ARTEZA MARKERS VS POSCA PENS // Are Posca Pens Still the Best Paint Marker on the Market?!

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here today I have a set of 15 pasta pen markers pasta pens are currently one of the most popular paint markers out there but they are also one of the hardest to find especially in the United States today we're going to see how pasta pens compared to our Tessa's acrylic paint markers so our teza recently just came out with this and it's a 40 set of acrylic paint markers like I said it's pretty new I've only used it maybe a couple of times but I kind of got interested in seeing how they would compare to pasta pens as you can see this set comes with quite a bit of colors I believe there is another set that you can give I just got the smallest one just in case I didn't like them or they weren't as good first and foremost I will say I don't love the packaging because it's that really cheap plastic packaging that will slice your fingers off if you try to open it and cutting it with scissors is just about impossible I mean it does help because it has a little pull tab but it's still kind of a pain so pulling out a random marker this is our teza acrylic marker in the color sapphire blue it's water-based ink it looks just like a paint marker I mean the navel looks pretty big I already have marker on my finger lovely the net looks pretty decent in size taking a look at the packaging we see that these markers come in a set of 40 bright colors they are quick drying low odor ink water-based UV resistant blendable and acid free and I'm really curious to see how that blendability works because I know that pasta pens don't blend out super well so I'm very curious to know how these work it also advertises that they could come with replaceable tips which I find very interesting because not many markers even just markers in general like not even talking about paint markers most markers in general don't come with replaceable tips so that's pretty interesting for this pack I believe I paid about $40 they were on sale on Amazon so I think regularly they run about fifty dollars for this set but they were on sale so I did get these ones for $40 there are quite a bit of different colors it seems like a lot of blue though a lot of blues and greens really but looking at these boats together it seems almost like you can tell that the artist is cheaper because it's smaller and it's not as brightly colored as the pasta pen but I mean we don't know about for sure we haven't tried it yet so let's swatch these and see how they stack up to each other went ahead and i swatched the pasta pens so mainly we're gonna be focusing on the 15 count that I have when I did purchase these I bought these about a year and a half ago and I bought them on Amazon when I bought them they came in a pack of 29 so this is all of the 29 colors as you can see it's that classic smooth color not too sweetie there are some colors that are a little streaky but but for the most part they are pretty good and they do come in with a gold and a silver which is quite nice even with the 29 markers I feel that color variation is not great here there's a lot of pastel colors and not a whole lot of reds it seems like or purples I mean there's a couple but there's in comparison to like how many please there are there's not a whole time so here are all 40 of the artists acrylic markers there's a lot more color variation with this pack obviously because there's more markers but I also feel like these colors are maybe a little bit brighter a lot of them are pretty streaky I don't know if that's just because it's the first time the markers have been used really or if they are like that but I guess we will find out as we do the drawing this one does come with silver gold and bronze which is actually kind of neat because you don't really get bronze and a whole lot of marker packs but I think that that's a really cool color and I'm kind of like that they included that you also get a line of fluorescent colors which is also very nice for adding those bright pops of colors to your pieces I didn't mention that our teza came with the replaceable nib so as you can see here it comes with a variety of chisel nibs and bullet nibs that you can replace out of your market I'm not sure if you can rinse these out and reuse them I don't know if these are single-use only but I do think it's pretty cool that they provide different nibs for you to use and you're not just stuck with the one fat ball in it that they provide they also provided tweezers to help you pull out the nib without making a giant mess it does come up with two packs it seems that there's just mostly chisel and bullet nibs but still that's that's more than you can ask for I think so I am quite curious to see how these two will stack up to each other in a similar drawing obviously I'm just going to use similar colors from each pack since there are more artists of markers than there are pastas I'm gonna try to keep it as equal as possible but I am interested to see the cheaper art ezza alternative is better than pasta pens so without further ado let's find out okay so to start us off we are starting with the pasta pen markers I wanted it to create kind of a colorful sky gradient for both of the drawings that I was doing and so I started with the sky and many of you know that pasta pens do not blend out very well so my plan was to create a gradient by sort of creating a optical illusion and kind of blending the colors together without really blending out you'll you'll see in a minute what I mean so I'm going in with several different sky sunset gradient colors I'm trying to get the Sun set to look almost not realistic I'm not really going for a realistic drawing here I'm going for colorful and something that pops and something that catches your eye I will say that the pasta pens worked very well they paint flowed smoothly I didn't really have any problems with with the pens at all they were really great the nibs were just fine they were comfortable to hold and I've never really had any complaints about pasta pens and I'm definitely not starting here they worked