Why I CAN'T Recommend WRC Generations

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I unfortunately have to agree with almost everything he said here, except for the tarmac feel. WRCG tarmac feels the best out of all of the WRC titles at least on my setup. It reminds me very much of RBR NGP7.

The base setups are pretty trash, especially considering the base setups in 10 were pretty decent.

The throttle and hand brake issues need to be a priority fix though for the game to even be drivable.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/saxmanusmc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

As someone who hasn't played any other WRC game besides grabbing a copy of 10 on the seven seas months ago, my main thought about this game is pretty simple: the core driving experience on 4wd cars is fine, and the stages are just absolutely stellar. Everything else is a mess to put it lightly, but honestly the staggering quality of these stages on a design level keeps me currently addicted to the game and pushing through everything else. I don't know how this game can have fictional stages and DR2.0 can have completely authentic ones and this game's are so much more fun. I didn't like Greece at all in DR2.0 but in WRC the Greece stages are insanely fun rollercoaster rides. Germany is much the same: absolutely miserable slogs in DR2.0, super fun in WRC.

It is a shame that everything else is kind of a complete mess and that half the issues in this game are already existing ones that Kylotonn never ever fixed. The fact that they have zero financial incentive to fix them now that they lost the license leaves a real sour note in my mouth...but WRCG is still a blast when it's working right.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YashaAstora πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well he's not wrong. This should have knocked out the park but instead it's been a dumpster fire. Still no FFB on thrustaster or fanatec for the Xbox? Still?!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/argue53 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I agree with him, except tarmac is imo better than DR. But the game is unplayable until the throttle and handbrake issues are resolved.

I haven't played much due to that, the dry tyres are really faster in rain? That was not the case in WRC10 as far as I remember.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/---fatal--- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

While I agree with some points in this video, I’m very glad I didn’t see it until AFTER I bought my copy of WRCG. Otherwise I may have decided not to buy it and would have missed out on the fun I’m having with this game. It has its issues for sure, but it also has areas in shines in, such as it’s stages. Also, while it may not have yearly revolutionary changes since prior WRCs, typically no yearly sports game does. I could barely play WRC 7 and 8, with their poor visuals on PS4. WRC 9 improved on that with next gen, and WRCG looks better than that one, even with its 60fps. Finally, I haven’t had this much fun with a rally game since Dirt Rally 2.0, and I paid twice as much for that game (with its DLCs) than I did for WRCG. (Edit spelling)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Majarcus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

The game is being hard carried by the fun stages. Everything else is due for some updates. Obviously the audio, the throttle and the 4WD handbrake. But lets not forget all the multiplayer stuf; no championships, no leaderboards, you can not see how your friends performed in dailies, you can not see how YOU performed in (past) dailies, the lobbies work like we are in the year 2006.

And only time will tell if anything at all gets fixed, because they lost the license and have no incentive to. I can see why he does not recommend his viewers to buy the game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kontbijtkoekje πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Harsh but fair.

As much fun as I'm having in WRCG it really is a gold-wrapped turd.

If they fix this game, I will promote the hell out of it. I know we all would.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gregorwhat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think WRCG is brilliant. Well, I have played a lot of rally games as games. I don't mind that it's a game personally, and I don't mind spending hours fine-tuning my input and car settings (and then re-tuning them when I'm in the mood) in order to create the illusion of an experience I've never had (racing cars). I like it a lot, and think it contains a lot of value.

Sad to see people don't like it. I think their environment rendering is top notch, best I've ever seen. As someone who has dedicated her life to making games for the past 20+ years, I am very impressed with what I see in this title. Without really knowing what to expect from driving inside or chasing various cars from rally history IRL, I think the audio is nice too.

WRCG probably has the best content/value/respect ratio of any racing game I've bought in 10 years... please consider expressing your dissatisfaction in a respectful way. The maintainers of this project sound like they want to appeal to the sim crowd too, but it's hard. It's extra hard when user complaints are presented in a disrespectful way (not accusing anyone here, just cautioning). Please remember that game developers are merely groups of humans doing their best to create stability for themselves and their loved ones.

