WHICH PAINT MARKER IS THE BEST?!? || Molotow vs. Uniposca

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hi there i'm cecilia jane and today we're going to be finding out which paint marker is the best [Music] so many of you who probably watch art youtube videos pretty frequently will know that unipascas have kind of blown up and they're actually a very popular medium and i too myself have used unipasca's i remember when i was younger i was watching an art youtube video and this was kind of before unipasca's had blown up and i saw someone using this white highlight back in the day youtube videos mostly were time lapses so they didn't really like talk specifically about products and such and i remember like going into this huge investigation to find out what they used for that white highlight because it was just so beautiful and so opaque and come to find out that it was a unaposka and i've kind of just kept the white unipasca around for my highlights and have never really gotten into using paint markers uh very frequently until now i did have a set of some colored unipascas but i just didn't really use them and they were a very fine point so it's kind of hard to do a lot with them but my best friend and my boyfriend have been super into molotow markers lately and my boyfriend actually bought me a pack of molotow markers for my birthday which was just recently so i've been testing them out a bunch and come to find out i really really like molotovs they're super opaque super juicy and really nice so i thought why don't we put them to the test and see which brand is better unipasca or malato so i'll probably talk about some general things in the beginning about their price and how many colors are offered things like that but i did get three colors of each which i have more of the molotow i just want to make sure i had three matching colors and i didn't want to have to buy a bunch of unipasca yes it is red white and blue which um i am not a patriotic person but i love the pairing of red and blue and then this is actually not a white it's an off-white and i thought that would be like kind of a nice contrast for the two colors and then later on after i'd already bought these i realized it was red white and blue so again not really patriotic at all but these are the colors i have these molotow are two millimeter and then these unipascas are 1.8 to 2.5 millimeters so they should be pretty comparable and the colors may not be exactly spot on but it is like a darker blue slash navy a red and then an off-white so they should be pretty similar for comparison so like i said i'm going to do a few kind of general tests and then i'm going to be recreating the same piece with both the molotow and the unipasca and obviously there are other paint pen brand markers out there these are just pretty common ones um again unipasca's like kind of really blown up and then honestly i don't think i've heard too many people talk about molotow so that's one of the reasons i wanted to do this video was kind of just to get people interested in molotov i guess especially if they perform better which i'm going to try to be completely unbiased but i have been working a lot with molotow so i do quite like them i was a unaposka fan like overall but then like my boyfriend got me that set of molotows and i've kind of been kind of favoriting the molotows so so we'll definitely see so yeah let's just get into it all right hi there guys so before we do some actual tests i thought we should kind of investigate the different features that i just don't know off the top of my head so here we are on the posca site and the pasta site is really nicely laid out i was just looking at it not that it really matters at all but i kind of wanted to get the inside scoop of you know how many shades what they have to offer and so on and so forth so right here on their site it says 59 colors including eight metallic six fluorescent and eight glitter which is a really nice range but when you investigate further i was looking at the 3m size it says 40 bright opaque colors which they also include the 8 glitter colors and then i was looking at the 5m as well which is what we're going to be using today and then it says 40 shades including 4 fluorescent and 8 metallic so i guess that kind of depends on what size you're using it you're using but i don't think that's an entirely accurate claim just because it depends on which size you are using i also wanted to point out that i think it's really neat with the posca they have these eight different options they have a brush and then kind of more like a liner they have you know a one one 1m a 3m 5m 7m 8k and 17k so they have this really nice range of tips so yeah that's just a little bit investigating on the posca side so now we turn over to the molotow site and i tried to do some investigating with their range and it looks to me as though they have 50 colors and so i looked at this set which i believe they have for each size this one's four millimeter which we're going to be using the two millimeter in the video it has all 50 colors which i assume is how many there is including black and white i also want to mention that molotow is refillable where unipasca is not so that's definitely something to consider and will help you save money in the long run so that's definitely something that should be noted okay so now we are on the dick blick website which is where i personally purchased my art supplies and is where i actually purchased these pens in person and i'm going to insert some photos kind of right here of the selection when i was in store um they had a good selection for each but i do want to note that for the unipascas they didn't have kind of a lot of the pastels i was wanting and that could just be like my personal dick blick store um they do have a good range online um so definitely check that out but that's just something to know if you like purchasing your art supplies in person so now we look at pricing which i chose just look at the true blue color but they're all very similar price range so the two millimeter which is what we are using today was 