Your guide to POSCA nib sizes

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so today I'm going to talk you through the different size pasca pen nibs and they come in a variety of sizes from a very very large 17 K which is 15 millimeters to a very fine one M R which is 7 that's re nought point 7 millimeters and you even have a brush tip as well so we're going to talk through all the different sizes and the different lines that they produce to give you a wealth of creative options so we're going to start with the largest pen the 17 K so we'll just put these from this to one side and start with the 17 K and this is the largest pen that pasca produce and as you can see it's got a very robust nib the K stands for the sort of shape of the nib so the K at this K is a chisel tip nib and as you can see it produces a very robust square line so [Music] makes that very satisfying sound so this is very very well liked by street artists because obviously it can cover very very very large areas and also because of its lovely square nib it's got a variety of different marks that you can make with it so that is 17 K and it's 15 millimeters so that's 1.5 centimeters so to continue with the k's and this is the other ii okay and this is the 8 k this is this is an 8 millimeter tip so it's slightly smaller than a centimeter again it's got a lovely variation in line because of its chisel tip I particularly like it for handwriting so if we do a a b c you can see that it works really beautifully with handwriting again lovely color coverage and i'm showing you one of the many metallics that pasca metallic colors that POSCO produce as you can see gives a lovely shiny effect so let's just see that in the light so it's a nice nice little metallic there but also as I say lovely lovely chisel tip again really good for sign writing excellent color coverage so great for street art and large-scale artworks and just generally an all-round good large robust pen for handwriting and drawing so we've got we've covered our K pens the 17 K and the 8 K so now we'll move on to our M pens and the M is the bullet tip pens so I'll start with the largest bullet tip and this is the paska 7 M now this was only released quite recently actually it was only in the last sort of 18 months that this has been released so it's an a new pen and it's very very exciting the Scott you can see it's lovely round tip it's got a 4.5 to 5 millimeter tip so it's still quite large and robust as you can see it gives these perfect little circles when you dot it but it also as well there's this lovely line so fantastic for outlines I would coordinate it sometime with the 17 K and the 8 K so if you were doing large pieces of work you could cover him with that an outline with this but the color coverage is also very good as well so you can see just how easily that that covers in so this is a great pen for all kinds of work but large scale artwork would be great or place where you had a lot of color coverage but you can also get the definition as well so that's excellent that's a 7 M so the next one down from the 7 M is the 5 m and the 5 m has a 1.8 to 2.5 millimeter tip and that basically just tells you the line that it gives you so you can see in comparison to the 7 M which was 4 point 5 to 5 point 5 this is 1 point 8 to 2 point 5 so you can go on an angle we can go on the tip and I'll just show you the dots it produces in comparison so you can see different things that it does and I'll just show you the color coverage as well it's got an excellent color coverage and this is great for all manner of art projects it can be used on medium art projects on covering in it's probably quite a good starter pasca because it's got the definition of the bullet tip but it's equally got the large surface area color coverage as well so it's a good robust pen that's what comparison proposed lines in there so the next one down from the 5m is the 3m and 3m produces a not 0.92 1.3 millimeter line so we'll just demonstrate here at comparison so if I do a little dot in between our redden our peach color you can see that the 3m it's slightly more refined but it's still got that bullet tip this is again oh no that's for later tell you about that in a second it's really good for color coverage and excellent for outline so you can use this on large scale work to add extra precision or indeed you could do it on medium or smaller scale work for color coverage but you can see it's got a very very good line but also excellent color coverage as well now with the 5m and the 3m you can remove the tip and reverse it they've both got reversible tips I'll show you on the 5m as well you can see they're both reversible if I hold it like that that's probably better indication I'm not worried about this same paint getting on my hands by the way because as you know pastas are water-based they're non-toxic so it's not hurting me in any way I don't feel any reaction or anything and so they're both reversible and you can also replace the nibs if you need to you can also get replacement nibs I have to say that I'm quite rough with my pens I sort of press down I do all sorts of things them I don't ever feel the need to replace my nibs but on the 3m and the 5m you can replace the nibs I'll stop playing with this now move on to the next size so that's the 3m so a continuation from the 3m is three ml or in the 3m oh it's a quite special pen because this is the sparkling glitter pens that paska do and they're they're in our range of colors and you've got lovely red green yellow as well so they're fantastic I'd particularly like them on on fabric but they've worked really well on paper as well they give a lovely glittery sparkly sheen they're quite nice on stone as well I've done a couple of stone projects with them so again it's the it gives the same line finish as the 3m so I'll just show you just move these out the right as you can see that they're quite it's quite similar line nor point nine to 1.3 millimeter thing but this is just a slightly harder nib just to contain the the glitter if I just if you just see there if I hold up to the light you can see that shimmer and as we know as well now that this is this is dry I can work over my different colors as well which is quite nice so that's the glittery pen so now we move on to the slightly finer pens in the EM range so we have the 1n which has got a bullet tip but it's slightly more pointed on the end so if I show you with the dots you can see it's got slightly smaller dots this is a naught point seven millimeter tip so if I work on the very tip I can produce a very fine line if I hold it at an angle I can produce a thicker line so it's a good versatile pen if I show you bit so but the tip find an angle thicker so this is really good for a range of different projects I particularly like it for smaller illustration or round card-making things or if I'm doing sort of fiddly glass painting if I can also do this with it if I pull and drag it so I can use it a bit like a paintbrush so it's a very versatile pen so again fine detail with the tip but then if I want to color in I can go at an angle I can get good color coverage as well so it's a good all-rounder this one again particularly did for smaller smaller projects so we have the final M pen and this is the one M are now like the one end it has a nought point seven millimeter tip but it's not angled it's just a very round tip so you will always get that consistent fine line I'll just add some dots here so you can see how fine this pen is it's also really good for writing I'll just write my name so you can see if you wanted to do sort of outlines very fine outlines but also you want to do some writing it's good for that that's the one M R and again very very good for color coverage so if you were wanting if you knew that you worked quite small and you wanted something that was gonna be sort of a good all-rounder and for small projects this might be one to watch as well and I'll just you can just see how lighter colors work on darker colors once the pastas dried as well so finally we have the brush nib of the pasta pens and this brush tip works slightly differently to the other pastas where with the other ones you prime your pen by shaking it and pressing down this is slightly different you shake it but because this brush tip not particularly press that down you just press down the little button at the end and that will give you some beautiful paint flow so I'll just you can just see how beautifully that flows there and you can really see the variation in line so you can go straight on or you can work at the very tip to produce some lovely line there and you can see how beautifully it flows so depending on your pressure turn this around so we can see a bit better I'm producing rather a lovely pattern here so I can go and create beautiful brush effects but with all the precision of a pen that and that's why I really like this 10 for brush script so I'll just write the word love and you can see what I mean so this is some brush scripts quite fashionable at the moment it's great to be able to have the power of this brush but with a precision of pen so there is your as I say you can just show the different very very long as you can create so there is your lovely brush tip so I hope you've enjoyed going through all the pens we'll just what we'll do is we'll just finish off by just recapping so you've got the 17k we'll just put the different nib sizes bite so you can see more clearly the 8k see if I can balance these pens keep it precarious at the balance there the 7 M the 5 m again remember that the foot with the 5 m and the 3m that your nibs are reversible and changeable then we've got the 3 ml the 1em 1em are and the lovely brush so there you have it they are all the different lip sizes all available for you to see and to enjoy
Channel: uni-ball
Views: 112,761
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Keywords: brush tips, POSCA paint marker, art style, POSCA pens, nib, POSCA pen guide, different sizes, ultra fine, glitter, drawing, pens
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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