To me, it feels that WRCG is a very heartfelt and passion-driven game. I already know it's going to get me through the dark winter, and I am very grateful for it and look forward to any changes they make based on y'all's feedback. Glad to see you care :)

ps: when you say the "feel" is off, consider identifying your feelings first and being more specific. Is it the input latency? The wonky input curves? The seeming lack of tire grip? The lack of gravel slipping audio to communicate that you have lost grip? The particle effect? The comparison between wet and dry roads? Fine and coarse gravel? A lot goes into creating the illusion of controlling a physically simulated car, so it's hard for developers to guess when you say it feels bad or good without providing further detail. Thanks!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fashionhun πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

He is not wrong with most of his points but, sadly WRC Simracing space is nearly empty. Generations is vaslty improved over 10 and despite all the shitshow with release and all the flaws it is still the best WRC game at this moment. RBR does not work with my wheel and looks old. DR2... just can't bring myself to play this stages.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PhilosopherDecent πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
break the square left don't cut oh Jesus nothing broken I disagree fellow rally fans we don't really have many games to choose from at the moment do we of course we have the dirt series which is sort of like a light Browning game thing then of course we have the valley series which is different and a bit more semi and to be honest still one of my favorite rally titles is to jump into and belt it we have of course Richard Burns rally which has been modified so much now that I have actually forgotten what the original game looks like but uh still somehow one of the most realistic titles out there and then we have the WRC series of games by killer time now truthfully I've actually kind of been a fan of the WRC games I've had quite a lot of fun in them they're always quite decent to drive but to say that they are inconsistent would be probably the biggest understatement of this video a couple of weeks ago we had the release of the most recent iteration of the WRC franchise the WRC Generations game which is basically the last few games just squeezed together and my last couple the streams have actually been in WRC generations with a varying levels of success I crash a fair bit and again I find myself enjoying the driving in the game but there is a lot of other stuff and I mean a lot of other stuff in this game that is either broken doesn't work properly or just flat out missing now I'm not sure if this video is going to count as a review or not but I'm going to just chat away for a bit and see where I end up to anyone first of all who's familiar with the last two WRC games is gonna see a lot of stuff that is very very similar in WRC generation even the freakishly long arms and hands are still here in fact I think it's fair to say that since wrca there's not really been a new game it's just been an evolution of the last game maybe evolution is too strong a word maybe like update for the last game of course in the new WS Generations we have new cars we have the hybrid the running One cars which actually drive really well and we have a return of some of the rally 2 cars as well so there's a decent range of cars to choose from but not especially different from what we've had in the last couple of years and let's talk about the WRC One cars for a second because that's going to be the main focus for a lot of people in this game these are the hybrid monsters that we have today in WRC and they are done fairly well they drive okay you know they they they're quite fun to get into they're quite fun to try and drive to the Ragged Edge but my god do you have to do a lot to to get there let's start with throttle input okay now you guys might not have noticed this if you're driving on a Gamepad or if you're particularly heavy footed in Sim but below 80 throttle the car does nothing in fact I'm gonna boot up the game and show you what I mean all right so we're gonna put it in gear watch my throttle input this is hard throttle so we're going still going still going right still going this is now 70 throttle still going still going still going not going hey and now [Music] finally the car moved forward yeah you're probably wondering why the hell I showed you that but because that has massive ramifications for how you drive the cars in this game now these cars have hybrid as well and the hybrid recharge is automatically over the stage and is deployed automatically something else that isn't quite realistic I suppose but also somewhat frustrating to drive with which means coming out of slow Corners as my good friend Stephen J Bailey says it's just a bit of a gamble whether you can get out or not because you have to put in more than 80 throttle input anyway and then the hybrid starts up you've got tons of horsepower coming out of the corners who just will spin then you have no control over that if you come off you just stop and the car reacts in a really weird way and speaking of reacting in a really weird way let's talk about handbrake as well handbrake's an essential part of uh of rallying you know getting the car around tight Corners massive oversteer moments feeling like a God in WRC 10 it feels extremely odd it's not just that it locks the rear wheels it feels like some invisible force pushes you around at the rear to the point where you can't really use the handbrake um without spinning and if you do it has to be like the lightest of touches you can't hold it into a corner you can't do any of that and you end up having quite a lot of moments where the car is just this floundering mess