Fred And Rose West: What Really Happened To The Children Of Britain's Most Evil Couple

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if you misbehave you'll end up under the patio just like Heather my name is Peter Bley I'm a former Scotland Yard detective this month marks 30 years since the murderous crimes of Fred and Rose West were finally discovered they were quite rightly called Britain's most evil couple ever body number 11 is brought from 25 Midland Road Frederick West's home of the early 1970s it was found late last night underneath the concrete kitchen floor Fred West was 28 years old when he met 15-year-old Rose he'd already been married to Reena and had two children Fred and Rose later married and went on to have five children between between them but Rose had another three all of whom were fathered by clients of hers as she worked as a prostitute and all of this happened while her and Fred were married the remains taken away earlier are now being examined by a pathologist forces across the country have been alerted to check their missing persons files as detectives refused to rule out the possibility of finding more bodies Fred West had already merged his stepdaughter charmain she was the daughter of his first wife by the time that Fred and Rose had their own first child together It Was 1980 when Barry was born he was called Barry because the wests used to go on holiday in Barry Island in Wales a rather Sinister naming perhaps bearing in mind the criminal ality that those two got up to Barry was taken into Care by Social Services as a troubled teenager clearly all the wrongdoing of the wests was not thoroughly examined at that stage and perhaps not surprisingly Barry went on to have a very troubled life there was drugs there was suicide attempts and eventually he took his own life at the the age of 40 in 2020 there's one question that I would like answered if possible is how come when I was 15 when I was admitted to hospital with an eptopic pregnancies uh why the glester hospital didn't inquire ask questions about who the father was and I was under under age an Marie West was a child from Fred's first marriage to Reena Fred raped her when she was only 8 years old and went on to systematically abuse her in fact Rose her stepmother also encouraged others to sexually abuse her remarkably long after Fred and Rose had been jailed amarie went on to rebuild her life and she'll be 60 years old later this year she's written a book detailing the absolute Horrors that were imposed upon her she is also a mother and a grand mother and regularly speaks out about child abuse and sexual violence so far tell they human they're female and they're all a young girl can't tell the exact age yet that'll take some extra work Fred and Rose's eldest child was Heather who was born in 1970 she G had a miserable life at the hands of her parents and eventually they murdered her and buried her body underneath the patio of their home sickeningly they used Heather's murder as a threat to other children to comply with their orders to do what they told them to do to suffer the abuse that they laid upon them if you misbehave you'll end up under the patio just like Heather Steven West was Fred and Rose's third child together he was born in 1973 he's now been married and divorced twice and has a new partner but with horrifying Echoes perhaps of some of his father's previous offending he was convicted in 2002 of having sex with an underage girl he served 9 months at his trial he claimed that the sex was consensual but let me tell you something sex with a child can never ever be consensual their next daughter was called May West and she is now 51 and lives in a secret location she's terrified of ever being exposed as a child of Fred and Rose West she was raped by her uncle when only 5 years old and as a child forced to watch hardcore porn by her father she's written a book called love as always mom and I sincerely hope that she is is allowed to live her life anonymously safely and happily no one's in any doubt that Long Shadows have been cast Over Gloucester by the Rosemary West trial and the murders at Cromwell Street Tara West was the next daughter to be born to Rose but Fred wasn't her father Tara was fathered by a client when Rose was working as a PR prostitute and after her mom had been sentenced she wrote to her regularly and would visit her in prison she's had contacts with her other siblings including Steven but perhaps not surprisingly she struggled to make relationships work now 46 Tara was last known to be living in a quiet town in the north of England Louise West was the last child that Fred and Rose had together she was born in 1978 and for me is the real hero of the hour when she told a friend at school about all the horrendous abuse that was going on at home that's what started the police investigation that's what led to the discovery of the bodies that's what exposed the murderous lives of rose and Fred West Rosemary Jr and Luciana were the two last children of Rose West they weren't fathered by Fred but just like Tara before them they were fathered by another client possibly the same man that fathered Tara so three daughters born of Rose not through Fred but through her work as a prostitute Fred West suicide Left many other questions unanswered Peter basol remains convinced that his sister Mary was another victim Rose of course is still in prison convicted of 10 murders she shall never taste Freedom which is absolutely right Fred of course rather disappointingly was allow owed to take his own life when he was on remand in other words while he was awaiting trial he'd confessed to no less than 30 murders and for me it is a source of huge irritation that he was able to take his own life and consequently evade Justice a chapter has closed 25 Cromwell Street is sealed but for all those touched by such appalling crimes memories can never be so easily locked away
Channel: TalkTV
Views: 90,522
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Keywords: talkradio, talk radio, news, uk, politics, debate, free speech, freedom of expression, talk tv, live, live news, talktv live, talk tv live, talktv, Peter bleksley, fred west, rose west, fred and rose west, fred and rose west children, fred west children, rose west children
Id: LWkodrqJwhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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