Class of 2025 White Coat Ceremony Livestream

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thank you good afternoon everybody i'm dr carl jandry and i'm the associate dean for admissions and student programs at the university of california davis school of veterinary medicine and welcome i did have my official mask on that i showed my true school colors but it's so good i can't talk or breathe through it so i went to the official hospital issue version to welcome you all on behalf of the faculty and the administration of our school it's my pleasure especially to welcome the class of 2025 can you believe it [Applause] of course those applause are for the class because they're the exceptional group of young men and women that we are now welcoming into our school with this induction ceremony called the white coat ceremony but also that applause goes to you the friends family partners pets who might be here i don't know those people who went to support their success and their placement here at the school so thank you all for being here and being part of our community we just like to remind everybody that because of the pandemic we're in and i thank you all for your compliance we're going to keep our masks on on stage as well while we're talking just like we do in the classrooms and thank you all for dealing with all the prior protocols and policies that put in place to make this happen here today i don't know if i can say it enough but my staff in the admissions and student programs office who helped to put this all together with our campus friends across relating to safety services across campus have really done a lion's share of the effort to put us here today so let's give them a round of applause [Applause] i use the word exceptional to degrade our class and i want to tell you a couple other exceptions and why i think that's important one is exception i took four years of latin in high school and of course i like to break down the words x means obviously out of you didn't think you were going to have entertainment today this is educational session right x means out or from and exceptional the part really actually means limitations in the latin root so it means out of limitations or without limitations and i think that's how it describes us in veterinary medicine especially this class because they've had overcome many different odds to get here we've had to overcome many different odds to be together and i really appreciate everyone's spirit in keeping us all safe thank you so much if you don't mind thanks if you don't mind please remain seated during the ceremony and consideration of others around you there's plenty of vantage points and good pictures from every vantage point in this auditorium we normally do this in a tent in 100 degree weather another exception this is the first time it's actually indoor this is actually the first time it's not over 100 degrees and this is the first time that i think we're dealing with air quality index of about a hundred so normally it's much clearer despite being swelteringly hot so hopefully the monavie center is giving us a nice comfy cozy environment despite hardly being able to breathe through my mask lastly please turn off your cell phones to place them on silence of course uh i'd like to begin by acknowledging the land on which we have gathered here at uc davis and for thousands of years this land has been home to the putman people today there are three federally recognized potman tribes the cachildi band of winton indians of the colossa indian community the kletzil tihi winton nation and the yocha dehe nation the patman people have remained committed to the stewardship of this land over many centuries it has been cherished and protected as elders have instructed the young few generations we are honored and grateful to be here today on their traditional lands [Applause] i'd like to introduce our stage party at this time in no particular order so please stand as i call your name uh prathema garudadri third year veterinary student and president of savma savna is the student american veterinary medical association you'll learn that veterinary medicine is just full of acronyms you're going to get many more throughout the day dr lori hammond a proud alumna 2017 dr elizabeth klapstein president of the california veteran medical association also known as the cvma to us dr jim clark first year course leader for vet 400 dr eric olstad also the course leader for vet 400 which is the prologue under which the 2025 class is currently enrolled then dr joey watson the associate dean for professional education and last but but not least i'd like to introduce dr john pascoe who's the interim dean of the school of veterinary medicine i'll let him take the floor [Applause] i think i made the rookie error i should have brought my surgical mask too thank you dr jandry members of the class of 2025 family and friends welcome a warm welcome as dr chandra said to our white coat ceremony we're pleased you're here to share this wonderful academic and career milestone with our incoming students the school of veterinary medicine and the student chapter of the american veterinary medical association are proud to present this induction ceremony as the official reception of our first year students into the doctor of veterinary medicine program in this ceremony we welcome the class of 2025 into the school and into the profession in organized veterinary medicine each member of the class will receive a white coat symbolizing the transition into the profession of veterinary medicine and in recognition of the professional role you will be assuming i welcome you the class of 2025 to your school for the past 17 months we have confronted the challenge of a global pandemic and continued to fill our obligations as an essential workforce and educating the next generation of veterinarians as we begin this academic year i want to acknowledge and congratulate our community faculty staff and students who have worked together creatively and in partnership to make the necessary adjustments to meet our mission during these extraordinary times our heartfelt thanks goes to one and all for your dedication and perseverance class of 2025 you are the 74th class to enter the school of veterinary medicine and begin a four-year course of study towards the dvm degree i congratulate you you've all worked really hard to get here to pursue your