really well for this piece I will say that my white pen didn't work as well [Music] so starting here you can see me using the gradient method that I was talking about where you just kind of put each color into each other and then it kind of creates the optical illusion to make it look like it's actually blending together without it really blending the other I found that this worked the best and it actually turned out really good I really like the result that it gave and made it a little bit more unique I don't see people doing this so often I've seen a youtuber to do it before but it's not very common at least from what I have seen so I'm finishing up doing this guy here I'm just kind of adding final details and making sure everything looks blended and looks good in creating that sort of sunset ii effect but into the markers again i mean they still they worked great they were super opaque the color even though the color choices were pretty small i found that it really wasn't even a problem for me i still was able to create a nice piece with limited colors and i still think that it came out really well i'm going into the mountains here i'm just kind of filling it in with a basic blue and then doing some drop shadows with a nanny blue later on i kind of cover this up because i feel like it didn't create the effect that i quite wanted it to i wanted to appear as though it was casting shadows on at the mountain behind it but it didn't really work out that way so i think i kind of went over it with a different color and kind of gave up on the idea as a whole looking at that mount and that's closest to us you can even see that i mean it it looks a little bit streaky but it still doesn't leave its opaqueness it still looks really good coming into here I was trying to create an effect of clouds in between the Malians but I figured that I could try to do this by putting some of the paint into a little reusable paint palette mixing it with water and then trying to mix them on the paper to create the cloud effect it didn't work out as great as I would have hoped I guess I can't really be mad at it either because it was acrylic not watercolor I didn't expect it to be great but it did give a good effect at the end I think that it looking really good how it turned out it wasn't like I said what I had wanted originally but I think it adds a little bit of pop to the piece and it adds a little more colored to the bottom half and it looks really nice so here I'm going in doing like the bushes in front of the mountains it's supposed to be like a like a looking out into valley type of deal and I was adding some like berries on there for for just a little bit more color trying to make it look like bushes um at the end it kind of just looks like a mess of color but I mean if you look far away and you squint it looks okay um so I'm just adding more color in to try to make it look a little bit better trying to make it pop like I said there weren't a whole lot of color variation with this I just kind of did my best with what I had [Music] here I'm going in like I said with I'm kind of getting rid of that drop shadow a little bit and I'm adding a little bit of light onto the top of the mountains to try to create a better effect I actually really like how this turned out I didn't expect much of it when I started but I very enjoyed the outcome of this I think that it made the whole piece come together as a whole [Music] [Music] and here we have the finished pasta pen piece I really liked the colors on this one and I think that it turned out great so now it's time to get started on the art as a piece so here I'm starting on the art as a piece kind of going in the same concept trying to use similar colors there were a lot more colors in this almost double of what I had in pasta pens so I'm trying to go in with similar colors but weirdly enough they didn't have as similar colors to pastas I thought you know with more color variation there would be definitely similar colors and I could use it to my advantage but trying to find similar colors within the set was actually pretty difficult and I did end up having to use just my best judgment on what I could consider similar colors but going in with this guy I'm doing the exact same thing I did with the pasta pens I'm just kind of putting in those colors I will go in I will start grating it and I don't think that wasn't word radiating I don't know anyways so I'm going in filling in the sky blocking it off as good as I can I'm just kind of going with my best judgment on these colors like I said so I'm going in starting to do the gradient just blending in those colors as best as I can here we have the nib that's like the skinnier NIV I just I showed that there you could do replacement nibs so I replaced him with the skinnier ones to try to get smaller lines to get a better gradient this actually worked really well and replacing the nibs was actually very easy I don't know if they were a reusable I did not even think to rinse them out and like see how that worked but they worked really well they were a bit squishy and kind of hard to control at first but once you kind of figure out how they work they're pretty easy to work with I did want to talk about arts as a the color was fine a lot of the colors especially the lighter ones were a bit streaky I'm not really sure why I don't know if it was just the paint color itself or the type of paint that they used or maybe it was the nib I have no idea but like the very light pink at the top and that kind of lighter orange color in the middle was really streaky I did do my best to kind of take that streakiness away but it was very difficult to deal with overall though the art s has actually worked pretty well um like I said with so many colors it was kind of weird to work with because they didn't even have similar colors to pastas which was very weird for me but um I did my best I did have to make the mountains more of a purpley color because they didn't have similar colors like the blue for whatever reason they only really had like the light blues and like one dark blue so I kind of had to do my best with it I still think