White Coat Ceremony - Class of 2025

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good morning everyone what a beautiful morning it is to think of all that rain thunderstorms heat humidity of the past week of your orientation students and now what a what a beautiful day we have for this ceremony my name is eileen doherty i am the assistant dean for student affairs and it is my pleasure to welcome you to the white coat ceremony for the class of 2025. as we begin let me thank you for your patience and cooperation with our social distancing and masking protocols for the ceremony we do ask that mass remain on for any time that you are indoors including during photographs thank you for helping us to provide the safest environment we can for all here today students today you will receive your white coat the white coat has been a symbol of physicians for over 100 years and today you our newest physicians in training will be presented with such a white coat which dr l d white named a cloak of compassion today you are welcome in welcomed into a community of physicians in a formal way with when this cloak of compassion is presented to you as we begin this morning's ceremony i am pleased to introduce dr menache who serves as the interim regional dean of the university of illinois college of medicine peoria dr ayer an internist has been on the faculty of the college of medicine since 1996 and most recently served as the associate dean of academic affairs in this role she led the expansion to a four-year medical school and the accompanying curricular transformation for our campus and this past spring we graduated our first class in this new curriculum dr air is an excellent clinician and a nationally recognized medical educator she is a champion for medical student education and curricular development a strong advocate for each and every student on our campus and a respected leader among our faculty and staff please help me welcome dr air [Applause] thank you dr dougherty good morning and welcome welcome to the white court ceremony at the university of illinois college of medicine peoria i would like to extend my warm welcome on behalf of ue comp to our future physicians uecom's newest class the class of 2025. a warm welcome to the families and friends who are with them here today in person and those who are watching us virtually and who will continue to stand by them through their journey to becoming physicians a warm welcome to our faculty and staff who eagerly await welcoming the students into their classrooms clinical settings and who will mentor and guide them through their medical school and a warm welcome to our executive dean rosenblatt for being here with us today as i welcome you today i will reflect on the unprecedented time vrn the last few months each of you have ex witnessed and some of you possibly had personal experiences with covid19 during these challenging times what you probably also witnessed are some of the best attributes of the health care and the clinical providers what they had to offer tireless effort provided by physicians and health care workers who found resilience to navigate the challenges they have never faced before compassionate care to patients who struggled through the illness with added burden of not being supported by their loved ones innovation and discovery that draw vaccination development and implementation adaptability and creativity as we pivoted into new models of care delivery and here at ue comp new models of teaching altruism as the physicians and healthcare providers put the lives of patients first and cared for them each day during the pandemic in the icus in the emergency departments and so on determination and drive to address health care disparities and health equities inclusivity and equity that required speaking up against issues of systemic racism and enjoining the call for social justice future physicians and doctors it is this profession it is this noble calling that you are being welcomed into today and embracing as you get to wear the white coat later today today be ceremoniously but undeniably tie humanism with the practice of medicine the anatomy physiology and the vast amount of information that you will learn and understand in the months ahead are still second to the fact that your future patients are the people who need and deserve your compassion and understanding as well as your expertise in clinical care so as you wear your white coat today wear it with humility not arrogance wear it with courage to do the right thing for your patients your community and your profession wear it with compassion wear it with confidence bear it with an intent to serve and bear it with integrity the last 18 months have shown us that the world needs you we need eager bright minds understanding and caring hearts and your innovative and creative spirits resiliency innovation compassion adaptability or qualities that have carried us through this pandemic those same qualities will also serve you well during your next four years and then through your residency and ultimately into your practice as a physician so what an exciting time for you to be entering the field of medicine at a time that was shaping the future of health care all of you represent that future so congratulations welcome to the university of illinois college of medicine and looking forward to getting to know you all over the next four years so congratulations again [Applause] our next speaker is dr joyce wise dr wise is a pediatric endocrinologist and alumna from our very first graduating class of 1973. she practiced at osf for 32 years and served ue comp for many years in academic medicine as an assistant professor of pediatrics and co-division head for the division of endocrinology and metabolism welcome dr weiss [Applause] thank you um it's interesting i've often thought about being a doctor and how being a doctor is different once you get that md you're no longer mr mrs miz your doctor so and so now there's other professions like being a minister or rabbi or a priest or maybe a politician but we won't talk about that where your name changes so being a doctor really changes your identity maybe i watched too many superheroes with my six-year-old grandson so when you put on this coat it's your first step in assuming that identity so as dr ayara said wear it with pride for all that you've