653 online which that is a bit pricey for a paint marker i'm not going to lie at all it's a lot more expensive than the uniposca but um we're definitely going to see if it's worth the money i personally do believe it is but again i'm trying to be unbiased so and then just off the dickblick website which again is not the molotow website um they have the 1.5 millimeter 2 millimeter 4 millimeter and 15 millimeter so we do have a nice range from them as well and then they do have uh a refill which like i said is super important and really nice okay so that's kind of the pricing for the markers online so now let's look at the unipasca which they do offer i believe the full range let's see one two yeah they do offer all the different tips that we saw on the unipascal website so that's super nice and then today we are going to be working with a 2.5 millimeter and that is so that is quite a price difference i'm not gonna lie but again we'll kind of see if it's worth it um the molotov if it's worth more spending more money but you know if you're just looking to get into paint markers and you just want something cheap of course you know go with the cheaper option but yeah so that's just kind of some general facts and stuff about these markers but now let's actually get into the actual testing okay guys so now we are over at my table so we're actually going to be doing a few different tests before i do these side-by-side pieces to kind of show you guys so the different tests we're going to be doing is we're going to be seeing how it performs on black paper we're going to be seeing how it performs over like ink we're going to be trying to blend them and then we're going to do like a line on top of a line and then i'm also going to try it on on like ungessoed wood just because i think that's interesting to see as well okay so again these are the three colors i chose to compare just because obviously i'm not made of money and i couldn't buy the whole set um again i am not patriotic i just love the uh combo of red and navy and then i thought i wanted some contrast so i got an off-white i wanted to get another pastel color um with the uniposcos but like i said the range was kind of the range of unipasca's was not as great at my personal store so these three are brand new never used before um the only reason this has the plastic off was i think i just took it off mindlessly and then the red and blue i've been using for probably two weeks now but they should be very juicy and then i just got this off-white color um so that i could compare these side-by-side this blue is a 1.5 millimeter and i am using two millimeters with the others um i think it just wasn't in stock in the time that i bought this marker but my roommate does have the two millimeter and blue so if we find that we would like that instead she will graciously let me borrow them so let's first start with the unipasca so i'm just gonna take the packaging off and kind of pump them to prime them or whatever so you could say the unipasca is kind of semi have a little bit of an advantage just because they're brand new but these should still be fine they're not dry or anything and this off-white is brand new so and although this is brand new i did pump it and prime it and use it a little bit just because i was testing what kind of picture i wanted to do for this video alright so i'm gonna shake the unipascas and prime them i'm just using a plain card stock right now which will tend to eat up the paper so just keep that in mind this probably isn't the best paper to use this with okay so this is pretty juicy quite like it i will let you guys know that the pumping for the unipasca does take a lot longer but it doesn't really matter okay again pretty juicy and opaque and then we'll test the off-white one okay so those are the unaposka swatches now we're gonna do the molotows all right guys so i'm switching over to my roommates two millimeter just so we have a very fair comparison um it may be slightly dry but it should still be okay and these off-whites are definitely a little different but um like i said i was trying to get matching ones and that's kind of what i came up with okay so now we're gonna do over the ink this is just a pentel ink pen and this is a sharpie as you can see the red kind of still shows through they kind of all do a little bit but overall they are pretty good i will say also i do notice that the pascals do look a lot smoother on this particular paper um i'm not sure exactly why that is but that's just something to know i think the nib is just a little bit bigger yeah it definitely is a little bit bigger so that may that may have to do with the fact of why it's scratching it up a little bit and maybe the texture of the nib as well but often i'm usually doing using these on like canvas panel anyways or like a stretch canvas so all right let's try these colors over here okay so honestly i would say overall that i feel like the unipascas did perform a little bit better with um going over the ink it just seems like these molotow kind of absorb a little bit more into the paper but um that could just have to do with the paper but i mean it could also show the quality so now we're going to do a little blending test we're going to do from blue to red i personally don't really blend with my markers but a lot of people do so that's why i thought we should give it a go and i am just doing this blending when it's wet it gives you kind of an interesting texture okay so that's kind of what we got with the unipasca's um naturally it's gonna be a little streaky just because you're doing it with you know a marker and not a paintbrush so that's kind of what i expected it's more of just a matter of like drying time like how fast these dry okay i will say overall that i feel like the molotows did blend a little bit better i'm sure it's different with every color and again it's the paper too so you can kind of just form your own opinions based upon that i just kind of wanted to show you guys to see what you guys thought so now i'm going to just try placing a red stroke over the blue and see how it performs oh shoot