dream to become a veterinarian your determination your hard work got you to this point in your life guided by your passion your belief in yourself and the support of your loved ones you are now a member of our uc davis family we care about you and we want you to have an exceptional educational experience the academic the academic journey is one of constant renewal as each new class comes to us to acquire the knowledge and skills to become veterinarians collectively and individually you have diverse experiences your own histories talents and dreams each of you has your own story to share with us and as we teach you and guide you in the development your development as a veterinarian you will also change our lives adding to our experiences and our wisdom you'll be learning together and depending on each other from the start of your dvm program and as you progress through the program many of you will get to know each other more than you've ever known classmates in the past and you'll also depend on each other throughout the program it's why i want to take a moment to recognize your class on a personal level as i've said you've all come well prepared and some of the examples of that preparation include the following so rebecca abel worked in a research lab studying chitrid fungus in charles bordetti interned at a canine genetics lab where he investigated epilepsy and symmetrical lupoid onkyo dystrophy i think dr gendry you should give us latin roots of that we'll test you on that jessica koh studied garbage and is one of the only waste characterization experts in the united states and i suspect before she's finished a program she'll be able to add some additional animal waste experience to that you've also shared some fun facts at least four of you are twins including nicole and noel zuk who are both in the class of 2025 at least two of you are opera singers and another two gymnasts and at least two of you live in tiny homes several of you have gone skydiving and others have dived underwater there are also multiple musicians and i hope each of you find each other to start a band and perhaps with multiple dances with styles from jazz to ballet so let's see a troop form there as well at least three of your equestrian competitors including one who was a u.s paradressage team alternate and another who qualified for the intercollegiate horse shows association nationals twice and several of you are starting second careers after law advertising and sociology some of the fun facts are eclectic one of you has been in a couple episodes of the tv show dr oakley yukon vet one of you has seen harry potter movies at least 20 times and you need to find your classmate who's seen legally blonde at least a hundred times and another classmate who watches the 1973 belmont stakes before every test dr watson i'm not sure you and i could answer who won the belmont stakes in 1973 one of you was attacked by a wild deer in the grand canyon and i suspect that won't be the last encounter you'll have with an ungrateful animal one of you had plans to open a restaurant called peachy place that only served peach dishes and to be fair that was when you're in the fifth grade many of you are well traveled and visit remote places including the north pole and the real santa's village and some of you come from far away places like hong kong and i hope everyone in your class makes you feel welcome veterinary school isn't easy and resilience is going to be important to inspire you i wanted to share a fact from one of your classmates who commented in my organic chemistry class i went from getting a 43 to setting the curve on the last exam with 91 percent and a handshake from the professor proving that failure can be a part of success and i think that's probably a good place to end class of 2025 i wish you luck and even more the persistence resilience and the support of each other so class of 2025 congratulations on starting your veterinary journey [Applause] thanks dr pascoe i think it was secretariat in 73 wasn't it look i'm not even a horse person it was secretariat bonus points for me and four years of latin what else can i get right today i know what i got right today i invited dr lori hammond to come and speak to you all today it's my distinct pleasure to introduce her to you and welcome her back to uc davis dr hammond spent 10 years here at uc davis or at least in davis california first is an undergrad studying animal science and then completing her dvm degree at our school she spent time working in the areas of behavioral study with orangutans has worked in wildlife rehab and she currently is serving as a staff veterinarian with the mission animal and bird hospital in oceanside california she hopes to bring the lesson she has learned from those experiences to her work knowing that compassion and kindness are inevitable and invaluable that we need during these difficult times please welcome please join me in welcoming dr lori hammond thank you dr gentry hello class of 2025 and congratulations i am so honored and humbled to be asked here today to share with you my journey of becoming a veterinarian and hopefully pass on a few words of wisdom along the way like many of you i wanted to become a veterinarian since before i can remember it always felt more like a calling than a career choice getting into vet school and becoming a veterinarian was the most motivating goal i ever held being here today i hope you realize what a monumental achievement receiving these white coats is it is not only a tribute to the poop you scooped at your first kennel job the all-nighters you pulled in undergrad and clearly nailing the multiple mini interviews but also to the more personal hardships you have all overcome to be here today my journey to veterinary school started out pretty typical aced high school volunteered at the local wild wildlife shelter got into uc davis for undergrad to study animal science the textbook script on how to get from point a to point b in the most type a of ways which i am sure many of you can relate to but during my sophomore year at uc davis life as it does threw a curve onto my straight path when i was 19 the nagging pain in my back i had mostly tried to ignore over the last few years reared its ugly head never to be ignored again finally home from a night out with friends i tried to get comfortable in my apartment laying on the floor to see if something more firm on