Which Leatherman Multi-tool Should I Buy? | Knife Banter Ep. 28

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today I play DHT we were taking a look at the entire Leatherman line there's a lot of cool features there's cool features and there's nuances to each one of them true they've really put a ton of time and energy into engineering these really well what is up guys today I played HQ we're taking a look at the entire Leatherman line most of it that is we're gonna be looking at tons of Leatherman's I've got motive here with us today timotei if you don't know how to spell his name it's on a shirt right there damn convenient so before we get into this guy's a couple things first of all we got Leatherman flight tags so now as a fine time to buy a Leatherman this comes with any Leatherman order $25 or over while supplies last now let's get into it mode a yeah we're gonna start off with Leatherman's best seller of all time the Leatherman Wave now the thing about this one you got a bunch of tools on the inside you got pliers not replaceable what do they call those wire cutters wire cutters yep but a bunch of tools on the inside and then we're just gonna close those up we'll have a list of tools where should we put the list of tools over here alright we'll do it okay somewhere in there and then on the outside so there's a couple different types of leather ones out of the gate there are tools there are leather ones with tools on the outside and there are tools on the inside sure cool thing about Leatherman Wave you got tools on the outside so you got a serrated you got a file right here then you got your plain edged knife as well as a saw right there most popular and I think part of the reason that's most popular of all time 89.95 it's all a tool solid tool BAM there it is note a I like it I like the locks on the outside as well yeah that's that's the other nice thing on that one some of these have slip-joint tools these ones on the leather and the wave are all locking tools so even on the inside so that ones down the liner lock mode day oh hey look at that I'm training you mean welcome guys so if you open it up no open up the whole tool okay we're gonna try this again okay so now open up one of the tools on the inside okay one of these yeah take your pick anyone BAM ear locks in place with that lock on the back so and there's our look there's our lock on the back engage it's our damn bear paws are just in the way that it no it's good so that's the Leatherman Wave it's the best seller of all time Leatherman now it comes with a bigger brother and it comes with a titanium brother the bigger brother is the Leatherman Serge right there size comparison perhaps I like that here you your boss yeah I'm positive our goal today was to try and not cut ourselves with these absolutely so BIM size comparison right there yeah you got the surge on the left the wave on the right am i right that is your left so nice thing about that one you got that big and both of these actually have the the rulers on the edges of it a lot of tools on it a lot of them only go up to 1 inches so right some these ones are big though this this has centimeters and inches on it and the cool thing about the surge as well replaceable wire cutters do you see that right there it's a nice feature yeah I don't cut that much wire but I think if you were using this on a day-to-day basis it's a nice tool then we have our knives yes I'd start traditional same thing as a wave just bigger that oh yeah just a little bigger yeah not much it's still pretty friendly like that plus we got here schizos man let's get the Giants geezers geezers yeah serious scissors I told them when it comes to things I think I've cut myself on these more than anything else when it comes to leather man or Swiss Army knife because it's a little unpredictable for hair like I mean I can't even operate a lighter lock little um you know you typically carry a frame lock right I do yeah that's just it's better for my hands and I like it ok so wave surge and then they have a titanium oh brother I'm just gonna pick this up very delicately you guys have no idea we're like we're like what's the best way to show these we'll show em open first the thing about that is like you have all these tools open on the table its current safety we're really we are yeah absolutely we need hard hats ok safety first ok the handles on this guy titanium that's cool so you got a bunch of tools on the inside scissors replaceable bit there and then nice thing about this one - you got wire strippers there yeah so you got your your cutters wire strippers needlenose and then on the outside BAM you got a lot of tools on the outside as well you've got and I think this is a cool little feature serrated blade there with your seat belt cutter so if you were using this in your car your truck whatever nice to have it there that's some cool texture not too it does on the outside right yeah yep you got a saw you got s30v blade on this now that's one thing Leatherman has been criticized in the past for not making very good blade steels I think that's a cool improvement there on this knife s30v for you knife snobs out there which we know you are oh all of them so pretty cool tool and then those are locking on the inside too so that whole family well the interior tools lock which i think is pretty cool and then you've got a lot of exterior tools that you can play with so there's that now let's dive into kind of your everyday carry options what do we got here boat day this is the test man what you can't really just out you carry yes it's a Leatherman tool let's go with the wingman it's a wingman we're actually looking at these earlier these are pretty cool I like I know that I have