okay so that was actually a molotow i put a malto over unipasca so just kind of ignore that that's the pasta right there okay so that's the unipasca the red over the blue um you can still see a little bit through it but i'm sure if you waited for it to dry and then layered it up you wouldn't see through it this is the molotow which i feel like this bread in general is just a little bit darker like if it's lighter it'll be more opaque i i tend to feel like okay so i don't really think i just explained that very well so i'm gonna try to basically re-explain it so basically like my thoughts and experience are if you put like let's say a darker colored paint like a dark purple on like a black canvas versus like a light pink the light pink's just gonna show up a lot better in general because like i said from my personal experience and stuff lighter paint just tends to show up a lot better it's just a lot more opaque and obviously you have that contrast so it'll show up better in general so that's kind of why i think perhaps the unipasca red showed up a little bit better just because it was a little lighter a little more pastel if you will so i think that might have to do with why it showed up a little better okay so honestly neither one of these performed super great on this paper um i would say they're very comparable to how they perform on black paper i do have my sketchbook right here which is kind of like like a fake leather kind of sort of feel i'm sure if most of you have touched a sketchbook you know what this feels like so i'm just going to try these on here just just to try it so we have the red unipasca and then the molotow blue unipasca and then blue molotow so this side is molotow and that side's unipasca i'm gonna let these dry down for just a second and then we can take a look at that okay so these are pretty dried down i feel like overall the molotow colors are just a little darker as you can tell um so that kind of play a difference in how they perform and how they show up i would say that they showed up both pretty decently um the poscas that kind of have like a thicker coating which kind of kind of got into the cracks more perhaps let's test the lighter colors as well okay so i've given these kind of a second to dry down and honestly they look pretty similar um not too much of a difference the only thing i will say is that the unipascas do appear the blue at least for sure definitely appears to have like not soaked in as much i'm trying to get like a close-up of this without it okay there you can kind of see this almost just look like they have like a thicker coating on it kind of so yeah i think you can kind of see the difference between the two blues okay so our final test is just going to be trying these both on this ungessoed wood and the reason i'm specifying ungessoed is because if any of you have worked with wood you'll know that gessoed wood is very different than just on unprimed wood normal paint will just kind of soak into wood so i kind of want to see if these performed any differently and i would have brought in a gessoed piece as well but i'm sure it's going to perform very similar to how it would on a canvas because canvases are generally gessoed as well so that's why i didn't really think there was much of a point in that so let's stick with what we've been doing we've been doing unipasca first so let's try the red and i'm gonna try to layer these a few times and see kind of like what i can get i'm gonna try to do like a little bit of an ombre from layered most to layered lease and i'm also pumping this thing very heavily to see how opaque it can get on this wood okay so there are the unipascas on the wood again i layered it more on this side and then this is less layered so as you can see you see more of the wood texture over on this side um overall they were pretty opaque on this wood i'm kind of pleasantly surprised i think it'd be fun in the future to do a piece on this wood and kind of have the wood texture be incorporated somehow but yeah so that's the uniposcas so now let's try the molotows and again i'm going to do the same thing where it's layered more on the left side honestly these right off the back kind of look like they layered better on this wood yeah like that that blue personally just looks a lot better than that blue um i don't know how well it's picking up on camera but it definitely seems like the lighter color layered up a lot better but that could just be because this is a lighter color but yeah these are so this is the unipasca side and this is the molotow side so here are kind of the two different side by sides so yeah i don't think i really learned too much from that test but it's definitely interesting to say at least hopefully it helps you guys a little bit okay so before i go into making the the final pieces um my final thoughts on these tests are kind of um i think the poscas performed a little bit better but again it'd just be the coloring or the fact that they're brand new but and i was kind of i was kind of leaning towards molotow so but yeah i think like overall in the black ink um the unipascas kind of seemed to perform a little bit better as you can see that kind of nature white i'm gonna test it again and try to pump it a little more and see if we have any difference but it just seemed like the lighter color of the unipasca performed a little bit better than this lighter color and then the black paper wasn't too telling because they honestly look a little like pretty similar the only thing i would say is perhaps the blue looks a little better but i do not know and then same with this you guys can again just kind of form your own opinions i'm trying to be unbiased again but i am saying my personal thoughts on these tests i'm hurt because i spent so much on these that you think they should be better the final piece will tell all i gotta give people the truth kirsten unbiased truther okay guys so the other night i was playing around with what piece i wanted to do for these markers and i actually came up with this one so it's kind of just like a red fading to a white sky and then some