my back would help dissipate the pain soon i realized the pain had turned into numbing paralysis from my belly button on down an ambulance ride an emergency spinal surgery later i was informed that an arteriovenous malformation had burst in my spinal column compressing my spinal cord approximately 90 percent leaving me paralyzed from the waist down along with the news that i may never walk again looking back on that terrifying time what i remember most was thinking how am i ever going to be a veterinarian now spoiler alert i made it i spent the next year in intense physical therapy willing every ounce of recovery my body would allow and eventually made my way back to uc davis to finish what i started i'm ever thankful for my drive to get into veterinary school as i know it propelled me to keep going on my toughest days while my story lends itself to the classic narrative of overcoming the odds it has also allowed for others to open up and tell me their stories so even though i do not know any of you i know by being here today you have also overcome obstacles pushed through barriers and truly earned this white coat and your place here and for that i hope you are extremely proud one of the biggest life lessons i learned from my spinal cord injury is that life is unpredictable and while it may be cliche i truly believe that is how you react and adapt to what life throws at you that truly matters at this moment you may feel intimidated by the four years ahead of you but please know that you are where you are supposed to be and that you too can do it for me veterinary school started out the way i had dreamed orientation or more like summer camp for nerds who love animals was a blast i felt so lucky to be at davis surrounded by brilliant minds classmates eager to learn and people that thought my level of love for cats was normal these were my people but just as things were getting started i arrived at a microscope lab and showed my partner some bruising that had seemed to appear out of nowhere the look on sarah's face told me everything i needed to see a doctor again just one month into veterinary school i was diagnosed with apl leukemia and instead of heading back to small group i was headed into another fight for my life after a year of blood transfusions chemotherapy and learning i have a perfectly spherical bald head i was ready to go back and try again at my white coat ceremony take two i remember thinking to myself this is it i'm going all in i have fought so hard to be here that i'm going to make sure i make every moment count and so i did i was elected class president which gave me the opportunity to not only connect meaningfully with my classmates but also have an impact on making the school a better place for future classes like yourselves during the what went well and even better yet meetings with block leaders i traveled to dc twice as the school's legislative liaison to advocate for better loan forgiveness programs advance one health and discuss the importance of veterinarians in our society i did cancer research where i performed brain surgery on a mouse i signed up for all the clubs i embraced every opportunity that the halls of valley offered and i encourage you to do the same maybe some of you feel certain what path you want to take and some of you are terrified that you don't yet know either way opening up yourself for opportunities and experiences will help you find your passion know that you are at the greatest place to do just that it took me all four years to decide what i wanted to do as my career it seemed like every block i thought i could specialize in that except for up though it was never off though and then in fourth year it hit me what job in veterinary medicine lets you do a little bit of everything we get so accustomed to keep reaching for that next step we somehow feel that general practice isn't far enough if you were to ask someone what they wanted to do you may hear the answer oh just gp you never hear a neurologist say oh just brain surgery and yet they're both equally important specialty is a foot wide and a mile deep and gp is a mile wide and a foot deep we need both once i had decided on private practice i knew it was the right choice and i never looked back i completed an internship at a busy 24-hour gp er exotic hospital where i am now an associate veterinarian i continue to love my job and this career and i am so excited for you to join while you go through these next four years remember that there is so much more than just the classes and grades you have been trained up until this point that school is competitive without the a you won't make it well guess what you're already here you made it and while the classes will be challenging and you will need to study hard adjust how you evaluate yourself you are here to learn and that can look very different from the rote memorization that may have gotten you here your classmates are your best support group not your competitors you are here to be molded into great veterinarians and that means a lot more than being able to ace a test learn to communicate learn to say i don't know but i know how to look it up learn to be bold and try new things learn to say no and how to prioritize learn to be kind to yourself and others as much as your professors will try they cannot teach you everything about veterinary medicine in four years instead you will leave with the skills and confidence to know that you can figure it out in these next four years you'll face highs and lows challenges and hardships but with each other you will all excel and become incred incredible veterinarians just don't forget to enjoy the ride congratulations and good luck class of 2025. [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] thank you dr hammond i said to myself i wasn't going to get emotional listening to you again and it didn't work every single time i learned something from you and i thank you for that i would now like to invite father garudadri our savma president the student american veterinary medical association president to share some of her thoughts about the celebratory occasion with you for cinema please [Applause] thank you dr jandry class of 2025 welcome to the uc davis school of veterinary medicine and welcome to one of the best chapters of your life my name is prathema and i'm your student avma president i am so pleased and honored to be speaking to you on this