Maddie is Best Friends with a RHS Hacker? Camera Roll reveals Secret Unlisted Video!

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welcome back to the mad rebecca channel we are about ready to watch an unlisted video of maddie and her new best friend who happens to be a red hood spot yeah i cannot believe this but daniel hacked into her camera roll now we're gonna watch this best friend tag are you ready i don't know what's worse this or her dating robbie roth okay well we're gonna react to this best friend tag right now i i can't believe that maddie's best friend is a red hood spy is it recording um okay hey guys today we're gonna be doing the best friend tag best friend did somebody go already so the way this best friend tag works is we're gonna be asking each other some questions because even though we're best friends we don't really know each other that well so this way we can just ask some questions and get to know each other better i will go first okay so maddie gets to ask the questions first maybe maddie is doing this to get information about the red hood she's spying for us right now yes she could be undercover okay new best friend what is your name bpr bbi oh okay i kind of like it bbi bbi zamfam what do you think bbi stands for that sounds so similar to someone else baby bear rat exactly bbr she a rat next question does the rhs know that you're here okay that's a good question maddie yes okay no no so then it's confirmed this person is part of the red hood spies yeah but they're not working with them anymore that doesn't make sense or maybe they just don't know that they're there this person is like on a secret mission okay but then why are they wearing an outfit zamfam i remember you guys commenting in a ton of videos that there were red hood spice spine on us what if bbi was the one spying this whole time oh okay speaking of that when did you join the rhs right before stranger things before stranger things yeah before stranger things zamfam what happened before stranger things i don't even remember what we were doing then no so much has happened since then i don't even know what's happened before that okay you guys go back to our videos let us know what happened maybe that has something to do with it so now this red hood spike bbi is going to be asking matty questions you know everything about maddie yeah obviously it's gonna be easy okay okay now it's my turn to ask questions so when did you start to trust me honestly it was when you helped me save robbie rob like thank you so much for that oh of course anything from my best friend oh best friends wait when did bbi help save robbie raw i mean he hasn't been in trouble except for after inside out inside out but i had the same thing happen he just woke up but yeah but he bounced back so fast okay zamfam go back see what happened maddie is saying that bbi helped somehow to save robbie rob i don't think that's true though okay let's keep going okay next question do not rebecca know that we're hanging out that's a very specific question no they don't all right good to know actually maddie we do know we do know right now and we found this unlisted video are you kidding me right now she's trying to keep it a secret from us okay this is the one i really want to know do you have a crush i mean if it's between us two oh well no no i guarantee maddie is not gonna answer this question hold on she's whispering to this person does she even trust this person they're giggling maddie is giggling with someone else besides me she's trying to keep a secret she hasn't even whispered to me about her crush it's because she doesn't have one huh are you going back to the game master network well hold on i mean it's complicated but if i do i'm not leaving you you're my best friend not leaving me that person is definitely not joining game master network does that mean maddie's going to stay away from the game master network forever i mean what's going on this person wants to join the game gamemaster network possibly robbie rob wants to join you need to put on the necklace you found in mr x's black box don't fight it rebecca it's rz twin she said we have to wear the necklace that we found in the black box the one from robbie rob's pizza bag do you have it yeah i got it right here okay aussie twin said we have to put it on and don't fight it what happens if we do i don't know she just said don't fight it maybe we have to go along with whatever happened rebecca this might not be a good idea no no no we have to rsi twins that did do it i trust her we have twin telepathy maybe we can make it fun we can turn it into more of a fun challenge like last to say no wins not to say no wins whatever happens with the necklace we have to do it i should probably go first yeah you go first i don't want to go first let me put the necklace on okay zamfam before we go and put on the necklace i just want to call robbie rob i know matt does not agree with this but i really want to see if he can convince maddie to come back and hopefully just call me okay let me call him hello robbie rob hey rebecca hey um i was wondering if you could do me a huge favor sure what is it okay i need you to call maddie and convince her to come back just do whatever it takes and just have her call me okay are you sure that's a good idea she's pretty mad at me please you got it i'll try okay thank you okay zam fam so hopefully that works and maddie will call me we have so much to discuss but i really just want to get her back here because i think she might be in danger all right here is the necklace that we found inside the black box i just wish we had the device that daniel had for robbie rob you think it's gonna give us visions i have no idea what's gonna happen right now rebecca gotta link it i didn't do it here let me help you okay and there you go hold on hold on anything hold on anything i'm seeing something what what do you see something what do you what what what is it grab some paper paper paper in a pin anything right now on uh here here just feel it square it's a square inside of a square that's what you're seeing it's it right there what hold up hold on what is it i'm not sure what this is but that's what you saw that's exactly what i saw it almost