accomplished to get here today we're with humility for all the things you have yet to learn and most of all wear it with compassion for your patients certainly but also for your colleagues and your teachers welcome to the class thank you [Applause] thank you so much dr wise for joining us today it is my now my distinct pleasure to present our next speaker mark rosenblatt executive dean of the college of medicine dr rosenblatt has served as the executive dean of the university of illinois college of medicine since 2019. prior to becoming dean dr rosenmatt was appointed as the department of ophthalmology and visual sciences at the university of illinois college of medicine prior to his arrival at our institution he was a faculty member in the department of ophthalmology at well cornell medical college where he served as the department's vice chair and as director of the margaret and dyson vision research institute in his two years as our executive dean he has demonstrated that he is strongly dedicated to supporting a high quality student experience as well as to the academic excellence of the college of medicine and we are delighted that he is with us today please help me welcome dean rosenblatt well good morning it's absolutely my pleasure absolute pleasure to be here um as denyer mentioned and dr weiss talked about the transformation the the difficulties we've had during this pandemic but being able to be here today to see you in person to see these families in person is really one additional step in our recovery isn't exactly the white coat ceremony you may have had two or three years ago but this is a remarkable time and although i'm wearing a mask behind it i am beaming with joy to see everyone here even as we know not so far from here there are patients still in the hospital fighting for their lives within the pandemic we do see a way through a way forward and it's great to be here today and it's great to welcome you all here family members friends loved ones and especially the university of illinois college of medicine peoria campus entering class of 2021. we're here to share in one of the symbolic entries into the world of medicine the white coat ceremony and you are entering one of the nation's largest and most diverse medical colleges we take pride in providing an excellent medical education in an innovative active learning environment we are made up of four campuses of course united as one college the college of medicine your peers at the chicago campus received their white coats yesterday i was there and your fellow first year students in rockford will receive their codes next week and you are now proud part of a proud community of students faculty staff and alumni whose impact is felt across the world but particularly in our state more than one in three physicians in illinois trained at the university of illinois college of medicine including one in five who actually received their md degrees in our college the peoria campus has been central to the success of our college it's an incredibly important piece of a broader picture of what is the premier public medical college in the country we think together we are serving all of illinois we're providing medical care for a remarkably diverse state the urban areas of chicago to the rural areas surrounding peoria and rockford as well as of course the urban parts of peoria and rockford and why all these areas have unique needs they also have common challenges and opportunities that we're here to face together yet accepting challenges and seeking opportunities are two of the reasons that you're here today and medical school will present you with some of your greatest challenges and also some of your greatest triumphs there'll be times of laughter times when you shed tears times when you feel joy and also times when you feel some sorrow you'll be there for the beginning of life at birth and you'll also be there unfortunately as some of your patients pass you'll experience many of these emotions with those in attendance here today your new peers as well of course with the patients and their families each day will bring something new and this is a very exciting time in your careers allow me to tell you just a little bit more about this coat and its uses of course it's there to protect your clothing but maybe as you fill it it'll also be used as a bit of a backpack for you if it's raining you'll pull it over your head it can be an umbrella and quite possibly as you were there in the hospital working tirelessly sometimes you may even use it as a sleeping bag again sometimes some weeks the coat may hardly even be white but it will accompany you from this day forward the white coat garners the respect from patients and their families so it's important to justify this respect and earn their trust remember in many ways this is not really your code this code has been handed down to you indeed the white coat you're receiving here today has been funded by donations from our college of medicine alumni there may even be a little note or two for you in the pocket this is a tangible expression of our alumni community's enthusiasm enthusiasm about your first step towards becoming a physician and furthering their work in the generations to come we and they celebrate your entry into a profession in which you are so clearly needed for patient care research teaching and even public health this covid19 pandemic has proven time and time again how much differences physicians play in the world in the lives of their individual patients as well as their communities and populations in the years to come we hope you will have the chance to welcome incoming medical students with white coats of their own once again congratulations on your acceptance this noble and wonderful profession it's a wonderful journey and welcome to university of illinois college of medicine thank you and now it is time for the white coat presentation each student's name will be read individually as they come forward and are presented with their white coats dr zaire and wise you can join me up on the stage to assist with the donning of the coat so students please follow the directions of the marshals who will indicate when it's time for your road to stand to go to that side to line up over there and then come forward as you return dr orc is in this corner she will hold you until the row is finished just so