Which Sim Racing Game Is The Best For You In 2023?

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Sim racing is expensive it just is I mean of course it's cheaper than real life racing there's a lot of people will point out I'm sure in the comments but by the time you have a sort of okay Sim racing start with a decent wheel and pedal and PC you can quite easily be down four figures and that's before you've even chosen the simulator you want to use so I thought what I would do today is a response to a question I've been asked plenty of times it's go through all the big simulators and give you sort of the pros and the cons for me so you guys can decide which Sim is best for you look at me trying to do educational content I'm trying to help the community instead of being the drain I've been for the last six years this video by the way is sponsored by Sim racing GP but I'll talk about that a little bit more a bit later on now first of all let's start with the game symbol ever that I think is the best value for money on the market if you're looking for a good all-round experience and that is a cello Corsa the original one from 2014. now recently I have been really singing the Praises of a set of course and there is a reason for that I always think that simulation should be as accessible as possible and a set of corset is pretty much the hub for that the ultimate edition of the game itself can be picked up fairly regularly in Steam sales for around 10 11 pounds which by the way is about the same price as a track in Ira single get to that in a minute and there is such a massive range of cars to choose from you're gonna have a hard time driving them all and that goes for the console version if you go to the PC version your world gets a lot bigger there are so many different mods for pretty much everything literally you can drive a T-Rex anywhere from historic F1 cars to different rain effects different lighting effects day to night transitions all these things have come in because of the awesome modding community and to me it takes a game from being that release title in 2014 and brings it firmly up to date in 2023. there are downsides of course a single player experience that AI is not the best they ever like to run side by side for the entire lap or just lunge you into a corner and destroy you and not give two shots basically I think it's learned from me I think and it can be difficult to get into some decent online racing outside of a big league or a random track though sir so something up a set of Corsa cheap and awesome I cannot recommend it enough I think it should be the first Sim that everyone gets now there are a couple alternatives to a set of course so one of which is ams2 automobile Easter 2. now for me amf2 is kind of like the perfect pick up and play simulator there's not very much you have to do to get involved and jump into a car for the first time and like I said of course there's an absolute ton of variety in fact you can drive an F1 car or like a racing truck they both exist in AMS too but again the single player part of the game doesn't really exist there's like some championships you can set up on your own and you can do single AI races but there's no career mode or anything like that and again just like set a quarter it's sort of suppers online a little bit it's kind of hard dumbing into ranked online racing easily they do have like ranked time trials but not everyone's into that people actually want to race wheel to wheel there's a ton of awesome tracks in amf2 some tracks in fact I've never heard of before playing this game if you don't know automobilista and Ultima Blazer 2 are made by a studio called racer Studios Razer Sim Studios or just racer Anyway by racer and they're Brazilian bass there's just a ton of random Brazilian circuits in the game and they're all amazing and I wouldn't have heard of them if I hadn't played uh ams2 I find it difficult to recommend AMS two over a set of course but they're both decent titles and both worth your money if you want to sponge out for more than one but let's move on to our Factor two which is a game you probably have heard of if you watch slim on Virtual or rather the Fallout for lemon virtual funny jokes now despite all the sort of memes and whatnot from rf2 in the last couple of months or so I still think that once it's all hooked up and once it's all feeling right rf2 is one of the most rewarding driving experiences you can have as a Sim racer a lot of the physics sort of running underneath the gubbins of rf2 are all class leading um all fantastic the fourth feedback I think is still some of the best uh on the market I'm watching all the time physics and play is still something that Marvels me even though that technology has been out for years now but it's sort of Its Own Worst Enemy in that regard it feels like everything in rf2 is over complicated whereas I say that a set of Corsa and ams2 are fairly easy to jump into rf2 feels like you need to already be kind of knowledgeable with Sim racing to get into it and get the most out of it like amf2 like a circle so it's got a decent car there's a lot of DLC there as well and finally finally rf2 are implementing not having to own every piece of content on the server to be able to join a server I mean for example if you wanted to jump into a GT3 race before you had to own every single GT3 and anything else on the server rotation to even join the server luckily now after years they're getting rid of that but it feels like maybe a little bit too late our Factor 2 is a Sim that I've probably played for the longest out of all the ones on this list bar one maybe and whilst I think it's still pretty rough around the edges if you want a single player experience with good AI last time I drove they were pretty damn decent probably one of the more advanced weather systems uh in Sims still today the rf2 is worth your time if you don't mind having to tune it a bit to get it right now I want to move on to Rally titles now because rallying I don't know it doesn't seem to have that much of a representation in Sim racing so we tend to have one or two games