looks just like this not a good drawer though xavier what do you think that drawn is maybe it's something here rztwin said just go with it so we need to figure out what are you playing what you're playing oh i don't know why i'm pointing hold on matt the vent do you think that's it yes it's the pit hold on hold on hold on damn fam we have never gone into this vent it looks like this is going to be the first time going inside what do you think we're going to find ourselves told us to wear the necklace oh no guys calm down that's okay okay relax hey it's kind of bad i've never even looked inside this vent before oh no be careful what if it's like a secret passage or something like that whoa okay becca i don't see anything up here it opens oh he gets another tunnel there's a message on it oh it's kind of dirty a message no it's an air vent wait show inside there well there's definitely a tunnel up in here see if you guys see anything in there you can't see it all i have to look david can you see anything how far does it go it looks like it goes pretty far super far i have no idea oh oh there's also something up here something right here some sort of box and it's got a wire what is that it's on game master paper come come down come down oh okay gives you like a little headache it's game master paper it says mr a takedown measure maybe this was something that was left before the game master went bad if it's a takedown measure maybe this is something that will lead us to how we can take down mr x and make the game master good again okay rebecca you're saying that i put on this necklace this necklace made me draw something and inside where it made me draw there is a hidden piece of paper it looks like it's part of something else marzi twin said don't fight it so if this is last to say no i'm not gonna say no i'm gonna do it too maybe we'll find another piece like this and get more information okay rebecca i'm gonna keep you safe i don't want you to do a lot here i want to do most of the work so i'm gonna be the last to say no uh no i could take care of myself like to say no is going to work hold on yeah i think so paper paper just paper paper right there what is it if you hold it the vision gets better it's you really yeah yeah i know what it is i'm pretty i'm pretty sure looks like a swimming pool or something is it the lake no it's the secrets i drew it i'm not gonna join but i know exactly what that is are you ready all right zayn pam say it with us if you know what it is three two one treehouse yes that's the trios that's near us we need to get there there might be another clue let's go okay okay the treehouse is right up here i'm gonna go check it out okay zamfam well matt is going there i just want to quickly touch base with you guys what do you guys think about maddie's new best friend being someone from the redhood spies do you think that they're trying to trick her to get information about the game master network maddie is still ignoring me though damn fam i need your help comment below what you think i can do so that maddie will stop ignoring me i mean i miss her his name there seems to be a lot more stuff here look at this the carpet here now was never here there's so much oh there's one right up there too this might be where the new clue's at rebecca she's my cousin she's like my favorite i i don't know what to do rebecca i think i can find something oh okay i gotta go look at this look at it out here what if it's underneath the carpet carpet yeah okay no matt i don't think it would be under the carpet i mean this was left when the game master was good that was definitely not there the last time we were here at this treehouse check out the other parts over here rebecca welcome i don't know what that says what does that say you guys wait a second new adult kids must have taken over this treehouse that's good news oh there's more clues over here this is new sca2275 comment that down below that might be a clue from the red hood spice that wasn't there before okay matt last casino wins why don't you climb up there in the treehouse i've never seen you up in the tree house i always go i don't have a choice right now okay i'll search down here you look up there i wish i could have just seen in the vision where the clue was all i saw was the treehouse i don't know where to look or where to start you heard it last to say no when so that means i have to climb up here oh no matt it's gonna break is it is it gonna it may have to go up the other way it says no doors i mean the game master established this so they have to know that's not their treehouse okay matt is searching above the treehouse but i'm thinking underneath i mean nothing's really changed underneath here if you guys see anything at all i don't know if it's to look like what we found in the event but maybe it will be all you know is we need to make the game master good and i trust rz twin now maybe since the game master's bad somebody took it over or maybe he can't support the weight of an adult yeah i'm going up blast to say no win up i don't see anything xantham do you guys see anything at all could be a paper it could be rolled up it could be exactly like that or it could be something different i don't really know rebecca it's not too safe up here last time it was like in a hole of a tree found a clue there hold on this is it samsung do you think this is it matt matt come down i think i found something i just got up here are you okay are you kidding me matt it's another piece of paper i think if we put the pieces of paper together we might be able to figure out how we can defeat mr s the red hoods are coming they'll be there in less than 30 minutes you need to find everything and get out huh okay it's rc twin she said that the red hood spies are going to be here in 30 minutes we need to hurry we need to get all of these papers fast back get to the house back to the house it might not be safe here go go go go go watch that peanut you didn't see any red hood sprites did you no come on wait what okay look the second piece of paper i don't think match up i don't not quite it looks like we're like missing another one you need to go next matt ready three two one it's on now i'm not trying to rush you but rz twins