that we have a clear view on the live stream of everyone who's getting their white coat okay there's a white x on the stage students if you wouldn't mind standing there for the best photo opportunity and then once our program is concluded today we will be organizing a group photograph of students up here at the stage so when we finish it we could just come up here and we'll quickly do a group photograph all right first row may please stand student you will be handed your code and then if you would please um carry that up to the stage and hand it to one of the doctors here who will put that on you joelle ac pruitt [Applause] [Applause] kylie andrew [Applause] allison bye [Applause] [Applause] mary bass [Applause] [Applause] ambush bala oh [Applause] gavin baumgardt [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] casey bradford [Applause] cecilia canezilla [Applause] demi castillanos [Applause] [Applause] liana chirichimo [Applause] [Applause] zafara chin [Applause] o'neal dale [Applause] ryan dillard [Applause] carina favela [Applause] anna ford [Applause] [Music] aaron fund [Applause] antoinette gayle [Applause] [Applause] fiona groosmark [Applause] richard gingrich [Applause] [Applause] highly michael [Applause] kenichi haney daniel henley [Applause] eric who [Applause] [Music] martin jastrepsky [Applause] [Applause] christopher juarez [Applause] ashley kamemben [Applause] kevin kim [Applause] [Music] melissa kim [Music] sean conrad [Applause] [Music] olivia lee [Applause] [Music] anjanee mali [Music] [Music] ethan meeker [Music] [Applause] molar [Applause] so pavana mubavarupu [Applause] fatima nizamuddin [Applause] andrea oak [Applause] brett olsen [Applause] amanda orozco [Applause] anup patel [Applause] kajal patel [Applause] anthony pendleton jr corina perez [Applause] charles perez suarez caleb powell [Applause] sonia polito [Applause] [Applause] alexis reinders [Applause] blyth richards marcus rossi [Applause] daniel ryan [Music] morgan semanic [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so kola wale sangokoya [Applause] [Music] abigail schultz emily she [Applause] [Music] [Music] nathan soria [Music] max spyro [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] c [Applause] [Music] isha tokala [Applause] roomy venkatesh [Music] jamal wallace [Applause] [Applause] [Music] rudy zhu lauren yep [Applause] z sean zubair [Applause] congratulations to our newest medical students [Music] students inside the pocket one of your pockets in your white coat there is an encouraging message from one of our alumni if you want to take a moment to read that now you certainly can they were very excited to participate by sharing a message with you and are very excited to support you as you begin this journey to become a physician let me now welcome to the podium dr jessica hanks the associate dean for academic affairs dr hanks will lead the students in the medical students oath and following that an oath for all of you family friends and guests who support them the oath can be found on the back of the program thank you dean dougherty and the profession of medicine is a long-standing custom to make a formal promise an oath to respect the ideals that are important to physicians in their relations with instructors one another and above all people who need the skill care and humane behavior of physicians the patients the hippocratic oath written more than 2 000 years ago is the best known example of that promise in our time we express the ideals and responsibilities of physicians in a different way but the intent is still the same and the promise is just as important the university of illinois college of medicine asks students to pledge the following commitments to their peers their instructors their patients and the profession students please stand the oath is printed on the reverse side of your program if you will recite with me and we'll read along together i now swear by what i hold most sacred that i will conduct myself with personal and academic integrity and exhibit respect toward my fellow students instructors and all those involved in my education as i learn the skills and values of medicine i will work on behalf of the patients entrusted to my care and exhibit humane behavior when doing so i will respect all professional standards in my relations with patients their families and their friends especially the standard of confidentiality i will work to protect the dignity and nobility of the medical profession this day i do swear these things freely and upon my honor students please be seated i now ask friends families and teachers of these students to stand and affirm their support by reciting the oath printed beneath the student oath if you'll please recite with me we solemnly swear to be a source of encouragement for the class of 2025 of the university of illinois college of medicine recognizing that this will be a critical period in their professional formation we will give them the respect and consideration that they will need as students of medicine we will help them to carry out their studies with conscious and dignity we acknowledge the sacrifices that will be required and pledge our support as parents family friends and teachers we will make these promises enthusiastically and without reservation you all may be seated a round of applause for everyone please [Music] well that's great isn't it you all look wonderful in your coats i just as a reminder immediately following the ceremony there'll be a group photograph for students i've asked the student affairs staff to come up here afterwards to help us set up some chairs in front of the state thank you everyone for participating in this very special event students we are so pleased to welcome you into our community and we look with hope and excitement toward the years to come personally i look forward to getting to know each of you individually and supporting you on your journey one more time let us show our support for these students with [Music] thank you so much everyone for coming today [Applause] you
Channel: University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria
Views: 1,565
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: p0f34NT7YZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 50sec (3230 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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