big hands but there's actually some substantial like frame on going on here so I just kind of like it but it seems me catch we got our schizos we got the regular knife blade with serrations on it which is kind of cool and then we have a bottle opener here with another a little what do we determine that was for the little cutter that's it that's a can opener I can opener there we go another way to know that that couldn't hold on hold on let's show these good people okay sorry which one you want to know that's this one right here was our opener that's a cannon and our bottle opener and that thing we plant a clam pack opener that's right because that is a modern problem if if you don't know how you used yeah I guess I don't know been Michelle to me that's just like I thought that's what we had knives for but you know well you got both it's conventional I mean it's nice to have it's always gonna have options and let me have another it's a we have a little measuring device over here this is where I was talking about been together this is if you're looking at the wave the wave has this whole ruler across the back of it right here whereas this guy has one inch yes so if you're catching fish with this guy you either catch a one inch fish or you lay it out and mark it yeah all the way I think that's the ideal fisherman's told because then you can just guesstimate how big your fish was I like that yeah that's smart so you're not really lying they just don't have the instrument to measure with that's smart let's see we're gonna close that before you close it let's let's do this Monday oh we're getting wild here this is this is really wild so this wingman and a sidekick very similar tools but they have a couple of subtle differences I don't know what they are what are they see here government price I think it's a $10 price difference you have a clamp Peck opener on that one no no clamp a can opener on this guy I don't have the what else you got it I don't have the skeezers and I don't have a salt wait do I sell I don't know you know this uh so similar tools they're both spring-loaded pliers but the wingman has more tools than the sidekick well something else we figured out which is good to know and I can't Murph is on this set but if there's a lock on them right you have to it only engages when there's one piece open right yeah and all of them that's true so so the tools we showed you on the wave that those tools are locking these are slip drink tools so there is no lock on them does that make sense yeah give me a give me a thumbs up in the comments if that makes sense was that handle contoured this handle is a little bit yeah a little bit of contour to it yeah which is nice that is nice and you know it's funny because we were talking about the old leather ones leather men's leather men yeah what's it what's the plural I'm gonna go leather men's leather men well they're men right yeah we're talking about the old ones and how the old ones just they weren't very round kind of angular corners on it I feel like the newer editions they've really kind of worked in and granted it's like tons of tools but it feels better in the hand in the originals I grew that in my mind and we have pocket clips tons of pocket clips and that's one thing I like about these two these two have pocket clips the whole wave surge charge series actually I think these are some of the very few that have pocket clips so if you are looking Karia is more of a pocketknife multi-tool I like that I like it's a cool feature but they're a heavy I mean I'm like a 2/3 ounce pocketknife kind of guy and I like the bigger stuff these things run in a seven eight nine ounce range as far as tools go but you can always get in with a boat carry sheep you can and most of them they come with the boat carries you can get your I believe it's a nylon version or a leather version yeah a positional leather we all check it out on the website because it will list what kind of sheath it has okay next up this is not in fancies favorite and I've seen a lot of guys EDC this guy it's the juice series and basically a lot a lot of your everyday carries sort of tools you got a Phillips on there you got flat heads you've got a bottle opener slash can opener scissors and a knife blade now these are all slip-joint tools they don't lock in place you also have your pliers they're not spring-loaded pliers that's one thing I like about these guys spring loaded man but you don't like spring loaded I'm not I feel like it's nice I dig it man I feel like they're a greater chance for failure there that's four plus I'm not like River rushing to take my pliers to something do this penny maybe haven't been put in the situation I'm sure somebody will school me in the culture should just you know but I do like that feature whereas most of them are not spring-loaded juice not spring-loaded at all it's cool pattern though and I'll get on the handle to any to kind of an organic pattern on the handle it also has a little lanyard hole so if you want to throw a loop on there carry it that way now I'm gonna try to close this without cutting my hand off I feel like we're getting in some yeah yep oh oh that first that second we should time ourselves how fast can you close like that's a bad idea I think it's a brand yeah races if we're looking for that extra vacation time from workers comp is that s'right that's right okay so juice compact nice package I like that I like so tank does shrink down the size doesn't it it does yeah nice tool so also guys I'm not gonna run through the entire thing here but this is the one that's on sale so leather been discontinued this one a while ago tons of tools what were you talking about with this one before I turn the camera on