monumental first step in your careers take a moment to look back on all you've accomplished to sit in these seats today you've not only survived but thrived during a global pandemic what an incredible feeling it is to be together in this room surrounded by family and friends to celebrate you it has taken a village to get you all here thank you to all the friends and family in the audience who have supported you over the years and will continue to be your biggest supporters over the next four years today when we give you your white code remember that it is a symbol of your compassion intellect and dedication to caring for animals and the communities around you when you put that white coat on pause and savor the moment that coat will grow with you over the years it will gain stains and the fabric will wear along with the memories of your first years in this profession class of 2025 you are so unique and have so much power to change the way that we practice medicine you are entering this profession at an incredibly special moment in which veterinarians are in high demand in every sector of the world we live in you are on track to be change makers public health researchers neurologists internists radiologists and family practice vets you will have hands in almost every important government office some of you will become champions for mental wellness and work-life balance while others will become world-renowned interdisciplinary researchers or even rural veterinarians for communities desperately in need of loving competent care for their animals the field is desperate for more veterinarians with general practitioners seeing a month-long wait list for appointments and ers seeing six to twelve hour wait times and a need to shut down receiving of patients regularly when you graduate in 2025 it'll be a momentous day for not only you but for all of your future colleagues who are so eager to work with you over the next four years i hope that you find a niche of veterinary medicine that makes your soul sing that makes you glow with joy on the way home from work every day and lets you appreciate the moments that make all the hardship and struggles worth it and trust me when i say there will be plenty of struggles over your time here because becoming a veterinarian is no small feat look around at your classmates these spectacular people are going to be your best friends who you will share so many laughs and tears with celebrate each other's successes with and console each other's failures with over the years the most important piece of advice i can give you is to live your life to the fullest during these years both in and out of the classroom take all of the opportunities that come your way but make time for rest self-care and your loved ones the veterinary community is full of wildly talented driven and intelligent workaholics and it's so easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of school extracurriculars and jobs don't forget to breathe and take it all in i implore you to travel the world find your favorite hobbies take weekend road trips soak in all of the serotonin and sunshine that you can the other key to success in vet school is communication as you need to listen to your colleagues professors and clients listen to your mentors and let them guide you through the next four years you have an extraordinary set of teachers who have curated this curriculum to make you the best possible veterinarian that you can be first year i remember learning obscure disease processes and wondering how i would remember them all and if they had any clinical relevance fast forward to the summer i brought an ipad full of notes to all of my externships which enabled me to help with treatment plans for an exertional rhabdo case and execute difficult client communications about renal disease and hyperthyroidism the curriculum prepares you so incredibly well for veterinary medicine in the real world so trust in it be a sponge for knowledge and remember the professors you meet because they are magnificent people who will be sources of knowledge beyond your time here veterinary school is hard but incredibly rewarding you'll join countless clubs and take on leadership roles within those you'll enter a pattern of study stress exam and repeat you may spend 12 hour days on campus between classes studying and working in the teaching hospital you'll be pushed outside your comfort zone each and every day here but in the best way possible have confidence in your skills and your experiences so many people dream of being where you are today and so few make it here each and every one of you is special and deserving of your seat in this class i implore you to never forget that you earned your seat here and everyone here wants to see you all succeed the whole davis veterinary medicine family is so excited to have you here and to watch you thrive we cannot wait to see what the class of 2025 will accomplish welcome to the uc davis school of veterinary medicine and congrats on living out your dream thank you [Applause] thank you very much patima so to the class of 2025 i would say that you just have begun this wonderful journey as you realize your dream to become a veterinarian and today's white coat ceremony should resen re represent that special time on that journey i mentioned that you guys are exceptional we all feel that way dr hammond who doesn't even know you feels that way we know what you've gone through to come here to this place where the white coat is that symbol to the where the wearer and the people who see them wearing it that this profession has extraordinary obligations to our patients the white coat also recalls the rich history in veterinary medicine and the scientific foundation of it many of our clients look at the white coat and they say that person has compassion that person actually knows things that is a symbol of caring and that is what they are receiving from you whether you're wearing this white coat literally or figuratively as educators it's our job to give you our students the scientific and clinical tools to become excellent doctors and diagnosticians i hope they don't feel that my speech is really boring oh good however just as important your white scope symbolizes the other critical part of your veterinary medical education it signifies a standard of professionalism and caring as it stands as a physical reminder of the trust that we earn