that it turned out really good so going in I'm kind of making the mountain shapes a little bit different I'm trying to keep it as similar as possible but I'm also trying to have fun with this I'm just seeing what I can create and how these different variations can affect the overall piece so I kind of did some more spacing with the mountains here [Music] I went over the top with a lighter purple to try to accomplish that blue effect that I did on the pasta piece it didn't work out as well as I really wanted it to but I fix it all at the end so it's okay and I'm going in here with the drop shadow kind of effect I decided to try it again on this one I think it worked a little bit better on this piece than it did with the pasta pins I'm not really sure why I just think that it this looks a little bit better as you can see um I was kind of testing the blend ability of these markers and using the markers together they seemed to kind of blend in okay as they really promised blend ability on the packaging but it didn't work quite well [Music] [Music] here's me trying to struggle with the white art as a marker which was very difficult to get ink out of um the pasta pens were really easy to get the ink out of to use the arches as though I struggled with a whole lot even taking the nibs out to try to get the paint to go into the palette it was very difficult to use so I started to put them down with a paintbrush and just a little bit watered down and here's where you can see where it loses its opaqueness I understand that it's gonna do that with water but I didn't put a whole lot of water in it and it just it still didn't do as well as the pasta pens in this aspect and I know that's not what it's for but I was kind of hoping that it would work the same it didn't so I was a little disappointed there the colors blended together pretty weird I think I just kind of gave off a weird effect there was a weird texture to it I don't know that I'll do this again with our teza markers I would probably use this again with pasta pens but not with the artists so I'm just going in and adding some final textures I'm just trying to make it look a little bit better at this point in the piece I wasn't very happy with it so I was trying to do that old you know that thing where you're like if I just keep going it might get better I might ruin it but it might also get better and I'm already too far into this to start over so so going back into the clouds trying to touch them up make them look a little bit better I did end up making them look decent I guess they don't look as good as the pasta ones but they they work for what it is I overall I like these markers I don't think that there is good as pastas I think that they are a very good cheap alternative I think that they are great if you are just starting out and you are just learning in the end I think that these are markers that are good for beginners if you are getting serious about marker art I would definitely say you spend the money on pasta pens because they do provide really good and clean and crisp peace as a whole if that's what you're going for they actually blend a lot better than our teza markers did even though the are teza markers promised blendability and pasta markers don't they still delivered on that over the art it has is I mean the art has is blended together but not in the way that I would have expected so here are the final results over on the right side we have the art work done in a pasta pen and over on the Left we have the art work done in our teza the color on the pasta pen is definitely brighter than of the art ezza markers but with the art ezza markers we were able to use a lot more colors and have a lot more variety in color scheme although I do really like the simplicity of the pasta pen artwork I think that it just it pops more and it looks like it was meant to overall look like this whereas the Artesia looks like it's been over blended layered too much and overall I think it just looks a bit more messy than the pasta art but I like the way that both of them turn now they're both very similar but they're also both very different in their own ways I feel like art ezza is trying too hard with them saying that their markers are blendable because even when I tried to blend them down here with a paintbrush it was still very difficult to even get the colors to merge together and as you can see they still didn't blend whereas even though pasta doesn't claim to be blendable they still blended pretty well over here so I'm conflicted I think for what it is our teasers are a really really good cheap alternative to pasta pens if you're not quite sure if you're gonna like how this goes or if you'll even be interested in markers and you don't want to spend a ton of money I definitely would say our teza is the way to go I think that they're good for the price and I think that they are a good introduction to markers like pastas which are more expensive and a little bit are difficult to obtain I do highly recommend these oh yeah that was a little experiment I think we can see over all that pasta looks a little bit better but our teza definitely came through with providing a similar feel to pasta pens I just want to say thank you guys so much for watching make sure to LIKE and subscribe I try to come out with new videos every Wednesday or so but with everything going on in the world it is a little bit difficult so I am doing my best but thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: AllyVine Art
Views: 107,171
Rating: 4.8449512 out of 5
Keywords: arteza paint markers, posca pens, posca paint markers, speed paint time lapse, the best paint marker, acrylic paint markers, posca marker alternative, cheap paint markers, cheapest paint marker, cheap paint marker for beginners, cheap posca alternative, arteza art markers, arteza markers, posca, arteza, arteza paint marker review, posca marker review, arteza paint art, marker review, arteza acrylic markers, arteza acrylic marker review, paint markers, arteza vs posca pens
Id: 9K_z3038P2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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