like blue mushrooms with like white spots um i had a few other ideas as well but i just kind of really like this one i thought it was unique so that's kind of what we're going to do is i'm just going to do a base layer of this kind of off-white probably up to about here let it dry do red and then do kind of speckles to show that it's kind of blending again i don't personally blend my markers not purposefully anyways but um i'm gonna let it dry completely and then just do it directly on top so there's not gonna be any like wet blending um and then again these these blue mushrooms will be on completely dry paint so that's kind of how i'm planning on attacking these pieces and then i'm just going to be using this um really small stretched canvas um i get these at dick blick where i get everything okay so i'm going to kind of stick with what i've been doing i'm going to do unipasca first and then i just kind of ripped out the thumbnail so let's begin i'm just gonna cover this whole canvas well actually not whole canvas but probably about two-thirds of it in the um ivory so i have worked with molotow quite a lot as i mentioned i have a whole bunch of like little pieces i've done with molotow markers i have a bunch more but they're kind of tucked away these are all molotow markers so i do feel like when i'm using these pastas right now i do kind of have permission to speak upon molotow while i'm using these unipascas just because i have used molotow quite a lot so generally they are performing about the same i would say you still see a bit of the canvas underneath which is bound to happen um it's not really streaky or anything it's going on pretty well i am having to pump this quite a lot i like to work with them when they're really juicy and then since this is a stretch canvas i do like to color the sides i just feel like it looks like a lot better when you color the sides okay so while i'm waiting for the unaposka's off-white to dry i'm just going to go ahead and do the same exact thing with the molotow also i will be posting a lot of my mini molotow originals on etsy soon so if you haven't checked out my etsy definitely check it out there will be a link in the description i also have a lot of other cool things in my etsy's just like prints and a lot of sticker pack so if you're into that definitely give it a a check out um i will probably be posting these originals as well i just have to get around to photographing them so if you're interested definitely check out the link in the description my thoughts right now are that these are performing very similar um they're both covering the canvas good they both are pretty much doing what you need them to i would say if anything i feel like the molotow paint is just a little bit thinner you know could have its advantage as well um thicker paint also has its advantages so there's pros and cons to both but i do feel like generally this feels a little more like watery which again like i said in the beginning of this video i have been using molotow and kind of wanted to make this video because i thought molotow personally was better but i don't know i'll have to tell you guys my final thoughts at the end of this video because they may have changed a bit all right so these are both dried and at first glance they both look pretty good but then you can kind of tell the molotows look a little streaky i think if the camera is picking that up but you can kind of see these streaks where perhaps i just layered a little bit more i pretty much apply them exactly the same so they should look the same if they were the same but it's leading me to believe that the unipascal's coverage is just a little bit better and a little bit more consistent now i'm going to go ahead with that red on the bottom i'm going to do it about here and then i'll start kind of speckling it on like this design so let's start with the unipascas and i will say also that the unipascas appear to dry a little bit quicker which isn't like a huge pro but it definitely is more it's nicer to work with because when you're layering things like the way i do where it's not wet on wet you do it dry on dry your time for waiting is a lot quicker because i'll kind of do several pieces at once when i'm kind of creating with these markers just because i don't like waiting it is kind of nice that these dry quicker and that's just an observation i made i could totally be wrong but all right guys so here is the red layer with the una poscas um i'm gonna let it dry and then i'm gonna work on the red layer on the molotov one all right guys so the red is completely dry on both and honestly the red on the um unipasca's is looking kind of streaky as well not as bad both reds kind of look semi-streaky but it's really not like anything that is super deterring i think both performed pretty well um the unipasca like i will say that the color i know it's not as dark as this red but it just doesn't feel as rich like it almost feels like chalky if that makes sense like it almost has a chalky dusty appearance which again i know is just like dependent upon the color but i kind of feel that way with the blue as well and i mean we'll see once we layer the blue whereas this obviously is very it's much richer color in general but it just feels richer um both of them kind of did this thing where if you went over a spot that was semi-dry it would it would kind of like awkwardly pick it up almost like that expo marker effect where if it's semi-dry and then you go over it with wet it'll kind of pick it up so they both kind of did that honestly um so really my only thoughts with this stage in particular is just that this almost feels chalky almost has like a chalky dusty appearance this feels a bit richer and they're both pretty i mean they're not terribly splotchy but they are a little bit and i would say maybe the maltose a little bit but i think it might just look more splotchy just because it's a darker red so yeah now i'm going to move on to the blue mushroom silhouettes and i'm of course going to start with the unipasca so this is going over both of these colors really really nicely it's