and hope we can achieve from our clients and our patients to our honored guests i would say that this white coat ceremony serves to welcome this group of gifted and exceptionally talented students to our community of veterinarians by giving them this powerful symbol of compassion and honor it also gives them a standard against which they measure every act of care and compassion to the patients and the clients in the communities that trust them expect things from them and rely on them class of 2025 it's indeed an honor for me to congratulate you to being admitted to the uc davis school of veterinary medicine as the associate dean of admissions i've read almost every word of your applications and i find you are exceptional you heard it the other day one of your mentors said dr jandry says there is no such thing as an admissions mistake that's a true statement you are meant to be here you deserve to be here and four short years from now you're going to walk across this stage again in another celebration that celebration is to actually receive your degree we're going to welcome your friends and family in your community and we're going to pack the walls to the ceiling of people cheering you on and truly celebrating your next step in your exceptional professional journey we're now going to present our white coats and i hope to announce your names without screwing it up as well as your hometown and your area of interest i have my president will assist you with placing your white code and we're going to definitely have photographers taking care of the great pictures so please stay in your seats take your pictures from your seats please again again i congratulate you on being image of this wonderful community so ashley marie flores from elk grove interested in veterinary research and equine medicine [Applause] megan kelly mary poth hometown cote de cazo california also equine research and maybe sparkling of zoologic medicine [Applause] evan cosgrove from camarillo california interested in instant small animal internal medicine [Applause] avaram yelameli from saratoga california interested in veterinary wildlife [Applause] jacqueline ann sanchez from hacienda heights california interested in one health and wildlife [Applause] [Music] jamie brown from temecula california [Applause] interested in zoological medicine [Applause] amanda evelyn ayers from leavenworth kansas interested in public health and research [Applause] joseph charles belladetti walnut creek interested in small animal surgery [Applause] lauren watson from oakdale california interested in pathology and small animal [Applause] shannon nicole mathis from redlands california interested in aquatics zoe and wildlife [Applause] from los angeles interested in exotics and surgery [Applause] my dyslexia kicked in ramya joyce from foster city california interested in small animal [Applause] chiara rose gilardi from los banos california interested in small animal [Applause] olivia ann lang brown from mill valley california instead of interested in small animal and wildlife lindsay joan allen from sunnyvale california [Applause] with a large animal livestock interest [Applause] shannon elizabeth donohue from san luis obispo california also a large animal interest alyssa chongli ma from bakersfield california she has an ocean wildlife interest dion rescana from san diego she has a small animal interest anna grote john from davis california i hope i spelled that right wildlife interest [Applause] hannah clevenger from monterey california also a wildlife interest [Applause] jessica constance coe from san francisco interested in wildlife [Applause] lisa pacumio from south san francisco california with a strong interest in shelter medicine companion as well as exotics [Applause] kt morgan from darien connecticut with an interest in small animal critical care [Applause] cassandra parker from los angeles with the equine large animal interests [Applause] shannon cook from santa rosa california with an interest in wildlife as well as shelter medicine [Applause] vivian liu from san francisco interesting small animal [Applause] taylor trexler from magalia california interested in small animal surgery [Applause] christina dibernardo from ventura california with a small animal interest [Applause] nia march from tacoma washington with a special interest in feline and equine nutrition as well as internal medicine [Applause] lauren elizabeth price from phoenix arizona prince sorry lauren elizabeth prince from phoenix arizona interested in small animal specialty and research [Applause] rachel paolo from cupertino california interested in small animal exotics [Applause] kaylee wilcox from rancho santa margarita california with a small animal interest [Applause] sarah smith from portola valley california who actually is telling the truth interested in everything [Applause] victoria houston from fremont california interested in small animal and exotic medicine [Applause] emily tepler from ryan new york interested in small animal and wildlife medicine [Applause] jennifer grimes from denver colorado interested in shelter medicine [Applause] megan brost from milpitas california interested in next animal [Applause] lindsey archer from sunnyvale california interested to be a small animal general practitioner [Applause] avery mendel from agora california interested in lab animal medicine [Applause] thank you stephanie haday from palo alto california interested in small animal as well as shelter medicine [Applause] sarah gill from los angeles california interested in small animal specialty medicine [Applause] rebecca moore from redondo beach california interested in small animal general practitioner ownership following [Applause] catherine kelly young from brentwood california interested in small animal general practice as well as emergency medicine and surgery [Applause] danielle ertl from frenchtown new jersey interested in lab animal medicine [Applause] emma jane marshall from carlsbad california interested in small animal exotics and theriogenology [Applause] morgan bowman from pasadena california interested in equine medicine [Applause] matthew burke from cupertino california interested in small animal general practice [Applause] danielle myers from san jose california interested in research as well as small animal medicine [Applause] riley wilson from livermore california interested in small animal either emergency