that have outlasted everything else and are still going today and of course the one big example of that is Richard Burns rally a game released I think in 2002 or 2003 but like a set of Corsa has been kept Alive by a dedicated modern Community now don't get me wrong the game doesn't look the best and a bit like our Factor two you do have to go through quite a few Shenanigans to get the game working properly and get it working to a point where it's enjoyable most of the gameplay nowadays when Richard Burns rally is online throughout all the various mods and Etc but the base game is still playable and still enjoyable don't get me wrong not every car on Richard Burns rally feels great and some of the stages that have been modeled in look frankly awful but Richard Burns is not about that Richard Burns has feel that the genuine Enthusiast is all about the actual driving aspect if you can look past some sort of weird looking textures and some weird sounding cars and a game that does look like it's from the early 2000s and you are gonna have an amazing rally experience in Richard Burns there's no game out there that I think that's more brutal and more unforgiving apart from maybe BMG and Richard Burns's you will not get through your first rally in one piece but if you're looking for something that's slightly easier to use a bit more up to date looks a bit nicer sounds a bit nicer then I can't recommend enough dirt rally too I really liked dirt rally too A lot of people who play rbr are the ones that go and try dirt rally 2 I think so you get a little bit of criticism in the way of maybe it's not quite as unforgiving as rbr which which it isn't you can have bigger moments in dirt rally 2.0 and get away with it somehow one of my favorite things to do in Sim racing still to this day is just jump in the Metro 6r4 at any stage any stage and just drive it through the stage like I stole the thing the immersion level for me in dirt rally 2.0 is off the charts and I can't recommend that game enough if you're into your rally I should probably mention the WRC games as well what generations and whatnot but to be honest all those games are the same since like wrc8 I think WRC 9 is probably the best of the bunch but um it's been a while since I've played them all so if you have any opinions on that I'd love to hear them down below comments but now let's move to the online games because let's be honest you're a Sim racer you want to race other people you don't want to race AI all your life I don't anyway now this video is sponsored by SGP and a lot of you guys know that I have a stake in SCP I always like to just close that before I talk about it at all the reason why I'm talking about STP in this video because I'm going to mention a couple of Sims coming up but don't have great online functionality natively it's something that we've aimed to fix with SGP so online racing new Sims is a lot easier and a lot cheaper and that brings me to the two I think big games online the first of all is race room racing experience which is a game that I think to be honest has kind of slept on a little bit and I think it does suffer a little bit from what Richard Burns suffers from whereas in an old engine it doesn't look like the best Sim out there but the game still feels great there is a variety of very cool and interesting cars in race room but you do have to pay for a lot of the race room markers itself as a free-to-play game so you can jump in with a set amount of cars on the circus but if you do want to increase that you have to sort of buy DLC and go from there so it's free to play to a point so if you do want to jump into a game for free and try some online racing then Racing's probably a decent place to start but to be aware once you get into it and once you start buying content it can probably start to get a bit more expensive as time goes on I don't know what all the content adds up to if you wanted to buy it all but I think at last time I checked it was around 70 80 pounds but I will get a little fact check for that right now but definitely worth a download even if you're only going to play single player because the more Sims you have the better right another thing worth mentioning here is a set of course that competency now ACC is a bit of a different Sim to the others that we're going to be talking about today in the sense that it's based really on One racing series now ICC is official game of the real life series GT World Challenge which means it has a complete field of up-to-date gt3s that have all received an absolute ton of attention in terms of physics and how they look how they sound Etc and recently they've also updated the game to include gt4s and a couple of cup cars as well as an M2 Cup car as well so the roster isn't as small as it used to be but it is still very very focused on one element of racing which is GT Racing so if you're into GT Racing and you love these cars and you want to race the best versions of those cars out there then a lot of those belong in ACC if you're someone who's looking for a bit more variety then ACC probably isn't going to be for you like a lot of these Sims there is a career mode in the ACC but it's just fairly Bare Bones you know it's just Wildlife disguise as just championships with like a little bit of text before it uh it is hard to do career modes in racing games I know but bring back Toca race driver old man shouts are Cloud again you're doing me proud I'm gonna go get a sandwich there is built-in driver rating and Grading in the game which is pretty damn cool but it can still be difficult to jump into decent ranked racing in ACC ACC is also available on the console as well and I think actually of the console Sims is probably the closest you're gonna get um to that sort of PC style of gameplay but I've always Associated ACC as like a proper hardcore Sim you have to know going in you're only gonna be driving a few cars you have to know it's all about the driving and that can be very appealing for some people but for someone like me who likes variety and driving all sorts of different mad and wonderful machines ACC would go a bit