kind of what i've noticed so far okay so i don't know if you guys can see but i'm kind of trying to like layer this up and make it thicker and it's kind of like going over it awkwardly like it's really not going on top of it too smooth again i think that's the same situation where it's like semi-dry and semi-wet so it's just kind of adhering to it and picking it up that's kind of a con of these poscas i haven't really experienced it that much with molotow i'm just gonna pump this a lot and see if i can get it to be juicier yeah if you pump it a lot you don't have that problem as much but definitely was annoying and something i noticed so we'll see if the molotows do that as bad but i feel like they don't and also this marker is just kind of like gets so dry so quickly so you you're constantly having to re-pump which i feel like with the molotows you're not having to re-pump as much which isn't a huge deal but you know it's just something to consider yeah they just don't stay as juicy as for long i think also the tip is a little larger so it could have to do with that a little bit like look at that it's i'm pumping it a bunch and it's i know with the molotows when you give them two pumps and they're super juicy so maybe that is a con of the paskas um i'm just pumping it a lot and i'm still getting kind of this dry brush texture that is very unwanted so yeah and then as you can see it's picking it up again when i'm trying to layer it um i haven't really experienced that with molotow we'll see though marker nib just dries up really quickly and you're constantly having to re-pump which i know that is something that i think kirsten and tim mentioned is that just not juicy enough in comparison to the molotow so again we will see when we're doing the molotow as you can see it's kind of frustrating because i'm constantly having to re-pump and if i don't re-pump right away i'm getting these kind of like frayed lines as opposed to like a nice clean line so that's why you want to keep having like a juicy marker but if you're having to constantly re-pump like i don't know if you guys just saw that but that's that's not good that i'm constantly having to do that so i just want to quickly come on here and say that with the unipasca overall i do feel like i had to pump them a lot more and they weren't as juicy as the molotow but i do feel like when i was doing the red coating with the unipascal and even the off-white it wasn't as dry as this blue so that kind of leads me to believe that maybe the blue or that particular marker was just not performing well maybe it was old or something like that i don't think i had that experience with the red you guys of course could go back and watch that footage and see what you think i do know in general i did have to pump the unipasca a lot more like i said and they're just not as juicy as the molotow but i do want to mention that i don't think every single unipasca marker i just used was like that blue i think the blue was exceptionally bad so yeah kind of form your own opinions on that but if one out of three markers wasn't great i don't know what that says yeah see look at that that's that's not what you want i don't know if it's like getting clogged or all right i just pumped it a crap ton okay so that's how the blue is looking and again as you guys saw i was having that troubles with just the very dry brush and having to constantly re-pump so that was definitely annoying and definitely a con that i noticed because when you don't have that very liquid nib it just gets so scratchy and i mean if if that's what you want then you know that's great but that's definitely not what i'm going for um so something to consider the layering it was super awkward and just kind of created this like kind of gross like scratchy appearance which i haven't really experienced with molotov but again we're going to be doing the same exact thing so we'll kind of see if it does that but yeah that's kind of my thoughts on this part of the drawing the blue so now let's move on over to the molotow side i'm gonna try to do the exact same layout of mushrooms yeah see these are just constantly juicy and they're also layering like without a problem like these parts are kind of semi-dry because i did them before and it's not doing that like kind of awkward pickup thing as much really at all so that's definitely something i noticed these are i haven't pumped this once i don't think i could be wrong but i don't think i've pumped this once yet and it's still just very juicy which is nice and i did this a lot quicker because i didn't have to wait for that to dry because it was all awkward and yeah it's just layering a lot better and when you do pump which i don't even think i've had a pump yet um you don't have to pump a lot you think you only pump once or twice and you know it's good to go so that's definitely nice not to have to sit there and pump it and wait for it to get all juicy and i was also saying about the unipasca is that obviously these are darker colors but they just feel richer whereas the unipasta almost feels like dusty or chalky yeah that's what i was gonna say too the molotov colors are just so much better yeah they're just like richer okay guys so i'm kind of waiting for the molotow to dry but it's pretty much dry i tried to copy the design as exact as i could i didn't sketch it out first i kind of just freehanded so that's why they're not exactly similar but you do get the same idea um overall i'm not gonna lie to you guys the molotow was so much more pleasant to work with i didn't have to pump the blue i don't even think i pumped it once but it wasn't like overflowing to the point where it's pooling up and with the pastas it was constantly drying out i had to pump it like 10 times and then even when it did start to come then it would pool so it kind of has a very unresponsive yet to responsive pump system which i know you guys are probably thinking oh just pump it twice and wait well i definitely did try that and nothing was coming out so i had to pump a few more times and then it's like you're seeing nothing and then all of a sudden