or shelter [Applause] kelsey tran from westminster california interested in small animals [Applause] lindsay hum from san francisco california interested in small animal general practice [Applause] caitlyn lee from palmdale california interested in small animal and exotic medicine [Applause] analou from san jose california interested in small general practice and surgical specialties [Applause] william sean samir from san diego california exotics wildlife and zoo med interests [Applause] haley adler from roseville california interested in small animal general practice [Applause] okay isabelle weishampayam from tracy california with a livestock interest [Applause] sebastian elsenbrook from visalia california with a zoological wildlife interest [Applause] nathan ma from hong kong with zoological medicine and research interests [Applause] from bangalore india and los angeles interested in stem cell research and exotic medicine especially steaks [Applause] danielle d'amico from nevada california interested in mixed animal exotics and wildlife [Applause] elise wolf from the harbor heights california interested in mixed animal medicine [Applause] savannah blair from old newcastle delaware interest in research wildlife and public health [Applause] brittany davis from snellville georgia interested in lab animal medicine and research [Applause] susie hinchey from boston massachusetts interesting small animal paige barton from oakdale california interested in equine surgery [Applause] christine grace was stila from san diego california an interest in equine [Applause] courtney post from cheyenne wyoming interested in zoological medicine [Applause] is interested in small animal emergency medicine and internal medicine [Applause] allison perry from santa clarita california interest is in small animal gp and exotics [Applause] jessica lin from taipei taiwan and roland heights california interested in wildlife medicine and small animal surgery aubrey smith from sacramento california interested in small animal as well as ophthalmology [Applause] helen onifer from alameda california interest in small animal radiology [Applause] avery coolo from madison wisconsin interested in small animal emergency medicine [Applause] carly fawcett from rancho santa margarita california interested in zoological medicine and wildlife [Applause] alexis durant from carlsbad california with a wildlife interest [Applause] emily grace elaine alfaro from rocklin california with an interest in large animal mixed practice [Applause] that's hard to say jane hutchison from atahi ataro which is translated to christchurch new zealand i was close for equine and academics interests [Applause] savannah sakura kawahata from barnesville georgia with a mixed animal interest [Applause] brittany lee from orange county california with a small animal specialty and wildlife rehab interest [Applause] aaron shen from san jose california with a lab animal medicine interest [Applause] morgan hardy from moore park california with a mixed animal cardiology surgery interest [Applause] mindy liu from chicago in illinois interested in public health and one health [Applause] susie gnome from the san fernando valley interested in small animal emergency medicine [Applause] v2 from huntington beach california with a small animal interest [Applause] jamie chung from folsom california with a small animal general practice interest [Applause] daniel godzill from northridge california with a small animal interest [Applause] quentin tubino from paris france interested in wildlife and exotics [Applause] nicole gonzalez from fallbrook california with the equine surgery interest [Applause] brook littman from manhattan beach california interested in small animal equine and mixed practice [Applause] michaela underwood aguilar from salinas california [Music] mccain likes public health and epidemiology [Applause] kelly ann silver from redwood valley california large animal reproduction interest [Music] i want you people on my team sierra mieko temple from palo alto california she's interested in zomed as well as other zoonotic diseases [Applause] emily annette reese from fullerton california small animal general practice and pocket interests [Applause] from davis california with equine a special interest in hoof biomechanics [Applause] and other specialty interests like oncology and cardio [Applause] shelter medicine interests [Applause] saisha kashal from fresno california with a small animal and zomet interests [Applause] annie doherty kim from los angeles california interested in small animal medicine [Applause] sarah fern neal from flemington new jersey interested in shelter medicine with a small animal and a small animal alexandra milkey from los altos california interested in small animal exotics [Applause] carissa romero from elk grove california area of interest is small animal emergency [Applause] devin koluski from pleasant hill california with a small animal interest [Applause] christiane lagosto guevara from san jose california with a mixed animal and wildlife interest [Applause] angelica martinez from hayward california with an interest in small animal and exotics [Applause] caitlyn marie williams from sacramento california with an interest in public health and regulatory medicine [Applause] from irvine california with a small animal interest [Applause] china with a small animal interest in general practice [Applause] elizabeth cardoza anderson from bainbridge island washington with a livestock medicine interest [Applause] hassanaga from honolulu hawaii with a small animal medicine interest [Applause] from eva beach hawaii small animal interests [Applause] april yushihara from garden grove california interesting small animal [Applause] julie lee from cupertino california an interest in small animal orthopedics [Applause] samantha perez from santa clarita california with a small animal exotic interest [Applause] tara catalano from walnut creek california with a zoe and wildlife interest [Applause] michael james forbes from walnut creek california with an interest in small animal emergency medicine [Applause] madeline thompson from livermore california interested in wildlife medicine [Applause] [Music] stephanie hahn from san jose california with a small animal interest [Applause] nicole huang from los angeles california with an equine sports medicine interest [Applause] todd lay from vietnam vietnam with