TRYING MOLOTOW PAINT MARKERS ✷ how do they compare to posca?

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thank you to squarespace for sponsoring today's video whether you're looking to create a beautiful portfolio or run an online business you can do it all in one place with squarespace hello friends i hope that you've been well in today's video i'm going to be sharing my thoughts and process on using the molotow acrylic paint markers and just as a little disclaimer this is not my first time using these paint markers i had tested them out a little bit on my patreon page a few months ago and i did do a quick drawing using them with my posca markers back in october all right so these are the current molotow paint markers that i own i purchased them individually at an arts place store many months ago and at this point the art supply store was running low on a lot of colors so this is what i picked out and if you guys are familiar with my posca paint markers you'll know that i generally go for very bright vibrant colors which partly has to do with i think the posca marker selection but also just my personal preference and so i don't really remember if there was a lot of like more vibrant colors with the molotow selection but i know that a lot of the colors were sold out so i ended up going with a lot of more neutral or more earthy tones which is definitely not something that i typically go for but it made for an interesting selection in conjunction with my pasta paint markers and so before we get into the actual process of me using them in my sketchbook i thought that i would just quickly go over some of the differences i guess or the selection that i have here so i have three different ones here so this is the finest tip one that i have i only have one of them this has like a more plastic nib then we've got this guy here which is a felt tip same color as my nails and then my favorite is these guys here which are actually dual ended which i think is really really interesting so it has a fine tip as well as a kind of more medium tip and that was the biggest appeal for me with these paint markers of the dual end because i find that when using paint markers you tend to want to have a variety since it's a fixed size and the the nice thing about molotow paint markers as well is that you can buy the actual paint to refill these individual markers which is not the case with the posca brand and another thing that i thought was nice is that the barrel is actually transparent here so you can actually see how much paint is left in the barrel and you can probably also see like if the color needs to be like shaken up or it's if it's starting to separate or anything like that but before we get into my sketchbook i just quickly wanted to talk about today's sponsor so previously i had been using a marketplace platform to host my online shop and while it worked for me in the beginning as my online presence began to grow it became extremely limiting but now that i'm making the transition to squarespace not only am i able to have a gallery style portfolio i'm also able to host my online shop and have a frequently asked questions page all in one place not only that but i also find that it's super easy to customize my website to fit my brand without having to have any prior coding knowledge so if you're looking to upgrade your site head over to for a free trial and when you're ready to launch go to imma for 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain like with most of my process videos i begin with creating the sketch with an erasable colored pencil and since the paint markers are an opaque medium something that i often forget to do but definitely should do more often is take a picture of the sketch on my phone or ipad so that i have something to reference later since the paint markers will likely cover up the sketch lines as the piece progresses this is a handy thing to do when you're working with gouache or acrylics as well since they are all opaque mediums and you often end up losing a lot of the sketch in the process for those of you who are familiar with my channel you'll know that i really enjoy using posca paint markers and have talked about them already in a few other videos and while posca markers are popular for a reason i think some people seem to think that they are their own medium or something the reality is pasca is the brand and the medium is an acrylic paint marker and there's plenty of other brands on the market posca is not the only option when it comes to acrylic paint markers so i thought that for today's video i would dive in and use the molotow brand to see how they compare if you had seen the last video i had made using posca paint markers you'll know that i had tried coating the paper with a clear gesso first to see if it would help reinforce the paper for a smoother application unfortunately i had no idea that clear gesso actually had more texture than your typical white gesso so i learned my lesson and so today's video in this sketchbook spread i coated the paper with a white gesso and then gave it a very light sanding and that made a world of difference so if you have a paper that you're finding is pilling or kind of tearing up from your paint marker nibs definitely coat it with a light layer of white gesso give it a nice little sand and it will be good to go so like i mentioned at the beginning of the video i had purchased these markers quite a number of months ago and the art supply store was sold out of a number of colors which honestly i think was a blessing in disguise because it basically forced me to select a more unique roster of colors than what i would typically go for that being said i did decide to divide the colors into two groups so that it can spare experiment with different color palettes so this first page definitely has a color palette that i would normally gravitate towards which consists of pastel pinks and blues something that immediately stuck out to me was that this light peachy beige color that i used for the skin tones on this page was definitely much duller than what the cap looked like i also noticed that despite these markers being practically brand new their coverage was fairly streaky especially on these lighter colors and just in comparison to when i use a brand new posca paint marker [Music] the streakiness is probably not quite as noticeable on camera but in person it's definitely more noticeable especially on the color i use for their skin that peachy beige and the really light purple color as well to try and combat the streaks on the larger portrait on the left i do end up trying to do a second layer on top but it still did not end up being an even coverage and something that typically helps with streaks when i'm using posca paint markers is i give them a good shake and depress the nib a few times to help mix the paint inside the barrel and reactivate the flow of the paint into the nib so of course i did the same with these molotow paint markers and even still i found that it seemed to just have an inconsistent flow of paint from marker to marker and then i realized that potentially the reason why this might be happening with the molotow paint markers is that the majority of the ones that i have are dual ended so while having two size nibs is really useful like using the small nib for details or outlines and then the medium nib for filling in areas it also seems to result in inconsistent paint maybe because their the paint is kind of being switched back and forth between nib to nib and then another thing that resulted in having the dual ended nibs which doesn't happen to the colors on this page that you're watching right now but you'll see happen with some of the colors i use on the second page of the sketchbook spread is that the paint wasn't consistently