trying to go into any sort of hairpin now I've looked during the rally car in real life not really anyway but I have gone drifting in real life and although my my Supra isn't quite a uh a radical I feel like the handbrake isn't isn't done properly it's a step backwards from whatever was there last year and this next point is a bit of a shame because just like the dirt rally games tarmac now feels like it's just gravel but with the grip turned up a bit which you feel because you float around on the surface of the tarmac you never feel like you're biting in with the tire at all it just feels like you're just like ah just sailing around on the tarmac and it's such an odd Sensation that takes you out of that immersive experience and it's a shame because previous WRC games actually did Carmack Better Than Dirt but for some reason now they're not doing that they've made it worse I just don't know what the thinking is here so another big thing is that the default setups for a lot of these cars are just awful like everything is full soft on every setting possible which means the cars just wallow and randomly flip over sometimes because of just how how soft they are roll about like they're on a motion and you could say well you know Jimmy that's up to the the players to tuning a good setup but I disagree with that a good Baseline setup should be like 85 of the way there it shouldn't be zero percent because then when you get in as a driver as a player you have no idea what's wrong with the car because it feels so bad that it feels like there's no possible way back to a good setup it's such an oversight so either the default setups that just have not been tested or they've purposely gone for the worse uh possible both of those things make zero sense to me to top it off rally One cars have Center diffs in game they're actually banned in real life competition but they are still tunable and they still do do things which makes you think they've just been copy and pasted with some adjustments from large is WRC cars and to add to that all two-wheel drive cars in games both have front and rear differentials and they both do things to how the car handles what is going on so I could drive a rear-wheel drive car and adjust the front differential which it would not have in real life because it's rear wheel drive and I could make the car faster which again makes you think that all cars are inherently four-wheel drive but just tuned to make them have different characteristics to make them seem like their two-wheel drive or four-wheel drive and whilst not all cars have six gears in this game some do but you can't adjust if gear in any of the setup menus because it's not listed there only five gears left in the setup menu even your car has six now there are wet tires in this game for the wet tarmac rallies but they are pretty much pointless because the soft and hard tarmac tires are actually quicker in the wet so there's just no point in existing why why even bother using them these cars don't have any anti-lag sounds on the external cameras they sound a bit odd inside and some of the other rally two cars and cars that maybe don't get as much attention just flat out broken I mean the Lancia Delta Group a car has no noise from the exterior at all from what I can tell the Subaru sounds like a couple of different engines mixed together these of them actually correct engines and the Fabia R2 car if you buzz it off the limiter it gets exponentially louder for no particular reason that I can explain to you it might seem like little things but in a game that has basically been the same game for the last few years like they are kind of unforgivable especially that that Fabio I mean that that makes driving the car annoying because every time you're going quick you get this buzz in your ear like your your brain's about to effectively explode okay well that noise there aren't many cars that sound good in WRC generations and I know that these modern rally cars don't exactly make the best sound in the world but there's no realism to it it's also synthetic and it's just such a shame because that's such a big part of any driving game for me personally having the car sound like the thing is meant to sound like graphically the game looks okay the cars are better than Master that's for sure there was some weirdness in some of the old games where the sages were so dark you required headlights for every stage because of how the onboard camera worked that was very odd that luckily isn't around anymore and when you're in full swing in the stage with the HUD off and the co-driver just shouting in your ear you can feel like you're there for a moment that there is still a level of aversion in this game so if you want to play on your own against AI on 150 which is the hardest AI level you are going to have a very mixed experience there are either fast to the point of being unrealistic or slow to the point of being unrealistic so basically any offline challenge is going to be pretty much impossible for a full season and on that in season mode there's no difficulty adjustment allowed between different seasons so whereas in games like in Formula One 2022 you can adjust the slider as you go for each Circuit of the AI may be a bit faster a bit slow you can at least adjust the slide and have a better experience you can't do that in this game so you're stuck with the thing you choose at the start on that there's still no option to do a single player custom season or Championship which means if you want to do a championship or a season in the WRC one car like all of the fast hybrids you can't you have to unlock it either going playing through an entire season mode or playing through a career mode to do that which you know is going to be at least probably five six hours of your time before you can drive one of these cars actually on your own outside of just solo stages