further down on my list but I think still definitely worth a try especially if you're in the competitive GT Racing and now for the big one the one that I think a lot of people would have heard of it's probably the most famous Sim out there at the moment I think and that is eye racing [Applause] is one of the first Sims I ever played just after the original r factor and I've been playing it ever since then I love driving in it I love competing against people online for a while it didn't feel that great with some of the tire models but it's really come on in recent years and honestly most of the time I jump into the Sim I have a good time I enjoy myself which is of course is the goal of this hobby the cars are all laser scans they have fantastic detail as are the circus as well although some of the scans are a little bit longer than the tooth now but it's still really awesome to see all that those little mini levels of detail and the online experience for eye racing is still unparalleled you can jump into just a Litany of ranked races and have an amazing time with decent competition of course there's always an outlier every now and then but it's nothing like being online and say Forza where you have to always watch your mirrors of some guy coming in hotter a billion miles an hour there's eye rating and safety rating to make sure you're ranked into races that suit you the best and there is a series of special events such as then we just run the 12 hours of Bathurst which was a ton of fun and you can enter those for free if you have the content which brings me very nicely to probably the biggest downside of IRAs and it has always been the downside to eye racing is the cost now before you can even turn a wheel in our racing you need a subscription which will set you back I think it's about 12 pounds or so a month here in the lovely United of Kingdoms and that does give you some sort of Baseline content that gives you a couple of tracks and a couple of cards to get you started but realistically if you want to take part in an actual racing series it's probably going to cost you quite a bit more a car for example last time I checked was about ten dollars or so so ten dollars per car you want to buy not per series per car and for each Target there's about 14 15 depending on which track it is some tracks are more expensive than others so if you're looking to do maybe a full season of racing just in one car in one series you could spend upwards of a hundred dollars and there's no guarantee that next season's calendar will be the same so you have to then buy those tracks as well now I don't remember the exact figure it's another job for editor chat I'm afraid love you editor Chan but if you want to buy all the content and not have to worry about any of this you'll still have to pay a subscription by the way it's going to cost you well into four figures which is a hell of a lot of money for a simulator alone now is it worth the money is a question that I get asked a lot about irasing I play it a lot so I think it is I've played it for years and years and years and if you take that figure and then divide it by you know six or seven years how long I've been driving I racing it becomes a lot a lot they're scary but if you're someone who's just getting into SIM racing and I'm hoping that some of you guys are watching this video then it can be hard to justify the cost I would say you know something like ams2 or a set of course it is a better place to start if you just want to get involved and have a kind of fun Sim like experience now of course A lot of the stuff that I mentioned today has been for PC so I would say honorable mentions for console to Gran Turismo 7 and f122 now f122 has been under some Flack recently right who so has been a lot of cheating involved in that but in terms of getting into sort of online racing and Esports and that side of sim racing f122 has that functionality involved I think every year you can basically try and qualify for F1 Esports which has the potential for a lucky few to put onto a World stage in front of thousands of people playing the game it's a great opportunity for people to get into it that way but of course not about as bugs does have a decent single player career mode though so if you're that sort of guy you'll enjoy f-122 and gt7 for the same sort of thing is a very very populated online community very very competitive racing there as well and whilst I don't play that much because I'm sort of PC based it is definitely I think one of the better console options if you are restricted to console now of course I know there are other Sims out there I probably missed a couple and you guys I'm sure let me know in the comments below but these for me are sort of the big Sims at the moment and I really hope that you guys found this video somewhat informative I'm not really the most thirst when it comes to this sort of content but I figured given that I've been asked a lot recently about which Sim is best Etc I thought I would just make this little list to help people maybe stumbling into SIM racing on to the right path whatever you end up picking you'll be starting you'll generally down the rabbit hole that is Sim racing and I think if you have the cash and you have the passion to try and want to do everything then you should have all these games but of course I know it's not as simple as that for some people thanks so much for watching take care have an awesome day see you all next time
Channel: Jimmy Broadbent
Views: 290,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Formula 1, Senna, Hamilton, Prost, onboard, crash, wet weather racing, Simulation, sim racing, racing simulation, virtual reality, VR, Oculus rift, oculus, rift, htc, htc vive, vive pro, crash compilation, sim rig, GT Sport, Jimmy, Jimmy Broadbent, iRacing, rFactor 2, Project Cars 2, Assetto Corsa Competizione, Assetto Corsa, Beam NG, Gran Turismo, Gran Turismo Sport, cars, time attack, modified cars, Praga, Britcar, Lando Norris, Lando, Norris, f1 22
Id: 3SKjIjqnv1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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