you remember oh we we kind of said that it was similar to something like a Swiss Army knife yeah of Leatherman I mean tools you can see all the various different things going on here something else that I've learned today Ben was pointing out that I didn't know what's up for Ben that's that's a lanyard loop man or you hang it on your hang it wherever you want it on your pegboard or solutely yeah which is cool I think that's definitely interesting same thing we got a little bit of lime green going on here which is kind of cool but then we have multiple tools I mean there's on everywhere it's this guy's discontinued now so if you like it you better get it now it is on sale I think it's $69.99 quote me if fix it if I'm wrong Jamie but anyways so the the cool thing about this one too I think this is like a perfect truck knife throw it in your car Foca myself here we could just set it down mode a weird no way race you want to race we're not come on I hope someone out there and on the interwebs is listening to this that way when I do cut myself I just blame it on Benny because I cuz i egged you on look at this guys they're gonna light me up in these comments they are okay there we go there it is there we go gentle my goodness there it is look at that and we got a corkscrew and of course true for classy campers see that yeah yeah just in case just in case that's right there it is man juice okay guys we're gonna do a quick commercial break and we'll come back after the commercial break we'll show you some more leather mints guys today we have the Houdini tool this is basically an exit tool if you ever get in an emergency in your vehicle it's got a strap cutter on it seatbelt cutter and so that has a back lock as well it has a glass breaker right there and it's spring-loaded so you press it up against the glass give it a little push and that spring will break the glass for you the other thing it has is this little flashlight right here activated with that button BAM shine it beautiful stays on as well clip your visor clip in your pockets however you like it it's called the Houdini tool it's 2295 on blaze eucom alright and we're back with more Leatherman tools what's what's next mote day right now we have the super tool we talked about this a little bit earlier it's pretty basic it we talked about it being kind of reminiscent of like the basic leather the original original yeah they have everything is internal we have the basic functions you have your saw can opener a Philips flathead another saw we got two saw blades go serrated nitrate sauce yeah look at that you get your knife some flat heads going on here some file work I mean that's all yeah it's pretty basic we also have replaceable cutters which i think is cool so so the rebar and the super tool basically the same tool one is bigger than the other yeah but I do like that it's replaceable and I also like it's it's pretty intuitive some of these other ones you got internal tools you got external tools it's kind of like hard to mentally matter what's where these are all inside so there's no question about how they work where they are especially like the mut tool tons of tools all over the place not very straightforward I feel like these guys pretty darn straight forward this is more up my alley kind of a simple function you like that yeah I mean I can't screw up a lock like an idiot on YouTube yeah I get any simple but I get it the replaceable jaws I do like quite a bit dude yeah I think it's a nice little touch especially for something that I mean let's be real here this is I feel like this is more of like your grandpa's tool yeah I didn't want to move away from carrying a pair of pliers it be gonna miss it's just the basic function words like that he'd be like what am i doing yeah so let me ask you this moto do you prefer having the external tools or do you like them all inside compact knowing exactly right I think I like the inside danger I mean I like having that is that this variation but I sort of like that like being able to hit that fast I did it but at the same time it adds a layer of complexity like sure yeah you know just more going on yeah I think I mean I think my primary function if I had a Leatherman I was carried all the time and I have like the micro versions which we'll talk about later but I mean would be the pliers yeah that's you know I got a knife for other things I mean you sure just have it but the same times like who doesn't need a pair of pliers ever know so I have it I have an old Leatherman blast I take camping all the time the thing I use more than anything the saw get rusty yeah well I just I don't know you got a tree branch in the way when you're camping or whatever I use the saw I wasn't expecting that yeah I mean honest but that's because you think about it you got a knife the pliers maybe I'll use them here there but I have a squirt so I use a squirt all the time but the size like the reason I take that that led them in with me which isn't totally strange but it works and we have a full-size yes but a bigger ruler yeah so that's kind of nice to have that is nice in metric and inches yeah so okay the next one feat of engineering in my mind this is called the crunch sounds impressive and basically a vise set of pliers here vise grip vise grip yep you got couple tools there not a ton of tools pretty lightweight on this guy and then we'll get him in there but let me get this right here well they're adjustable they are so that's the other parts great so you got vise pliers right there with the adjustment right no I'm gonna have them open here with the adjustment right there pretty darn cool you know it really the other thing I think is amazing about these it all folds in compact just