which are not against any AI now we ran some club events the other day in WRC Generations which really showed me a couple of things that were wrong with the online the first thing for me is that when you're trying to set up an event you have to set up an event to start in a certain amount of time in the future what I mean by that is you can choose some increments like hey I want this event to start five minutes in the future or an hour in the future but the increments are so weird and different that it's really hard to accurately plan an event for example you can either have your event start for an hour in the future or four hours in the future there's nothing in between that why I mean I assume you guys have access to clocks right in different time zones why can't we just set that as I want my finger to go live at 8pm on this time zone it seems so easy but obviously Beyond uh the capabilities of this game and on that during a club event online you cannot actually check the standings of the event until you finish the rally so you can check your individual stage times which is fine but you can't actually check the overall standings at any point until you're completely done and dusted and even then the times are sometimes added up incorrectly so you have people who have done three-minute rallies for what should be a 50-minute rally even that are people are cheating either you know that's still going to be a hole somewhere in fact leaderboards are so broken in the club section that when you go to the main menu some of them just don't display properly at all so yeah I mean you're probably just seeing a theme of of all of this it's just a lot of things are wrong with the game it's another example of a game that could have spent probably another few months being developed before it came out and I understand that there are deadlines to me and marketing quotas to fill but this just it's just not good enough especially for a game which is just a recycled version of WRC 10 which is a recycled version of WRC 9 which is the Recycled version of WRC 8 and so on and so on and so forth whilst there have been flashes of greatness for this game you know again I still actually enjoy driving it despite all of this I still have fun driving the car I find it so hard to be able to actually recommend this game to anybody because honestly killerton by now you've had a good chance to really cement this formula but time and time again you've just seemingly taken the easy way out or not gone down the road of active development rather try trying to make it look like you've put some new stuff in the game but in reality it's just polished version of what you've had previously which also didn't quite work well I think one of the big concerns is a lot of these problems have been reported in previous titles yet here they are again in the next release and this one is everywhere it's on Playstation Xbox on PC as well and by the way all the menus and everything feels like it's very much designed for console it's hard to navigate on on a on a keyboard it's just simply not good enough and I'm gonna get around now just to the title with this video and saying that I cannot recommend this game to you if you're a massive WRC fan and you have WRC 10 and you want a couple more stages then yeah I guess if you don't mind spending the money there is a bit more here but if you're someone maybe who's new to Rally games don't bother don't bother go get dirt rally 2.0 Go download Richard Burns rally hell even older WRC games probably do a better job than this one does I just don't I feel like it is insulting to give these guys your money for the massive list of negatives that come with this game and I hate saying that I hate saying stuff like that because I want every game to succeed every Sim title every Sim light title which is well you could probably classify WRC Generations as I wouldn't I want them all to do well because the more games we get the better right and the more people get to work in this industry and the better experience for all of us that this cannot be the standard it can't be this way but anyway guys I know that was quite a Talky video but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless and um it's not as I say I don't like making negative videos that often because I want people I want things to do well but I also want you guys to be informed especially when out there spending your own money because you know this meant to be a hobby after all and it's always the worst thing in the world when you go spend money on your hobby and you find yourself getting kind of shortchanged if you found the video informative in any way uh feel free to hit that like button or if you maybe want to discuss some of the points I've made comment down below I'm going to be watching the comments of this video because I'm quite interested to hear your opinions too and if you want to see more stuff like this then feel free to subscribe hit that Bell icon and you'll be notified of future videos and a massive thank you to Bailey for helping me out of this it's always good to have someone with a bigger brain than you to help out with these longer form videos take care have an awesome day see you next time
Channel: Jimmy Broadbent
Views: 318,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Formula 1, Senna, Hamilton, Prost, onboard, crash, wet weather racing, Simulation, sim racing, racing simulation, virtual reality, VR, Oculus rift, oculus, rift, htc, htc vive, vive pro, crash compilation, sim rig, GT Sport, Jimmy, Jimmy Broadbent, iRacing, rFactor 2, Project Cars 2, Assetto Corsa Competizione, Assetto Corsa, Beam NG, Gran Turismo, Gran Turismo Sport, cars, time attack, modified cars, Praga, Britcar, Lando Norris, Lando, Norris, f1 22
Id: saodLEsojPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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