoria police in relation to domestic abuse offenses Hunter is described as white 5' 5 in tall of proportionate build with mousy colored hair and brown eyes if you think you know or have seen any of these Crooks please get in touch anonymously with Crim stoppers on 800 51 right that's all we've got time for this week many thanks to Phillip Matt and Joe be sure to leave us a comment like And subscribe and we'll be back next week for more crime [Music] suspects
Channel: TalkTV
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Keywords: talkradio, talk radio, news, uk, politics, debate, free speech, freedom of expression, talk tv, live, live news, talktv live, talk tv live, talktv, jeremy bamber, white house farm murders, jeremy bamber documentary, jeremy bamber innocent, jeremy bamber interview, jeremy bamber white house farm murders, jeremy bamber case, jeremy bamber latest
Id: 3h3K-d-Rpd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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