like that the crunches down it crunches down and it crunches up and it crunches up mind blow well who came up with that but it really is cool man yeah it's super cool I'll bet it was Ben Rivera he's the president over there smart guy I think all this stuff has his fingerprints on it he does good work so anyway there's the crunch interesting one I think definitely a specialty tool I can't imagine me in my own life using this guy yeah I just I don't know it's cool it's cool it is it is Kate Mota you're a big gun guy is that right I like firearms yeah you have a couple I think you have a few young couple for you they tend to lay around they lay around alright so these the next group of three is a bunch of firearm tools designed for the military designed for your AR all sorts of stuff there so here we have the Oh HTS of one-handed - one-handed tool OHT so bunch of stuff on this guy and you got you got a saw you got serrated you got plain edges you got couple different screwdrivers bottle opener all sorts of strap cutter that sort of thing so I think this one was designed specifically for the military if I remember right but the thing that's cool about it this guy you're gonna have to use two hands - OH right this guy's one-handed tool to get to those pliers mismo tickets um I'll close it up so many features so many good things that's the best part about locking saw - yeah we like the locking saw BAM like I show how it works ok I'm not I'm not particularly good at this but like just like that spring-loaded pliers - that's a nice feature so you can close it one-handed open it one-handed I like the flip you like the flip ya like show me the flip like geez dude it that way I just do I can't my house doing earlier it was something like I'm sure you had these long enough you'd figure it out there it is like that oh that's nice that's probably how they were designed gonna snap to it like that well so we thought we found something else on this though so it had a has a an insert for your brush yeah brush cleaner and I'm trying to remember where it was well it's right there yeah move this also acts as a lock though yeah it does so it'll lock so that your tool won't come out but then you can remove it there's a hole on this side though yeah and you can put like a screw and brush or a cleaning rod or cleaning rod or rod yeah yep so pretty cool tool and I think the big feature there obviously OHT one-handed tool so it's interesting a lot going on there and it comes with a pouch as well so you can carry it on your belt and it has it also has a replaceable just wire cutters yeah it does and the other thing I like about this sorry one last thing on the OHT some of these you don't know where the tools are this one has these imprints on the sides and I think that's a nice feature nice touch by Leatherman so you can see that's your saw blade that's your plain edge that's your strap cutter so it's it's indexed on the outside of it so as you're opening it you're like alright I know what's what's there so next one I'm gonna line up these are this was an interesting one mode day this one's complicated it's so complicated it's the mutt so out of the gate you got partially serrated you got a saw this is a carbide tool right cleaning everything and then what did you call that one oh that's a takedown punch punch to push you your pins on your ARS there it is there it is and these are all locking it's a locking blade external which is nice and then when you get down into it you got a pommel there use the hammer things you got a strap cutter right there a whole bunch of tools like this it's like it's almost like a treasure hunt yeah you just like start playing with it you're like whoa what's that yeah Jamie I were looking at it it was interesting so here's another another way of looking at my stupidity uh you know we're sitting here looking at this and I sat here for a seriously like part two minutes I was like okay what is this how does it come off like what happened what is that and then I finally realizes like mmm it's a pocket well this is cool cuz I found this out too so there's this pin that sits right here I don't you see that yeah oh yeah so it actually holds your bits in or your drivers so if you push one side almost like an ar-10 pin right then I do this and then it drops out drops out right I was pushing on that and I couldn't get it to work and he's like yeah I don't know and then the other side if we turn it over there's another set if you push it all the way through there's another set right there that's awesome so then just hold them in place your rules have like a pretty impressive it's like engineering Marvel's just well done mother man well done that is pretty amazing and then the last thing they've got a whole bunch of like specialty tools they've got like a bow tuning tool this one specifically for the AR right yeah rail rail yeah that's cool the same thing takedown pin you have a carabiner which is nice you can strap it on to your bag your belt whatever you want to carry it on a front sight post adjustment tool nice which is always nice to have and then you have a couple drivers here like a torx a flathead do you have a Phillips a couple different things bottle openers drivers different ways you can put drivers in it it's it's actually pretty cool it's really lightweight you're not dealing with a giant giant tool you have to carry around yeah one thing I like about Leatherman generally they look at a problem and then they create a tool to solve the problem so when it comes to maintaining your AR BAM all the tools right there when it comes to tightening your bow or things like that sure dam all the tools right there I think they've got one for like skateboarding snowboards