an interest in small animal exotics and honestly still exploring more interests [Applause] jennifer lee from milpitas california interested in small animal general practice [Applause] arya the fan from rosemead california interested in small animal as well as epidemiology [Applause] alina huang from union city california interested in small animal specialty medicine [Applause] from temple city california interested in small animal er and exotics [Applause] brian wang from san jose california interested in small animal and wildlife [Applause] rebecca abel from manhattan beach california interested in mixed animal medicine as well as research [Applause] michelle cowell from san clemente california so med and wildlife medicine interests [Applause] christina sosnowski from sunnyvale california with a small animal interest [Applause] from sunnyvale california interested in small animal emergency [Applause] natalie hangs from santa monica california interested in small animal surgery [Applause] ellis sherman from los angeles california with a small animal interest [Applause] gina kosacha from belmont california with an interest in small animal gp or rehab or neuro [Applause] dominique zuck from los angeles california with a small animal ophthalmology interest [Applause] danielle zuck from los angeles california with an exotic animal medicine interest [Applause] paige lamprun from san ramon california who has a small animal interest [Applause] kelsey long from davis california with a mixed animal equine fascination [Applause] kelly kramer from oceanside california with a research interest [Applause] jamie pinson from reading california small animal [Applause] claire friesen from pittsford vermont with a mixed animal interest [Applause] samantha watts from morgan hill california who's still deciding between large and small animals [Applause] donald malloy from oceanside california some interest in small animal surgery [Applause] tyrajin vixi from la honda california with a livestock interest [Applause] jess bravos from dixon california with a large animal livestock interest [Applause] from burbank california small animal and research interests [Applause] nicole herb from pleasanton california who's leaning towards a large animal [Applause] alex cerna from coachella california interested in small animal cardiology [Applause] there you go catherine dombroski from los angeles california interested in research in academia as well as mixed animal [Applause] anna rolfler from st louis park minnesota interested in small emergency surgery and other things [Applause] yang from los angeles with a zomed interest [Applause] heather raymond from concord california with interest in small animal emergency [Applause] melissa latcher from herndon virginia with a small animal interest [Applause] i made it and i only screwed up a couple whoo [Applause] so as they finish the path and getting a few pictures in the back i'm going to kill some time as i always do again i'm going to thank my team especially brandy mccall he put this shebang together and we got to give her and my team a round of applause [Applause] and i'm just going to review what we learned today since we didn't have a powerpoint to follow or learning objectives and outcomes out there to you so remember what our wonderful speakers have told you that i said there are no mission mistakes there are no admissions mistakes i believe dr hammond told us it's not in not so many words but she said it's not me but we it's a team sport veterinary medicine is a team sport and we are better together and we're excited to welcome this part of the group to us the team of that med and we're going to take care of people animals in the environment that we share and this white coat gives you the power and the privilege to take care of everybody animals people in the environment but it also empowers what you didn't learn yet to take care of yourself which you have heard from some of our people this doesn't mean you care for everybody you have to be so upset in yourself that you have to be right with the world before you can start helping others this gives you the permission to take care of yourself so everyone's off the picture bandwagon so congratulations to the class of 2025 [Applause] you are officially inducted into the first year class of the school of veterinary medicine at uc davis and during the next four years we will do our utmost to share with you our knowledge and our skills to provide you with the best veterinary education possible it is the singularly the most important thing we do here at the school our faculty and our staff will prepare you for a career in the best and the most rewarding profession you've heard people say that before sorry to other professionals in the audience vetmed's got this um i would say that wearing this white coat is very important symbol of being part of a profession and specifically to us veterinary medicine and let this coat serve as a reminder of the goals that you have already set yourself to get here and the goals that you have to fulfill as you continue to learn and you go out and take care of the world it is our tradition at this induction scene that students dedicate them to this pursuit of their veterinary education and we do that by an oath that signifies your identification that is modeled off of hippocrates ancient oath you received a copy of that as you exited the stage and i'd like you to refer to that now as prathema gadu-dadri our president will lead you in reciting the students veterinary medical oathima thank you dr dandry class of 2025 please stand and repeat after me being admitted to the school of veterinary medicine and the university of california davis and the profession of veterinary medicine [Music] i acknowledge the substantial commitment i must make to my professional education for the next four years and the rest of my professional career i also acknowledge the lifelong commitment i must make to meeting the high standard of ethical behavior expected of members of my profession accordingly i pledge that i will educate myself conscientiously i will regard my classmates faculty and other professional colleagues and clients with respect and honesty i will care for my patients with compassion integrity and perseverance and i will become a participating member of my school university and professional community as a veterinary medical student and a future