it's pulling which is kind of misleading and just kind of not pleasant to work with um as you can see the blue in the uniposca this one is more streaky right there and not streaky at all on this one and i think that has to do with the fact of the layering um when you're trying to layer it when it's kind of wet and kind of dry it picks it up really awkwardly and kind of annoying and this one did not do that at all obviously i can take this unipasca now that it's dry and layer it up but it's just annoying that you kind of have to go over it you would like the first streak kind of the first stroke to be opaque enough to the point and non-streaky to the point where you wouldn't have to do that so the test kind of showed that the unipasco are better but honestly i think it's kind of more important to see what you enjoy working with and personally the molotows were just a lot more seamless to work with a lot less problems i didn't have to pump much if at all i didn't have awkward pulling i didn't have that awkward picking up so i think the i think the verdict is really going to be maybe just try these yourself and see what you prefer you know obviously the price is a lot is a lot cheaper with the unipascal so that's something definitely to consider and something definitely to think about um you know if you're on a budget the molotows are refillable which is a huge plus and will save you money in the long run and these colors just look so much richer than molotow colors and again you know that's just a difference in formula and things like that but i personally like really like i really like rich colors and i don't really like that kind of almost pastel almost but not quite like it's just isn't a very rich red like as you can see with comparing to my nails which i don't believe they have another red i'll investigate and put the answer right here if they have another like kind of darker red um but i do think that this is more of a primary red anyways so and this is called red like the color is literally called red so you think it would be like kind of a more primary red like my nail polish okay so i just forgot to add the dots and honestly i think maybe i liked it better without the dots but i don't know it's part of the original design so we stuck with it um this blue was still kind of drying when i added that so i think that's partially why it's some parts are a little more blue um i'll probably try to layer it again to keep going over it so i don't think that's really fair on me to comment on the fact that it was blending with the blue underneath i think that just had to do with the fact that well actually these were dry i don't know i don't really want to say anything about the dots just because i feel like since i did kind of have that blue it kind of maybe blended into the marker bits dots were obviously just kind of an after thought that i forgot so i'm not going to speak too much on them but i kind of already did say my final thoughts before i realized to add those dots yeah personally i find the molotow a lot more enjoyable to work with as you can see like there's that scratchiness that the unipascus did just because they weren't like they weren't like properly flowing the acrylic ink i feel like whereas i feel like the molotow's like kind of pump system was a lot more efficient and also this is something i didn't even mention but as you can see the molotow markers have kind of a barrel so you can see how much is left in there which i find is really really nice because you kind of don't have any idea i mean you can kind of feel it but yeah that's just a nice little attention to detail that they added so again yeah i would just say you know if it comes down to price then obviously get the unipascas they're significantly cheaper but if you're wanting something that's a lot more pleasant to work with i would honestly go with the molotow i think it's worth the price um you know i was doing those tests and i was kind of feeling a little wary i was like oh well i think the unipasca is performing better but i think the the proof is in the pudding so to speak that when you're working with them it's just much more enjoyable to work with the molotow they flow a lot better the ink system's a lot better and for me it's really about like what's the most fun to work with like what am i most comfortable to work with um so i would say the molotow won in that respect but again if it's about price for you then you know just buy the cheaper more affordable option but if you're looking to kind of surpass unipasca and work with something that's a little more you know a little more better quality then definitely try out the molotow and you could just do what i did and just get maybe two to three markers in the same kind of same shades you know kind of similar colors and kind of compare them for your own so yeah those are kind of my final thoughts all right guys thank you so much for watching let me know down in the comments below which brand you prefer do you prefer uniposture or molotow and what did you think of these tests um definitely leave a like if you enjoyed this video or found it helpful be sure to hit that subscribe video i am trying to post every week but yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed and thank you so much for watching bye guys and now a huge thanks to all my patreons that support me as an artist and get some awesome rewards in return like their names at the end of my video and some other treats like stickers and such if this sounds like something that interests you check out the link in the description
Channel: Cecilia Jane Art
Views: 17,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paint markers, paint pens, uniposcas, molotows, molotow paint pens, uniposca paint pens, which paint marker is the best, acrylic paint pens, review, art supply review, dick blick, which paint pen is the best, reviewing uniposca, reviewing molotow, molotow paint, uniposca paint
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 1sec (2221 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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