different things they look at these different market segments and they say what could we slide in there what could we make to solve a problem school I like it okay moving on to the next category this is probably my favorite category of Leatherman not gonna lie I like it it's the itty-bitty Leatherman Austen calls them the leather boy so squirt yeah let's do it squirt is definitely a cool little tool I think it's fun just because it's small yeah absolutely the littlest kids on them are pretty tiny Oh Ben's rope so I've carried this for like five years guess you can see the love deeply ingrained let's show yours off okay so let's show my not that it looks like brand-new yeah brand-new that's old fall down here's the thing about this the only complaint that I have I like it's the you get the tensions plier sure the only thing I don't like my scissors broken they're actually tension down in the box but the tension on is broken but they still work so I like it too much how long have you had them like five years you know sunk it for us not bad I have a lot of difference in that oh yeah same knife same thing yeah solid right good work beaten you got a bottle opener you got flathead and then a Phillips then you got a file two-sided file and then a knife I love this thing man done so for a knife bender if I had to have one tool for the rest of my life maybe that maybe this because I carry it everywhere I five years is a long time to carry something it really is yeah it's impressive it's a good tool especially if you work here you'll know that it's procure things real quick it's so true what's good on you Thank You Man so I like this one you like the next one though I do the Micra would do a little shout-out to my pops here he has had one of these as long as these have been out he had one yeah I saw them been earlier like it was like a stocking stuffer thing for me we constantly have them packed in our stockings because I would lose mine every year I mean it's just what I did I was fishing on the river I'd drop it in I'd look for it and it was gone and I didn't ever wanted to tell him but when he'd asked to use it it was gone and then he just assuming by me anyway let's get you anyway yeah but I mean yeah this is your function it's also the same thing it's a spring-loaded tension fit pair of scissors you have your little little blade here little flathead nail file no cleaner has a little nail Nick in it too which is nice to get them out I'm a just has your basic tweezers tweezer that's that's one thing I wish that the squirt had everybody for some reason you always need tweezers you always do like you don't want to carry him into prayer no no I don't care for I can't speak no it's really good but I actually really like the same thing as a little land your loop to it so you can put it on your keys but it's super pocket friendly and it's got the ruler on it too right it has a ruler on it it's metric and inches I think it's a home run you think this is better than this work I mean I like it but you like it better but oh my gosh I had tweezers see okay it's one those things yeah I like the plier function but at the same time like tweezers are nice yeah scissors are nice maybe I'll look into this one maybe I changed no no I don't want to change I maybe change I don't she goes here you show me okay next one is this style now this is interesting it's a airplane airplane friendly on this version I think there's another version with a blade on it but basically you got your file there you got scissors there and then you got your pliers right here pliers and wire cutters spring-loaded and a carabiner carabiner features cool you like that I did you can bottle open on that to get the bottle cap in there and pull it open I'm not much for the carabiner and we can talk about that on the next one too in extravagant letterman's but what do we call them candy Letterman's candy levels yeah I don't have much use for a carabiner to be honest like either put it in your pocket put in your bag you know sure no I can I say that so the next one it's kind of the same design same basic design called the skeletal it's got that same carabiner same basic shape as this guy but the thing I like a lot about this one so you got your pliers not tensioned and thing I like about it is that blade is just slick that's clean blade I think so I've got a friend that carries this he's a he's a dentist carries it every day I don't think he uses today I was like I don't know that's part of like yeah this is part of his EDC but he loves this tool and I'm always like man it's too fat it's too heavy somewhat heavy for my personal issue see taste but I do like the knife on it a lot kind of got a thumb hole opener there 154cm steel on it and then you do have the big pliers I mean I'm I'm limited in my pliers here because the pliers are tiny man yes compared it's not even a comparison yeah I mean this is this doesn't even give you enough hand room oh but the contoured handle I do like a lot you like that yeah that's kind also got some carbon fibre on there for racing stripes look at that like that what those guys are really really uh concerned about weight yeah obviously I'm not like let's you know though I should we look up the weight on this game okay yeah it's the end of the day I don't think you can carry this thing and be concerned about weight cuz it's just heavy it's five ounces oh when it comes to knives that's like double what I want to be carrying the other nice thing about this one that that you get is you get the removable bit down below oh yeah that is cool yeah just like that that's the other thing we haven't talked about with oh yeah all these other ones the removal bit system on these to switch it out just