mixed in the barrel so not only the consistency of it is inconsistent but the actual color of the paint is inconsistent as well so when i use one end of the marker it'll be one shade and then when i use the other end of the marker it'll end up being slightly darker or lighter than the color that i initially put down so of course when i noticed that there was inconsistent colors i tried to make sure i shook the markers quite a bit and before i actually started to put them down on the page but i found that still didn't like totally solve the issue probably because the paint mixture was already kind of in the nib at this point and i'm sure there will be plenty of people in the comments critiquing my techniques or telling me that the way that i'm using the markers is incorrect but this is just my own personal experience and like i mentioned earlier i have had experience using the posca paint markers before and so that's how i'm personally basing my review on these molotow markers is how they compare and how they measure up to my experience using the posca paint markers on the bright side though like i mentioned at the beginning of the video molotow specifically made these markers to be refillable and so you can actually buy the refill paint to put into these markers people have told me that you technically can refill the posca paint markers with your own paint but because the posca brand have not released their own paint to refill the markers the color will never be exactly the same as the marker that you had purchased and the paint consistency will probably be different as well another nice thing about the molotow paint markers is that you can also buy replacement nibs which i think is a great feature since the majority of the paint marker nibs will wear down over time so i do really like that these markers are meant to last a long time whereas the posca markers seem to be intended to be more disposable oh and this is where you can see the colors are slightly different so you can see on her face here i'm using the smaller nib and it's like a shade darker than the neck and the arm which i had used the wider nib on which honestly it's not a huge deal because i just end up doing a second layer on the neck and arms and then it ends up matching the darker shade on her face but this is something i've never experienced when using the posca markers and again i think that's just due to the dual ended element of the particular markers that i bought so basically if you end up purchasing molotow paint markers i definitely recommend that you shake them really thoroughly before you use them to avoid the inconsistent colors that i had experienced now despite these little hiccups i was experiencing using these markers i have to say i really like how this particular character turned out for those of you who are familiar with my work you'll probably know that i don't typically use greens or earthy tones very often but i actually loved how all of these different green shades look together with her really warm skin tone i'm especially in love with this neon citrus color that i used on the flower on her shirt and the trim of the shirt as well again not a color i ever use but that's kind of the beauty of going out of your comfort zone when it comes to color palettes and art styles because you never really know what might happen or you'll probably surprise yourself in what you can make or what you might end up being interested in and so now that i've used this color combo i definitely think i will revisit it again not only with these markers but i may translate it with using gouache at some point in the future as well for another illustration so in conclusion based on my experience thus far i do prefer posca markers just in the experience that i've had with both brands it seems like pasca is a little bit more consistent when it comes to the paint flow color and opacity from marker to marker and while i did talk about some of the negative elements about the molotow markers they are not a bad product and i think that one of the highlights of using or buying molotow markers is that they do have a different color selection than posca does and of course the things that i mentioned earlier about having refillable paints interchangeable nibs and the transparent barrel are definitely huge pros that the posca markers don't have moving forward i will definitely continue to use the molotow markers and i will just be very mindful of needing to really give them a good vigorous shake before laying any colors down and i also think that there can be some really nice color combinations when using both brands together a really good example of someone who uses both brands is angela pan i'll leave her youtube in the description down below she is so good at using paint markers and i definitely recommend checking her out if you're interested in hearing somebody else's thoughts on both of these brands and seeing someone use these markers in a completely different style [Music] and with that i think i've pretty much exhausted everything i've had to say about the molotow paint marker so i think i'll use some of this time to let you guys know what i've got planned for the remainder of this year and moving into the new year i have talked about this a few times in my videos and on my live streams but basically i am very tired so i have decided that for the next couple of weeks i'm going to give myself a little break from youtube videos to rest up and recharge i do however want to do one last live stream here on youtube with you guys before the year is over so i'll be sure to post when that live stream will happen in a pinned comment of this video and i will also post it in my youtube community tab and on instagram as well so that you know when it will happen if you had seen my live stream on here earlier in the month you'll know that i was drawing characters that were suggested that reminded you of me so the first two that i did were wednesday adams and raven from teen titans the next two characters that i'll be drawing in the upcoming stream will be shigo from kim possible and hikati or hekate from the webtoon lore olympus it seems like that name has a couple of different pronunciations so i have to decide on which one i want to go with anyway if you had missed the first live stream it's still available to watch on my channel and i'll be sure to leave the new stream up as well in case you're unable to make it then as for january in the new year if all goes well we'll be back to a new video each friday starting on the 8th so basically i'm gonna give my that first friday a break as well so yeah i hope that you enjoyed today's video and found it informative i'm going to sign off here and let you guys listen to some music for the remainder of this process have yourself a lovely day or evening wherever you are and hopefully i can catch you in my upcoming live stream but if not i will see you in the new year stay safe and healthy everyone bye [Music] used to get my head done i used to have my nails long used to wearing makeup every day used to rush to work and have no time for fun and spend half of my life on full highways then the world closed down stuck inside this town home with [Music] there's so much we can do at home [Music] the minutes just fly by focus on the wrong thing stop we'll tap and scroll and fall asleep while asking myself why and the world closed down stuck inside this town home with [Music] so let's just keep it safe there's so much [Music] that day we kept it simple
Channel: imawonder
Views: 27,810
Rating: 4.979012 out of 5
Keywords: molotow paint markers, acrylic paint markers, draw with me, sketchbook with me, imawonder, im a wonder
Id: PFngS98TzXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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