said that the red hood spies are gonna be here in less than 30 minutes so can you hurry your metric shade circle matt what are you drawing you go any faster yeah yeah yeah okay boom what is that wait wait what are you drawing what is that dancing what is that what is that are you okay yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm just drawing just trying good okay what does that look like yeah comment below what you think that is becca that's a sink see sink in our bathroom i'll bring this on go blackjack this has three drawers now you drew something here but there's a drawer on the top and then two on the bottom wait the sinks are close together zamfam do you know anywhere else in our cabin that have two sinks i mean this is just our bathroom the other bathroom rebecca other bathrooms does it have two sinks maybe it's the other bathroom let's go hey guys come on keep an eye out blackjack come on we have to hurry okay oh no i just realized it looks like the sand no there's only one sink it doesn't open up well it's the same though right here look the arrow is right here so it has to be somewhere here okay so we need to search our cabin there must be one more place matt are you sure it's here rebecca i'm 100 positive that it is here okay we checked the bathroom in our bathroom the guest bathroom is clear too kitchen sink kitchen kitchen yes okay this looks pretty close let's see not the best jar of it zamfam what do you guys think oh look this it matches there's a few cabinets down there but this is not a drawer no oh i didn't even know we had this we've been in our cabin for over a year and i didn't know we had this secret compartment look we got something how long has this been in here you guys do you think the game master left this for us before he turned back mask the activation button hold on let's bring this to the other ones i think they connect look these two connect it's perfect hold on maybe i can tape it damn damn this is great we know that this connects this is gonna make some type of mess look so this connects says mr x take down measure mask deactivation button comment down below if you think that this might be a weakness of mr x and how we can take him down all right rebecca it's your turn okay here take this off right same fam you know we need to take down mr x because he took the memory bowl you guys know that we have the game master app where you can help us take down mr x because he stole the memory ball and hit it inside the tunnel shout out to you guys you were the highest scorers on the app if you want to shout out make sure you click on the link down below on the free app play the game and get the highest score and tag us on instagram thanks to all of you guys that are downloading the app and playing it it helps us so much i cannot believe we ranked in the app store that is crazy i'm about to get this on okay yeah where is it where's it at trying okay to the kitchen still okay okay hold on you don't have the most time i know i'm i'm hurry hold on i don't know what that is it's something i drew i'm not good is that it's something like a round type of basket it's something that was here when we got here ma i don't know something big and round okay so a large basket we're looking for a large basket something that was here when we got our cabinets the only thing that was here is that thing in the corner the thing in the corner rebecca that yes i'm not that good at drawing so maybe that's right okay there's hacker wires inside matt there's hacker wires i thought this was just to hide the wires in the house wait we've never even really looked in here it's another one from the game master it's the same paper how have we not looked in here has this been here the whole time this is a huge piece for that puzzle if we put it all together we might be able to stop mr ed this might be the last piece comment below what you think is this going to be oh that looks like mr x's mask game master has known this whole time how to take down his brother if we make him good he's gonna be able to help us no rebecca if he stays bad we might have to do this ourselves let's figure this out don't miss it hold on look mass deactivation button press pressed we can power we're missing a piece we don't know exactly where on the map but this says back of head okay so it looks like we are missing two magnets we need to get the dogs and sneak out rebecca but we're not finished we haven't finished getting all the pieces all right st fam we need your help we need you to screenshot the clues and help us figure out how to stop mr x we need to grab the dogs right now what's going to guys guys you want to go peanut i'm gonna get come on let me make sure okay all right we made to the car we're inside the garage we're getting ready to escape without the red hood spies knowing that we're here maddie's calling i have to pick it up i have to pick it up okay i can't believe she's going hello maddie hey rebecca i decided to come back to your place in l.a you're going to come back to l.a then that's great oh we're actually heading there right now uh i'll kind of fill you in as soon as you get here maddie she hung up who's she bringing it better not be one of the red hood spies damn bam so it looks like we are about to head back to la maddie is going to be meeting us there but she's bringing someone do you think she's bringing one of the redwood spy i have no idea but it better not be make sure you're subscribed to the rebecca's milo channel because maddie and i are finally gonna have a reunion she just might be bringing her best friend that's a hacker you
Channel: Matt Slays
Views: 2,967,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best, friends, rhs, hacker, camera, roll, reveal, face, secret, unlisted, video, flamingo, roblox, matt and rebecca, rebecca zamolo, troom troom, hot, vs, cold, challenge, preston, trapped, 24 hours, sssniperwolf, tik tok, lucas and marcus, who knows me better, death straw, tik toks, tiktok, win, most, tickets, 123 go, geometric, shapes, spying, sneak, learn, lies, food, gm, games, reality, vlog, clean, 2020, familia diamond
Id: WNOM7uj9Mi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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