pretty head and I think you can get a kit of bits for a couple bucks yeah I think 1820 yeah it's something like that and just about any bit you're looking for right there that's a nice little feature on there it's cool see it has a pocket clip the carabiner on this I feel like more functioning than this and that guy yeah because that's a little bigger you can strap it to your bags yeah so I could understand with it if you'd be seeing it in your pocket yeah I wouldn't I don't know or it could be the guy that has like stuff on my belt loop some guys do that I like it it's not my style no but it's convenient it's very tech what's the net holy smokes this is like five years of engineering and I feel like the videos lasting five years so if you're still watching guys thanks for hanging with a seriously next one Leatherman signal this was brand new I think about a year and a half ago very cool kind of survival camping tool you got a ton of use specific stuff on here so you've got a striker you've got a pommel there carabiner all screwdriver removable yeah vehicles with every bids that one's locking this one is yep yeah well you like that yeah I love that I love that has a pocket clip too yep which is always nice now we're gonna go to this other side we're gonna see if I remember how to do this because Ben showed me earlier I know how to take off the wall but not the other guys before we turn the camera on we literally sat here for like an hour and a half I'm not joking it places every single one of these because there's so many features it's like how do you talk this stuff does you think like you think of a multi told you like oh it's got a screwdriver something like that but now it's not really diving into them and there's a lot of cool features there's cool features and there's nuances to each one of them's true they've really put a ton of time and energy into engineering these really well so and I feel like the signal it's top of the line there it is right here we have the actual striker right so we're gonna push down on that slide up it disengages there's no strike so then the other the actual are actual rod we have in here now let's see if I'm her how to do this Ben you got this mote a so that's over oh that was impressive it yeah pressive maybe that makes up for my other one probably yeah we ever strike her here it's it's a cool little feature Ben show us what else this does sooie sooie strike it we should strike okay we're striking it hang on there it is there it is but it has another fan and I like this feature mode a must in the water wouldn't go that'd be way too far for my walk so we roll it into razor brutal man so that goes back in you got to put that site in first there we go and then you just push it Anson just like that it's really cool the other the other cool thing on this guy is okay I gotta remember he goes in like the push pushing down pushing down pulling over there it is so but that's also the lock for the interior tools which is awesome feat of engineering man I'm telling you it's a double feature double feature yeah why don't you movies at once yeah why like that they kept all of the utilitarian design yeah then added those cool little features on the outside but still didn't waste space yeah totally and you got the wall replaceable wire cutters there yeah which brings me to another point with Leatherman guys 25 year warranty on these things which i think is pretty darn cool so I've heard of guys breaking not on purpose but breaking a tool and they'll send it in Leatherman will either replace a tool replace that individual tool in the Leathermen or the should be a new one which is awesome pretty darn cool stand by their product yep dude what's that thing do don't find a new stuff oh it's for your driver I think you can put it there too right it's gotta be yeah so many features ok we're into the final round of this guys the Leatherman Candy yeah the Tread this how long the three years ago they came out three years yeah yeah I remember it was I haven't worked here very long I've only been here three years I'm kind of a newbie so I remember when they released this at shot show huge deal and all of you fun customers were calling in this just waiting for this thing to drop and you know what finally came out we finally received it it was I don't know what what took place there but let it was great this and they hit us up and I talked to him an or a little while back night hey guess what we're ready to shit what's coming in I said cool I was excited because I have big risk big hands so I was like maybe this won't fit so if you're concerned about this not fitting look at that plenty of room you got plenty so basically you take the links off yeah to get it to your size and it's like 40 20 tools in the loaner so yeah it's ridiculous I'm gonna do like a slow pan here so Jamie can look can we get some like elevator music on this yeah I feel like maybe I'm saxophone yeah but there are so many tools on this when you really start to break it down and look at this oh wait it is unreal how the things they packed into this the house stated what is yeah totally it's I mean this thing is built to work so can I kind of point out my favorite on this whole thing I like the seat belt cutter right there it's nifty it is nifty cuz I mean if you if you were in a car wreck this is not going anywhere unless well most the time yeah but I think that's a cool feature you got a glass breaker on there it's kind of an emergency anything tool and there's a lightweight version coming out did you know that titanium right yeah yeah and it's gonna be a little bit of a smaller band they also have a couple other things in the works they have one that's gonna have a watch on it