veterinarian i pledge to develop my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health the relief of animal suffering the sustaining of animal resources the promotion of public health and the advancement of medical knowledge thank you please be seated [Applause] thank you for fema we are pleased that the california veterinary medical association the cvma and the veterinary insurance services company visc are here today to celebrate this occasion and graciously sponsored the reception this evening our cvma is the largest veterinary medical association in the nation after the avma the national organization they're the single largest state organization they provide leadership and support to our profession and address important issues relevant to veterinary medicine and i'd like to introduce to you dr elizabeth klapstein who is the president of the cvma to say a few words on behalf of this association please join me in welcoming dr klapstein [Applause] good evening i am honored to have the opportunity to congratulate all of you on your acceptance to the uc davis school of veterinary medicine class of 2025. my name is elizabeth klapstein and i'm president of the cvma that's the california veterinary medical association and on behalf of the cvma i want to welcome you to the veterinary profession you've chosen to pursue a career that i know you'll find both challenging and rewarding as future veterinarians you'll have the unique and important opportunity to improve the quality of life for both animals and people the next four years will be the longest and the shortest four years of your life so take a moment to look around the room at your fellow students although the majority of these faces are unknown to you now you'll form close bonds with many of them over the next few years you'll be studying together and leaning on each other and encouraging each other and congratulating each other and some of you will become lifelong friends these colleagues along with your amazing instructors will become your community and after four years of dedication to your studies you'll be conferred the title of doctor of veterinary medicine and you'll be sent out into the world to find your place in the veterinary profession and whether that is in small animal medicine or equine practice or laboratory medicine or caring for wildlife and zoo animals or any one of the myriad of options that are offered by our profession but wherever you end up practicing you will once again look around and see both the familiar faces of your academic colleagues and the new faces of your professional colleagues who will support and sustain you in your practice your circle of veterinary community will continue to expand as you progress into your career and you'll continue to they'll continue to be the source of support and encouragement for you just as it was in school and really surrounding yourself with people who share both your experiences and your passion is vital not only to your career but to your well-being as you begin your journey into veterinary medicine i encourage you to get involved in the profession both through your student clubs and organizations and larger professional associations like the cvma don't be afraid to jump right in and get involved because it will open your eyes to possibilities that you hadn't considered keep your mind open and seek out new experiences as a long-time member of the cvma and now it's proud president i want to extend an invitation for you to be part of the cvma community we're your statewide association where you'll find an expanded community beyond the walls of your school and eventually beyond the walls of your practice the cvma has more than 7 800 members from all across the state and 5800 of those are veterinarians but there are 2 000 that are veterinary students and registered veterinary technicians and other members of the veterinary practice teams all with the same passion for protecting the health and well-being of animals the cvma will provide you with the guidance support and encouragement that you need to succeed now and far into your career and our members are leaders in the profession they're both mentors and their future colleagues and they work to foster a a singular sense of community that i feel distinguishes the veterinary medicine from just about every other profession as you receive your white coats today i welcome you to the veterinary community we along with your family and friends are proud of your achievements just keep exercising your determination and your persistence and your resilience and you will find success but most of all enjoy and cherish the journey into this wonderful profession welcome [Applause] [Laughter] thank you dr klepstein before we conclude this ceremony i would like the students to reach into your pockets and your white coats if you haven't done that yet inside you'll find a note the notes have been written by different members of the faculty our staff alumni friends of the school and anybody who respects what you've done and is proud that you've gotten here please take a moment to reflect on those words of encouragement that they've left as they welcome you to our uc davis veterinary community and our family and with that we have no quiz so we are going to be exiting the lobby directly out the doors where there are plenty of ample places on the beautiful vanderhoff quad right on the other side of the street if you're interested to take pictures please don't linger in the foyer we need to clear out of this building as soon as we can and we're going to actually spend most of our time at the reception back at the valley hall patio remember that outside lots of fun food drink dj lady char who is one of my favorite and masks are allowed to be off when you're having fun outside if you do have to go inside the doors are open the restrooms are in there please put your mask back on and please no eating inside the building we hope to see you over there thank you congratulations class of 2025 [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] and we'll see you for the continued fun see you later you
Channel: UC Davis Vet Med
Views: 42,889
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Id: bgtMHPAqx-Y
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Length: 93min 46sec (5626 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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