pretty soon we're not producing Swiss movement this movement yeah you're a watch guy I am a watch guy yes hello man I am good let's kill it yeah these are definitely cool though m8 we have them in black yeah so that's all next on the list okay so so Letterman especially in our community the knife specific knife nut Trinity they get a bad rap for their knives now here's the deal I think the knives on their tools are just fine when they go in making it a knife exclusive sometimes you guys complain now I think this is gonna be an exception to that this is a new one it's called the juice b2 and basically it's just a it's almost a swayback pattern traditional folder slip-joint so cool colors it's gonna ride in pocket no frills straightforward no I think you were you hit the nail right on the head cuz I I remember these coming out I've never seen some sort of backlash before well I'll just carry my Leatherman multi-tool well sure I mean that's nice and I love the loaded with multi tools but every now and then you know maybe you're at a dinner setting or something like that sure you don't want to pack a big Leatherman on you don't want to put it on your belt you can carry something like this don't still say brand loyal right but I think the color combination is cool and like you said the blades are they're definitely a cool design and they've done a great job keeping it real minimal yeah absolutely absolutely Leatherman candy last one on the list they make a whole bunch of these things this is called the bruiser yeah this thing is awesome I love this little can opener prybar yeah something you can throw on your on your keys wrench yeah yes oh they make a bunch of these and they're all like under ten bucks fun little things so Leatherman candy category there it is motei we've been through the wringer on this one oh here we go here we go what would you take home I knew that was coming yeah I think if I had to deal with can I take two take two all right thank you my take - I think this is one you like that I do I like being able to play with it I like that it has everything I need in it yeah it's not too complicated and the other ones my micro okay I'm not giving it up that's better you can have it your - do you know what I think which one was I looking at it's either the the wingman and the sidekick and I think it was the sidekick and I'll tell you why it just feels a little better in hand and I like he this has the tools on the outside well this one's partially serrated no wait a minute you are no I'm not I was like no no it was the prep it's not my jam that's okay Jim all right that's my jam this is the guy I would take home and that has a cool looking plate - it's similar to this skeletal blade yeah but I don't know this has so many more features in the skeletal and you don't like a carabiner and I don't like I don't need a care being around there so there it is that's what I take home and then this so I already I already have him it we don't it's mine what are you doctor yeah we're good there I sign the papers on it oh man guys let us know in the comments if you watched all the way to here let us know in the comments which Leatherman you would like to take home there it is motae I feel like we oughta if you've watched this far there ought to be an easter egg what should our Easter Egg be I'm making it up on the spot you ready for this I don't know like I don't know here's what we're gonna do if you've watched this far in the video we use this thing so we can't sell it okay should we give it away uh listen yeah I think so let's do if you are a true and loyal knife banter watcher you've watched all the way to the end we need some sort of secret let's do a little secret on the end of your comment down below put a just right signal oh yeah that will be our secret for those guys that watched all the way to the end just right signal and you're entered to win will do a drawing with it and we're rock and roll it here's the deal though what's the deal if they get this whoever wins it has to use the whistle without washing it without washing it and they have to play a song on it oh I like that I like that and you gotta post it on YouTube dun dun I like that so that is that that is the trick guys just at the end of whatever comment you make you can say mo t-shirt is awesome or I hate that that Ben guy whatever you want to say just write signal at the end and that will be the signal to us yeah like that you watch to the end and you're entered to win the Leatherman signal because we can't sell it now I've blown on it we've made fire what's used there it is guys thanks for watching if you watch all avian we do appreciate it we have a lot of fun with this stuff motei thanks for helping on this episode with me I do appreciate it and we'll have another episode of knife banter coming out in a couple weeks we've got another video coming out next week we got new videos every week so make sure you subscribe and we'll catch you next week right I don't way that's stuck in my head so much so my my nephew's service mission in the Philippines I guess in the Philippines they celebrate Christmas during every month it ends with BER so September November and December so he said like Christmas yeah I'm sorry I could September October November just like that I like that yeah
Channel: Blade HQ
Views: 654,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blade HQ, Knife HQ, Knife Show, Knife Banter, Multi-Tool, Multi-Tools, Leatherman, Leatherman Multi-Tools, TV Show, EDC, every day carry, pocket knives, pocket tools, tools
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 38sec (2318 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2017
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